CEDAR email: Articles solicited for CEDAR Post and 2 journal; CAWSES in Prague; NASA graduate fellowships and advisory subcommittees

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Wed Dec 8 16:00:14 MST 2010

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 08 Dec 2010.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) News, Articles, Items for CEDAR Post Requested.
From: John Foster (jfoster at haystack.mit.edu).
See also http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Community:CEDARPost

(2) The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, a new electronic-only journal.
 From jean Lilensten (jean.lilensten at obs.ujf-grenoble.fr), Anna Belehaki, and 
Jürgen Watermann.
Contact swsc at edpsciences.org and see also http://www.swsc-journal.org/

(3) Special Issue on "Structure and Dynamics of Ionospheric Plasma" due 15 
February for the "International Journal of Geophysics".
From: Soha Labib of the "International Journal of Geophysics" 
<ijgp at journals.hindawi.com>.
See also http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijgp/si/spid.html.
Copied from an email solicitation to Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).

(4) 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-
Ionosphere System, Feb 14-18, 2011, Prague, Czechoslovakia in Hotel Globus - 
abstract deadline extended to December 20.
From: Petra Koucka Knizova (pkn at ufa.cas.cz).
See also http://www.ufa.cas.cz/html/conferences/workshop_2011/index.php

(5) Heliophysics segment of the ROSES 2010 NASA Earth and Space Science
Fellowship Program 2011 Solicitation - Deadline February 1st 2011.
From: Arik Posner (arik.posner at nasa.gov).
Copied from the SPA Newsletter 7 December 2010.

(6) Open Recruitment for members of SMD's NASA Advisory Subcommittees - 
nominations due 30 December.
From: Barbara Giles (barbara.giles at nasa.gov).
See also http://science.nasa.gov/science-committee/.
Copied from the SPA Newsletter 7 December 2010.

(1) News, Articles, Items for CEDAR Post Requested.
From: John Foster (jfoster at haystack.mit.edu).

If members of the CEDAR community have any informational or science news or 
short articles they would like to see distributed to the community via the CEDAR 
Post, please send them to John Foster promptly.

Suggestions or volunteers for articles, etc for follow-on issues of the Post, 
please let me know your ideas and interest.

John Foster (jfoster at haystack.mit.edu), MIT Haystack Observatory, Chair of the 
CEDAR Science Steering Committee.

(2) The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, a new journal.
 From jean Lilensten (jean.lilensten at obs.ujf-grenoble.fr), Anna Belehaki, and 
Jürgen Watermann.  Contact swsc at edpsciences.org and see also 

Space Weather is a quite new discipline. A definition approved by 24 countries 
states that "Space weather is the physical and phenomenological state of natural 
space environments.  The associated discipline aims, through observation, 
monitoring, analysis and modelling, at understanding and predicting the state of 
the sun, the interplanetary and planetary environments, and the solar and 
non-solar driven perturbations that affect them; and also at forecasting and 
nowcasting the possible impacts on biological and technological systems."

In turn, space climate deals with the middle and long term aspects of space 
weather, their manifestations in the heliosphere and their effects on planetary 
environments including the impacts on climate.

We are happy to announce the birth of a new journal devoted to these 
disciplines: the “Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate” (SWSC) - 

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate is an international 
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary open access journal, which publishes 
papers on all aspects of space weather and space climate. Coverage includes, but 
is not limited to
* fundamental and applied scientific research including theory, observation, 
data analysis, modelling, and prediction
* technical applications and engineering solutions
* impact on humans and technology in space, in the air, at sea and on land
* societal and economic implications
* educational and dissemination concepts and experiences
* development of user-targeted products and services
* scientific, technical, political and commercial initiatives

SWSC accepts manuscripts related to space weather and to space climate from a 
broad range of fields including solar physics, space plasma physics, aeronomy, 
planetology, radio science, informatics, geophysics, biology, medicine, 
astronautic, aeronautic and electrical engineering, meteorology, climatology, 
mathematics, and economics.

