[ncl-talk] segmentation fault while using gsm_csn_xy

Zhifeng Yang yangzf01 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 15:01:29 MDT 2018

Hi all,

I got a segmentation fault error while executing the following statement
calling from gsn_code.ncl

    plot_object = create wksname + "_xy" xyPlotClass wks
        "xyCoordData" : data_object

Here is the exact error.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The NCL version is 6.3.0. I also attached the ncl code and data. The main
code is "arm_sgp_trend_line_diurnal.ncl", and subroutine is

and also the log file using "ncl -x code.ncl" (file name is ncl_x_code.txt)

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 Copyright (C) 1995-2015 - All Rights Reserved
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 NCAR Command Language Version 6.3.0
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
+ ;
+ ;      $Id: gsn_code.ncl,v 2010-05-06 17:13:26 haley Exp $
+ ;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;                Copyright (C)  1998                                   ;
+ ;        University Corporation for Atmospheric Research               ;
+ ;                All Rights Reserved                                   ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;
+ ;;  File:       gsn_code.ncl
+ ;;
+ ;;  Author:     Mary Haley
+ ;;          National Center for Atmospheric Research
+ ;;          PO 3000, Boulder, Colorado
+ ;;
+ ;;  Date:       Sat Apr 11 12:42:53 MST 1998
+ ;;
+ ;;  Description: This script defines all of the basic plotting and
+ ;;               miscellaneous functions and procedures used in the 
+ ;;               examples in the "Getting started using NCL" documention.
+ ;;               The URL for this document is:
+ ;;
+ ;;               http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Manuals/Getting_Started/
+ ;;
+ ;;               To use the functions and procedures in this script,
+ ;;               you must have the line:
+ ;;
+ ;;                   load "gsn_code.ncl"
+ ;; 
+ ;;               at the top of your NCL script, before the begin statement.
+ ;;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : smooth92d                                                  ;
+ ;               var[*][*]:float                                         ;
+ ;                       p:float                                         ;
+ ;                       q:float                                         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Performs smoothing on a 2-dimensional array.                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("smooth92d")
+ function smooth92d(var[*][*]:float,p[1]:float,q[1]:float)
+ local dims,output,coef,m,n,p4,q4,i
+ begin
+   dims = dimsizes(var)
+   output = new((/dims(0),dims(1)/),float)
+   coef = 1 - p - q
+   m = dims(0)
+   n = dims(1)
+   p4 = p/4.0
+   q4 = q/4.0
+   do i = 1, m -2
+     output(i,1:n-2) = (p4)*(var( i-1, 1 : n-2 ) + var( i, 2 : n-1) + 
+                             var( i+1, 1 : n-2) + var( i, 0 : n-3)) + 
+                             (q4)*(var(i-1, 0 : n-3 ) + var(i-1, 2 : n-1) + 
+                                   var( i+1, 2 : n-1) + var( i+1, 0 : n-3))
+   end do
+   output = output + (coef * var) 
+   if(isdimnamed(var,0).and.iscoord(var,var!0))  then
+     output!0 = var!0
+     output&$var!0$ = var&$var!0$
+   end if
+   if(isdimnamed(var,1).and.iscoord(var,var!1))  then
+     output!1 = var!1
+     output&$var!1$ = var&$var!1$
+   end if
+   return(output)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : smooth93d                                                  ;
+ ;               var[*][*][*]:float                                      ;
+ ;                          p:float                                      ;
+ ;                          q:float                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Performs smoothing on a 3-dimensional array.                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("smooth93d")
+ function smooth93d(var[*][*][*]:float,p[1]:float,q[1]:float)
+ local dims,output,coef,m,n,p4,q4,i
+ begin
+   dims = dimsizes(var)
+   output = new((/dims(0),dims(1),dims(2)/),float)
+   coef = 1 - p - q
+   m = dims(1)
+   n = dims(2)
+   p4 = p/4.0
+   q4 = q/4.0
+   do i = 1, m -2
+     output(:,i,1:n-2) = (p4)*(var( :,i-1, 1 : n-2 ) + var(:, i, 2 : n-1) + 
+                               var( :,i+1, 1 : n-2) + var(:, i, 0 : n-3)) + 
+                         (q4)*(var( :,i-1, 0 : n-3 ) + var( :,i-1, 2 : n-1) + 
+                               var( :,i+1, 2 : n-1) + var(:, i+1, 0 : n-3))
+   end do
+   output = output + (coef * var) 
+   if(isdimnamed(var,0).and.iscoord(var,var!0))  then
+     output!0 = var!0
+     output&$var!0$ = var&$var!0$
+   end if
+   if(isdimnamed(var,1).and.iscoord(var,var!1))  then
+     output!1 = var!1
+     output&$var!1$ = var&$var!1$
+   end if
+   if(isdimnamed(var,2).and.iscoord(var,var!2))  then
+     output!2 = var!2
+     output&$var!2$ = var&$var!2$
+   end if
+   return(output)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : hsv2rgb                                                    ;
+ ;                 h:float                                               ;
+ ;                 s:float                                               ;
+ ;                 v:float                                               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Note: after V4.3.1, the built-in function hsvrgb was added. This      ;
+ ; should be used instead of this one.                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function maps values from the HSV color model to the RGB color   ;
+ ; model. HSV is a good model for generating smooth color maps. See      ;
+ ; (Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice by Foley). The return     ;
+ ; value is a 2 dimensional array of rgb color triplets. The return      ;
+ ; value from this function can be directly assigned to the "wkColorMap" ;
+ ; resource of a workstation object or to the second argument of         ;
+ ; gsn_define_colormap.                                                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("hsv2rgb")
+ function hsv2rgb (h_old[*]:float,s_old[*]:float,v_old[*]:float)
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make a backup copy of the HSV values.
+ ;
+   h = h_old
+   s = s_old
+   v = v_old
+ ;
+ ; This function converts between HSV and RGB color space
+ ; Input: h [0.0-360.0], s [0.0-1.0], v [0.0-1.0]
+ ; Output: r [0.0-1.0], g [0.0-1.0], b [0.0-1.0]
+ ;
+   r_g_b = new((/3,dimsizes(h)/),float)
+   r_g_b!0 = "rgb"
+   r_g_b!1 = "cmap_len"
+   if (any((s .eq. 0.0).and.(h.eq.0.0.or.h.eq.360))) then
+     indexs = ind((h.eq.0.0.or.h.eq.360).and.s.eq.0.0)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/v(indexs),v(indexs),v(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   f = new(dimsizes(h),float)
+   p = new(dimsizes(h),float)
+   q = new(dimsizes(h),float)
+   t = new(dimsizes(h),float)
+   i = new(dimsizes(h),integer)
+   if any(h.eq.360.0)  
+     h(ind(h.eq.360.0)) = 0.0
+   end if
+   h = h/60.0
+   i = floattoint(floor(h))
+   f = h - i
+   p = v*(1.0 - s)
+   q = v*(1.0 - (s*f))
+   t = v*(1.0 - (s*(1.0 - f)))
+   if any(i.eq.0) then
+     indexs = ind(i.eq.0)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/v(indexs),t(indexs),p(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   if any(i.eq.1) then
+     indexs = ind(i.eq.1)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/q(indexs),v(indexs),p(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   if any(i.eq.2) then
+     indexs = ind(i.eq.2)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/p(indexs),v(indexs),t(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   if any(i.eq.3) then
+     indexs = ind(i.eq.3)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/p(indexs),q(indexs),v(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   if any(i.eq.4) then
+     indexs = ind(i.eq.4)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/t(indexs),p(indexs),v(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   if any(i.eq.5) then
+     indexs = ind(i.eq.5)
+     r_g_b(:,indexs) = (/v(indexs),p(indexs),q(indexs)/)
+     delete(indexs)
+   end if
+   if(any(ismissing(r_g_b)))
+     print("Warning: hsv2rgb: Some invalid HSV values were passed to hsv2rgb")
+   end if
+   return(r_g_b(cmap_len
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : tofloat_wunits                                             ;
+ ;                x:numeric                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Convert input to float and retain units attribute.                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Note that after V5.1.1, a built-in version of "tofloat" was added.    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("tofloat_wunits")
+ function tofloat_wunits(x:numeric)
+ local xf
+ begin
+   xf = tofloat(x)
+   if(isatt(x,"units").and..not.isatt(xf,"units")) then
+     xf at units = x at units
+   end if
+   return(xf)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : stringtoxxx                                                ;
+ ;             str : string                                              ;
+ ;             type: string                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Convert string to int, float or double, depending on type             ; 
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("stringtoxxx")
+ function stringtoxxx(str:string,type:string)
+ begin
+   if(type.eq."double")
+     return(stringtodouble(str))
+   else
+     if(type.eq."float")
+       return(stringtofloat(str))
+     else
+       if(type.eq."integer")
+         return(stringtointeger(str))
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(str)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : lower_case                                                 ;
+ ;           name : string                                               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Converts "name" to lowercase. Uses "str_lower" now.                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("lower_case")
+ function lower_case(name:string)
+ begin
+   return(str_lower(name))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_long_name_units_string                                 ;
+ ;            data : numeric                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function checks if the long_name and units attributes exist, and ;
+ ; if so, constructs a string using them. A missing value is returned    ;
+ ; otherwise.                                                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_long_name_units_string")
+ function get_long_name_units_string(data)
+ begin
+   lu_string = new(1,string)
+   if(isatt(data,"long_name")) then
+     lu_string = data at long_name
+ ;
+ ; Comment out this code for now, because I'm not sure I want
+ ; the default behavior to change from just a long_name string
+ ; to a long_name (units) string for now.  This was added around
+ ; version a031 (Jan 2004).
+ ;
+ ;    if(isatt(data,"units").and.data at units.ne."") then
+ ;      lu_string = lu_string + " (" + data at units + ")"
+ ;    end if
+   end if
+   return(lu_string)
+ end        
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : copy_var_atts                                             ;
+ ;               var_from                                                ;
+ ;               var_to                                                  ;
+ ;              att_names: string                                        ;
+ ; This is almost identical to D Shea's "copy_VarAtts" routine, except   ;
+ ; it allows you to specify which atts to copy.                          ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("copy_var_atts")
+ procedure copy_var_atts(var_from,var_to,att_names)
+ local i
+ begin                                       
+   if(ismissing(att_names).or.att_names.eq."") then
+     att_names_copy = getvaratts(var_from)
+   else
+     att_names_copy = att_names
+   end if
+   if(.not.all(ismissing(att_names_copy)))
+     do i = 0,dimsizes(att_names_copy)-1
+       if (isatt(var_from,att_names_copy(i)).and.
+           .not.isatt(var_to,att_names_copy(i))) then
+ 	 var_to@$att_names_copy(i)$ = var_from@$att_names_copy(i)$
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : cat_strings                                                ;
+ ;              strings : string                                         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Takes an array of strings and cats them into a single string.         ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("cat_strings")
+ function cat_strings(str_array)
+ local i, slen
+ begin
+   slen          = dimsizes(str_array)
+   single_string = "'" + str_array(0) + "'"
+   do i=1,slen-1
+     single_string = single_string + " '" + str_array(i) + "'"
+   end do
+   return(single_string)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_resources                                              ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function takes a logical value and a list of resources, and      ;
+ ; assigns them to another variable.  If res is False, however, then no  ;
+ ; resources are carried over, but res is set to True for future use.    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_resources")
+ function get_resources(res:logical)
+ begin
+   if(res) then
+     res2 = res
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Set res2 to True, but don't carry over any resources.
+ ;
+     res2 = True
+   end if
+   return(res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : set_attr                                                  ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;           att_name: string                                            ;
+ ;          att_value                                                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Add resource and its value to a resource list if it isn't already set.;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("set_attr")
+ procedure set_attr(res:logical,att_name:string,att_value)
+ begin
+   res = True
+   if(.not.isatt(res,att_name))
+     res@$att_name$  = att_value
+   end if
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : check_attr                                                 ;
+ ;                res    : logical                                       ;
+ ;           att_name    : string                                        ;
+ ;          att_value                                                    ;
+ ;          convert_lower: logical                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Checks if res at att_name exists and if it is equal to att_value.        ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("check_attr")
+ function check_attr(res:logical,att_name:string,att_value, 
+                     convert_lower:logical)
+ local res2, new_att_value, is_att_value_string, is_att_name_string
+ begin
+   res2 = res
+   if(res2.and.isatt(res2,att_name))
+     if(typeof(att_value).eq."string") then
+       is_att_value_string = True
+     else
+       is_att_value_string = False
+     end if
+     if(typeof(res@$att_name$).eq."string") then
+       is_att_name_string = True
+      else
+       is_att_name_string = False
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If one value is a string and the other isn't, then we can't
+ ; compare them, and we just have to return False.
+     if(is_att_name_string.ne.is_att_value_string) then
+       return(False)
+     end if
+     if(is_att_value_string.and.convert_lower)
+       new_att_value   = lower_case(att_value)
+       res2@$att_name$ = lower_case(res2@$att_name$)
+     else
+       new_att_value = att_value
+     end if
+     if(res2@$att_name$.eq.new_att_value)
+       return(True)
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(False)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;             prefix: string                                            ;
+ ;         rep_prefix: string                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get a list of resources that start with res_prefix, and replace them  ;
+ ; with rep_prefix.                                                      ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_res_eq_replace")
+ function get_res_eq_replace(res,res_prefix:string,rep_prefix:string)
+ local i, j, ret_res, res2, attnames, res_index, nres2
+ begin
+   ret_res = False
+   if(res.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res))))
+     attnames = getvaratts(res)
+     do i = 0, dimsizes(attnames)-1
+       res2  = stringtocharacter(attnames(i))
+       nres2 =  dimsizes(res2)
+ ;
+ ; Loop through the resource prefixes and determine their length
+ ; so that we only check that many characters in the resource name.
+ ;
+       do j = 0, dimsizes(res_prefix)-1
+         res_prefix_c = stringtocharacter(res_prefix(j))
+         rpclen       = dimsizes(res_prefix_c)-1   ; Don't count null char
+         if(nres2.ge.rpclen.and. 
+            charactertostring(res2(0:rpclen-1)).eq.res_prefix(j))
+           ret_res = True
+ ;
+ ; Make sure we have enough room in the rest of the resource name to
+ ; replace the current prefix with the rep_prefix. This code will take
+ ; something like "gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF" and replace it with
+ ; "txFontHeightF".
+ ;
+           if(rep_prefix.ne."".and.nres2.gt.(rpclen+1)) then
+             resnew_attname = rep_prefix + charactertostring(res2(rpclen:nres2-2))
+             ret_res@$resnew_attname$ = res@$attnames(i)$
+           else
+             ret_res@$attnames(i)$ = res@$attnames(i)$
+           end if
+         end if
+         delete(res_prefix_c)
+       end do
+       delete(res2)
+     end do
+     delete(attnames)
+   end if
+   return(ret_res)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_res_eq                                                 ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;             prefix: string                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get a list of resources that start with res_prefix.                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_res_eq")
+ function get_res_eq(res,res_prefix:string)
+ local i, j, ret_res, res2, attnames, res_index
+ begin
+   return(get_res_eq_replace(res,res_prefix,""))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_res_ne                                                 ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;             prefix: string                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get a list of resources that don't start with res_prefix.             ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_res_ne")
+ function get_res_ne(res,res_prefix:string)
+ local i, j, ret_res, res2, attnames, res_index
+ begin
+   ret_res = False
+   if(res.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res))))
+     attnames = getvaratts(res)
+     do i = 0, dimsizes(attnames)-1
+       res2 = stringtocharacter(attnames(i))
+ ;
+ ; Loop through the resource prefixes and determine their length
+ ; so that we only check that many characters in the resource name.
+ ;
+       j = 0
+       found = False
+       do while(.not.found.and.j.le.dimsizes(res_prefix)-1)
+         res_prefix_c = stringtocharacter(res_prefix(j))
+         rpclen       = dimsizes(res_prefix_c)-1   ; Don't count null char
+         if(dimsizes(res2).ge.rpclen.and.
+           charactertostring(res2(0:rpclen-1)).eq.res_prefix(j))
+           found = True
+         end if
+         j = j + 1
+         delete(res_prefix_c)
+       end do
+       if(.not.found) then
+         ret_res = True
+         ret_res@$attnames(i)$ = res@$attnames(i)$
+       end if
+       delete(res2)
+     end do
+     delete(attnames)
+   end if
+   return(ret_res)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_res_value                                              ;
+ ;                res                                                    ;
+ ;            resname:string                                             ;
+ ;        default_val                                                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function checks to see if the given resource has been set, and if;
+ ; so, it returns its value and removes it from the resource list.       ;
+ ; Otherwise, it returns the default value which is the last argument    ;
+ ; passed in.                                                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_res_value")
+ function get_res_value(res,resname:string,default_val)
+ local return_val
+ begin
+   if(((typeof(res).eq."logical".and.res).or.(typeof(res).ne."logical")).and.
+      .not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res)))) then
+     if(isatt(res,resname)) then
+       return_val = res@$resname$
+       delete(res@$resname$)
+     else
+       return_val = default_val
+     end if
+   else
+     return_val = default_val
+   end if
+   return(return_val)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_res_value_keep                                         ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;            resname:string                                             ;
+ ;        default_val                                                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function checks to see if the given resource has been set, and if;
+ ; so, it returns its value and keeps it from the resource list.         ;
+ ; Otherwise, it returns the default value which is the last argument    ;
+ ; passed in.                                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_res_value_keep")
+ function get_res_value_keep(res,resname:string,default_val)
+ local return_val
+ begin
+   if(((typeof(res).eq."logical".and.res).or.(typeof(res).ne."logical")).and.
+      .not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res)))) then
+     if(isatt(res,resname)) then
+       return_val = res@$resname$
+     else
+       return_val = default_val
+     end if
+   else
+     return_val = default_val
+   end if
+   return(return_val)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function peruses two arrays of the same length and returns pairs ;
+ ; of indices that represent ranges of data values where there are no    ;
+ ; missing values.                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_non_missing_pairs")
+ function get_non_missing_pairs(x[*]:numeric,y[*]:numeric)
+ local ibeg, iend, indices, ndimx, ndimy, is_missing
+ begin
+   ndimx = dimsizes(x)
+   ndimy = dimsizes(y)
+   if(ndimx.ne.ndimy)
+     print("get_non_missing_pairs: x and y must be the same length")
+   end if
+   indices = new((/ndimx,2/),integer)
+   counter = 0
+   ibeg = -1   ; First non-missing point in a group.
+   do i = 0,ndimx-1
+     if(.not.ismissing(x(i)).and..not.ismissing(y(i)))
+       if(ibeg.lt.0)    ; on the first point of the line
+         ibeg = i
+         iend = i       ; Represents last non-missing point in a group
+       else
+         iend = i
+       end if
+       is_missing = False
+     else
+       is_missing = True
+     end if
+     if(ibeg.ge.0.and.(is_missing.or.iend.eq.ndimx-1))
+       indices(counter,0) = ibeg
+       indices(counter,1) = iend
+       ibeg    = -1            ; Reinitialize
+       counter = counter + 1
+     end if
+   end do
+   return(indices)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_display_mode                                           ;
+ ;               res:logical                                             ;
+ ;               name:string                                             ;
+ ;               value                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure checks if a DisplayMode resource is set, and returns   ;
+ ; an integer value if it's set as a string.                             ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_display_mode")
+ function get_display_mode(res:logical,name:string,value)
+ local display_mode, new_display_mode 
+ begin
+   display_mode = get_res_value_keep(res,name,value)
+   if(typeof(display_mode).ne."string") then
+     return(display_mode)
+   else
+     new_display_mode = -1      ; Default is -1 ("nocreate")
+     if(lower_case(display_mode).eq."nocreate") then
+       new_display_mode = -1
+     end if
+     if(lower_case(display_mode).eq."never") then
+       new_display_mode = 0
+     end if
+     if(lower_case(display_mode).eq."always") then
+       new_display_mode = 1
+     end if
+     if(lower_case(display_mode).eq."conditional") then
+       new_display_mode = 2
+     end if
+     delete(display_mode)
+     display_mode = new_display_mode
+   end if
+   return(new_display_mode)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : attsetvalues_check                                        ;
+ ;               plot:graphic                                            ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure passes plot and res to attsetvalues only if res is     ;
+ ; True and non-empty.                                                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("attsetvalues_check")
+ procedure attsetvalues_check(plot:graphic,res:logical)
+ begin
+   if(res.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res))))
+     attsetvalues(plot,res)
+   end if
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the list of named colors in the rgb.txt file.
+ ; This can be used to test for valid color names.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_named_color_list")
+ function get_named_color_list()
+ local db_dir, lines
+ begin
+ ;---Read the rgb.txt file.
+   db_dir = ncargpath("database")
+   lines  = asciiread(db_dir + "/rgb.txt",-1,"string")
+ ;
+ ; Read list of named colors off the file.
+ ;
+ ; Need to use str_get_cols and not str_get_field,
+ ; because some color names have spaces in them,
+ ; and hence we can't use a space as a delimiter.
+ ;
+   named_colors = str_strip(str_get_cols(lines,12,-1))
+   return(named_colors)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function checks the list of named colors to make sure they are
+ ; all valid.  It will return a logical array of the same size as the 
+ ; input array.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_valid_named_colors")
+ function is_valid_named_colors(colors[*]:string)
+ local i, valid_named_colors, ncolors
+ begin
+   named_colors = str_lower(get_named_color_list())   ; list of valid colors
+   ncolors            = dimsizes(colors)
+   valid_named_colors = new(ncolors,logical)
+   valid_named_colors = False    ; initialize to False
+   do i=0,ncolors-1
+     if(any(str_lower(colors(i)).eq.named_colors)) then
+       valid_named_colors(i) = True
+     end if
+   end do
+   return(valid_named_colors)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the list of colormap names.
+ ; This can be used to test for valid colormap names.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_colormap_names")
+ function get_colormap_names()
+ local cmap_dirs, nfiles, ndirs, cmaps, i, j, tmp_files, tmp_names
+ begin
+ ;---Get the list of color map directories
+   cmap_dirs = str_split(ncargpath("colormaps"),":")
+   ndirs     = dimsizes(cmap_dirs)
+   max_files = 500
+   cmaps = new(max_files,string)
+   nfiles = 0
+   do i=0,ndirs-1
+     tmp_files := systemfunc("ls -1 " + cmap_dirs(i))
+     nt = dimsizes(tmp_files)
+     do j=0,nt-1
+       tmp_names     := str_split(tmp_files(j),".")
+       cmaps(nfiles) = str_join(tmp_names(0:dimsizes(tmp_names)-2),".")
+       nfiles = nfiles + 1
+       if(nfiles.ge.max_files) then
+         print("get_colormap_names: reached maximum limit of color maps")
+         print("Will only return " + max_files + " color map names.") 
+         break
+       end if
+     end do
+     if(nfiles.ge.max_files) then
+       break
+     end if 
+   end do
+   return(cmaps(0:nfiles-1))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function checks the list of color map names to see if they are
+ ; all valid.  It will return a logical array of the same size as the 
+ ; input array.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_valid_colormap_names")
+ function is_valid_colormap_names(colormap_names[*]:string)
+ local i, valid_colormaps, ncmaps
+ begin
+   cmaps  = get_colormap_names()
+   ncmaps = dimsizes(colormap_names)
+   valid_colormaps = new(ncmaps,logical)
+   valid_colormaps = False    ; initialize to False
+   do i=0,ncmaps-1
+     if(any(colormap_names(i).eq.cmaps)) then
+       valid_colormaps(i) = True
+     end if
+   end do
+   return(valid_colormaps)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the type of color being used: 
+ ;
+ ;    color index     - values 0 to 255    "index"
+ ;    named color     - "blue"             "named"
+ ;    RGB triplet     - (/1,0,0.5/)        "rgb"
+ ;    RGBA quadruplet - (/1,0,0.5,0.5/)    "rgba"
+ ;    color map name  - "amwg"             "colormap"
+ ;
+ ; A missing string is returned if no valid type is detected.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_color_type")
+ function get_color_type(colors)
+ local dims_color, rank_color
+ begin
+   dims_color = dimsizes(colors)
+   rank_color = dimsizes(dims_color)
+   if(rank_color.eq.1.and.typeof(colors).eq."string".and.
+      all(is_valid_colormap_names(colors))) then
+     return("colormap")
+   end if
+   if(rank_color.eq.1.and.typeof(colors).eq."string".and.
+      all(is_valid_named_colors(colors))) then
+     return("named")
+   end if
+   if(dims_color(rank_color-1).eq.3.and.isnumeric(colors).and.
+      all(colors.ge.0.and.colors.le.1.0)) then
+     return("rgb")
+   end if
+   if(dims_color(rank_color-1).eq.4.and.isnumeric(colors).and.
+      all(colors.ge.0.and.colors.le.1.0)) then
+     return("rgba")
+   end if
+   if(any(typeof(colors).eq.(/"short","integer","long"/)).and.
+      all(colors.ge.0.and.colors.le.255)) then
+     return("index")
+   end if
+   return(new(1,string))    ; otherwise return missing
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the RGB triplets associated with a 
+ ; given list of named colors.
+ ; 
+ ; A n x 3 array is returned, where "n" is the number of 
+ ; named colors input.
+ ;
+ ; If a color is not found, missing values are returned for 
+ ; that color.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("namedcolor2rgb")
+ function namedcolor2rgb(names[*]:string)
+ local db_dir, lines, named_colors, i, ii, ncolors, 
+ lnames, rgb_array
+ begin
+ ;---Read list of named colors off the file.
+   named_colors = str_lower(get_named_color_list())
+ ;
+ ; Use str_sub_str to remove all tabs and spaces around
+ ; and inside the color name.
+ ;
+   lnames       = str_lower(names)
+   lnames       = str_sub_str(lnames," ","")
+   lnames       = str_sub_str(lnames,"	","")
+   named_colors = str_sub_str(named_colors," ","")
+   named_colors = str_sub_str(named_colors,"	","")
+   ncolors      = dimsizes(names)
+   rgb_array    = new((/ncolors,3/),float)
+ ;---Read the rgb.txt file.
+   db_dir = ncargpath("database")
+   lines  = asciiread(db_dir + "/rgb.txt",-1,"string")
+ ;---Loop through named colors and find the requested one(s).
+   do i=0,ncolors-1
+ ;---Get index into rgb.txt table. There can be more than one.
+     ii = ind(lnames(i).eq.named_colors)
+ ;---Get associated RGB triplet
+     if(.not.any(ismissing(ii))) then
+       rgb_array(i,0) = tointeger(str_get_field(lines(ii(0)),1,
+                                  " 	"))/255.
+       rgb_array(i,1) = tointeger(str_get_field(lines(ii(0)),2,
+                                  " 	"))/255.
+       rgb_array(i,2) = tointeger(str_get_field(lines(ii(0)),3,
+                                  " 	"))/255.
+     else
+       print("Warning: namedcolor2rgb: '" + names(i)  + "' is not a valid named color.")
+       print("Will return missing values for this color.")
+     end if
+     delete(ii)
+   end do
+   return(rgb_array)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the RGBA triplets associated with a 
+ ; given list of named colors.  The "A" value is always returned 
+ ; as the value of 1.0. This function basically calls namedcolor2rgb and
+ ; adds the "A" value.
+ ; 
+ ; A n x 4 array is returned, where "n" is the number of 
+ ; named colors input.
+ ;
+ ; If a color is not found, missing values are returned for 
+ ; that color.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("namedcolor2rgba")
+ function namedcolor2rgba(names[*]:string)
+ local rgb_array, rgba_array
+ begin
+   rgb_array  = namedcolor2rgb(names)
+   ncolors    = dimsizes(rgb_array(:,0))
+   rgba_array = new((/ncolors,4/),typeof(rgb_array))
+   rgba_array(:,0:2) = rgb_array
+   rgba_array(:,3) = where(.not.ismissing(rgb_array(:,2)),1.0,
+                            rgba_array at _FillValue)
+   return(rgba_array)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the RGBA values given an RGB array. The
+ ; "alpha" index is set to 1.0.
+ ; 
+ ; A n x 4 array is returned, where "n" is the number of 
+ ; named colors input.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("rgb2rgba")
+ function rgb2rgba(rgb)
+ local ncolors, rgba
+ begin
+   dims = dimsizes(rgb)
+   rank = dimsizes(dims)
+   if((rank.eq.1.and.dims.ne.3).or.(rank.eq.2.and.dims(1).ne.3).or.
+      rank.lt.1.or.rank.gt.2) then
+     print("rgb2rgba: The input must be an RGB array of length 3 or n x 3")
+     print("   Returning missing.")
+     return(new(4,float))
+   end if
+   if(rank.eq.2) then
+     ncolors     = dimsizes(rgb(:,0))
+     rgba        = new((/ncolors,4/),typeof(rgb))
+     rgba(:,0:2) = rgb
+     rgba(:,3)   = 1
+   else
+     rgba      = new(4,typeof(rgb))
+     rgba(0:2) = rgb
+     rgba(3)   = 1
+   end if
+   return(rgba)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This function returns the RGBA quadruplets associated with a 
+ ; given list of index colors.
+ ; 
+ ; A n x 4 array is returned, where "n" is the number of 
+ ; named colors input.
+ ;
+ ; If any input colors are invalid, then missing will be returned.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("indexcolor2rgba")
+ function indexcolor2rgba(wks,color_indexes[*])
+ local rgba_cmap, rgb_cmap, ncolors
+ begin
+   getvalues wks
+       "wkColorMap" : rgb_cmap
+   end getvalues
+   ncolors = dimsizes(rgb_cmap(:,0))
+   if(any(color_indexes.lt.0.or.color_indexes.ge.ncolors)) then
+     print("Error:indexcolor2rgba: one or more of the index colors")
+     print("are invalid. Will return missing values.")
+     msg = new(4,float)
+     return(msg)
+   else
+     rgba_cmap = rgb2rgba(rgb_cmap)
+     return(rgba_cmap(color_indexes,:))
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Given a list of color maps, color indexes, named colors, RGB, or RGBA ;
+ ; colors, convert them to RGBA colors.                                  ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("convert_color_to_rgba")
+ function convert_color_to_rgba(wks,colors)
+ begin
+   color_type = get_color_type(colors)
+   if(color_type.eq."unknown")
+     print("Error: convert_color_to_rgba: invalid color(s). Returning missing.")
+     return(new(4,float))
+   end if
+   if(color_type.eq."rgba") then
+     rgba_colors = colors
+   else if(color_type.eq."index") then
+     rgba_colors = indexcolor2rgba(wks,colors)
+   else if(color_type.eq."colormap") then
+     rgba_colors = read_colormap_file(colors)
+   else if(color_type.eq."named") then
+     rgba_colors = namedcolor2rgba(colors)
+   else if(color_type.eq."rgb") then
+     rgba_colors = rgb2rgba(colors)
+   end if
+   end if
+   end if
+   end if
+   end if
+   if(all(dimsizes(rgba_colors).eq.(/1,4/))) then
+     return(rgba_colors(0,:))
+   else
+     return(rgba_colors)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Given two named colors and the number of colors, this
+ ; function creates a series of RGB triplets that spans
+ ; between the two colors.
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("span_two_named_colors")
+ function span_two_named_colors(named1[1]:string,named2[1]:string,ncolors,
+                                opt[1]:logical)
+ local rgb, msg, hsv1, hsv2, ii, hsv_array, debug, opt2, 
+       beg_hue, end_hue, beg_sat, end_sat, beg_val, end_val
+ begin
+   opt2 = opt
+ ;---For debug prints
+   debug = get_res_value_keep(opt2,"Debug",False)
+   rgb = namedcolor2rgb((/named1,named2/))
+   msg = new(3,float)
+   if(any(ismissing(rgb))) then
+     print("Error:span_two_named_colors one or both of the named colors")
+     print("are invalid. Returning missing.")
+     return(msg)
+   end if
+ ;---Convert to HSV.
+   hsv1 = rgbhsv(rgb(0,:))
+   hsv2 = rgbhsv(rgb(1,:))
+   if(debug)
+     rgbstr1 = "(" + sprintf("%7.2f", rgb(0,0)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", rgb(0,1)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", rgb(0,2)) + ") "
+     hsvstr1 = "(" + sprintf("%7.2f", hsv1(0)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", hsv1(1)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", hsv1(2)) + ") "
+     rgbstr2 = "(" + sprintf("%7.2f", rgb(1,0)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", rgb(1,1)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", rgb(1,2)) + ") "
+     hsvstr2 = "(" + sprintf("%7.2f", hsv2(0)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", hsv2(1)) + ", " + 
+                     sprintf("%7.2f", hsv2(2)) + ") "
+     print(named1 + ", RGB: " + rgbstr1)
+     print(named2 + ", RGB: " + rgbstr2)
+     print(named1 + ", HSV: " + hsvstr1)
+     print(named2 + ", HSV: " + hsvstr2)
+   end if
+   if(ncolors.le.0.or.ncolors.gt.256) then
+     print("Error:span_two_named_colors: Invalid number of colors requested.")
+     print("Defaulting to 256.")
+     ncolors = 256
+   end if
+ ;---Create array to return
+   hsv_array = new((/ncolors,3/),float)
+ ;---Generate a span of colors from first color to second
+   beg_hue = hsv1(0)    ; begin HUE value
+   end_hue = hsv2(0)    ; end HUE value
+   beg_sat = hsv1(1)    ; begin SAT value
+   end_sat = hsv2(1)    ; end SAT value
+   beg_val = hsv1(2)    ; begin VAL value
+   end_val = hsv2(2)    ; end VAL value
+   ii             = ispan(0,ncolors-1,1)
+   hsv_array(:,0) = beg_hue + 
+                    ii*((end_hue-beg_hue)/(ncolors-1))
+   hsv_array(:,1) = beg_sat + 
+                    ii*((end_sat-beg_sat)/(ncolors-1))
+   hsv_array(:,2) = beg_val + 
+                    ii*((end_val-beg_val)/(ncolors-1))
+   return(hsvrgb(hsv_array))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Given a list of named colors, this function creates a 
+ ; series of RGB triplets that creates a span between each 
+ ; set of colors. The first two colors will be set to white
+ ; and black.
+ ;
+ ; By default, it will create a color map with 256 triplets.
+ ; The "opt" variable can be used to set the following
+ ; options:
+ ;
+ ;   opt at NumColorsInTable
+ ;      Number of colors to put in the color table.
+ ;      Must be <= 256 and > # of named colors specified.
+ ;
+ ;   opt at NumColorsInRange
+ ;      Number of colors to span between each set of
+ ;      named colors. For example, if you specify three 
+ ;      colors (/"red", "green", "blue","purple"/), and
+ ;      NumColorsInRange of (/5, 8, 4/), then you'll have a
+ ;      color table with:
+ ;
+ ;   0        1        2         6         13      16
+ ;  white   black     red......green......blue....purple
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("span_named_colors")
+ function span_named_colors(named_colors,opt[1]:logical)
+ local i, ncolt, ncols_per_rng, def_ncols_per_rng, nnamed, 
+       rgb_array, nbeg, nend, ncpg, debug, rgbtmp, opt2
+ begin
+   opt2 = opt
+ ;---For debug prints
+   debug = get_res_value_keep(opt2,"Debug",False)
+ ;---Get # of colors in color table.
+   ncolt  = get_res_value_keep(opt2,"NumColorsInTable",256)
+   if(ncolt.le.0) then
+     print("Error:span_named_colors: # of colors must be > 0")
+     return(new((/1,3/),float))
+   end if
+ ;---Background/foreground colors desired?
+   skip_bf = get_res_value_keep(opt2,"SkipBackgroundForeground",False)
+   if(ncolt.le.0) then
+     print("Error:span_named_colors: # of colors must be > 0")
+     return(new((/1,3/),float))
+   end if
+ ;---Check # of named colors.
+   nnamed = dimsizes(named_colors)
+   if(nnamed.le.1) then
+     print("Error:span_named_colors: You must specify more than one named color.")
+     return(new((/1,3/),float))
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get number of colors between each set of named colors.
+ ; The number in the range includes both end colors.
+ ;
+ ; Default is to use equally spaced colors.
+ ;
+   ncpg              = (ncolt-2)/(nnamed-1)
+   def_ncols_per_rng = new(nnamed-1,integer)
+   def_ncols_per_rng = ncpg
+   if(opt2.and.isatt(opt2,"NumColorsInRange")) then
+     ncols_per_rng = get_res_value_keep(opt2,"NumColorsInRange",-1)
+     if(dimsizes(ncols_per_rng).ne.(nnamed-1)) then
+       print("span_named_colors: Invalid # of colors per range.")
+       print("Using equally spaced colors.")
+       delete(ncols_per_rng)
+       ncols_per_rng = def_ncols_per_rng
+     end if
+   else
+     ncols_per_rng = def_ncols_per_rng
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate total number of colors and create RGB 
+ ; array to populate.
+ ;
+ ; Since the inside colors are part of two ranges, but only
+ ; counted once, you need to account for this. The "2" is
+ ; for the background, foreground coors.
+ ;
+   ncolt     = sum(ncols_per_rng)+2-(nnamed-2)
+   rgb_array = new((/ncolt,3/),float)
+   if(debug) then
+     print("# colors in table  = " + ncolt)
+   end if
+ ;---Background color defaults to white.
+   rgb_array(0,:) = (/1.,1.,1./)      ; White
+   if(opt2.and.isatt(opt2,"BackgroundColor")) then
+     rgbtmp = namedcolor2rgb(opt2 at BackgroundColor)
+     if(any(ismissing(rgbtmp))) then
+       print("span_named_colors: Invalid background color.")
+       print("Defaulting to white.")
+     else
+       rgb_array(0,:) = rgbtmp
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;---Foreground color defaults to black.
+   rgb_array(1,:) = (/0.,0.,0./)      ; Black
+   if(opt2.and.isatt(opt2,"ForegroundColor")) then
+     rgbtmp = namedcolor2rgb(opt2 at ForegroundColor)
+     if(any(ismissing(rgbtmp))) then
+       print("span_named_colors: Invalid foreground color.")
+       print("Defaulting to black.")
+     else
+       rgb_array(1,:) = rgbtmp
+     end if
+   end if
+   nbeg = 2
+   nend = nbeg + ncols_per_rng(0) - 1
+   do i=0,nnamed-2
+     if(debug) then
+       print("Indexes " + nbeg + " to " + nend + 
+             ", "+named_colors(i)+" to "+named_colors(i+1)+
+             ", " + ncols_per_rng(i) + " colors per range")
+     end if
+     rgb_array(nbeg:nend,:) = span_two_named_colors(named_colors(i), 
+                                                    named_colors(i+1), 
+                                                    ncols_per_rng(i),opt2)
+     if(i.lt.(nnamed-2)) then
+       nbeg = nend     ; Start where we ended
+       nend = nbeg + ncols_per_rng(i+1) -1
+     end if
+   end do
+   if(skip_bf) then
+     return(rgb_array(2:,:))
+   else
+     return(rgb_array)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : spread_colors                                              ;
+ ;                wks:graphic                                            ;
+ ;               plot:graphic                                            ;
+ ;          min_index:logical                                            ;
+ ;          max_index:logical                                            ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; In Version 6.1.0, gsnSpreadColors is basically deprecated, and        ;
+ ; replaced with cnSpanFillPalette, vcSpanFillPalette, etc, which are    ;
+ ; True by default. If the user sets gsnSpreadColorStart and/or          ;
+ ; gsnSpreadColorEnd to something other than their default values (2 and ;
+ ; -1), then the spread_colors algorithm will kick in.                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, all of the plotting routines use the first n colors from  ;
+ ; a color map, where "n" is the number of contour or vector levels.     ;
+ ; If "gsnSpreadColors" is set to  True, then the colors are spanned     ;
+ ; across the whole color map. The min_index and max_index values are    ;
+ ; used for the start and end colors.  If either min_index or max_index  ;
+ ; is < 0 (but not both), then this indicates to use ncol-i, where "i"   ;
+ ; is equal to the negative value.                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; If after adjusting for negative index color(s), and                   ;
+ ; max_index < min_index, then the colors are reversed.                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In NCL versions 6.0.0 and earlier, if you had both xxYYYYColors set   ;
+ ; and gsnSpreadColors was set to True, then the xxYYYYColors resource   ;
+ ; would be ignored, and gsnSpreadColors took precedence.                ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In versions 6.1.0 and later, the opposite is True. gsnSpreadColors    ;
+ ; is now True by default, but if you set xxYYYYColors, then this will   ;
+ ; take precedence, and no message will be printed.                      ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("spread_colors")
+ function spread_colors(wks:graphic,plot:graphic,min_index:integer,
+                         max_index:integer,res:logical)
+ local ncols, lcount, fcols, icols, minix, maxix, nc, fmin, fmax, class,
+ levelcountres, cmap
+ begin
+   if(.not.isvar("GSN_SPREAD_COLOR_DEBUG")) then
+   end if
+     print("spread_colors: at the top of this function")
+   end if
+   class = NhlClassName(plot)
+   if(.not.any(class.eq.(/"contourPlotClass","logLinPlotClass",
+                          "irregularPlotClass","vectorPlotClass", 
+                          "streamlinePlotClass"/)))
+     print("spread_colors: invalid plot: defaulting")
+     return(ispan(2,255,1))
+   end if
+   if (class.eq."contourPlotClass".or.class.eq."logLinPlotClass".or.
+       class.eq."irregularPlotClass")
+     levelcountres = "cnLevelCount"
+   else
+     if (class.eq."vectorPlotClass") then
+       levelcountres = "vcLevelCount"
+     else
+       levelcountres = "stLevelCount"
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;**********************************************************************
+ ; This code has to be replaced with the proper way to retrieve colors
+ ; once 6.1.0
+ ;**********************************************************************
+   getvalues wks
+     "wkColorMap" : cmap
+   end getvalues
+   ncols = dimsizes(cmap(:,0))
+     print("spread_colors: size of current color map is " + ncols)
+   end if
+   if (class.eq."contourPlotClass".or.class.eq."vectorPlotClass".or. 
+       class.eq."streamlinePlotClass")
+     getvalues plot
+       levelcountres : lcount
+     end getvalues
+   else
+     getvalues plot at contour
+       levelcountres : lcount
+     end getvalues
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; -1 indicates that min/max_index should be set equal to ncols - 1
+ ; -2 indicates that min/max_index should be set equal to ncols - 2, etc.
+ ;
+ ; If after adjusting for negative indices, and maxix < minix, then 
+ ; this implies that the user wants to reverse the colors.
+ ;
+   if (min_index .lt. 0)
+     minix = ncols + min_index
+   else
+     minix = min_index
+   end if
+   if (max_index .lt. 0)
+     maxix = ncols + max_index
+   else
+     maxix = max_index
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Make sure indices fall within range of the color map.
+ ;
+   minix = min((/ncols-1,max((/0,minix/))/))
+   maxix = min((/ncols-1,max((/0,maxix/))/))
+ ;
+ ; If maxix < minix, then colors are to be reversed.
+ ;
+   reverse = False
+   if(maxix.lt.minix)
+     reverse = True
+     itmp    = maxix
+     maxix   = minix
+     minix   = itmp
+   end if
+     print("spread_colors: minix/maxix = " + minix + "/" + maxix)
+   end if
+   fmin = new(1,float)
+   fmax = new(1,float)
+   fmin = minix
+   fmax = maxix
+   fcols = fspan(fmin,fmax,lcount+1)
+   if(.not.reverse)
+     icols = tointeger(fcols + 0.5)
+   else
+     icols = tointeger(fcols(::-1) + 0.5)
+   end if
+     print("spread_colors: icols = " + icols)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; There may be some cases where you want to return the indexes
+ ; here, for compatibility with NCL Version 6.0.0 and earlier.
+ ;
+   return(icols)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_overlay_plot                                           ;
+ ;                  plot  : graphic                                      ;
+ ;             class_name : string                                       ;
+ ;             plot_index : integer                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get a specified overlaid plot id. This function is based on Dennis'   ;
+ ; original GetOverlayPlot function.                                     ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_overlay_plot")
+ function get_overlay_plot(plot:graphic,class_name:string,plot_index:integer)
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve objects that have been overlaid on "plot".
+ ; 
+   getvalues plot
+     "pmOverlaySequenceIds" : overlay_ids
+   end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; Loop through these objects and check if any of them are a
+ ; match.
+ ;
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(overlay_ids))) then
+     num_instances = 0
+     do i=0,dimsizes(overlay_ids)-1
+       if(NhlClassName(overlay_ids(i)).eq.class_name)
+         if(num_instances.eq.plot_index) then
+           return(overlay_ids(i))
+         end if
+         num_instances = num_instances + 1
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If no match found, then check the plot itself.
+ ;
+   if(NhlClassName(plot).eq.class_name) then
+     return(plot)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; No match found, so return a missing object.
+ ;
+   print("get_overlay_plot: Error: no plot found matching conditions")
+   print("                  Returning a missing value.")
+   dum = new(1,graphic)
+   return(dum)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_contour_levels                                         ;
+ ;               plot: graphic                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get contour levels associated with "plot".                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_contour_levels")
+ function get_contour_levels(plot:graphic)
+ local overlay_plot
+ begin
+   overlay_plot = get_overlay_plot (plot, "contourPlotClass", 0)
+   if(.not.ismissing(overlay_plot)) then
+     getvalues overlay_plot
+       "cnLevels"     : levels
+       "cnLevelFlags" : level_flags
+     end getvalues
+     levels at flags = level_flags
+     return(levels)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Return missing if no plot was found.
+ ;
+   dum = new(1,float)
+   return(dum)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_contour_line_thicknesses                               ;
+ ;               plot: graphic                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get contour line thicknesses associated with "plot".                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_contour_line_thicknesses")
+ function get_contour_line_thicknesses(plot:graphic)
+ local overlay_plot
+ begin
+   overlay_plot = get_overlay_plot (plot, "contourPlotClass", 0)
+   if(.not.ismissing(overlay_plot)) then
+     getvalues overlay_plot
+       "cnLineThicknesses" : thicknesses
+     end getvalues
+     return(thicknesses)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Return missing if no plot was found.
+ ;
+   dum = new(1,float)
+   return(dum)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : fix_zero_contour                                           ;
+ ;              levels:numeric                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Make sure the 0th contour (if it exists) really is "0" and not        ;
+ ; something like "1.00001e-08".  But, we also have to make sure we don't;
+ ; have values like 1e-10, 1e-9, etc, where we *do* want "1e-10" label   ;
+ ; and not a "0". Don't even bother with checking if the minimum         ;
+ ; difference between the levels is less than 1e-5.                      ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("fix_zero_contour")
+ function fix_zero_contour(levels)
+ begin
+   nlevels = dimsizes(levels)
+   if(nlevels.gt.1) then
+     delta_levels = min( levels(1:nlevels-1) - levels(0:nlevels-2) )
+     if (ismissing(delta_levels)) then
+       return(levels)
+     end if
+     if(delta_levels.ge.1e-5)
+       do n=1,nlevels-2
+         if(fabs(levels(n)).le.1.e-5.and.levels(n-1).lt.0..and.levels(n+1).gt.0.)
+           levels(n) = 0.0
+         end if
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if  
+   return(levels)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : set_zero_line_thickness                                    ;
+ ;                plot : graphic                                         ;
+ ;           zthickness : numeric                                        ;
+ ;           cthickness : numeric                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Make the 0-th contour line the given thickness.                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Note that this function now recognizes the cnLineThicknesses resource ;
+ ; and will set the contour lines to this thickness, if set.             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; If thickness is equal to 0, then the line is just not drawn.          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("set_zero_line_thickness")
+ function set_zero_line_thickness(plot:graphic,zthickness,cthickness)
+ begin
+   levels  = get_contour_levels (plot)
+   nlevels = dimsizes(levels)
+   if (any(ismissing(levels)).or. nlevels.le.0) then
+     print ("set_zero_line_thickness: invalid contour levels, returning...")
+     return (plot)
+   end if
+   levels      = fix_zero_contour (levels)
+   thicknesses = new(nlevels, float)
+ ;
+ ; If cthickness is an array, then deal with that here.
+ ;
+   ncthk = dimsizes(cthickness)
+   if(ncthk.gt.1) then
+     thicknesses = 1.      ; First, default them to default thickness.
+     i = 0
+     do while(i.lt.ncthk.and.i.lt.nlevels)
+       thicknesses(i) = cthickness(i)
+       i = i + 1
+     end do
+   else
+     thicknesses = cthickness
+   end if
+   zeroind = ind(levels.eq.0.0)      ; Get index where level equals 0.0
+   if(.not.ismissing(zeroind)) then
+     if(zthickness.gt.0) then
+       thicknesses(zeroind) = zthickness
+    else
+       thicknesses(zeroind)  = 1.    ; Make it 1.0, but it doesn't matter
+                                     ; b/c we are turning off the drawing
+                                     ; of this line.
+       levels at flags(zeroind) = 0     ; Turn off the zero contour line
+     end if
+   end if
+   overlay_plot = get_overlay_plot (plot, "contourPlotClass", 0)
+   if(zthickness.gt.0) then
+     setvalues overlay_plot
+       "cnMonoLineThickness" : False
+       "cnLineThicknesses"   : thicknesses
+     end setvalues
+   else
+     setvalues overlay_plot
+       "cnMonoLineThickness" : False
+       "cnLevelFlags"        : levels at flags
+       "cnLineThicknesses"   : thicknesses
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+   return (plot)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : set_line_thickness_scale                                   ;
+ ;                plot : graphic                                         ;
+ ;               scale : numeric                                         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Scale the line thickness by the given numbers.                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("set_line_thickness_scale")
+ function set_line_thickness_scale(plot:graphic,scale)
+ begin
+   thicknesses  = get_contour_line_thicknesses (plot)
+   nthicknesses = dimsizes(thicknesses)
+   if (any(ismissing(thicknesses)).or. nthicknesses.le.0) then
+     print ("set_line_thickness_scale: invalid contour line thicknesses, returning...")
+     return (plot)
+   end if
+   thicknesses = scale * thicknesses
+   overlay_plot = get_overlay_plot (plot, "contourPlotClass", 0)
+   setvalues overlay_plot
+     "cnMonoLineThickness" : False
+     "cnLineThicknesses"   : thicknesses
+   end setvalues
+   return (plot)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : set_pos_neg_line_pattern                                   ;
+ ;                plot : graphic                                         ;
+ ;             npattern : numeric                                        ;
+ ;             ppattern : numeric                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Set the dash pattern of negative and/or positive contour lines.       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Note that this function also sets the rest of the line patterns to 0  ;
+ ; if both npattern and ppattern aren't both set.                        ;
+ ; The user can use the cnLineDashPatterns resource to override this.    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("set_pos_neg_line_pattern")
+ function set_pos_neg_line_pattern(plot:graphic,ppattern,npattern)
+ local set_pos, set_neg, levels, n, nlevels, patterns, overlay_plot
+ begin
+   levels  = get_contour_levels (plot)
+   nlevels = dimsizes(levels)
+   if (any(ismissing(levels)) .or. nlevels.le.0) then
+     print ("set_pos_neg_line_pattern: invalid contour levels, returning...")
+     return (plot)
+   end if
+   levels   = fix_zero_contour (levels)
+   patterns = new(nlevels,integer)
+   patterns = 0                                 ; default to solid line.
+ ;
+ ; Check if we have negative and/or positive patterns to set.
+ ;
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(npattern))) then
+     set_neg = True
+   else
+     set_neg = False
+   end if
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(ppattern))) then
+     set_pos = True
+   else
+     set_pos = False
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Loop through and set each contour level, if applicable.
+ ;
+   do n=0,nlevels-1
+     if (set_neg.and.levels(n).lt.0.) then
+       patterns(n) = npattern
+     end if
+     if (set_pos.and.levels(n).gt.0.) then
+       patterns(n) = ppattern
+     end if
+   end do
+   overlay_plot = get_overlay_plot (plot, "contourPlotClass", 0)
+   setvalues overlay_plot
+     "cnMonoLineDashPattern" : False
+     "cnLineDashPatterns"    : patterns
+   end setvalues
+   return (plot)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : check_for_irreg2loglin                                    ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;            xlinear:logical                                            ;
+ ;            ylinear:logical                                            ;
+ ;               xlog:logical                                            ;
+ ;               ylog:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; If any of the sf*Array or vf*Array resources are set, this puts the   ;
+ ; plot into "irregular" mode. If you want to make any of your axes log  ;
+ ; or linear then, you have to overlay it on a LogLin plot.              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By setting one of the resources gsn{X,Y}AxisIrregular2Linear or       ;
+ ; gsnXAxisIrregular2Log to True, the overlay is done for you. This      ;
+ ; procedure checks for these resources being set and sets some logical  ;
+ ; variables accordingly.                                                ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("check_for_irreg2loglin")
+ procedure check_for_irreg2loglin(res:logical,xlinear:logical, 
+                                  ylinear:logical,
+                                  xlog:logical,ylog:logical)
+ begin
+   xlinear = get_res_value(res,"gsnXAxisIrregular2Linear",xlinear)
+   ylinear = get_res_value(res,"gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear",ylinear)
+   xlog    = get_res_value(res,"gsnXAxisIrregular2Log",xlog)
+   ylog    = get_res_value(res,"gsnYAxisIrregular2Log",ylog)
+   if(ylog.and.ylinear)
+     print("Error: You cannot set both gsnYAxisIrregular2Log")
+     print("and gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear to True.")
+     exit
+   end if
+   if(xlog.and.xlinear)
+      print("Error: You cannot set both gsnXAxisIrregular2Log")
+      print("and gsnXAxisIrregular2Linear to True.")
+      exit
+   end if
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function checks if a data array is 1D or 2D and returns False if ;
+ ; is not.                                                               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_data_1d_or_2d")
+ function is_data_1d_or_2d(data)
+ begin
+   dims = dimsizes(data)
+   rank = dimsizes(dims)
+   if(rank.eq.1.or.rank.eq.2) then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : overlay_irregular                                          ;
+ ;                        wks:graphic                                    ;
+ ;                    wksname: string                                    ;
+ ;        overlay_plot_object: graphic                                   ;
+ ;                data_object: graphic                                   ;
+ ;                    xlinear: logical                                   ;
+ ;                    ylinear: logical                                   ;
+ ;                       xlog: logical                                   ;
+ ;                       ylog: logical                                   ;
+ ;                       type: string                                    ;
+ ;                      llres: logical                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; If xlinear and/or ylinear are set to linear or log, then overlay      ;
+ ; plot on an irregularPlotClass so that we can linearize or logize      ;
+ ; the appropriate axis.                                                 ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("overlay_irregular")
+ function overlay_irregular(wks,wksname,overlay_plot_object:graphic,
+                            data_object:graphic,xlinear:logical, 
+                            ylinear:logical,xlog:logical,ylog:logical,
+                            type:string,llres:logical)
+ local xaxistype,yaxistype,trxmin,trymin,trxmax,trymax,Xpts,Ypts,is_tm_mode
+ begin
+   if(xlinear) then
+     xaxistype = "LinearAxis"
+   else  
+     if(xlog) then
+       xaxistype = "LogAxis"
+     else
+       xaxistype = "IrregularAxis"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(ylinear) then
+     yaxistype = "LinearAxis"
+   else  
+     if(ylog) then
+       yaxistype = "LogAxis"
+     else
+       yaxistype = "IrregularAxis"
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve information about existing plot so we can use these values
+ ; to create new overlay plot object.
+ ;
+   getvalues overlay_plot_object
+     "trXMinF"    : trxmin
+     "trXMaxF"    : trxmax
+     "trYMinF"    : trymin
+     "trYMaxF"    : trymax
+   end getvalues
+   if(type.eq."contour") then
+     getvalues data_object
+       "sfXArray"   : Xpts
+       "sfYArray"   : Ypts
+     end getvalues
+   else 
+     if(type.eq."vector".or.type.eq."streamline") then
+       getvalues data_object
+         "vfXArray"   : Xpts
+         "vfYArray"   : Ypts
+       end getvalues
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If x/yaxistype is irregular, then we must set trX/YCoordPoints.
+ ; Oherwise, we can't set trX/YCoordPoints, because we'll get an
+ ; error message. So, we have to do all kinds of tests to see which
+ ; axes are irregular, and which ones are log or linear.
+ ;
+ ; Also, if Xpts or Ypts are missing, this means the corresponding
+ ; axis can't be irregular.
+ ;
+   if(any(ismissing(Xpts)).and.xaxistype.eq."IrregularAxis") then
+     xaxistype = "LinearAxis"
+   end if
+   if(any(ismissing(Ypts)).and.yaxistype.eq."IrregularAxis") then
+     yaxistype = "LinearAxis"
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If both axes at this point are Irregular, then there is no point
+ ; in overlaying it on an irregular plot class. We then have
+ ; three possible cases:
+ ;
+ ;   Case 1: Both X and Y axes are either linear or log.
+ ;   Case 2: X axis is irregular and Y axis is linear or log.
+ ;   Case 3: Y axis is irregular and X axis is linear or log.
+ ;
+   if(xaxistype.eq."IrregularAxis".and.yaxistype.eq."IrregularAxis") then
+     return(overlay_plot_object)
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Case 1
+ ;
+ ; If pmTickMarkDisplayMode is set, we need to set it during the
+ ; create call, and not afterwards.  But, we can't assume a default
+ ; default value, because it varies depending on the type of plot
+ ; being created. So, we have to do the kludgy thing of checking
+ ; for it, and only setting it if the user has set it.
+ ;
+     is_tm_mode = isatt(llres,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode")
+     if(is_tm_mode) then
+       tm_mode = get_display_mode(llres,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","NoCreate")
+       delete(llres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode)
+     end if
+     if(xaxistype.ne."IrregularAxis".and. 
+        yaxistype.ne."IrregularAxis") then
+       if(is_tm_mode) then
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_irregular" irregularPlotClass wks
+           "pmTickMarkDisplayMode" : tm_mode
+           "trXAxisType"    : xaxistype
+           "trYAxisType"    : yaxistype
+           "trXMinF"        : trxmin
+           "trXMaxF"        : trxmax
+           "trYMinF"        : trymin
+           "trYMaxF"        : trymax
+         end create
+       else
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_irregular" irregularPlotClass wks
+           "trXAxisType"    : xaxistype
+           "trYAxisType"    : yaxistype
+           "trXMinF"        : trxmin
+           "trXMaxF"        : trxmax
+           "trYMinF"        : trymin
+           "trYMaxF"        : trymax
+       end create
+       end if
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Case 2
+ ;
+     if(xaxistype.eq."IrregularAxis".and. 
+        yaxistype.ne."IrregularAxis") then
+       if(is_tm_mode) then
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_irregular" irregularPlotClass wks
+           "pmTickMarkDisplayMode" : tm_mode
+           "trXAxisType"    : xaxistype
+           "trYAxisType"    : yaxistype
+           "trXCoordPoints" : Xpts
+           "trXMinF"        : trxmin
+           "trXMaxF"        : trxmax
+           "trYMinF"        : trymin
+           "trYMaxF"        : trymax
+         end create
+       else
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_irregular" irregularPlotClass wks
+           "trXAxisType"    : xaxistype
+           "trYAxisType"    : yaxistype
+           "trXCoordPoints" : Xpts
+           "trXMinF"        : trxmin
+           "trXMaxF"        : trxmax
+           "trYMinF"        : trymin
+           "trYMaxF"        : trymax
+         end create
+       end if
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Case 3
+ ;
+     if(yaxistype.eq."IrregularAxis".and. 
+        xaxistype.ne."IrregularAxis") then
+       if(is_tm_mode) then
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_irregular" irregularPlotClass wks
+           "pmTickMarkDisplayMode" : tm_mode
+           "trXAxisType"    : xaxistype
+           "trYAxisType"    : yaxistype
+           "trYCoordPoints" : Ypts
+           "trXMinF"        : trxmin
+           "trXMaxF"        : trxmax
+           "trYMinF"        : trymin
+           "trYMaxF"        : trymax
+         end create
+       else
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_irregular" irregularPlotClass wks
+           "trXAxisType"    : xaxistype
+           "trYAxisType"    : yaxistype
+           "trYCoordPoints" : Ypts
+           "trXMinF"        : trxmin
+           "trXMaxF"        : trxmax
+           "trYMinF"        : trymin
+           "trYMaxF"        : trymax
+         end create
+       end if
+     end if
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,llres)
+     overlay(plot_object,overlay_plot_object)
+     plot_object@$type$ = overlay_plot_object
+   end if
+   return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : get_plot_not_loglin                                        ;
+ ;                plot:graphic                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Determine what class type "plot" is. If it's a logLinPlotClass, then  ;
+ ; It should have an attribute "contour", "vector", "xy", or             ;
+ ; "streamine" that is the corresponding contour or vector plot.         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_plot_not_loglin")
+ function get_plot_not_loglin(plot:graphic)
+ local class
+ begin
+   new_plot           = new(1,graphic)
+   new_plot at plot_type = "unknown"
+   class = NhlClassName(plot)
+   if(class(0).ne."contourPlotClass".and.class(0).ne."vectorPlotClass".and. 
+      class(0).ne."xyPlotClass".and.class(0).ne."streamlinePlotClass") then
+     if(isatt(plot,"contour")) then
+       new_plot = plot at contour
+       new_plot at plot_type = "contour"
+     else if(isatt(plot,"vector")) then
+       new_plot = plot at vector
+       new_plot at plot_type = "vector"
+     else if(isatt(plot,"streamline")) then
+       new_plot = plot at streamline
+       new_plot at plot_type = "streamline"
+     else
+       found = False
+       getvalues plot
+         "pmOverlaySequenceIds" : base_ids
+       end getvalues
+       if(.not.any(ismissing(base_ids))) then
+         nbase = dimsizes(base_ids)
+         i = 0
+         do while(.not.found.and.i.lt.nbase) 
+           bclass = NhlClassName(base_ids(i))
+           if(bclass.eq."contourPlotClass") then
+             new_plot = base_ids(i)
+             new_plot at plot_type = "contour"
+             found = True
+           else if(bclass.eq."vectorPlotClass") then
+             new_plot = base_ids(i)
+             new_plot at plot_type = "vector"
+             found = True
+           else if(bclass.eq."streamlinePlotClass") then
+             new_plot = base_ids(i)
+             new_plot at plot_type = "streamline"
+             found = True
+           else if(bclass.eq."xyPlotClass") then
+             new_plot = base_ids(i)
+             new_plot at plot_type = "xy"
+             found = True
+           end if
+           end if
+           end if
+           end if
+           i = i + 1
+         end do
+       end if
+       if(.not.found) then
+         new_plot = plot(0)
+       end if
+     end if
+     end if
+     end if
+   else
+     if(class(0).eq."contourPlotClass") then
+       new_plot = plot(0)
+       new_plot at plot_type = "contour"
+     else if(class(0).eq."vectorPlotClass") then
+       new_plot = plot(0)
+       new_plot at plot_type = "vector"
+     else if(class(0).eq."streamlinePlotClass") then
+       new_plot = plot(0)
+       new_plot at plot_type = "streamline"
+     else if(class(0).eq."xyPlotClass") then
+       new_plot = plot(0)
+       new_plot at plot_type = "xy"
+     end if
+     end if
+     end if
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(new_plot)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; function : get_plot_labelbar                                          ;
+ ;                plot:graphic                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is for gsn_panel, to help it determine which plot info  ;
+ ; to use to construct a labelbar.                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In a future release of NCL (> 6.1.0), we hope to make the PlotManager ;
+ ; the default labelbar, so we added some checks to this code for        ; 
+ ; pmLabelBarDisplayMode being equal to 1 ("Always").                    ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_plot_labelbar")
+ function get_plot_labelbar(plot:graphic)
+ local found, id_class, i, ids, nids, class_name
+ begin
+   new_plot = new(1,graphic)
+ ;
+ ; If new_plot contains a "labelbar" attribute, it likely came
+ ; from one of the vector_scalar functions, in which the
+ ; labelbar could either be from filled contours, or colored
+ ; vectors.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(plot,"labelbar").and.isatt(plot,"labelbar_type")) then
+     new_plot           = plot at labelbar
+     new_plot at plot_type = plot at labelbar_type
+     return(new_plot)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; This part was added in NCL V6.1.0, to test for a PlotManager
+ ; labelbar. If it's there, then return this.
+ ;
+   class_name = NhlClassName(plot)
+   if(any(class_name.eq.(/"ContourPlot","VectorPlot","StreamlinePlot"/))) then
+     getvalues plot
+       "pmLabelBarDisplayMode" : lbar_mode
+     end getvalues
+ ;---lbar_mode.eq.1 --> "Always"
+     if(lbar_mode.eq.1) then
+       new_plot = plot
+       new_plot at PlotManagerLabelBar = True
+       return(new_plot)
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; This code was added after V5.1.1. It is better to use the
+ ; overlay ids to detect what overlay plots there are, and
+ ; then figure out from resources set which ones might 
+ ; potentially require a labelbar.
+ ;
+ ; Note that this test will favor contour plots over
+ ; vector over streamline plots, and it will use the
+ ; first plot that it finds.
+ ;
+   getvalues plot
+     "pmOverlaySequenceIds" : ids
+   end getvalues
+   nids = dimsizes(ids)
+   found = False
+   i = 0
+   do while(.not.found.and.i.lt.nids) 
+     id_class = NhlClassName(ids(i))
+     if(id_class.eq."contourPlotClass") then
+       getvalues ids(i)
+         "cnFillOn"              : cn_fillon
+         "pmLabelBarDisplayMode" : lbar_mode
+       end getvalues 
+       if(lbar_mode.eq.1.or.cn_fillon) then
+         found = True
+         new_plot = ids(i)
+         new_plot at plot_type = "contour"
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(id_class.eq."vectorPlotClass") then
+ ;
+ ;  Glyph styles:
+      ; 0 = linearrow, 1 = fillarrow, 2 = windbarb, 3 = curlyvector
+ ;
+       getvalues ids(i)
+         "vcGlyphStyle"             : vc_glyphstyle
+         "vcMonoFillArrowFillColor" : vc_monofillarrowfillcolor
+         "vcMonoLineArrowColor"     : vc_monolinearrowcolor
+         "vcMonoWindBarbColor"      : vc_monowindbarbcolor
+         "pmLabelBarDisplayMode"    : lbar_mode
+       end getvalues
+       if( (lbar_mode.eq.1) .or.
+           (vc_glyphstyle.eq.0.and..not.vc_monolinearrowcolor) .or.
+           (vc_glyphstyle.eq.1.and..not.vc_monofillarrowfillcolor) .or. 
+           (vc_glyphstyle.eq.2.and..not.vc_monowindbarbcolor)  .or. 
+           (vc_glyphstyle.eq.3.and..not.vc_monolinearrowcolor)) then
+         found = True
+         new_plot = ids(i)
+         new_plot at plot_type = "vector"
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(id_class.eq."streamlinePlotClass") then
+       getvalues ids(i)
+         "stMonoLineColor"       : st_monolinecolor
+         "pmLabelBarDisplayMode" : lbar_mode
+       end getvalues
+       if(lbar_mode.eq.1.or..not.st_monolinecolor) then
+         found = True
+         new_plot = ids(i)
+         new_plot at plot_type = "streamline"
+       end if
+     end if
+     i = i + 1
+   end do
+   if(found) then
+     return(new_plot)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If all else fails, do it the "old" way before V5.2.0.
+ ;
+   new_plot = get_plot_not_loglin(plot)
+   return(new_plot)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : maximize_bb                                               ;
+ ;               plot : graphic                                         ;
+ ;                res : logical                                         ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; This function computes the viewport coordinates needed to optimize   ;
+ ; the size of a plot on a page. If the plot is too big for the         ;
+ ; viewport, then this function will decrease the plot size.            ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; plot : plot to maximize on the page.                                 ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; res : list of optional resources. Ones accepted include:             ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;     "gsnBoxMargin" - margin to leave around plots (in NDC units,     ;
+ ;                     default is 0.02)                                 ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;**********************************************************************;
+ undef("maximize_bb")
+ function maximize_bb(plot[1]:graphic,res:logical)
+ local coords, top, bot, lft, rgt, width, height, margin
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Get resources.
+ ;
+   margin = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnBoxMargin",0.02)
+ ;
+ ; Get bounding box of plot.
+ ;
+   bb = NhlGetBB(plot)
+   top = bb(0)
+   bot = bb(1)
+   lft = bb(2)
+   rgt = bb(3)
+ ;
+ ; Get height/width of plot in NDC units.
+ ;
+   uw = rgt - lft
+   uh = top - bot
+ ;
+ ; Calculate scale factor needed to make plot larger (or smaller, if it's
+ ; outside the viewport).
+ ;
+   scale = (1 - 2*margin)/max((/uw,uh/))
+ ;
+ ; Get the viewport.
+ ;
+   getvalues plot
+     "vpXF"      : vpx
+     "vpYF"      : vpy
+     "vpWidthF"  : vpw
+     "vpHeightF" : vph
+   end getvalues
+   dx = scale * (vpx - lft) ; Calculate distance from plot's left position
+                            ; to its leftmost annotation
+   dy = scale * (top - vpy) ; Calculate distance from plot's top position
+                            ; to its topmost annotation.
+ ;
+ ; Calculate new viewport coordinates.
+ ; 
+   new_uw = uw * scale
+   new_uh = uh * scale
+   new_ux =     .5 * (1-new_uw)
+   new_uy = 1 - .5 * (1-new_uh)
+   new_vpx = new_ux + dx
+   new_vpy = new_uy - dy
+   new_vpw = vpw * scale
+   new_vph = vph * scale
+ ;
+ ; Return new coordinates 
+ ;
+   return((/new_vpx,new_vpy,new_vpw,new_vph/))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure writes a series of strings to a given string array and ;
+ ; increments the line counter.                                          ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("write_lines")
+ procedure write_lines(strs, thelines, numlines)
+ local nstrs
+ begin
+   nstrs   = dimsizes(strs)        ; Number of strings to write.
+   ntlines = dimsizes(thelines)    ; Number of available lines.
+   if((numlines+nstrs).gt.ntlines) then
+     print("write_lines: error: array is not big enough to hold new lines")
+     print("             no lines will be written")
+     return
+   end if
+   thelines(numlines:numlines+nstrs-1) = strs          ; Add strings
+   numlines                            = numlines + nstrs
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure is to be used in conjunction with gsnp_write_debug_info;
+ ; It takes care of the special case where "lat2d" and "lon2d" attributes;
+ ; may be attached to the data array. You can't write 2D attributes to a ;
+ ; netCDF file, so we write them as 1D with information that we can use  ;
+ ; to reconstruct the 2D array later.                                    ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("add_latlon2d_debug_info")
+ procedure add_latlon2d_debug_info(data)
+ local dims_lat, dims_lon
+ begin
+   if(isatt(data,"lat2d")) then
+     dims_lat = dimsizes(data at lat2d)
+     if(dimsizes(dims_lat).eq.2) then
+       data at lat1d_yndim = dims_lat(0)
+       data at lat1d_xndim = dims_lat(1)
+       data at lat1d       = ndtooned(data at lat2d)
+       delete(data at lat2d)
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(isatt(data,"lon2d")) then
+     dims_lon = dimsizes(data at lon2d)
+     if(dimsizes(dims_lon).eq.2) then
+       data at lon1d_yndim = dims_lon(0)
+       data at lon1d_xndim = dims_lon(1)
+       data at lon1d       = ndtooned(data at lon2d)
+       delete(data at lon2d)
+     end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure is used in conjunction with add_laton2d_debug_info.    ;
+ ; It adds back lat2d/lon2d attributes that were removed earlier, and    ;
+ ; removes attribute info that was added to a data array (all in support ;
+ ; of the gsnp_write_debug_info procedure).                              ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("fix_latlon2d_debug_info")
+ procedure fix_latlon2d_debug_info(ldata)
+ begin
+   if(isatt(ldata,"lat1d").and. 
+      isatt(ldata,"lat1d_yndim").and.
+      isatt(ldata,"lat1d_xndim").and.
+      isatt(ldata,"lon1d").and. 
+      isatt(ldata,"lon1d_yndim").and.
+      isatt(ldata,"lon1d_xndim")) then
+     ldata at lat2d = onedtond(ldata at lat1d,(/ldata at lat1d_yndim,ldata at lat1d_xndim/))
+     ldata at lon2d = onedtond(ldata at lon1d,(/ldata at lon1d_yndim,ldata at lon1d_xndim/))
+     delete(ldata at lat1d_yndim)
+     delete(ldata at lat1d_xndim)
+     delete(ldata at lon1d_yndim)
+     delete(ldata at lon1d_xndim)
+     delete(ldata at lat1d)
+     delete(ldata at lon1d)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure is used in conjunction with add_laton2d_debug_info.    ;
+ ; and gsnp_write_debug_info. It writes lines to an NCL script that      ;
+ ; reconstructs lat2d and lon2d attribute information.                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("write_latlon2d_lines")
+ procedure write_latlon2d_lines(ldata, ldata_name[1]:string, thelines, numlines)
+ local nlines
+ begin
+   if(isatt(ldata,"lat1d").and. 
+      isatt(ldata,"lat1d_yndim").and.
+      isatt(ldata,"lat1d_xndim").and.
+      isatt(ldata,"lon1d").and. 
+      isatt(ldata,"lon1d_yndim").and.
+      isatt(ldata,"lon1d_xndim")) then
+     nlines = (/"  " + ldata_name + "@lat2d = onedtond(" + ldata_name + 
+                "@lat1d,(/" + ldata_name + "@lat1d_yndim," + ldata_name + 
+                "@lat1d_xndim/))", 
+                "  " + ldata_name + "@lon2d = onedtond(" + ldata_name + 
+                "@lon1d,(/" + ldata_name + "@lon1d_yndim," + ldata_name + 
+                "@lon1d_xndim/))"/)
+     write_lines( nlines, thelines, numlines)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure writes a standard resource file that changes the font  ;
+ ; to helvetica, foreground/background colors to white/black, and the    ;
+ ; function code to "~".                                                 ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("write_debug_res_file")
+ procedure write_debug_res_file(resfname[1]:string)
+ local reslines
+ begin
+   reslines = (/"*wkForegroundColor : (/0.,0.,0./)", 
+                "*wkBackgroundColor : (/1.,1.,1./)", 
+                "*Font              : helvetica",    
+                "*TextFuncCode      : ~"/)
+   asciiwrite(resfname,reslines)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure writes some debug info (data and plot resource values) ;
+ ; to a netCDF file and creates an NCL file to plot the data.            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsnp_write_debug_info")
+ procedure gsnp_write_debug_info(data1,data2,data3,gsn_name[1]:string,
+                                 plot_res[1]:logical,ndfiles[1]:integer)
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Can only deal with up to three data files.
+ ;
+   if(ndfiles.lt.0.or.ndfiles.gt.3) then
+     print("gsnp_write_debug_info: error: can only have 0-3 data files.")
+     exit
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Valid plot function names that this routine can be use for.
+ ;
+   gsn_names = (/"gsn_contour", "gsn_contour_map", "gsn_csm_contour", 
+                 "gsn_csm_contour_map", "gsn_csm_contour_map_ce", 
+                 "gsn_csm_contour_map_other", 
+                 "gsn_csm_contour_map_polar", "gsn_csm_hov", 
+                 "gsn_csm_lat_time", "gsn_csm_map", "gsn_csm_map_ce", 
+                 "gsn_csm_map_other", "gsn_csm_map_polar", 
+                 "gsn_csm_pres_hgt", "gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline", 
+                 "gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector", "gsn_csm_streamline", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_other", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_map", "gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_map_other", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar",  
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_ce", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_other", 
+                 "gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_polar", 
+                 "gsn_csm_time_lat", "gsn_csm_vector", "gsn_csm_vector_map", 
+                 "gsn_csm_vector_map_ce", "gsn_csm_vector_map_other", 
+                 "gsn_csm_vector_map_polar", "gsn_csm_vector_scalar", 
+                 "gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map", 
+                 "gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce", 
+                 "gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_other", 
+                 "gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar", 
+                 "gsn_csm_xy", "gsn_csm_y", "gsn_histogram", "gsn_map", 
+                 "gsn_streamline", "gsn_streamline_contour", 
+                 "gsn_streamline_map", "gsn_vector", 
+                 "gsn_vector_contour", "gsn_vector_contour_map", 
+                 "gsn_vector_map", "gsn_vector_scalar", "gsn_streamline_scalar", 
+                 "gsn_vector_scalar_map", "gsn_streamline_scalar_map", 
+                 "gsn_xy", "gsn_y"/)
+   if(.not.any(gsn_name.eq.gsn_names)) then
+     print("gsnp_write_debug_info: error: do not recognize " + gsn_name + " as a")
+     print("valid plot function name that can be used with this procedure.")
+     exit
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Create netCDF and NCL files to write to. The default will be
+ ; "debug.ncl" and "debug.nc" unless otherwise specified.
+ ;
+   debug_file = get_res_value(plot_res,"gsnDebugWriteFileName", 
+                              unique_string("debug"))
+   cdf_debug_file = debug_file +  ".nc"
+   ncl_debug_file = debug_file +  ".ncl"
+   res_debug_file = debug_file +  ".res"
+   if(fileexists(cdf_debug_file).or.fileexists(ncl_debug_file).or.
+      fileexists(res_debug_file)) then
+     print("gsnp_write_debug_info: error: debug files '" + cdf_debug_file + "',")
+     print("'" + ncl_debug_file + "' and/or " + res_debug_file + " exist.")
+     print("Please remove file(s) and start script again.")
+     exit
+   else
+     dfile = addfile(cdf_debug_file,"c")
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Write the plot data to the netCDF file.  If the data contains the
+ ; special 2D lat2d/lon2d arrays, we have to write these as 1D arrays
+ ; and reconstruct them as 2D later.
+ ;
+   if(ndfiles.ge.1) then
+     add_latlon2d_debug_info(data1)
+     dfile->PlotData = data1           ; Write the data
+   end if
+   if(ndfiles.ge.2) then
+     add_latlon2d_debug_info(data2)
+     dfile->PlotData2 = data2
+   end if
+   if(ndfiles.ge.3) then
+     add_latlon2d_debug_info(data3)
+     dfile->PlotData3 = data3
+   end if
+   dfile at gsn_function = stringtochar(gsn_name)  ; Write name of gsn_xxx routine
+ ;
+ ; If the colormap is not a name of a colormap, or a string array of
+ ; colors, then this means we have a colormap that we need to write
+ ; to the netCDF file as data.
+ ;
+   colormap = get_res_value(plot_res,"gsnDebugWriteColorMap","")
+   if(typeof(colormap).ne."string")
+     dfile->ColorMap = colormap         ; Write to file so we can read later.
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get plot resources, if any.
+ ;
+   pattnames = getvaratts(plot_res)
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(pattnames))) then
+     natt = dimsizes(pattnames)
+   else
+     natt = 0
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get plot attributes, if any, and check if any of them are ones
+ ; that can contain big data arrays, like sfXArray, vfYArray, etc.
+ ; If so, then write these to the netCDF file. Otherwise, write them
+ ; to the file as attributes.
+ ;
+   array_resources = (/"sfXArray","sfYArray","vfXArray","vfYArray"/)
+   if(natt.gt.0) then
+     do i=0,natt-1
+       if(any(pattnames(i).eq.array_resources)) then
+         dfile->$pattnames(i)$ = plot_res@$pattnames(i)$
+       else
+         if(typeof(plot_res@$pattnames(i)$).eq."logical") then
+           if(plot_res@$pattnames(i)$) then
+             dfile@$pattnames(i)$ = 1
+           else
+             dfile@$pattnames(i)$ = 0
+           end if
+         else
+           dfile@$pattnames(i)$ = plot_res@$pattnames(i)$
+         end if
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Create NCL script that plots data.
+ ;
+   q = inttochar(34)      ; 34 is the decimal equivalent of double quote (")
+   lines  = new(30+natt,string)   ; Roughly how many lines we need
+   nlines = 0
+   write_lines("load " + q + "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" + q, lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("load " + q + "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" + q, lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("begin", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines(";", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("; Read in data.", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines(";", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("  cdf_file = addfile(" + q + cdf_debug_file + q + "," + q + "r" + q + ")", lines, nlines)
+   if(ndfiles.ge.1) then
+     write_lines("  data1 = cdf_file->PlotData", lines, nlines)
+     write_latlon2d_lines(data1, "data1", lines, nlines)
+   end if
+   if(ndfiles.ge.2) then
+     write_lines("  data2 = cdf_file->PlotData2", lines, nlines)
+     write_latlon2d_lines(data2, "data2", lines, nlines)
+   end if
+   if(ndfiles.ge.3) then
+     write_lines("  data3 = cdf_file->PlotData3", lines, nlines)
+     write_latlon2d_lines(data3, "data3", lines, nlines)
+   end if
+   write_lines("", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines(";", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("; Open PNG file.", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines(";", lines, nlines)
+   write_lines("  wks = gsn_open_wks(" + q + "png" + q + ", " + q + debug_file + q + ")", lines, nlines)
+ ;
+ ; Set colormap, if one inputted by user.
+ ;
+   if(typeof(colormap).ne."string") then
+     write_lines("  gsn_define_colormap(wks, cdf_file->ColorMap)", 
+                 lines, nlines)
+   else
+     if(colormap.ne."") then
+       write_lines("  gsn_define_colormap(wks," +  q + colormap + q + 
+                   ")", lines, nlines)
+     else
+       write_lines(";  gsn_define_colormap(wks, " + colormap + ")", lines, nlines)
+     end if
+   end if
+   write_lines("", lines, nlines)
+ ;
+ ; Loop through resources written to netCDF file and add them to NCL
+ ; script. If one of the array resources are encountered, this means the
+ ; value should be read off the file as a variable.
+ ;
+ ; If one of the ignore_resources is encountered, write it to
+ ; the script, but comment it out.
+ ;
+   ignore_resources = (/"gsnDraw","gsnFrame"/)
+   if(natt.gt.0) then
+     write_lines("  res = True", lines, nlines)
+     do i=0,natt-1
+       if(any(pattnames(i).eq.ignore_resources)) then
+         cc = ";"      ; Set comment char
+       else
+         cc = ""       ; Don't set comment char
+       end if
+       if(typeof(plot_res@$pattnames(i)$).eq."string") then
+         qc = q      ; Set quote char
+       else
+         qc = ""     ; Don't set quote char
+       end if
+       if(any(pattnames(i).eq.array_resources)) then
+         write_lines(cc + "  res@" + pattnames(i) + " = cdf_file->" + 
+                     pattnames(i), lines, nlines)
+       else
+         narr = dimsizes(plot_res@$pattnames(i)$)
+         if(narr.eq.1) then
+           write_lines(cc + "  res@" + pattnames(i) + " = " + qc + 
+                       plot_res@$pattnames(i)$ + qc, lines, nlines)
+         else
+ ;
+ ; We have to write out an array of attribute values.
+ ;
+           build_str = cc + "  res@" + pattnames(i) + " = (/"
+           do na=0,narr-2
+             build_str = build_str + qc + plot_res@$pattnames(i)$(na) + qc + ", "
+           end do
+           build_str = build_str + qc + plot_res@$pattnames(i)$(narr-1) + qc + "/)"
+           write_lines(build_str, lines, nlines)
+         end if
+       end if
+       delete(qc)
+     end do
+   else
+     write_lines("  res = False", lines, nlines)
+   end if
+   write_lines("", lines, nlines)
+   if(ndfiles.eq.0) then
+     if(gsn_name.eq."gsn_map") then
+       proj = get_res_value_keep(plot_res,"mpProjection","CylindricalEquidistant")
+       write_lines("  plot = " + gsn_name + "(wks," + q + proj + 
+                   q + ", res)", lines, nlines)
+     else
+       write_lines("  plot = " + gsn_name + "(wks, res)", lines, nlines)
+     end if
+   else
+     if(ndfiles.eq.1) then
+       write_lines("  plot = " + gsn_name + "(wks, data1, res)", lines, nlines)
+     else
+       if(ndfiles.eq.2) then
+         write_lines("  plot = " + gsn_name + "(wks, data1, data2, res)", lines, nlines)
+       else
+         write_lines("  plot = " + gsn_name + "(wks, data1, data2, data3, res)", lines, nlines)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+   write_lines("end", lines, nlines)
+ ;
+ ; Write NCL script and resource file.
+ ;
+   asciiwrite(ncl_debug_file,lines(:nlines-1))
+   write_debug_res_file(res_debug_file)
+ ;
+ ; Print some information.
+ ;
+   print("gsnp_write_debug_info: debug info written to:")
+   print("  '" + ncl_debug_file + "'")
+   print("  '" + cdf_debug_file + "'")
+   print("  '" + res_debug_file + "'")
+ ;
+ ; Clean up. Put the lat2d/lon2d attributes back, if there were any.
+ ;  
+   if(ndfiles.ge.1) then
+     fix_latlon2d_debug_info(data1)
+   end if
+   if(ndfiles.ge.2) then
+     fix_latlon2d_debug_info(data2)
+   end if
+   if(ndfiles.ge.3) then
+     fix_latlon2d_debug_info(data3)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsnp_turn_off_tickmarks                                   ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, tickmarks are drawn on all plots that aren't overlaid on  ;
+ ; a map. If gsnTickMarksOn is set to False, then this turns off the     ;
+ ; drawing of tick marks.  This procedure just sets the resources        ;
+ ; necessary in order to turn off tick marks.                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsnp_turn_off_tickmarks")
+ procedure gsnp_turn_off_tickmarks(res:logical)
+ begin
+   set_attr(res,"tmXBBorderOn",False )
+   set_attr(res,"tmXBOn",      False)
+   set_attr(res,"tmXTBorderOn",False)
+   set_attr(res,"tmXTOn",      False)
+   set_attr(res,"tmYLBorderOn",False)
+   set_attr(res,"tmYLOn",      False)
+   set_attr(res,"tmYRBorderOn",False)
+   set_attr(res,"tmYROn",      False)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsnp_point_tickmarks_outward                              ;
+ ;              plot:object                                              ;
+ ;               res:logical                                             ;
+ ;              x_major_length:numeric                                   ;
+ ;              y_major_length:numeric                                   ;
+ ;              x_minor_length:numeric                                   ;
+ ;              y_minor_length:numeric                                   ;
+ ;              major_length:numeric                                     ;
+ ;              minor_length:numeric                                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, tickmarks are drawn pointing inwards.  This procedure     ;
+ ; makes them point out. This procedure also sets the major and/or minor ;
+ ; tickmarks on both axes to be the same length if the major and/or minor;
+ ; tickmarks lengths are != 0.                                           ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsnp_point_tickmarks_outward")
+ procedure gsnp_point_tickmarks_outward(plot:graphic,res:logical, 
+                               x_major_length, y_major_length, 
+                               x_minor_length, y_minor_length, 
+                               major_length, minor_length,point_outward)
+ local tmres
+ begin
+   if(major_length.lt.0.)
+     getvalues plot
+       "tmXBMajorLengthF"   : x_major_length
+       "tmYLMajorLengthF"   : y_major_length
+     end getvalues
+     major_length = min((/x_major_length,y_major_length/))
+     if(x_major_length.gt.0..and.y_major_length.gt.0.)
+       x_major_length = min((/x_major_length,y_major_length/))
+       y_major_length = x_major_length
+     end if
+   else
+     if(x_major_length.gt.0.)
+       x_major_length = major_length
+     end if
+     if(y_major_length.gt.0.)
+       y_major_length = major_length
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(minor_length.lt.0.)
+     getvalues plot
+       "tmXBMinorLengthF"        : x_minor_length
+       "tmYLMinorLengthF"        : y_minor_length
+     end getvalues
+     if(x_minor_length.gt.0..and.y_minor_length.gt.0.)
+       x_minor_length = min((/x_minor_length,y_minor_length/))
+       y_minor_length = x_minor_length
+     end if
+   else
+     if(x_minor_length.gt.0.)
+       x_minor_length = minor_length
+     end if
+     if(y_minor_length.gt.0.)
+       y_minor_length = minor_length
+     end if
+   end if
+   tmres = res
+   tmres = True
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMajorLengthF"        , x_major_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMinorLengthF"        , x_minor_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmXTMajorLengthF"        , x_major_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmXTMinorLengthF"        , x_minor_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmYLMajorLengthF"        , y_major_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmYLMinorLengthF"        , y_minor_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmYRMajorLengthF"        , y_major_length)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmYRMinorLengthF"        , y_minor_length)
+   if (point_outward) then
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF" , x_major_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF" , x_minor_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmXTMajorOutwardLengthF" , x_major_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmXTMinorOutwardLengthF" , x_minor_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF" , y_major_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF" , y_minor_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF" , y_major_length)
+     set_attr(tmres,"tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF" , y_minor_length)
+   end if
+   attsetvalues_check(plot,tmres)
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsnp_uniform_tickmark_labels                              ;
+ ;              plot:object                                              ;
+ ;               res:logical                                             ;
+ ;              font_height                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure makes the tickmark labels the same font height on both ;
+ ; axes. If font_height <= 0., then a uniform font height is calculated. ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsnp_uniform_tickmark_labels")
+ procedure gsnp_uniform_tickmark_labels(plot:graphic,res:logical, 
+                                        font_height)
+ local xbfont, ylfont, tmres
+ begin
+ ; Get tickmark labels sizes
+   if(font_height.le.0)
+     getvalues plot
+       "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfont
+       "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : ylfont
+     end getvalues
+     font_height = min((/xbfont,ylfont/))
+   end if
+ ; Make tickmark label sizes the same.
+   tmres = res
+   tmres = True
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmXBLabelFontHeightF" , font_height)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmYLLabelFontHeightF" , font_height)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmXTLabelFontHeightF" , font_height)
+   set_attr(tmres,"tmYRLabelFontHeightF" , font_height)
+   attsetvalues_check(plot,tmres)
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsnp_shape_plot                                           ;
+ ;              plot:graphic                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; If gsnShape is set to True, then the plot is scaled such that the X   ;
+ ; and Y axes are proportional to each other.                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsnp_shape_plot")
+ procedure gsnp_shape_plot(plot:graphic)
+ local xf, yf, width, height, trxmin, trxmax, trymin, trymax, xrange, yrange, 
+ new_xf, new_yf, new_width, new_height
+ begin
+   getvalues plot
+     "vpXF"      : xf
+     "vpYF"      : yf
+     "vpWidthF"  : width
+     "vpHeightF" : height
+     "trXMinF"   : trxmin
+     "trXMaxF"   : trxmax
+     "trYMinF"   : trymin
+     "trYMaxF"   : trymax
+   end getvalues
+   xrange = trxmax - trxmin
+   yrange = trymax - trymin
+   if(xrange.lt.yrange)
+     new_width  = width * (xrange/yrange)
+     new_height = height
+     new_xf     = xf + 0.5*(width-new_width)
+     new_yf     = yf
+   else
+     new_height = height * (yrange/xrange)
+     new_width  = width
+     new_yf     = yf - 0.5*(height-new_height)
+     new_xf     = xf
+   end if
+   setvalues plot
+     "vpXF"      : new_xf
+     "vpYF"      : new_yf
+     "vpWidthF"  : new_width
+     "vpHeightF" : new_height
+   end setvalues
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsnp_scale_plot                                           ;
+ ;              plot:graphic                                             ;
+ ;              prefix:string                                            ;
+ ;               res:logical                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; If gsnScale is set to True, then the plot is scaled such the tickmarks;
+ ; and tickmark labels are the same size on both axes.                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; As of 5.0.1, this procedure checks the resource list to see if the    ;
+ ; xxX/YArray resources are attached, and if they are 2D. If so, then we ;
+ ; also need to make sure trGridType is TriangularMesh, otherwise we     ;
+ ; can't have a tickmark object.                                         ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsnp_scale_plot")
+ procedure gsnp_scale_plot(plot:graphic,scalar_prefix,res:logical)
+ local xfont, yfont, xbfont, xlength, xmlength, ylfont, ylength, ymlength, 
+ xresname, yresname, valid_tm, tr_grid_type
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; We can get/set the title sizes no matter what.
+ ;
+   getvalues plot
+     "tiXAxisFontHeightF"   : xfont
+     "tiYAxisFontHeightF"   : yfont
+   end getvalues
+   setvalues plot
+     "tiXAxisFontHeightF"   : (xfont+yfont)/2.
+     "tiYAxisFontHeightF"   : (xfont+yfont)/2.
+   end setvalues
+ ;
+ ; Here's the code for checking if we have a valid tickmark object.
+ ;
+   valid_tm = True       ; Assume we have a valid one, unless proven otherwise.
+   if(res.and.scalar_prefix.ne."") then
+     xresname = scalar_prefix + "XArray"
+     yresname = scalar_prefix + "YArray"
+     if(((isatt(res,xresname).and.dimsizes(dimsizes(res@$xresname$)).gt.1).or.
+         (isatt(res,yresname).and.dimsizes(dimsizes(res@$yresname$)).gt.1))) then
+       getvalues plot
+         "trGridType" : tr_grid_type
+       end getvalues
+       if(tr_grid_type.ne.5) then
+         valid_tm = False
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(valid_tm) then
+     getvalues plot
+       "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : xbfont
+       "tmXBMajorLengthF"     : xlength
+       "tmXBMinorLengthF"     : xmlength
+       "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : ylfont
+       "tmYLMajorLengthF"     : ylength
+       "tmYLMinorLengthF"     : ymlength
+     end getvalues
+     if(xlength.ne.0..and.ylength.ne.0.) then
+       major_length = (ylength+xlength)/2. 
+       xlength = major_length
+       ylength = major_length
+     end if
+     if(xmlength.ne.0..and.ymlength.ne.0.) then
+       minor_length = (ymlength+xmlength)/2. 
+       xmlength = minor_length
+       ymlength = minor_length
+     end if
+     setvalues plot
+       "tmXBLabelFontHeightF" : (xbfont+ylfont)/2.
+       "tmXBMajorLengthF"     : xlength
+       "tmXBMinorLengthF"     : xmlength
+       "tmYLLabelFontHeightF" : (xbfont+ylfont)/2.
+       "tmYLMajorLengthF"     : ylength
+       "tmYLMinorLengthF"     : ymlength
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : check_for_tickmarks_off                                   ;
+ ;                res:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, tickmarks are drawn on all plots that aren't overlaid on  ;
+ ; a map. If gsnTickMarksOn is set to False, then this turns off the     ;
+ ; drawing of tick marks.  This procedure checks for the setting of this ;
+ ; resource, and then calls the routine that turns off tickmarks.        ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("check_for_tickmarks_off")
+ procedure check_for_tickmarks_off(res:logical)
+ local ticks_ons
+ begin
+ ; Check if turning tickmarks off.
+   ticks_on = get_res_value(res,"gsnTickMarksOn",True)
+   if(.not.ticks_on)
+     gsnp_turn_off_tickmarks(res)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : compute_device_coords                                     ;
+ ;                  plot : graphic                                      ;
+ ;                  res  : logical                                      ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; This function computes the PDF/PS device coordinates needed to       ;
+ ; make a plot fill up the full page.                                   ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; plot : the plot or the workstation                                   ;
+ ; res  : list of optional resources. Ones accepted include:            ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; "gsnPaperOrientation" - orientation of paper. Can be "landscape",    ;
+ ;                         "portrait", or "auto". Default is "auto".    ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;       "gsnPaperWidth"  - width of paper (in inches, default is 8.5)  ;
+ ;       "gsnPaperHeight" - height of paper (in inches, default is 11.0);
+ ;       "gsnPaperMargin" - margin to leave around plots (in inches,    ;
+ ;                        default is 0.5)                               ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; In V5.2.0, new paper size resources were added, and this function    ;
+ ; was updated to recognize them (wkPaperSize, wkPaperWidthF,           ;
+ ;    and wkPaperHeightF).                                              ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ; gsnPaperWidth and gsnPaperHeight are considered deprecated, but      ;
+ ; still recognized.                                                    ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;                                                                      ;
+ ;**********************************************************************;
+ undef("compute_device_coords")
+ function compute_device_coords(plot,res)
+ local coords, top, bot, lft, rgt, dpi, dpi_pw, dpi_ph, dpi_margin, 
+       paper_width, paper_height, paper_margin, bb, tmp_wks, wks_ph, wks_pw, def_margin
+ begin
+   def_margin =  0.5    ; Default margin, in inches.
+   def_orient =  "auto" ; Best possible orientation will be used, by default.
+ ; Get workstation parent of plot, and retrieve paper size and width.
+   ii = ind(.not.ismissing(plot))
+   if(all(ismissing(ii))) then
+     print("compute_device_coords: Error: all input plots are missing")
+     status_exit(1)
+   end if
+   tmp_wks = NhlGetParentWorkstation(plot(ii(0)))
+   getvalues tmp_wks
+     "wkPaperWidthF"  : wks_pw
+     "wkPaperHeightF" : wks_ph
+   end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; Get resources.
+ ;
+   paper_height = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPaperHeight",wks_ph)
+   paper_width  = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPaperWidth",wks_pw)
+   paper_margin = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPaperMargin",def_margin)
+   paper_orient = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPaperOrientation",def_orient)
+   is_debug     = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnDebug",False)
+   if(is_debug)
+     print("    Paper width/height = " + paper_width + "/" + paper_height)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check to see if any panel resources have been set.  No defaults
+ ; will be assumed for these. They are only used if they have been
+ ; explicitly set by the user.
+ ;
+   lft_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelLeft")
+   rgt_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelRight")
+   bot_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelBottom")
+   top_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelTop")
+   lft_inv_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelInvsblLeft")
+   rgt_inv_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelInvsblRight")
+   bot_inv_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelInvsblBottom")
+   top_inv_pnl = isatt(res,"gsnPanelInvsblTop")
+   if(typeof(paper_orient).eq."integer")
+     if(paper_orient.eq.0)
+       lc_orient = "portrait"
+     else
+       lc_orient = "landscape"
+     end if
+   else
+     lc_orient = lower_case(paper_orient)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get the bounding box that covers all the plots.  If gsnPanel 
+ ; resources have been added to add white space around plots, then
+ ; count this white space in as well.  Note that even though the bounding
+ ; box coordinates should be positive, it *is* possible for them to be
+ ; negative, and we need to keep these negative values in our calculations
+ ; later to preserve the aspect ratio.
+ ;
+   bb    = NhlGetBB(plot)
+   dimbb = dimsizes(bb)
+   if(dimsizes(dimbb).eq.1) then
+ ;
+ ; Force newbb to be 2-dimensional so we don't have to have a
+ ; bunch of "if" tests later.
+ ;
+     newbb = new((/1,4/),float)
+     newbb(0,:) = bb
+   else
+     newbb = bb
+   end if
+   if(top_inv_pnl)
+     top = max((/res at gsnPanelInvsblTop,max(newbb(:,0))/))
+   else
+     if(top_pnl)
+       top = max((/1.,max(newbb(:,0))/))
+     else 
+       top = max(newbb(:,0))
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(bot_inv_pnl)
+     bot = min((/res at gsnPanelInvsblBottom,min(newbb(:,1))/))
+   else
+     if(bot_pnl)
+       bot = min((/0.,min(newbb(:,1))/))
+     else
+       bot = min(newbb(:,1))
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(lft_inv_pnl)
+     lft = min((/res at gsnPanelInvsblLeft,min(newbb(:,2))/))
+   else
+     if(lft_pnl)
+       lft = min((/0.,min(newbb(:,2))/))
+     else
+       lft = min(newbb(:,2))
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(rgt_inv_pnl)
+     rgt = max((/res at gsnPanelInvsblRight,max(newbb(:,3))/))
+   else
+     if(rgt_pnl)
+       rgt = max((/1.,max(newbb(:,3))/))
+     else
+       rgt = max(newbb(:,3))
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;  if(bot.lt.0.or.bot.gt.1.or.top.lt.0.or.top.gt.1.or. \

