[ncl-talk] multiple files with different sizes

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Sun Oct 21 15:20:03 MDT 2018

<https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/systemfunc.shtml> +

Without knowing specifics, it is hard to answer the question.

[1] *systemfunc *will return the *paths *to files. *They can be* *any* *file
[2] *addfiles *allows users to access a single variable that spans multiple
Two options are available:* cat* and *join*   [see documentation]

If the variable [say, *X*] is (*time*,[level/depth,],lat,lon). '*time*' is
the record dimension

and the sizes of the *record* (*leftmost*) dimension are (say) 31, 28,
31,30  then

    F = *addfiles*(path, "r")
    xCat = F[:]->X                  ; (120,[level/depth,],lat,lon) ,
default *cat *(concatenate) mode

The '*join*'  option could *not* be used


There was a recent [ October 6-8 ] ncl-talk question:

*[ncl-talk] read variable with different size dimension in multiple files*

>From the ncl-talk archives:  *http://mailman.ucar.edu/pipermail/ncl-talk/*


If you are looping over multiple files and the variable [say, *X*] has
different dimension sizes and the data from each file ar to be processed
individually, then use NCL's replacement  (overwrite) syntax  *:=*

   do nf=0,nfiles-1
        f   =  addfile(path(nf),"r")
        x :*=* f->X                           ; create new  'x' ... can be
a different size/shape/type
   end do

On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 6:04 PM Vanúcia Schumacher <
vanucia-schumacher at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi users,
> I would like to know if it has another command or way in which I can read multiple
> data files using systemfunc + addfiles, which the files have different
> sizes.
> Thanks
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