CEDAR email: Announcement of Geospace session in ISAR-4 (April 27-30, 2015, Toyama, Japan)

Yasunobu Ogawa yogawa at nipr.ac.jp
Sun Oct 19 01:31:19 MDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the session A4 'Geospace over
and related to the Arctic region' at ISAR-4 (International
Symposium on Arctic Research-4) to be held on April 27-30,
2015 at Toyama, Japan, as a part of ASSW (the Arctic Science
Summit Week) 2015. Description of the session is as follows:

A4: Geospace over and related to the Arctic region
Geospace is the atmosphere/space near the earth, including
middle atmosphere, upper atmosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere
and magnetosphere. In the Arctic region, human lives and social
infrastructures are sensitively affected by the change of
geospace disturbed by solar activities. Also the Arctic geospace
is now known to be coupled to the global atmosphere through
atmospheric dynamical processes including circulation and waves.
This proposed session is devoted to a forum to discuss recent
progress on geospace studies in the Arctic region, such as
ground-based/space-borne observations, theories and modeling.
Contributions from international collaborative researches are
highly encouraged.

Deadline of the abstract submission is November 10, 2014.
For more details, please visit http://isar-4.jp

For your information, Toyama, the symposium venue, is known
as the best seafood place in Japan.

Session proposer and conveners:

Takuji Nakamura (National Institute of Polar Research, Japan),
Ryuho Kataoka (National Institute of Polar Research, Japan),
Yoshizumi Miyoshi (STEL, Nagoya University, Japan),
Craig Heinselman (EISCAT Headquarters, Sweden),
Esa Turunen (Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Finland),
Yasunobu Ogawa (National Institute of Polar Research, Japan)

Yasunobu Ogawa, National Institute of Polar Research, JAPAN
E-mail: yogawa at nipr.ac.jp HP: http://polaris.nipr.ac.jp/~yogawa/
Tel: +81-42-512-0664 Fax: +81-42-528-3499

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