CEDAR email: EGU Session ST3.3: Features of the ionosphere and thermosphere during the recent solar minimum

John Emmert john.emmert at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Dec 15 06:48:29 MST 2010

We invite you to contribute to the following session at the next EGU
meeting: "Features of the ionosphere and thermosphere during the recent
solar minimum"
(http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/session/7078). The European
Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2011 meets in Vienna, Austria from
03-08 April. Abstracts are due 10 January via the website at

Features of the ionosphere and thermosphere during the recent solar minimum

The recent cycle 23/24 solar minimum was unusually prolonged compared to the
previous several minima, and it had the most days without sunspots since the
1933 minimum. Weaker forcing of the upper atmosphere by solar EUV irradiance
seems to have contributed to substantial changes in the
ionosphere-thermosphere system. Measurements indicate large departures from
empirical models like MSIS and IRI during the years 2006–2009, and a full
explanation of these anomalies has not yet emerged. On the other hand, the
lack of solar variability during this minimum has made forcing from below
(e.g., via planetary and tidal waves) more prominent, thus affording the
opportunity to better understand coupling with the underlying atmosphere.

We welcome contributions that compare observations with model predictions
during the recent minimum, provide explanations for the unusual
ionosphere-thermosphere behaviour, or show comparisons with other solar
minima. Also solicited are contributions dealing with the altered wave
forcing of the ionosphere and thermosphere during low solar activity.
Observational and modelling studies are both welcome. 

John Emmert, Hermann Lühr 

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