+ ;     lft.lt.0.or.lft.gt.1.or.rgt.lt.0.or.rgt.gt.1)
+ ;    print("compute_device_coords: warning: bounding box values should be between 0 and 1 inclusive. Will continue anyway.")
+ ;  end if
+   if(bot.ge.top.or.lft.ge.rgt)
+     print("compute_device_coords: bottom must be < top and left < right")
+     return((/0,0,0,0/))
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Debug prints
+ ;
+   if(is_debug)
+     print("-------Bounding box values for PS/PDF-------")
+     print("    top = " + top + " bot = " + bot + 
+           "    lft = " + lft + " rgt = " + rgt)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Initialization
+ ;
+   dpi        = 72.                       ; Dots per inch.
+   dpi_pw     = paper_width  * dpi
+   dpi_ph     = paper_height * dpi
+   dpi_margin = paper_margin * dpi
+ ;
+ ; Get paper height/width in dpi units
+ ;
+   pw = rgt - lft
+   ph = top - bot
+   lx = dpi_margin
+   ly = dpi_margin
+   ux = dpi_pw - dpi_margin
+   uy = dpi_ph - dpi_margin
+   dw = ux - lx
+   dh = uy - ly
+ ;
+ ; Determine orientation, and then calculate device coordinates based
+ ; on this.
+ ; 
+   if(lc_orient.eq."portrait".or. 
+      (lc_orient.eq."auto".and.(ph / pw).ge.1.0))
+ ;
+ ; If plot is higher than it is wide, then default to portrait if
+ ; orientation is not specified.
+ ;
+     lc_orient = "portrait"
+     if (ph / pw .gt. dh / dw) then
+                                              ; paper height limits size
+       ndc2du = dh / ph
+     else
+       ndc2du = dw / pw
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Compute device coordinates.
+ ;
+     lx = dpi_margin + 0.5 * ( dw - pw * ndc2du) - lft * ndc2du
+     ly = dpi_margin + 0.5 * ( dh - ph * ndc2du) - bot * ndc2du
+     ux = lx + ndc2du
+     uy = ly + ndc2du
+   else
+ ;
+ ; If plot is wider than it is high, then default to landscape if
+ ; orientation is not specified.
+ ;
+     lc_orient = "landscape"
+     if (pw / ph .gt. dh / dw) then
+                                              ; paper height limits size
+       ndc2du = dh / pw
+     else
+       ndc2du = dw / ph
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Compute device coordinates.
+ ;
+     ly = dpi_margin + 0.5 * (dh - pw * ndc2du) - (1.0 - rgt) * ndc2du
+     lx = dpi_margin + 0.5 * (dw - ph * ndc2du) - bot * ndc2du
+     ux = lx + ndc2du
+     uy = ly + ndc2du
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Return device coordinates and the orientation.
+ ;
+   coords = tointeger((/lx,ly,ux,uy/))
+   coords at gsnPaperOrientation = lc_orient
+ ;
+ ; Debug prints.
+ ;
+   if(is_debug)
+    print("-------Device coordinates for PostScript-------")
+    print("    wkDeviceLowerX = " + coords(0))
+    print("    wkDeviceLowerY = " + coords(1))
+    print("    wkDeviceUpperX = " + coords(2))
+    print("    wkDeviceUpperY = " + coords(3))
+    print("    wkOrientation  = " + coords at gsnPaperOrientation)
+   end if
+   return(coords)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : reset_device_coordinates                                  ;
+ ;                wks:graphic                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure resets the PS/PDF device coordinates back to their     ;
+ ; default values. The default values will be whatever ones the user     ;
+ ; might have set when they called gsn_open_wks, or the defaults that    ;
+ ; NCL uses if none are set.                                             ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("reset_device_coordinates")
+ procedure reset_device_coordinates(wks)
+ begin
+   setvalues wks
+     "wkOrientation"  : get_res_value(wks,"wkOrientation",   0)
+     "wkDeviceLowerX" : get_res_value(wks,"wkDeviceLowerX", 36)
+     "wkDeviceLowerY" : get_res_value(wks,"wkDeviceLowerY",126)
+     "wkDeviceUpperX" : get_res_value(wks,"wkDeviceUpperX",576)
+     "wkDeviceUpperY" : get_res_value(wks,"wkDeviceUpperY",666)
+   end setvalues
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : maximize_plot                                             ;
+ ;               plot:graphic                                            ;
+ ;              psres:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure takes a plot that probably has had some additional     ;
+ ; objects attached to it, like a labelbar, and maximizes it in the      ;
+ ; given PS or PDF workstation.                                          ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("maximize_plot")
+ procedure maximize_plot(plot,psres)
+ local bb, coords, res2, tmp_wks
+ begin
+   res2 = psres
+   tmp_wks = NhlGetParentWorkstation(plot)
+ ;
+ ; Calculate device coords to maximize this plot on the PDF or PS 
+ ; workstation.
+ ;
+   coords = compute_device_coords(plot,res2)
+ ;
+ ; Using the coordinate values just calculated, set them in the
+ ; workstation (also set the orientation).
+ ;
+   setvalues tmp_wks
+     "wkDeviceLowerX" : coords(0)
+     "wkDeviceLowerY" : coords(1)
+     "wkDeviceUpperX" : coords(2)
+     "wkDeviceUpperY" : coords(3)
+     "wkOrientation"  : coords at gsnPaperOrientation
+   end setvalues
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : maximize_output                                           ;
+ ;                wks:graphic                                            ;
+ ;              psres:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure takes a workstation (that supposedly has several plots ;
+ ; drawn on it), calculates the device coordinates needed to maximize    ;
+ ; the plots on a PS or PDF workstation, and then sets these device      ;
+ ; coordinates back to the workstation. draw and frame happen by default ;
+ ; unless otherwise specified.                                           ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("maximize_output")
+ procedure maximize_output(wks:graphic,psres:logical)
+ local calldraw, callframe, class, res2
+ begin
+   res2 = psres
+ ;
+ ; Get draw and frame values, if set.
+ ;
+   calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+   callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+ ;
+ ; Only do this type of maximization for PS or PDF workstations.
+ ; The device coordinates mean nothing for NCGM and X11 workstations.
+ ;
+   max_device = False
+   class = NhlClassName(wks)
+   if(any(class.eq.(/"psWorkstationClass","pdfWorkstationClass",
+                     "documentWorkstationClass"/)))
+     max_device = True
+ ;
+ ; Calculate device coords to maximize these plots on the PDF or PS 
+ ; workstation.
+ ;
+     coords = compute_device_coords(wks,res2)
+ ;
+ ; Using the coordinate values just calculated, set them in the
+ ; workstation (also set the orientation).
+ ;
+     setvalues wks
+       "wkDeviceLowerX" : coords(0)
+       "wkDeviceLowerY" : coords(1)
+       "wkDeviceUpperX" : coords(2)
+       "wkDeviceUpperY" : coords(3)
+       "wkOrientation"  : coords at gsnPaperOrientation
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+   if(calldraw) then
+     draw(wks)            ; This will draw everything on the workstation.
+   end if
+   if(callframe) then
+     frame(wks)
+ ;
+ ; Only set the device coordinates back if the frame is advanced, because 
+ ; if we do it when the frame hasn't been advanced, then anything that
+ ; gets drawn on this plot later will be drawn under the old device
+ ; coordinates.
+ ;
+ ; This means that the user will have to be aware that if he/she decides to
+ ; advance the frame him/herself, then any subsequent plots draw (in which
+ ; the device coordinates are not recalculated), may be drawn incorrectly.
+ ;
+     if(max_device) then
+       reset_device_coordinates(wks)
+     end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : draw_and_frame                                            ;
+ ;                wks:graphic                                            ;
+ ;               plot:graphic                                            ;
+ ;           calldraw:logical                                            ;
+ ;          callframe:logical                                            ;
+ ;            ispanel: logical                                           ;
+ ;              maxbb:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, all of the plotting routines will draw the plot and       ;
+ ; advance the frame, unless the special resources gsnDraw and/or        ;
+ ; gsnFrame are set to False. This procedure checks if these resources   ;
+ ; had been set, and calls draw and/or frame accordingly.                ;
+ ; If maxbb is True, then the plot is maximized in the NCGM, X11, PS     ;
+ ; or PDF window.                                                        ; 
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("draw_and_frame")
+ procedure draw_and_frame(wks:graphic,plot:graphic,calldraw:logical, 
+                          callframe:logical,ispanel:logical,maxbb:logical)
+ local nplots, class, coords 
+ begin
+   max_device = False
+   if(maxbb) then
+ ;
+ ; If dealing with panel plots, then this means that the viewport 
+ ; coordinates have already been calculated to maximize the plots in
+ ; the unit square, so we don't need to do it again here. However, we
+ ; will still need to calculate the optimal device  coordinates if the
+ ; output is PDF or PS.
+ ;
+     if(.not.ispanel) then
+ ;
+ ; First, optimize the plot size in the viewport (unit square). This 
+ ; may involve making it bigger or smaller.
+ ;
+       coords = maximize_bb(plot,maxbb)
+       setvalues plot
+         "vpXF"      : coords(0)
+         "vpYF"      : coords(1)
+         "vpWidthF"  : coords(2)
+         "vpHeightF" : coords(3)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+     class = NhlClassName(wks)
+     if(any(class(0).eq.(/"psWorkstationClass","pdfWorkstationClass",
+                          "documentWorkstationClass"/))) then
+ ;
+ ; Keep track of whether device coordinates were recalculated.
+ ;
+       max_device = True
+ ;
+ ; Compute device coordinates that will make plot fill the whole page.
+ ;
+       coords = compute_device_coords(plot,maxbb)
+ ;
+ ; Set device coordinates to new ones.
+ ;
+       setvalues wks
+         "wkOrientation"  : coords at gsnPaperOrientation
+         "wkDeviceLowerX" : coords(0)
+         "wkDeviceLowerY" : coords(1)
+         "wkDeviceUpperX" : coords(2)
+         "wkDeviceUpperY" : coords(3)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(calldraw)
+     draw(plot)
+   end if
+   if(callframe)
+     frame(wks)           ; advance the frame
+ ;
+ ; Only set the device coordinates back if the frame is advanced, because 
+ ; if we do it when the frame hasn't been advanced, then anything that
+ ; gets drawn on this plot later will be drawn under the old device
+ ; coordinates.
+ ;
+ ; This means that the user will have to be aware that if he/she decides to
+ ; advance the frame him/herself, then any subsequent plots draw (in which
+ ; the device coordinates are not recalculated), may be drawn incorrectly.
+ ;
+     if(max_device) then
+       reset_device_coordinates(wks)
+     end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_bb_res                                                 ;
+ ;               res : list of resources                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Get list of resources for use with maximizing the plots within an     ;
+ ; X11, NCGM, PS or PDF window.                                          ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_bb_res")
+ function get_bb_res(res:logical)
+ begin
+   maxbb                = get_res_value(res,"gsnMaximize", False) 
+   maxbb at gsnPaperMargin = get_res_value(res,"gsnPaperMargin",0.5)
+ ;
+ ; No longer set these two, because they will be retrieved later.
+ ;
+ ;  maxbb at gsnPaperHeight = get_res_value(res,"gsnPaperHeight",11.0)
+ ;  maxbb at gsnPaperWidth  = get_res_value(res,"gsnPaperWidth",8.5)
+   maxbb at gsnBoxMargin   = get_res_value(res,"gsnBoxMargin",0.02)
+   maxbb at gsnDebug       = get_res_value(res,"gsnDebug",False)
+ ;
+ ; Don't assume a default on this one, because the default will be
+ ; determined by doing a getvalues on the PostScript workstation. 
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res,"gsnPaperOrientation"))
+     maxbb at gsnPaperOrientation = get_res_value(res,"gsnPaperOrientation","")
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Indicate here whether the panel resources have been set.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelLeft"))
+     maxbb at gsnPanelLeft   = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelLeft",0.)
+   end if
+   if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelRight"))
+     maxbb at gsnPanelRight  = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelRight",1.)
+   end if
+   if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelBottom"))
+     maxbb at gsnPanelBottom = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelBottom",0.)
+   end if
+   if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelTop"))
+     maxbb at gsnPanelTop    = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelTop",1.)
+   end if
+   return(maxbb)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_blank_plot                                                 ;
+ ;               wks : workstation                                       ;
+ ;               res : optional resources                                ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates a blank tickmark object that can be used for    ;
+ ; drawing primitives.                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_blank_plot")
+ function gsn_blank_plot(wks:graphic,res:logical)
+ local res2
+ begin
+   res2      = res
+   point_outward = get_res_value(res2,"gsnTickMarksPointOutward",False)
+   calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+   callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",False)
+   shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+   scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+   ticks     = get_res_value(res2,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","Always")
+   title     = get_res_value(res2,"pmTitleDisplayMode","Always")
+   maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+   canvas = create "canvas" irregularPlotClass wks
+     "pmTickMarkDisplayMode" : ticks
+     "pmTitleDisplayMode"    : title
+   end create
+   attsetvalues_check(canvas,res2)
+   tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")
+   gsnp_point_tickmarks_outward(canvas,tmres,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,
+                                point_outward)
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+   if(shape)
+     gsnp_shape_plot(canvas)
+   end if
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+   if(scale)
+     gsnp_scale_plot(canvas,"",False)
+   end if
+   draw_and_frame(wks,canvas,calldraw,callframe,False,maxbb)
+   return(canvas)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : create_canvas                                              ;
+ ;               wks : workstation                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates a blank LogLin plot that can be used for drawing;
+ ; primitives.                                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("create_canvas")
+ function create_canvas(wks:graphic)
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Create a LogLinPlot that covers the entire NDC space
+ ; to use as a drawing canvas
+ ;
+   canvas = create "canvas" logLinPlotClass wks
+     "vpXF"      : 0.0
+     "vpYF"      : 1.0
+     "vpWidthF"  : 1.0
+     "vpHeightF" : 1.0
+   end create
+   return(canvas)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_ncgm                                              ;
+ ;               name : name of output cgm file                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens an NCGM output file called "<name>.ncgm" and      ;
+ ; returns the workstation id. If "name" is an empty string, then the    ;
+ ; NCGM is given its default name "gmeta".                               ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_ncgm")
+ function gsn_open_ncgm(name[1]:string)
+ local ncgm, res_file
+ begin
+     res_file=get_res_value_keep(name,"res_file","gsnapp")
+     if(isatt(name,"wkColorMap"))
+       ncgm = create res_file ncgmWorkstationClass defaultapp 
+         "wkMetaName" : name
+         "wkColorMap" : name at wkColorMap
+       end create
+     else
+       ncgm = create res_file ncgmWorkstationClass defaultapp 
+         "wkMetaName" : name
+       end create
+     end if
+     return(ncgm)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_x11                                               ;
+ ;               name : name of X11 window                               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens an X11 output window and returns the workstation  ;
+ ; id.                                                                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_x11")
+ function gsn_open_x11(name[1]:string,res[1]:string)
+ local window
+ begin
+     ; apply width/height resources if present; must be applied at creation time.
+     imageWidth = get_res_value(res,"wkWidth",-1)
+     imageHeight = get_res_value(res,"wkHeight",-1)
+     if (imageWidth.gt.0 .and. imageHeight.gt.0) then
+         if(isatt(res,"wkColorMap"))
+             window = create name + "_x11" windowWorkstationClass defaultapp
+                 "wkFormat"   : "x11"
+                 "wkPause"    : True
+                 "wkColorMap" : res at wkColorMap
+                 "wkWidth"    : imageWidth
+                 "wkHeight"   : imageHeight
+             end create
+         else
+             window = create name + "_x11" windowWorkstationClass defaultapp
+                 "wkFormat" : "x11"
+                 "wkPause"  : True
+                 "wkWidth"  : imageWidth
+                 "wkHeight" : imageHeight
+             end create
+         end if
+     else
+         if(isatt(res,"wkColorMap"))
+             window = create name + "_x11" windowWorkstationClass defaultapp
+                 "wkFormat": "x11"
+                 "wkPause" : True
+                 "wkColorMap" : res at wkColorMap
+             end create
+         else
+             window = create name + "_x11" windowWorkstationClass defaultapp
+                 "wkFormat": "x11"
+                 "wkPause" : True
+             end create
+         end if
+     end if 
+     return(window)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : create_labelbar                                            ;
+ ;                wks: graphic                                           ;
+ ;               nbox: integer                                           ;
+ ;             colors: array                                             ;
+ ;             labels: array                                             ;
+ ;              lbres: logical                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates a labelbar given a workstation, the number of   ;
+ ; boxes, the colors and labels to use, and an optional list of          ;
+ ; labelbar resources. By default, lbAutoManage is set to False, the     ;
+ ; perimeter is turned off, and the fill patterns are set to solid.      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "EndStyle" is a special internal resource that comes from the         ;
+ ; cnLabelBarEndStyle resource. It defaults to 0 (include outer boxes),  ;
+ ; and can be set to 1 (include min/max labels) or 2 (exclude outer      ; 
+ ; boxes). The assumption is that if this resource is set to 2, then the ;
+ ; nbox, colors, and labels that are input are set up expecting one more ;
+ ; box than you have labels (i.e. you are expecting to label the         ;
+ ; interior edges only). If set to 2, then the assumption is that the    ;
+ ; labels already contain the min/max values, and you have the correct   ;
+ ; nbox and colors.                                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("create_labelbar")
+ function create_labelbar(wks:graphic, nbox:integer, colors, labels, 
+ lbres:logical)
+ local perim_on, mono_fill_pat, label_align, labelbar_object
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Set some defaults
+ ;
+   vpxf          = get_res_value(lbres,"vpXF",0.1)
+   vpyf          = get_res_value(lbres,"vpYF",0.1)
+   vpwidthf      = get_res_value(lbres,"vpWidthF",0.8)
+   vpheightf     = get_res_value(lbres,"vpHeightF",0.3)
+   new_labels    = get_res_value(lbres,"lbLabelStrings",labels)
+   orientation   = get_res_value(lbres,"lbOrientation","horizontal")
+   perim_on      = get_res_value(lbres,"lbPerimOn",False)
+   font_height   = get_res_value(lbres,"lbLabelFontHeightF",0.1)
+   mono_fill_pat = get_res_value(lbres,"lbMonoFillPattern",True);
+   if(isatt(lbres,"EndStyle")) then
+     end_style = get_res_value(lbres,"EndStyle",0)
+     if(.not.(end_style.ge.0.and.end_style.le.2)) then
+       end_style = 0
+     end if
+     if(end_style.eq.2) then
+ ; Exclude outer boxes
+       nbox2       = nbox-2
+       new_colors  = get_res_value(lbres,"lbFillColors",colors(1:))
+       label_align = get_res_value(lbres,"lbLabelAlignment","ExternalEdges")
+     else
+       nbox2       = nbox
+       new_colors  = get_res_value(lbres,"lbFillColors",colors)
+       if(end_style.eq.0) then
+ ; Include outer boxes
+         label_align = get_res_value(lbres,"lbLabelAlignment","InteriorEdges")
+       else
+ ; Include min max labels
+         label_align = get_res_value(lbres,"lbLabelAlignment","ExternalEdges")
+       end if
+     end if
+   else
+     nbox2       = nbox
+     new_colors  = get_res_value(lbres,"lbFillColors",colors)
+     label_align = get_res_value(lbres,"lbLabelAlignment","InteriorEdges")
+   end if
+   labelbar_object = create "labelbar" labelBarClass wks
+     "vpXF"              : vpxf
+     "vpYF"              : vpyf
+     "vpWidthF"          : vpwidthf
+     "vpHeightF"         : vpheightf
+     "lbBoxCount"        : nbox2
+     "lbFillColors"      : new_colors
+     "lbLabelStrings"    : new_labels
+     "lbOrientation"     : orientation
+     "lbPerimOn"         : perim_on
+     "lbLabelAlignment"  : label_align
+     "lbLabelFontHeightF": font_height
+     "lbMonoFillPattern" : mono_fill_pat
+     "lbAutoManage"      : False
+   end create
+   attsetvalues_check(labelbar_object,lbres)
+   return(labelbar_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function to determine if a cairo PS is being requested.               ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_cairo_ps")
+ function is_cairo_ps(wtype)
+ local lwtype, cpsenv
+ begin
+   lwtype = lower_case(wtype)
+   cpsenv = getenv("NCARG_OLD_PS")
+   if(lwtype.eq."newps".or.(lwtype.eq."ps".and.ismissing(cpsenv))) then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function to determine if a cairo PDF is being requested.              ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_cairo_pdf")
+ function is_cairo_pdf(wtype)
+ local lwtype, cpdfenv
+ begin
+   lwtype  = lower_case(wtype)
+   cpdfenv = getenv("NCARG_OLD_PDF")
+   if(lwtype.eq."newpdf".or.(lwtype.eq."pdf".and.ismissing(cpdfenv))) then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function to determine if a cairo PNG is being requested.              ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_cairo_png")
+ function is_cairo_png(wtype)
+ local lwtype
+ begin
+   lwtype = lower_case(wtype)
+   if(lwtype.eq."newpng".or.lwtype.eq."png") then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function to determine if a cairo EPS is being requested.              ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_cairo_eps")
+ function is_cairo_eps(wtype)
+ local lwtype, cpsenv
+ begin
+   lwtype = lower_case(wtype)
+   cpsenv = getenv("NCARG_OLD_EPS")
+   if (lwtype.eq."eps".and.ismissing(cpsenv)) then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function to determine if a cairo SVG is being requested.              ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_cairo_svg")
+ function is_cairo_svg(wtype)
+ local lwtype
+ begin
+   lwtype = lower_case(wtype)
+   if (lwtype.eq."svg") then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function to determine if a cairo workstation is being requested.      ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("is_cairo_wks")
+ function is_cairo_wks(wtype)
+ begin
+   if (is_cairo_ps(wtype).or.is_cairo_pdf(wtype).or.is_cairo_png(wtype).or. 
+        is_cairo_eps(wtype).or.is_cairo_svg(wtype)) then
+     return(True)
+   else
+     return(False)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_ps                                                ;
+ ;               name : name of PostScript file                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens a PostScript file called "<name>.ps" and returns  ;
+ ; the workstation id. If "name" is an empty string, then the PostScript ;
+ ; file is called "gmeta.ps".                                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_ps")
+ function gsn_open_ps(type:string,name[1]:string)
+ local ps, res_file, wkres, wkresnew, names, i
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; If there are resources, copy them over to a logical variable,
+ ; and only grab the ones that start with "wk".
+ ;
+     if(.not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(type))))
+       wkres = True
+       names = getvaratts(type)
+       do i=0,dimsizes(names)-1
+         if(names(i).ne."_FillValue") then
+           wkres@$names(i)$ = type@$names(i)$
+         end if
+       end do
+ ;
+ ; Grab only the ones that start with "wk".
+ ;
+       wkresnew = get_res_eq(wkres,"wk")
+       delete(wkres)
+       delete(names)
+     else
+       wkresnew = False
+     end if
+     res_file = get_res_value_keep(name,"res_file","gsnapp")
+ ;
+ ; These PS resources are ones that must be set at the time
+ ; the workstation is created. This means that these resources
+ ; will override whatever setting you might have in a resource
+ ; file or your .hluresfile.
+ ;
+     cmodel   = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkColorModel","rgb")
+     resltn   = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPSResolution",1800)
+     visualt  = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkVisualType","color")
+     paperSize = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPaperSize","")
+     paperW = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPaperWidthF", -1.)
+     paperH = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPaperHeightF", -1.)
+ ; Be sure to add any resources set here to "res_list" in gsn_open_wks
+ ; so they don't get set again.
+     ps = create res_file psWorkstationClass defaultapp
+       "wkColorModel"   : cmodel
+       "wkPSResolution" : resltn
+       "wkPSFileName"   : name
+       "wkPSFormat"     : type
+       "wkVisualType"   : visualt
+       "wkPaperSize"     : paperSize
+       "wkPaperWidthF"   : paperW
+       "wkPaperHeightF"  : paperH
+     end create
+ ;
+ ; Set resources, if any.
+ ;
+     attsetvalues_check(ps,wkresnew)
+     delete(wkresnew)
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve the device coordinates and the orientation so we can
+ ; reset them later if necessary.
+ ;
+     getvalues ps
+       "wkOrientation"  : ps at wkOrientation
+       "wkDeviceLowerX" : ps at wkDeviceLowerX
+       "wkDeviceLowerY" : ps at wkDeviceLowerY
+       "wkDeviceUpperX" : ps at wkDeviceUpperX
+       "wkDeviceUpperY" : ps at wkDeviceUpperY
+       "wkPaperWidthF"  : ps at wkPaperWidthF
+       "wkPaperHeightF" : ps at wkPaperHeightF
+     end getvalues
+     return(ps)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_pdf                                               ;
+ ;               name : name of PDF file                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens a PDF file called "<name>.pdf" and returns        ;
+ ; the workstation id. If "name" is an empty string, then the PDF file   ;
+ ; is called "gmeta.pdf".                                                ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_pdf")
+ function gsn_open_pdf(type:string, name[1]:string)
+ local pdf, res_file, wkres, wkresnew, names, i
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; If there are resources, copy them over to a logical variable,
+ ; and only grab the ones that start with "wk".
+ ;
+     if(.not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(type))))
+       wkres = True
+       names = getvaratts(type)
+       do i=0,dimsizes(names)-1
+         if(names(i).ne."_FillValue") then
+           wkres@$names(i)$ = type@$names(i)$    
+         end if
+       end do
+ ;
+ ; Grab only the ones that start with "wk".
+ ;
+       wkresnew = get_res_eq(wkres,"wk")
+       delete(wkres)
+       delete(names)
+     else
+       wkresnew = False
+     end if
+     res_file = get_res_value_keep(name,"res_file","gsnapp")
+ ;
+ ; These PDF resources are ones that must be set at the time
+ ; the workstation is created. This means that these resources
+ ; will override whatever setting you might have in a resource
+ ; file or your .hluresfile.
+ ;
+     cmodel   = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkColorModel","rgb")
+     resltn   = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPDFResolution",1800)
+     visualt  = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkVisualType","color")
+     paperSize = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPaperSize","")
+     paperW = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPaperWidthF", -1.)
+     paperH = get_res_value(wkresnew,"wkPaperHeightF", -1.)
+ ; Be sure to add any resources set here to "res_list" in gsn_open_wks
+ ; so they don't get set again.
+     pdf = create res_file pdfWorkstationClass defaultapp
+       "wkColorModel"    : cmodel
+       "wkPDFResolution" : resltn
+       "wkPDFFileName"   : name
+       "wkPDFFormat"     : type
+       "wkVisualType"    : visualt
+       "wkPaperSize"     : paperSize
+       "wkPaperWidthF"   : paperW
+       "wkPaperHeightF"  : paperH
+     end create
+ ;
+ ; Set resources, if any.
+ ;
+     attsetvalues_check(pdf,wkresnew)
+     delete(wkresnew)
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve the device coordinates and the orientation so we can
+ ; reset them later if necessary.
+ ;
+     getvalues pdf
+       "wkOrientation"  : pdf at wkOrientation
+       "wkDeviceLowerX" : pdf at wkDeviceLowerX
+       "wkDeviceLowerY" : pdf at wkDeviceLowerY
+       "wkDeviceUpperX" : pdf at wkDeviceUpperX
+       "wkDeviceUpperY" : pdf at wkDeviceUpperY
+       "wkPaperWidthF"  : pdf at wkPaperWidthF
+       "wkPaperHeightF" : pdf at wkPaperHeightF
+     end getvalues
+     return(pdf)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_cairo                                             ;
+ ;               name : name of cairo file/device                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens a cairo file or device and returns                ;
+ ; the workstation id.                                                   ; 
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_cairo")
+ function gsn_open_cairo(type:string, name[1]:string)
+ local cairo, res_file, wkres, tmpres, names, i
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; If there are resources, copy them over to a logical variable,
+ ; and only grab the ones that start with "wk".
+ ;
+     if(.not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(type))))
+       tmpres = True
+       names = getvaratts(type)
+       do i=0,dimsizes(names)-1
+         if(names(i).ne."_FillValue") then
+           tmpres@$names(i)$ = type@$names(i)$    
+         end if
+       end do
+ ;
+ ; Grab only the ones that start with "wk".
+ ;
+       wkres = get_res_eq(tmpres,"wk")
+       delete(tmpres)
+       delete(names)
+     end if
+     wkres = True  ; force True, even if no resources present; get_res_eq() can return False.
+     res_file = get_res_value_keep(name,"res_file","gsnapp")
+ ;
+ ; Add these resources if not already present.
+ ;
+     if (.not.isatt(wkres, "wkFileName")) then
+         wkres at wkFileName = name
+     end if
+     if (.not.isatt(wkres, "wkFormat")) then
+         wkres at wkFormat = type
+         if (is_cairo_ps(type)) then
+ 	    wkres at wkFormat = "ps"     ; user can specify "ps" or "newps"
+ 	end if
+ 	if (is_cairo_pdf(type)) then  
+ 	    wkres at wkFormat = "pdf"    ; user can specify "pdf" or "newpdf"
+ 	end if
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; We need to distinguish between document-based versus image-based output formats
+ ;
+     if (is_cairo_ps(type).or.is_cairo_pdf(type).or.is_cairo_eps(type).or.is_cairo_svg(type)) then
+         cairo = create_graphic(res_file, "documentWorkstationClass", "defaultapp", wkres)
+     else
+ 	cairo = create_graphic(res_file, "imageWorkstationClass", "defaultapp", wkres)
+     end if
+     delete(wkres)
+     return(cairo)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_image                                             ;
+ ;               type : type of image file                               ;
+ ;               name : name of output image file                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens an image file called "<name>.<type>" and          ;
+ ; returns the workstation id. If "name" is an empty string, then the    ;
+ ; NCGM is given a default name "gmeta.type".                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_image")
+ function gsn_open_image(type:string,name[1]:string)
+ local image, res_file
+ begin
+     res_file = get_res_value_keep(name,"res_file","gsnapp")
+     wkwidth  = get_res_value_keep(type,"wkWidth",512)
+     wkheight = get_res_value_keep(type,"wkHeight",512)
+     if(isatt(name,"wkColorMap"))
+       image = create res_file xwdimageWorkstationClass defaultapp 
+         "wkImageFileName" : name
+         "wkImageFormat"   : type
+         "wkColorMap"      : name at wkColorMap
+         "wkWidth"         : wkwidth
+         "wkHeight"        : wkheight
+       end create
+     else
+       image = create res_file xwdimageWorkstationClass defaultapp 
+         "wkImageFileName" : name
+         "wkImageFormat"   : type
+         "wkWidth"         : wkwidth
+         "wkHeight"        : wkheight
+       end create
+     end if
+     return(image)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_open_wks                                               ;
+ ;               type : type of workstation to open                      ;
+ ;               name : name of workstation                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function opens either an X11 window, an NCGM file, a Postscript  ;
+ ; or a PDF file depending on "type", which can be "x11", "ncgm", "ps"   ;
+ ; or "pdf". If "type" is a PS or PDF file or an NCGM, then it will be   ;
+ ; named <name>.ps or <name>.pdf <name>.ncgm respectively. This function ;
+ ; also looks for a resource file called "name.res". If it exists, then  ;
+ ; it loads the resources defined in that file. This function returns    ;
+ ; the workstation id.                                                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_open_wks")
+ function gsn_open_wks(type[1]:string,name[1]:string)
+ local i, wks, appusrdir, name_char, not_found, res_file, res_dir, type2, realtype, suffix
+ begin
+     type2   = type          ; Make copy of type and its resources
+     type2  = lower_case(type)
+     res_dir = "./"          ; Default resource directory.
+     res_file = "gsnapp"     ; Default resource file name.
+     valid_type = False      ; Is type valid?
+ ;
+ ; Parse "name" to get the directory and the file prefix.
+ ;
+     if(name.ne."") then
+       name_char = stringtocharacter(name)
+       name_len  = dimsizes(name_char)-1
+       i = name_len-1      ; Start checking if a directory pathname
+       not_found = True    ; was specified for the resource file.
+       do while(not_found.and.i.ge.0)
+         if(name_char(i).eq."/")
+           res_dir  = charactertostring(name_char(0:i))
+           not_found = False
+         end if
+         i = i - 1
+       end do
+       res_file = charactertostring(name_char(i+1:name_len-1))
+       if(isatt(name,"appUsrDir").and.not_found)
+         res_dir = name at appUsrDir   ; No directory specified.
+       end if
+     end if
+     ; This 5-line block addresses Jira 1750; we test to make sure the target directory
+     ; exists and is writable.
+     cmdStr = "if [ -w " + res_dir + " ] ; then echo 1 ; else echo 0 ; fi"
+     if (type.ne."x11" .and. systemfunc(cmdStr).ne.1) then
+         print("gsn_open_wks: Error: directory '" + res_dir + "' does not exist or lacks write permissions.");
+         status_exit(1)
+     end if
+     appid = create res_file appClass defaultapp
+         "appDefaultParent" : True
+         "appUsrDir"        : res_dir
+     end create
+ ;
+ ; If we had a case statement or an "elseif" in NCL, this next
+ ; section would look better!
+ ;
+     wks = new(1,graphic,"No_FillValue")
+     if (type2.eq."x11") then
+       wks = gsn_open_x11(res_file, type2)
+       valid_type = True
+     end if
+     if (type2.eq."oldps".or.type2.eq."oldeps".or. 
+         type2.eq."epsi".or.(type2.eq."ps".and..not.ismissing(getenv("NCARG_OLD_PS"))).or. 
+         (type2.eq."eps".and..not.ismissing(getenv("NCARG_OLD_EPS")))) then
+       realtype = type2   ; copy value and attributes
+       suffix = type2
+       if (realtype.eq."oldps") then
+         realtype = "ps"
+         suffix = "ps"
+       end if
+       if (realtype.eq."oldeps") then
+         realtype = "eps"
+         suffix = "eps"
+       end if
+       ps_file = get_res_value(realtype,"wkPSFileName",res_file + "." + suffix)
+       ps_file at res_file = res_file
+       wks = gsn_open_ps(realtype,res_dir+ps_file)
+       valid_type = True
+     end if
+     if (type2.eq."ncgm") then
+       ncgm_file = get_res_value(type2,"wkMetaName",res_file + ".ncgm")
+       ncgm_file = res_dir + ncgm_file
+       ncgm_file at res_file = res_file
+       if (isatt(type2,"wkColorMap"))
+         ncgm_file at wkColorMap = type2 at wkColorMap
+       end if
+       wks = gsn_open_ncgm(ncgm_file)
+       valid_type = True
+     end if
+     if (type2.eq."oldpdf".or.(type2.eq."pdf".and..not.ismissing(getenv("NCARG_OLD_PDF")))) then
+       realtype = type2  ; copy value and attributes
+       if (realtype.eq."oldpdf") then
+           realtype = "pdf"
+       end if
+       pdf_file = get_res_value(realtype,"wkPDFFileName", 
+                                res_file + "." + "pdf")
+       pdf_file at res_file = res_file
+       wks = gsn_open_pdf(realtype, res_dir+pdf_file)
+       valid_type = True
+     end if
+     if (is_cairo_wks(type2)) then
+       cairo_file = get_res_value(type2,"wkFileName", res_file)
+       if (is_cairo_png(type2)) then
+         cairo_file = get_res_value(type2,"wkImageFileName", cairo_file)
+       end if
+       cairo_file at res_file = res_file
+       wks = gsn_open_cairo(type2, res_dir+cairo_file)
+       valid_type = True
+     end if
+     if (type2.eq."xwd") then
+       image_file = get_res_value(type2,"wkFileName", res_file)
+       image_file at res_file = res_file
+       wks = gsn_open_image(type2, res_dir+image_file)
+       valid_type = True
+     end if
+     if (.not.valid_type.or.ismissing(wks)) then
+       print("Error: gsn_open_wks: '"+ type2 + "' is an invalid workstation type.")
+       exit
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Apply other resources.
+ ;
+ ; First create list of resources that we *don't* want applied, as we've
+ ; should have applied them by this point.
+ ;
+   varatts = getvaratts(type2)
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(varatts))) then
+     wks_res = True
+     res_list = (/"wkColorMap","wkWidth","wkHeight","wkColorModel", 
+                  "wkPSResolution","wkPDFResolution","wkVisualType", 
+                  "wkPaperSize","wkPaperWidthF","wkPaperHeightF", 
+                  "_FillValue"/)
+     do i=0,dimsizes(varatts)-1
+       if(all(varatts(i).ne.res_list)) then
+         wks_res@$varatts(i)$ = type2@$varatts(i)$
+       end if  
+     end do
+     attsetvalues_check(wks,wks_res)
+     delete(wks_res)
+   end if
+   delete(varatts)
+ ;
+ ; Return workstation and application id.
+ ;
+     wks at name = res_file
+     wks at app  = appid 
+     return(wks)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_annotation                                         ;
+ ;                plotid : graphic                                       ;
+ ;                annoid : graphic                                       ;
+ ;             resources : logical                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function attaches one graphical object to another, for example,  ;
+ ; a labelbar to a contour plot. The default is for the annotation to be ;
+ ; added to the center of the plot. You can use the amJust resource      ;
+ ; to change the general location of the annotation (top/center,         ;
+ ; top/left top/right, bottom/center, bottom/right, etc. You can use     ;
+ ; the amOrthogonalPosF and amParallelPosF resources to then move the    ;
+ ; annotation perpendicular or parallel to the plot.                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "amJust" is the corner or side of the annotation of which you want to ;
+ ; position using values for "amParallelPosF" and "amOrthogonalPosF". It ;
+ ; can be any one of the four corners, or the center of any edge of the  ;
+ ; annotation.                                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "amParallelPosF" is the amount to move the annotation to the right or ;
+ ; left, and "amOrthogonalPosF" is the amount to move it up and down. The;
+ ; move is applied to the corner or the side of the annotation that is   ;
+ ; indicated by "amJust".                                                ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Here's what various values of amParallelPosF and amOrthogonalPosF     ;
+ ; mean for moving the annotation:                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; amParallelPosF/amOrthogonalPosF                                       ;
+ ;    0.0/ 0.0  -  annotation in dead center of plot                     ;
+ ;    0.5/ 0.5  -  annotation at bottom right of plot                    ;
+ ;    0.5/-0.5  -  annotation at top right of plot                       ;
+ ;   -0.5/-0.5  -  annotation at top left of plot                        ;
+ ;   -0.5/ 0.5  -  annotation at bottom left of plot                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; So, for example, an amJust value of "TopRight" and amParallelPosF,    ;
+ ; amOrthogonalPosF values of 0.5 and -0.5 will position the top right   ;
+ ; corner of the annotation in the top right corner of the plot.         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Values of just = "TopCenter", para = -0.5, orth = -0.5 will position  ;
+ ; the top center of the annotation in the top left corner of the plot,  ;
+ ; effectively placing part of the annotation outside the plot.          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Since adding an annotation to a plot can make it bigger, this         ;
+ ; function will recognize gsnMaximize if it is set, and resize the plot ;
+ ; if necessary.                                                         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_annotation")
+ function gsn_add_annotation(plot:graphic, anno:graphic, resources:logical)
+ local res2, just, para, orth, just, zone, resize, maxbb, tmp_wks
+ begin
+   res2  = get_resources(resources)
+   just = get_res_value(res2,"amJust","CenterCenter")
+   para = get_res_value(res2,"amParallelPosF",0)
+   orth = get_res_value(res2,"amOrthogonalPosF",0)
+   zone = get_res_value(res2,"amZone",0)
+   resize = get_res_value(res2,"amResizeNotify",True)
+   maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
+ ;
+ ; Add annotation to plot.
+ ;
+    anno_id = NhlAddAnnotation(plot,anno)
+ ;
+ ; Set some resource values.
+ ;
+    setvalues anno_id
+      "amZone"           : zone
+      "amJust"           : just
+      "amParallelPosF"   : para
+      "amOrthogonalPosF" : orth
+      "amResizeNotify"   : resize
+    end setvalues
+ ;
+ ; Apply rest of resources, if any.
+ ;
+    attsetvalues_check(anno_id,res2)
+ ;
+ ; Remaximize the plot if necessary.
+ ;
+    tmp_wks = NhlGetParentWorkstation(plot)
+    draw_and_frame(tmp_wks,plot,False,False,False,maxbb)
+ ;
+ ; Return id
+ ;
+    return(anno_id)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_primitive                                          ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;                 isndc: NDC space or not                               ;
+ ;              polytype: type of primitive                              ;
+ ;             resources: optional resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function adds a primitive to the plot "plotid", either in the    ;
+ ; same data space as the data in the plot, or in NDC space. ("plotid"   ;
+ ; is returned from a previous call to one of the gsn_* plotting         ;
+ ; functions), "x" and "y" are the x and y locations of each point in the;
+ ; primitive, and should either be in the same data space as the data    ;
+ ; from "plotid" (isndc = False) or should be values from 0 to 1 if in   ;
+ ; NDC space (isndc = True). Note that using isndc = True should only    ;
+ ; be used internally. It currently only works for NDC coordinates that  ;
+ ; actually fall within the plot's boundaries.                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources.  This function returns  ;
+ ; the primitive object created. polytype is the type of primitive to    ;
+ ; add (polymarker, polygon, or polyline)                                ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_primitive")
+ function gsn_add_primitive(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x[*]:numeric,
+                            y[*]:numeric,isndc:logical,polytype:string, 
+                            resources:logical)
+ local res2, gsid, gsres, prim_object, dummy, tfres, vpx, vpy, vpw, vph
+ begin
+   if(.not.any(polytype.eq.(/"polymarker","polygon","polyline"/)))
+     print("Warning: gsn_add_primitive: Do not recognize primitive type '"+ polytype + "'.")
+    return(0)
+   end if
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)  ; Make a copy of resource list.
+ ;
+ ; After V5.1.1, this function was updated to recognize 
+ ; "tf*" resources, and have them applied to the plot
+ ; in question. This is especially important for the 
+ ; "tfPolyDrawOrder" resource, which allows you to control
+ ; the order which primitives are drawn.
+ ;
+   tfres = get_res_eq(res2,"tf")
+   attsetvalues_check(plotid,tfres)
+ ;
+ ; If in NDC space, make sure X and Y values are in the range 0 to 1 AND
+ ; within the viewport of the polot.
+ ;
+   if(isndc) then
+     getvalues plotid
+       "vpHeightF" : vph
+       "vpWidthF"  : vpw
+       "vpXF"      : vpx
+       "vpYF"      : vpy
+     end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; This part is commented out because sometimes if values are equal
+ ; to each other, it will incorrectly register as one being greater/less
+ ; than the other value.
+ ;
+ ;    if(any(x.lt.vpx.or.x.gt.(vpx+vpw).or.y.gt.vpy.or.y.lt.(vpy-vph))) then
+ ;      print("Warning: gsn_add_primitive: The X and Y values must be between the viewport values of the plot if you are in NDC space.")
+ ;      return(0)
+ ;    end if
+ ;
+ ; Create a canvas to draw on.
+ ;
+     canvas = create "ndc_canvas" logLinPlotClass wks
+       "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+       "trXMinF"        : vpx
+       "trXMaxF"        : vpx+vpw
+       "trYMaxF"        : vpy
+       "trYMinF"        : vpy-vph
+     end create
+   end if 
+ ;
+ ; Create a graphic style object.  We have to do this instead of using
+ ; the default one, because if we add two primitive objects to a plot
+ ; and assign each one a different color, the two objects will have the
+ ; same color as the last color that was set.
+   gsid = create "graphic_style" graphicStyleClass wks end create
+ ;
+ ; Set graphic style resources, if any.
+ ;
+   gsres = get_res_eq(res2,"gs")
+   gmres = False
+   attsetvalues_check(gsid,gsres)
+   if(isatt(gsres,"gsLineColor"))
+     gmres = True
+     gmres at gsMarkerColor = gsres at gsLineColor
+   end if
+   if(any(ismissing(x)).or.any(ismissing(y)))
+ ;
+ ; If the primitive is a polymarker or polygon, then just use the
+ ; non-missing values.
+ ;
+     if(polytype.eq."polygon".or.polytype.eq."polymarker")
+       inds = ind(.not.ismissing(x).and..not.ismissing(y))
+       if(.not.any(ismissing(inds)))
+         x2 = x(inds)
+         y2 = y(inds)
+         prim_object = create polytype primitiveClass noparent
+           "prXArray"       : x2
+           "prYArray"       : y2
+           "prPolyType"     : polytype
+           "prGraphicStyle" : gsid
+         end create
+         delete(x2)
+         delete(y2)
+         delete(inds)
+ ;
+ ; Add primitive to the plot object.  If in NDC space, then add it to the 
+ ; canvas, and then add the canvas as an annotation.
+ ;
+         dummy = new(1,graphic)
+         if(isndc) then
+           NhlAddPrimitive(canvas,prim_object,dummy)
+           overlay(plotid,canvas)
+         else
+           NhlAddPrimitive(plotid,prim_object,dummy)
+         end if
+       else
+         prim_object = new(1,graphic)
+       end if
+     else
+ ;
+ ; If the primitive is a polyline, then retrieve the pairs of non-missing
+ ; points, and plot them individually.
+ ;
+       dummy = new(1,graphic)
+       indices = get_non_missing_pairs(x,y)
+       i = 0
+ ;
+ ; Get the number of non-missing pairs of lines.
+ ;
+       nlines = dimsizes(ind(.not.ismissing(indices(:,0))))
+       if(.not.ismissing(nlines)) 
+         prim_object = new(nlines,graphic)
+         astring     = new(nlines,string)
+         astring     = polytype + ispan(0,nlines-1,1)
+         first_marker = True
+         do i=0,nlines-1
+           ibeg = indices(i,0)
+           iend = indices(i,1)
+           if(iend.eq.ibeg)
+ ;
+ ; If there's only one point in our line, then indicate it
+ ; with a polymarker.
+ ;
+             polytype2 = "polymarker"
+             if(first_marker)
+               attsetvalues_check(gsid,gmres)
+               first_marker = False
+             end if
+           else
+             polytype2 = "polyline"
+           end if
+           prim_object(i) = create astring(i) primitiveClass noparent
+             "prXArray"       : x(ibeg:iend)
+             "prYArray"       : y(ibeg:iend)
+             "prPolyType"     : polytype2
+             "prGraphicStyle" : gsid
+           end create
+           if(isndc) then
+             NhlAddPrimitive(canvas,prim_object(i),dummy)
+           else
+             NhlAddPrimitive(plotid,prim_object(i),dummy)
+           end if
+         end do
+ ;
+ ; If in NDC space, we need to add the canvas as an annotation of
+ ; the plot.
+ ;
+         if(isndc) then
+           overlay(plotid,canvas)
+         end if
+       else
+         prim_object = new(1,graphic)
+       end if
+     end if
+   else
+ ;
+ ; No data is missing, so create a primitive object.
+ ;
+     prim_object = create polytype primitiveClass noparent
+       "prXArray"       : x
+       "prYArray"       : y
+       "prPolyType"     : polytype
+       "prGraphicStyle" : gsid
+     end create
+ ;
+ ; Add primitive to the plot object.
+ ;
+     dummy = new(1,graphic)
+     if(isndc) then
+       NhlAddPrimitive(canvas,prim_object,dummy)
+ 	  overlay(plotid,canvas)
+     else
+       NhlAddPrimitive(plotid,prim_object,dummy)
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(prim_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_primitive                                              ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;                 isndc: NDC space or not                               ;
+ ;              polytype: type of primitive                              ;
+ ;             resources: optional resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function draws a primitive to the plot "plotid", either in the   ;
+ ; same data space as the data in the plot, or in NDC space. ("plotid"   ;
+ ; is returned from a previous call to one of the gsn_* plotting         ;
+ ; functions), "x" and "y" are the x and y locations of each point in the;
+ ; primitive, and should either be in the same data space as the data    ;
+ ; from "plotid" (isndc = False) or should be values from 0 to 1 if in   ;
+ ; NDC space (isndc = True). Note that using isndc = True should only    ;
+ ; be used internally. It currently only works for NDC coordinates that  ;
+ ; actually fall within the plot's boundaries.                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources.                         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_primitive")
+ procedure gsn_primitive(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x[*]:numeric,
+                         y[*]:numeric,isndc:logical,polytype:string, 
+                         resources:logical)
+ local res2, gsid, gsres, gmres, canvas, xf, yf, x2, y2
+ begin
+   if(.not.any(polytype.eq.(/"polymarker","polygon","polyline"/)))
+     print("Warning: gsn_primitive: Do not recognize primitive type '"+ polytype + "'.")
+     return
+   end if
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ; Create graphic style object.
+   gsid = create "graphic_style" graphicStyleClass wks end create
+ ;
+ ; Create a canvas to draw on, if this is an NDC draw.
+ ; 
+   if(isndc) then
+     canvas = create_canvas(wks)
+   end if
+   gsres = get_res_eq(res2,"gs")
+   attsetvalues_check(gsid,gsres)
+ ;
+ ; Make sure data is float, since NhlDataPolymarker only takes floats.
+ ;
+   xf = tofloat(x)
+   yf = tofloat(y)
+ ;
+ ; Since the NhlData*/NhlNDC* routines don't accept missing values, this
+ ; routine only draws the ones that aren't missing. For polylines, a pen up
+ ; and pen down takes place after each section of missing values.  We'll
+ ; handle this later.
+ ;
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(xf)).and..not.any(ismissing(yf))) then
+     x2 = xf
+     y2 = yf
+     nomsg = True
+   else
+     x2 = xf(ind(.not.ismissing(xf).and..not.ismissing(yf)))
+     y2 = yf(ind(.not.ismissing(xf).and..not.ismissing(yf)))
+     nomsg = False
+   end if
+   if(polytype.eq."polymarker") then
+     if(isndc) then
+       NhlNDCPolymarker(canvas,gsid,x2,y2)
+     else
+       NhlDataPolymarker(plotid,gsid,x2,y2)
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(polytype.eq."polygon") then
+     if(isndc) then
+       NhlNDCPolygon(canvas,gsid,x2,y2)
+     else
+       NhlDataPolygon(plotid,gsid,x2,y2)
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(polytype.eq."polyline".and.nomsg) then
+     if(isndc) then
+       NhlNDCPolyline(canvas,gsid,x2,y2)
+     else
+       NhlDataPolyline(plotid,gsid,x2,y2)
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(polytype.eq."polyline".and..not.nomsg) then
+     first_marker = True
+ ;
+ ; If we end up with a line with just one point, then we draw it with
+ ; a polymarker. Thus, we need to make sure the marker will be the
+ ; same color as the line.
+ ; 
+     gmres = False
+     if(isatt(gsres,"gsLineColor"))
+       gmres               = True
+       gmres at gsMarkerColor = gsres at gsLineColor
+     end if
+     indices = get_non_missing_pairs(xf,yf)
+     i = 0
+     do while(.not.ismissing(indices(i,0)).and.i.lt.dimsizes(xf))
+       ibeg = indices(i,0)
+       iend = indices(i,1)
+       if(iend.gt.ibeg)
+         if(isndc) then
+           NhlNDCPolyline(canvas,gsid,xf(ibeg:iend),yf(ibeg:iend))
+         else
+           NhlDataPolyline(plotid,gsid,xf(ibeg:iend),yf(ibeg:iend))
+         end if
+       else    ; iend = ibeg --> only one point
+         if(first_marker)
+           attsetvalues_check(gsid,gmres)
+           first_marker = False
+         end if
+         if(isndc) then
+           NhlNDCPolymarker(canvas,gsid,xf(ibeg),yf(ibeg))
+         else
+           NhlDataPolymarker(plotid,gsid,xf(ibeg),yf(ibeg))
+         end if
+       end if
+       i = i + 1
+     end do
+     delete(indices)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_polygon                                               ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws a filled polygon on the workstation "wks" (the   ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") in the same ;
+ ; data space as the data in "plotid" (returned from a previous call to  ;
+ ; one of the gsn_* plotting functions). "x" and "y" are the x and y     ;
+ ; locations of each point in the polygon, and should be in the same data;
+ ; space as the data from "plotid". "resources" is an optional list of   ;
+ ; resources.                                                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_polygon")
+ procedure gsn_polygon(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x[*]:numeric,
+                       y[*]:numeric,resources:logical)
+ local res2
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   gsn_primitive(wks,plotid,x,y,False,"polygon",res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_polygon                                            ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function adds a polygon to the plot "plotid", in the same data   ;
+ ; space as the data in the plot ("plotid" is returned from a previous   ;
+ ; call to one of the gsn_* plotting functions). "x" and "y" are the x   ;
+ ; and y locations of each point in the polygon, and should be in the    ;
+ ; same data space as the data from "plotid". "resources" is an optional ;
+ ; list of resources.  This function returns the primitive object        ;
+ ; created.                                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is different from gsn_polygon because it actually       ;
+ ; attaches the polygon to the plot. This means that if you resize or    ;
+ ; move the plot, the polygon will stay with the plot.                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_polygon")
+ function gsn_add_polygon(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x[*]:numeric,
+                          y[*]:numeric,resources:logical)
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   return(gsn_add_primitive(wks,plotid,x,y,False,"polygon",res2))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_polygon_ndc                                           ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws a filled polygon on the workstation "wks" (the   ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") in NDC      ;
+ ; space. "x" and "y" are the x and y locations of each point in the     ;
+ ; polygon, and "resources" is an optional list of resources.            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_polygon_ndc")
+ procedure gsn_polygon_ndc(wks:graphic,x[*]:numeric,y[*]:numeric,
+                           resources:logical)
+ local res2, dummy
+ begin
+   dummy = new(1,graphic)
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   gsn_primitive(wks,dummy,x,y,True,"polygon",res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_polyline                                              ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws a polyline on the workstation "wks" (the variable;
+ ; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") in the same data     ;
+ ; space as the data in "plotid" (returned from a previous call to one of;
+ ; the gsn_* plotting functions). "x" and "y" are the x and y locations  ;
+ ; of each point in the line, and should be in the same data space as the;
+ ; data from "plotid". "resources" is an optional list of resources.     ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_polyline")
+ procedure gsn_polyline(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x[*]:numeric,
+                        y[*]:numeric,resources:logical)
+ local res2
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   gsn_primitive(wks,plotid,x,y,False,"polyline",res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_polyline                                           ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function adds a polyline to the plot "plotid", in the same data  ;
+ ; space as the data in the plot ("plotid" is returned from a previous   ;
+ ; call to one of the gsn_* plotting functions). "x" and "y" are the x   ;
+ ; and y locations of each point in the line, and should be in the same  ;
+ ; data space as the data from "plotid". "resources" is an optional list ;
+ ; of resources. This function returns the primitive object created.     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is different from gsn_polyline because it actually      ;
+ ; attaches the line to the plot. This means that if you resize or move  ;
+ ; the plot, the line will stay with the plot.                           ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_polyline")
+ function gsn_add_polyline(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x[*]:numeric,
+                            y[*]:numeric,resources:logical)
+ local res2
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   return(gsn_add_primitive(wks,plotid,x,y,False,"polyline",res2))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_polyline_ndc                                          ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     x: 1-dimensional array of x ndc points            ;
+ ;                     y: 1-dimensional array of y ndc points            ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws a polyline on the workstation "wks" (the variable;
+ ; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") in NDC space.        ;
+ ; "x" and "y" are the x and y locations of each point in the line.      ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources.                         ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_polyline_ndc")
+ procedure gsn_polyline_ndc(wks:graphic,x[*]:numeric,y[*]:numeric,
+                            resources:logical)
+ local res2, dummy
+ begin
+   dummy = new(1,graphic)
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   gsn_primitive(wks,dummy,x,y,True,"polyline",res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_polymarker                                            ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws polymarkers on the workstation "wks" (the        ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") in the same ;
+ ; data space as the data in "plotid" (returned from a previous call to  ;
+ ; one of the gsn_* plotting functions). "x" and "y" are the x and y     ;
+ ; locations of each marker, and should be in the same data space as the ;
+ ; data from "plotid". "resources" is an optional list of resources.     ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_polymarker")
+ procedure gsn_polymarker(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x:numeric,
+                          y:numeric,resources:logical)
+ local res2, rank
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+   if(rank.eq.1) then
+     gsn_primitive(wks,plotid,x,y,False,"polymarker",res2)
+   else
+     gsn_primitive(wks,plotid,ndtooned(x),ndtooned(y),False,"polymarker",res2)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_polymarker                                         ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function adds polymarkers to the plot "plotid", in the same      ;
+ ; data space as the data in the plot ("plotid" is returned from a       ;
+ ; previous call to one of the gsn_* plotting functions). "x" and "y" are;
+ ; the x and y locations of each marker, and should be in the same data  ;
+ ; space as the data from "plotid". "resources" is an optional list of   ;
+ ; resources. This function returns the primitive object created.        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is different from gsn_polymarker because it actually    ;
+ ; attaches the markers to the plot. This means that if you resize or    ;
+ ; move the plot, the markers will stay with the plot.                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_polymarker")
+ function gsn_add_polymarker(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,x:numeric,
+                             y:numeric,resources:logical)
+ local res2, rank
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+   if(rank.eq.1) then
+     return(gsn_add_primitive(wks,plotid,x,y,False,"polymarker",res2))
+   else
+     return(gsn_add_primitive(wks,plotid,ndtooned(x),ndtooned(y),False,"polymarker",res2))
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_shapefile_polylines                                   ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                 fname: Name of shapefile ("xxxx.shp")                 ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; gsn_add_shapefile_polylines BELOW!! Note that in V6.2.0, the "add"    ;
+ ; version of this code was sped up significantly, so this procedure is  ;
+ ; not needed so much anymore.                                           ;
+ ;
+ ; This function draws shapefile polylines on the plot "plotid".         ;
+ ; See gsn_add_shapefile_polylines if you want to add them instead (this ;
+ ; can be much slower).                                                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.1.0, some code was added to add checks if the lat/lon    ;
+ ; segments are within the range of the map. This works best for a C.E.  ;
+ ; map. You have to set the special min/max/lat/lon attributes for this  ;
+ ; to work.  I won't advertise this yet, because the interface could     ;
+ ; probably be made better. See note about V6.2.0 above.                 ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_shapefile_polylines")
+ procedure gsn_shapefile_polylines(wks,plot,fname:string,lnres)
+ local f, segments, geometry, segsDims, geomDims, geom_segIndex, 
+ geom_numSegs, segs_xyzIndex, segs_numPnts, numFeatures, i, lat, lon, 
+ startSegment, numSegments, seg, startPT, endPT
+ begin
+ ;---Open the shapefile
+   f = addfile(fname,"r")
+ ;---Error checking
+   if(ismissing(f)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_shapefile_polylines: Can't open shapefile '" + 
+            fname + "'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---We can't use this routine to plot point data
+   if(.not.any(f at geometry_type.eq.(/"polygon","polyline"/))) then
+     print("Error: gsn_shapefile_polylines: geometry_type attribute must be 'polygon' or 'polyline'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---Read data off the shapefile
+   geomDims    = getfilevardimsizes(f,"geometry")
+   numFeatures = geomDims(0)
+   if(numFeatures.eq.0) then
+     print("Error: gsn_shapefile_polylines: the number of features in this file is 0.")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+   segments = f->segments
+   geometry = f->geometry
+   segsDims = dimsizes(segments)
+ ;---Read global attributes  
+   geom_segIndex = f at geom_segIndex
+   geom_numSegs  = f at geom_numSegs
+   segs_xyzIndex = f at segs_xyzIndex
+   segs_numPnts  = f at segs_numPnts
+ ;---Section to attach polylines to plot.
+   lon = f->x
+   lat = f->y
+ ;
+ ; Special check for minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon attributes.
+ ;
+ ; If set, then each lat/lon segment will be checked if it's
+ ; in the range.  This can speed up plotting, but I need to
+ ; verify this!
+ ; 
+   if(isatt(lnres,"minlon").and.isatt(lnres,"maxlon").and.
+      isatt(lnres,"minlat").and.isatt(lnres,"maxlat")) then
+     do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+        startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+        numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+        do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+           startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+           endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+           lat_sub = lat(startPT:endPT)
+           lon_sub = lon(startPT:endPT) 
+           if(.not.(all(lon_sub.lt.lnres at minlon).or. 
+                    all(lon_sub.gt.lnres at maxlon).or. 
+                    all(lat_sub.lt.lnres at minlat).or. 
+                    all(lat_sub.gt.lnres at maxlat))) then
+             gsn_polyline(wks, plot, lon_sub, lat_sub, lnres)
+           end if
+           delete([/lat_sub,lon_sub/])
+        end do
+     end do
+   else       ; Don't do any range checking. 
+     do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+        startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+        numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+        do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+           startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+           endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+           gsn_polyline(wks, plot, lon(startPT:endPT),  
+                                   lat(startPT:endPT), lnres)
+        end do
+     end do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_shapefile_polylines                                ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                 fname: Name of shapefile ("xxxx.shp")                 ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; gsn_shapefile_polylines ABOVE!!                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function attaches shapefile polylines to the plot "plotid".      ;
+ ; See gsn_shapefile_polylines if you want to just draw them.            ; 
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.2.0 this function was significantly sped-up via the use  ;
+ ; of a new resource called "gsSegments". Only one primitive object id   ;
+ ; is now created. In some cases, we saw speed-ups of 80x (for example,  ;
+ ; with the France_adm5 shapefile). Because of this speed-up, the code   ;
+ ; added in V6.1.0 for checking for special minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon  ;
+ ; is no longer needed. It is commented out for now. It may eventually   ;
+ ; be removed once we are certain it doesn't serve any benefit.          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.1.0, some code was added to add checks if the lat/lon    ;
+ ; segments are within the range of the map. This works best for a C.E.  ;
+ ; map. You have to set the special min/max/lat/lon attributes for this  ;
+ ; to work.  I won't advertise this yet, because the interface could     ;
+ ; probably be made better. THIS CODE HAS BEEN COMMENTED OUT in V6.2.0.  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.2.1, this function was modified to allow multiple plots. ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_shapefile_polylines")
+ function gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,plots[*]:graphic,fname:string,lnres)
+ local f, geomDims, numFeatures, lnres2
+ begin
+ ;---Open the shapefile
+   f = addfile(fname,"r")
+ ;---Error checking
+   if(ismissing(f)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polylines: Can't open shapefile '" + 
+            fname + "'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---We can't use this routine to plot point data
+   if(.not.any(f at geometry_type.eq.(/"polygon","polyline"/))) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polylines: geometry_type attribute must be 'polygon' or 'polyline'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+   if(lnres) then
+     lnres2 = lnres      ; Make a copy so that we don't keep gsSegments
+   else
+     lnres2 = True
+   end if
+ ;---Read data off the shapefile
+   geomDims    = getfilevardimsizes(f,"geometry")
+   numFeatures = geomDims(0)
+   if(numFeatures.eq.0) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polylines: the number of features in this file is 0.")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;;  segments = f->segments
+ ;;  geometry = f->geometry
+ ;;  segsDims = dimsizes(segments)
+ ;;
+ ;;;---Read global attributes  
+ ;;  geom_segIndex = f at geom_segIndex
+ ;;  geom_numSegs  = f at geom_numSegs
+ ;;  segs_xyzIndex = f at segs_xyzIndex
+ ;;  segs_numPnts  = f at segs_numPnts
+ ;;
+ ;;;---Create array to hold all polylines
+ ;;  npoly = sum(geometry(:,geom_numSegs)) 
+ ;;  poly  = new(npoly,graphic)
+ ;;
+ ;;;---Section to attach polylines to plot.
+ ;;  lon = f->x
+ ;;  lat = f->y
+ ;;  npl = 0     ; polyline counter
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Special check for minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon attributes.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; If set, then each lat/lon segment will be checked if it's
+ ;;; in the range.  This can speed up plotting, but I need to
+ ;;; verify this!
+ ;;; 
+ ;;  if(isatt(lnres,"minlon").and.isatt(lnres,"maxlon").and.\