SWSC publishes regular research articles, short communications, invited reviews, 
technical and observational reports, strategic and educational articles and 
concise project reports . All manuscripts are peer reviewed. Accepted papers are 
published in electronic form only.
SWSC is owned and published by EDP Sciences (http://maj.edpsciences.org/) with 
support from the Cooperation in Science and Technology office 
(http://www.cost.esf.org/) and Solar Terrestrial Center of Excellence 
(http://www.stce.be/). EDP Sciences maintains an electronic open access archive 
of all published material. SWSC will be indexed in Crossref and consequently 
appear in many international Digital Library reference systems.
The first issue will be published in 2011, but - being an electronic-only 
journal - papers will be published once accepted and converted into the SWSC 
standard format.
We invite you to submit articles to this new international journal. Publications 
will be free of charge until an impact factor is determined.

(3) Special Issue on "Structure and Dynamics of Ionospheric Plasma" due 15 
February for the "International Journal of Geophysics".
From: Soha Labib of the "International Journal of Geophysics" 
<ijgp at journals.hindawi.com>.
Copied from an email solicitation by Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).

Dear colleague,

I am writing to let you know about our upcoming Special Issue on "Structure and 
Dynamics of Ionospheric Plasma," which will be published in "International 
Journal of Geophysics" in August 2011. You can find the Call for Papers for this 
Special Issue at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijgp/si/spid.html and the 
deadline for submission is February 15th, 2011. The Special Issue is open to 
both original research articles as well as review articles.

I am contacting you about this Special Issue since I understand that you have 
published before in this area and I wanted to invite you to submit an article. 
International Journal of Geophysics is an open access journal, which means that 
all published articles are made freely available online without a subscription, 
and authors retain the copyright of their work.

Please read over the journal's Author Guidelines at 
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijgp/guidelines.html for more information on the 
journal's policies and the submission process.

If you have any questions about this Special Issue, or about the journal, please 
do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Soha Labib,
Editorial Office,
International Journal of Geophysics,
Hindawi Publishing Corporation,

(4) 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-
Ionosphere System, Feb 14-18, 2011, Prague, Czechoslovakia in Hotel Globus - 
abstract deadline extended to December 20.
From: Petra Koucka Knizova (pkn at ufa.cas.cz).

The deadline for submissions of abstracts for the 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES
Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System has been 
extended to the December 20.  The workhop will be held February 14-18 in Hotel 
Globus in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

For further information, please visit the workshop Web site at:

----------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) 
Heliophysics segment of the ROSES 2010 NASA Earth and Space Science
Fellowship Program 2011 Solicitation - Deadline February 1st 2011.	
From: Arik Posner (arik.posner at nasa.gov).

This is a reminder that the deadline of February 1st 2011 for the ROSES 2010
NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program Solicitation is approaching.
This call for graduate fellowship proposals, entitled NASA Earth and Space
Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program - 2011/2012 Academic Year, solicits
applications from accredited U.S. Universities on behalf of individuals
pursuing Masters or Doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees in Earth and space sciences, or
related disciplines, at respective institutions. The purpose of NESSF is to
ensure continued training of a highly qualified workforce in disciplines
needed to achieve NASA's scientific goals. Awards resulting from the
competitive selection will be made in the form of training grants to the
respective universities with the advisor serving as the principal
The Heliophysics Research Program, managed by the Heliophysics Division,
supports the scientific analysis of phenomena of the variable, magnetic Sun,
its effects on the Earth and the other planets of the solar system, and its
interaction with the interstellar medium.  All phenomena in the solar
interior, photosphere through the corona, and wind, planetary magnetospheres
and the ionized portions of their upper atmospheres including the ionosphere,
thermosphere and mesosphere are considered part of Heliophysics Research.
Research enabling space weather prediction is also part of the Heliophysics

Heliophysics utilizes remote sensing and in-situ measurements from a fleet of
missions, the Heliophysics System Observatory.  Frequent suborbital rockets,
balloons and ground-based instruments add to the observational base. Data
analysis, theory and modeling are used to acquire insight into the complex
interactions of the interconnected heliophysical system.

