[Wrf-users] how to run WRF with no leap year calendar

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Tue Aug 14 11:28:56 MDT 2012

Hi Rui,

WRF uses ESMF Time module to calculate time inside of the model. To do 
that, WRF developers split the ESMF_Time module from original ESMF 
library. So, it is just a subset of ESMF library (but i don't know which 
version it is). For the coupling, you need to install ESMF library first 
(like a netcdf library) and then you have to point that directory to 
compile the ESMF enabled code. It is little bit confusing but the code 
works like this. So, if you want to add noleap year support, you can 
change the code in external/ folder. I hope it helps.


Ufuk Turuncoglu

On 8/14/12 6:54 PM, Rui Mei wrote:
> Dear all,
> I was trying to run WRF with climate data, which is 365-day calendar. 
> So I added -DNO_LEAP_CALENDAR to the macro ARCH_LOCAL in configure.wps 
> file, according to the user guide.
> Here is the line:
> There is no problem compiling the model, but when I run real.exe, it 
> crashes.
> Here is the error message:
> -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
> Error:: ESMF_Initialize not called
> -------------------------------------------
> Rank 1 [Mon Aug 13 18:11:45 2012] [c22-2c2s2n3] application called 
> MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 1
> I tracked down the error message and it comes 
> from external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.f. I browsed the ESMF_time codes 
> under that directory and it says WRF is hard-wired to gregorian 
> calendar. I am still trying to understand those ESMF codes to figure 
> the problem out.
> Another thing I do not understand is that currently in configure.wrf, 
> we have the following in default
> # switch to use separately installed ESMF library for coupling:  1==true
> ESMF_COUPLING       = 0
> Does that indicate ESMF lib is used or not ? I assume if it is set to 
> 0, ESMF is still used somehow, otherwise why would that error comes 
> from there ?
> I will appreciate if someone can offer an answer or advice. Thanks 
> very much!
> -Rui
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