+ ;;     isatt(lnres,"minlat").and.isatt(lnres,"maxlat")) then
+ ;;    do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+ ;;       startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+ ;;       numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+ ;;       do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+ ;;          startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+ ;;          endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+ ;;          lat_sub = lat(startPT:endPT)
+ ;;          lon_sub = lon(startPT:endPT) 
+ ;;          if(.not.(all(lon_sub.lt.lnres at minlon).or. \

+ ;;                   all(lon_sub.gt.lnres at maxlon).or. \

+ ;;                   all(lat_sub.lt.lnres at minlat).or. \

+ ;;                   all(lat_sub.gt.lnres at maxlat))) then
+ ;;            poly(npl) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, lon_sub, lat_sub, lnres)
+ ;;            npl = npl + 1
+ ;;          end if
+ ;;          delete([/lat_sub,lon_sub/])
+ ;;       end do
+ ;;    end do
+ ;;  else       ; Don't do any range checking. 
+ ;;    do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+ ;;       startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+ ;;       numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+ ;;       do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+ ;;          startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+ ;;          endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+ ;;          poly(npl) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, lon(startPT:endPT),  \

+ ;;                                       lat(startPT:endPT), lnres)
+ ;;          npl = npl + 1
+ ;;       end do
+ ;;    end do
+ ;;  end if
+ ;;  return(poly(0:npl-1))
+ ;---This is all that's needed in V6.2.0.
+   lnres2 at gsSegments = f->segments(:,0)
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+   poly   = new(nplots,graphic)
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     poly(i) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plots(i), f->x, f->y, lnres2)
+   end do
+   return(poly)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_shapefile_polygons                                 ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                 fname: Name of shapefile ("xxxx.shp")                 ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function attaches shapefile polygons to the plot "plotid".       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.2.0 this function was significantly sped-up via the use  ;
+ ; of a new resource called "gsSegments". Only one primitive object id   ;
+ ; is now created. In some cases, we saw speed-ups of 80x (for example,  ;
+ ; with the France_adm5 shapefile). Because of this speed-up, the code   ;
+ ; added in V6.1.0 for checking for special minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon  ;
+ ; is no longer needed. It is commented out for now. It may eventually   ;
+ ; be removed once we are certain it doesn't serve any benefit.          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.1.0, some code was added to add checks if the lat/lon    ;
+ ; segments are within the range of the map. This works best for a C.E.  ;
+ ; map. You have to set the special min/max/lat/lon attributes for this  ;
+ ; to work.  I won't advertise this yet, because the interface could     ;
+ ; probably be made better. THIS CODE HAS BEEN COMMENTED OUT in V6.2.0.  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.2.1, this function was modified to allow multiple plots. ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_shapefile_polygons")
+ function gsn_add_shapefile_polygons(wks,plots[*]:graphic,fname:string,gnres)
+ local f, geomDims, numFeatures, gnres2
+ begin
+ ;---Open the shapefile
+   f = addfile(fname,"r")
+ ;---Error checking
+   if(ismissing(f)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polygons: Can't open shapefile '" + 
+            fname + "'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---We can't use this routine to plot point data
+   if(f at geometry_type.ne."polygon") then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polygon: geometry_type attribute must be 'polygon'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---Read data off the shapefile
+   geomDims    = getfilevardimsizes(f,"geometry")
+   numFeatures = geomDims(0)
+   if(numFeatures.eq.0) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polygon: the number of features in this file is 0.")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+   if(gnres) then
+     gnres2 = gnres      ; Make a copy so that we don't keep gsSegments
+   else
+     gnres2 = True
+   end if
+ ;---Get the number of colors
+   if(.not.gnres2.or.(.not.isatt(gnres2,"gsFillColor").and.
+                      .not.isatt(gnres2,"gsColors"))) then
+     getvalues wks
+       "wkColorMapLen"  : cmap_len
+     end getvalues
+     gnres2          = True   ; Make sure this is True
+     gnres2 at gsColors = toint(random_uniform(2,cmap_len-2,numFeatures))
+   end if
+ ;;  segments = f->segments
+ ;;  geometry = f->geometry
+ ;;  segsDims = dimsizes(segments)
+ ;;
+ ;;;---Read global attributes  
+ ;;  geom_segIndex = f at geom_segIndex
+ ;;  geom_numSegs  = f at geom_numSegs
+ ;;  segs_xyzIndex = f at segs_xyzIndex
+ ;;  segs_numPnts  = f at segs_numPnts
+ ;;
+ ;;;---Create array to hold all polylines
+ ;;  npoly = sum(geometry(:,geom_numSegs)) 
+ ;;  poly  = new(npoly,graphic)
+ ;;
+ ;;;---Section to attach polygons to plot.
+ ;;  lon = f->x
+ ;;  lat = f->y
+ ;;  npl = 0     ; polyline counter
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Special check for minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon attributes.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; If set, then each lat/lon segment will be checked if it's
+ ;;; in the range.  This can speed up plotting, but I need to
+ ;;; verify this!
+ ;;; 
+ ;;  if(isatt(gnres,"minlon").and.isatt(gnres,"maxlon").and.\

