CEDAR email: Kintner, EGU abstracts, jobs in CO and CA

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Tue Nov 16 16:02:38 MST 2010

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 16 Nov 2010.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Paul Kintner of Cornell University died 16 November 2010.
 From Wesley Swartz (wes at ece.cornell.edu).

(2) EGU 2011, 03-08 April 2011, Vienna, Austria - abstracts due 10 Jan.
Session PS7.2/AS4.16: Aurora, Airglow and Transient Luminous Events in Planetary 
 From Tom Slanger (tom.slanger at sri.com).
See also http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/session/6945.

(3) 2-y Postdoc Fellowships at HAO/NCAR in Boulder, CO - due 5 Jan.
 From Travis Metcalfe (travis at ucar.edu).
See also http://www.hao.ucar.edu/people/visitors/postdoc.php.

(4) Space Science Job at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA.
Copied from the SPA Newsletter 13 November 2010.
From: James L Roeder (James.L.Roeder at aero.org).
See also http://www.aero.org/careers/ (click on #3211).

(1) Paul Kintner of Cornell University died 16 November 2010.
 From Wes Swartz (wes at ece.cornell.edu).

Paul Kintner died this morning on November 16, 2010.  He was a
professor, assistant director, and accreditation coordinator in
the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Cornell
University.  He was battling an aggressive pancreatic cancer
since last spring and failed very rapidly during the past week or so.
Paul was great asset to our research areas, especially in things
related to Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, since he
developed the first university level course on GPS.  He will be sorely missed.

Wes Swartz

(2) EGU 2011, 03-08 April 2011, Vienna, Austria - abstracts due 10 Jan.
Session PS7.2/AS4.16: Aurora, Airglow and Transient Luminous Events in Planetary 
 From Tom Slanger (tom.slanger at sri.com).

Abstract Due Date: 10 January 2011, 24:00

We invite you to submit an abstract to the joint session PS7.2/AS4.16: Aurora, 
Airglow and Transient Luminous Events in Planetary Atmospheres.

The goal of this session is to stimulate exchanges between the many communities 
working on subjects involving all aspects of atmospheric emissions encountered 
at Earth, planets and other planetary bodies (satellites and comets) from the 
mesosphere to the exosphere.

Theoretical, observational, experimental as well as technical (including but not 
limited to instruments and databases) contributions are encouraged.  New results 
from space missions (Mars Express, Venus Express, Akatsuki, Cassini) will be 

At the end of the session, a forum will be organized to discuss the needs of the 
different communities, the expected improvements, future missions and the 
possibility of more regular dedicated meetings.

More information and abstract submission:

The conveners:
*Cyril Simon Wedlund, BIRA-IASB, Belgium
*Guillaume Gronoff, NASA LaRC, USA
*Tom Slanger, SRI International, USA
*Yoav Yair, The Open University, Israel

(3) 2-y Postdoc Fellowships at HAO/NCAR in Boulder, CO - due 5 Jan.
 From Travis Metcalfe (travis at ucar.edu).

The High Altitude Observatory (HAO) in Boulder, Colorado announces its 2011 
postdoctoral fellowship program.

Scientists at HAO conduct research related to solar/stellar interiors and 
variability (including asteroseismology and the solar-stellar connection), the 
lower solar atmosphere, corona and heliosphere, and terrestrial and planetary 
atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres. Projects involving radiative 
transfer, hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, radiation hydrodynamics, plasma 
physics and other topics are pursued both out of fundamental physical interest 
and for their application to the above areas of research. Successful applicants 
will pursue research in collaboration with members of the scientific staff and 
other long-term visitors in these and related areas.

Postdoctoral Fellows are appointed for 2 years beginning in September or 
October; some flexibility is possible on the specific times of arrival and 
departure. Fellows are expected to work at HAO in Boulder, Colorado, with the 
exception of time spent participating in field research and observing programs. 
Fellows will have access to the HAO Linux/Unix computers, NCAR supercomputer 
systems, and the HAO and NCAR libraries and data archives from Mauna Loa Solar 
Observatory and other facilities.

*Salary: $56,000 (first year), $58,500 (second year)
*Scientific travel allowance: $2,000 per year
*Relocation allowance: up to $1000/$2500 (domestic/foreign)
*Moving/storage allowance: $750
*Medical/dental insurance: Cigna PPO/HSA or Kaiser (see link for details)
*Retirement contributions: TIAA-CREF 15% of salary (10% employer, 5% employee)
*Vacation time: 20 days (4 weeks) per year, plus nine paid holidays
*Full benefit details at http://www.fin.ucar.edu/hr/benefits/benesumlt.pdf

See http://www.hao.ucar.edu/people/visitors/postdoc.php for complete application 
details. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2011.

(4) Space Science Job at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, CA.
From: James L Roeder (James.L.Roeder at aero.org).

The Aerospace Corporation, a private, nonprofit corporation that assists the
U.S. government in applying the full potential of science and technology to
the advancement of national security space systems invites applications for a
position as a Member of the Technical Staff in the Space Sciences Department
(SSD).  SSD scientists are actively involved in several magnetospheric,
ionospheric, and upper atmospheric research projects that include analysis
and interpretation of data, space instrumentation development, and simulation
and modeling.  Present experimental commitments include building energetic
particle sensors for the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes and the NASA
Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to nvestigate the Earth's magnetosphere.
Other recently flown hardware include optical instruments on the
International Space Station and a GPS occultation sensor on the USAF C/NOFS
mission to remotely sense the ionosphere and thermosphere.

The successful candidate is expected to support existing departmental
projects such as those listed above, and develop his or her own research
program using NASA or NSF funding. Scientists in the department also support
National Security Space program offices in problems related to the space

This opening (Aerospace requisition # 3211) is posted with more details of
the duties and qualifications for this position at http://www.aero.org/careers/.
Interested candidates may apply for this position online referencing
job #3211. Applicants selected will be subject to a security investigation and
must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.



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