CEDAR email: John Titheridge dies; U AK Geophysical Institute director position open
Barbara Emery
emery at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 4 14:42:45 MST 2011
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(1) John Titheridge died 27 December 2010.
From: Michael Rietveld (mike at eiscat.uit.no), Chair, URSI Commission G, via
the URSI-Commission-G Mailing List.
(2) Position as director of the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska at
Fairbanks - reviews begin 15 February.
From Simone Proctor (sproctor2 at alaska.edu). Contact Dan White (dmwhite at
alaska.edu) for additional information.
See also http://www.uakjobs.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=72626 and
(1) John Titheridge died 27 December 2010.
From: Michael Rietveld (mike at eiscat.uit.no), Chair, URSI Commission G, via
the URSI-Commission-G Mailing List.
Sadly, I have to report the death of John Titheridge on 27 December, 2010.
He was 78 and died with his family in Auckland, New Zealand, after a
being diagnosed as having cancer earlier in the year.
John will be known to many of you through his early work on TEC, and
of course POLAN, the true-height ionogram inversion program used so widely.
He was finalizing some notes on the latest version of POLAN, although most
of his time over recent years was spent with All Africa Mission work.
(2) Position as director of the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska at
Fairbanks - reviews begin 15 February.
From Simone Proctor (sproctor2 at alaska.edu). Contact Dan White (dmwhite at
alaska.edu) for additional information.
The Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, seeks a Director with
vision and
experience to provide the leadership and management required to address
fundamental and
applied scientific questions in geophysical research of global, national, and
state importance.
The Director is expected to participate in scientific strategic planning
required to address these
issues. The Director reports to the Vice-Chancellor for Research and has
administrative and
budgetary responsibility for the research programs of the Geophysical Institute
(GI). This
includes major research facilities operated by the Institute such as, the Alaska
Information Center, Alaska Satellite Facility, Alaska Volcano Observatory, and
Poker Flat
Research Range. GI research programs include aeronomy, atmospheric sciences,
sciences, geology, infrasound, remote sensing, solid earth geophysics, and space
Graduate studies leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in all of these fields
are conducted in
partnership with Colleges and Schools on the UAF campus. The GI also supports a
variety of
undergraduate research projects. The GI has approximately 350 total employees,
technical and administrative staff, graduate students (66), and faculty (55).
The annual budget of
the Geophysical Institute is $35M in total funding. The salary and benefit
package for this
position is competitive, with the opportunity for appointment with tenure.
Further information on the Institute can be obtained at http://www.gi.alaska.edu/
<b>Minimum Qualifications:</b>
Candidates must have an earned doctorate in a discipline related to geophysical
science or have
demonstrated exceptional capabilities in research administration and advocacy.
should possess an outstanding record of research accomplishment and qualify for
a tenured
faculty appointment in an academic department of the University. The candidate’s
record should
also demonstrate significant administrative leadership that includes the ability
to work
collaboratively with research centers, academic units, and other administrative
entities within the
University system; the ability to attract and sustain external support;
facilitating scientists in the
advancement of their research; an understanding of the broad range of research
and scholarship
associated with a research institute; and extensive management experience
leading a major
research enterprise in an academic, government, or industry setting. Familiarity
and ability to
work closely with U.S. Federal agencies supporting geophysical and polar science
is essential.
<b>Knowledge, skills and abilities required for this position:</b>
The successful candidate will demonstrate leadership through: the ability to
think critically and
strategically; excellent oral and written communication skills; the ability to
build and work with
teams; an understanding of the diverse sponsorship issues facing research
demonstrated accomplishments in collaborating and working with groups of
faculty, senior
campus leadership, and executive level personnel from business and government. A
knowledge of federal regulations and funding agency practices, private sector
funding and
contracts requirements, and legal compliance requirements is required. A
commitment to a diverse faculty, staff, and student population is expected.
Candidate’s should submit a letter of application and current vitae through the
application system at http://www.uakjobs.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=72626.
The application
letter should include your vision for the Geophysical Institute as a major
international research
enterprise, specific areas of research interest, management style, and
significant relationships
with research funding agencies. The application may include a statement of
personal research
goals. Finalists will be asked to provide contact information for four references.
The position will remain open until filled, with application review scheduled to
begin Feb 15,
2011. For additional information, applicants can contact:
<br>Dr. Dan White, Chair of Geophysical Institute Director Search Committee
<br>Director, Institute of Northern Engineering
<br>PO Box 755910
<br>University of Alaska Fairbanks, 99775-5910
<br>Email: dmwhite at alaska.edu
<br>Phone: 907-474-6222
The appointment of the Director will be made by the President of the University
of Alaska, upon
the recommendation of the Chancellor of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, with
review by the
President of the National Academy of Sciences, according to the Act of Congress
established the Geophysical Institute in 1946. UAF is an AA/EO Employer and
Educational Institution.
Final draft 12/8/10
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