+ ;;     isatt(gnres,"minlat").and.isatt(gnres,"maxlat")) then
+ ;;    do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+ ;;       startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+ ;;       numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+ ;;       do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+ ;;          startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+ ;;          endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+ ;;          lat_sub = lat(startPT:endPT)
+ ;;          lon_sub = lon(startPT:endPT) 
+ ;;          if(set_fill_color) then
+ ;;;---Pick a random color 
+ ;;            gnres at gsFillColor = toint(random_uniform(2,cmap_len-2,1))
+ ;;          end if
+ ;;          if(.not.(all(lon_sub.lt.gnres at minlon).or. \

+ ;;                   all(lon_sub.gt.gnres at maxlon).or. \

+ ;;                   all(lat_sub.lt.gnres at minlat).or. \

+ ;;                   all(lat_sub.gt.gnres at maxlat))) then
+ ;;;---Attach the line segment
+ ;;            poly(npl) = gsn_add_polygon(wks, plot, lon_sub, lat_sub, gnres)
+ ;;            npl = npl + 1
+ ;;          end if
+ ;;          delete([/lat_sub,lon_sub/])
+ ;;       end do
+ ;;    end do
+ ;;  else
+ ;;    do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+ ;;       startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+ ;;       numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+ ;;       do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+ ;;          startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+ ;;          endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+ ;;          if(set_fill_color) then
+ ;;;---Pick a random color 
+ ;;            gnres at gsFillColor = toint(random_uniform(2,cmap_len-2,1))
+ ;;          end if
+ ;;;---Attach the line segment
+ ;;          poly(npl) = gsn_add_polygon(wks, plot, lon(startPT:endPT),  \

