[ncl-talk] read variable with different size dimension in multiple files

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 8 09:31:02 MDT 2018

The short answer is "no". There is no automatic method to do this.

However, 'brute force' can be used.  It may be good to test on a 'few'
files (eg; ntim=nfil=20)
If really slow; create a netCDF file and use that for subsequent analysis.
Each swath has different latitude/longitude arrays associated with it.
I speculate that these will be needed also.

 *The following is not tested. *

  varname = "pr_dbz"

  tStrt  =  *get_cpu_time*()  ; timing information
      ....                               ; your code to acces file names
  nfil          = *dimsizes*( fili )
  ntim        = nfil                 ; clarity; each 'file' corresponds to
a different 'time'
  *NSCAN  = 50000            ; arbitrary large number*
  NRAY     = 80                  ; fixed

  ntim       = 20                   ; for testing; override the original
                                          ; quick turn around ; number is

  VAR      = *new*((/ntim,NRAY,NSCAN/),"float")  ; 'SUPER' variable
 ;LAT      = new((/ntim,NRAY,NSCAN/),"float")  ; 'SUPER' variable
 ;LON      = new((/ntim,NRAY,NSCAN/),"float")  ; 'SUPER' variable
;TIME     = new( ntim, ???, "No_FillValue")     ; integer, float, double ;
recommended; create a time variable
  nscan_max = -1

  do nt=0,ntim-1                       ; loop over each file (time)
       f  = *addfile*( fili(nt), "r")
       x = f->*$*varname*$*            ; (nray,nscan); integer?; why
(::-1,:) ?
       dimx   = *dimsizes*(x)
       nray   = dimx(0)
       nscan = dimx(1)
       if (nray.ne.NRAY .or. nscan.gt.NSCAN) then
           *print*("FATAL: unexpected array size: nray="+nray+":
nscan="+nscan+":  "+fili(nt))
       end if
       nscan_max = *max*((/nscan_max,nscan/))  ; can be used to set NSCAN

       VAR(nt,:,0:nscan-1) = *tofloat*( x )

     ;time: create a 'time' variable  ; this is optional but recommended
     ;time = *cd_calendar*(.....)
     ;TIME(nt) = time
     ;LAT(nt,:,0:nscan-1) = (/ f->Latitude /)
     ;LON(nt,:,0:nscan-1) = (/ f->Longitude /)
  end do

  VAR!0 = "time"
;;VAR&time = TIME
  VAR!1 = "nray"
  VAR&nray = *ispan*(1,NRAY,1)      ; or  * ispan*(0,NRAY-1,1)
  VAR!2 = "NSCAN"
  VAR&NSCAN = ispan(1,NSCAN,1)      ; or   ispan(0,NSCAN-1,1)
  VAR at long_name =  x at long_name
  VAR at hdf_name   = x at hdf_name
  if (isatt(x,"units")) then
      VAR at units = x at units
  end if


; same approach for LAT (units: "degrees_north") and LON (units:

  etime = *get_cpu_time*() -tStrt
  print("Elapsed time: " + etime+"     nfil="+nfil+":

;; Create a netCDF file using VAR

 netCDF = True
  if (netCDF) then
      dirNc = "./"
      filNc  = "Super_"+varname+".1Z09.nc"                ; whatever you
      pthNc = dirNc + filNc                                            ;
file path

      system("/bin/rm -f "+pthNc)   ; remove any pre-existing file

   *setfileoption*("nc","Format","NetCDF4Classic")    ; variable (likely) >
   ncdf = addfile(pthNc ,"c")  ; open output netCDF file

; create global attributes of the file (optional)
      fAtt                 = True                       ; assign file
      fAtt at Title           = "TRMM-PF: 1Z09: Super Variable: "+varname
      fAtt at Number_of_files = nfil
      fAtt at Conventions     = "None"
      fAtt at Creation_date   = *systemfunc* ("date")
      fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt )            ; copy file attributes

; make time an UNLIMITED dimension; recommended  for most applications
; output variables directly; NCL will call appropriate functions
; to write the meta data associated with each variable
       var_super = varname_super
       ncdf->$var_super$ = VAR    ; (time,nray,NSCAN)
     ;;ncdf->Latitude    = LAT    ; (time,nray,NSCAN)
     ;;ncdf->Longitude   = LON
   end if   ; netCDF

On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 7:48 PM Stefane Fonseca Freitas <
fane.freitas at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi users,
> I'm using TRMM precipitation features swath data. In this data, for each
> orbit, the variables size changes (dimensions number remains same) because
> only precipitation pixels are recording in the file. I want read
> reflectivity profile  in multiple files (~7000 files) using addfiles and
> join operation. I know that join requires that variables in each file must
> be the same size. So, my question is: is there a way to conform the
> dimension sizes of variables while reading the files?  Is it possible to
> read in NCL a variable with different dimension size in each file? Or any
> other suggestion how could I manipulate this variable as one file for
> statistical analysis?
> Script:
> ;***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> begin
>  diri  = "/media/stefaneff/Seagate\ Expansion\ Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/"
>    cmd  = "find "+ diri + "1Z09.* -type f -print"
>    fili = systemfunc(cmd)
>   nfil = dimsizes( fili )
>   varname="pr_dbz"
>     f=addfiles(fili, "r")
>  ListSetType (f, "join")
>     var=int2flt(f[:]->$varname$(::-1,:))
> end
> ;***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> Error message:
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00545.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00544.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00543.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00542.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00541.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00540.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:File /media/stefaneff/Seagate Expansion
> Drive/TRMM-PF/199801/1Z09.19980101.00539.7.HDF dimension sizes do not
> conform to others in list; skipping file
> warning:A valid instance of variable pr_dbz was not found in one or more
> elements of the file list
> fatal:Number of subscripts on rhs do not match number of dimensions of
> aggregated join type variable, (2) subscripts used, (3) subscripts expected
> fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 29 in
> file reflectivity_profile.ncl
> ;***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> PrintVarSummary of pr_dbz in one file: first dimension has always the same
> size (levels), second dimension not (lat,lon)
> Variable: pr_profile
> Type: integer
> Total Size: 10451520 bytes
>             2612880 values
> Number of Dimensions: 2
> Dimensions and sizes:    [fakeDim6 | 80] x [fakeDim7 | 32661]
> Coordinates:
> Number Of Attributes: 2
>   long_name :    2A25 REFLECTIVITY profiles (dBZ*100)
>   hdf_name :    pr_dbz
> Best regards,
> Stefane Fonseca Freitas
> Doutoranda em Meteorologia - PGMET - CPTEC / INPE
> Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos / Instituto Nacional de
> Pesquisas Espaciais
> Cachoeira Paulista - SP - Brasil
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