CEDAR email: Feb 15 Abstract Deadline: Session at URSI GA 2014 on Radar Studies of Equatorial and Low-Latitude Aeronomy

Anthea Coster ajc at haystack.mit.edu
Mon Feb 10 03:41:15 MST 2014

Session at URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in Beijing from 16-23 August
ABSTRACT Deadline  15 Feb 2014.  Full details are at http://www.chinaursigass.com/   Early registration deadline of 14 May 2014. 
Radio Studies of Equatorial and Low-Latitude Aeronomy (note: links to ISEA meetings)
Session Conveners: Koki Chau; Anthea Coster; Baylie Damtie
This session covers the wide-range of equatorial phenomena observed by radar and radio instrumentation. Papers are solicited on topics that include instability processes and irregularities associated with the equatorial electrojet and the equatorial ionization anomaly. In addition, papers are solicited on topics that cover the coupling between the different atmospheric regions (Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Magnetosphere/Ionosphere coupling) and different atmospheric drivers (ionospheric dynamics and electrodynamics) in the equatorial region. New trends, techniques and experiments, important scientific issues and future directions of equatorial and low-latitude aeronomy will be covered.

Anthea J. Coster, PhD
MIT Haystack Observatory
Off Route 40
Westford, MA 01886-1299

phone:   	781-981-5753
fax:         	781-981-5766
email:    	 ajc at haystack.mit.edu
web:        www.haystack.mit.edu/~ajc

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