+ ;;                                      lat(startPT:endPT), gnres)
+ ;;          npl = npl + 1
+ ;;       end do
+ ;;    end do
+ ;;  end if
+ ;;  return(poly)
+ ;---This is all that's needed in V6.2.0.
+   gnres2 at gsSegments = f->segments(:,0)
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+   poly   = new(nplots,graphic)
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     poly(i) = gsn_add_polygon(wks, plots(i), f->x, f->y, gnres2)
+   end do
+   return(poly)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers                              ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                 fname: Name of shapefile ("xxxx.shp")                 ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function attaches shapefile point data to the plot "plotid".     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.1.0, some code was added to add checks if the lat/lon    ;
+ ; segments are within the range of the map. This works best for a C.E.  ;
+ ; map. You have to set the special min/max/lat/lon attributes for this  ;
+ ; to work.  I won't advertise this yet, because the interface could     ;
+ ; probably be made better.                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; In version 6.2.1, this function was modified to allow multiple plots. ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers")
+ function gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers(wks,plots[*]:graphic,fname:string,mkres)
+ local f, segments, geometry, segsDims, geomDims, geom_segIndex, 
+ geom_numSegs, segs_xyzIndex, segs_numPnts, numFeatures, i, lat, lon, 
+ startSegment, numSegments, seg, startPT, endPT, npoly, npl
+ begin
+ ;---Open the shapefile
+   f = addfile(fname,"r")
+ ;---Error checking
+   if(ismissing(f)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers: Can't open shapefile '" + 
+            fname + "'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---We can't use this routine to plot point data
+   if(f at geometry_type.ne."point") then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers: geometry_type attribute must be 'point'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---Read data off the shapefile
+   geomDims    = getfilevardimsizes(f,"geometry")
+   numFeatures = geomDims(0)
+   if(numFeatures.eq.0) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers: the number of features in this file is 0.")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+   segments = f->segments
+   geometry = f->geometry
+   segsDims = dimsizes(segments)
+ ;---Read global attributes  
+   geom_segIndex = f at geom_segIndex
+   geom_numSegs  = f at geom_numSegs
+   segs_xyzIndex = f at segs_xyzIndex
+   segs_numPnts  = f at segs_numPnts
+ ;---Create array to hold all polymarkers
+   npoly  = sum(geometry(:,geom_numSegs)) 
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+   poly   = new(npoly*nplots,graphic)
+ ;---Section to attach polymarkers to plots.
+   lon = f->x
+   lat = f->y
+   npl = 0     ; polyline counter
+ ;
+ ; Special check for minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon attributes.
+ ;
+ ; If set, then each lat/lon segment will be checked if it's
+ ; in the range.  This can speed up plotting, but I need to
+ ; verify this!
+ ; 
+   if(isatt(mkres,"minlon").and.isatt(mkres,"maxlon").and.
+      isatt(mkres,"minlat").and.isatt(mkres,"maxlat")) then
+     do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+        startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+        numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+        do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+           startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+           endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+           lat_sub = lat(startPT:endPT)
+           lon_sub = lon(startPT:endPT) 
+           if(.not.(all(lon_sub.lt.mkres at minlon).or. 
+                    all(lon_sub.gt.mkres at maxlon).or. 
+                    all(lat_sub.lt.mkres at minlat).or. 
+                    all(lat_sub.gt.mkres at maxlat))) then
+ ;---Attach the markers
+             do n=0,nplots-1
+               poly(npl) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks, plots(n), lon_sub, lat_sub, mkres)
+               npl = npl + 1
+             end do
+            end if
+            delete([/lat_sub,lon_sub/])
+          end do
+     end do
+   else       ; Don't do any range checking. 
+     do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+        startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+        numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+        do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+           startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+           endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+ ;---Attach the markers
+           do n=0,nplots-1
+             poly(npl) = gsn_add_polymarker(wks, plots(n), lon(startPT:endPT),  
+                                            lat(startPT:endPT), mkres)
+             npl = npl + 1
+           end do
+        end do
+     end do
+   end if
+   return(poly(0:npl-1))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_shapefile_text                                     ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                 fname: Name of shapefile ("xxxx.shp")                 ;
+ ;                 vname: Name of string variable containing text strings;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function attaches shapefile text strings to the plot "plotid".   ;
+ ; The assumption is that there are "num_features" text strings, and this;
+ ; routine gets the approximate mid lat/lon area for each text string.   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_shapefile_text")
+ function gsn_add_shapefile_text(wks,plot,fname[1]:string,vname[1]:string,txres)
+ local f, segments, geometry, segsDims, geomDims, geom_segIndex, 
+ geom_numSegs, segs_xyzIndex, segs_numPnts, numFeatures, i, lat, lon, 
+ startSegment, numSegments, seg, startPT, endPT, ntxt, 
+ minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon
+ begin
+ ;---Open the shapefile
+   f = addfile(fname,"r")
+   if(.not.isfilevar(f,vname))
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_text: '" + vname + "' is not a variable")
+     print("       in file '" + fname + "'.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---Error checking
+   if(ismissing(f)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_text: Can't open shapefile '" + 
+            fname + "'")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+ ;---Read data off the shapefile
+   geomDims    = getfilevardimsizes(f,"geometry")
+   numFeatures = geomDims(0)
+   if(numFeatures.eq.0) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_shapefile_text: the number of features in this file is 0.")
+     print("       No shapefile information will be added.")
+     return(new(1,graphic))
+   end if
+   segments = f->segments
+   geometry = f->geometry
+   segsDims = dimsizes(segments)
+ ;---Read global attributes  
+   geom_segIndex = f at geom_segIndex
+   geom_numSegs  = f at geom_numSegs
+   segs_xyzIndex = f at segs_xyzIndex
+   segs_numPnts  = f at segs_numPnts
+   numFeatures   = geomDims(0)
+ ;---Create array to hold all text
+   text  = new(numFeatures,graphic)
+ ;---Section to attach text to plot.
+   lon = f->x
+   lat = f->y
+   ntxt = 0     ; text counter
+ ;
+ ; Special check for minlat/maxlat/minlon/maxlon attributes.
+ ;
+ ; If set, then each lat/lon segment will be checked if it's
+ ; in the range.  This can speed up plotting, but I need to
+ ; verify this!
+ ;
+   if(isatt(txres,"minlon").and.isatt(txres,"maxlon").and.
+      isatt(txres,"minlat").and.isatt(txres,"maxlat")) then
+     do i=0, numFeatures-1
+        startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+        numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+        minlat = new(1,typeof(lat))
+        maxlat = new(1,typeof(lat))
+        minlon = new(1,typeof(lon))
+        maxlon = new(1,typeof(lon))
+        do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+           startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+           endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+           lat_sub = lat(startPT:endPT)
+           lon_sub = lon(startPT:endPT)
+           if(.not.(all(lon_sub.lt.txres at minlon).or. 
+                    all(lon_sub.gt.txres at maxlon).or. 
+                    all(lat_sub.lt.txres at minlat).or. 
+                    all(lat_sub.gt.txres at maxlat))) then
+             if(any((/ismissing(minlat),ismissing(maxlat), 
+                      ismissing(minlon),ismissing(maxlon)/))) then
+               minlat = min(lat_sub)
+               maxlat = max(lat_sub)
+               minlon = min(lon_sub)
+               maxlon = max(lon_sub)
+             else
+               minlat = min((/minlat,min(lat_sub)/))
+               maxlat = max((/maxlat,max(lat_sub)/))
+               minlon = min((/minlon,min(lon_sub)/))
+               maxlon = max((/maxlon,max(lon_sub)/))
+             end if
+           end if
+           delete([/lat_sub,lon_sub/])
+        end do
+ ;---Attach the text string
+        if(.not.any((/ismissing(minlat),ismissing(maxlat), 
+                      ismissing(minlon),ismissing(maxlon)/))) then
+          avglat = (minlat+maxlat)/2.
+          avglon = (minlon+maxlon)/2.
+          print("Text = '" + f->$vname$(i) + "'")
+          print("Location = " + avglat + "/" + avglon)
+          text(ntxt) = gsn_add_text(wks, plot,f->$vname$(i),avglon,avglat,txres)
+          ntxt = ntxt + 1
+        end if
+     end do
+   else
+     do i=0, numFeatures-1  
+        startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
+        numSegments  = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
+        minlat = new(1,typeof(lat))
+        maxlat = new(1,typeof(lat))
+        minlon = new(1,typeof(lon))
+        maxlon = new(1,typeof(lon))
+        do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
+           startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
+           endPT   = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
+           if(any((/ismissing(minlat),ismissing(maxlat), 
+                    ismissing(minlon),ismissing(maxlon)/))) then
+             minlat = min(lat(startPT:endPT))
+             maxlat = max(lat(startPT:endPT))
+             minlon = min(lon(startPT:endPT))
+             maxlon = max(lon(startPT:endPT))
+           else
+             minlat = min((/minlat,min(lat(startPT:endPT))/))
+             maxlat = max((/maxlat,max(lat(startPT:endPT))/))
+             minlon = min((/minlon,min(lon(startPT:endPT))/))
+             maxlon = max((/maxlon,max(lon(startPT:endPT))/))
+           end if
+        end do
+ ;---Attach the text string
+        if(.not.any((/ismissing(minlat),ismissing(maxlat), 
+                      ismissing(minlon),ismissing(maxlon)/))) then
+          avglat = (minlat+maxlat)/2.
+          avglon = (minlon+maxlon)/2.
+          text(ntxt) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot,f->$vname$(i),avglon,avglat,txres)
+          ntxt = ntxt + 1
+        end if
+     end do
+   end if
+   return(text)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_polymarker_ndc                                        ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of x points                ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of y points                ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws polymarkers on the workstation "wks" (the        ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") in NDC      ;
+ ; space. "x" and "y" are the x and y locations of each marker in NDC    ;
+ ; coordinates. "resources" is an optional list of resources.            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_polymarker_ndc")
+ procedure gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks:graphic,x:numeric,y:numeric,
+                              resources:logical)
+ local res2, dummy, rank
+ begin
+   dummy = new(1,graphic)
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+   if(rank.eq.1) then
+     gsn_primitive(wks,dummy,x,y,True,"polymarker",res2)
+   else
+     gsn_primitive(wks,dummy,ndtooned(x),ndtooned(y),True,"polymarker",res2)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_create_labelbar_ndc                                    ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  nbox: number of labelbar boxes                       ;
+ ;                labels: labels for boxes                               ;
+ ;                     x: X NDC position of labelbar                     ;
+ ;                     y: Y NDC position of labelbar                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is identical to gsn_create_labelbar, except the location;
+ ; of the labelbar is passed in (NDC coordinate values).                 ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_create_labelbar_ndc")
+ function gsn_create_labelbar_ndc(wks:graphic, nbox:integer, labels:string, 
+                                  x,y,resources:logical )
+ local res2, lbres, wksname
+ begin
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+     lbres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lb","vp"/))
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+ ;
+ ; A special test is needed for the resource lbLabelFontHeightF.
+ ; If it is set, then we need to turn off lbAutoManage. The
+ ; user can override this, of course.
+ ;
+     if(lbres.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(lbres))).and.
+         isatt(lbres,"lbLabelFontHeightF"))
+       auto_manage = get_res_value(lbres,"lbAutoManage",False)
+     else
+       auto_manage = get_res_value(lbres,"lbAutoManage",True)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If x,y < 0, this is invalid, and hence don't use these values.
+ ; This was a special way to allow gsn_create_labelbar to call this
+ ; routine without needing valid x, y values.
+ ;
+     if(x.lt.0.or.y.lt.0) then
+       lbid = create wksname + "_labelbar" labelBarClass wks
+         "lbBoxCount"     : nbox
+         "lbLabelStrings" : labels
+         "lbAutoManage"   : auto_manage
+       end create
+     else
+       lbid = create wksname + "_labelbar" labelBarClass wks
+         "vpXF"           : x
+         "vpYF"           : y
+         "lbBoxCount"     : nbox
+         "lbLabelStrings" : labels
+         "lbAutoManage"   : auto_manage
+       end create
+     end if
+     if(lbres.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(lbres))))
+       attsetvalues_check(lbid,lbres)
+     end if
+ ; Return labelbar.
+     return(lbid)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_create_labelbar                                        ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  nbox: number of labelbar boxes                       ;
+ ;                labels: labels for boxes                               ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and returns a labelbar on the workstation "wks" ;
+ ; (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").       ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources.                         ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_create_labelbar")
+ function gsn_create_labelbar(wks:graphic, nbox:integer, labels:string, 
+                              resources:logical )
+ begin
+     x = -1.   ; Special values to tip off the routine
+     y = -1.   ; that we don't have X,Y values.
+     labelbar = gsn_create_labelbar_ndc(wks, nbox, labels, x, y, resources)
+     return(labelbar)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_labelbar_ndc                                           ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  nbox: number of labelbar boxes                       ;
+ ;                labels: labels for boxes                               ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is identical to gsn_create_labelbar_ndc except it draws ;
+ ; the labelbar that's created.                                          ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_labelbar_ndc")
+ procedure gsn_labelbar_ndc(wks:graphic, nbox:integer, labels:string, 
+                            x,y,resources:logical )
+ local labelbar
+ begin
+     labelbar = gsn_create_labelbar_ndc(wks, nbox, labels, x, y, resources)
+     draw(labelbar)
+     delete(labelbar)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_create_legend_ndc                                      ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  nitems: number of legend items                       ;
+ ;                labels: labels for items                               ;
+ ;                     x: X NDC position of legend                       ;
+ ;                     y: Y NDC position of legend                       ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function draws a legend on the workstation "wks" (the variable   ;
+ ; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an   ;
+ ; optional list of resources.                                           ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_create_legend_ndc")
+ function gsn_create_legend_ndc(wks:graphic, nitems:integer, labels:string, 
+                                x,y,resources:logical )
+ local i, res2, lgres, wksname, lgres, item_order
+ begin
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     item_order = get_res_value(res2,"lgItemOrder",ispan(0,nitems-1,1))
+ ;
+ ; If x,y < 0, this is invalid, and hence don't use these values.
+ ; This was a special way to allow gsn_create_legend to call this
+ ; routine without needing valid x, y values.
+ ;
+     if(x.lt.0.or.y.lt.0) then
+       legend = create wksname + "_legend" legendClass wks
+         "lgItemCount"    : nitems
+         "lgLabelStrings" : labels
+         "lgItemOrder"    : item_order
+       end create
+     else
+       legend = create wksname + "_legend" legendClass wks
+         "vpXF"           : x
+         "vpYF"           : y
+         "lgItemCount"    : nitems
+         "lgLabelStrings" : labels
+         "lgItemOrder"    : item_order
+       end create
+     end if
+     lgres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"lg","vp"/))
+     if(lgres.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(lgres))))
+ ; A special test is needed for the resource lgLabelFontHeightF.
+ ; If it is set, then we need to turn off lgAutoManage.
+       if(isatt(lgres,"lgLabelFontHeightF"))
+         setvalues legend
+           "lgAutoManage"       : False
+           "lgLabelFontHeightF" : lgres at lgLabelFontHeightF
+         end setvalues
+         delete(lgres at lgLabelFontHeightF)
+       end if
+       attsetvalues_check(legend,lgres)
+     end if
+ ; Return legend.
+     return(legend)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_create_legend                                          ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  nitems: number of legend items                       ;
+ ;                labels: labels for items                               ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates a legend.                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_create_legend")
+ function gsn_create_legend(wks:graphic, nitems:integer, labels:string, 
+                            resources:logical )
+ begin
+     x = -1.   ; Special values to tip off the routine
+     y = -1.   ; that we don't have X,Y values.
+     legend = gsn_create_legend_ndc(wks, nitems, labels, x, y, resources)
+     return(legend)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_legend_ndc                                            ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  nitems: number of legend items                       ;
+ ;                labels: labels for items                               ;
+ ;                     x: X NDC position of legend                       ;
+ ;                     y: Y NDC position of legend                       ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws a legend on the workstation "wks" (the variable  ;
+ ; returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). "resources" is an   ;
+ ; optional list of resources.                                           ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_legend_ndc")
+ procedure gsn_legend_ndc(wks:graphic, nitems:integer, labels:string, 
+                          x,y,resources:logical )
+ local legend
+ begin
+   legend = gsn_create_legend_ndc(wks,nitems,labels,x,y,resources)
+   draw(legend)
+   delete(legend)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_create_text_ndc                                        ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  text: array of text strings                          ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of x ndc positions         ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of y ndc positions         ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function draws text strings on the workstation "wks" (the        ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").  "x" and   ;
+ ; "y" are the x and y locations of each text string, and should be      ;
+ ; specified in NDC space. "resources" is an optional list of resources. ;
+ ; This function returns the text string created.                        ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_create_text_ndc")
+ function gsn_create_text_ndc(wks:graphic, texto:string, xo:numeric, 
+                              yo:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local i, txid, plot_object, res, tx_res_index, x2, y2, x, y, res2, 
+ calldraw, callframe
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Any one of xo, yo, and texto can just be one element, but if two or more
+ ; are more than one element, then they must be exactly the same size.
+ ;
+   xsizes = dimsizes(xo)
+   ysizes = dimsizes(yo)
+   tsizes = dimsizes(texto)
+   xrank  = dimsizes(xsizes)
+   yrank  = dimsizes(ysizes)
+   trank  = dimsizes(tsizes)
+   if(xrank.gt.1.and.yrank.gt.1.and..not.all(xsizes.eq.ysizes)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_text_ndc: x and y must have the same dimension sizes, or either be a single value.")
+     dummy = new(1,graphic)
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+   if(trank.gt.1.and. 
+      (xrank.gt.1.and..not.all(xsizes.eq.tsizes)) .or. 
+      (yrank.gt.1.and..not.all(ysizes.eq.tsizes))) then
+     print("Error: gsn_text_ndc: text must be a single string or the same dimension size as x and/or y.")
+     dummy = new(1,graphic)
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Convert to 1-dimensional arrays of all the same length.
+ ;
+   if(xrank.gt.1) then
+     x    = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(xo)))
+     y    = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(yo)))
+     text = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(texto)))
+   else
+     if(yrank.gt.1) then
+       x    = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(xo)))
+       y    = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(yo)))
+       text = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(texto)))
+     else
+       x    = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(xo))
+       y    = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(yo))
+       text = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(texto))
+     end if
+   end if
+   x    = ndtooned(xo)
+   y    = ndtooned(yo)
+   text = ndtooned(texto)
+   len  = dimsizes(x)
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+   calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", False)
+   callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",False)
+   maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+   txres = get_res_eq(res2,"tx")  ; Get text resources.
+   txid  = new(len,graphic)
+   if((res2).and.isatt(res2,"txFuncCode")) then
+ ;
+ ; Special case where we don't have x,y values.
+ ;
+     if(all(x.lt.0).and.all(y.lt.0)) then
+       do i=0,len-1
+         txid(i) = create wksname + "_text_ndc"+i textItemClass wks
+           "txString"   : text(i)
+           "txFuncCode" : res2 at txFuncCode
+         end create
+         attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)       ; Set text resources.
+         draw_and_frame(wks,txid(i),calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+       end do
+     else
+       do i=0,len-1
+         txid(i) = create wksname + "_text_ndc"+i textItemClass wks
+           "txString" : text(i)
+           "txPosXF"  : x(i)
+           "txPosYF"  : y(i)
+           "txFuncCode" : res2 at txFuncCode
+         end create
+         attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)       ; Set text resources.
+         draw_and_frame(wks,txid(i),calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+       end do
+     end if
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Special case where we don't have x,y values.
+ ;
+     if(all(x.lt.0).and.all(y.lt.0)) then
+       do i=0,len-1
+         txid(i) = create wksname + "_text_ndc"+i textItemClass wks
+           "txString" : text(i)
+         end create
+         attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)       ; Set text resources.
+         draw_and_frame(wks,txid(i),calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+       end do
+     else
+       do i=0,len-1
+         txid(i) = create wksname + "_text_ndc"+i textItemClass wks
+           "txString" : text(i)
+           "txPosXF"  : x(i)
+           "txPosYF"  : y(i)
+         end create
+         attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)       ; Set text resources.
+         draw_and_frame(wks,txid(i),calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(xrank.gt.1) then
+     return(onedtond(txid,xsizes))
+   end if
+   if(yrank.gt.1) then
+     return(onedtond(txid,ysizes))
+   end if
+   return(txid)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_create_text                                            ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  text: text strings                                   ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates text strings.                                   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_create_text")
+ function gsn_create_text(wks:graphic, text:string, resources:logical )
+ local x, y
+ begin
+     x = -1.   ; Special values to tip off the routine
+     y = -1.   ; that we don't have X,Y values.
+     txid = gsn_create_text_ndc(wks, text, x, y, resources)
+     return(txid)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_text_ndc                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure is the same as gsn_text, only it doesn't return        ;
+ ; anything.                                                             ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_text_ndc")
+ procedure gsn_text_ndc(wks:graphic, text:string, x:numeric, 
+                        y:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local txid, res2
+ begin
+   if(resources) then
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   else
+     res2 = True
+   end if
+   res2 at gsnDraw = True               ; False by default
+   txid = gsn_create_text_ndc(wks,text,x,y,res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_text                                                  ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                  text: array of text strings                          ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of x data positions        ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of y data positions        ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws text strings on the workstation "wks" (the       ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").  "x" and   ;
+ ; "y" are the x and y locations of each text string, and should be      ;
+ ; specified in the same data space as the data space of "plotid".       ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources.                         ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_text")
+ procedure gsn_text(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,texto:string,xo:numeric, 
+                    yo:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local i, txid, x2, y2, xf, yf, x, y, res2, calldraw, callframe, maxbb, 
+ wksname, xsizes, ysizes, tsizes, xrank, yrank, trank, text, len, txres
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Any one of xo, yo, and texto can just be one element, but if two or more
+ ; are more than one element, then they must be exactly the same size.
+ ;
+   xsizes = dimsizes(xo)
+   ysizes = dimsizes(yo)
+   tsizes = dimsizes(texto)
+   xrank  = dimsizes(xsizes)
+   yrank  = dimsizes(ysizes)
+   trank  = dimsizes(tsizes)
+   if(xrank.gt.1.and.yrank.gt.1.and..not.all(xsizes.eq.ysizes)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_text: x and y must have the same dimension sizes, or either be a single value.")
+     return
+   end if
+   if(trank.gt.1.and. 
+      (xrank.gt.1.and..not.all(xsizes.eq.tsizes)) .or. 
+      (yrank.gt.1.and..not.all(ysizes.eq.tsizes))) then
+     print("Error: gsn_text: text must be a single string or the same dimension size as x and/or y.")
+     return
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Convert to 1-dimensional arrays of all the same length.
+ ;
+   if(xrank.gt.1) then
+     x    = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(xo)))
+     y    = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(yo)))
+     text = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(texto)))
+   else
+     if(yrank.gt.1) then
+       x    = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(xo)))
+       y    = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(yo)))
+       text = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(texto)))
+     else
+       x    = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(xo))
+       y    = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(yo))
+       text = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(texto))
+     end if
+   end if
+   x    = ndtooned(xo)
+   y    = ndtooned(yo)
+   text = ndtooned(texto)
+   len  = dimsizes(x)
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+   callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",False)
+   maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+ ;
+ ; datatondc can't accept doubles, so have to demote doubles if they
+ ; come in.
+ ;
+   xf = tofloat(x)
+   yf = tofloat(y)
+   x2 = new(dimsizes(x),float)
+   y2 = new(dimsizes(y),float)
+   datatondc(plotid,xf,yf,x2,y2)
+   delete(xf)
+   delete(yf)
+ ;
+ ; The "txFuncCode" can't be set during a setvalues  call. It must be
+ ; set during the creation of the object.  
+ ;
+   wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+   txid  = new(len,graphic)
+   txres = get_res_eq(res2,"tx")  ; Get text resources.
+   if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"txFuncCode")) then
+     do i=0,len-1
+       txid = create wksname + "_text"+i textItemClass wks
+         "txString"   : text(i)
+         "txPosXF"    : x2(i)
+         "txPosYF"    : y2(i)
+         "txFuncCode" : res2 at txFuncCode
+       end create
+       attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)            ; Set text resources.
+       draw_and_frame(wks,txid(i),calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+     end do
+   else 
+     do i=0,len-1
+       txid(i) = create wksname + "_text"+i textItemClass wks
+         "txString"   : text(i)
+         "txPosXF"    : x2(i)
+         "txPosYF"    : y2(i)
+       end create
+       attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)            ; Set text resources.
+       draw_and_frame(wks,txid(i),calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+     end do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_add_text                                               ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                plotid: plot object                                    ;
+ ;                  text: array of text strings                          ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of x data positions        ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of y data positions        ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function adds text strings to the plot "plotid". "x" and "y" are ;
+ ; the x and y locations of each text string, and should be specified in ;
+ ; the same data space as the data space of "plotid". "resources" is an  ;
+ ; optional list of TextItem and AnnoManager resources.                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is different from gsn_text because it actually attaches ;
+ ; the text to the plot. This means that if you resize or move the plot, ;
+ ; the text will stay with the plot.                                     ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_add_text")
+ function gsn_add_text(wks:graphic,plotid:graphic,texto:string, 
+                       xo:numeric,yo:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local txid, txres, amres, just, res2, wksname, am_ids
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Any one of xo, yo, and texto can just be one element, but if two or more
+ ; are more than one element, then they must be exactly the same size.
+ ;
+   xsizes = dimsizes(xo)
+   ysizes = dimsizes(yo)
+   tsizes = dimsizes(texto)
+   xrank  = dimsizes(xsizes)
+   yrank  = dimsizes(ysizes)
+   trank  = dimsizes(tsizes)
+   if(xrank.gt.1.and.yrank.gt.1.and..not.all(xsizes.eq.ysizes)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_text: x and y must have the same dimension sizes, or either be a single value.")
+     dummy = new(1,graphic)
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+   if(trank.gt.1.and. 
+      (xrank.gt.1.and..not.all(xsizes.eq.tsizes)) .or. 
+      (yrank.gt.1.and..not.all(ysizes.eq.tsizes))) then
+     print("Error: gsn_add_text: text must be a single string or the same dimension size as x and/or y.")
+     dummy = new(1,graphic)
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Convert to 1-dimensional arrays of all the same length.
+ ;
+   if(xrank.gt.1) then
+     x    = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(xo)))
+     y    = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(yo)))
+     text = ndtooned(new(xsizes, typeof(texto)))
+   else
+     if(yrank.gt.1) then
+       x    = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(xo)))
+       y    = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(yo)))
+       text = ndtooned(new(ysizes, typeof(texto)))
+     else
+       x    = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(xo))
+       y    = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(yo))
+       text = new(xsizes > ysizes, typeof(texto))
+     end if
+   end if
+   x    = ndtooned(xo)
+   y    = ndtooned(yo)
+   text = ndtooned(texto)
+   len  = dimsizes(x)
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; The "txFuncCode" can't be set during a setvalues call. It must be
+ ; set during the creation of the object.  
+ ;
+   wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+   txres = get_res_eq(res2,"tx")  ; Get text resources.
+   txid  = new(len,graphic)
+   if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"txFuncCode")) then
+     do i=0,len-1
+       txid(i) = create wksname + "_text"+i textItemClass wks
+         "txString"   : text(i)
+         "txFuncCode" : res2 at txFuncCode
+       end create
+       attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)          ; Set text resources.
+     end do
+   else
+     do i=0,len-1
+       txid(i) = create wksname + "_text"+i textItemClass wks
+         "txString" : text(i)
+       end create
+       attsetvalues_check(txid(i),txres)          ; Set text resources.
+     end do
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get current list of annotations that are already attached to
+ ; the plot.
+ ;
+   getvalues plotid
+     "pmAnnoViews" : text_ids
+   end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; Make sure the next text strings are first in the list.
+ ;
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(text_ids)))
+     new_text_ids            = new(dimsizes(text_ids)+len,graphic)
+     new_text_ids(0:len-1)  = txid
+     new_text_ids(len:)     = text_ids
+   else
+     new_text_ids = txid
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Set the old and new annotations, with the new ones being first.
+ ;
+   setvalues plotid
+     "pmAnnoViews" : new_text_ids
+   end setvalues
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve the id of the AnnoManager object created by the PlotManager and
+ ; then set its location in data coordinate space.
+ ;
+   getvalues plotid
+     "pmAnnoManagers": am_ids
+   end getvalues
+   tmp_just  = get_res_value(txres,"txJust","CenterCenter")
+   just      = get_res_value(res2,"amJust",tmp_just)
+   do i=0,len-1
+     setvalues am_ids(i)
+       "amDataXF"       : x(i)
+       "amDataYF"       : y(i)
+       "amResizeNotify" : True
+       "amTrackData"    : True
+       "amJust"         : just
+     end setvalues
+   end do
+   amres = get_res_eq(res2,"am")           ; Get annomanager resources.
+   attsetvalues_check(am_ids(0),amres)     ; Set annomanager resources.
+   if(xrank.gt.1) then
+     return(onedtond(am_ids(0:len-1),xsizes))
+   else
+     return(onedtond(am_ids(0:len-1),ysizes))
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : draw_bb                                                   ;
+ ;               plot:graphic                                            ;
+ ;               opts:logical                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws a box around the bounding box of the given plot  ;
+ ; objects.                                                              ; 
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("draw_bb")
+ procedure draw_bb(plot:graphic,opts:logical)
+ local wks, bb, top, bot, lft, rgt, gsres, drawit, frameit
+ begin
+   drawit  = isatt(opts,"gsnDraw").and.opts at gsnDraw
+   frameit = isatt(opts,"gsnFrame").and.opts at gsnFrame
+   wks = NhlGetParentWorkstation(plot(0))
+   dimplot = dimsizes(plot)
+   if(dimplot.eq.1) then
+ ;
+ ; Force bb to be 2-dimensional so we don't have to have a
+ ; bunch of "if" tests later.
+ ;
+     bb = new((/1,4/),float)
+     bb(0,:) = NhlGetBB(plot)
+   else
+     bb = NhlGetBB(plot)
+   end if
+   gsres = True
+ ;  gsres at gsLineThicknessF = 5.0
+   gsres at gsLineColor      = "red"
+   do i=0,dimplot-1
+     top = bb(i,0)
+     bot = bb(i,1)
+     lft = bb(i,2)
+     rgt = bb(i,3)
+     if(drawit) then
+        draw(plot(i))
+     end if
+     gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/lft,rgt,rgt,lft,lft/), 
+                          (/bot,bot,top,top,bot/),gsres)
+     if(frameit) 
+       frame(wks)
+     end if
+   end do
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; This procedure draws or attaches markers or lines on the given plot
+ ; at coordinates associated with the input data array. For the markers,
+ ; you can have the markers colored according to where the data values
+ ; are missing.  The arguments are:
+ ; 
+ ;    wks[1]:graphic 
+ ;    plot[1]:graphic
+ ;    data:numeric
+ ;    res[1]:logical
+ ;
+ ; This procedure examines "data" to see if it has 1D coordinate 
+ ; arrays, or the special "lat2d"/"lon2d" attributes. If it has
+ ; neither, then the special "gsnCoordsX" and "gsnCoordsY" attributes
+ ; must be attached to "res", indicating the coordinates. 
+ ; If you are drawing lines, then these two attributes must be 2D
+ ; and the same size as each other. If you are drawing markers,
+ ; then these arrays don't have to be 2D, but they must be the
+ ; same size. They will get converted to 1D arrays.
+ ;
+ ; By default, this procedure draws the plot, and the markers or 
+ ; lines are drawn on the plot with gsn_polymarker[line], and
+ ; the frame is advanced. Nothing is attached to the plot. This
+ ; method is faster.
+ ;
+ ; If gsnCoordsAttach is set to True, then the markers or lines
+ ; are attached using gsn_add_polymarker[line], and the plot is 
+ ; not drawn and the frame is not advanced, unless gsnDraw[Frame]
+ ; are set to True.
+ ;
+ ; If res at gsnCoordsX and res at gsnCoordsY are set, these will be used for the X
+ ; and Y coordinate points.  Otherwise, this function will try to get
+ ; the 1D coordinate information from the input data variable, or look
+ ; for the special "lat2d", "lon2d" attributes.
+ ; 
+ ; Note that this function requires the X and Y coordinates to be set the
+ ; same way. You can't set one via, say, an attribute, and the other via
+ ; a coordinate array.
+ ;
+ ; Special coordinates recognized by this routine:
+ ;
+ ;    "gsnCoordsX" and "gsnCoordsY" - The X and Y coordinates to plot.
+ ;       You only need to set these if the input data array 
+ ;       doesn't have 1D coordinate arrays attached, or doesn't
+ ;       have the special "lat2d", "lon2d" attributes.
+ ;
+ ;    "gsnCoordsAttach" - if True, then the markers will be
+ ;       attached via gsn_add_polymarker, instead of just 
+ ;       drawn with gsn_polymarker. Note that gsnDraw and Frame will
+ ;       both be set to False in this case.
+ ;
+ ;    "gsnCoordsAsLines" - [not implemented yet] if True, 
+ ;      coordinates will be drawn as lines rather than markers.
+ ;      This only works for 2D coordinate arrays.
+ ;
+ ;    "gsnCoordsMissingColor"
+ ;    "gsnCoordsNonMissingColor" - If either one of these are set,
+ ;       then at locations where the data is or isn't missing, they
+ ;       will be drawn in the given color
+ ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_coordinates")
+ procedure gsn_coordinates(wks[1]:graphic,plot[1]:graphic, 
+                                data:numeric,res[1]:logical)
+ local type_xcoord, type_ycoord, pres, res2, pres, dims, rank, 
+   dims_xcoord, dims_ycoord, xcoord_1d, ycoord_1d, xcoord_2d, ycoord_2d, 
+   xdim, ydim, calldraw, callframe, maxbb, defclr, nonmsgclr, msgclr, 
+   draw_lines, draw_non_msg, attach_coords, is_msgclr_trans, 
+   is_nonmsgclr_trans, is_defclr_trans, tmpstr, i, imsg
+ begin
+   res2 = res                     ; Make copy so we can modify it
+   imsg = new(1,integer)
+ ;---Check for special resources
+   maxbb         = get_bb_res(res2)
+   defclr        = get_res_value(res2,"gsMarkerColor",1)
+   defmrk        = get_res_value(res2,"gsMarkerIndex",16)
+   msgclr        = get_res_value(res2,"gsnCoordsMissingColor",imsg)
+   nonmsgclr     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnCoordsNonMissingColor",imsg)
+   attach_coords = get_res_value(res2,"gsnCoordsAttach",False)
+   draw_lines    = get_res_value(res2,"gsnCoordsAsLines",False)
+ ;---Check if color is transparent.
+   is_defclr_trans    = ((typeof(defclr).eq."string".and. 
+                          str_lower(defclr).eq."transparent").or. 
+                         (typeof(defclr).eq."integer".and.defclr.eq.-1))
+   is_msgclr_trans    = ((typeof(msgclr).eq."string".and. 
+                          str_lower(msgclr).eq."transparent").or. 
+                         (typeof(msgclr).eq."integer".and.msgclr.eq.-1))
+   is_nonmsgclr_trans = ((typeof(nonmsgclr).eq."string".and. 
+                          str_lower(nonmsgclr).eq."transparent").or. 
+                         (typeof(nonmsgclr).eq."integer".and.nonmsgclr.eq.-1))
+   if(attach_coords) then
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", False)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",False)
+   else
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Figure out what kind of X and Y coordinates we have.
+ ; Valid kinds include:
+ ;    gsnCoordsX or gsnCoordsY attributes attached to res ("res_coord").
+ ;    1D coord array attached to data ("data_coord").
+ ;    2D lat2d/lon2d attributes attached to data ("data_att")
+ ; 
+   type_xcoord = ""
+   type_ycoord = ""
+   dims        = dimsizes(data)
+   rank       = dimsizes(dims)
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This section gets the X,Y coordinate arrays and converts them
+ ; to 1D for markers, and 2D for lines.
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnCoordsLat").and.isatt(res2,"gsnCoordsLon")) then
+     type_xcoord = "res_coord"
+     type_ycoord = "res_coord"
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       xcoord_2d = res2 at gsnCoordsLon
+       ycoord_2d = res2 at gsnCoordsLat
+     else
+       xcoord_1d = ndtooned(res2 at gsnCoordsLon)
+       ycoord_1d = ndtooned(res2 at gsnCoordsLat)
+     end if
+     delete(res2 at gsnCoordsLat)
+     delete(res2 at gsnCoordsLon)
+   end if
+   if(res2.and.type_xcoord.eq."".and.type_ycoord.eq."".and.
+      isatt(res2,"gsnCoordsX").and.isatt(res2,"gsnCoordsY")) then
+     type_xcoord = "res_coord"
+     type_ycoord = "res_coord"
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       xcoord_2d = res2 at gsnCoordsX
+       ycoord_2d = res2 at gsnCoordsY
+     else
+       xcoord_1d = ndtooned(res2 at gsnCoordsX)
+       ycoord_1d = ndtooned(res2 at gsnCoordsY)
+     end if
+     delete(res2 at gsnCoordsX)
+     delete(res2 at gsnCoordsY)
+   end if
+ ;---Check if "data" contains 1D coordinate arrays.
+   xdim = rank-1
+   ydim = rank-2
+   if((type_xcoord.eq."".and.(isdimnamed(data,xdim).and. 
+                              iscoord(data,data!xdim))).and.
+      (type_ycoord.eq."".and.(isdimnamed(data,ydim).and. 
+                              iscoord(data,data!ydim)))) then
+     type_xcoord = "data_coord"
+     type_ycoord = "data_coord"
+     dd          = (/dims(ydim),dims(xdim)/)
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       xcoord_2d = conform_dims(dd,data&$data!xdim$,1)
+       ycoord_2d = conform_dims(dd,data&$data!ydim$,0)
+     else
+       xcoord_1d = ndtooned(conform_dims(dd,data&$data!xdim$,1))
+       ycoord_1d = ndtooned(conform_dims(dd,data&$data!ydim$,0))
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;---Check if "data" contains "lat2d", "lon2d" attributes
+   if(type_xcoord.eq."".and.isatt(data,"lon2d")) then
+     type_xcoord = "data_att"
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       xcoord_2d = data at lon2d
+     else
+       xcoord_1d = ndtooned(data at lon2d)
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(type_ycoord.eq."".and.isatt(data,"lat2d")) then
+     type_ycoord = "data_att"
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       ycoord_2d = data at lat2d
+     else
+       ycoord_1d = ndtooned(data at lat2d)
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;---Check if "data" contains "lat1d", "lon1d" attributes
+   if(type_xcoord.eq."".and.isatt(data,"lon1d")) then
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       print("gsn_coordinates: cannot draw an unstructured grid using lines")
+       return
+     end if
+     type_xcoord = "data_att"
+     xcoord_1d   = data at lon1d
+   end if
+   if(type_ycoord.eq."".and.isatt(data,"lat1d")) then
+     if(draw_lines) then
+       print("gsn_coordinates: cannot draw an unstructured grid using lines")
+       return
+     end if
+     type_ycoord = "data_att"
+     ycoord_1d   = data at lat1d
+   end if
+ ;---Error checking
+   if(type_xcoord.eq."".or.type_ycoord.eq."") then
+     print("gsn_coordinates: no valid X and/or Y coordinate values provided.")
+     return
+   end if
+   if(type_xcoord.ne.type_ycoord) then
+     print("gsn_coordinates: conflicting X/Y coordinate values provided.")
+     return
+   end if
+   if(draw_lines) then
+     dims_xcoord = dimsizes(xcoord_2d)
+     dims_ycoord = dimsizes(ycoord_2d)
+     rank_xcoord = dimsizes(dims_xcoord)
+     rank_ycoord = dimsizes(dims_ycoord)
+     if(rank_xcoord.ne.2.or.rank_xcoord.ne.rank_ycoord) then
+       print("gsn_coordinates: can't draw coordinates as lines if they")
+       print("                      are not 2D arrays of the same size.")
+       return
+     end if
+     ny = dims_xcoord(0)
+     nx = dims_xcoord(1)
+     if(dims_ycoord(0).ne.ny.and.dims_ycoord(1).ne.nx) then
+       print("gsn_coordinates: coordinates must have the same")
+       print("                      dimensionality")
+       return
+     end if
+   else
+     dims_xcoord = dimsizes(xcoord_1d)
+     dims_ycoord = dimsizes(ycoord_1d)
+     if(dims_xcoord.ne.dims_ycoord) then
+       print("gsn_coordinates: coordinates must have the same")
+       print("                      dimensionality")
+       return
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;---Copy over resources if True
+   if(res2) then
+     pres = res2
+   else
+     pres = True
+   end if
+   if(.not.attach_coords.and.calldraw) then
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot,calldraw,False,False,maxbb)
+   end if
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; There are three ways the markers can get drawn:
+ ;    - the markers in missing data locations
+ ;    - the markers in non-missing data locations
+ ;    - the markers at all locations.
+ ;
+ ; If a color is specified as -1 or "transparent", then don't
+ ; waste time drawing the markers.
+ ;
+ ; If drawing lines, then you get all of them.
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   if(draw_lines) then
+     if(attach_coords) then
+       do i=0,ny-1
+         tmpstr = unique_string("xlines")
+         plot@$tmpstr$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xcoord_2d(i,:),
+                                                   ycoord_2d(i,:),pres)
+       end do
+       do i=0,nx-1
+         tmpstr = unique_string("ylines")
+         plot@$tmpstr$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,xcoord_2d(:,i),
+                                                   ycoord_2d(:,i),pres)
+       end do
+     else
+       do i=0,ny-1
+         gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xcoord_2d(i,:),
+                               ycoord_2d(i,:),pres)
+       end do
+       do i=0,nx-1
+         gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xcoord_2d(:,i),
+                               ycoord_2d(:,i),pres)
+       end do
+     end if
+   else
+     if(.not.ismissing(msgclr).and..not.is_msgclr_trans) then
+       pres at gsMarkerColor = msgclr
+       pres at gsMarkerIndex = defmrk
+       ii = ind(ismissing(ndtooned(data)))
+       if(.not.all(ismissing(ii))) then
+         if(attach_coords) then
+           tmpstr = unique_string("markers_msg")
+           plot@$tmpstr$ = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,xcoord_1d(ii),
+                                              ycoord_1d(ii),pres)
+         else
+           gsn_polymarker(wks,plot,xcoord_1d(ii),ycoord_1d(ii),pres)
+         end if
+       end if
+       delete(ii)
+     end if
+     draw_non_msg = False
+ ;
+ ; Somewhat complicated logic to determine whether we want to
+ ; draw the markers at non-missing locations.
+ ;
+     if(.not.ismissing(msgclr).or..not.ismissing(nonmsgclr)) then
+       if(.not.is_nonmsgclr_trans) then
+         if(isatt(pres,"gsMarkerColor")) then
+           delete(pres at gsMarkerColor)
+         end if
+         pres at gsMarkerColor = nonmsgclr
+         pres at gsMarkerIndex = defmrk
+         draw_non_msg       = True
+       else
+         if(ismissing(nonmsgclr).and..not.is_defclr_trans) then
+           if(isatt(pres,"gsMarkerColor")) then
+             delete(pres at gsMarkerColor)
+           end if
+           pres at gsMarkerColor = defclr
+           pres at gsMarkerIndex = defmrk
+           draw_non_msg       = True
+         end if
+       end if
+       if(draw_non_msg) then
+         ii = ind(.not.ismissing(ndtooned(data)))
+         if(.not.all(ismissing(ii))) then
+           if(attach_coords) then
+             tmpstr = unique_string("markers_nonmsg")
+             plot@$tmpstr$ = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,xcoord_1d(ii),
+                                                ycoord_1d(ii),pres)
+           else
+             gsn_polymarker(wks,plot,xcoord_1d(ii),ycoord_1d(ii),pres)
+          end if
+        end if
+         delete(ii)
+       end if
+      end if
+     if(ismissing(msgclr).and.ismissing(nonmsgclr).and. 
+        .not.is_defclr_trans) then
+       pres at gsMarkerColor = defclr
+       pres at gsMarkerIndex = defmrk
+       if(attach_coords) then
+         tmpstr = unique_string("markers_all")
+         plot@$tmpstr$ = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,xcoord_1d,
+                                            ycoord_1d,pres)
+       else
+         gsn_polymarker(wks,plot,xcoord_1d,ycoord_1d,pres)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if  ; draw_lines
+   if(attach_coords) then
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot,calldraw,callframe,False,maxbb)
+   else
+     if(callframe) then
+       frame(wks)
+     end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_panel                                                 ;
+ ;                 wks: workstation object                               ;
+ ;               plot : array of plots to put on one page.               ;
+ ;               dims : a 2-D array indicating number of rows and columns;
+ ;             resources: optional resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure takes the array of plots and draws them all on one     ;
+ ; workstation in the configuration specified by dims.                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; For example, if you have six plots and dims is (/2,3/), then the six  ;
+ ; plots will be drawn in 2 rows and 3 columns.                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; However, if you set gsnPanelRowSpec to True, and dims to an array of  ;
+ ; integers, then each integer will represent the number of plots in that;
+ ; row.  For example, setting gsnPanelRowSpec = (/2,3,1/) will cause     ;
+ ; there to be two plots in the first row, three in the second row, and  ;
+ ; one in the third row.                                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnPanelCenter                                                      ;
+ ;   gsnPanelLabelBar                                                    ;
+ ;   gsnPanelRowSpec                                                     ;
+ ;   gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent                                          ;
+ ;   gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent                                          ;
+ ;   gsnPanelBoxes                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnPanelLeft                                                        ;
+ ;   gsnPanelRight                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnPanelBottom                                                      ;
+ ;   gsnPanelTop                                                         ;
+ ;   gsnPanelSave                                                        ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_panel_return")
+ function gsn_panel_return(wks:graphic,plot[*]:graphic,dims[*]:integer,
+                           resources:logical)
+ local res, nrows, ncols, ddims, is_row_spec, row_spec, npanels, nplots, 
+       perim_on
+ begin
+   res = get_resources(resources)           ; Make copy of resources
+ ;
+ ; First check if paneling is to be specified by (#rows x #columns) or
+ ; by #columns per row.  The default is rows x columns, unless 
+ ; resource gsnPanelRowSpec is set to True
+ ; 
+   is_row_spec = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelRowSpec",False)
+ ;
+ ; Check to see if we have enough plots to fit panels, and vice versa.
+ ;
+   ddims = dimsizes(dims)
+   if(is_row_spec)
+     row_spec = dims
+     npanels = 0
+     nrows = ddims
+     ncols = max(row_spec)
+     do i=0,nrows-1
+       if(row_spec(i).lt.0)
+         print("Error: gsn_panel: you have specified a negative value for the number of plots in a row.")
+         exit
+       end if
+       npanels = npanels + row_spec(i)
+     end do
+   else
+     if(ddims.ne.2)
+       print("Error: gsn_panel: for the third argument of gsn_panel, you must either specify # rows by # columns or set gsnPanelRowSpec to True and set the number of plots per row.")
+       exit
+     end if
+     nrows    = dims(0)
+     ncols    = dims(1)
+     npanels  = nrows * ncols
+     row_spec = new(nrows,integer)
+     row_spec = ncols
+   end if
+   nplots  = dimsizes(plot)      ; Total number of plots.
+   if(nplots.gt.npanels)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: you have more plots than you have panels.")
+     print("Only " + npanels + " plots will be drawn.")
+     nplots = npanels
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check for special resources.
+ ; 
+   panel_save     = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelSave",True)
+   panel_debug    = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelDebug",False)
+   panel_center   = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelCenter",True)
+   panel_labelbar = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelLabelBar",False)
+   panel_plotid   = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelScalePlotIndex",-1)
+   calldraw       = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnDraw",True)
+   callframe      = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnFrame",True)
+   xwsp_perc      = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent",1.)
+   ywsp_perc      = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent",1.)
+   draw_boxes     = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelBoxes",False)
+   x_lft          = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelLeft",0.)
+   x_rgt          = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelRight",1.)
+   y_bot          = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelBottom",0.)
+   y_top          = get_res_value_keep(res,"gsnPanelTop",1.)
+   main_string    = get_res_value_keep(res,"txString","")
+   maxbb          = get_bb_res(res)
+   lft_pnl        = isatt(res,"gsnPanelLeft")
+   rgt_pnl        = isatt(res,"gsnPanelRight")
+   bot_pnl        = isatt(res,"gsnPanelBottom")
+   top_pnl        = isatt(res,"gsnPanelTop")
+ ;
+ ; Check if a main string has been specified. If so, we need to make sure
+ ; we leave some room for it by computing y_top (if the user hasn't set
+ ; it). Also, we have to check if the font height has been set, because
+ ; this could affect the title position.
+ ; 
+   if(main_string.ne."") then
+     main_string_on = True
+     main_font_hgt  = get_res_value_keep(res,"txFontHeightF",0.02)
+ ;
+ ; By default, we want a distance of 0.01 between top of title and the
+ ; frame, and a distance of 0.03  between the bottom of the title (txPosYF)
+ ; and the top of the panel box (gsnPanelTop).
+ ;
+     if(y_top.eq.1.) then
+       if(isatt(res,"txPosYF"))
+         y_top = min((/1.,res at txPosYF - 0.03/))
+       else
+         y_top = min((/1.,0.96-main_font_hgt/))
+       end if
+     end if
+   else
+     main_string_on = False
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate number of plot objects that will actually be drawn.
+ ; (Panel plots plus labelbar and main string, if any.)
+ ;
+   nnewplots = nplots
+   if(panel_labelbar) then
+     nnewplots = nnewplots + 1
+   end if
+   if(main_string_on) then
+     nnewplots = nnewplots + 1
+   end if
+   newplots = new(nnewplots,graphic)   ; Create array to save these plots
+                                       ; objects.
+ ;
+ ; We only need to set maxbb to True if the plots are being drawn to
+ ; a PostScript or PDF workstation, because the bounding box is already
+ ; maximized for an NCGM/X11 window.
+ ; 
+   if(maxbb) then
+     class = NhlClassName(wks)
+     if(.not.any(class(0).eq.(/"psWorkstationClass", "pdfWorkstationClass", 
+                               "documentWorkstationClass"/)))
+       maxbb = False
+     end if
+     delete(class)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get some resources for the figure strings, if they exist.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelFigureStrings"))
+     is_figure_strings = True
+     panel_strings = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelFigureStrings","")      
+ ;
+ ; Get and set resource values for figure strings on the plots.
+ ;
+     justs = (/"bottomright", "topright", "topleft", "bottomleft"/)
+     paras = (/     1.0,           1.0,      -1.0,       -1.0/)
+     orths = (/     1.0,          -1.0,      -1.0,        1.0/)
+     amres = get_res_eq(res,"am")
+     just  = lower_case(get_res_value(amres,"amJust","bottomright"))
+ ;
+ ; Look for all resources that start with gsnPanelFigureStrings, and replace
+ ; this with just "tx". This is what allows us to sneak in text resources
+ ; and have them only apply to the figure strings, and not the main string.
+ ;
+     txres    = get_res_eq_replace(res,"gsnPanelFigureStrings","tx")
+     perim_on = get_res_value(txres,"txPerimOn",True)
+     bkgrn    = get_res_value(txres,"txBackgroundFillColor",0)
+   else
+     is_figure_strings = False
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Error check the values that the user has entered, to make sure
+ ; they are valid.
+ ;
+   if(xwsp_perc.lt.0.or.xwsp_perc.ge.100.)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent must be >= 0 and < 100.")
+     print("Defaulting to 1.")
+     xwsp_perc = 1.
+   end if
+   if(ywsp_perc.lt.0.or.ywsp_perc.ge.100.)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent must be >= 0 and < 100.")
+     print("Defaulting to 1.")
+     ywsp_perc = 1.
+   end if
+   if(x_lft.lt.0..or.x_lft.ge.1.)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelLeft must be >= 0.0 and < 1.0")
+     print("Defaulting to 0.")
+     x_lft = 0.0
+   end if
+   if(x_rgt.le.0..or.x_rgt.gt.1.)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelRight must be > 0.0 and <= 1.0")
+     print("Defaulting to 1.")
+     x_rgt = 1.0
+   end if
+   if(y_top.le.0..or.y_top.gt.1.)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelTop must be > 0.0 and <= 1.0")
+     print("Defaulting to 1.")
+     y_top = 1.0
+   end if
+   if(y_bot.lt.0..or.y_bot.ge.1.)
+     print("Warning: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelBottom must be >= 0.0 and < 1.0")
+     print("Defaulting to 0.")
+     y_bot = 0.0
+   end if
+   if(x_rgt.le.x_lft)
+     print("Error: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelRight ("+x_rgt+") must be greater")
+     print("than gsnPanelLeft ("+x_lft+").")
+     exit
+   end if
+   if(y_top.le.y_bot)
+     print("Error: gsn_panel: attribute gsnPanelTop ("+y_top+") must be greater")
+     print("than gsnPanelBottom ("+y_bot+").")
+     exit
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; We assume all plots are the same size, so if we get the size of
+ ; one of them, then this should represent the size of the rest
+ ; of them.  Also, count the number of non-missing plots for later.
+ ; Since some of the plots might be missing, grab the first one that
+ ; isn't, and use this one to determine plot size.
+ ;
+   ind_nomsg = ind(.not.ismissing(plot(0:nplots-1)))
+   if(all(ismissing(ind_nomsg))) then
+     print("Error: gsn_panel: all of the plots passed to gsn_panel appear to be invalid")
+     exit
+   end if
+   if(panel_plotid.ge.0.and.panel_plotid.le.(nplots-1).and. 
+      .not.ismissing(plot(panel_plotid))) then
+     valid_plot = panel_plotid
+   else
+     valid_plot = ind_nomsg(0)
+   end if
+   bb     = NhlGetBB(plot(valid_plot))   ; Get bounding box of this plot
+   top    = bb(0)
+   bottom = bb(1)
+   left   = bb(2)
+   right  = bb(3)
+   delete(bb)
+   nvalid_plots = dimsizes(ind_nomsg)
+   delete(ind_nomsg)
+   if(panel_debug) then
+     print("There are " + nvalid_plots + " valid plots out of " + nplots + " total plots")
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get the type of plots we have. "plot" can be a map, in which case
+ ; the vector or contour plot overlaid on it will be indicated
+ ; by "plot at contour" or "plot at vector"
+ ;
+   new_plot     = get_plot_not_loglin(plot(valid_plot))
+   new_plot_lab = get_plot_labelbar(plot(valid_plot))
+ ;
+ ; Get the font height.
+ ;
+   if(is_figure_strings.or.panel_labelbar) then
+     if(new_plot at plot_type.eq."contour") then
+       getvalues new_plot
+         "cnInfoLabelFontHeightF" : font_height
+       end getvalues
+     else if(new_plot at plot_type.eq."vector") then
+       getvalues new_plot
+         "vcRefAnnoFontHeightF"     : font_height
+       end getvalues
+     else if(new_plot at plot_type.eq."xy") then
+       getvalues new_plot
+         "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : font_height
+       end getvalues
+       font_height = 0.6*font_height
+     else if(new_plot at plot_type.eq."streamline") then
+ ;
+ ; There's no equivalent font height resource for streamline to 
+ ; retrieve, so just set it here.
+ ;
+       font_height = 0.01
+     else
+       font_height = 0.01
+       if((is_figure_strings.and. 
+           .not.isatt(res,"gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF"))) then
+         print("Warning: gsn_panel: unrecognized plot type.")
+         print("Unable to get information for various font heights.")
+         print("Make sure your font heights look okay.")
+         print("Set gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF resource to control figure strings font height.")
+       end if
+     end if
+     end if
+     end if
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Use this font height for the panel strings, if any, unless the user
+ ; has set gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF.
+ ;
+     pfont_height = get_res_value(res,"gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF",
+                                  font_height)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get labelbar info.
+ ;
+   if(panel_labelbar) then
+ ;
+ ; The cnLabelBarEndStyle resource is only available with contour 
+ ; plots, and it is 0 by default (IncludeOuterBoxes). We need to check
+ ; if it is 1 (IncludeMinMaxLabels) or 2 (ExcludeOuterBoxes) and do
+ ; the appropriate thing. IncludeMinMaxLabels is not currently supported.
+ ;
+     end_style = 0     ; IncludeOuterBoxes
+     if(new_plot_lab at plot_type.eq."contour") then
+       getvalues new_plot_lab
+         "cnFillOn" : fill_on
+       end getvalues
+       if(fill_on) then
+         getvalues new_plot_lab
+           "cnFillColors"      : colors
+           "cnFillPatterns"    : fill_patterns
+           "cnFillScales"      : fill_scales
+           "cnMonoFillPattern" : mono_fill_pat
+           "cnMonoFillScale"   : mono_fill_scl
+           "cnMonoFillColor"   : mono_fill_col
+           "cnLevels"          : levels
+           "cnLabelBarEndStyle" : end_style
+         end getvalues
+       else
+         panel_labelbar = False
+       end if
+     else if(new_plot_lab at plot_type.eq."vector") then
+       getvalues new_plot_lab
+         "vcGlyphStyle"             : gstyle
+         "vcFillArrowsOn"           : fill_arrows_on
+         "vcMonoLineArrowColor"     : mono_line_color
+         "vcMonoFillArrowFillColor" : mono_fill_arrow
+         "vcMonoWindBarbColor"      : mono_wind_barb
+       end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; 0 = linearrow, 1 = fillarrow, 2 = windbarb, 3 = curlyvector
+ ;
+       if(    (fill_arrows_on .and. .not.mono_fill_arrow)     .or. 
+         (.not.fill_arrows_on .and. .not.mono_line_color)   .or. 
+         (gstyle.eq.1 .and. .not.mono_fill_arrow)  .or. 
+         (gstyle.eq.2 .and. .not.mono_wind_barb)  .or. 
+         (gstyle.eq.0 .or. gstyle.eq.3) .and. .not.mono_line_color) then
+ ;---There are no fill patterns in VectorPlot, only solids.
+         mono_fill_pat = True
+         mono_fill_scl = True
+         mono_fill_col = False
+         getvalues new_plot_lab
+           "vcLevels"      : levels
+           "vcLevelColors" : colors
+         end getvalues
+       else
+         panel_labelbar = False
+       end if
+     else if(new_plot_lab at plot_type.eq."streamline") then
+       getvalues new_plot_lab
+         "stMonoLineColor" : mono_line_color
+       end getvalues
+       if(.not.mono_line_color) then
+ ;---There are no fill patterns in StreamlinePlot, only solids.
+         mono_fill_pat = True
+         mono_fill_scl = True
+         mono_fill_col = False
+         getvalues new_plot_lab
+           "stLevels"      : levels
+           "stLevelColors" : colors
+         end getvalues
+       else
+         panel_labelbar = False
+       end if
+     else
+       if(.not.isatt(res,"lbLabelFontHeightF")) then
+         print("Set lbLabelFontHeightF resource to control labelbar font heights.")
+       end if
+     end if
+     end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; plot_width  : total width of plot with all of its annotations
+ ; plot_height : total height of plot with all of its annotations
+ ; total_width : plot_width plus white space on both sides
+ ; total_height: plot_height plus white space on top and bottom
+ ;
+   plot_width  = right - left     ; Calculate total width of plot.
+   plot_height = top - bottom     ; Calculate total height of plot.
+   xwsp = xwsp_perc/100. * plot_width  ; White space is a percentage of total
+   ywsp = ywsp_perc/100. * plot_height ; width and height.
+   total_width  = 2.*xwsp + plot_width   ; Calculate total width and height
+   total_height = 2.*ywsp + plot_height  ; with white space added.
+ ;
+ ; If we are putting a global labelbar at the bottom (right), make 
+ ; it 2/10 the height (width) of the plot.
+ ;
+   lbhor = True
+   if(panel_labelbar) then
+     lbres = get_res_eq(res,(/"lb","pmLabelBar","vp"/))  ; Get labelbar resources.
+     if(check_attr(lbres,"lbOrientation","vertical",True).or.
+        check_attr(lbres,"lbOrientation",1,True)) then
+       lbhor = False
+       labelbar_width = 0.20 * plot_width + 2.*xwsp
+ ;
+ ; Adjust height depending on whether we have one row or multiple rows.
+ ;
+       if(nplots.gt.1.and.nrows.gt.1) then
+         labelbar_height  = (nrows-1) * (2.*ywsp + plot_height)
+       else
+         labelbar_height  = plot_height
+       end if
+     else         
+       set_attr(lbres,"lbOrientation","Horizontal")
+       labelbar_height = 0.20 * plot_height + 2.*ywsp
+ ;
+ ; Adjust width depending on whether we have one column or multiple 
+ ; columns.
+ ;
+       if(nplots.gt.1.and.ncols.gt.1) then
+         labelbar_width  = (ncols-1) * (2.*xwsp + plot_width)
+       else
+         labelbar_width  = plot_width
+       end if
+     end if
+   else
+     labelbar_height = 0.
+     labelbar_width  = 0.
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; We want:
+ ;
+ ;   ncols * scale * total_width  <= x_rgt - x_lft (the viewport width)
+ ;   nrows * scale * total_height <= y_top - y_bot (the viewport height)
+ ;   [or scale * (nrows * total_height + labelbar_height) if a labelbar
+ ;    is being drawn]
+ ;
+ ; By taking the minimum of these two, we get the scale
+ ; factor that we need to fit all plots on a page.
+ ;
+   xrange = x_rgt - x_lft
+   yrange = y_top - y_bot
+   if(lbhor) then
+ ;
+ ; Previously, we used to include xrange and yrange as part of the min
+ ; statement. This seemed to cause problems if you set one of
+ ; gsnPanelTop/Bottom/Right/Left however, so I removed it.  Initial
+ ; testing on Sylvia's panel examples seems to indicate this is okay.
+ ;
+     row_scale = yrange/(nrows*total_height+labelbar_height)
+     col_scale = xrange/(ncols*total_width)
+     scale     = min((/col_scale,row_scale/))
+     yrange    = yrange - scale * labelbar_height
+   else
+ ;
+ ; See above comments.
+ ;
+     row_scale = yrange/(nrows*total_height)
+     col_scale = xrange/(ncols*total_width+labelbar_width)
+     scale     = min((/col_scale,row_scale/))
+     xrange    = xrange - scale * labelbar_width
+   end if
+   new_plot_width  = scale*plot_width    ; Calculate new width
+   new_plot_height = scale*plot_height   ; and height.
+   xwsp = xwsp_perc/100. * new_plot_width   ; Calculate new white space.
+   ywsp = ywsp_perc/100. * new_plot_height
+   new_total_width  = 2.*xwsp + new_plot_width  ; Calculate new total width
+   new_total_height = 2.*ywsp + new_plot_height ; and height w/white space.
+   xsp = xrange - new_total_width*ncols  ; Calculate total amt of white space
+   ysp = yrange - new_total_height*nrows ; left in both X and Y directions.
+   getvalues plot(valid_plot)
+     "vpXF"      : vpx
+     "vpYF"      : vpy
+     "vpWidthF"  : vpw
+     "vpHeightF" : vph
+   end getvalues
+   dxl = scale * (vpx-left)           ; Distance from plot's left
+                                      ; position to its leftmost annotation
+   dxr = scale * (right-(vpx+vpw))    ; Distance from plot's right
+                                      ; position to its rightmost annotation
+   dyt = scale * (top-vpy)            ; Distance from plot's top
+                                      ; position to its topmost annotation.
+   dyb = scale * ((vpy-vph)-bottom)   ; Distance from plot's bottom
+                                      ; position to its bottommost annotation.
+   ypos = y_top - ywsp - dyt -(ysp/2.+new_total_height*ispan(0,nrows-1,1))
+   delete(top)
+   delete(bottom)
+   delete(right)
+   delete(left)
+ ;
+ ; If we have figure strings, then determine white spacing around 
+ ; the text box.
+ ;
+   if(is_figure_strings) then
+     fig_index = ind(just.eq.justs)
+     if(ismissing(fig_index))
+       fig_index = 0
+       just      = justs(fig_index)
+     end if
+     len_pct = 0.025           ; Percentage of width/height of plot
+                               ; for white space around text box.
+     if(vpw .lt. vph) then
+       wsp_hpct = (len_pct * vpw) / vph
+       wsp_wpct = len_pct
+     else
+       wsp_hpct = len_pct
+       wsp_wpct = (len_pct * vph) / vpw
+     end if
+     para  = get_res_value(amres,"amParallelPosF",  paras(fig_index) * 
+                                                    (0.5 - wsp_wpct))
+     orth  = get_res_value(amres,"amOrthogonalPosF", orths(fig_index) * 
+                                                     (0.5 - wsp_hpct))
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Variable to store rightmost location of rightmost plot, and topmost
+ ; location of top plot.
+ ;
+   max_rgt = 0.
+   max_top = 0.
+ ;
+ ; Variable to hold original viewport coordinates, and annotations (if
+ ; they exist).
+ ;
+   old_vp = new((/nplots,4/),float)
+   anno   = new(nplots, graphic)
+ ;
+ ; Loop through each row and create each plot in the new scaled-down
+ ; size. We will draw plots later, outside the loop.
+ ;
+   num_plots_left = nplots
+   nplot          = 0
+   nr             = 0
+   added_anno     = False             ; For figure strings
+   do while(num_plots_left.gt.0)
+     vpy_new = ypos(nr)
+     new_ncols = min((/num_plots_left,row_spec(nr)/))
+     if(panel_center)
+       xsp = xrange - new_total_width*new_ncols  ; space before plots. 
+     else
+       xsp = xrange - new_total_width*ncols      ; space before plots. 
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate new x positions.
+ ;
+     xpos = x_lft + xwsp + dxl +(xsp/2.+new_total_width*ispan(0,new_ncols-1,1))
+     do nc = 0,new_ncols-1
+       vpx_new = xpos(nc)
+       if(.not.ismissing(plot(nplot)))
+         pplot = plot(nplot)
+         getvalues pplot
+           "vpXF"      : old_vp(nplot,0)
+           "vpYF"      : old_vp(nplot,1)
+           "vpWidthF"  : old_vp(nplot,2)
+           "vpHeightF" : old_vp(nplot,3)
+         end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; If user setting gsnPanelXF or gsnPanelYF resources, then use these instead.
+ ; They must be set as an array of the same length as you have plots.
+ ; If any of these are negative, then use the calculated values.
+ ;
+         vpx_new = xpos(nc)
+         if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelXF").and.dimsizes(res at gsnPanelXF).eq.nplots.and.
+           res at gsnPanelXF(nplot).ge.0.and.res at gsnPanelXF(nplot).le.1) then
+           vpx_new = res at gsnPanelXF(nplot)
+         end if
+         vpy_new = ypos(nr)
+         if(isatt(res,"gsnPanelYF").and.dimsizes(res at gsnPanelYF).eq.nplots.and.
+           res at gsnPanelYF(nplot).ge.0.and.res at gsnPanelYF(nplot).le.1) then
+           vpy_new = res at gsnPanelYF(nplot)
+         end if
+ ;
+ ; Print out values used.
+ ;
+         if(panel_debug) then
+           print("-------Panel viewport values for each plot-------")
+           print("    plot #" + nplot)
+           print("    new x,y      = " + vpx_new + "," + vpy_new)
+           print("    orig wdt,hgt = " + old_vp(nplot,2) + "," + old_vp(nplot,3))
+           print("    new wdt,hgt  = " + scale*old_vp(nplot,2) + "," + scale*old_vp(nplot,3))
+         end if
+         setvalues pplot
+           "vpXF"      : vpx_new
+           "vpYF"      : vpy_new
+           "vpWidthF"  : scale*old_vp(nplot,2)
+           "vpHeightF" : scale*old_vp(nplot,3)
+         end setvalues
+         if(is_figure_strings) then
+           if(nplot .lt. dimsizes(panel_strings).and. 
+             panel_strings(nplot).ne."")
+             text = create "string" textItemClass wks
+               "txString"              : panel_strings(nplot)
+               "txFontHeightF"         : pfont_height
+               "txPerimOn"             : perim_on
+               "txBackgroundFillColor" : bkgrn
+             end create
+ ;
+ ; Set some text resources for figure strings, if any.
+ ;
+             attsetvalues_check(text,txres)
+ ;
+ ; Add annotation to plot.
+ ;
+             anno(nplot) = NhlAddAnnotation(pplot,text)
+             added_anno = True
+             setvalues anno(nplot)
+               "amZone"           : 0
+               "amJust"           : just
+               "amParallelPosF"   : para
+               "amOrthogonalPosF" : orth
+               "amResizeNotify"   : True
+             end setvalues
+             attsetvalues_check(anno(nplot),amres)
+             delete(text)
+           end if
+         end if
+ ;
+ ; Save this plot.
+ ;
+         newplots(nplot) = pplot
+ ;
+ ; Info for possible labelbar or main_string
+ ;
+         if(main_string_on.or.panel_labelbar.or.draw_boxes) then
+           bb  = NhlGetBB(pplot) ; Get bounding box of plot.
+           top = bb(0)
+           lft = bb(2)
+           bot = bb(1)
+           rgt = bb(3)
+           max_rgt = max((/rgt,max_rgt/))
+           max_top = max((/top,max_top/))
+           if(draw_boxes)
+             draw_bb(pplot,False)
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if      ;   if(.not.ismissing(plot(nplot)))
+ ;
+ ; Retain the smallest and largest x and y positions.
+ ;
+       if(nplot.eq.0) then
+         min_xpos = vpx_new
+         max_xpos = vpx_new
+         min_ypos = vpy_new
+         max_ypos = vpy_new
+       else
+         min_xpos = min( (/vpx_new,min_xpos/) )
+         max_xpos = max( (/vpx_new,max_xpos/) )
+         min_ypos = min( (/vpy_new,min_ypos/) )
+         max_ypos = max( (/vpy_new,max_ypos/) )
+       end if
+       nplot = nplot + 1    ; Increment plot counter
+     end do  ; end of columns
+     num_plots_left = nplots - nplot
+     nr = nr + 1   ; increment rows
+     delete(xpos)
+   end do    ; end of plots
+ ;
+ ; Print min/max information.
+ ;
+   if(panel_debug) then
+     print("-------min/max X,Y viewport positions for plots-------")
+     print("min/max x viewport position = " + min_xpos + "/" + max_xpos)
+     print("min/max y viewport position = " + min_ypos + "/" + max_ypos)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate the biggest rescaled widths and heights (technically, they
+ ; should all be the same).  These values will be used a few times 
+ ; throughout the rest of the code.
+ ;
+   scaled_width  = scale*max(old_vp(:,2))
+   scaled_height = scale*max(old_vp(:,3))
+ ;
+ ; Check if a labelbar is to be drawn at the bottom.
+ ;
+   if(panel_labelbar) then
+     if(end_style.eq.0.or.end_style.eq.2) then
+       lbres at EndStyle = end_style
+     else
+       lbres at EndStyle = 0
+       print("Warning: gsn_panel: this routine only supports a cnLabelBarEndStyle that is set to 'IncludeOuterBoxes' or 'ExcludeOuterBoxes'")
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If plot type is unknown or xy, then we can't get labelbar information.
+ ;
+     if(new_plot at plot_type.ne."unknown".and.new_plot at plot_type.ne."xy") then
+ ;
+ ; Set labelbar height, width, and font height.
+ ;
+       labelbar_height      = scale * labelbar_height
+       labelbar_width       = scale * labelbar_width
+       labelbar_font_height = font_height
+ ;
+ ; Set some labelbar resources.  If pmLabelBarWidth/Height are set,
+ ; use these no matter what, for the labelbar width and height. Otherwise,
+ ; use vpWidth/Height if they are set.
+ ;
+       lbres = True
+       if(isatt(lbres,"pmLabelBarWidthF")) then
+         lbres at vpWidthF = get_res_value(lbres,"pmLabelBarWidthF",labelbar_width)
+       else
+         set_attr(lbres,"vpWidthF", labelbar_width)
+       end if
+       if(isatt(lbres,"pmLabelBarHeightF")) then
+         lbres at vpHeightF = get_res_value(lbres,"pmLabelBarHeightF",labelbar_height)
+       else
+         set_attr(lbres,"vpHeightF",labelbar_height)
+       end if
+ ;
+ ; Set position of labelbar depending on whether it's horizontal or
+ ; vertical.
+ ;
+       if(lbhor)
+         set_attr(lbres,"vpYF",max ((/ywsp+labelbar_height,bot-ywsp/)))
+         if(ncols.eq.1.and.lbres at vpWidthF.le.scaled_width)
+           set_attr(lbres,"vpXF",min_xpos + (scaled_width-lbres at vpWidthF)/2.)
+         else
+           tmp_range = x_rgt - x_lft
+           set_attr(lbres,"vpXF",x_lft + (tmp_range - lbres at vpWidthF)/2.)
+         end if
+         lbres at vpYF = lbres at vpYF + get_res_value(lbres,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.)
+         lbres at vpXF = lbres at vpXF + get_res_value(lbres,"pmLabelBarParallelPosF",0.)
+       else
+         set_attr(lbres,"vpXF",min ((/1.-(xwsp+labelbar_width),max_rgt+xwsp/)))
+         if(nrows.eq.1.and.lbres at vpHeightF.le.scaled_height)
+           set_attr(lbres,"vpYF",max_ypos-(scaled_height - lbres at vpHeightF)/2.)
+         else
+           tmp_range = y_top - y_bot
+           set_attr(lbres,"vpYF",y_top-(tmp_range - lbres at vpHeightF)/2.)
+         end if
+         lbres at vpXF = lbres at vpXF + get_res_value(lbres,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF",0.)
+         lbres at vpYF = lbres at vpYF + get_res_value(lbres,"pmLabelBarParallelPosF",0.)
+       end if
+       set_attr(lbres,"lbLabelFontHeightF",labelbar_font_height)
+ ;
+ ; Check if we want different fill patterns or fill scales.  If so, we
+ ; have to pass these on to the labelbar.
+ ;
+       set_attr(lbres,"lbMonoFillColor",mono_fill_col)
+       if(.not.mono_fill_pat)
+         set_attr(lbres,"lbMonoFillPattern", False)
+         set_attr(lbres,"lbFillPatterns",    fill_patterns)
+       end if
+       if(.not.mono_fill_scl)
+         set_attr(lbres,"lbMonoFillScale", False)
+         set_attr(lbres,"lbFillScales",    fill_scales)
+       end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the labelbar.  First check the levels to make sure that a
+ ; contour level with a value like 1e-8 is not really supposed to be
+ ; a value of 0.
+ ;
+       levels = fix_zero_contour(levels)
+       newplots(nplot) = create_labelbar(wks,dimsizes(colors),colors, 
+                                         levels,lbres)
+       nplot = nplot + 1
+     else
+        print("Warning: gsn_panel: unrecognized plot type for getting labelbar information. Ignoring labelbar request.")
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the main string, if exists.
+ ;
+   if(main_string_on) then
+     y_top     = min((/y_top,max_top/))
+     main_ypos = get_res_value_keep(res,"txPosYF",y_top + 0.03)
+     main_xpos = get_res_value_keep(res,"txPosXF",0.5)
+     if(panel_debug) 
+       print("-------Panel title values-------")
+       print("    title                = " + main_string)
+       print("    top of paneled plots = " + y_top)
+       print("    y location of title  = " + main_ypos)
+     end if
+     if((main_ypos+main_font_hgt).gt.1)
+        print("Warning: gsn_panel: font height (" + main_font_hgt + ") of main string is too large to fit in space provided. Either decrease font size or set gsnPanelTop.")
+     end if
+     mntxres               = get_res_eq(res,"tx")
+     mntxres               = True
+     mntxres at gsnDraw       = False
+     mntxres at gsnFrame      = False
+     mntxres at txFontHeightF = main_font_hgt
+     newplots(nplot) = gsn_create_text_ndc(wks, main_string, main_xpos, 
+                       main_ypos, mntxres)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If some of the paneled plots are missing, we need to take these into
+ ; account so that the maximization will still work properly.  For
+ ; example, if we ask for a 2 x 2 configuration, but plots 1 and 3 (the
+ ; rightmost plots) are missing, then we need to set a new resource
+ ; called gsnPanelInvsblRight to whatever approximate X value it 
+ ; would have been if those plots weren't missing.  Setting just gsnPanelRight
+ ; won't work in this case, because that resource is only used to control
+ ; where the plots are drawn in a 0 to 1 square, and *not* to indicate the
+ ; rightmost location of the rightmost graphic (which could be a vertical 
+ ; labelbar).
+ ;
+ ; Not dealing with the case of gsnPanelRowSpec = True yet.
+ ;  
+   if(.not.is_row_spec) then
+     newbb  = new((/dimsizes(newplots),4/),float)
+ ;
+ ; Have to deal with special case of only having one plot.
+ ;
+     if(dimsizes(newplots).eq.1)
+       newbb(0,:)  = NhlGetBB(newplots)  ; Get bounding boxes of plots, plus
+                                         ; labelbar and text string if they
+                                         ; exist.  
+     else
+       newbb  = NhlGetBB(newplots)       ; Get bounding boxes of plots, plus
+                                         ; labelbar and text string if they
+                                         ; exist.  
+     end if
+     getvalues newplots(valid_plot)
+       "vpXF"      : vpx
+       "vpYF"      : vpy
+       "vpWidthF"  : vpw
+       "vpHeightF" : vph
+     end getvalues
+     dxl = vpx-newbb(valid_plot,2)
+     dxr = newbb(valid_plot,3)-(vpx+vpw)
+     dyt = (newbb(valid_plot,0)-vpy)
+     dyb = (vpy-vph)-newbb(valid_plot,1)
+ ;
+ ; Get largest bounding box that encompasses all non-missing graphical
+ ; objects.
+ ;
+     newtop = max(newbb(:,0))
+     newbot = min(newbb(:,1))
+     newlft = min(newbb(:,2))
+     newrgt = max(newbb(:,3))
+     delete(newbb)
+ ;
+ ; This section checks to see if all plots along one side are 
+ ; missing, because if they are, we have to pretend like they
+ ; are just invisible (i.e. do the maximization as if the invisible
+ ; plots were really there).  This section needs to take
+ ; place even if no plots are missing, because it's possible the
+ ; user specified fewer plots than panels.
+ ;
+     xlft = min_xpos - dxl
+     xrgt = max_xpos + vpw + dxr
+     xtop = max_ypos + dyt
+     xbot = min_ypos - vph - dyb
+     if(.not.rgt_pnl.and.xrgt.gt.newrgt) then
+       maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblRight = xrgt
+       if(panel_debug)
+         print("gsnPanelInvsblRight = " + maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblRight)
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(.not.lft_pnl.and.xlft.lt.newlft) then
+       maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblLeft = xlft
+       if(panel_debug)
+         print("gsnPanelInvsblLeft = " + maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblLeft)
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(.not.top_pnl.and.xtop.gt.newtop) then
+       maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblTop = xtop
+       if(panel_debug)
+         print("gsnPanelInvsblTop = " + maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblTop)
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(.not.bot_pnl.and.xbot.lt.newbot) then
+       maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblBottom = xbot
+       if(panel_debug)
+         print("gsnPanelInvsblBottom = " + maxbb at gsnPanelInvsblBottom)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ; 
+ ; Draw plots plus labelbar and main title (if they exists). This is
+ ; also where the plots will be maximized for PostScript output,
+ ; if so indicated.
+ ;
+   if(draw_boxes)
+     draw_and_frame(wks,newplots,calldraw,False,1,maxbb)
+   else
+     draw_and_frame(wks,newplots,calldraw,callframe,1,maxbb)
+   end if  
+ ;
+ ; Draw bounding boxes around each plot object for debugging purposes.
+ ;
+   if(draw_boxes)
+     do i=0,dimsizes(newplots)-1
+       if(.not.ismissing(newplots(i)))
+         draw_bb(newplots(i),False)
+       end if
+     end do
+     if(callframe) then
+       frame(wks)
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Debug information
+ ;
+   if(panel_debug) then
+     bb_dbg = NhlGetBB(newplots)
+     if(dimsizes(newplots).gt.1) then
+       print("-------min/max NDC values for all objects in panel-------")
+       print("min/max x position = " + min(bb_dbg(:,2)) + "/" + max(bb_dbg(:,3)))
+       print("min/max y position = " + min(bb_dbg(:,1)) + "/" + max(bb_dbg(:,0)))
+     else
+       print("-------min/max NDC values for the object in panel-------")
+       print("min/max x position = " + min(bb_dbg(2)) + "/" + max(bb_dbg(3)))
+       print("min/max y position = " + min(bb_dbg(1)) + "/" + max(bb_dbg(0)))
+     end if
+     delete(bb_dbg)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Restore plots to original size.
+ ;
+   if(.not.panel_save) then
+     do i=0,nplots-1
+       if(.not.ismissing(plot(i)))
+         if(added_anno.and..not.ismissing(anno(i)))
+           NhlRemoveAnnotation(plot(i),anno(i))
+         end if
+         setvalues plot(i)
+           "vpXF"      : old_vp(i,0)
+           "vpYF"      : old_vp(i,1)
+           "vpWidthF"  : old_vp(i,2)
+           "vpHeightF" : old_vp(i,3)
+         end setvalues
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+   return(newplots)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; procedure gsn_panel - same as gsn_panel_return, only it doesn't return;
+ ;                       anything.                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_panel")
+ procedure gsn_panel(wks:graphic,plot[*]:graphic,dims[*]:integer,
+                     resources:logical)
+ local res2
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+   set_attr(res2,"gsnPanelSave",False )
+   plots = gsn_panel_return(wks,plot,dims,res2)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_attach_plots                                           ;
+ ;                   base : base plot                                    ;
+ ;                  plots : list of plots to attach                      ;
+ ;               resplot1 : logical                                      ;
+ ;               resplot2 : logical                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function attaches the list of "plots" to the "base" plot,  either;
+ ; on the right Y axis or bottom X axis of the base plot. The default is ;
+ ; to attach the plots at the Y axis, unless gsnAttachPlotsXAxis is set  ;
+ ; to True.                                                              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, the viewport heights of all plots will be made the same,  ;
+ ; appropriate tick marks and labels will be turned off, and the aspect  ;
+ ; ratio preserved.                                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; For example, if you have the following plots and you want them        ;
+ ; attached at the Y axis:                                               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;    ___________      _____  __________                                 ;
+ ;    |         |      |   |  |        |                                 ;
+ ;    |         |      |   |  |        |                                 ;
+ ;    |  base   |      |   |  |        |                                 ;
+ ;    |         |      |   |  |        |                                 ;
+ ;    |         |      |   |  |        |                                 ;
+ ;    -----------      -----  ----------                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; you will end up with:                                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;    _________________________                                          ;
+ ;    |         |   |         |                                          ;
+ ;    |         |   |         |                                          ;
+ ;    |  base   |   |         |                                          ;
+ ;    |         |   |         |                                          ;
+ ;    |         |   |         |                                          ;
+ ;    -------------------------                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Or, if you have the following plots and you want them attached at the ;
+ ; X axis:                                                               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;    ___________      ___________                                       ;
+ ;    |         |      |         |                                       ;
+ ;    |         |      |         |                                       ;
+ ;    |  base   |      |         |                                       ;
+ ;    |         |      -----------                                       ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    -----------                                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; you will end up with:                                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;    ___________                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    |  base   |                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    -----------                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    |         |                                                        ;
+ ;    -----------                                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; plotres1 and plotres2 are resources changing the default behavior of  ;
+ ; this function.                                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_attach_plots")
+ function gsn_attach_plots(oldbaseplot:graphic,oldplots:graphic, 
+                           plotres1:logical, plotres2:logical)
+ local anno, width1, width2, height1, height2, font_height1, font_height2, 
+ mj_length1, mj_length2, mjo_length1, mjo_length2, mno_length1, mno_length2, 
+ mno_length1, mno_length2, total_width1, total_width2, scale1, scale2, scale
+ begin
+   res1  = get_resources(plotres1)
+   res2  = get_resources(plotres2)
+   base  = oldbaseplot
+   plots = oldplots
+   nplots= dimsizes(plots)
+   res1 at gsnMaximize = get_res_value(res1,"gsnMaximize",True)
+ ;---Check for maximization
+   maxbb = get_bb_res(res1)
+   if(.not.maxbb) then
+     maxbb = get_bb_res(res2)
+   end if
+   attach_y = .not.get_res_value(res1,"gsnAttachPlotsXAxis",False)
+   attach_y = .not.get_res_value(res2,"gsnAttachPlotsXAxis",.not.attach_y)
+   border_on = get_res_value(res1,"gsnAttachBorderOn",True)
+ ;
+ ; The plots to be attached may not be regular plots (contour, xy, vector,
+ ; etc), so we won't be able to retrieve tickmark info from them.  We have
+ ; to see if they are overlay plots, instead, that have regular plots 
+ ; overlaid on them. If so, we can use the overlaid plots for tickmark
+ ; info. If not, then we are in trouble.
+ ;
+ ; Here's the list of "regular" plot types:
+ ;
+   plot_types = (/"contourPlotClass","xyPlotClass","vectorPlotClass",
+                  "streamlinePlotClass","mapPlotClass","logLinPlotClass"/)
+ ;
+ ; First check the base plot for "regular plotness".
+ ;
+   found_base = False
+   if(any(NhlClassName(base).eq.plot_types)) then
+ ;
+ ; The base plot is a regular plot.
+ ;
+     new_base   = base
+     found_base = True
+   else
+ ;
+ ; The base plot is not a regular plot, so find out if it has a regular
+ ; plot overlaid on it.
+ ;
+     getvalues base
+       "pmOverlaySequenceIds" : base_ids
+     end getvalues
+     if(.not.ismissing(base_ids(0))) then
+       j = 0
+ ;
+ ; Loop through the overlaid plots and find a "regular" one. We will
+ ; use the first one we find.
+ ;
+       do while(j.lt.dimsizes(base_ids).and..not.found_base)
+         if(any(NhlClassName(base_ids(j)).eq.plot_types)) then
+           new_base   = base_ids(j)
+           found_base = True
+         end if
+         j = j + 1
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(.not.found_base) then
+     print("Warning: gsn_attach_plots: the base plot is an unrecognized plot type; may get unexpected results.")
+     new_base = base
+   end if
+   getvalues new_base
+     "trGridType" : grid_type
+   end getvalues
+   if(grid_type.ge.3) then
+     print("Warning: gsn_attach_plots: the base plot is either spherical or triangular, so can't fix the tickmarks")
+     found_base = False
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Now test the plots to be attached, and see if they are "regular" plots.
+ ;
+   found_plots  = new(nplots,logical)
+   new_plots    = new(nplots,graphic)
+   found_plots  = False
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     if(any(NhlClassName(plots(i)).eq.plot_types)) then
+       new_plots(i)   = plots(i)
+       found_plots(i) = True
+     else
+       getvalues plots(i)
+         "pmOverlaySequenceIds" : tmp_plot_ids
+       end getvalues
+       if(.not.ismissing(tmp_plot_ids(0))) then
+         j = 0
+ ;
+ ; Loop through the overlaid plots and find a "regular" one. We will
+ ; use the first one we find.
+ ;
+         do while(j.lt.dimsizes(tmp_plot_ids).and..not.found_plots(i)) 
+           if(any(NhlClassName(tmp_plot_ids(j)).eq.plot_types)) then
+             new_plots(i)   = tmp_plot_ids(j)
+             found_plots(i) = True
+           end if
+           j = j + 1
+         end do
+       end if
+       delete(tmp_plot_ids)
+     end if
+     if(.not.found_plots(i)) then
+       print("Warning: gsn_attach_plots: unrecognized plot type, may get unexpected results.")
+       new_plots(i)   = plots(i)
+       found_plots(i) = False
+     end if
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve tickmark lengths and font height labels so we can make
+ ; them the same size later.
+ ;
+ ; Also get the viewport widths and heights so we can maintain the
+ ; aspect ratio, but yet make the heights or widths the same.
+ ;
+   getvalues base
+     "vpWidthF"          : width1
+     "vpHeightF"         : height1
+     "tiMainFontHeightF" : main_font_height1
+   end getvalues
+   widths  = new(dimsizes(plots),float)
+   heights = new(dimsizes(plots),float)
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     getvalues plots(i)
+       "vpWidthF"  : widths(i)
+       "vpHeightF" : heights(i)
+     end getvalues
+   end do
+   mj_lengths   = new(nplots,float)
+   mjo_lengths  = new(nplots,float)
+   mn_lengths   = new(nplots,float)
+   mno_lengths  = new(nplots,float)
+   font_heights = new(nplots,float)
+   if(attach_y)
+ ;
+ ; If didn't find a regular base plot, then we can't do anything
+ ; about the tickmarks.
+ ;
+     if(found_base) then
+       getvalues new_base
+         "tmXBMajorLengthF"        : mj_length1
+         "tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length1
+         "tmXBMinorLengthF"        : mn_length1
+         "tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length1
+         "tmXBLabelFontHeightF"    : font_height1
+       end getvalues
+     end if
+     do i=0,nplots-1
+ ;
+ ; If didn't find a regular plot, then we can't do anything
+ ; about the tickmarks.
+ ;
+       if(found_plots(i)) then
+         getvalues new_plots(i)
+           "tmXBMajorLengthF"        : mj_lengths(i)
+           "tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_lengths(i)
+           "tmXBMinorLengthF"        : mn_lengths(i)
+           "tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_lengths(i)
+           "tmXBLabelFontHeightF"    : font_heights(i)
+         end getvalues
+       end if
+     end do
+   else
+ ;
+ ; If didn't find a regular base plot, then we can't do anything
+ ; about the tickmarks.
+ ;
+     if(found_base) then
+       getvalues new_base
+         "tmYLMajorLengthF"        : mj_length1
+         "tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length1
+         "tmYLMinorLengthF"        : mn_length1
+         "tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length1
+         "tmYLLabelFontHeightF"    : font_height1
+       end getvalues
+     end if
+     do i=0,nplots-1
+       if(found_plots(i)) then
+         getvalues new_plots(i)
+           "tmYLMajorLengthF"        : mj_lengths(i)
+           "tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_lengths(i)
+           "tmYLMinorLengthF"        : mn_lengths(i)
+           "tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_lengths(i)
+           "tmYLLabelFontHeightF"    : font_heights(i)
+         end getvalues
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate the scale factor needed to make the plots the same
+ ; size in the appropriate axis.  If we are attaching plots at the Y axis,
+ ; then we want to make them the same height. Otherwise, we want to make
+ ; them the same width.  We do this by keeping the size of the largest
+ ; plot the same, and scaling the rest of the plots to be the same height
+ ; (or width).
+ ;
+   scales = new(nplots,float)
+   if(attach_y) then
+     if(any(height1.lt.heights)) then
+       scale1 = max(heights)/height1
+       scales = max(heights)/heights
+     else
+       scale1 = 1.
+       scales = height1/heights
+     end if
+   else 
+     if(any(width1.lt.widths)) then
+       scale1 = max(widths)/width1
+       scales = max(widths)/widths
+     else
+       scale1 = 1.
+       scales = width1/widths
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Because we are attaching plots along an axis, turn off
+ ; tickmarks and labels where appropriate.
+ ;
+   if(attach_y) then
+     if(found_base) then
+       setvalues new_base
+         "tmYUseLeft"   : get_res_value(res1,"tmYUseLeft",False)
+         "tmYROn"       : get_res_value(res1,"tmYROn",False)
+         "tmYRLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res1,"tmYRLabelsOn",False)
+         "tmYRBorderOn" : get_res_value(res1,"tmYRBorderOn",border_on)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+     do i=0,nplots-2
+       if(found_plots(i)) then
+         setvalues new_plots(i)
+           "tmYUseLeft"   : get_res_value(res2,"tmYUseLeft",False)
+           "tmYLOn"       : get_res_value(res2,"tmYLOn",False)
+           "tmYLBorderOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmYLBorderOn",border_on)
+           "tmYROn"       : get_res_value(res2,"tmYROn",False)
+           "tmYRLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmYRLabelsOn",False)
+           "tmYRBorderOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmYRBorderOn",border_on)
+           "tiYAxisOn"    : get_res_value(res2,"tiYAxisOn",False)
+         end setvalues
+       end if
+     end do
+     if(found_plots(nplots-1)) then
+       setvalues new_plots(nplots-1)
+         "tmYUseLeft"   : get_res_value(res2,"tmYUseLeft",False)
+         "tiYAxisOn"    : get_res_value(res2,"tiYAxisOn",False)
+         "tmYLOn"       : get_res_value(res2,"tmYLOn",False)
+         "tmYLBorderOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmYLBorderOn",border_on)
+         "tmYLLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res1,"tmYLLabelsOn",False)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+   else
+     if(found_base) then
+       setvalues new_base
+         "tmXUseBottom" : get_res_value(res1,"tmXUseBottom",False)
+         "tmXBOn"       : get_res_value(res1,"tmXBOn",False)
+         "tmXBBorderOn" : get_res_value(res1,"tmXBBorderOn",border_on)
+         "tmXBLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res1,"tmXBLabelsOn",False)
+         "tiXAxisOn"    : get_res_value(res1,"tiXAxisOn",False)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+     do i=0,nplots-2
+       if(found_plots(i)) then
+         setvalues new_plots(i)
+           "tmXUseBottom" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXUseBottom",False)
+           "tmXBOn"       : get_res_value(res2,"tmXBOn",False)
