CEDAR email: Zeldovich award to Jiuhou Lei; Meetings in CA, MD, AK and CO

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Fri Aug 6 17:29:45 MDT 2010

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent Aug 6, 2010.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) COSPAR Scientific Commission C Zeldovich Medal to Jiuhou Lei (U CO).
 From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu) and COSPAR (http://cosparhq.cnes.fr).

(2) Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 December 2010.
Abstracts due 2 Sep at http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/.
SA15: The Active Inner Magnetosphere and its Coupling with the Mid-latitude 
 From Anthea J. Coster (ajc at haystack.mit.edu).

(3) Autonomous Polar Observing Systems Workshop, September 30-October 1, 2010,
located at the William F Bolger Center in Potomac, Maryland.
 From Robert Clauer <rclauer at vt.edu>.
See also http://www.iris.edu/hq/polar_workshop2010/index.php.

(4) Chapman Conference on Relationship between Auroral Phenomenology and
Magnetospheric Processes, Fairbanks, Alaska, 27 Feb-4 Mar 2011, Fairbanks, AK, USA.
Abstract deadline: October 20, 2010.
From: Andreas Keiling <keiling at ssl.berkeley.edu>
and Eric Donovan <edonovan at ucalgary.ca>.
See also http://www.agu.org/meetings/chapman/2011/bcall/.
 From 13 July 2010 SPA Newsletter.

(5) Workshop on Advanced Computational Capabilities for Exploration in 
Heliophysical Science (ACCEHS), Boulder , Colorado, August 16-18, 2010.
 From Amitava Bhattacharjee (amitava.bhattacharjee at unh.edu).
See also http://www.hao.ucar.edu/ACCEHS/index.php.
 From 13 July 2010 SPA Newsletter.

(1) COSPAR Scientific Commission C Zeldovich Medal to Jiuhou Lei (U CO).
 From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu) and COSPAR (http://cosparhq.cnes.fr).

The COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) 2010 Awards were made on 19 July
at the 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Bremen, Germany, 18-25, 2010.
 From the CEDAR Community, Dr. Jiuhou Lei from China and the USA received
the Zeldovich Medal from the COSPAR Scientific Commission C.  The Zeldovich
Medals are joint awards of COSPAR and the Russian Academy of Sciences
conferred on young scientists for excellence and achievements, honoring
the distinguished astrophysicist Yakov B. Zeldovich.  One medal is awarded
for each COSPAR Scientific Commission.  Dr. Jiuhou Lei is currently
working in the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University
of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado.  His award was given 'for his creative
modeling and data analysis studies that have elucidated important
phenomena in the ionosphere and thermosphere'.  Congratulations to Jiuhou
Lei, a member of the CEDAR community!

(2) Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 December 2010.
Abstracts due 2 Sep at http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/.
SA15: The Active Inner Magnetosphere and its Coupling with the Mid-latitude 
 From Anthea J. Coster (ajc at haystack.mit.edu).

This session focuses on activity at the outer boundary of the inner 
magnetosphere, generally known as the plasmaspheric boundary layer (PBL), and 
related processes in the conjugate ionosphere. The PBL is a region of 
significant M-I coupling that can be characterized as a dynamic region between 
two distinct plasma flow regimes, one convecting sunward, the other co-rotating. 
   This broad interaction region is where many critical processes develop, such 
as the structuring and redistribution of thermal plasmas, the formation of 
irregularities of varying scale sizes, and the development of electric fields 
which couple the ionosphere, plasmasphere, and magnetosphere. This session 
welcomes observational and modeling studies that address the causes and 
consequences of activity across this region.

Convenors: Anthea Coster (ajc at haystack.mit.edu),
J. Michael Ruohoniemi (mikeruo at vt.edu),
Joseph Baker (jo.baker at vt.edu)

Deadline for abstract submission is 2 September 2010 at 

(3) Autonomous Polar Observing Systems Workshop, September 30-October 1, 2010,
located at the William F Bolger Center in Potomac, Maryland.
 From Robert Clauer <rclauer at vt.edu>.

This workshop will discuss progress made in the design and deployment of 
stationary autonomous ground-based polar geophysical observing systems.  The 
focus will be on the expansion and maintenance of these systems and on 
developing greater cooperation between the various scientific, technical, and 
logistical communities involved in their development and operation.  Specific 
goals include:

·      Discuss new opportunities for the major scientific disciplines involved, 
including geodesy, space physics, seismology, glaciology, and meteorology.

·      Review progress and compare experiences with the current systems. 
Address issues related to reliability and discuss “best practices”;

·      Explore new technologies that may have significant implications for 
autonomous polar observing systems and enable exciting new science;

·      Identify strategies for maximizing the scientific return from field 
sites, including standardization of power and communication systems, co-location 
of stations, and reduction of logistical requirements;

·      Consider options for increasing communication and coordination between 
communities in the long term.

This workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and, while open to 
all interested people, attendance is limited by the venue to about 100 
participants.   The meeting agenda, registration, travel and hotel information, 
and organizing committee contact information is available at the Workshop Web 

The deadline for workshop and hotel reservations is August 26, 2010. 
Notification regarding acceptance to attend the workshop and possible travel 
assistance will be provided by the end of August.

