CEDAR email: HF Workshop at Arecibo; solicit geospace smin papers; heliophysics summer school in Boulder

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 12 10:42:32 MST 2010

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent Feb 12, 2010.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) 29-31 March 2010 HF facility workshop at Arecibo, Puerto Rico,
registration due 1 March.
From: Asti Bhatt (abhatt at haystack.mit.edu).

(2) Solicitation for geospace papers on "The Sun-Earth Connection near Solar
Minimum", a topical issue for Solar Physics related to the WHI campaign,
letter of intent due 1 March, papers due 2 July to whi.sola at gmail.com.
From: Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).
See also http://ihy2007.org/WHI.

(3) 28 Jul - 4 Aug 2010, Heliophysics Summer School, Boulder, CO,
applications due 1 April.
From: Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu).
See also http://www.vsp.ucar.edu/HeliophysicsScience/.

(1) 29-31 March 2010 HF facility workshop at Arecibo, Puerto Rico,
registration due 1 March.
From: Asti Bhatt (abhatt at haystack.mit.edu).

In anticipation of the new HF ionospheric modification facility becoming 
operational at the Arecibo Observatory, a workshop is being organized to discuss 
ionospheric heating science and experiments. The workshop will be held from 
March 29-31, 2010 at the Arecibo Observatory. We strongly encourage everyone who 
is interested in mid-latitude ionospheric modification research to attend the 
workshop. The participants will be given a tour of the heater and made familiar 
with the operational details and the diagnostics available at the observatory. 
The science discussions will include a review of ionospheric modification work 
done with previous such facilities at Arecibo. This will be followed by a 
discussion about new science ideas with the heater.

Tentative agenda:
Sun, Mar 28: Arrive at the Arecibo Observatory, evening barbecue
Mon, Mar 29: Science overview and discussion (9-12, 2-5), banquet in the evening
Tue, Mar 30: Tour of the heater (9-12) followed by science discussion (2-6)
Wed, Mar 31: Tour of radar and other diagnostics at the site (8-10) and overview 
of operational details (10-11). Depart.

To register for this workshop, please send an email to Asti Bhatt 
<abhatt at haystack.mit.edu> or Sixto Gonzalez <sgonzalez at naic.edu> by Monday, 
March 1. Registration is free. If you would like to stay at the Arecibo 
Observatory during the workshop, please send an email to Carmen Segarra 
<csegarra at naic.edu> to book your room (also by March 1). Please refer to 
http://www.naic.edu/science/logistics.htm for information on logistics.

(2) Solicitation for geospace papers on "The Sun-Earth Connection near Solar
Minimum", a topical issue for Solar Physics related to the WHI campaign,
letter of intent due 1 March, papers due 2 July to whi.sola at gmail.com.
From: Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).

<h3>Topical Issue (TI) of Solar Physics:
The Sun--Earth Connection near Solar Minimum: Placing it into Context</h3>

We solicit manuscripts on this general subject for inclusion in a
Topical Issue (TI) of the journal Solar Physics that will be dedicated
to the science of the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) campaign
(http://ihy2007.org/WHI/) and results related to WHI's science priorities.

The editors request that statements of intent be received from all
interested authors by Monday March 1, 2010.  The statements should
include (as close as possible to the anticipated publication):
<EM>i</em>) title, <EM>ii</em>) abstract, <EM>iii</em>) author list,
<EM>iv</em>) estimated number of Solar Physics pages, and <EM>v</em>) three
suggestions for referees, preferably with E-Mail.

Completed papers should be submitted by Friday July 2, 2010, and the
estimated publication date will be between December 2010 and February
2011.  Manuscripts will appear online as they are accepted, and
manuscripts that have not completed the refereeing and revision process
by the cutoff for hardcopy publication of the Topical Issue will appear
in a subsequent, regular issue of the journal.  In order to respect all
participants, we will push hard on referees to respect their deadlines
and authors for revisions.

<h4>Criteria for Relevance to the Topic:</h4>

The Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) is an internationally coordinated
observing and modeling effort to characterize the three-dimensional (3D)
interconnected solar-heliospheric-planetary system - a.k.a. the
"heliophysical" system.  WHI observing campaigns began with the 3D solar
structure from solar Carrington rotation (CR) 2068, which ran from March
20 - April 16, 2008.  See http://ihy2007.org/WHI for more information.