+           "tmXBBorderOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXBBorderOn",border_on)
+           "tmXBLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXBLabelsOn",False)
+           "tmXTOn"       : get_res_value(res2,"tmXTOn",False)
+           "tmXTBorderOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXTBorderOn",border_on)
+           "tmXTLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXTLabelsOn",False)
+           "tiMainOn"     : get_res_value(res2,"tiMainOn",False)
+           "tiXAxisOn"    : get_res_value(res2,"tiXAxisOn",False)
+         end setvalues
+       end if
+     end do
+     if(found_plots(nplots-1)) then
+       setvalues new_plots(nplots-1)
+         "tmXUseBottom" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXUseBottom",False)
+         "tmXTOn"       : get_res_value(res2,"tmXTOn",False)
+         "tmXTBorderOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXTBorderOn",border_on)
+         "tmXTLabelsOn" : get_res_value(res2,"tmXTLabelsOn",False)
+         "tiMainOn"     : get_res_value(res2,"tiMainOn",False)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Now that we've turned off the tickmark stuff, retrieve the bounding box
+ ; of each plot.
+ ;
+ ; First create arrays to hold bounding box and viewport information.
+ ;
+   bbs  = new((/nplots,4/),float)
+   vpxs = new((/nplots/),float)
+   vpys = new((/nplots/),float)
+   vphs = new((/nplots/),float)
+   vpws = new((/nplots/),float)
+   bb1 = NhlGetBB(base) ; Get bounding box of plot
+   top1 = bb1(0)
+   bot1 = bb1(1)
+   lft1 = bb1(2)
+   rgt1 = bb1(3)
+ ;
+ ; Have to deal with special case of only having one plot.
+ ;
+   if(nplots.eq.1)
+     bbs(0,:) = NhlGetBB(plots)
+   else
+     bbs = NhlGetBB(plots)
+   end if
+   tops = bbs(:,0)
+   bots = bbs(:,1)
+   lfts = bbs(:,2)
+   rgts = bbs(:,3)
+ ;
+ ; Retrieve viewports.
+ ;
+ ; Calculate the largest scale factor possible that will allow us
+ ; to fit all plots on the page, with 0.5% white space on the ends.
+ ;
+   getvalues base
+     "vpYF"      : vpy1
+     "vpHeightF" : vph1
+     "vpXF"      : vpx1
+     "vpWidthF"  : vpw1
+   end getvalues 
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     getvalues plots(i)
+       "vpYF"      : vpys(i)
+       "vpHeightF" : vphs(i)
+       "vpXF"      : vpxs(i)
+       "vpWidthF"  : vpws(i)
+     end getvalues 
+   end do
+   if(maxbb) then
+     if(attach_y) then
+       total_height1 = top1 - bot1
+       total_heights = tops - bots
+       total_width1  = (vpx1+vpw1) - lft1
+       total_widths  = vpws
+       total_widths(nplots-1) = rgts(nplots-1) - vpxs(nplots-1)
+       scale_widths  = 1. / (1.01 * (scale1*total_width1 + sum(scales*total_widths)))
+       scale_height1 = 1. / (1.01 * scale1*total_height1)
+       scale_heights = 1. / (1.01 * scales*total_heights)
+       scale = min((/scale_height1,min(scale_heights),min(scale_widths)/))
+     else
+       total_width1  = rgt1 - lft1
+       total_widths  = rgts - lfts
+       total_height1 = vph1 + (top1 - vpy1)
+       total_heights = vphs
+       total_heights(nplots-1) = vpys(nplots-1)-bots(nplots-1)
+       scale_heights = 1. / (1.01 * (scale1*total_height1 + sum(scales*total_heights)))
+       scale_width1  = 1. / (1.01 * scale1*total_width1)
+       scale_widths  = 1. / (1.01 * scales*total_widths)
+       scale = min((/scale_width1,min(scale_heights),min(scale_widths)/))
+     end if
+   else
+     scale = 1.0
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Resize all plots with new scale factor, and set sizes of tick marks
+ ; and tick marks labels to be the same.
+ ;
+   new_scale1 = scale * scale1
+   new_scales = scale * scales
+   if(found_base) then
+     new_mj_length = (new_scale1*mj_length1 + sum(new_scales*mj_lengths))/(nplots+1)
+     new_mjo_length = (new_scale1*mjo_length1 + sum(new_scales*mjo_lengths))/(nplots+1)
+     new_mn_length = (new_scale1*mn_length1 + sum(new_scales*mn_lengths))/(nplots+1)
+     new_mno_length = (new_scale1*mno_length1 + sum(new_scales*mno_lengths))/(nplots+1)
+     new_font_height = (new_scale1*font_height1 + sum(new_scales*font_heights))/(nplots+1)
+   else
+     new_font_height = sum(new_scales*font_heights)/nplots
+   end if
+   new_main_font_height = new_scale1*main_font_height1
+   if(found_base) then
+     if(attach_y) then
+       mj_length  =  get_res_value(res1,"tmXBMajorLengthF",new_mj_length)
+       mjo_length =  get_res_value(res1,"tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mjo_length)
+       mn_length  =  get_res_value(res1,"tmXBMinorLengthF",new_mn_length)
+       mno_length =  get_res_value(res1,"tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mno_length)
+     else
+       mj_length  =  get_res_value(res1,"tmYLMajorLengthF",new_mj_length)
+       mjo_length =  get_res_value(res1,"tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mjo_length)
+       mn_length  =  get_res_value(res1,"tmYLMinorLengthF",new_mn_length)
+       mno_length =  get_res_value(res1,"tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF",
+                                 new_mno_length)
+     end if
+   end if
+   font_heightxl = get_res_value(res1,"tmXBFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   font_heightyl = get_res_value(res1,"tmYLFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   font_heightx  = get_res_value(res1,"tiXAxisFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   font_heighty  = get_res_value(res1,"tiYAxisFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", 
+                      max((/new_main_font_height,new_font_height/)))
+   setvalues base
+     "vpHeightF"               : new_scale1 * height1
+     "vpWidthF"                : new_scale1 * width1
+   end setvalues
+   if(found_base) then
+     setvalues new_base
+       "tiXAxisFontHeightF"      : font_heightx
+       "tiYAxisFontHeightF"      : font_heighty
+       "tiMainFontHeightF"       : main_font_height
+       "tmYRMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+       "tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+       "tmYRMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+       "tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+       "tmYLMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+       "tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+       "tmYLMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+       "tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+       "tmXBMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+       "tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+       "tmXBMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+       "tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+       "tmXTMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+       "tmXTMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+       "tmXTMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+       "tmXTMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+       "tmXBLabelFontHeightF"    : font_heightxl
+       "tmYLLabelFontHeightF"    : font_heightyl
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+   if(found_base) then
+     if(attach_y) then
+       mj_length  =  get_res_value(res2,"tmXBMajorLengthF",new_mj_length)
+       mjo_length =  get_res_value(res2,"tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mjo_length)
+       mn_length  =  get_res_value(res2,"tmXBMinorLengthF",new_mn_length)
+       mno_length =  get_res_value(res2,"tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mno_length)
+     else
+       mj_length  =  get_res_value(res2,"tmYLMajorLengthF",new_mj_length)
+       mjo_length =  get_res_value(res2,"tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mjo_length)
+       mn_length  =  get_res_value(res2,"tmYLMinorLengthF",new_mn_length)
+       mno_length =  get_res_value(res2,"tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF",
+                                   new_mno_length)
+     end if
+   end if
+   font_heightxl = get_res_value(res2,"tmXBFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   font_heightyl = get_res_value(res2,"tmYLFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   font_heightx  = get_res_value(res2,"tiXAxisFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   font_heighty  = get_res_value(res2,"tiYAxisFontHeightF",new_font_height)
+   main_font_height = get_res_value(res2,"tiMainFontHeightF", 
+                      max((/new_main_font_height,new_font_height/)))
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     setvalues plots(i)
+       "vpHeightF"               : new_scales * heights(i)
+       "vpWidthF"                : new_scales * widths(i)
+     end setvalues
+     if(found_plots(i)) then
+       setvalues new_plots(i)
+         "tiXAxisFontHeightF"      : font_heightx
+         "tiYAxisFontHeightF"      : font_heighty
+         "tiMainFontHeightF"       : main_font_height
+       end setvalues
+       if(found_base) then
+         setvalues new_plots(i)
+           "tmYRMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+           "tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+           "tmYRMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+           "tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+           "tmYLMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+           "tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+           "tmYLMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+           "tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+           "tmXBMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+           "tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+           "tmXBMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+           "tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+           "tmXTMajorLengthF"        : mj_length
+           "tmXTMajorOutwardLengthF" : mjo_length
+           "tmXTMinorLengthF"        : mn_length
+           "tmXTMinorOutwardLengthF" : mno_length
+           "tmXBLabelFontHeightF"    : font_heightxl
+           "tmYLLabelFontHeightF"    : font_heightyl
+         end setvalues
+       end if
+     end if
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; Get new bounding boxes and sizes of resized plots, so we can
+ ; figure out where to position the base plot.
+ ;
+   bb1 = NhlGetBB(base) ; Get bounding box of plot
+   top1 = bb1(0)
+   bot1 = bb1(1)
+   lft1 = bb1(2)
+   rgt1 = bb1(3)
+   if(nplots.eq.1)
+     bbs(0,:) = NhlGetBB(plots)
+   else
+     bbs = NhlGetBB(plots)
+   end if
+   tops = bbs(:,0)
+   bots = bbs(:,1)
+   lfts = bbs(:,2)
+   rgts = bbs(:,3)
+   getvalues base
+     "vpYF"      : vpy1
+     "vpHeightF" : vph1
+     "vpXF"      : vpx1
+     "vpWidthF"  : vpw1
+   end getvalues 
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     getvalues plots(i)
+       "vpYF"      : vpys(i)
+       "vpHeightF" : vphs(i)
+       "vpXF"      : vpxs(i)
+       "vpWidthF"  : vpws(i)
+     end getvalues 
+   end do
+   if(attach_y) then
+     total_height1          = top1 - bot1
+     total_heights          = tops - bots
+     total_width1           = (vpx1+vpw1) - lft1
+     total_widths           = vpws
+     total_widths(nplots-1) = rgts(nplots-1) - vpxs(nplots-1)
+     total_width_left  = max((/0.,1. - (total_width1 + sum(total_widths))/))
+     total_height_left = max((/1. - max((/total_height1,max(total_heights)/))/))
+   else
+     total_width1  = rgt1 - lft1
+     total_widths  = rgts - lfts
+     total_height1 = vph1 + (top1 - vpy1)
+     total_heights = vphs
+     total_heights(nplots-1) = vpys(nplots-1)-bots(nplots-1)
+     total_height_left = max((/0.,1. - (total_height1 + sum(total_heights))/))
+     total_width_left  = max((/0.,1. - max((/total_width1,max(total_widths)/))/))
+   end if
+   new_vpx1 = total_width_left/2. + (vpx1-lft1)
+   new_vpy1 = 1. - (total_height_left/2. + (top1-vpy1))
+   setvalues base
+     "vpYF" : new_vpy1
+     "vpXF" : new_vpx1
+   end setvalues
+ ;
+ ; Attach each plot.  If attaching them on the X axis, then start with
+ ; the bottommost plot. If attaching on the Y axis, start with the
+ ; rightmost plot.
+ ;
+   annos = new(nplots,graphic)
+   zone = get_res_value(res2,"amZone",1)
+   orth = get_res_value(res2,"amOrthogonalPosF",0.0)
+   para = get_res_value(res2,"amParallelPosF",0.5)
+   if(attach_y) then
+     side = get_res_value(res2,"amSide","Right")
+     just = get_res_value(res2,"amJust","CenterLeft")
+   else
+     side = get_res_value(res2,"amSide","Bottom")
+     just = get_res_value(res2,"amJust","TopCenter")
+   end if
+   do i=nplots-1,0,1
+     if(i.gt.0) then
+       annos(i) = NhlAddAnnotation(plots(i-1),plots(i))
+     else
+       annos(0) = NhlAddAnnotation(base,plots(0))
+     end if
+     setvalues annos(i)
+       "amZone"          : zone
+       "amJust"          : just
+       "amSide"          : side
+       "amResizeNotify"  : True     ; Allow resize if plot resized.
+       "amParallelPosF"  : para
+       "amOrthogonalPosF": orth
+     end setvalues
+   end do
+ ;---The plot does not get drawn in this function!
+   wks   = NhlGetParentWorkstation(base)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,base,False,False,0,maxbb)
+   return(annos)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : get_rgb_values                                             ;
+ ;              named_colors: string array of named colors               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This is a deprecated function. Use namedcolor2rgb instead.            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("get_rgb_values")
+ function get_rgb_values(named_colors)
+ begin
+   print("get_rgb_values: this function is deprecated.")
+   print("   Use 'namedcolor2rgb' instead.")
+   return(namedcolor2rgb(named_colors))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_define_colormap                                       ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  cmap: Colormap                                       ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure defines a color map for workstation "wks" (the         ;
+ ; variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks") using float ;
+ ; RGB values or a pre-defined color name.                               ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_define_colormap")
+ procedure gsn_define_colormap(wks:graphic, cmap)
+ begin
+   dim_cmap = dimsizes(cmap)
+   if((typeof(cmap).eq."float".and.(dimsizes(dim_cmap).ne.2.or.
+                                    dim_cmap(1).ne.3)).or.
+      (typeof(cmap).eq."string".and.dimsizes(dim_cmap).ne.1))
+     print("Warning: gsn_define_colormap: cmap must either be an n x 3 float array,")
+     print("a single pre-defined colormap name, or a 1-dimensional string array of named colors.")
+   else
+     setvalues wks
+         "wkColorMap" : cmap
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_retrieve_colormap                                      ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function retrieves the current color map in use for workstation  ;
+ ; "wks". "wks is the workstation id returned from a call to             ;
+ ; gsn_open_wks.  The return variable will be an n x 3 array, where n is ;
+ ; the number of colors, and the 3 represents the R, G, and B values.    ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_retrieve_colormap")
+ function gsn_retrieve_colormap(wks:graphic)
+ begin
+     getvalues wks
+         "wkColorMap" : cmap
+     end getvalues
+     return(cmap)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_reverse_colormap                                      ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function reverses the current color map in use for workstation   ;
+ ; "wks". The foregound/background colors will stay the same.            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_reverse_colormap")
+ procedure gsn_reverse_colormap(wks:graphic)
+ begin
+   getvalues wks
+     "wkColorMap" : cmap
+   end getvalues
+   cmap(2:,:) = cmap(2::-1,:)               ; reverse (exclude fore/back)
+   gsn_define_colormap (wks, cmap)
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_merge_colormaps                                       ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  cmap1: colormap                                      ;
+ ;                  cmap2: colormap                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure two colormaps into one, and then sets the workstaion   ;
+ ; to use this new colormap. If the merged colormaps exceed 255 colors,  ;
+ ; then only the first 255 colors will be used.                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Both cmaps must either be an n x 3  float array, an array of color    ;
+ ; names, or a single string representing a pre-defined colormap name.   ;
+ ; Each colormap is assumed to have its own background/foreground color, ;
+ ; so the first two colors of the second color map are not included in   ;
+ ; the new color map.                                                    ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_merge_colormaps")
+ procedure gsn_merge_colormaps(wks:graphic,cmap1,cmap2)
+ local dim_cmap1, dim_cmap2, new_cmap1, new_cmap2, len_cmap1, len_cmap2
+ begin
+   dim_cmap1 = dimsizes(cmap1)
+   dim_cmap2 = dimsizes(cmap2)
+ ;
+ ; Error checking.
+ ;
+   if((typeof(cmap1).eq."float".and.(dimsizes(dim_cmap1).ne.2.or.
+                                    dim_cmap1(1).ne.3)).or.
+      (typeof(cmap1).eq."string".and.dimsizes(dim_cmap1).ne.1))
+     print("Warning: gsn_merge_colormaps: cmap1 must either be an n x 3 float array,")
+     print("a single pre-defined colormap name, or a 1-dimensional string array of named colors.")
+   end if
+   if((typeof(cmap2).eq."float".and.(dimsizes(dim_cmap2).ne.2.or.
+                                    dim_cmap2(1).ne.3)).or.
+      (typeof(cmap2).eq."string".and.dimsizes(dim_cmap2).ne.1))
+     print("Warning: gsn_merge_colormaps: cmap2 must either be an n x 3 float array,")
+     print("a single pre-defined colormap name, or a 1-dimensional string array of named colors.")
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get first colormap in RGB values, and include background and
+ ; foreground colors.
+ ; 
+   if(typeof(cmap1).eq."float") then
+     new_cmap1 = cmap1
+   else
+     gsn_define_colormap(wks,cmap1)
+     new_cmap1 = gsn_retrieve_colormap(wks)
+   end if
+   len_cmap1 = dimsizes(new_cmap1(:,0))
+ ;
+ ; Get second colormap in RGB values, and ignore background and
+ ; foreground colors.
+ ; 
+   if(typeof(cmap2).eq."float") then
+     len_cmap2 = dimsizes(cmap2(:,0)) - 2
+     if(len_cmap2.gt.0) then
+       new_cmap2 = cmap2(2:,:)
+     else
+       len_cmap2 = 0
+     end if
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Test if the strings are named colors or a color map.
+ ; If it's a color map, then we will drop the foreground/background
+ ; colors and only append colors 2 and on.  If it is named colors, 
+ ; then we'll append all of the named colors.
+ ;
+     if(all(is_valid_named_colors(cmap2))) then
+       rgb_values = namedcolor2rgb(cmap2)
+       indices    = ind(.not.ismissing(rgb_values(:,0)))
+       new_cmap2 = new((/dimsizes(indices),3/),"float")
+       new_cmap2(:,0) = rgb_values(indices,0)   ; Must be named colors.
+       new_cmap2(:,1) = rgb_values(indices,1)
+       new_cmap2(:,2) = rgb_values(indices,2)
+       delete([/indices,rgb_values/])
+     else
+       gsn_define_colormap(wks,cmap2)    ; Must be a color map name.
+       tmp_cmap2 = gsn_retrieve_colormap(wks)
+       new_cmap2 = tmp_cmap2(2:,:)
+       delete(tmp_cmap2)
+     end if
+     len_cmap2 = dimsizes(new_cmap2(:,0))
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Make sure two colormaps don't total more than 256 colors.
+ ;
+   if(len_cmap1.ge.256) then
+     len_cmap1 = 256
+     len_cmap2 = 0
+   else
+     if( (len_cmap1+len_cmap2).gt.256 ) then
+       len_cmap2 = 256-len_cmap1
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Create new merged colormap.
+ ;
+   len_cmap = len_cmap1+len_cmap2
+   new_cmap = new((/len_cmap,3/),float)
+   new_cmap(0:len_cmap1-1,:) = new_cmap1(0:len_cmap1-1,:)
+   if(len_cmap2.gt.0)
+     new_cmap(len_cmap1:,:) = new_cmap2(0:len_cmap2-1,:)
+   end if
+   gsn_define_colormap(wks,new_cmap)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : scalar_field                                               ;
+ ;            sfname : string                                            ;
+ ;              data : numeric                                           ;
+ ;               res : logical                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates a scalarField or meshScalarField object.        ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("scalar_field")
+ function scalar_field(sfname:string,data:numeric,res2:logical)
+ local dims, rank
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Check input data. If it is 2D, then create a scalar field.
+ ; If it is 1D, then it must have coordinate arrays the same length.
+ ;
+   dims = dimsizes(data)
+   rank = dimsizes(dims)
+   if(rank.ne.1.and.rank.ne.2) then
+     print("Error: scalar_field: The input data must either be 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional")
+     dum = new(1,graphic)
+     return(dum)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get sf resources.
+ ;
+   if(rank.eq.2) then
+ ; Create the data object; also, check for a missing value and
+ ; set during the create call (if you don't do this, then if the
+ ; user's happens by freak chance to have a constant field of 
+ ; missing values, it will choke.
+     if(isatt(data,"_FillValue")) then
+ ;
+ ; We need to check for stride, because if we have a case where
+ ; we are creating a scalar field that will be used with the vector
+ ; field, and we are setting the stride for both via setvalues rather
+ ; than during a create call, then at some point the sizes of the
+ ; vector and scalar fields will be different and you will get a
+ ; warning message:
+ ;
+ ;    warning:VectorPlotSetValues: ignoring vcScalarFieldData: size does
+ ;     not match vcVectorFieldData
+ ;
+       if(isatt(res2,"sfXCStride").and.isatt(res2,"sfYCStride")) then 
+         data_object = create sfname scalarFieldClass noparent
+           "sfMissingValueV" : data at _FillValue
+           "sfDataArray"     : data
+           "sfXCStride"      : get_res_value(res2,"sfXCStride",1)
+           "sfYCStride"      : get_res_value(res2,"sfYCStride",1)
+         end create
+       else
+         data_object = create sfname scalarFieldClass noparent
+           "sfMissingValueV" : data at _FillValue
+           "sfDataArray"     : data
+         end create
+       end if
+     else
+       if(isatt(res2,"sfXCStride").and.isatt(res2,"sfYCStride")) then 
+         data_object = create sfname scalarFieldClass noparent
+           "sfDataArray" : data
+           "sfXCStride"  : get_res_value(res2,"sfXCStride",1)
+           "sfYCStride"  : get_res_value(res2,"sfYCStride",1)
+         end create
+       else
+         data_object = create sfname scalarFieldClass noparent
+           "sfDataArray" : data
+         end create
+       end if
+     end if
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Rank is 1. This means we have to use the mesh scalar object.
+ ; Make sure sfXArray and sfYArray have been set.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"sfXArray").and.isatt(res2,"sfYArray")) then
+ ;
+ ; Create the data object.
+ ;
+       if(isatt(data,"_FillValue")) then
+          data_object = create sfname meshScalarFieldClass noparent
+             "sfDataArray"     : data
+             "sfMissingValueV" : data at _FillValue
+             "sfXArray"        : get_res_value(res2,"sfXArray",1)
+             "sfYArray"        : get_res_value(res2,"sfYArray",1)
+           end create
+       else
+         data_object = create sfname meshScalarFieldClass noparent
+           "sfDataArray" : data
+           "sfXArray"    : get_res_value(res2,"sfXArray",1)
+           "sfYArray"    : get_res_value(res2,"sfYArray",1)
+         end create
+       end if
+     else
+       print("Error: scalar_field: If the input data is 1-dimensional, you must set sfXArray and sfYArray to 1-dimensional arrays of the same length.")
+       dum = new(1,graphic)
+       return(dum)
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(data_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : vector_field                                               ;
+ ;              name : string                                            ;
+ ;                u  : numeric                                           ;
+ ;                v  : numeric                                           ;
+ ;               res : logical                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates a vectorField object.                           ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("vector_field")
+ function vector_field(vfname:string,u:numeric,v:numeric,res2:logical)
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; We need to check for stride, because if we have a case where
+ ; we are creating a scalar field that will be used with the vector
+ ; field, and we are setting the stride for both via setvalues rather
+ ; than during a create call, then at some point the sizes of the
+ ; vector and scalar fields will be different and you will get a
+ ; warning message:
+ ;
+ ;    warning:VectorPlotSetValues: ignoring vcScalarFieldData: size does
+ ;     not match vcVectorFieldData
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res2,"vfXCStride").and.isatt(res2,"vfYCStride")) then
+     data_object = create vfname vectorFieldClass noparent
+       "vfUDataArray" : u
+       "vfVDataArray" : v
+       "vfXCStride"   : get_res_value(res2,"vfXCStride",1)
+       "vfYCStride"   : get_res_value(res2,"vfYCStride",1)
+     end create
+   else
+     data_object = create vfname vectorFieldClass noparent
+       "vfUDataArray" : u
+       "vfVDataArray" : v
+     end create
+   end if
+ ; Check for missing values.
+   if(isatt(u,"_FillValue")) then
+       setvalues data_object
+           "vfMissingUValueV" : u at _FillValue
+       end setvalues
+   end if
+   if(isatt(v,"_FillValue")) then
+       setvalues data_object
+           "vfMissingVValueV" : v at _FillValue
+       end setvalues
+   end if
+   return(data_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : hist_columns                                               ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                    xy: graphic                                        ;
+ ;             binvalues: numeric                                        ;
+ ;               barlocs: numeric                                        ;
+ ;              barwidth: numeric                                        ;
+ ;                colors                                                 ;
+ ;               compare: logical                                        ;
+ ;                 gsres: logical                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  xy        - xy plot id to draw columns on                            ;
+ ;  bins      - the center of each bin range.                            ;
+ ;  binvalues - the number of values in the corresponding bin            ;
+ ;  barlocs   - the start of the first bar in each bin                   ;
+ ;  width     - the width of the bar                                     ;
+ ;  colors    - array of colors to use (ints or color names)             ; 
+ ;  gsres     - optional primitive resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates the columns for a histogram plot. The Y axis    ;
+ ; will represent the number of values in a bin and a percentage.        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("hist_columns")
+ function hist_columns(wks[1]:graphic,xy[1]:graphic,binvalues:numeric, 
+                       barlocs[*][*]:numeric, barwidth[*]:numeric, 
+                       colors, compare:logical, gsres:logical)
+ local i, nbins, dims, nbinvalues, gsres, xpoints, ypoints, multibars,
+ col_dims, col_rank
+ begin
+   dims       = dimsizes(barlocs)
+   nbarsinbin = dims(0)
+   nbars      = dims(1)
+   delete(dims)
+   dims = dimsizes(binvalues)
+   if(dimsizes(dims).eq.1) then
+     nbinvalues = dims(0)
+   else
+     nbinvalues = dims(1)
+   end if
+   delete(dims)
+   if(nbars.ne.nbinvalues) then
+     print("Error: hist_columns: Dimension sizes of bins (" + nbars+ ") and binvalues (" + nbinvalues + ") must be the same")
+     return
+   end if
+   if(nbarsinbin.ge.2)
+     multibars   = True
+   else
+     multibars   = False
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Set up arrays to hold polygon points.
+ ;
+   if(multibars) then
+     xpoints   = new((/nbarsinbin,nbars,5/),float)
+     ypoints   = new((/nbarsinbin,nbars,5/),float)
+     polygons  = new((/nbarsinbin,nbars/),graphic)
+   else
+     xpoints  = new((/nbars,5/),float)
+     ypoints  = new((/nbars,5/),float)
+     polygons = new(nbars,graphic)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Set up variable to hold resources.
+ ;
+   gsres           = True
+   set_attr(gsres,"gsEdgesOn",True)
+ ;
+ ; Begin assigning polygon points.
+ ;
+   if(multibars)
+     do i=0,nbarsinbin-1
+       ypoints(i,:,0) = (/0/)
+       ypoints(i,:,1) = (/binvalues(i,:)/)
+       ypoints(i,:,2) = (/ypoints(i,:,1)/)
+       ypoints(i,:,3) = (/0/)
+       ypoints(i,:,4) = (/0/)
+       xpoints(i,:,0) = (/barlocs(i,:)/)
+       xpoints(i,:,1) = (/xpoints(i,:,0)/)
+       xpoints(i,:,2) = (/barlocs(i,:) + barwidth/)
+       xpoints(i,:,3) = (/xpoints(i,:,2)/)
+       xpoints(i,:,4) = (/xpoints(i,:,0)/)
+     end do
+   else
+     ypoints(:,0) = (/0/)
+     ypoints(:,1) = (/binvalues/)
+     ypoints(:,2) = (/ypoints(:,1)/)
+     ypoints(:,3) = (/0/)
+     ypoints(:,4) = (/0/)
+     xpoints(:,0) = (/barlocs(0,:)/)
+     xpoints(:,1) = (/xpoints(:,0)/)
+     xpoints(:,2) = (/barlocs(0,:) + barwidth/)
+     xpoints(:,3) = (/xpoints(:,2)/)
+     xpoints(:,4) = (/xpoints(:,0)/)
+   end if
+   if(compare)
+     fillindex = get_res_value(gsres,"gsFillIndex",(/0,6/))
+   else
+     if(multibars) then
+       fillindex = get_res_value(gsres,"gsFillIndex",0)
+       if(dimsizes(dimsizes(fillindex)).eq.1) then
+          ftmp = new(nbarsinbin,typeof(fillindex))
+          ftmp = fillindex
+          delete(fillindex)
+          fillindex = ftmp
+          delete(ftmp)
+       end if
+     else
+       fillindex = get_res_value(gsres,"gsFillIndex",0)
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Make sure fill indices are between 0 and 17.
+ ; No more, because you have have added your own fill index.
+ ;
+ ;  fillindex = min((/max((/max(fillindex),0/)),17/))
+   col_dims = dimsizes(colors)
+   col_rank = dimsizes(col_dims)
+   ncolors = col_dims(0)
+   do i = 0, nbars - 1
+     if(col_rank.eq.1) then
+       gsres at gsFillColor = colors(i % ncolors)
+     else
+       gsres at gsFillColor = colors(i % ncolors,:)
+     end if
+     if(multibars) 
+ ;
+ ; Add the remaining histogram bars first, so that they will be drawn
+ ; second. The first histogram bars will thus be drawn on top, if
+ ; they are being stacked.
+ ;
+       do j=nbarsinbin-1,0,1
+         gsres at gsFillIndex = fillindex(j)
+         if(binvalues at horizontal) then
+           polygons(j,i) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy,ypoints(j,i,:), 
+                                          xpoints(j,i,:), gsres)
+         else
+           polygons(j,i) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy,xpoints(j,i,:), 
+                                           ypoints(j,i,:), gsres)
+         end if
+       end do
+     else
+       gsres at gsFillIndex = fillindex
+       if(binvalues at horizontal) then
+         polygons(i) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy,ypoints(i,:),xpoints(i,:),gsres)
+       else
+         polygons(i) = gsn_add_polygon(wks,xy,xpoints(i,:),ypoints(i,:),gsres)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; Return the polygons created as attributes of the XY plot. This is
+ ; necessary, b/c otherwise the polygons will go away when you exit the
+ ; function.
+ ;
+   var_string      = unique_string("hpolygons")
+   xy@$var_string$ = polygons
+   return(xy)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : compute_hist_vals                                          ;
+ ;                     x: numeric or string                              ;
+ ;               binlocs: numeric or string                              ;
+ ;              nbinlocs: integer                                        ;
+ ;             bin_width: numeric                                        ;
+ ;           setinterval: logical                                        ;
+ ;           setdiscrete: integer                                        ;
+ ;            minmaxbins: logical                                        ;
+ ;             count_msg: logical                                        ;
+ ;                isnice: integer                                        ;
+ ;               compare: integer                                        ;
+ ;            sidebyside: integer                                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; By default, this routine calculates a nice set of ranges for "binning";
+ ; the given data. The following cases are possible:                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; 1. If setinterval is True, then the user has set their own bin        ;
+ ;    intervals via either the gsnHistogramBinIntervals or the           ;
+ ;    gsnHistogramClassIntervals resource (stored in binlocs array).     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; 2. If setdiscrete is True, then the user has set discrete bin values  ;
+ ;    via the gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues resource (stored in          ;
+ ;    "binlocs" array).                                                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; 3. If neither setinterval or setdiscrete is True, and if the resource ;
+ ;    gsnHistogramBinWidth is set, then its value will be used as a bin  ;
+ ;    width (bin_width). By default, bin_width will only be used as an   ;
+ ;    approximate value, because it attempts to select "nice" values     ;
+ ;    based on a width close to bin_width. If the resource               ;
+ ;    gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals (isnice) is set to False, then     ;
+ ;    you will get a bin width exactly equal to bin_width.               ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; 4. If neither setinterval or setdiscrete is True, and if the resource ;
+ ;    gsnHistogramNumberOfBins is set, then its value (nbinlocs) will be ;
+ ;    used to determine the number of bins. By default, nbinlocs is only ;
+ ;    used as an approximate value, because it attempts to select "nice" ;
+ ;    values based on a number of bins close to nbinlocs. If the         ;
+ ;    resource gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals (isnice) is set to False, ;
+ ;    then you will get a number of bins exactly equal to nbinlocs.      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; 5. If no special resources are set, then this routine defaults to     ;
+ ;    calculating approximately 10 "nice" bin intervals, based on the    ;
+ ;    range of the data.                                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("compute_hist_vals")
+ function compute_hist_vals(xx,binlocs,nbinlocs[1]:integer, 
+                            bin_width:numeric,setinterval:logical, 
+                            setdiscrete:logical, minmaxbins:logical, 
+                            count_msg:logical,isnice:logical, 
+                            compare:logical,sidebyside:logical)
+ local xmin, xmax, new_binlocs, nbars, buckets, x, i
+ begin
+   if(isnumeric(xx)) then
+     xmin = tofloat(min(xx))
+     xmax = tofloat(max(xx))
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If the bins are set, need to determine if you want to have the bins
+ ; represent ranges of values or discrete values.
+ ;
+   if(setdiscrete) then
+     new_binlocs = binlocs
+     nbars       = dimsizes(new_binlocs)   ; # of bars equals # of binlocs
+     nsets       = dimsizes(new_binlocs)   ; # of bars equals # of binlocs
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Check if range values have been set by user, or if we need to
+ ; calculate them.
+ ;
+     if(setinterval) then
+       new_binlocs = binlocs
+     else
+       if(nbinlocs.lt.0) then
+         if(bin_width.lt.0.) then
+           nbinlocs = 10                   ; Default to 10 bin locations.
+         else 
+           nbinlocs = floattointeger(((xmax - xmin)/bin_width))
+           if(nbinlocs.le.0) then
+             print("Warning: compute_hist_vals: cannot use given bin width. Defaulting...")
+             nbinlocs = 10 
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+       if(.not.setdiscrete) then
+         if(isnice) then
+ ;
+ ; Based on min and max of data, compute a new min/max/step that will
+ ; give us "nice" bin values.
+ ;
+            nicevals = nice_mnmxintvl(xmin,xmax,nbinlocs,True)
+            nvals    = floattoint((nicevals(1) - nicevals(0))/nicevals(2) + 1)
+            new_binlocs = fspan(nicevals(0),nicevals(1),nvals)
+          else
+ ;
+ ; Don't bother with "nice" values; just span the data. 
+ ;
+            new_binlocs = fspan(xmin,xmax,nbinlocs+1)
+          end if
+       end if
+     end if
+     nbars = dimsizes(new_binlocs)-1
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Count number of values in a particular bin range, or exactly
+ ; equal to a bin value if discrete.
+ ;
+   if(compare.or.sidebyside) then
+     dims  = dimsizes(xx)
+     nsets = dims(0)
+     npts  = dims(1)
+     x     = xx
+   else
+     nsets  = 1
+     npts   = dimsizes(xx)
+     x      = new((/1,npts/),typeof(xx))
+     x(0,:) = xx
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Set up variable to hold binned values. Binned values can have
+ ; unequal spacing.
+ ;
+   num_in_bins = new((/nsets,nbars/),integer)
+ ;
+ ; Count the values in each discrete bin.
+ ;
+   if(setdiscrete) then
+     do j = 0,nsets-1
+       do i = 0, nbars-1
+         num_in_bins(j,i) = num(x(j,:).eq.new_binlocs(i))
+       end do
+     end do
+   else
+ ;
+ ; Count the values in each bin interval. Bin intervals can be
+ ; of length 0, meaning an exact count is done.
+ ;
+     do j = 0,nsets-1
+       do i = 0, nbars-1
+         if(new_binlocs(i).eq.new_binlocs(i+1)) then
+           num_in_bins(j,i) = num(x(j,:).eq.new_binlocs(i))
+         else
+ ;
+ ; Special tests for last interval are required.
+ ;
+           if(i.eq.(nbars-1)) then
+             if(nbars.gt.1.and.new_binlocs(i).eq.new_binlocs(i-1)) then
+               num_in_bins(j,i) = num(x(j,:).gt.new_binlocs(i).and. 
+                                      x(j,:).le.new_binlocs(i+1))
+             else
+               num_in_bins(j,i) = num(x(j,:).ge.new_binlocs(i).and. 
+                                      x(j,:).le.new_binlocs(i+1))
+             end if
+           else
+ ;
+ ; If the previous interval was not really an interval, but an exact
+ ; bin value, then be careful not to count those values in the current
+ ; interval.
+ ;
+             if(i.gt.0.and.new_binlocs(i).eq.new_binlocs(i-1)) then
+               num_in_bins(j,i) = num(x(j,:).gt.new_binlocs(i).and. 
+                                      x(j,:).lt.new_binlocs(i+1))
+             else
+               num_in_bins(j,i) = num(x(j,:).ge.new_binlocs(i).and. 
+                                      x(j,:).lt.new_binlocs(i+1))
+             end if
+           end if
+         end if
+       end do
+     end do
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If minmaxbins is True, then we need to also count the values
+ ; outside the range of our new_binlocs.
+ ;
+   if(minmaxbins) then
+     new_num_in_bins            = new((/nsets,nbars+2/),integer)
+     new_num_in_bins(:,1:nbars) = num_in_bins
+     do j = 0,nsets-1
+       new_num_in_bins(j,0)       = num(x(j,:).lt.new_binlocs(0))
+       new_num_in_bins(j,nbars+1) = num(x(j,:).gt.new_binlocs(nbars))
+     end do
+     delete(num_in_bins)
+     num_in_bins = new_num_in_bins
+     delete(new_num_in_bins)
+     nbars = nbars + 2
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Count number of missing values.
+ ;
+   num_missing = new(nsets,integer)
+   if(isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+     do j = 0,nsets-1
+       num_missing(j) = num(ismissing(x(j,:)))
+     end do
+   else
+     num_missing = 0
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If count_msg is True, then we need to bin the number of missing values.
+ ;
+   if(count_msg) then
+     new_num_in_bins              = new((/nsets,nbars+1/),integer)
+     new_num_in_bins(:,0:nbars-1) = num_in_bins
+     new_num_in_bins(:,nbars)     = num_missing
+     delete(num_in_bins)
+     num_in_bins = new_num_in_bins
+     delete(new_num_in_bins)
+     nbars = nbars + 1
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate percentages, both with and without missing points included.
+ ;
+   npts_nomiss = npts - num_missing
+   if(compare.or.sidebyside) then
+     percs          = (100.*num_in_bins)/tofloat(npts)
+     percs_nomiss   = new((/nsets,nbars/),float)
+     do i=0,nsets-1
+       percs_nomiss(i,:) = (100.*num_in_bins(i,:))/tofloat(npts_nomiss(i))
+     end do
+   else
+     percs        = (100.*num_in_bins(0,:))/tofloat(npts)
+     percs_nomiss = (100.*num_in_bins(0,:))/tofloat(npts_nomiss)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Return information.
+ ; 
+   num_in_bins at NumMissing     = num_missing
+   num_in_bins at binlocs        = new_binlocs
+   num_in_bins at percentages    = percs
+   num_in_bins at percentages_nm = percs_nomiss
+   delete(x)
+   if(compare.or.sidebyside) then
+     return(num_in_bins)
+   else
+     return(num_in_bins(0,:))
+   end if
+ end 
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_histogram                                              ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                 xdata: numeric or string                              ;
+ ;                   res: resources                                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function draws a histogram plot. The user can enter the bin      ;
+ ;      ranges, discrete bin values, or let this function calculate ones ;
+ ;      automatically.  This function will also compare multiple sets of ;
+ ;      histograms. If xdata is a string, then you must be using         ;
+ ;      discrete values, and not ranges.                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramNumberOfBins - Indicates number of bin intervals you     ;
+ ;       want. The default is around 10.                                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramBinWidth - Instead of indicating number of bins, you can ;
+ ;       specify a bin width. Depending on whether SelectNiceIntervals   ;
+ ;       is set to True, you will either get exactly bins of this size,  ;
+ ;       or approximately this size.                                     ; 
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent - This indicates the percentage of the    ;
+ ;       the bin width that the bar width should be. The default is 66%  ;
+ ;       for single histograms, and 50% for comparison.                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals - Indicates whether we want          ;
+ ;       gsn_histogram to select "nice" range values. Default is True.   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramComputePercentages - If True, then percentage values     ;
+ ;       will be put on right (top) axis. Default is False.              ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramComputePercentagesNoMissing - If True, percentage values ;
+ ;       will be put on the right (top) axis, and the number of missing  ;
+ ;       values will be subtracted from the total number of values       ;
+ ;       before the percentages are calculated.                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramPercentSign - If True, then a percent sign (%) is used on;
+ ;       the percentage axis.                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramClassIntervals - By default, gsn_histogram will pick the ;
+ ;       bin class intervals for you. If you set this, then it will use  ;
+ ;       these values for the bin ranges.                                ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramBinIntervals   - Same as gsnHistogramClassIntervals.     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramMinMaxBinsOn - If this is True, then two extra bins will ;
+ ;      be added that count all the values less than the smallest bin,   ;
+ ;      and greater than the largest bin.  This resource can only be     ;
+ ;      used when BinIntervals or ClassIntervals are set.                ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues - By default, gsn_histogram will bin ;
+ ;       your data into ranges.  If you set this resource, then your data;
+ ;       is assumed to already be "binned", and it just counts the number;
+ ;       of values exactly equal to the discrete values.                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues - Same as                              ;
+ ;                                  gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues.     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramCompare - Compare two fields.                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  gsnHistogramHorizontal - Draw horizontal bars.  Default is False     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; The number of missing values counted is returned as an attribute      ;
+ ; called "NumMissing".                                                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function does the following:                                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; 1. Sets/retrieves all of the special "gsn" resource allowed and       ;
+ ;    checks validity of data.                                           ;
+ ; 2. Calls "compute_hist_vals" to calculate bins (if not specified by   ;
+ ;    user) and count number of values in each bin range, or equal to    ;
+ ;    each discrete bin value.                                           ;
+ ; 3. Count number of bin locations and bars.                            ;
+ ; 4. Calculate width of bins and bars in each bin.                      ;
+ ; 5. Figure out color indices to use for bar colors.                    ;
+ ; 6. Calculate axis limits for plot, and create plot.                   ;
+ ; 7. Set some post-resources for labeling the percentage axis.          ;
+ ; 8. Set some post-resources for labeling the other axis.               ;
+ ; 9. Set some post-resources for labeling the axis that indicates the   ;
+ ;    bin ranges or discrete values.                                     ;
+ ;10. Apply resources set by user.                                       ;
+ ;11. Calculate starting locations of each bar.                          ;
+ ;12. Add a percent label, if there is one.                              ;
+ ;13. Force tickmarks to point outward.                                  ;
+ ;14. Create histogram.                                                  ;
+ ;15. Draw and advance frame.                                            ;
+ ;16. Return histogram information.                                      ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_histogram")
+ function gsn_histogram(wks[1]:graphic,xdata, resources:logical)
+ local res2, calldraw, callframe, maxbb, ispercent, bins, nbars, 
+       setdiscrete, setinterval,top, bottom, left, right, lenc, tmp, 
+       colors, locs, lbs, compare
+ begin
+   dummy = new(1,graphic)      ; Dummy graphic to return if things go wrong.
+ ;
+ ; 1. Retrieve special resources.
+ ;
+   res2       = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+     gsnp_write_debug_info(xdata,new(1,float),new(1,float),"gsn_histogram", 
+                      res2,1)
+   end if
+   calldraw   = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+   callframe  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+   maxbb      = get_bb_res(res2)
+   nbins      = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramNumberOfBins",-1)
+   xbin_width = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramBinWidth",-1)
+   minmaxbins = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramMinMaxBinsOn",False)
+   count_msg  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramBinMissing",False)
+   perc_nomiss= get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramComputePercentagesNoMissing",False)
+   ispercent  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramComputePercentages",perc_nomiss)
+   percentsign= get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramPercentSign",False)
+   isnice     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals",True)
+   compare    = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramCompare",False)
+   sidebyside = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramSideBySide",False)
+   horizontal = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramHorizontal",False)
+   bar_spc_perc = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramBarSpacingPercent",0.)
+   setdiscrete= False
+   setinterval= False
+ ;
+ ; xdata can be nD. The left most dimension indicates the number of bars
+ ; per bin, and the rightmost dimension the data values.
+ ; In the case where the leftmost dimension is 2, there's
+ ; the special case of "comparing" histograms - that is, the bars
+ ; will be stacked (gsnHistogramCompare = True)
+ ;
+ ; If the leftmost dimension is > 2, then the bars will be 
+ ; side by side (sidebyside = True).
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Also, if gsnHistogramCompare is set to True, then 
+ ; double-check that data is correct size.
+ ;
+   dims = dimsizes(xdata)
+   rank = dimsizes(dims)
+   if(rank.eq.1) then
+     nbars_per_bin = 1
+   else
+     nbars_per_bin = dims(0)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If comparing two fields, then first dimension must be two.
+ ;
+   if(compare) then
+     if(nbars_per_bin.ne.2.or.rank.eq.1) then
+       print("Error: gsn_histogram: If comparing two fields, then you must input a 2D array dimensioned 2 x npts.")
+       print("No plot will be drawn.")
+       return(dummy)
+     end if
+   else 
+     if(rank.eq.2.and.dims(0).eq.2) then
+       if(.not.sidebyside) then
+         print("gsn_histogram: You input a 2D array dimensioned 2 x npts, so will go into compare mode.")
+         compare = True
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if    
+ ;
+ ; If you have > 2 leftmost dimensions, then we are in "side-by-side" mode.
+ ;
+   if(rank.gt.1.and..not.compare) then
+     sidebyside = True
+   end if    
+ ;
+ ; Calculate the percentage of the bin width that the bar width should
+ ; be.
+ ;
+   if(compare) then
+     bar_wdt_perc = 0.5
+   else
+     if(sidebyside) then
+       bar_wdt_perc = 1./(nbars_per_bin+1)
+     else
+       bar_wdt_perc = 0.66667
+     end if
+   end if
+   bar_wdt_perc_was_set = False
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent")) then
+     if(res2 at gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent.le.0.or. 
+        res2 at gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent.gt.100.) then
+       print("gsn_histogram: The bar width percentage must be in the range (0,100.].")
+       print("               Defaulting to " + bar_wdt_perc)
+     else
+       bar_wdt_perc = 0.01*res2 at gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent
+       bar_wdt_perc_was_set = True
+     end if
+     delete(res2 at gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check if user explicitly specified bin values. If so, and they represent
+ ; end points, then make sure there are at least two values and sort them.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramClassIntervals").or. 
+      isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramBinIntervals"))
+     setinterval = True
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramClassIntervals"))
+       bins = tofloat(get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramClassIntervals",1.))
+     else
+       bins = tofloat(get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramBinIntervals",1.))
+     end if
+     nbins = dimsizes(bins)
+     if(nbins.lt.2)
+       print("Error: gsn_histogram: There must be at least two values in the bin intervals. No plot will be drawn.")
+       return(dummy)
+     end if
+     if(max(bins).lt.min(xdata).or.min(bins).gt.max(xdata))
+       print("Error: gsn_histogram: The bin values you picked are out of range. No plot will be drawn.")
+       return(dummy)
+     end if
+     qsort(bins)    ; Sort the bins and put back into "bins" variable.
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If setting the mid point values, then you only need at least one value.
+ ; But, you can't be setting both Intervals and Discrete values.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues").or. 
+      isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues"))
+     if(setinterval) then
+       print("warning: gsn_histogram: You already set gsnHistogramClassIntervals,")
+       print("so ignoring gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues.")
+ ;
+ ; Delete so they don't get passed on to other routines.
+ ;
+       if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues")) then
+         delete(res2 at gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues)
+       end if
+       if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues")) then
+         delete(res2 at gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues)
+       end if
+     else
+       setdiscrete = True
+       if(isnumeric(xdata)) then
+         if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues")) then
+           bins = tofloat(get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues",1))
+         else
+           bins = tofloat(get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues",1))
+         end if
+         if(max(bins).lt.min(xdata).or.min(bins).gt.max(xdata)) then
+           print("Error: gsn_histogram: The bin values you picked are out of range. No plot will be drawn.")
+           return(dummy)
+         end if
+       else
+         if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues")) then
+           bins = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues",1)
+         else
+           bins = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues",1)
+         end if
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; You can only count bin values outside the intervals if the intervals
+ ; were set explicitly by the user.
+ ;
+   if(.not.setinterval) then
+     minmaxbins = False
+   end if
+   if(.not.setinterval.and..not.setdiscrete) then
+     bins = 0.
+   end if
+   if(setinterval.and..not.isnumeric(xdata)) then
+     print("Error: gsn_histogram: If you are doing bin intervals,")
+     print("       your data must be numeric.")
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 2. Get number of values in each bin (num_in_bins) and bin locations
+ ;    (num_in_bins at binlocs).
+ ;
+   num_in_bins = compute_hist_vals(xdata,bins,nbins,xbin_width,setinterval, 
+                                   setdiscrete,minmaxbins,count_msg, 
+                                   isnice,compare,sidebyside)
+   if(all(ismissing(num_in_bins)))
+     print("Error: gsn_histogram: Unable to calculate bin values. No plot will be drawn.")
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+   if(all(num_in_bins.eq.0))
+     print("Error: gsn_histogram: No data found in selected bins. No plot will be drawn.")
+     return(dummy)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 3. Count number of bars and bin locations. If minmaxbins is True, then
+ ;    later we need to account for two extra bars.  Also, if count_msg is
+ ;    True, then this adds one extra bar.
+ ;
+   nbinlocs = dimsizes(num_in_bins at binlocs)
+   if(compare.or.sidebyside)
+     dims  = dimsizes(num_in_bins)
+     nbars = dims(1)
+     delete(dims)
+   else
+     nbars = dimsizes(num_in_bins)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 4. Calculate width of histogram bins and bars in each bin. If 
+ ;    comparing two fields, then the histogram bars must be slightly
+ ;    smaller in width to accomodate two bars. If doing side-by-side
+ ;    bars, then the bars need to be even smaller.
+ ;    
+ ;    A note about how the bin widths are calculated: the bin locations
+ ;    (that is, the bin "tickmarks") will be placed along the X axis such
+ ;    that the first bin location is at X = 0, and the last bin location
+ ;    is at X = 1.0. When dealing with discrete values, the bin tickmark
+ ;    falls in the *middle* of the bar, whereas for intervals, the bin
+ ;    tickmarks fall on either side of the bar. The width of each bin,
+ ;    then, is [1.0/(the number of bin locations - 1)]. So, for example,
+ ;    if you have 2 discrete values, the first bin tickmark is at X=0,
+ ;    and the second bin tickmark at X=1.0, giving a bin width of
+ ;    1.0. For the special case where you have only 1 discrete value,
+ ;    you essentially don't have a bin width, so "bin_width" will just 
+ ;    be equal to 1.
+ ;
+   extra_bins = 0
+   if(minmaxbins) then
+     extra_bins = 2
+   end if
+   if(count_msg) then
+     extra_bins = extra_bins + 1
+   end if
+   if(nbinlocs.gt.1) then
+     bin_width = 1./(nbinlocs-1+extra_bins)
+   else
+     bin_width = 1.
+   end if 
+ ;
+ ; Calculate the width of the histogram bar. It needs to be smaller
+ ; if we are comparing two histograms.
+ ;
+   if(sidebyside) then
+     if(bar_spc_perc.gt.0.and.bar_spc_perc.le.100) then
+       bar_spcng  = 0.01 * bar_spc_perc * bin_width
+       if(.not.bar_wdt_perc_was_set) then
+         bar_width  = (bin_width - (bar_spcng*nbars))/nbars
+       else
+         bar_width  = bar_wdt_perc * bin_width 
+       end if
+       if( ((bar_spcng*nbars) + (bar_width*nbars)).gt.bin_width)
+         print("Warning: gsn_histogram: The bar spacing and bar width combined is wider than the bin width.")
+         print("Will default to no spacing.")
+         bar_spc_perc = 0
+         bar_width  = (bin_width - (bar_spcng*nbars))/nbars
+       end if
+       lft_margin = 0.5*bar_spcng
+       if(bar_width.le.0) then
+         print("Warning: gsn_histogram: The bar spacing percentage selected is too large for the bin width.")
+         print("Will default to no spacing.")
+         bar_spc_perc = 0
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(bar_spc_perc.eq.0) then
+       bar_spcng  = 0.0
+       bar_width  = bar_wdt_perc * bin_width 
+       lft_margin = 0.5*(bin_width - (nbars*bar_width))
+     end if
+     if(setdiscrete) then
+       lft_margin = -lft_margin
+     end if
+   else
+     bar_width = bar_wdt_perc * bin_width 
+   end if
+   if(compare.and.1.3333*bar_width.gt.bin_width) then
+     print("Warning: gsn_histogram: The bar width percentage selected is too large for this comparison histogram.")
+     print("       Resetting to " + 1/1.3333 + " for better results")
+     bar_width = bin_width/1.3333
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 5. Get set of color indexes to use for filling bars. Span the full
+ ;    color map when color-filling the bins.
+ ;
+   getvalues wks
+     "wkColorMapLen" : lenc
+   end getvalues
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnHistogramBarColors")) then
+     colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramBarColors",1)
+   else 
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsFillColor")) then
+       colors = get_res_value(res2,"gsFillColor",1)
+     else
+       tmp = (lenc-2)/nbars
+       if(tmp .eq. 0 )
+         print("Warning: gsn_histogram: not enough colors, using single color")
+         colors = new(nbars,integer)
+         colors = 2
+       else 
+         colors = new(nbars,integer)
+         tmpc   = ispan(2,lenc,tmp)
+         if(dimsizes(tmpc).ne.dimsizes(colors))
+          colors = tmpc(0:dimsizes(colors)-1)
+         else
+           colors = tmpc
+         end if
+         delete(tmpc)
+       end if
+       delete(tmp)
+     end if  
+   end if  
+ ;
+ ; 6. Calculate axis limits for plot, and create plot.
+ ;
+   if(horizontal) then
+     left   = 0.
+     right  = max(num_in_bins) * 1.1
+     if(setdiscrete) then
+       if(nbars.gt.1) then
+          bottom = -0.6667 * bin_width
+          top    = 1. + 0.6667 * bin_width
+        else
+          bottom = -0.6667
+          top    =  0.6667
+       end if
+     else
+       bottom = 0
+       top    = 1.
+     end if
+   else
+     if(setdiscrete) then
+       if(nbars.gt.1) then
+         left  = -0.6667 * bin_width
+         right = 1. + 0.6667 * bin_width
+       else
+         left  = -0.6667
+         right =  0.6667
+       end if
+     else
+       left  = 0.
+       right = 1.
+     end if
+     bottom = 0.
+     top    = max(num_in_bins) * 1.1
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Create plot class with limits.
+ ;
+   res2 at trXMinF = get_res_value(res2,"trXMinF",left)
+   res2 at trXMaxF = get_res_value(res2,"trXMaxF",right)
+   res2 at trYMinF = get_res_value(res2,"trYMinF",bottom)
+   res2 at trYMaxF = get_res_value(res2,"trYMaxF",top)
+   xy = create "xy" logLinPlotClass wks
+     "pmTickMarkDisplayMode"  : "Always"
+     "pmTitleDisplayMode"     : "Always"
+     "trXMinF"                : res2 at trXMinF
+     "trXMaxF"                : res2 at trXMaxF
+     "trYMinF"                : res2 at trYMinF
+     "trYMaxF"                : res2 at trYMaxF
+   end create
+ ;
+ ; 7. Set some post-resources for labeling the percentage axis, if desired.
+ ;
+ ; If gsnHistogramComputePercentages is True, then we'll add percentage
+ ; labels to the right (or top) axis.
+ ;
+ ; If we are comparing two sets of data, and we want to have a
+ ; percent calculation on the other axis, then in order for this
+ ; axis to correctly represent both sets of data, they must both
+ ; have the same number of missing values, or no missing values at
+ ; all.
+ ;
+   if(compare.and.perc_nomiss) then
+     if(num_in_bins at NumMissing(0).ne.num_in_bins at NumMissing(1)) then
+       print("Warning: gsn_histogram: When comparing two sets of data, you must have")
+       print("the same number of missing values in both sets (or no missing values at")
+       print("all) in order to display a percentage calculation on the other axis.")
+       print("gsnHistogramComputePercentages will be set to False.")
+       ispercent   = False
+       perc_nomiss = False
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; The default is to include the total number of data points in the
+ ; percentage calculate, even if there are missing values.  The user
+ ; must set gsnHistogramComputePercentagesNoMissing to True if he doesn't
+ ; want the missing values included in the calculation.
+ ;
+   if(ispercent) then
+     if(compare) then
+       dims = dimsizes(xdata)
+       npts = dims(1)
+     else
+       npts = dimsizes(xdata)             ; Total number of points. 
+     end if
+     if(perc_nomiss) then
+       npts = npts - num_in_bins at NumMissing(0) ; Don't include missing values
+                                               ; in calculation.
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Compute min, max, and step necessary to later get "nice" values for
+ ; the percentages.
+ ;
+     xnpts = get_res_value(res2,"gsnHistogramNptsForPercent",npts)*1.
+     if(horizontal) then
+       nicevals = nice_mnmxintvl(res2 at trXMinF,min((/100., 
+                                 100.*(res2 at trXMaxF/xnpts)/)),7,False)
+     else
+       nicevals = nice_mnmxintvl(res2 at trYMinF,min((/100., 
+                                 100.*(res2 at trYMaxF/xnpts)/)),7,False)
+     end if
+     nvals = floattoint((nicevals(1) - nicevals(0))/nicevals(2) + 1)
+ ;
+ ; Generate nice values for minor and major percent tick marks. For
+ ; the minor tick marks, just add one tick between each major.
+ ; 
+     pnice  = fspan(nicevals(0),nicevals(1),nvals)
+     pmnice = fspan(nicevals(0)-nicevals(2)*0.5, 
+                    nicevals(1)+nicevals(2)*0.5, 2*nvals+1)
+ ;
+ ; Calculate the bin values that correspond to these percentages.
+ ; These are the values we'll use for the tick marks.
+ ;
+     bins_at_pnice  = 0.01 * (xnpts * pnice)
+     bins_at_pmnice = 0.01 * (xnpts * pmnice)
+ ;
+ ; Set some resources to control tickmarks.
+ ;
+     if(horizontal) then
+       set_attr(res2,"tmXUseBottom", False)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmXTOn",True)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmXTLabelsOn",True)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmXTMode","Explicit")
+       set_attr(res2,"tmXTValues",bins_at_pnice)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmXTMinorValues",bins_at_pmnice)
+       if(percentsign)
+         set_attr(res2,"tmXTLabels",pnice+"%")
+       else
+         set_attr(res2,"tmXTLabels",pnice)
+       end if
+     else
+       set_attr(res2,"tmYUseLeft", False)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmYROn",True)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmYRLabelsOn",True)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmYRMode","Explicit")
+       set_attr(res2,"tmYRValues",bins_at_pnice)
+       set_attr(res2,"tmYRMinorValues",bins_at_pmnice)
+       if(percentsign)
+         set_attr(res2,"tmYRLabels",pnice+"%")
+       else
+         set_attr(res2,"tmYRLabels",pnice)
+       end if  
+     end if  
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 8. Set some post-resources for labeling the other axis, if desired.
+ ;
+   axis_string = get_long_name_units_string(xdata)
+   if(.not.ismissing(axis_string)) then
+     if(horizontal) then
+       set_attr(res2,"tiYAxisString",axis_string)
+     else
+       set_attr(res2,"tiXAxisString",axis_string)
+     end if
+   else
+     if(setinterval) then
+       if(horizontal) then
+         set_attr(res2,"tiYAxisString","Class Intervals")
+       else
+         set_attr(res2,"tiXAxisString","Class Intervals")
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; 9. Set some post-resources for labeling the axis that indicates the
+ ;    bin ranges or discrete values.  If minmaxbins is True, then we 
+ ;    need to make sure not to label the end bin locations. Also, if
+ ;    count_msg is True, then we need to add a special label for this.
+ ;
+   if(minmaxbins) then
+     if(.not.count_msg) then
+       lbs             = new(nbinlocs+2,string)
+       lbs(0)          = ""
+       lbs(1:nbinlocs) = num_in_bins at binlocs
+       lbs(nbinlocs+1) = ""
+     else
+       lbs = new(nbinlocs+3,string)
+       lbs(0)          = ""
+       lbs(1:nbinlocs) = num_in_bins at binlocs
+       lbs(nbinlocs+1) = ""
+       lbs(nbinlocs+2) = "# msg"
+     end if
+   else
+     if(.not.count_msg) then
+       lbs = num_in_bins at binlocs
+     else
+       lbs               = new(nbinlocs+1,string)
+       lbs(0:nbinlocs-1) = num_in_bins at binlocs
+       lbs(nbinlocs)     = "# msg"
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Calculate location for tickmarks.
+ ;
+   nlbs = dimsizes(lbs)
+   if(nlbs.gt.1) then
+     lbs_vals = fspan(0.,1.,nlbs)
+   else
+     lbs_vals = 0.0
+   end if
+   if(count_msg.and.setinterval) then
+     dx               = lbs_vals(nlbs-1) - lbs_vals(nlbs-2)
+     lbs_vals(nlbs-1) = lbs_vals(nlbs-2) + dx/2.
+   end if
+   if(horizontal) then
+     set_attr(res2,"tiXAxisString","Frequency")
+     set_attr(res2,"tmYROn",False)
+     set_attr(res2,"tmYLMode","EXPLICIT")
+     set_attr(res2,"tmYLValues",lbs_vals)
+     set_attr(res2,"tmYLLabels",lbs)
+   else
+     set_attr(res2,"tiYAxisString","Frequency")
+     set_attr(res2,"tmXTOn",False)
+     set_attr(res2,"tmXBMode","EXPLICIT")
+     set_attr(res2,"tmXBValues",lbs_vals)
+     set_attr(res2,"tmXBLabels",lbs)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 10. Apply resources set by user.
+ ;
+   xyres = get_res_ne(res2,"gs")
+   attsetvalues_check(xy,xyres)
+ ;
+ ; 11. Calculate starting locations of each bar.
+ ;     If comparing two fields, then the second set of bars will be
+ ;     slightly to the right (or above for horizontal bars) of the
+ ;     first set of bars.
+ ;
+ ;     If doing side-by-side bars, then each new set of bars
+ ;     will start to the right of the previous bar. (This may
+ ;     change in future to allow some white space.)
+ ;
+   if(sidebyside) then 
+     bar_locs      = new((/nbars_per_bin,nbars/),float)
+     bar_locs(0,:) = lft_margin + ispan(0,nbars-1,1)*bin_width
+     do i=1,nbars_per_bin-1
+       bar_locs(i,:) = bar_locs(0,:) + i*(bar_width+bar_spcng)
+     end do
+   else
+     if(setdiscrete) then
+       if(compare) then
+         bar_locs      = new((/2,nbars/),float)
+         bar_locs(0,:) = -.5*bar_width + bin_width * ispan(0,nbars-1,1)
+         bar_locs(1,:) = -.166667*bar_width + bin_width * ispan(0,nbars-1,1)
+       else
+         bar_locs = new((/1,nbars/),float)
+         bar_locs = -.5*bar_width + bin_width * ispan(0,nbars-1,1)
+       end if
+     else
+       if(compare) then
+         bar_locs      = new((/2,nbars/),float)
+         bar_locs(0,:) = .5*(bin_width-(bar_width+0.3333*bar_width)) + 
+                          bin_width*ispan(0,nbars-1,1)
+         bar_locs(1,:) = bar_locs(0,:) + 0.3333*bar_width
+       else
+         bar_locs = new((/1,nbars/),float)
+         bar_locs = .5*(bin_width-bar_width) + bin_width*ispan(0,nbars-1,1)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 12. Add a right Y (or top X axis) "Percent" label.
+ ;
+   if(ispercent.and..not.percentsign)
+     if(horizontal) then
+       getvalues xy
+         "tiXAxisFontHeightF" : font_height
+       end getvalues
+       txangle = 0.
+       txside  = "top"
+     else
+       getvalues xy
+         "tiYAxisFontHeightF" : font_height
+       end getvalues
+       txangle = 90.
+       txside  = "right"
+     end if
+     perc_string = "Percent"
+     if(perc_nomiss) then
+       perc_string = perc_string + " (missing values not counted)"
+     else
+       if(num_in_bins at NumMissing(0).gt.1.or. 
+         (compare.and.num_in_bins at NumMissing(1).gt.1)) then
+         perc_string = perc_string + " (missing values counted)"
+       end if
+     end if
+     hist_axis_string = create "axis_string" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : perc_string
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+       "txAngleF"      : txangle
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(xy,hist_axis_string)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"          : 3      ; Just outside plot area
+       "amJust"          : "centercenter"
+       "amSide"          : txside
+       "amParallelPosF"  : 0.5
+       "amOrthogonalPosF": 0.03
+       "amResizeNotify"  : True     ; Resize if plot resized.
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; 13. Force tickmarks to be the same length, and pointing outward.
+ ;
+   tmres = get_res_eq(res2,"tm")  ; Get tickmark resources
+   gsnp_point_tickmarks_outward(xy,tmres,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,True)
+   gsnp_uniform_tickmark_labels(xy,tmres,0.)
+ ;
+ ; 14. Create (but don't draw) histogram plot.
+ ;
+   gsres = get_res_eq(res2,"gs")          ; Get GraphicStyle resources.
+   num_in_bins at horizontal = horizontal    ; horizontal or vertical bars
+   histogram = hist_columns(wks,xy,num_in_bins,bar_locs,bar_width, 
+               colors,compare,gsres)
+ ;
+ ; 15. Draw and advance frame.
+ ;
+   draw_and_frame(wks,histogram,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ;
+ ; 16. Return histogram and the values.
+ ;
+ ; Return begin, mid, and end point location of each bar.
+ ;
+   if(compare.or.sidebyside) then
+     histogram at BeginBarLocs  = bar_locs
+     histogram at MidBarLocs    = bar_locs + 0.5*bar_width
+     histogram at EndBarLocs    = bar_locs + bar_width
+   else
+     histogram at BeginBarLocs  = bar_locs(0,:)
+     histogram at MidBarLocs    = bar_locs(0,:) + 0.5*bar_width
+     histogram at EndBarLocs    = bar_locs(0,:) + bar_width
+   end if
+   histogram at BinLocs       = num_in_bins at binlocs
+   histogram at NumInBins     = num_in_bins
+   histogram at NumMissing    = num_in_bins at NumMissing
+   histogram at Percentages   = num_in_bins at percentages
+   histogram at PercentagesNoMissing = num_in_bins at percentages_nm
+   return(histogram)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_contour                                                ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  data: 1 or 2-dimensional data                        ;
+ ;             resources: optional resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a contour plot to the workstation     ;
+ ; "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). ;
+ ; "data" is the 2-dimensional data to be contoured, and "resources" is  ;
+ ; an optional list of resources. The id of the contour plot is returned.;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_contour")
+ function gsn_contour(wks:graphic, data:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local i, data_object, plot_object, res, sf_res_index, 
+ datares, cnres, llres, cn_res_index, ll_res_index, calldraw, callframe, 
+ force_x_linear, force_y_linear, force_x_log, force_y_log, 
+ trxmin, trxmax, trymin, trymax, res2, scale, shape, sprdcols, 
+ is_lb_mode, lb_mode
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_contour: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     cnres     = False
+     llres     = False
+     res2      = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(data,new(1,float),new(1,float),"gsn_contour",res2,1)
+     end if
+     force_x_linear = False
+     force_y_linear = False
+     force_x_log    = False
+     force_y_log    = False
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     data_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_data",data,res2)
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     attsetvalues_check(data_object,sfres)
+ ;
+ ; Create plot object. Make sure you set the tension values (if
+ ; any) when you create the plot. This works better than setting
+ ; them later.
+ ;
+     xtension  = get_res_value(res2,"trXTensionF", 2.0)
+     ytension  = get_res_value(res2,"trYTensionF", 2.0)
+ ;
+ ; Temporarily (I hope), I need to check if trGridType is being set.
+ ; If so, it needs to be set during the create call, or otherwise it
+ ; will cause the tickmarks to possibly not appear.
+ ; pmLabelBarDisplayMode is another resource that can only be set at
+ ; create time. Too bad it has to be so clunky.
+ ;
+     is_lb_mode = isatt(res2,"pmLabelBarDisplayMode")
+     if(is_lb_mode) then
+       lb_mode = get_display_mode(res2,"pmLabelBarDisplayMode","NoCreate")
+       delete(res2 at pmLabelBarDisplayMode)
+     end if
+     if (is_lb_mode) then
+       if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"trGridType")) then
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : data_object
+         "pmLabelBarDisplayMode" : lb_mode
+         "trXTensionF"       : xtension
+         "trYTensionF"       : ytension
+         "trGridType"        : res2 at trGridType
+         end create
+         delete(res2 at trGridType)
+       else
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : data_object
+         "pmLabelBarDisplayMode" : lb_mode
+         "trXTensionF"       : xtension
+         "trYTensionF"       : ytension
+         end create
+       end if
+     else
+       if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"trGridType")) then
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : data_object
+         "trXTensionF"       : xtension
+         "trYTensionF"       : ytension
+         "trGridType"        : res2 at trGridType
+         end create
+         delete(res2 at trGridType)
+       else
+         plot_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : data_object
+         "trXTensionF"       : xtension
+         "trYTensionF"       : ytension
+         end create
+       end if
+     end if
+ ; Check for existence of data at long_name and use it in a title it
+ ; it exists.
+     if(isatt(data,"long_name")) then
+       set_attr(res2,"tiMainString",data at long_name)
+     end if
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"cnSpanFillPalette")) then
+         res2 at cnSpanFillPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF")) then
+       zthickness = res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF
+       if(.not.get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnMonoLineThickness",True).and.
+          isatt(res2,"cnLineThicknesses")) then
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknesses",1.)
+       else
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknessF",1.)
+       end if
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourLineThicknessesScale")) then
+       linescale = res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourNegLineDashPattern")) then
+       npattern = res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       npattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourPosLineDashPattern")) then
+       ppattern = res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       ppattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     check_for_irreg2loglin(res2,force_x_linear,force_y_linear,
+                                 force_x_log,force_y_log)
+     check_for_tickmarks_off(res2)
+     cnres = get_res_ne(res2,"sf")
+ ;
+ ; Don't let pmTickMarkDisplayMode be set after the fact if we are
+ ; going to overlay this plot later, because you might get an error
+ ; message about warning:PlotManagerSetValues: TickMark annotation 
+ ; cannot be added after NhlCreate.
+ ; Also any tr[X/Y][Max/Min]F resources that go outside the data boundaries
+ ; must be temporarily removed because they are not permitted when using the
+ ; irregular transformation. However, do not remove them if they are inside
+ ; the boundaries or there will be an error later when the data boundaries 
+ ; are checked
+ ;
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log) then
+       getvalues plot_object
+       "trXMinF"    : trxmin
+       "trXMaxF"    : trxmax
+       "trYMinF"    : trymin
+       "trYMaxF"    : trymax
+       end getvalues
+       if(isatt(cnres,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode")) then
+         delete(cnres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode)
+       end if
+       if (force_x_linear .or. force_x_log) then
+         if(isatt(cnres,"trXMinF")) then
+           if (cnres at trXMinF .lt. trxmin) then
+             delete(cnres at trXMinF)
+           end if
+         end if
+         if(isatt(cnres,"trXMaxF")) then
+           if (cnres at trXMaxF .gt. trxmax) then
+             delete(cnres at trXMaxF)
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+       if (force_y_linear .or. force_y_log) then
+         if(isatt(cnres,"trYMinF")) then
+           if (cnres at trYMinF .lt. trymin) then
+             delete(cnres at trYMinF)
+           end if
+         end if
+         if(isatt(cnres,"trYMaxF")) then
+           if (cnres at trYMaxF .gt. trymax) then
+             delete(cnres at trYMaxF)
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+       llres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"pm","tr","vp"/))
+     end if
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,cnres)
+     if(isvar("zthickness")) then
+       plot_object = set_zero_line_thickness(plot_object,zthickness,cthickness)
+       delete(zthickness)
+     end if
+     if(isvar("linescale")) then
+       plot_object = set_line_thickness_scale(plot_object,linescale)
+       delete(linescale)
+     end if
+     if(.not.ismissing(npattern).or..not.ismissing(ppattern)) then
+       plot_object = set_pos_neg_line_pattern(plot_object,ppattern,npattern)
+     end if
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"cnFillColors")) then
+       cnres2 = True
+       set_attr(cnres2,"cnFillColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,plot_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(plot_object,cnres2)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(plot_object)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(plot_object,"sf",resources)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Check if we need to force the X or Y axis to be linear or log.
+ ;
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       overlay_plot_object = plot_object
+       delete(plot_object)
+       plot_object = overlay_irregular(wks,wksname,overlay_plot_object,
+                                       data_object,force_x_linear,
+                                       force_y_linear,force_x_log, 
+                                       force_y_log,"contour",llres)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     plot_object at data = data_object
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_contour_map                                            ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                  data: 1 or 2-dimensional data                        ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a contour plot over a map plot to the ;
+ ; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to      ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "data" is the 2-dimensional data to be contoured,   ;
+ ; and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the map   ;
+ ; plot is returned.                                                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_contour_map")
+ function gsn_contour_map(wks:graphic,data:numeric,
+                          resources:logical)
+ local i, data_object, contour_object, res, sf_res_index, 
+ cn_res_index, mp_res_index, map_object, res2, scale, shape, sprdcols
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_contour_map: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(data,new(1,float),new(1,float),"gsn_contour_map",res2,1)
+     end if
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+ ; Create contour plot.
+     cnres          = get_res_eq(res2,(/"sf","tr"/))
+     cnres          = True
+     cnres at gsnDraw  = False
+     cnres at gsnFrame = False
+     contour_object = gsn_contour(wks,data,cnres)
+     delete(cnres)
+ ; Check for existence of data at long_name and use it in a title it
+ ; it exists.
+     if(isatt(data,"long_name")) then
+       set_attr(res2,"tiMainString",data at long_name)
+     end if
+ ; Create map object.
+     map_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",False)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",scale)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"cnSpanFillPalette")) then
+         res2 at cnSpanFillPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","pmA","pmO","pmT","tm"/))
+     cnres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","sf","vp"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(map_object,mpres)
+     attsetvalues_check(contour_object,cnres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"cnFillColors")) then
+       cnres2 = True
+       set_attr(cnres2,"cnFillColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,contour_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(contour_object,cnres2)
+     end if
+     overlay(map_object,contour_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(contour_object,"sf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,map_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     map_object at data    = contour_object at data
+     map_object at contour = contour_object
+     return(map_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_map                                                    ;
+ ;                      wks: workstation object                          ;
+ ;               projection: Map projection                              ;
+ ;                  resources: optional resources                        ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a map plot to the workstation "wks"   ;
+ ; (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").       ;
+ ; "projection" is one of the ten supported map projections, and         ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the map plot  ;
+ ; is returned.                                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_map")
+ function gsn_map(wks:graphic, projection:string, resources:logical )
+ local i, plot_object, res2, res3
+ begin
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+     if(.not.isatt(res2,"mpProjection")) then
+       res2 at mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+     end if
+     gsnp_write_debug_info(new(1,float),new(1,float),new(1,float),"gsn_map", 
+                      res2,0)
+   end if
+ ; Create plot object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+ ;
+ ; Check if the user is setting tiMainString. If so, then set
+ ; pmTitleDisplayMode to "Always" (unless the user is also setting
+ ; this himself).  Otherwise, just use the default value of "NoCreate".
+ ;
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"tiMainString")) then
+       title_display = get_res_value(res2,"pmTitleDisplayMode","Always")
+     else
+       title_display = get_res_value(res2,"pmTitleDisplayMode","NoCreate")
+     end if
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks
+         "mpProjection"       : projection
+         "pmTitleDisplayMode" : title_display
+     end create
+ ; Check to see if any resources were set.
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,res2)
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object.
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_streamline                                             ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U array                          ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V array                          ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a streamline plot to the workstation  ;
+ ; "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks"). ;
+ ; "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be streamlined, and       ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the streamline;
+ ; plot is returned.                                                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_streamline")
+ function gsn_streamline(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric,
+                         resources:logical)
+ local i, data_object,plot_object,res,vf_res_index,st_res_index, 
+ force_x_linear, force_y_linear, force_x_log, force_y_log, stres2, 
+ trxmin, trxmax, trymin, trymax, ll_res_index, llres, res2, scale, shape
+ begin
+     llres = False
+     res2  = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,new(1,float),"gsn_streamline",res2,2)
+     end if
+     force_x_linear = False
+     force_y_linear = False
+     force_x_log    = False
+     force_y_log    = False
+ ; Create the data object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     data_object = vector_field(wksname+"_data",u,v,res2)
+ ; Create plot object.
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_stream" streamlinePlotClass wks
+         "stVectorFieldData" : data_object
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"stSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at stSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     check_for_irreg2loglin(res2,force_x_linear,force_y_linear,
+                                 force_x_log,force_y_log)
+     check_for_tickmarks_off(res2)
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     stres = get_res_ne(res2,"vf")
+     attsetvalues_check(data_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,stres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"stLevelColors")) then
+       stres2 = True
+       set_attr(stres2,"stLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,plot_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(plot_object,stres2)
+     end if
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+         llres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tr","vp"/))
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(plot_object)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(plot_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+ ; Check if we need to force the X or Y axis to be linear or log.
+ ; If so, then we have to overlay it on a LogLin Plot.
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       overlay_plot_object = plot_object
+       delete(plot_object)
+       plot_object = overlay_irregular(wks,wksname,overlay_plot_object,
+                                       data_object,force_x_linear,
+                                       force_y_linear,force_x_log, 
+                                       force_y_log,"streamline",llres)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     plot_object at data = data_object
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_streamline_map                                         ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U data                           ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a streamline plot over a map plot to  ;
+ ; the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to  ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be      ;
+ ; streamlined, and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id ;
+ ; of the map plot is returned.                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_streamline_map")
+ function gsn_streamline_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,
+                             v[*][*]:numeric,resources:logical)
+ local i, data_object, contour_object, res, vf_res_index, 
+ st_res_index, mp_res_index, map_object, res2, stres2
+ begin
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,new(1,float),"gsn_streamline_map",res2,2)
+     end if
+ ; Create the data object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     data_object = vector_field(wksname+"_data",u,v,res2)
+ ; Create plot object.
+     stream_object = create wksname + "_stream" streamlinePlotClass wks
+         "stVectorFieldData" : data_object
+     end create
+ ; Create map object.
+     map_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"stSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at stSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","pmA","pmO","pmT","tm"/))
+     stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"vf","mp","vp"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(data_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(stream_object,stres)
+     attsetvalues_check(map_object,mpres)
+     if(.not.isatt(res2,"stLevelColors")) then
+       stres2 = True
+       set_attr(stres2,"stLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,stream_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(stream_object,stres2)
+     end if
+     overlay(map_object,stream_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(stream_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,map_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     map_object at data = data_object
+     map_object at streamline = stream_object
+     return(map_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_draw_colormap                                         ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure retrieves the current colormap and draws it.           ;
+ ; wks is a variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks".    ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_draw_colormap")
+ procedure gsn_draw_colormap(wks)
+ local nrows, ncols, ncolors, maxcols, ntotal, offset, width, height, 
+ xpos, ypos, xbox, ybox, cmap, cmapnew
+ begin
+   nrows   = 16                   ; # of rows of colors per page.
+   maxcols = 256                  ; max # of colors per color table.
+   getvalues wks
+     "wkColorMapLen" : ncolors    ; Get # of colors in color map.
+   end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; Figure out ncols such that the columns will span across the page.
+ ; Or, just set ncols to 16, which is big enough to cover the largest
+ ; possible color map.
+ ;
+   ncols = floattoint(ncolors/nrows)
+   if(ncols*nrows.lt.ncolors)
+     ncols = ncols+1
+   end if
+   ntotal  = nrows * ncols        ; # of colors per page.
+ ;
+ ; If the number of colors in our color map is less than the allowed
+ ; maximum, then this gives us room to add a white background and/or a
+ ; black foreground.
+ ;
+   reset_colormap = False
+   if(ncolors.lt.maxcols) then
+     reset_colormap = True
+ ;
+ ; Get current color map.
+ ;
+     getvalues wks
+       "wkColorMap" : cmap
+     end getvalues
+     if(ncolors.lt.maxcols-1) then
+       offset = 2
+       cmapnew = new((/ncolors+2,3/),float)
+       cmapnew(0,:)  = (/1.,1.,1./)     ; white background
+       cmapnew(1,:)  = (/0.,0.,0./)     ; black background
+       cmapnew(2:,:) = cmap    
+     else
+       offset = 1
+       cmapnew = new((/ncolors+1,3/),float)
+       cmapnew(0,:)  = (/1.,1.,1./)     ; white background
+       cmapnew(1:,:) = cmap    
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Set new color map.
+ ;
+     setvalues wks
+       "wkColorMap" : cmapnew
+     end setvalues
+     delete(cmapnew)
+   else
+     offset = 0
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; X and Y positions of text and box in the view port.
+ ;
+   width  = 1./ncols
+   height = 1./nrows
+   if(ncols.gt.1) then
+     xpos = fspan(0,1-width,ncols)
+   else
+     xpos = 0.
+   end if
+   if(nrows.gt.1) then
+     ypos = fspan(1-height,0,nrows)
+   else
+     ypos = 1.-height
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Box coordinates.
+ ;
+   xbox = (/0,width, width,     0,0/)
+   ybox = (/0,    0,height,height,0/)
+   font_height = 0.015
+   font_space  = font_height/2.
+   gonres   = True   ; variables to hold list of resources
+   lineres  = True
+   txres    = True
+   txres at txFontHeightF         = font_height
+   txres at txFont                = "helvetica-bold"
+   txres at txJust                = "BottomLeft"
+   txres at txPerimOn             = True
+   txres at txPerimColor          = "black"  ; Or close to black if 
+   txres at txFontColor           = "black"  ; black is not in color map.
+   txres at txBackgroundFillColor = "white"  ; Or close to white.
+   lineres at gsLineColor        = "black"
+ ;
+ ; ntotal colors per page.
+ ;
+   do k = 1,ncolors,ntotal
+     jj = 0
+     do j=k,min((/k+ntotal-1,ncolors/)),nrows
+       ii = 0
+       do i=j,min((/j+nrows-1,ncolors/))
+ ;
+ ; Draw box and fill in the appropriate color.
+ ;
+         gonres at gsFillColor = offset + (i-1)
+         gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox+xpos(jj),ybox+ypos(ii),gonres) ; Draw box.
+ ;
+ ; Outline box in black.
+ ;
+         gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox+xpos(jj),ybox+ypos(ii),lineres)
+ ;
+ ; Draw color label.
+ ;
+         gsn_text_ndc(wks,i-1,font_space+xpos(jj),ypos(ii)+font_space,txres)
+         ii = ii + 1
+       end do
+       jj = jj +1
+     end do
+     frame(wks)   ; Advance the frame.
+   end do
+   if(reset_colormap) then
+ ;
+ ; Put the original color map back.
+ ;
+     setvalues wks
+       "wkColorMap" : cmap
+     end setvalues
+     delete(cmap)
+   end if
+   return
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_draw_named_colors                                     ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                   colors: colors array                                ;
+ ;                   box: array defining number of rows and columns      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure takes a named color array and draws it.                ;
+ ; wks is a variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks".    ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_draw_named_colors")
+ procedure gsn_draw_named_colors(wks:graphic,colors[*]:string, box[2]:integer)
+ local ncolors, ntotal, nrows, ncols, offset, width, height, 
+ xpos, ypos, xbox, ybox
+ begin
+   nrows   = box(0)                   ; # of rows of colors per page.
+   ncols   = box(1)                   ; # of columns of colors per page.
+   if(typeof(colors).ne."string".or.dimsizes(dimsizes(colors)).ne.1)
+     print("The input array is not a one dimensional array of named color strings")
+     exit
+   end if
+   if((nrows.gt.16).or.(ncols.gt.8))
+     print("Number of rows should be less than 16 and Number of columns should be less than 8.")
+     exit
+   end if
+   ncolors = dimsizes(colors)     ; # of colors given
+   getvalues wks
+     "wkColorMap" : oldcmap    ; Get current color map.
+   end getvalues
+ ;
+ ; Find out the rgb values of each color and put it into
+ ; an array
+ ;
+   rgb_values = namedcolor2rgb(colors)
+   rgb_val = new(ncolors, string)
+   do l =0, ncolors-1, 1
+ 	rgb_val(l) = sprintf("%.2f", rgb_values(l,0)) + "," + 
+                      sprintf("%.2f", rgb_values(l,1)) + "," + 
+                      sprintf("%.2f", rgb_values(l,2))
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; npages number of frames.
+ ;
+   ntotal = ncols * nrows
+   npages = floattoint(ncolors/ntotal)
+   if(npages*ntotal.lt.ncolors)
+     npages = npages+1
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; X and Y positions of text and box in the view port.
+ ;
+   width  = 1./ncols
+   height = 1./nrows
+   if(ncols.gt.1) then
+     xpos = fspan(0,1-width,ncols)
+   else
+     xpos = 0.
+   end if
+   if(nrows.gt.1) then
+     ypos = fspan(1-height,0,nrows)
+   else
+     ypos = 1.-height
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Box coordinates.
+ ;
+   xbox = (/0,width, width,     0,0/)
+   ybox = (/0,    0,height,height,0/)
+ ;
+ ; Calculate font height.
+ ;
+   font_heights = (/.0143, .0143, .0143, .0141, .013, .011, .0093, .0085/)
+   font_height = font_heights(ncols-1)
+   font_space  = font_height/2.
+   gonres   = True   ; variables to hold list of resources
+   lineres  = True
+   txres    = True
+   txres at gsnDraw               = True
+   txres at txFontHeightF         = font_height
+   txres at txFont                = "helvetica-bold"
+   txres at txPerimOn             = True
+   txres at txPerimColor          = "black"  ; Or close to black if 
+   txres at txFontColor           = "black"  ; black is not in color map.
+   txres at txBackgroundFillColor = "white"  ; Or close to white.
+   lineres at gsLineColor         = "black"
+   kk = 0
+   offset = 2
+   do k = 1,ncolors,ntotal
+     start = kk*ntotal
+     colorindex = 0
+ ;
+ ; Set the colormap
+ ;
+     if(npages.eq.1)
+       cmapnew = new(ncolors-start+2,string)
+       cmapnew(0)  = "White"     ; white background
+       cmapnew(1)  = "Black"     ; black background
+       cmapnew(2:) = colors(start:ncolors-1)
+     else
+       cmapnew = new(ntotal+2,string)
+       cmapnew(0)  = "White"     ; white background
+       cmapnew(1)  = "Black"     ; black background
+       cmapnew(2:) = colors(start:start+ntotal-1)
+     end if
+     setvalues wks
+       "wkColorMap" : cmapnew
+     end setvalues
+     delete(cmapnew)
+     jj = 0
+     do j=k,min((/k+ntotal-1,ncolors/)),nrows
+       ii = 0
+       do i=j,min((/j+nrows-1,ncolors/))
+             ; Draw box and fill in the appropriate color.
+         gonres at gsFillColor = offset + colorindex
+         gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox+xpos(jj),ybox+ypos(ii),gonres) ; Draw box.
+             ; Outline box in black.
+         gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox+xpos(jj),ybox+ypos(ii),lineres)
+             ; Draw color label.
+         txres at txJust                = "BottomLeft"
+         text = gsn_create_text_ndc(wks,colors(i-1),font_space+xpos(jj),
+                                    ypos(ii)+font_space,txres)
+         txres at txJust                = "TopLeft"
+         gsn_text_ndc(wks,rgb_val(i-1),font_space+xpos(jj), 
+                      height+ypos(ii)-font_space,txres)
+         ii = ii + 1
+         colorindex = colorindex + 1
+       end do
+       jj = jj +1
+     end do
+     kk = kk + 1
+     npages = npages - 1
+     frame(wks)   ; Advance the frame.
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; Put the original color map back.
+ ;
+     setvalues wks
+       "wkColorMap" : oldcmap
+     end setvalues
+     delete(oldcmap)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_vector                                                 ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U array                          ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V array                          ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a vector plot to the workstation "wks";
+ ; (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").  "u"  ;
+ ; and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be vectorized, and "resources";
+ ; is an optional list of resources. The id of the vector plot is        ;
+ ; returned.                                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_vector")
+ function gsn_vector(wks:graphic, u[*][*]:numeric, v[*][*]:numeric, 
+                     resources:logical )
+ local i,data_object,plot_object,res,vf_res_index,vc_res_index, 
+ force_x_linear, force_y_linear, force_x_log, force_y_log, sprdcols, 
+ trxmin, trxmax, trymin, trymax, ll_res_index, llres, res2
+ begin
+     llres = False
+     res2  = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,new(1,float),"gsn_vector",res2,2)
+     end if
+     force_x_linear = False
+     force_y_linear = False
+     force_x_log    = False
+     force_y_log    = False
+ ; Create the data object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     data_object = vector_field(wksname+"_data",u,v,res2)
+ ; Create plot object.
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_vector" vectorPlotClass wks
+         "vcVectorFieldData" : data_object
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"vcSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at vcSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     check_for_irreg2loglin(res2,force_x_linear,force_y_linear,
+                                 force_x_log,force_y_log)
+     check_for_tickmarks_off(res2)
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     vcres = get_res_ne(res2,"vf")
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       llres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tr","vp"/))
+     end if
+     attsetvalues_check(data_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,vcres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"vcLevelColors")) then
+       vcres2 = True
+       set_attr(vcres2,"vcLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,plot_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(plot_object,vcres2)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(plot_object)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(plot_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+ ; Check if we need to force the X or Y axis to be linear or log.
+ ; If so, then we have to overlay it on a LogLin Plot.
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       overlay_plot_object = plot_object
+       delete(plot_object)
+       plot_object = overlay_irregular(wks,wksname,overlay_plot_object,
+                                       data_object,force_x_linear,
+                                       force_y_linear,force_x_log, 
+                                       force_y_log,"vector",llres)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     plot_object at data = data_object
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_vector_contour                                         ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U data                           ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws vectors and contours to the           ;
+ ; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to      ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be      ;
+ ; vectorized, and "data" is the scalar field to be contoured.           ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the vector    ;
+ ; plot is returned.                                                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_vector_contour")
+ function gsn_vector_contour(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,
