CEDAR email: Workshops for CEDAR solicited; PFISR mtng has student travel; tomography post-doc in Finland

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 5 18:17:02 MST 2010

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent Feb 05, 2010.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Workshops Solicited by 05 March for CEDAR Workshop, 20-25 June, Boulder, CO.
Submitted by Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).
Reply to Joe Huba (huba at ppd.nrl.navy.mil).
Submit via http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu ('Workshops','2010 Workshop',
under 'Individual Workshops' 'Submit Descriptions', and also look at
'Guidelines for Conveners')

(2) Second workshop announcement: "PFISR: Science Results and Future Plans",
March 10-12, 2010, University of Alaska, Fairbanks - abstracts due 12 Feb.
Student support up to $1500 available - register and contact kcummins at 
From: Joshua Semeter (jls at bu.edu) and Bill Bristow (bill.bristow at 
See also http://pfisr.gi.alaska.edu.

(3) Postdoctoral scientist in ionospheric tomography at the Finnish 
Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland - due 31 March.
 From Olaf.Amm at fmi.fi.

(1) Workshops Solicited by 05 March for CEDAR Workshop, 20-25 June, Boulder, CO.
 From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu) and Joe Huba (huba at ppd.nrl.navy.mil).

CEDAR workshops are a unique venue for bringing together experts on a
particular science topic, reviewing recent results from an ongoing experimental
campaign, planning a new project, or increasing visibility and awareness of a
given area of research.  Suggestions and guidelines for workshop conveners,
including a detailed description of various workshop formats, can be found at
http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu ('Workshops','2010 Workshop', 'Guidelines for

This year's meeting will be held at the University of Colorado in Boulder,
CO from Sunday June 20 (student workshop) to Friday June 25.  In order to
propose a workshop, potential conveners should submit the following
information by Friday March 5 at the CEDAR site at
Click on 'Workshops', then on '2010 Workshop', then on 'Submit Descriptions',
to fill out information on your proposed workshop.  You must have a login
to submit a proposed workshop.  All CEDAR Database users have logins, and
additionally, most participants at the 2007-2009 CEDAR Workshops have logins.

A web page will be made from your initial description that is linked to
the '2010 Workshop List'.  Try to write this description so that it is
geared towards the students, with a general description of the context
and importance of the topic while avoiding specialized jargon.
Your workshop page can be edited later to revise the description
(including a different student description if desired) before it is
printed (by Friday 28 May), or to add an agenda.  Before or after the
workshop, .pdfs of the .ppt talks during the workshop can be added to
your workshop page along with a final report to remain as a permanent
on-line archive record of your workshop.

(2) Second workshop announcement: "PFISR: Science Results and Future Plans",
March 10-12, 2010, University of Alaska, Fairbanks - abstracts due 12 Feb.
Student support up to $1500 available - register and contact kcummins at 
From: Joshua Semeter (jls at bu.edu) and Bill Bristow (bill.bristow at 

A workshop will be held March 10-12, 2010, at the University of Alaska to review
science results from the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR), and to discuss
future plans for the facility.  Participation is welcome from past and current 
as well as those interested in involving PFISR observations in their research.

PFISR is the first of two new electronically-steerable ISR's developed under the
NSF's "Advanced Modular ISR" (AMISR) project.  The second facility (RISR-N) has
recently begun operations at Resolute Bay, Canada. The AMISR radars perform rapid,
pulse-by-pulse beam steering, providing a new modality for ionospheric remote 
sensing.  The full implications of this modality are still being explored.  The
AMISR radars were designed to be relocated with a nominal residency time of five
years at any given site. One of the objectives of this workshop is to evaluate
the scientific rationale to extend PFISR operations beyond the first potential
relocation in 2012.

For registration and abstract submission go to the meeting website:
http://pfisr.gi.alaska.edu.  The abstract deadline is February 12, 2010.

A limited amount of student travel support is  available.  Interested students
should register at the meeting website, and then send email to Kimberly 
Cummins(kcummins at gi.alaska.edu) stating their request for support.  Approved 
will receive a maximum of $1500; any additional cost must be paid by the
student's institution.

Organizing committee:
Joshua Semeter, Boston University (Chair),
Bill Bristow, University of Alaska Fairbanks (Local Organizer),
Kristina Lynch, Dartmouth College,
Larry Lyons, UCLA,
David Hysell, Cornell University,
John Meriwether, Clemson University,
Tony Van Eyken, SRI International

(3) Postdoctoral scientist in ionospheric tomography at the Finnish
Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland - due 31 March.
 From Olaf.Amm at fmi.fi.

The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Helsinki, Finland) is seeking for a
postdoctoral scientist in the area of ionospheric tomography, starting from June 1,
2010, lasting until December 31, 2013.

The work comprises the analysis of data from a dense network of GPS receivers and
from beacon receivers in Scandinavia, using tomographic inversion techniques, and
the interpretation of the results in terms of ionospheric and magnetospheric 
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the development of a new,
multi-frequency tomographic inversion scheme that is particularly optimized for the
analysis of high-density data sets from mesoscale receiver networks. Further, a
contribution to the three-dimensional modeling of the ionosphere is expected.

Candidates must hold a PhD in the area of physics, mathematics, or geosciences,
and should recognize themselves in as many as possible (but not necessarily all)
points of the following profile:

# good or at least basic knowledge of ionospheric and magnetospheric physics
# good knowledge of mathematics (particularly inversion techniques)
# good abilities in programming and handling of large data sets
# experience in tomography (not necessarily ionospheric tomography)
# ability to work and publish independently

Applications for the position need to be submitted not later than March 31,
2010, addressed to kirjaamo at fmi.fi and cc: Olaf.Amm at fmi.fi, including a CV,
list of publications and a short statement of scientific interests.
For further information, please contact Olaf Amm, tel. +358919294689 or
Olaf.Amm at fmi.fi.


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