This Topical Issue will include scientific results of the observations
and the models that are used to interpret the WHI data, including all of
the regimes that play a role in solar minimum heliophysics.  These
regimes include:


<LI>sub-photospheric structures,

<LI>the solar photosphere, chromosphere, and corona,

<LI>the inner and outer heliosphere,

<LI>Earth's magnetopause and bow shock,

<LI>Earth's radiation belts and plasmasphere, and

<LI>The ionosphere, thermosphere and mesosphere.


Additionally, we are expecting contributions that are linked to or
related to WHI but not necessarily centered on WHI observations
themselves.  The majority will be additional studies of the present,
possibly "unusual", solar minimum, and also how this minimum relates to
past minima.  However, because of the depth, length, and complexity of
the current solar minimum, one solar rotation is not enough to
characterize it!  We have therefore identified two Carrington rotations
that, along with WHI, may be considered to "span" the current extended
solar minimum, these are CR2078 (17 Dec 2008 - 12 Jan 2009 when sunspots
reached a 13-month minimum) and CR2085 (26 Jun - 22 Jul 2009 when
solar-wind parameters were at their lowest, and which had continuous
SOHO contact and solar eclipse data/modeling[JWL1] <#_msocom_1> ).
These rotations provide additional focus time periods that may enable
intercomparison between analyses in the Topical Issue.  The
current-solar-minimum studies need not be limited only to the rotations
mentioned here however.

In addition, for those who are not already part of the WHI Team and
already subscribed to the WHI Mailing list (through which the majority
of updates and communications will be made), we invite you and encourage
you to do so (please see http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/whi).

We remind you that the statement of intent deadline is
1 March 2010; this is essential for us to optimally match manuscripts
with referees and to expedite the process.  If subsequent to submission
of a statement of intent, it appears that the manuscript is not coming
together on schedule, please let us know so that we can adjust the
attribution of referees.

Please email whi.sola at gmail.com with your proposed

# title
# abstract
# author list
# estimated number of Solar Physics pages
# three suggestions for referees
# name and e-mail of corresponding author if not submitter


(Solar Physics TI Guest Editors):
# Mario M. Bisi (Mario.Bisi {at} aber.ac.uk)<BR>
# Barbara Emery (emery {at} ucar.edu <http://ucar.edu>)<BR>
# Barbara J. Thompson (Barbara.J.Thompson {at} nasa.gov) <BR>

and (Solar Physics Editors):
# Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (Lidia.vanDriel {at} obspm.fr) <BR>
# John Leibacher (john.leibacher {at} gmail.com) <BR>

(3) 28 Jul - 4 Aug 2010, Heliophysics Summer School, Boulder, CO,
applications due 1 April.
From: Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu).

Applications are invited for the 2010 Heliophysics Summer School, to be held in 
Boulder, Colorado. NASA Living With a Star sponsors the program, and it is 
hosted by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Visiting 
Scientist Programs.

The Summer School has two principal aims:

# to deepen the appreciation of the basic science of heliophysics for a select 
group of students; and
# expand the newly-published textbook series to include labs, problem sets, and 
more background material.

The 2010 program will focus on teaching graduate level students and first or 
second year postdoctoral fellows the fundamentals of heliophysics along with the 
cause and effects of space storms. The first two textbook volumes will be used 
as teaching tools:

# Heliophysics I Plasma Physics of the Local Cosmos
# Heliophysics II: Space Storms and Radiation: Causes and Effects

Approximately 30 students will be selected through a competitive process 
organized by UCAR to participate in the summer school. Each participant will 
receive air travel, lodging and per diem.
The 2010 summer school deans are Drs. Amitava Bhattacharjee (University of New 
Hampshire), Dana Longcope (Montana State University-Bozeman), and Jan Sojka 
(Utah State University).
A successful candidate should:

# Be an enrolled graduate student in any phase of training or first or second 
year postdoctoral fellow
# Major in physics with an emphasis on astrophysics, geophysics, plasma physics, 
and space physics, or have research experience in at least one of these areas
# Plan to pursue a career in heliophysics or astrophysics

Application materials required:

# A cover letter briefly stating motivation for application
# Curriculum vitae with a list of publications, technical reports and 
professional presentations
# One letter of reference from advisor
# Graduate school transcripts
# One to two page Statement of Interest and relevance to summer school goals

Applications may be sent electronically to: vsp at ucar.edu.
VSP also accepts applications mailed to:

UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs
Heliophysics Summer Schools
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000

Please call 303-497-8649 with questions and/or visit 

NASA Living With a Star, Heliophysics Division sponsors this program.
UCAR is an EE/AAE who values and encourages diversity in the workplace.


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