+                             v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric,
+                             resources:logical)
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, contour_object, res, 
+ vf_res_index, vc_res_index, sf_res_index, res2
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_vector_contour: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_vector_contour",res2,3)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the scalar and vector field object.
+ ;
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create vector plot object.
+     vector_object = create wksname + "_vector" vectorPlotClass wks
+         "vcVectorFieldData" : vfdata_object
+     end create
+ ; Create contour plot object.
+     contour_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : sfdata_object
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"cnSpanFillPalette")) then
+         res2 at cnSpanFillPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF")) then
+       zthickness = res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF
+       if(.not.get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnMonoLineThickness",True).and.
+          isatt(res2,"cnLineThicknesses")) then
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknesses",1.)
+       else
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknessF",1.)
+       end if
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourLineThicknessesScale")) then
+       linescale = res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourNegLineDashPattern")) then
+       npattern = res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       npattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourPosLineDashPattern")) then
+       ppattern = res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       ppattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+ ;
+ ; Make sure that the labelbar resources get passed to the
+ ; correct object.
+ ;
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"cnFillOn").and.res2 at cnFillOn) then
+       cnres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"cn","tf","lb","pmLabel"/))
+       vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"vf","sf","cn","lb","pmLabel"/))
+     else
+       cnres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"cn","tf"/))
+       vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"vf","sf","cn"/))
+     end if
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(contour_object,cnres)
+     attsetvalues_check(vector_object,vcres)
+     if(isvar("zthickness")) then
+       contour_object = set_zero_line_thickness(contour_object,zthickness,cthickness)
+       delete(zthickness)
+     end if
+     if(isvar("linescale")) then
+       contour_object = set_line_thickness_scale(contour_object,linescale)
+       delete(linescale)
+     end if
+     if(.not.ismissing(npattern).or..not.ismissing(ppattern)) then
+       contour_object = set_pos_neg_line_pattern(contour_object, 
+                                                 ppattern,npattern)
+     end if
+     if(sprdcols)
+       if(.not.isatt(res2,"cnFillColors")) then
+         cnres2 = True
+         set_attr(cnres2,"cnFillColors",
+                  spread_colors(wks,contour_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+         attsetvalues(contour_object,cnres2)
+       end if
+       if(.not.isatt(res2,"vcLevelColors")) then
+         vcres2 = True
+         set_attr(vcres2,"vcLevelColors",
+                  spread_colors(wks,vector_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+         attsetvalues(vector_object,vcres2)
+       end if
+     end if
+     overlay(contour_object,vector_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(contour_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(contour_object)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,contour_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     contour_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     contour_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     contour_object at contour = contour_object
+     return(contour_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_streamline_contour                                     ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U data                           ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws streamlines and contours to the       ;
+ ; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to      ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be      ;
+ ; streamlines, and "data" is the scalar field to be contoured.          ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the streamline;
+ ; plot is returned.                                                     ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_streamline_contour")
+ function gsn_streamline_contour(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,
+                                 v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric,
+                                 resources:logical)
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, contour_object, res, 
+ vf_res_index, st_res_index, sf_res_index, res2
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_streamline_contour: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_streamline_contour",res2,3)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the vector and scalar fields.
+ ;
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create streamline plot object.
+     stream_object = create wksname + "_stream" streamlinePlotClass wks
+         "stVectorFieldData" : vfdata_object
+     end create
+ ; Create contour plot object.
+     contour_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : sfdata_object
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"cnSpanFillPalette")) then
+         res2 at cnSpanFillPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF")) then
+       zthickness = res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF
+       if(.not.get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnMonoLineThickness",True).and.
+          isatt(res2,"cnLineThicknesses")) then
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknesses",1.)
+       else
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknessF",1.)
+       end if
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourLineThicknessesScale")) then
+       linescale = res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourNegLineDashPattern")) then
+       npattern = res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       npattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourPosLineDashPattern")) then
+       ppattern = res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       ppattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     cnres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"cn"/))
+     stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"vf","sf","cn"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(contour_object,cnres)
+     attsetvalues_check(stream_object,stres)
+     if(isvar("zthickness")) then
+       contour_object = set_zero_line_thickness(contour_object,zthickness,cthickness)
+       delete(zthickness)
+     end if
+     if(isvar("linescale")) then
+       contour_object = set_line_thickness_scale(contour_object,linescale)
+       delete(linescale)
+     end if
+     if(.not.ismissing(npattern).or..not.ismissing(ppattern)) then
+       contour_object = set_pos_neg_line_pattern(contour_object, 
+                                                 ppattern,npattern)
+     end if
+      if(.not.isatt(res2,"cnFillColors")) then
+       cnres2 = True
+       set_attr(cnres2,"cnFillColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,contour_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(contour_object,cnres2)
+     end if
+     overlay(stream_object,contour_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(stream_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,stream_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     stream_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     stream_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     stream_object at contour = contour_object
+     return(stream_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_vector_contour_map                                     ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U data                           ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws vectors and contours over a map plot  ;
+ ; to the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call  ;
+ ; to "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be   ;
+ ; vectorized, and "data" is the scalar field to be contoured.           ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the map plot  ;
+ ; is returned.                                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_vector_contour_map")
+ function gsn_vector_contour_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,
+                                v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric,
+                                resources:logical)
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, contour_object, res, 
+ vf_res_index, vc_res_index, sf_res_index, mp_res_index, map_object, res2
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_vector_contour_map: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_vector_contour_map",res2,3)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the vector and scalar field objects.
+ ;
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create vector plot object.
+     vector_object = create wksname + "_vector" vectorPlotClass wks
+         "vcVectorFieldData" : vfdata_object
+     end create
+ ; Create contour plot object.
+     contour_object = create wksname + "_contour" contourPlotClass wks
+         "cnScalarFieldData" : sfdata_object
+     end create
+ ; Create map object.
+     map_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"cnSpanFillPalette")) then
+         res2 at cnSpanFillPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF")) then
+       zthickness = res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF
+       if(.not.get_res_value_keep(res2,"cnMonoLineThickness",True).and.
+          isatt(res2,"cnLineThicknesses")) then
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknesses",1.)
+       else
+         cthickness = get_res_value(res2,"cnLineThicknessF",1.)
+       end if
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourLineThicknessesScale")) then
+       linescale = res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourLineThicknessesScale)
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourNegLineDashPattern")) then
+       npattern = res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       npattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     if(res2.and.isatt(res2,"gsnContourPosLineDashPattern")) then
+       ppattern = res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern
+       delete(res2 at gsnContourPosLineDashPattern)
+     else
+       ppattern = new(1,integer)    ; Set to missing
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     cnres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"cn","tf"/))
+     mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","pmA","pmO","pmT","tm"/))
+     vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"cn","mp","sf","vf","vp"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(map_object,mpres)
+     attsetvalues_check(contour_object,cnres)
+     attsetvalues_check(vector_object,vcres)
+     if(isvar("zthickness")) then
+       contour_object = set_zero_line_thickness(contour_object,zthickness,cthickness)
+       delete(zthickness)
+     end if
+     if(isvar("linescale")) then
+       contour_object = set_line_thickness_scale(contour_object,linescale)
+       delete(linescale)
+     end if
+     if(.not.ismissing(npattern).or..not.ismissing(ppattern)) then
+       contour_object = set_pos_neg_line_pattern(contour_object, 
+                                                 ppattern,npattern)
+     end if
+     if(sprdcols) then
+      if(.not.isatt(res2,"cnFillColors")) then
+         cnres2 = True
+         set_attr(cnres2,"cnFillColors",
+                  spread_colors(wks,contour_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+         attsetvalues(contour_object,cnres2)
+      end if
+      if(.not.isatt(res2,"vcLevelColors")) then
+         vcres2 = True
+         set_attr(vcres2,"vcLevelColors",
+                  spread_colors(wks,vector_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+         attsetvalues(vector_object,vcres2)
+       end if
+     end if
+     overlay(map_object,contour_object)
+     overlay(map_object,vector_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(vector_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,map_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     map_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     map_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     map_object at vector = vector_object
+     map_object at contour = contour_object
+     return(map_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_vector_map                                             ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     : 2-dimensional U data                            ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a vector plot over a map plot to the  ;
+ ; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to      ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be      ;
+ ; vectorized, and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id  ;
+ ; of the map plot is returned.                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_vector_map")
+ function gsn_vector_map(wks:graphic, u[*][*]:numeric, v[*][*]:numeric, 
+                         resources:logical )
+ local i, data_object, contour_object, res, vf_res_index, 
+ vc_res_index, mp_res_index, map_object, res2, sprdcols
+ begin
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,new(1,float),"gsn_vector_map",res2,2)
+     end if
+ ; Create the data object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     data_object = vector_field(wksname+"_data",u,v,res2)
+ ; Create plot object.
+     vector_object = create wksname + "_vector" vectorPlotClass wks
+         "vcVectorFieldData" : data_object
+     end create
+ ; Create map object.
+     map_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"vcSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at vcSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","pmA","pmO","pmT","tm"/))
+     vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","vf","vp"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(data_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(map_object,mpres)
+     attsetvalues_check(vector_object,vcres)
+     if(.not.isatt(res2,"vcLevelColors")) then
+       vcres2 = True
+       set_attr(vcres2,"vcLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,vector_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(vector_object,vcres2)
+     end if
+     overlay(map_object,vector_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(vector_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,map_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     map_object at data = data_object
+     map_object at vector = vector_object
+     return(map_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_vector_scalar                                          ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U array                          ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V array                          ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a vector plot to the workstation "wks";
+ ; (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").  "u"  ;
+ ; and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be vectorized, and "data" is  ;
+ ; the scalar field that the vectors are colored by. "resources" is an   ;
+ ; optional list of resources. The id of the vector plot is returned.    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_vector_scalar")
+ function gsn_vector_scalar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric,
+                            data:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, plot_object, res, 
+ force_x_linear, force_y_linear, force_x_log, force_y_log, 
+ trxmin, trxmax, trymin, trymax, ll_res_index, llres, vf_res_index, 
+ vc_res_index, sf_res_index, res2, sprdcols
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_vector_scalar: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     llres = False
+     res2  = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_vector_scalar",res2,3)
+     end if
+     force_x_linear = False
+     force_y_linear = False
+     force_x_log    = False
+     force_y_log    = False
+ ; Create the scalar and vector field data object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create plot object.
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_vector" vectorPlotClass wks
+         "vcVectorFieldData"     : vfdata_object
+         "vcScalarFieldData"     : sfdata_object
+         "vcUseScalarArray"      : True
+         "vcMonoLineArrowColor"  : False
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"vcSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at vcSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     check_for_irreg2loglin(res2,force_x_linear,force_y_linear,
+                                 force_x_log,force_y_log)
+     check_for_tickmarks_off(res2)
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"sf","vf"/))
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       llres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tr","vp"/))
+     end if
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,vcres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"vcLevelColors")) then
+       vcres2 = True
+       set_attr(vcres2,"vcLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,plot_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(plot_object,vcres2)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(plot_object)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(plot_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+ ; Check if we need to force the X or Y axis to be linear or log.
+ ; If so, then we have to overlay it on a LogLin Plot.
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       overlay_plot_object = plot_object
+       delete(plot_object)
+       plot_object = overlay_irregular(wks,wksname,overlay_plot_object,
+                                       data_object,force_x_linear,
+                                       force_y_linear,force_x_log, 
+                                       force_y_log,"vector",llres)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     plot_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     plot_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_streamline_scalar                                      ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U array                          ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V array                          ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a streamline plot to the workstation  ;
+ ; "wks"; (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").;
+ ; "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional vector arrays, and "data" is the    ;
+ ; scalar field that the streamlines are colored by. "resources" is an   ;
+ ; optional list of resources. The id of the streamline plot is returned.;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_streamline_scalar")
+ function gsn_streamline_scalar(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,v[*][*]:numeric,
+                            data:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, plot_object, res, 
+ force_x_linear, force_y_linear, force_x_log, force_y_log, 
+ trxmin, trxmax, trymin, trymax, ll_res_index, llres, vf_res_index, 
+ st_res_index, sf_res_index, res2, sprdcols
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_streamline_scalar: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     llres = False
+     res2  = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_streamline_scalar",res2,3)
+     end if
+     force_x_linear = False
+     force_y_linear = False
+     force_x_log    = False
+     force_y_log    = False
+ ; Create the scalar and vector field data object.
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create plot object.
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_streamline" streamlinePlotClass wks
+         "stVectorFieldData"     : vfdata_object
+         "stScalarFieldData"     : sfdata_object
+         "stUseScalarArray"      : True
+         "stMonoLineColor"       : False
+     end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"stSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at stSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     check_for_irreg2loglin(res2,force_x_linear,force_y_linear,
+                                 force_x_log,force_y_log)
+     check_for_tickmarks_off(res2)
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"sf","vf"/))
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       llres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"tr","vp"/))
+     end if
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(plot_object,stres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"stLevelColors")) then
+       stres2 = True
+       set_attr(stres2,"stLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,plot_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(plot_object,stres2)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(plot_object)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(plot_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+ ; Check if we need to force the X or Y axis to be linear or log.
+ ; If so, then we have to overlay it on a LogLin Plot.
+     if(force_x_linear.or.force_x_log.or.force_y_linear.or.force_y_log)
+       overlay_plot_object = plot_object
+       delete(plot_object)
+       plot_object = overlay_irregular(wks,wksname,overlay_plot_object,
+                                       data_object,force_x_linear,
+                                       force_y_linear,force_x_log, 
+                                       force_y_log,"vector",llres)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     plot_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     plot_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_vector_scalar_map                                      ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U data                           ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a vector plot over a map plot to the  ;
+ ; workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to      ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional arrays to be      ;
+ ; vectorized, and "data" is the scalar field that the vectors are       ;
+ ; colored by. "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of   ;
+ ; the map plot is returned.                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_vector_scalar_map")
+ function gsn_vector_scalar_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,
+                                v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric,
+                                resources:logical)
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, contour_object, res, 
+ vf_res_index, vc_res_index, sf_res_index, mp_res_index, map_object, res2, 
+ sprdcols
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_vector_scalar_map: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_vector_scalar_map",res2,3)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the vector and scalar field object.
+ ;
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create plot object.
+     vector_object = create wksname + "_vector" vectorPlotClass wks
+         "vcVectorFieldData"     : vfdata_object
+         "vcScalarFieldData"     : sfdata_object
+         "vcUseScalarArray"      : True
+         "vcMonoLineArrowColor"  : False
+     end create
+ ; Create map object.
+     map_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"vcSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at vcSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","pmA","pmO","pmT","tm"/))
+     vcres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","sf","vf","vp"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(map_object,mpres)
+     attsetvalues_check(vector_object,vcres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"vcLevelColors")) then
+       vcres2 = True
+       set_attr(vcres2,"vcLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,vector_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(vector_object,vcres2)
+     end if
+     overlay(map_object,vector_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(vector_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,map_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     map_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     map_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     map_object at vector = vector_object
+     return(map_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_streamline_scalar_map                                  ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     u: 2-dimensional U data                           ;
+ ;                     v: 2-dimensional V data                           ;
+ ;                  data: 2-dimensional scalar field                     ;
+ ;               resources: optional resources                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws a streamline plot over a map plot to  ; 
+ ; the workstation "wks" (the variable returned from a previous call to  ;
+ ; "gsn_open_wks").  "u" and "v" are the 2-dimensional streamline arrays,;
+ ; and "data" is the scalar field that the streamlines are colored by.   ;
+ ; "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id of the map plot  ; 
+ ; is returned.                                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColors - deprecated as of NCL V6.1.0. Only used if         ;
+ ;     gsnSpreadColorStart and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd are set to something ;
+ ;     other than 2 and -1.                                              ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorStart                                                 ;
+ ;   gsnSpreadColorEnd                                                   ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_streamline_scalar_map")
+ function gsn_streamline_scalar_map(wks:graphic,u[*][*]:numeric,
+                                    v[*][*]:numeric,data:numeric,
+                                    resources:logical)
+ local i, vfdata_object, sfdata_object, contour_object, res, 
+ vf_res_index, st_res_index, sf_res_index, mp_res_index, map_object, res2, 
+ sprdcols
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; Make sure input data is 1D or 2D
+ ;
+     if(.not.is_data_1d_or_2d(data)) then
+       print("gsn_streamline_scalar_map: Fatal: the input data array must be 1D or 2D")
+       return
+     end if
+     res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(u,v,data,"gsn_streamline_scalar_map",res2,3)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; Create the streamline and scalar field object.
+ ;
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     vfdata_object = vector_field(wksname+"_vfdata",u,v,res2)
+     sfdata_object = scalar_field(wksname+"_sfdata",data,res2);
+ ; Create plot object.
+     streamline_object = create wksname + "_streamline" streamlinePlotClass wks
+         "stVectorFieldData"     : vfdata_object
+         "stScalarFieldData"     : sfdata_object
+         "stUseScalarArray"      : True
+         "stMonoLineColor"       : False
+     end create
+ ; Create map object.
+     map_object = create wksname + "_map" mapPlotClass wks end create
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     min_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorStart",2)
+     max_index = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColorEnd",-1)
+     if(min_index.ne.2.or.max_index.ne.-1.) then
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",True)
+     else
+       if(check_attr(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False,True).and..not.
+         isatt(res2,"stSpanLevelPalette")) then
+         res2 at stSpanLevelPalette = False
+       end if
+       sprdcols = get_res_value(res2,"gsnSpreadColors",False)
+     end if
+     vfres = get_res_eq(res2,"vf")
+     sfres = get_res_eq(res2,"sf")
+     mpres = get_res_eq(res2,(/"mp","vp","pmA","pmO","pmT","tm"/))
+     stres = get_res_ne(res2,(/"mp","sf","vf","vp"/))
+     attsetvalues_check(vfdata_object,vfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(sfdata_object,sfres)
+     attsetvalues_check(map_object,mpres)
+     attsetvalues_check(streamline_object,stres)
+     if(sprdcols.and..not.isatt(res2,"stLevelColors")) then
+       stres2 = True
+       set_attr(stres2,"stLevelColors",
+                spread_colors(wks,streamline_object,min_index,max_index,res2))
+       attsetvalues(streamline_object,stres2)
+     end if
+     overlay(map_object,streamline_object)
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(streamline_object,"vf",resources)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,map_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     map_object at vfdata = vfdata_object
+     map_object at sfdata = sfdata_object
+     map_object at streamline = streamline_object
+     return(map_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_xy                                                     ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     x: n-dimensional array of X arrays                ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of Y array                 ;
+ ;             resources: optional resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function creates and draws an xy plot to the workstation "wks"   ;
+ ; (the variable returned from a previous call to "gsn_open_wks").  "x"  ;
+ ; and "y" are either 1 or 2-dimensional arrays containing the X and Y   ;
+ ; data points and "resources" is an optional list of resources. The id  ;
+ ; of the xy plot is returned.                                           ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; Special resources ("gsn" prefix) allowed:                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;   gsnDraw                                                             ;
+ ;   gsnFrame                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnShape                                                            ;
+ ;   gsnScale                                                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_xy")
+ function gsn_xy(wks:graphic, x:numeric, y:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local i, attnames, data_object, plot_object, res, ca_res_index, 
+ xy_res_index, xydp_res_index, dspec, res2, set_dash
+ begin
+     set_dash = True       ; Default is to set some dash patterns.
+     res2     = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+     if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       gsnp_write_debug_info(x,y,new(1,float),"gsn_xy",res2,2)
+     end if
+ ; Determine if we have multiple lines or just one line.
+     nxdims = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+     xdims = dimsizes(x)
+     wksname = get_res_value_keep(wks,"name","gsnapp")
+     data_object = create wksname + "_data" coordArraysClass noparent
+         "caXArray" : x
+         "caYArray" : y
+     end create
+ ; Check for missing values.
+     if(isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+         setvalues data_object
+             "caXMissingV" : x at _FillValue
+         end setvalues
+     end if
+     if(isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
+         setvalues data_object
+             "caYMissingV" : y at _FillValue
+         end setvalues
+     end if
+ ; Create plot object.
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_xy" xyPlotClass wks
+         "xyCoordData" : data_object
+     end create
+ ;
+ ; I'm guessing that we can't set the tr* resources when we create
+ ; the XY plot because it probably affects other resources.  So, we go ahead
+ ; and create the full plot, and *then* we set the tr* resources, if any.
+ ;  
+     getvalues plot_object
+       "trXMinF" : trxmin2
+       "trXMaxF" : trxmax2
+       "trYMinF" : trymin2
+       "trYMaxF" : trymax2
+     end getvalues
+     trxmin = get_res_value_keep(res2,"trXMinF",trxmin2)
+     trxmax = get_res_value_keep(res2,"trXMaxF",trxmax2)
+     trymin = get_res_value_keep(res2,"trYMinF",trymin2)
+     trymax = get_res_value_keep(res2,"trYMaxF",trymax2)
+     plot_object = create wksname + "_xy" xyPlotClass wks
+         "xyCoordData" : data_object
+         "trXMinF"     : trxmin
+         "trXMaxF"     : trxmax
+         "trYMinF"     : trymin
+         "trYMaxF"     : trymax
+     end create
+ ; Check for existence of x/y at long_name/units and use them to
+ ; label X and Y axes.
+     xaxis_string = get_long_name_units_string(x)
+     yaxis_string = get_long_name_units_string(y)
+     if(.not.ismissing(xaxis_string)) then
+       set_attr(res2,"tiXAxisString",xaxis_string)
+     end if
+     if(.not.ismissing(yaxis_string)) then
+       set_attr(res2,"tiYAxisString",yaxis_string)
+     end if
+ ; By default, only solid lines get drawn if there are multiple lines, so
+ ; set some dash patterns to use instead.  Also set different marker styles.
+     getvalues plot_object
+         "xyCoordDataSpec" : dspec
+     end getvalues
+     if(res2.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res2))))
+       if(isatt(res2,"xyDashPattern").or.isatt(res2,"xyDashPatterns"))
+         set_dash = False
+       end if
+     end if
+     if(set_dash)
+       setvalues dspec
+         "xyDashPatterns" : (/0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,
+                              0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,
+                              0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16/)
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+     calldraw  = get_res_value(res2,"gsnDraw", True)
+     callframe = get_res_value(res2,"gsnFrame",True)
+     maxbb     = get_bb_res(res2)
+     shape     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnShape",False)
+     scale     = get_res_value(res2,"gsnScale",shape)
+     check_for_tickmarks_off(res2)
+     cares = get_res_eq(res2,"ca")
+     attsetvalues_check(data_object,cares)
+     if(res2.and..not.any(ismissing(getvaratts(res2))))
+ ; Get list of resources.
+         attnames = getvaratts(res2)
+         res = stringtocharacter(attnames(ind(attnames.ne."_FillValue")))
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Check to see if any xy plot resources were set.  There are two kinds  ;
+ ; of xy plot resources, the regular kind, and the data spec kind.  If   ;
+ ; the resource starts with an "xy", it could be either kind, so we need ;
+ ; to have some tests to see which object it belongs to.  Any "xy"       ;
+ ; resources that start with "xyC", "xyX", or "xyY" are regular          ;
+ ; resources (meaning, it belongs to the XyPlot object). The remaining   ;
+ ; "xy" resources belong to the data spec object. Any resources that do  ;
+ ; not start with "xy" or "ca" are assumed to also go with the XyPlot    ;
+ ; object.                                                               ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+         if(dimsizes(dimsizes(res)).eq.1)
+             if((charactertostring(res(0:1)).ne."ca".and.
+                 charactertostring(res(0:1)).ne."xy").or.
+                (charactertostring(res(0:1)).eq."xy".and.
+                (charactertostring(res(0:2)).eq."xyC".or.
+                 charactertostring(res(0:2)).eq."xyX".or.
+                 charactertostring(res(0:2)).eq."xyY")))
+                 setvalues plot_object
+                     attnames : res2@$attnames$
+                 end setvalues
+             end if
+             if(charactertostring(res(0:1)).eq."xy".and.
+               (charactertostring(res(0:2)).ne."xyC".and.
+                charactertostring(res(0:2)).ne."xyX".and.
+                charactertostring(res(0:2)).ne."xyY"))
+                 setvalues dspec
+                     attnames : res2@$attnames$
+                 end setvalues
+             end if
+         else
+             xy_res_index = ind((charactertostring(res(:,0:1)).ne."ca".and.
+                                 charactertostring(res(:,0:1)).ne."xy").or.
+                                (charactertostring(res(:,0:1)).eq."xy".and.
+                                (charactertostring(res(:,0:2)).eq."xyC".or.
+                                 charactertostring(res(:,0:2)).eq."xyX".or.
+                                 charactertostring(res(:,0:2)).eq."xyY")))
+             xydp_res_index = ind(charactertostring(res(:,0:1)).eq."xy".and.
+                                 (charactertostring(res(:,0:2)).ne."xyC".and.
+                                  charactertostring(res(:,0:2)).ne."xyX".and.
+                                  charactertostring(res(:,0:2)).ne."xyY"))
+             if(.not.all(ismissing(xy_res_index)))
+               xyres = True
+               do i = 0,dimsizes(xy_res_index)-1
+                   xyres@$attnames(xy_res_index(i))$ = res2@$attnames(xy_res_index(i))$
+               end do
+               attsetvalues_check(plot_object,xyres)
+             end if
+             if(.not.all(ismissing(xydp_res_index)))
+                 getvalues plot_object
+                     "xyCoordDataSpec" : dspec
+                 end getvalues
+                 xydpres = True
+                 do i = 0,dimsizes(xydp_res_index)-1
+                     xydpres@$attnames(xydp_res_index(i))$ = res2@$attnames(xydp_res_index(i))$
+                 end do
+                 attsetvalues_check(dspec,xydpres)
+             end if
+         end if
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnShape was set to True, then resize the X or Y axis so that
+ ; the scales are proportionally correct.
+ ; 
+     if(shape)
+       gsnp_shape_plot(plot_object)
+     end if
+ ;
+ ; If gsnScale was set to True, then make sure the X and Y axis labels
+ ; and tick marks are the same size.
+ ; 
+     if(scale)
+       gsnp_scale_plot(plot_object,"",False)
+     end if
+     draw_and_frame(wks,plot_object,calldraw,callframe,0,maxbb)
+ ; Return plot object and data object (as attribute of plot object).
+     plot_object at data     = data_object
+     plot_object at dataspec = dspec
+     return(plot_object)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_y                                                      ;
+ ;                   wks: workstation object                             ;
+ ;                     y: n-dimensional array of Y array                 ;
+ ;             resources: optional resources                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function is similar to gsn_xy, except instead of a specific X    ;
+ ; array, index values are used.                                         ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_y")
+ function gsn_y(wks:graphic, y:numeric, resources:logical )
+ local dsizes_y, npts, x, rank_y, xy
+ begin
+   res2 = get_resources(resources)
+ ;
+ ; Write data and plot resource information to a file so we can 
+ ; reconstruct plot if desired, without all the computational
+ ; code beforehand.
+ ;
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+     gsnp_write_debug_info(y,new(1,float),new(1,float),"gsn_y",res2,1)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Get dimension sizes of Y array.
+ ;
+   dsizes_y = dimsizes(y)
+   rank_y   = dimsizes(dsizes_y)
+   if(rank_y.eq.1) then
+     npts = dsizes_y
+   else
+     if(rank_y.ne.2) then
+       print("Error: gsn_y: The input Y array must either be 1-dimensional, or 2-dimensional, where the leftmost dimension represents the number of curves and the rightmost dimension the number of points in each curve.")
+       exit
+     end if
+     npts = dsizes_y(1) 
+   end if
+ ; 
+ ; Create the indexed X array.
+ ;
+   x = ispan(0,npts-1,1)
+   x at long_name = ""
+ ;
+ ; Call gsn_xy.
+ ;
+   xy = gsn_xy(wks,x,y,res2)
+   return(xy)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : gsn_contour_shade                                          ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function shades contour regions given low and/or high values     ;
+ ; using colors or patterns.                                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function was written by Adam Phillips, 2006                      ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function was updated July 2013 to allow any combination of       ;
+ ; gsnShadeLow, gsnShadeMid, and gsnShadeHigh to be set.                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function was updated July 2014 to allow RGB and RGBA values for  ;
+ ; color. The following are now valid for colors:                        ;    
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  Color index value:  opt at gsnShadeLow  = 5                             ;
+ ;  Named color:        opt at gsnShadeHigh = "blue"                        ;
+ ;  RGB color:          opt at gsnShadeHigh = (/1.,0.,0.5/)                 ;
+ ;  RGBA color:         opt at gsnShadeHigh = (/1.,0.,0.5,0.5/)             ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_contour_shade")
+ function gsn_contour_shade(plot:graphic,lowval:numeric,highval:numeric,
+                            opt:logical) 
+ local shaden_set, shadem_set, shadep_set, shaden, shadep, shadem, ovrly_ids, 
+ idstringcnlvls, colist, i, N, tmp_wks
+ begin
+    if (.not.opt) then
+      print("gsn_contour_shade: Options list must be used as one of the following option resources must be set: opt at gsnShadeLow, opt at gsnShadeHigh, opt at gsnShadeMid.")
+      print("   Returning without making any changes to plot.")
+      return(plot)
+    end if
+    shade_type = str_lower(get_res_value_keep(opt,"gsnShadeFillType","color"))   ; "pattern"
+    if(.not.any(shade_type.eq.(/"color","pattern"/))) then
+      print("gsn_contour_shade: gsnShadeFillType can only be 'pattern' or 'color'.")
+      print("   Returning without making any changes to plot.")
+      return(plot)
+    end if
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This section is used to retrieve the gsnShadeLow/Mid/High resources
+ ; and make sure they are valid.
+ ;
+ ; If doing color fill, you can mix and match color types (index color,
+ ; named color, rgb, rgba).
+ ;
+ ; If doing pattern fill, only pattern indexes can be used.
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    tmp_wks = NhlGetParentWorkstation(plot)
+    if (isatt(opt,"gsnShadeLow")) then
+      shaden_set = True
+      if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+        shaden = convert_color_to_rgba(tmp_wks,opt at gsnShadeLow)
+      else
+        shaden      = opt at gsnShadeLow
+        shaden_type = typeof(shaden)
+      end if
+    else
+      shaden_set = False
+      if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+        shaden      = (/0.,0.,0.,0./)  ; transparent
+        shaden_type = "rgba"
+      else
+        shaden      = -1              ; no fill
+        shaden_type = "integer"
+      end if
+    end if
+    if (isatt(opt,"gsnShadeMid")) then
+      shadem_set = True
+      if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+        shadem      = convert_color_to_rgba(tmp_wks,opt at gsnShadeMid)
+        shadem_type = "rgba"
+      else
+        shadem      = opt at gsnShadeMid
+        shadem_type = typeof(shadem)
+      end if
+    else
+      shadem_set = False
+      if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+        shadem      = (/0.,0.,0.,0./)  ; transparent
+        shadem_type = "rgba"
+      else
+        shadem      = -1               ; no fill
+        shadem_type = "integer"
+      end if
+    end if
+    if (isatt(opt,"gsnShadeHigh")) then
+      shadep_set = True
+      if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+        shadep      = convert_color_to_rgba(tmp_wks,opt at gsnShadeHigh)
+        shadep_type = "rgba"
+      else
+        shadep      = opt at gsnShadeHigh
+        shadep_type = typeof(shadep)
+      end if
+    else
+      shadep_set = False
+      if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+       shadep      = (/0.,0.,0.,0./)  ; transparent
+       shadep_type = "rgba"
+      else
+        shadep      = -1              ; no fill
+        shadep_type = "integer"
+      end if
+    end if
+ ;---Error checking on the gsnShadeLow/Mid/High resources
+    if(.not.any((/shaden_set,shadem_set,shadep_set/))) then
+      print("gsn_contour_shade: one of the following resources must be set: opt at gsnShadeLow, opt at gsnShadeHigh, opt at gsnShadeMid.")
+      print("   Returning without making any changes to plot.")
+      return(plot)
+    end if
+ ;---Error checking if we have pattern fill.
+    if(shade_type.eq."pattern".and.
+       any((/shaden_type,shadem_type,shadep_type/).ne."integer")) then
+      print("gsn_contour_shade: You must use integer values when doing pattern fill.")
+      print("   Returning without making any changes to plot.")
+      return(plot)
+    end if
+    if(shade_type.eq."color".and.any((/all(ismissing(shaden)),
+          all(ismissing(shadem)),all(ismissing(shadep))/))) then
+      print("gsn_contour_shade: One of your gsnShadeLow/Mid/High resources is set to an invalid color.")
+      print("   Returning without making any changes to plot.")
+      return(plot)
+    end if
+    getvalues plot
+       "pmOverlaySequenceIds" : ovrly_ids
+    end getvalues
+    if (.not.any(ismissing(ovrly_ids))) then
+      do i=0,dimsizes(ovrly_ids)-1
+          if (NhlClassName(ovrly_ids(i)).eq."contourPlotClass")
+             idstring = ovrly_ids(i)
+ 	    end if
+       end do
+    end if 
+    getvalues idstring
+      "cnLevels"  : cnlvls
+    end getvalues
+    if ((isatt(opt,"printcnlevels"))) then
+       if (opt at printcnlevels) then
+ 	    print(cnlvls)
+ 	 end if
+    end if
+ ;---Make sure we have contour levels
+    N = dimsizes(cnlvls)
+    if (ismissing(N) .or. N.le.0) then
+        print ("gsn_contour_shade: dimsizes(cnlvls)="+N+" return (non-fatal)")
+        return (plot)
+    end if
+ ;---Create array for fill, set all to transparent or white
+    if(shade_type.eq."color") then
+      colist      = new((/N+1,4/),double)
+      colist(:,3) = 0.
+    else
+      colist = new(N+1,integer)
+      colist = -1
+    end if
+ ;---Start filling colist
+    if (shaden_set.and.any(cnlvls.le.lowval)) then
+      ii := ind(cnlvls.le.lowval)
+      ii_dims = dimsizes(ii)
+      if(shade_type.eq."pattern") then
+        colist(ii) = shaden
+      else if(ii_dims.eq.1) then
+        colist(ii,:) = shaden
+      else
+        colist(ii,:) = conform(colist(ii,:),shaden,1)
+      end if
+      end if
+    end if
+    if (shadep_set.and.any(cnlvls.ge.highval)) then     
+      ii := ind(cnlvls.ge.highval)+1
+      ii_dims = dimsizes(ii)
+      if(shade_type.eq."pattern") then
+        colist(ii) = shadep
+      else if(ii_dims.eq.1) then
+        colist(ii,:) = shadep
+      else
+        colist(ii,:) = conform(colist(ii,:),shadep,1)
+      end if
+    end if
+    end if
+    if (shadem_set.and.any(cnlvls.ge.lowval.and.cnlvls.le.highval)) then
+      ii := ind(cnlvls.ge.lowval.and.cnlvls.le.highval)
+      ii_dims = dimsizes(ii)
+      if(shade_type.eq."pattern") then
+        colist(ii) = shadem
+      else if (ii_dims.ge.2) then
+        colist(ii(1:),:) = conform(colist(ii(1:),:),shadem,1)
+      else
+        print("gsn_contour_shade: 1 contour level or less found between "+lowval+" and "+highval+", not color filling")
+      end if
+      end if
+    end if
+    if (shade_type.eq."color") then
+ 	 setvalues idstring               
+ 	    "cnFillOn"          : True
+             "cnMonoFillPattern" : True
+             "cnMonoFillColor"   : False
+             "cnFillColors"      : colist			   
+ 	 end setvalues
+    else
+ 	 setvalues idstring               
+ 	    "cnFillOn"          : True
+             "cnMonoFillColor"   : True
+             "cnMonoFillPattern" : False
+             "cnFillPatterns"    : colist	   
+ 	 end setvalues
+    end if
+    return (plot)
+ end
+ undef("fill_res")
+ procedure fill_res(res1:logical,res2:logical,ncr[2]:integer,attnames[*]:string)
+ local natts, i, dsizes, rank, success, nrows, ncols
+ begin
+   nrows = ncr(0)
+   ncols = ncr(1)
+   natts = dimsizes(attnames)
+   if(res1.and.natts.ge.1) then
+     res2 = True
+ ;
+ ; Loop through each attribute, check its size, and copy it to new
+ ; 2D variable if needed. We have to do this so that later we don't
+ ; have to check each attribute for the right size.
+ ;
+     do i=0,natts-1
+       if(isatt(res1,attnames(i))) then
+ ;
+ ; Get the dimension size and rank of this attribute.
+ ;
+         dsizes  = dimsizes(res1@$attnames(i)$)
+         rank    = dimsizes(dsizes)
+         success = False
+ ;
+ ; We need elseif here!!
+ ;
+         if(rank.eq.1) then
+           if(dsizes.eq.1) then
+ ;
+ ; Scalar attribute.
+ ;
+             res2@$attnames(i)$ = new(nrows*ncols,typeof(res1@$attnames(i)$))
+             res2@$attnames(i)$(:) = res1@$attnames(i)$
+             success = True
+           else
+ ;
+ ; 1D attribute of length nrows (ncols must be 1).
+ ;
+             if(dsizes.eq.nrows.and.ncols.eq.1) then
+               res2@$attnames(i)$ = new(nrows*ncols,typeof(res1@$attnames(i)$))
+               res2@$attnames(i)$(:) = res1@$attnames(i)$
+               success = True
+             else
+ ;
+ ; 1D attribute of length ncols (nrows must be 1).
+ ;
+               if(dsizes.eq.ncols.and.nrows.eq.1) then
+                 res2@$attnames(i)$ = new(nrows*ncols,typeof(res1@$attnames(i)$))
+                 res2@$attnames(i)$(:) = res1@$attnames(i)$
+                 success = True
+               end if
+             end if
+           end if
+         else
+           if(rank.eq.2.and.dsizes(0).eq.nrows.and.dsizes(1).eq.ncols) then
+ ;
+ ; 2D attribute of size nrows x ncols.
+ ;
+             res2@$attnames(i)$ = ndtooned(res1@$attnames(i)$)
+             success = True
+           end if
+         end if
+         if(.not.success) then
+           print("fill_res: attribute '" + attnames(i) + "' is the wrong size.")
+           print("         Not using it.")
+         end if
+         delete(dsizes)
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : gsn_table                                                 ;
+ ; This procedure draws a grid given the workstation                     ;
+ ; to draw to, the beginning X and ending Y values (in NDC coords),      ;
+ ; and the number of rows and columns.  Text strings are drawn           ;
+ ; in the center of each cell, if specified.                             ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  draw_grid(                                                           ;
+ ;             wks    - workstation value returned from gsn_open_wks.    ;
+ ;             ncr[2] - integers, number of rows and columns             ;
+ ;             x      - begin and end values of x position of table      ;
+ ;             y      - begin and end values of y position of table      ;
+ ;             text   - optional list of text strings. Use:              ;
+ ;                          text = new(1,string)                         ;
+ ;                      if you don't want any text strings.              ;
+ ;             res    - optional list of "gs" (for the table lines)      ;
+ ;                      or "tx" (for the text) resources.                ;
+ ;          )                                                            ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("gsn_table")
+ procedure gsn_table(wks:graphic,ncr[2]:integer,x[2]:numeric, 
+                          y[2]:numeric,text:string,res:logical)
+ local nrows, ncols, i, ii, txres, txres2, lnres, attnames, natts, text2d
+ begin
+   debug = get_res_value(res,"gsnDebug",False)
+   nrows = ncr(0)
+   ncols = ncr(1)
+ ;
+ ; Error checking.
+ ;
+   if(nrows.lt.1.or.ncols.lt.1) then
+      print("gsn_table: nrows and ncols must be >= 1.")
+      exit
+   end if
+   if(any(x.lt.0.or.x.gt.1.or.y.lt.0.or.y.gt.1)) then
+      print("gsn_table: the begin and end x and y values must")
+      print("           be in the range [0,1].")
+      exit
+   end if
+   if(x(1).le.x(0).or.y(1).le.y(0)) then
+     print("gsn_table: the begin x,y points must be less")
+     print("           than the end x,y points.")
+     exit
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check if text desired.
+ ;
+   if(.not.all(ismissing(text))) then
+     text_avail = True
+   else
+     text_avail = False
+   end if
+   if(text_avail) then
+ ; 
+ ; Check that the text dimens are correct.  If you have nrows x ncols,
+ ; then the text can either be (nrows x ncols) strings, a scalar string,
+ ; or (ncols) if nrows=1, or (nrows) if ncols=1.
+ ;
+     dsizes_text = dimsizes(text)
+     rank_text   = dimsizes(dsizes_text)
+     if( (rank_text.ne.2.and.rank_text.ne.1).or.
+         (rank_text.eq.1.and.(nrows.ne.1.and.ncols.ne.1)).or.
+         (rank_text.eq.1.and.(nrows.eq.1.and.ncols.ne.dsizes_text)).or.
+         (rank_text.eq.1.and.(ncols.eq.1.and.nrows.ne.dsizes_text)).or.
+         (rank_text.ne.2.and.(nrows.gt.1.and.ncols.gt.1)) ) then
+       print("gsn_table: the dimensionality of the text must be ")
+       print("           " + nrows + " row(s) x " + ncols + " column(s).")
+       exit
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check all resource values. They must either be scalars, or
+ ; arrays of same size as nrows x ncols.
+ ;
+   res2     = False
+   attnames = getvaratts(res)
+   fill_res(res,res2,ncr,attnames)
+   delete(attnames)                    ; We're going to use this later.
+ ;
+ ; Get ready to draw table.
+ ;
+   xsize = (x(1) - x(0))/ncols         ; width of grid cell
+   ysize = (y(1) - y(0))/nrows         ; height of grid cell
+   lnres = get_res_eq(res2,"gs")       ; Resource list for lines.
+ ;
+ ; Check for a box fill color.
+ ;
+   fill_on = False
+   if(isatt(res2,"gsFillColor").or.isatt(res2,"gsFillIndex")) then
+     fill_on = True
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check for desired filling of each grid cell. Do this before drawing
+ ; grid lines, because we want lines drawn on top of filled boxes.
+ ;
+   if(fill_on) then
+     gonres = get_res_eq(res2,"gsFill")     ; Get fill resources.
+     gonres2 = True
+     attnames = getvaratts(gonres)
+     natts    = dimsizes(attnames)
+     do nr = 0,nrows-1
+       ypos = y(1) - ((nr+1) * ysize)
+       do nc = 0,ncols-1
+         ii = nr*ncols+nc
+ ;
+ ; Copy all resources over to temporary array.
+ ;
+         do i=0,natts-1
+           gonres2@$attnames(i)$ = gonres@$attnames(i)$(ii)
+         end do
+         xpos = x(0) + (nc * xsize)
+         gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,(/xpos,xpos+xsize,xpos+xsize,xpos,xpos/), 
+                             (/ypos,ypos,ypos+ysize,ypos+ysize,ypos/),gonres2)
+       end do
+     end do
+     delete(attnames)                    ; We're going to use this later.
+   end if
+ ; Draw horizontal lines, top to bottom.
+   do nr = 0,nrows
+     ypos = y(1) - (nr * ysize)
+     gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/x(0),x(1)/),(/ypos,ypos/),lnres)
+     if(debug) then
+       print("Horizontal line from (" + x(0) + "," + ypos + ") to (" + 
+                                       x(1) + "," + ypos + ")")
+     end if
+   end do
+ ; Draw vertical lines, left to right.
+   do nc = 0,ncols
+     xpos = x(0) + (nc * xsize)
+     gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,(/xpos,xpos/),(/y(0),y(1)/),lnres)
+     if(debug) then
+       print("Vertical line from (" + xpos + "," + y(0) + ") to (" + 
+                                      xpos + "," + y(1) + ")")
+     end if
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; Draw text, if any.  The text will be drawn left to right,
+ ; top to bottom.
+ ;
+   if(text_avail) then
+     txres = get_res_eq(res2,"tx")     ; Get text resources.
+ ;
+ ; Conform text to nrows x ncols if it is 1D.
+ ;
+     if(rank_text.eq.1) then
+       text2d = new((/nrows,ncols/),string)
+       if(nrows.eq.1) then
+         text2d(0,:) = text
+       else
+         text2d(:,0) = text
+       end if
+     else
+       text2d = text       ; Already 2D.
+     end if
+     xsize2 = xsize/2.     ; Half width of box.
+     ysize2 = ysize/2.     ; Half height of box.
+ ;
+ ; All text resources should be nrows x ncols at this point. Now,
+ ; for each individual text string, we need to grab the appropriate
+ ; resource value, and attach it to a new resource list.
+ ;
+     txres2 = True    ; True no matter what, because we have to at least set
+                      ; txJust.
+ ;
+ ; If txJust is not being set, use "CenterCenter" for each one.
+ ; Note that if txres is set to False and it is setting txJust,
+ ; it will be ignored. that's because setting txres=False means
+ ; ignore all attributes set to this logical variable.
+ ;
+     if(.not.txres.or.(txres.and..not.isatt(txres,"txJust"))) then
+       txres = True
+       txres at txJust    = new(nrows*ncols,string)
+       txres at txJust(:) = "CenterCenter"
+     end if      
+     attnames = getvaratts(txres)
+     natts    = dimsizes(attnames)
+     do nr = 0,nrows-1
+       do nc = 0,ncols-1
+         if(.not.ismissing(text2d(nr,nc))) then
+           ii = nr*ncols+nc
+ ;
+ ; Copy all resources over to temporary array.
+ ;
+           do i=0,natts-1
+             txres2@$attnames(i)$ = txres@$attnames(i)$(ii)
+           end do
+ ;
+ ; Check the text justification.
+ ;
+           txjust = txres2 at txJust
+           if(any(lower_case(txjust).eq. 
+                  (/"bottomleft","bottomcenter","bottomright"/))) then
+             ypos = y(1) - ((nr+1) * ysize)
+           end if
+           if(any(lower_case(txjust).eq. 
+                  (/"centerleft","centercenter","centerright"/))) then
+             ypos = (y(1) - ((nr+1) * ysize)) + ysize2
+           end if
+           if(any(lower_case(txjust).eq. 
+                  (/"topleft","topcenter","topright"/))) then
+             ypos = y(1) - (nr * ysize)
+           end if
+           if(any(lower_case(txjust).eq. 
+                  (/"bottomleft","centerleft","topleft"/))) then
+             xpos = x(0) + (nc * xsize)
+           end if
+           if(any(lower_case(txjust).eq. 
+                  (/"bottomcenter","centercenter","topcenter"/))) then
+             xpos = (x(0) + (nc * xsize)) + xsize2
+           end if
+           if(any(lower_case(txjust).eq. 
+                  (/"bottomright","centerright","topright"/))) then
+             xpos = x(0) + ((nc+1) * xsize)
+           end if
+ ; Draw text.
+           gsn_text_ndc(wks,text2d(nr,nc),xpos,ypos,txres2)
+         end if
+       end do
+     end do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This function convert input variable x to type specified by type.
+ ; Wei Huang
+ ; May 21, 2012
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  undef("totype")
+  function totype( varin, type:string )
+  local varout
+  begin
+     ;printVarSummary(varin)
+     ;print(type)
+      ;Convert to float
+      if(type .eq. "float") then
+          varout = tofloat(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to double
+      if(type .eq. "double") then
+          varout = todouble(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to uint
+      if(type .eq. "uint") then
+          varout = touint(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+     ;Convert to integer
+      if(type .eq. "int" .or. type .eq. "integer") then
+          varout = toint(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to char
+      if(type .eq. "char" .or. type .eq. "character") then
+          varout = tochar(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to byte
+      if(type .eq. "byte") then
+          varout = tobyte(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to short
+      if(type .eq. "short") then
+          varout = toshort(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to ushort
+      if(type .eq. "ushort") then
+          varout = toushort(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to long
+      if(type .eq. "long") then
+          varout = tolong(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to ulong
+      if(type .eq. "ulong") then
+          varout = toulong(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to int64
+      if(type .eq. "int64") then
+          varout = toint64(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to uint64
+      if(type .eq. "uint64") then
+          varout = touint64(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      ;Convert to string
+      if(type .eq. "string") then
+          varout = tostring(varin)
+          return(varout)
+      end if
+      print("")
+      print("WARNING:")
+      print("CANNOT convert input variable type: <" + typeof(varin) + "> to type: <" + type + ">")
+      print("The original type: <" + typeof(varin) + "> is returned.")
+      print("")
+      varout = varin
+      return(varout)
+  end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : read_colormap_file                                         ;
+ ;               colorMapName : either the name of an NCL-standard       ;
+ ;                              colormap, or the filename of a           ;
+ ;                              user-supplied colormap.                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function either reads an NCL-standard colormap, given is name,   ;
+ ; or expects to read a colormap from a given file.  It supports reading ;
+ ; either RGB-tuples or RGBA-tuples (or a mixture); it always returns a  ;
+ ; colormap comprised of RGBA-tuples.                                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function was moved to utilities.ncl (from gsn_code.ncl) to make  ;
+ ; it more accessible (say by functions in contributed.ncl).             ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("read_colormap_file")
+ function read_colormap_file(colorMapName:string)
+ local pathname, lines, tokens, cmap, tmpCmap, i, numColors, 
+       red, green, blue, alpha, maxValue, MAXCOLORS
+ begin
+   MAXCOLORS = 256     ; symbolic constant, used below
+   ; ----------------------------------------------------------
+   ; Inner convenience function to test string as suitable for 
+   ; conversion to numeric.
+   undef("isNumerical")
+   function isNumerical(s:string)
+   local seenDecimal, charS, len, i
+   begin
+     seenDecimal = False
+     charS = stringtocharacter(s)
+     len = strlen(s)
+     do i=0, len-1
+       if (charS(i).eq.".") then
+         if (seenDecimal) then
+           return False
+         else
+           seenDecimal = True
+         end if
+       else
+         if (charS(i).lt."0" .or. charS(i).gt."9") then
+           return False
+         end if
+       end if
+     end do
+     return True
+   end
+   ; ------------------------------------------------------------
+   ; Inner convenience function to find appropriate pathname for 
+   ; the given filename.
+   undef("getFilePath")
+   function getFilePath(colorMapName:string)
+   local suffixes, paths, path1, path2, i, j, tmp
+   begin
+     ; Is this one of our standard named colormaps? There are several well-defined
+     ; locations and suffixes to try...
+     tmp = getenv("NCARG_COLORMAPS")
+     if (.not.ismissing(tmp)) then
+         paths = str_split(tmp, ":")
+     else 
+         paths = (/ ncargpath("ncarg") + "/colormaps" /)
+     end if
+     suffixes = (/ ".rgb", ".gp", ".ncmap" /)
+     ; loop over the product of possible paths and possible suffixes...
+     do i=0, dimsizes(paths)-1
+         path1 = paths(i) + "/" + colorMapName
+         do j=0, dimsizes(suffixes)-1
+             path2 = path1 + suffixes(j)
+             if (fileexists(path2)) then
+               return path2
+             end if
+           end do
+     end do
+     ; if still here, just return colorMapName literally; presumably is a 
+     ; filename for a user-managed colormap...
+     return colorMapName
+   end
+   ; get an appropriate pathname for the given colortable name and load it..
+   pathname = getFilePath(colorMapName)
+   lines = asciiread(pathname, -1, "string")
+   lines = str_squeeze(lines)
+   ; parse upto MAXCOLORS rgba tuples from the file just read...
+   tmpCmap = new((/ MAXCOLORS, 4 /), "float")
+   numColors = 0
+   maxValue = -1.0
+   i = 0
+   do while (i.lt.dimsizes(lines) .and. numColors.lt.MAXCOLORS)
+       if (ismissing(strlen(lines(i))) .or. strlen(lines(i)).eq.0) then  
+           lines(i) = "#"  ; zero-lengthed lines cause us grief...
+       end if 
+       tokens = str_split(lines(i), " ")
+       if (dimsizes(tokens).ge.3) then
+           red = -1.0
+           green = -1.0
+           blue = -1.0
+           if (isNumerical(tokens(0))) then
+               red = stringtofloat(tokens(0))
+           end if
+           if (isNumerical(tokens(1))) then
+               green = stringtofloat(tokens(1))
+           end if
+           if (isNumerical(tokens(2))) then
+               blue = stringtofloat(tokens(2))
+           end if
+           if (dimsizes(tokens).gt.3 .and. isNumerical(tokens(3))) then
+               alpha = stringtofloat(tokens(3))
+           else
+               alpha = -1.0  ; used a marker, replaced appropriately below...
+           end if
+           ; were we able to get a rgba-tuple?
+           ;
+           if (red.ge.0 .and. green.ge.0 .and. blue.ge.0) then
+               ; yes, add it to our colormap...
+               tmpCmap(numColors,0) = red
+               tmpCmap(numColors,1) = green
+               tmpCmap(numColors,2) = blue
+               tmpCmap(numColors,3) = alpha
+               numColors = numColors + 1
+               ; keep track of the magnitude of these values; used to rescale below...
+               if (red.gt.maxValue) then
+                   maxValue = red
+               end if
+               if (green.gt.maxValue) then
+                   maxValue = green
+               end if
+               if (blue.gt.maxValue) then
+                   maxValue = blue
+               end if
+           end if
+       end if
+       i = i + 1
+       delete(tokens)
+   end do
+   ; copy tmpCmap into appropriately sized array
+   cmap = new((/numColors, 4/), float)
+   cmap = tmpCmap(0:numColors-1,:)
+   ; normalize the values...(oh for true if-elseif!)
+   ; this logical taken directly from HLU code in "Palette.c"
+   if (maxValue.le.1) then
+       cmap(:,3) = where(cmap(:,3).lt.0, 1., cmap(:,3))
+   else if (maxValue.lt.256) then
+       cmap(:,3) = where(cmap(:,3).lt.0, 255., cmap(:,3))
+       cmap = cmap / 255.
+   else if (maxValue.eq.256) then
+       cmap(:,3) = where(cmap(:,3).lt.0, 256., cmap(:,3))
+       cmap = cmap / 256.
+   else if (maxValue.eq.65536) then
+       cmap(:,3) = where(cmap(:,3).lt.0, 65535., cmap(:,3))
+       cmap = cmap / 65535. 
+   else if (maxValue.eq.65536) then
+       cmap(:,3) = where(cmap(:,3).lt.0, 65536., cmap(:,3))
+       cmap = cmap / 65536.
+   else
+       cmap(:,3) = where(cmap(:,3).lt.0, maxValue, cmap(:,3))
+       cmap = cmap / maxValue
+   end if
+   end if 
+   end if
+   end if
+   end if
+   return cmap
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Function : read_colormap_files                                        ;
+ ;               colorMapNames : an array of names of an NCL-standard    ;
+ ;                              colormap, or the filenames of            ;
+ ;                              user-supplied colormaps.                 ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This function behaves exactly like read_colormap_file, except it      ;
+ ; handles an array of color maps rather than just a single color map.   ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("read_colormap_files")
+ function read_colormap_files(colorMapNames[*]:string)
+ local ncmaps, ncolors, i, cmap, nc
+ begin
+   ncmaps  = dimsizes(colorMapNames)
+   ncolors = new(ncmaps,integer)
+   do i=0,ncmaps-1
+     cmap := read_colormap_file(colorMapNames(i))
+     if(any(ismissing(cmap))) then
+       print("read_colormap_files: Error: invalid color map name")
+       return(new((/1,4/),float))
+     end if
+     ncolors(i) = dimsizes(cmap(:,0))
+   end do
+   rgba_array = new((/sum(ncolors),4/),float)
+   nc = 0
+   do i=0,ncmaps-1
+    rgba_array(nc:nc+ncolors(i)-1,:) = read_colormap_file(colorMapNames(i))
+    nc = nc + ncolors(i)
+   end do
+   return(rgba_array)
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Given a color map and the number of desired colors, this function 
+ ; returns an array of color indexes that nicely span the full colormap.
+ ;
+ ; For a named colormap, the first two color values are not used,
+ ; because these are the foreground/background colors.
+ ;
+ ; This function is very similar to the span_color_rgba function,
+ ; which returns RGBA values. 
+ ;
+ ; The colormap can be a named colormap, like "rainbow", or an array
+ ; of RGB (n,3) or RGBA (n,4).
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ undef("span_color_indexes")
+ function span_color_indexes(cmapt,ncolors)
+ local ncols, fmin, fmax, fcols, icols, cmap
+ begin
+   if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+      cmap = read_colormap_file(cmapt)
+   else if(isnumeric(cmapt)) then
+     dims = dimsizes(cmapt)
+    if(dimsizes(dims).ne.2.or.dims(0).lt.3.or.dims(0).gt.256.or.
+        .not.any(dims(1).ne.(/3,4/))) then
+       print ("Error: span_color_indexes: cmap must be an n x 3 or n x 4 array of RGB or RGBA values, or a valid color map name")
+       return(new(1,integer))   ; return missing
+     end if
+     cmap = cmapt
+   else
+     print ("Error: span_color_indexes: cmap must be an n x 3 or n x 4 array of RGB or RGBA values, or a valid color map name")
+   end if
+   end if
+   ncols  = dimsizes(cmap(:,0))
+ ;
+ ; Start at index 0 and end at ncols-1 (the full range of the
+ ; color map.
+ ;
+   minix = 0
+   maxix = ncols-1
+   fmin = new(1,float)    ; to make sure we get a missing value (?)
+   fmax = new(1,float)
+   fmin = minix
+   fmax = maxix
+   fcols = fspan(fmin,fmax,ncolors)
+   icols = tointeger(fcols + 0.5)
+   if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+     return(icols+2)
+   else
+     return(icols)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Given a color map and the number of desired colors, this function 
+ ; returns an array of RGB[A] values that nicely span the full colormap.
+ ;
+ ; For a named colormap, the first two color values are not used,
+ ; because these are the foreground/background colors.
+ ;
+ ; This function is very similar to the span_color_indexes function,
+ ; except it returns RGBA values rather than index values. This 
+ ; function actually uses span_color_indexes.
+ ;
+ ; The colormap can be a named colormap, like "rainbow", or an array
+ ; of RGB (n,3) or RGBA (n,4).
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ undef("span_color_rgba")
+ function span_color_rgba(cmapt,ncolors)
+ local icols, cmap, fmsg
+ begin
+   icols = span_color_indexes(cmapt,ncolors)
+   fmsg = new(4,float)          ; missing value
+   if(any(ismissing(icols)))
+     return(fmsg)
+   end if
+  if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+    cmap = read_colormap_file(cmapt)
+    icols = icols - 2                 ; read_colormap_file returns array 
+                                      ; with indexes 0 and 1 dropped off
+  else 
+    cmap = cmapt
+  end if
+  return(cmap(icols,:))
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ ; Given an array of contour levels,  a color map, and a single
+ ; value, this function returns an index value into the colormap
+ ; to use for representing the single value
+ ;
+ ; This function is very similar to the get_color_rgb function,
+ ; except it returns the index value into the color map, rather
+ ; than an RGBA value.
+ ;
+ ; The colormap can be a named colormap, like "rainbow", or an array
+ ; of RGB (n,3) or RGBA (n,4).
+ ;
+ ; This function replaces the deprecated GetFillColor.
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ undef("get_color_index")
+ function get_color_index(cmapt,cnlvls[*]:numeric,value[1]:numeric)
+ local cmap, dims, ncn, nclr, color, n, col_indexes, ncoli
+ begin
+  if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+     cmap = read_colormap_file(cmapt)
+  else if(isnumeric(cmapt)) then
+    dims = dimsizes(cmapt)
+    if(dimsizes(dims).ne.2.or.dims(0).lt.3.or.dims(0).gt.256.or.
+        .not.any(dims(1).ne.(/3,4/))) then
+      print ("Error: get_color_index: cmap must be an n x 3 or n x 4 array of RGB or RGBA values, or a valid color map name")
+      return(new(3,"float"))    ; return a missing value
+    end if
+    cmap = cmapt
+  else
+    print ("Error: get_color_index: cmap must be an n x 3 or n x 4 array of RGB or RGBA values, or a valid color map name")
+  end if
+  end if
+  ncn  = dimsizes (cnlvls)
+  nclr = dimsizes (cmap(:,0))
+  imsg = new(1,integer)          ; missing value
+  if (nclr-2 .lt. ncn+1) then 
+    print ("Warning: get_color_index: Not enough colors in colormap for number of contour levels")
+    print ("         Colors will be repeated")
+  end if
+  if (ismissing(value)) then
+    print ("Error: get_color_index: Input value is missing")
+    return (imsg)
+  end if
+  if (any(ismissing(cnlvls))) then
+    print ("Error: get_color_index: One or more input contour levels are missing")
+    return (imsg)
+  end if
+ ;---Get nice span of indexes throughout the color map
+  col_indexes = span_color_indexes(cmap,dimsizes(cnlvls)+1)
+  ncoli       = dimsizes(col_indexes)    ; should be ncn+1
+  do n = 0, ncn-1
+    if (value .lt. cnlvls(n)) then
+      break
+    end if
+  end do
+  if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+    return(col_indexes(n)+2)    ; Account for 0/1 index being dropped
+   else
+    return(col_indexes(n))
+  end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ ; Given an array of contour levels,  a color map, and a single
+ ; value, this function returns an RGB[A] value in the colormap
+ ; to use for representing the single value
+ ;
+ ; This function uses get_color_index, and is very similar to this
+ ; function except it returns the actual RGB[A] value, rather 
+ ; than an index value.
+ ;
+ ; The colormap can be a named colormap, like "rainbow", or an array
+ ; of RGB (n,3) or RGBA (n,4).
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ undef("get_color_rgba")
+ function get_color_rgba(cmapt,cnlvls[*]:numeric,value[1]:numeric)
+ local fmsg, icol, cmap
+ begin
+  fmsg = new(4,float)          ; missing value
+  icol = get_color_index(cmapt,cnlvls,value)
+  if (ismissing(icol)) then
+    return (fmsg)
+  end if
+  if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+    cmap = read_colormap_file(cmapt)
+    return(cmap(icol-2,:))    ; Indexes start at 2
+  else
+    cmap = cmapt
+    return(cmap(icol,:))
+  end if
+ end
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ ; Procedure : draw_color_palette                                        ;
+ ;                   wks[1] : graphic                                    ;
+ ;                   colors :                                            ;
+ ;                   opt[1] : logical                                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; This procedure draws the given colors as a series of boxes in the     ;
+ ; same fashion as the old gsn_draw_colormap procedure.                  ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "wks" is the workstation to draw the colors to.                       ; 
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ; "colors" can be a color map name ("rainbow"), a list of named colors  ;
+ ; (/"red","blue"/), an RGB array (n x 3), an RGBA array (n x 4), or a   ;
+ ; list of color indexes (/2,5,3,8/).                                    ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;  "opt" If set to True, then you can optionally attach attributes to   ;
+ ;        control behavior of this procedure.                            ;
+ ;                                                                       ;
+ ;***********************************************************************;
+ undef("draw_color_palette")
+ procedure draw_color_palette(wks,colors,opt)
+ local label_boxes, call_frame, labels_on, label_strings, across, 
+ color_type, rgba_colors, ncolors, nrows, ncols,width,height
+ begin
+ ;---Retrieve values for attributes
+   call_frame    = get_res_value_keep(opt,"Frame",True)
+   labels_on     = get_res_value_keep(opt,"LabelsOn",True)
+   if(opt.and.isatt(opt,"LabelStrings")) then
+     set_label_strings = True
+     label_strings     = opt at LabelStrings
+   else
+     set_label_strings = False
+   end if
+   font_height   = get_res_value_keep(opt,"LabelFontHeight",0.015)
+   across        = get_res_value_keep(opt,"Across",True)
+ ;---Check for valid colors
+   color_type = get_color_type(colors)
+   if(ismissing(color_type).or.color_type.eq."unknown")
+     print("Error: draw_color_palette: invalid color specification.")
+     return
+   end if
+   if(color_type.eq."rgba") then
+     rgba_colors = colors
+   end if
+   if(color_type.eq."index") then
+     rgba_colors = indexcolor2rgba(wks,colors)
+   end if
+   if(color_type.eq."colormap") then
+     rgba_colors = read_colormap_files(colors)
+   end if
+   if(color_type.eq."named") then
+     rgba_colors = namedcolor2rgba(colors)
+   end if
+   if(color_type.eq."rgb") then
+     rgba_colors = rgb2rgba(colors)
+   end if
+   ncolors = dimsizes(rgba_colors(:,0))
+   nrows   = toint(sqrt(ncolors))
+ ;---Figure out ncols such that the columns will span across the page.
+   ncols = floattoint(ncolors/nrows)
+   if((ncols*nrows).lt.ncolors)
+     ncols = ncols+1
+   end if
+   ntotal = nrows * ncols        ; # of colors per page.
+ ;---If drawing labels, test that we have valid number of labels
+   if(labels_on) then
+     if(.not.set_label_strings) then
+       label_strings = "" + ispan(0,ncolors-1,1)    
+     else
+       if(dimsizes(label_strings).ne.ncolors) then
+         print("Error: draw_color_palette: invalid number of labels for boxes")
+         return
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ;---Calculate X and Y positions of text and box in the view port.
+   width  = 1./ncols
+   height = 1./nrows
+   if(ncols.gt.1) then
+     if(across) then
+       xpos = ndtooned(conform_dims((/nrows,ncols/),fspan(0,1-width,ncols),1))
+     else
+       xpos = ndtooned(conform_dims((/ncols,nrows/),fspan(0,1-width,ncols),0))
+     end if
+   else
+     xpos = new(ntotal,float)
+     xpos = 0.
+   end if
+   if(nrows.gt.1) then
+     if(across) then
+       ypos = ndtooned(conform_dims((/nrows,ncols/),fspan(1-height,0,nrows),0))
+     else
+       ypos = ndtooned(conform_dims((/ncols,nrows/),fspan(1-height,0,nrows),1))
+     end if
+   else
+     ypos = new(ntotal,float)
+     ypos = 1.-height
+   end if
+ ;---Calculate box coordinates.
+   xbox = (/0,width, width,     0,0/)
+   ybox = (/0,    0,height,height,0/)
+   gnres = True   ; variables to hold list of resources
+   lnres = True
+   if(labels_on) then
+     font_space                  = font_height/2.
+     txres                       = True
+     txres at txFontHeightF         = font_height
+     txres at txFont                = "helvetica-bold"
+     txres at txJust                = "BottomLeft"
+     txres at txPerimOn             = True
+     txres at txPerimColor          = "black"
+     txres at txFontColor           = "black"
+     txres at txBackgroundFillColor = "white"
+   end if
+   lnres at gsLineColor  = "black"
+ ;---ntotal colors per page.
+   do i = 0,ncolors-1
+ ;---Draw box and fill in the appropriate color.
+     gnres at gsFillColor = rgba_colors(i,:)
+     gsn_polygon_ndc(wks,xbox+xpos(i),ybox+ypos(i),gnres) ; Draw box.
+ ;---Outline box in black.
+     gsn_polyline_ndc(wks,xbox+xpos(i),ybox+ypos(i),lnres)
+ ;---Draw color label.
+     if(labels_on) then
+       gsn_text_ndc(wks,label_strings(i),font_space+xpos(i),ypos(i)+font_space,txres)
+     end if
+   end do
+   if(call_frame) then
+     frame(wks)   ; Advance the frame.
+   end if
+   return
+ end
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This function takes an array of anything and depending on "opt", 
+ ; it does one of two things:
+ ;
+ ;   - Returns the unique values as a 1D array (opt=0)
+ ;   - Returns the number of unique values     (opt=1)
+ ;
+ ; Some notes:
+ ;    See "get_unique_values" and "count_unique_values" below.
+ ;
+ ; - We did some timing tests and confirmed that sorting the values
+ ;   first made for a faster algorithm, including with string arrays.
+ ;
+ ; - We decided to create a separate "count_unique_values" function,
+ ;   instead of making the user do "dimsizes(get_unique_values(x))"
+ ;   because the count function is less memory intensive.
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("unique_values_opt")
+ function unique_values_opt(vals,opt)
+ local vals1d, i, ii, vals_nomsg, nvals, nuniq_vals, count_only
+ begin
+   if(opt.eq.0) then
+     count_only = False
+   else if(opt.eq.1) then
+     count_only = True
+   else
+     print("unique_values_opt: Error: Don't recognize opt=" + opt)
+     print("This is an internal function and may change")
+     exit
+   end if
+   end if
+   if(isatt(vals,"_FillValue")) then
+     vals1d = ndtooned(vals)
+     ii     = ind(.not.ismissing(vals1d))  
+     if(ismissing(ii(0))) then
+ ; Input array is all missing
+       if(count_only) then
+         return(0)
+       else
+         return(new(1,typeof(vals))) 
+       end if
+     end if
+     vals_nomsg = vals1d(ii)
+     delete(vals_nomsg at _FillValue) ; This is important, otherwise a _FillValue 
+                                   ; will get added to return value.
+     delete([/vals1d,ii/])       
+   else
+     vals_nomsg = ndtooned(vals)
+   end if
+ ;---Sort the array first
+   if(typeof(vals_nomsg).eq."string") then
+     sqsort(vals_nomsg)
+   else
+     qsort(vals_nomsg)
+   end if
+   nvals = dimsizes(vals_nomsg)
+ ;---This is the array to be returned, if returning unique values.
+   if(.not.count_only) then
+     vals_uniq    = new(nvals,typeof(vals_nomsg),"No_FillValue")
+     vals_uniq(0) = vals_nomsg(0)   ; The first unique value
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Doing two different loops here, so we don't have an extra 
+ ; "if" test inside the do loop.
+ ;
+   nuniq_vals  = 1
+   if(count_only) then
+     do i=1,nvals-1
+       if(vals_nomsg(i).eq.vals_nomsg(i-1)) then
+         continue
+       end if
+       nuniq_vals = nuniq_vals+1
+     end do
+     return(nuniq_vals)
+   else
+     do i=1,nvals-1
+       if(vals_nomsg(i).eq.vals_nomsg(i-1)) then
+         continue
+       end if
+       vals_uniq(nuniq_vals) = vals_nomsg(i)
+       nuniq_vals            = nuniq_vals+1
+     end do
+     return(vals_uniq(0:nuniq_vals-1))
+   end if
+ end
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This function takes an array of anything and returns the 
+ ; unique values as a 1D array.
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("get_unique_values")
+ function get_unique_values(vals)
+ begin
+   return(unique_values_opt(vals,0))
+ end
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This function takes an array of anything and returns the 
+ ; # of unique values. If the array 
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("count_unique_values")
+ function count_unique_values(vals)
+ begin
+   return(unique_values_opt(vals,1))
+ end
+ ; 
+ ;      $Id: contributed.ncl,v 1.273 2010-05-07 17:38:12 haley Exp $
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; -------------- added Feb 14 2002
+ ; copy_VarMeta
+ ; cssgrid_Wrap
+ ; epzZero
+ ; flt2dble
+ ; getVarDimNames
+ ; numAsciiRow
+ ; numAsciiCol
+ ; month_to_season 
+ ; month_to_seasonN
+ ; month_to_season12
+ ; wave_number_spc
+ ; uv2dvG_Wrap
+ ; uv2vrG_Wrap
+ ; uv2dvF_Wrap
+ ; uv2vrF_Wrap
+ ; dv2uvG_Wrap
+ ; vr2uvG_Wrap
+ ; dv2uvF_Wrap
+ ; vr2uvF_Wrap
+ ; ilapsG_Wrap
+ ; ilapsF_Wrap
+ ; dim_standardize_Wrap
+ ; msrcp_mss2local
+ ; -------------- changed 13 May 2002
+ ; eofMeta:  changed a dimension name from "eval" to "evn"
+ ; -------------- added   13 May 2002
+ ; eofcor_pcmsg_Wrap
+ ; eofcov_pcmsg_Wrap
+ ; -------------- changed June 2002
+ ; short2flt:   added extra names
+ ;
+ ; -------------- replaced June 2002
+ ; NewCosWeight
+ ; SqrtCosWeight
+ ;
+ ; -------------- added July  3 2002
+ ; GetFillColorIndex
+ ; yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac
+ ;
+ ; -------------- bug fix 30 Aug 2002
+ ; closest_val:   mult "closest" values Murphy
+ ;
+ ; -------------- added 13 Sept 2002
+ ; grib_stime2itime:  convert initial_time (string) to time (integer)
+ ; wgt_areaave_Wrap
+ ;
+ ; -------------- 19 Sept 2002
+ ; NormCosWgtGlobe: make lat wgts sum to 2.0 like gaussian whts 
+ ; namDimCheck    : makes sure all dimensions are named
+ ; calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL : calculated standardized anomalies for each month
+ ;
+ ; --------------    Oct  2002
+ ; cat2var: Concatenate 2 (or more) variables to create one variable
+ ; byte2float
+ ; svdHomHet2LatLon: convert SVD output arrays to lat/lon for plotting
+ ; svdAkBk2time    : convert SVD output attributes to timefor plotting
+ ; trimBlankRight  ; trim trailing (rightmost) blanks from strings
+ ;
+ ; --------------    Nov  2002
+ ; All routines had local variables explicitly declared.
+ ; All 'undef' statements were activated.
+ ; Numerous regridding routines had changes made to them. [lat/lon stuff]
+ ;
+ ; -------------     Feb-Mar 2003
+ ; added clmMonTLLL, stdMonTLLL
+ ; namelist
+ ; merge_VarAtts
+ ; timeCoads2YYYYMM
+ ; -------------   
+ ; Now using CVS .... no longer will I manually maintain the change log
+ ; -------------
+ ;
+ ; Contributed.ncl
+ ;
+ ; The codes in this script were contributed by various NCL'ers.  They are
+ ; designed to be completely self contained so that if a user desires, the
+ ; code can be extracted without loss of functionality.
+ ;
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; return number of elements of an array [scalar==> size=1]
+ ;************************************************************
+ undef("size_array")
+ function size_array(x)
+ begin
+   return( product(dimsizes(x)) )
+ end
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; return True if "x" has one of several synonyms for "long_name"
+ undef ("isatt_LongName")
+ function isatt_LongName(x)
+ local LongName, xAtts, nAtts, n
+ begin
+   LongName = (/"long_name","description","standard_name" 
+               ,"DESCRIPTION","DataFieldName" /)
+   xAtts    = getvaratts(x)
+   nAtts    = dimsizes(xAtts)
+   do n=0,nAtts-1
+      if (any(LongName.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+          return( True )
+      end if
+   end do
+   return( False )
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; return the "long_name" attribute of a variable
+ ; Check for various synonyms
+ undef ("getLongName")
+ function getLongName(x)
+ ; return long_name: check for various synonyms
+ begin
+   if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then      ; COARDS, CSM, CF
+       return(x at long_name)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(x,"description")) then    ; WRF
+       return(x at description)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(x,"DESCRIPTION")) then
+       return(x at DESCRIPTION)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(x,"standard_name")) then  ; CF
+       return(x at standard_name)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(x,"DataFieldName")) then  ; HDF [some]
+       return(x at DataFieldName)
+   end if
+  ;return("")                          ; return 
+   return(new(1,string))
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; error check: called internally by a number of functions
+ ;              make sure all dimension are named
+ ; sample:   dNam = namDimCheck ("clmMonLLT", x)  
+ undef("namDimCheck")
+ function namDimCheck (name:string, x)
+ local rank, dNam, i
+ begin
+   rank = dimsizes( dimsizes(x) )
+   dNam = new ( rank, "string")    ; save input dim names
+   do i=0,rank-1
+      if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+          dNam(i) = x!i
+      else
+          print(name+": All dimensions should be named")
+          print("       dimension "+i+" is missing"  )
+         ;exit
+          dNam(i) = "bogus_"+i   ; assign arbitrary name 
+      end if
+   end  do
+   return (dNam)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Copy all of the coordinate variables from one variable to another.  
+ undef("copy_VarCoords")
+ procedure copy_VarCoords(var_from,var_to)  
+ local dfrom, dto, rfrom, rto, i, dName
+ begin                                     
+   dfrom = dimsizes(var_from)
+   dto   = dimsizes(var_to)
+   rfrom = dimsizes(dfrom)
+   rto   = dimsizes(dto)
+                                              ; coordinates must have names
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)               ; Oct 18, 2005
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+       if (all(dfrom(0:rto-1).eq.dto)) then
+           do i = 0,rto-1
+              if (.not.ismissing(dName(i))) then   ; Oct 18, 2005
+                 var_to!i = var_from!i
+                 if(iscoord(var_from,var_from!i))
+                var_to&$var_to!i$ = var_from&$var_from!i$
+                 end if
+              end if
+           end  do
+       else
+           print("ERROR: copy_VarCoords: dimension sizes do not match")
+           print(dto)
+           print(dfrom)
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Copy the coordinate variables from one variable to another,
+ ; except for last dimension.  
+ ; Used internally
+ undef ("copy_VarCoords_1")
+ procedure copy_VarCoords_1(var_from,var_to)  
+ local dimt, dimf, rfrom, rto, i, dName
+ begin                      
+   dimf  = dimsizes(var_from)            
+   dimt  = dimsizes(var_to)
+   rfrom = dimsizes(dimf)      ; rank of var_from
+   rto   = dimsizes(dimt)      ; rank of var_to
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)               ; Oct 18, 2005
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+        ;if (rto.eq.(rfrom-1)) then
+                 do i = 0,rfrom-2            ; do not use last dimension
+                    if (.not.ismissing(dName(i)).and.dimf(i).eq.dimt(i)) then  
+                         var_to!i = var_from!i
+                         if(iscoord(var_from,var_from!i))
+                                 var_to&$var_to!i$ = var_from&$var_from!i$
+                         end if
+                    end if
+                 end  do
+        ;else
+        ;        print("ERROR: copy_VarCoords_1: rank problem")
+        ;end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Copy the coordinate variables from one variable to another,
+ ; except for last two dimensions.  
+ ; Used internally
+ undef ("copy_VarCoords_2")
+ procedure copy_VarCoords_2(var_from,var_to)  
+ local dimt, dimf, rfrom, rto, i, dName
+ begin                      
+   dimf  = dimsizes(var_from)            
+   rfrom = dimsizes(dimf)      ; rank of var_from
+   if (rfrom.le.2) then
+       return
+   end if
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)               ; Oct 18, 2005
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+         if (rfrom.gt.2) then
+             dimt  = dimsizes(var_to)
+             rto   = dimsizes(dimt)      ; rank of var_to
+             do i = 0,rfrom-3            ; do not use last two dimensions
+                if (.not.ismissing(dName(i)) .and. dimf(i).eq.dimt(i)  ) then
+                     var_to!i = var_from!i
+                     if(iscoord(var_from,var_from!i))
+                        var_to&$var_to!i$ = var_from&$var_from!i$
+                     end if
+                 end if
+             end  do
+         end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Return a list of dimension indexes that correspond with
+ ;  the dimension names.
+ ;
+ ; Used internally.
+ undef("dimnames_to_indexes")
+ function dimnames_to_indexes(var_from,dim_args[*])
+ local vdims_from, ndims, dims, i, imsg
+ begin
+   ndims = dimsizes(dim_args)
+   imsg = new(ndims,"integer")
+   if(.not.any(typeof(dim_args).eq.(/"string","integer"/))) then
+     print("dimnames_to_indexes: error: invalid type for last argument")
+     return(imsg)
+   end if
+   if(typeof(dim_args).eq."string") then
+     vdims_from = getvardims(var_from)
+     dims = new(ndims,integer)
+     do i=0,dimsizes(dim_args)-1
+       ii = ind(dim_args(i).eq.vdims_from)
+       if(.not.any(ismissing(ii))) then
+         dims(i) = ii(0)
+       else
+         print("dimnames_to_indexes: error: invalid dimension name")
+         return(imsg)
+       end if
+       delete(ii)
+     end do
+   else
+     dims = dim_args
+   end if
+   return(dims)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ;
+ ; Dec 30 2001
+ ; Copy the coordinate arrays of the given dimensions from
+ ;    one array to another.  
+ ;
+ ; This function makes the assumption that the "dims"
+ ;     dimensions represent dimensions in the "var_from"
+ ;     array. They do not have to be monotonic.
+ ;
+ ; Note: in the special case where the rank of the two arrays are
+ ;  the same, then the assumption that the dimensions to copy are
+ ;  in the same dimension locations in both arrays. Otherwise,
+ ;  coordinates are copied to the "var_to" variable starting
+ ;  with the leftmost dimension and going to the next one, etc.
+ ;
+ undef ("copy_VarCoords_n")
+ procedure copy_VarCoords_n(var_from,var_to,dims_to_copy)
+ local dimt, dimf, rfrom, rto, ifrom, ito, dName, ndims
+ begin                      
+   dimf  = dimsizes(var_from)            
+   dimt  = dimsizes(var_to)
+   rfrom = dimsizes(dimf)      ; rank of var_from
+   rto   = dimsizes(dimt)      ; rank of var_to
+   ndims = dimsizes(dims_to_copy)
+ ;---Error checking for "dims_to_copy"
+   if(any(dims_to_copy.lt.0.or.dims_to_copy.gt.dimsizes(dimf))) then
+     print("Error: copy_VarCoords_n: invalid dimensions to copy from")
+     return
+   end if
+ ;---Error checking for rank
+ ;;  if(rto.gt.rfrom) then
+ ;;    print("Error: copy_VarCoords_n: arrays must be same rank, or second array must be subset in size of first array.")
+ ;;    return
+ ;;  end if
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)
+   ito = 0     ; leftmost dimension of var_to array
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+     do i = 0,rfrom-1
+       if(any(i.eq.dims_to_copy)) then
+         ifrom = i
+         if (.not.ismissing(dName(ifrom)).and.dimf(ifrom).eq.dimt(ito)) then  
+           var_to!ito = var_from!ifrom
+           if(iscoord(var_from,var_from!ifrom)) then
+             if(dimf(ifrom).eq.dimt(ito)) then
+               var_to&$var_to!ito$ = var_from&$var_from!ifrom$
+             else
+               print("Error: copy_VarCoords_n: dimension being copied must be the same size")
+             end if
+           end if
+         end if
+         ito = ito + 1
+       else
+         if(rfrom.eq.rto) then
+           ito = ito + 1
+         end if
+       end if
+     end  do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Copy all but indicated coordinate variables from two arrays
+ ;    of the same size, or from a larger array to a smaller 
+ ;    array that is a subset in size. 
+ ;
+ ; Dec 30 2001:
+ ;    This function used to be two different functions: 
+ ;    "copy_VarCoords_n" and "copy_VarCoords_not_n". I
+ ;    decided to combine them into one function called 
+ ;    "copy_VarCoords_not_n".
+ ;
+ ; This function *used* to make the  assumption that the
+ ;    "dims_to_skip" dimensions were consecutive and 
+ ;    increasing. This is no longer necessary.  The 
+ ;    "dims_to_copy" must represent valid dimensions in 
+ ;    the "var_from" array.
+ ;
+ ; Note: in the special case where the rank of the two arrays are
+ ;  the same, then the assumption that the dimensions to skip are
+ ;  in the same dimension locations in both arrays. Otherwise,
+ ;  coordinates are copied to the "var_to" variable starting
+ ;  with the leftmost dimension and going to the next one, etc.
+ ;
+ undef ("copy_VarCoords_not_n")
+ procedure copy_VarCoords_not_n(var_from,var_to,dims_to_skip)
+ local dimt, dimf, rfrom, rto, i, ifrom, ito, dName, ndims, dims
+ begin                      
+   dimf  = dimsizes(var_from)            
+   dimt  = dimsizes(var_to)
+   rfrom = dimsizes(dimf)      ; rank of var_from
+   rto   = dimsizes(dimt)      ; rank of var_to
+   ndims = dimsizes(dims_to_skip)
+ ;---Error checking for "dims_to_skip"
+   if(any(dims_to_skip.lt.0.or.dims_to_skip.gt.dimsizes(dimf))) then
+     print("Error: copy_VarCoords_not_n: invalid dimensions to skip")
+     return
+   end if
+ ;---Error checking for rank
+   if((rfrom-ndims).gt.rto) then
+     print("Error: copy_VarCoords_not_n: you are not skipping enough dimensions.")
+     return
+   end if
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)
+   ito = 0     ; leftmost dimension of var_to array
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+     do i = 0,rfrom-1
+       if(.not.any(i.eq.dims_to_skip)) then
+         ifrom = i
+         if (.not.ismissing(dName(ifrom)).and.dimf(ifrom).eq.dimt(ito)) then  
+           var_to!ito = var_from!ifrom
+           if(iscoord(var_from,var_from!ifrom))
+             var_to&$var_to!ito$ = var_from&$var_from!ifrom$
+           end if
+         end if
+         ito = ito + 1
+       else
+         if(rfrom.eq.rto) then
+           ito = ito + 1
+         end if
+       end if
+     end  do
+   end if
+ end
+ ;==============================
+ undef("copy_VarAtts")
+ procedure copy_VarAtts(var_from,var_to)    
+ local att_names, i, toType, fromFillValue, fromFillType
+ begin                                       
+     att_names =getvaratts(var_from);
+     if(.not.all(ismissing(att_names))) then
+             ; copy all attributes except _FillValue and missing_value
+             ; use := cuz shape/type may differ if var_to had previous attributes
+        do i = 0,dimsizes(att_names)-1
+           if (.not.(att_names(i).eq."_FillValue" .or. att_names(i).eq."missing_value")) then
+               var_to@$att_names(i)$ := var_from@$att_names(i)$  
+           end if
+        end do
+             ; handle _FillValue and missing_value
+        toType        = typeof(var_to)
+        if (any(att_names.eq."_FillValue")) then    ; associated with 'var_from'
+            fromFillValue = var_from at _FillValue 
+            fromFillType  = typeof(var_from at _FillValue) 
+            if (fromFillType.eq.toType) then
+                var_to at _FillValue = fromFillValue
+            else
+                var_to at _FillValue_original := fromFillValue 
+                var_to at _FillValue := totype(fromFillValue, toType)
+            end if
+        end if             
+        if (any(att_names.eq."missing_value")) then    ; associated with 'var_from'
+            fromMissValue = var_from at missing_value
+            fromMissType  = typeof(var_from at missing_value) 
+            if (fromMissType.eq.toType) then
+                var_to at missing_value = fromMissValue
+            else
+                var_to at missing_value_original := fromMissValue 
+                var_to at missing_value := totype(fromMissValue, toType)
+            end if
+        end if             
+     end if               
+ end
+ ;======================================================================
+ ; This is the modified version of copy_VarAtts originaly developed by
+ ; Dennis Shea.
+ ;
+ ; Jan 12, 2012
+ ; This function was originally developed for use in the ESMF software,
+ ; and moved to contributed.ncl.
+ ;======================================================================
+ undef("copy_VarAtts_except")
+ procedure copy_VarAtts_except(var_from,var_to, Except [*]:string)    
+ local att_names, i
+ begin                                       
+     att_names = getvaratts(var_from);
+     if(.not.all(ismissing(att_names)))
+         do i = 0,dimsizes(att_names)-1
+             if (.not.any(att_names(i).eq.Except)) then
+                 if (isatt(var_to,att_names(i))) then
+                     delete(var_to@$att_names(i)$)  ; var_from att may be diff size/type
+                 end if
+                 var_to@$att_names(i)$ = var_from@$att_names(i)$
+             end if
+         end do
+     end if
+ end     ; of copy_VarAtts_except
+ ;***********************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; delete one or more attributes of a variable
+ ; This checks to see if the attribute exists and
+ ; if it does, it deletes it.
+ ;
+ ; Sample usage:
+ ;  x = 0
+ ;  x at apple = 5
+ ;  x at orange = 81.
+ ;  x at peach  = (/ "a", "b"/)
+ ;
+ ;  delete_VarAtts(x, "apple") )
+ ;  delete_VarAtts(x, (/ "apple", "peach"/) )
+ ;
+ ;  x at orange remains
+ ;***********************************************
+ undef("delete_VarAtts")
+ procedure delete_VarAtts (x, ATTS)
+ local n, atts, nAtts
+ begin
+   typeATTS = typeof(ATTS)
+   if (.not.(typeATTS.eq."string" .or. typeATTS.eq."integer")) then
+       print("delete_VarAtts: argument must be string or integer: type="+typeATTS)     
+       print("delete_VarAtts: nothing deleted")     
+       return
+   end if
+   if (typeATTS.eq."integer") then
+       atts = getvaratts(x)
+   end if
+   if (typeof(ATTS).eq."string") then
+       atts = ATTS
+   end if
+   nAtts = dimsizes(atts)
+   do n=0,nAtts-1
+      if (isatt(x, atts(n)) ) then
+          delete(x@$atts(n)$)
+      else
+          print("delete_VarAtts: attribute="+atts(n)+" does not exist")
+      end if
+   end do
+ end
+ ;****************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Basically a function version of copy_VarAtts which is a procedure
+ ; copy attributes associated with "var_from" to "var_to" and
+ ; return as a new variable.
+ ; xNew = merge_VarAtts( x2, x1)
+ ;        will result in attributes associated with x2 to be
+ ;        added to those associated with x1. If duplictae
+ ;        attributes exist those associated with x2 will
+ ;        replace those associated with x1.
+ undef("merge_VarAtts")
+ function merge_VarAtts(var_from,var_to)    
+ local att_names, i, vNew
+ begin                                       
+   vNew = var_to
+   att_names =getvaratts(var_from);
+   if(.not.all(ismissing(att_names)))
+       do i = 0,dimsizes(att_names)-1
+          if (isatt(vNew,att_names(i))) then
+              delete(vNew@$att_names(i)$)  ; var_from att may be diff size/type
+          end if
+ 	 vNew@$att_names(i)$ = var_from@$att_names(i)$
+       end do
+   end if
+   return(vNew)
+ end
+ ;***************************************************************
+ ; S. Murphy
+ ; copyatt is very similar to the above two functions, except that
+ ; the the variables do not have to be the same dimension. This can be
+ ; used on variables that have been operated on by a dim_* function.
+ ; It also copies both the attributes and the coordinate variables.
+ undef("copyatt")
+ procedure copyatt(var_to,var_from) 
+ local n, att_names, i, dName, rankto, natts 
+ begin
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)               ; Oct 18, 2005
+   rankto= dimsizes(dimsizes(var_to))
+                                              ; coordinates must have names
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+       do n=0,rankto-1   
+          if (.not.ismissing(dName(n))) then   ; Oct 18, 2005
+              var_to!n = var_from!n
+              if (iscoord(var_from,var_from!n))then
+                  var_to&$var_to!n$ = var_from&$var_from!n$
+              end if
+          end if 
+       end do
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; copy variable attributes
+ ;
+   copy_VarAtts(var_from,var_to)    ; DJS 20 Jan 2005
+ ;;att_names = getvaratts(var_from) ; This was not quite right
+ ;;natts     = dimsizes(att_names)
+ ;;if(.not.all(ismissing(att_names)))
+ ;;  do i=0,natts-1
+ ;;     if(isatt(var_from,"_FillValue"))then
+ ;;        if(typeof(var_from at _FillValue).eq."double"  .and.\

