CEDAR email: 2011 SORCE Sci Mtg -- Sedona, Arizona, Sept. 13-16, 2011

Vanessa George Vanessa.George at lasp.colorado.edu
Fri Jan 7 15:52:58 MST 2011

2011 SORCE Science Meeting - Call for Abstracts

"Symposium on the Decadal Variability of Earth's Climate, Solar Irradiance, and Sun-like Stars"

September 13-16, 2011
Sedona, Arizona


We are pleased to announce the theme of the 2011 SORCE Symposium - solar cycle (decadal) variability and the climate system.  This symposium is motivated by the solar irradiance observations by NASA's Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE).  Sessions will be organized around the following questions:

*          What can we learn about decadal climate response and climate sensitivity using the solar cycle as a well-specified external radiative forcing?

*          What is the current understanding of the amplitude of solar spectral variability and the response of the Earth's atmosphere and climate system?

*          How does total solar irradiance vary over the solar cycle and what are the implications for climate modeling to recent refinements in its magnitude?

*          How do comparisons with Sun-like stars improve our understanding of solar variability?

*          How can solar and climate models be advanced to better reproduce decadal variability and improve forecast capabilities?

The format for this workshop consists of invited and contributed presentations in several theme sessions.  We encourage your participation and hope that you will share this announcement with colleagues.  The 2011 Meeting will be held jointly with the NASA GSFC / CU LASP Sun Climate Research Center Symposium.

Abstract:  June 13, 2011
Pre-Registration:  Aug. 13, 2011
Hotel:  Aug. 13, 2011

Vanessa George
LASP, Univ. of Colorado
Vanessa.George at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Vanessa.George at lasp.colorado.edu>

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