CEDAR email: C/NOFS will operate until 31 July 2014; coordinated observations at 120E/60W; abstracts due 30 June for ICS-12 (Substorms) in Japan; job at Florida Institute of Technology

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 21 19:13:29 MST 2014

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 21 February 2014.
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(1) C/NOFS satellite will operate until 31 July 2014.
 From louise.gentile.1 at us.af.mil.
See also https://acc1.afrl.kirtland.af.mil/

(2) International coordinated observations along the 120E/60W Meridian 
 From Shunrong Zhang (shunrong at haystack.mit.edu).

(3) The 12th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-12) (Nov.10-14, 
at Ise-Shima, Japan) - Abstracts and travel support applications due 30 
 From Kazuo Shiokawa (shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp).
See also http://www.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ICS-12/

(4) JOB OPENING: Lightning Postdoc position in Department of Physics and 
Space Sciences
at Florida Institute of Technology - reviews begin 20 March.
From: Ningyu Liu (nliu at fit.edu)

(1) C/NOFS satellite will operate until 31 July 2014
 From louise.gentile.1 at us.af.mil.

The Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite
resumed operation in November 2013.  It had been put in safe mode on
15 June 2013 when funding ran out.  C/NOFS operations are currently funded
until 31 July 2014.  Data are available as before from AFRL's C/NOFS 
Data Center.
Register at: https://acc1.afrl.kirtland.af.mil/.

(2) International coordinated observations along the 120E/60W Meridian 
 From Shunrong Zhang (shunrong at haystack.mit.edu).

Dynamics and coupling processes in the geospace system of the 
ionosphere and thermosphere often exhibit complex temporal and spatial
characteristics. The meridian circle of 120E/60W longitude across America
and Asian longitude sectors is of particular geophysical interest arising
from the fact of distinctive and opposite offsets associated with 
field configuration.  Space weather and climate along the circle have
demonstrated various important aspects as a function of longitude and 
Further understanding the underlying sciences driving vertical coupling and
horizontal variability requires dedicated and coordinated observations. We
are organizing observational campaigns on a global scale to improve our
capability in space weather and climate monitoring along the circle and
promoting relevant research efforts.

Core ground-based upper atmospheric observational facilities consist of 
Meridian Project observatories in Asia sectors, a newly operational 
space weather
monitoring system, and US-NSF geospace facilities (in particular, 
scatter radars as well as other optical and radio instruments) in America
sectors. Many other facilities from Japan, China and those neighboring 
countries are also planning to join the campaign. Our focus is the 120E/60W
meridian, however, observations from surrounding areas can put us on an
appropriate context, and therefore are strongly encouraged to participate.
Two observational windows have been selected with an intention to encounter
space weather disturbances:

(1) March 24 (0000 UT) – April 6 (2400UT), 2014

(2) September 16 (0000UT) – October 1 (2400UT), 2014

Data collected from the campaigns will be made available at the 
database, the Meridian Project database center, and other local data 
We are looking forward to interested parties in participating data taking,
modeling, and science analysis.

Shunrong Zhang (srzhang at haystack.mit.edu) and John Foster,
Haystack/Millstone Hill Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Guotao Yang and Zhaohui Huang,
National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

(3) The 12th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-12) (Nov.10-14, 
at Ise-Shima, Japan) - Abstracts and travel support applications due 30 
 From Kazuo Shiokawa (shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp).

We announce that the abstract submission site of ICS-12 has now been opened
at the following ICS-12 web site.  The deadline of abstract submission and
financial support request is June 30, 2014.

title: The 12th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-12)
<br>date: November 10-14, 2014
<br>venue: Ise-Shima Royal Hotel, Shima, Japan
<br>web site: http://www.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ICS-12/

Tutorial Speakers (confirmed):
Syn-Ichi Akasofu (UAF),
Vassilis Angelopoulous (UCLA),
Dan Baker (LASP)

Invited Speakers (confirmed):
Slava Merkin, Stefan Kiehas, Iku Shinohara, Toshi Nishimura, Frank 
Larry Kepko, Victor Sergeev, Lasse Clausen, Jesper Gjerloev, Steve Milan,
Eija Tanskanen, Joachim Birn, Phil Pritchett, Pontus Brandt, Mike 
Evgeny Panov, Jonathan Rae, Suzie Imber, and Barry Mauk

Description of the Conference:
Over the half century since the first finding of the auroral substorm by 
(1964), auroral and magnetospheric substorm has been one of the main 
topic for
the scientists in space physics.  Not only giving the spectacular 
auroral view,
substorm contains various fundamental processes of plasma acceleration and
dissipation in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere.   Recent satellite 
of THEMIS and Van Allen Probes as well as several modeling efforts are 
more insights into the relationship between the mid-tail plasma sheet 
and the
inner magnetosphere and the relationship between substorms and storms. 
ground imager, radar, and magnetometer arrays provide more complex dynamical
features of the magnetosphere during subtorms.

During ICS-12 we are going to highlight the most recent results in substorm
research.  Topical sessions may cover substorm processes in the tail,
interaction between the tail and the inner magnetosphere and ionosphere,
substorm currents and its dynamics, and the role of substorm in geospace
energetics, as well as the role of MHD and kinetic instabilities in 
Other substorm-related researches are also welcomed, such as storm-substorm
relationship, ULF/ELF/VLF waves, and non-Earth substorm-like features. 
opportunity will be given for discussions on the new results.

SOC of the ICS-12:
Olaf Amm, Eric Donovan, Mei-Ching Fok, Masaki Fujimoto, Karl-Heinz 
Marc Lessard, Mark Lester, Rumi Nakamura, Yoshiharu Omura, Andrei Runov, 
Panasyuk, Ondrej Santolik, Jean-Andre Sauvaud, Kazuo Shiokawa (chair), Dave
Sibeck, and Xiaogang Wang

(4) JOB OPENING: Lightning Postdoc position in Department of Physics and 
Space Sciences
at Florida Institute of Technology - reviews begin 20 March.
From: Ningyu Liu (nliu at fit.edu)

Department of Physics & Space Sciences at Florida Institute of 
Technology in Melbourne, FL, U.S.A invites applications for a 
postdoctoral position as part of a U.S. National Science Foundation 
funded project: “Investigating Lightning Initiation and Propagation with 
an Advanced Computer Model and Code.” The successful applicant will join 
Florida Tech’s lightning research team to develop computer models to 
study lightning initiation and propagation, and will participate in 
ongoing projects on energetic radiation from lightning and the effects 
of lightning in the middle and upper atmosphere. A Ph.D. in physics, 
electrical engineering or a related field is required.  Strong 
programming skills are required, and experiences with code development 
relevant to plasma discharge physics and/or atmospheric and space 
electricity are highly desirable. The successful applicant should be 
able to work independently and have excellent scientific writing skills. 
He/she is also expected to supervise student researchers. The initial 
appointment will be for one year with possible renewal for three 
additional years. Applications, including a CV and the names, e-mails, 
and phone numbers of three references should be sent to Dr. Ningyu Liu, 
Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of 
Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901, U.S.A. (Email: nliu at fit.edu). Review of 
applications will begin on March 20, 2014 and will continue until the 
position is filled.  Florida Tech is committed to affirmative action, 
equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.


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