(4) Chapman Conference on Relationship between Auroral Phenomenology and
Magnetospheric Processes, Fairbanks, Alaska, 27 Feb-4 Mar 2011, Fairbanks, AK, USA.
Abstract deadline: October 20, 2010.
From: Andreas Keiling <keiling at ssl.berkeley.edu>
and Eric Donovan <edonovan at ucalgary.ca>.

The aurora is a permanent and dynamic phenomenon in the upper atmospheres of 
Earth and other planets with intrinsic magnetic fields. Some of the most 
interesting and pressing questions in space physics relate to the origin of 
auroral structure and dynamics, and the nature of acceleration and pitch angle 
scattering in the case of discrete and diffuse aurora, respectively. Over the 
last decade, there has been an explosion of in situ magnetospheric and 
ionospheric observations, as well as auroral imaging. These new data, together 
with recent advances in both simulation and theory, offer our field the 
opportunity for significant advances in all aspects of auroral science, 
particularly in making connections between physical processes in the 
magnetosphere and auroral structure and dynamics.

The conference will provide an opportunity to present the latest results from 
analyses of experimental data (including space-borne, ground-based and 
co-ordinated data), simulation and theory, addressing various aspects of the 
aurora, in order to connect our knowledge of auroral morphology and mechanisms 
to candidate physical processes in the magnetosphere capable of powering and 
structuring the aurora on Earth and other planets. Our intention is to stimulate 
productive discussions among scientists specializing in all areas of auroral 
research and work towards a comprehensive view encompassing auroral 
phenomenology on Earth and other planets.

Themes of this conference will be:
#  Auroral phenomenology (fine structure, small/meso-scale aurora, conjugate 
aurora, dayside and nightside aurora, polar cap aurora, motion, dynamics)
#  Relationship between aurora and ionospheric electrodynamics (including role, 
response, feedback, and Joule heating)
#  Discrete auroral acceleration
#  Relationship between aurora and magnetospheric dynamics, fields, and gradients
#  Aurora on other planets (Auroras of Earth and other planets will be addressed 
together under all themes (1-4))

The conveners are:
Andreas Keiling (UC Berkeley, USA),
Eric Donovan (University of Calgary, Canada)

The Program Committee includes:
Dirk Lummerzheim (University of Alaska, USA),
Dave Knudsen (University of Calgary, Canada),
Göran Marklund (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden),
Vassilis Angelopoulos (UC Los Angeles, USA),
Masafumi Hirahara (University of Tokyo, Japan),
Kirsti Kauristie (Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland),
Fran Bagenal (University of Colorado, USA,)
Robert Rankin (University of Alberta, Canada)

Further information and updates can be found on the conference website: 
http://www.agu.org/meetings/chapman/2011/bcall/, where you can also find a 
high-resolution version of the conference poster, available for download. We 
would like to encourage you to display this poster at your institution or campus.

(5) Workshop on Advanced Computational Capabilities for Exploration in 
Heliophysical Science (ACCEHS), Boulder , Colorado, August 16-18, 2010.
 From Amitava Bhattacharjee (amitava.bhattacharjee at unh.edu).

This is the Second Announcement on a community-wide Workshop on Advanced 
Computational Capabilities for Exploration in Heliophysical Science (ACCEHS), 
August 16-18, 2010 in Boulder, Colorado at NCAR's Mesa Lab. The goal of this 
Workshop, which is spearheaded by the 2010 LWS TR&T Steering Committee, is to 
discuss the needs and opportunities for advanced computation in all areas of 
Heliophysical Science. This is a grass-roots effort, driven by the urgent needs 
and opportunities for the heliophysics community in the era of tera- and 
peta-scale datasets and sophisticated computational models that require spanning 
huge ranges of physical scales.

The Workshop website is

One of the main objectives of the Workshop is to produce a compact Report with 
broad community input that will be made available to all relevant funding 
agencies and decadal surveys. In preparation for the Report, a document on Key 
Questions has been prepared by each of the Working Groups on Solar, 
Interplanetary, Magnetophere, Ionosphere-Thermosphere, and Advanced Computation, 
and has been posted on the website. These questions will frame the discussion 
during the Workshop, and will be the subject of White Papers prepared by the 
Working Groups with input from the community. A list of the Working Group 
Coordinators and Members is posted on the website.

A draft outline of the Program is posted on the Workshop website. Participants 
are invited to contribute abstracts for brief presentations which are relevant 
to the theme of the Workshop. Contributions that attempt to address the Key 
Questions are especially welcome. On the first day of the Workshop, there will 
be opening addresses by three speakers, as follows:

Dr. R. Fisher, NASA Headquarters: "Reflections on the Future of Our Science"
Prof. D. Baker, University of Colorado, Boulder: "Computation, Modeling and Data 
Exploration: Fundamental Pillars of Heliospheric Science"
Dr. R. Loft, NCAR: "Meeting the Challenges of Provisioning High Performance 
Computing in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences"

URGENT: The deadline for registration and hotel bookings is July 15, 2010. 
Please make your bookings now because hotel rooms are disappearing fast.


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