[ncl-talk] Creating Time Series Graphs: Plotting Specific Time Periods

Smith, Stuart smit1770 at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 19 12:23:19 MDT 2018



Listed below is a plotting script that plots the time varying spatial
average of a variable of interest (in this example it is surface water area
). The x-axis plots number of days since (2009/1/1), but I would like to
improve my graph to plot a specific month (March), instead of all of the
values. I have tried editing my NCL resources, but have not been able to
properly extract the time period of interest.  


Could I please have assistance, on converting and plotting specific time
periods? I have attached sample data if needed for clarification. Thank you
for your time.











;Go to directory of interest 


;diri = "/scratch/conte/s/smit1770/TempStorage"



fili = "/scratch/conte/s/smit1770/TempStorage/surf_area.nc"

;print(fili)   ; make sure the desired files are listed in the correct order


; read in all files


f = addfile(fili,"r")


;Set variable of interest 

data = f->surf_area

;fix the mismatched _FillValue to properly recogonize the missing values
after they are read in

data at _FillValue := todouble (data at missing_value)


;data at lat2d = f->Y ;-- 2D latitudes

;data at lon2d = f->X ;-- 2D longitudes

data at time= f->T ;--2D time











avg_data = wgt_areaave(data,1.,1.,0)



wks = gsn_open_wks("png","VIC_timeseries")


;set resources

resplot = True

restick = True

restick at ttFormat = "%d"

restick at ttmValues= (/(/2009,3,1/),(/2009,3,15/),(/2009,3,31/)/)




resplot at tiMainString      = "Lake Area (m^2)";title name


;time_axis_labels( data at time,resplot,restick)



plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,data at time,avg_data,resplot)




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