The Heliophysics Research Program and missions are described in Chapter 4.2
of the SMD 2010 Science Plan available at http://science.hq.nasa.gov/strategy. 
For details about this solicitation
go to http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/ and follow the links to
Solicitations - Open Solicitations - NESSF11. The Heliophysics Division
expects to support 3-5 NESSF11 awards.

<br>Arik Posner
<br>Heliophysics Division
<br>Science Mission Directorate
<br>300 E St. SW
<br>Washington, DC 20546
<br>(202) 358 0727
<br>arik.posner at nasa.gov

(6) Open Recruitment for members of SMD's NASA Advisory Subcommittees - 
nominations due 30 December.
From: Barbara Giles (barbara.giles at nasa.gov).

NASA's Science Mission Directorate solicits nominations of individuals who would 
serve on one of the following advisory subcommittees of the NASA Advisory 
Council (NAC):

NAC Astrophysics Subcommittee, NAC Earth Science Subcommittee, NAC
Heliophysics Subcommittee, NAC Planetary Protection Subcommittee, NAC Planetary 
Science Subcommittee

Either self nominations or nominations of others are acceptable.  The
membership term will be for two to three years.  Members will be required to 
attend meetings two to four times a year, either in person or via
telecon/WebEx.  Terms of reference and meeting minutes of the NAC Science
Committee and subcommittees may be found on:

Nominators should submit a vita and a one-page statement on their reasons for 
supporting a specific nominee (or themselves in the case of self-nominated 
individuals) to serve on the subcommittee.

The following qualifications/experience are highly desirable in nominees, and
should be clearly presented in their vita or accompanying one page statement:
10 yrs. post-Ph.D. research experience with leading publications in the
scientific field of the subcommittee they are nominated for, or comparable
experience; acknowledged community leadership in scientific/education and
public outreach field as evidenced by award of prizes, invitation to national
and international meetings as speaker, organizer of scientific
meetings/workshops, or comparable experience; participation in NASA programs
either as member of NASA mission science team, Research & Analysis program,
membership on an advisory/working group or a review panel, or comparable
experience; good knowledge of NASA programs in the scientific field of the
subcommittee they are applying for, including the latest NASA Science Plan
(available as a link from http://science.nasa.gov/about-us/science-strategy/),
or comparable experience; and knowledge of the latest Decadal Survey
conducted by NRC for the scientific field of the subcommittee.

Nominees from any category of organizations or institutions within the U.S.
are welcome, including, but are not limited to, educational, industrial, and
not-for-profit organizations, Federally Funded Research and Development
Centers (FFRDCs), University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), NASA
Centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and other Government agencies.

Successful nominees who are not already government employees will become
Special Government Employees (SGEs).  All successful nominees will be
required to submit a confidential financial disclosure form, and undergo a
conflict of interest review by the NASA Office of the General Counsel, before
their appointment is finalized.

The due date for nominations is December 30, 2010.

Please send nominations to the Executive Secretary for the Subcommittee the 
nominee would serve on:

<br>NAC Astrophysics Subcommittee: aps-execsec at hq.nasa.gov
<br>NAC Earth Science Subcommittee: ess-execsec at hq.nasa.gov
<br>NAC Heliophysics Subcommittee: hps-execsec at hq.nasa.gov
<br>NAC Planetary Protection Subcommittee: pps-execsec at hq.nasa.gov
<br>NAC Planetary Science Subcommittee: pss-execsec at hq.nasa.gov

Questions or requests for further information should be addressed to Dr. Jens 
Feeley, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 
20546-0001; Telephone: (202) 358-1714; E-mail: jens.feeley-1 at nasa.gov.


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