+ ;;           typeof(var_to).eq."float")then
+ ;;           var_to at _FillValue = doubletofloat(var_from at _FillValue)
+ ;;        else
+ ;;           if (isatt(var_to,att_names(i))) then  ; added 10 Mar 2003 [DJS]
+ ;;               delete(var_to@$att_names(i)$)  
+ ;;           end if
+ ;;           var_to@$att_names(i)$ = var_from@$att_names(i)$
+ ;;        end if
+ ;;      end if
+ ;;  end do
+ ;;end if
+ end
+ ;****************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; New entry: better name than "copyatt" 
+ ; also input arguments are the same as other routines
+   undef ("copy_VarMeta" )
+   procedure copy_VarMeta (var_from,var_to)
+   begin
+     copyatt(var_to, var_from)
+   end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; called internally: add coordinate variables to a variable
+ ; which has had an extra left dimension added.
+ undef("component_copy_VarCoords")
+ procedure component_copy_VarCoords (x, y)
+ local rankx, dimy, i, dName
+ begin
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+   dimy  = dimsizes(y)
+   y!0 = "component"
+   y&component = ispan(0, dimy(0)-1, 1)
+   dName = getvardims( x )
+   do i=0,rankx-1
+      if (.not.ismissing(dName(i))) then
+          y!(i+1) = x!i
+          if(iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+             y&$x!i$ = x&$x!i$
+          end if
+      end if
+   end  do
+ end
+ ;***************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea   
+ ; Determine the number of rows (ie, number of records, lines)
+ ; in an ascii file
+ ; This approach was suggested by: 
+ ; From: "Lunde, Bruce N CIV NAVOCEANO, NP1" <bruce.lunde at navy.mil>
+ ;
+ ; Usage:   nrow = numAsciiRow ("/my/path/ascii_file") 
+ undef ("numAsciiRow")
+ function numAsciiRow (fNam:string)
+ local filString, nrow, nrow_s
+ begin
+  ;filString = asciiread ( fNam, -1, "string")
+  ;nrow      = dimsizes(filString)
+   nrow_s    = systemfunc("'wc' -l " + fNam +" | awk '{print $1}'" )
+   nrow      = tointeger( nrow_s )
+   return (nrow)
+ end
+ ;***************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea   
+ ; Determine the number of columns in an ascii file
+ ; This assumes that all rows have the same number of columns
+ ;      and the columns are separated by spaces.
+ ;
+ ; This approach was suggested by: 
+ ; Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 11:39:37 -0800
+ ; From: "Lunde, Bruce N CIV NAVOCEANO, NP1" <bruce.lunde at navy.mil>
+ ;
+ ; It replaced the original version which read the entire file.
+ ;
+ ; Usage:   ncol = numAsciiCol ("/my/path/ascii_file") 
+ undef ("numAsciiCol")
+ function numAsciiCol (fNam:string)
+ begin
+   ncol = stringtointeger( systemfunc("head -1 "+fNam+" | wc -w") )
+   return(ncol)
+ end
+ ;*******************************************************************************
+ ;   08-02-05 Bruce Lunde. 
+ ;   08-02-06 Bruce Lunde. Generalized to awk versus gawk. Added option "start"
+ ;     for the "every" option, to allow starting the selecting of every Nth
+ ;     line starting with line 1 (opt at start=1). Otherwise, the first line
+ ;     selected is the Nth line in the file.
+ ; NOTES:
+ ;   * Set opt=True and add the following attributes:
+ ;       * opt at every=N ... To return every Nth line.
+ ;       * opt at line1,opt at line2 ... To print a range of lines (opt at line2 optional,
+ ;           defaults to End-of-File).
+ ;       *opt at list ... To print a list of line numbers. First line of file is
+ ;          numbered line 1. Input list is a 1D integer array.
+ ;   * Option priority is (1) line1,line2 (2) every (3) list
+ ;*******************************************************************************
+ undef("extractAsciiRows")
+ function extractAsciiRows(fName:string,OPT:logical)
+ local AOK, command, DBLQT, ii, ilist, numline, opt
+ begin
+   if (OPT) then
+       opt = OPT
+   else
+       return( asciiread(fName, -1, "string") )
+   end if
+   DBLQT = inttochar(34)
+   AOK   = False
+   if( opt )then
+     if( isatt(opt,"list") )then
+       AOK = True
+ ;;; print(1)
+       command = "awk -v LIST=" + DBLQT
+       ilist = opt at list
+       numline = dimsizes(ilist)
+       do ii=0,numline-1
+         command = command + ilist(ii) + " "
+       end do
+       command = command + DBLQT + " 'BEGIN{split(LIST,INDX); II=1}"
+       command = command + "{if( NR == INDX[II] ){print $0; II=II+1}}' " 
+       command = command + fName
+     end if
+     if( isatt(opt,"every") )then
+       AOK = True
+       START = "0"
+       if( isatt(opt,"start") )then
+         if( opt at start .eq. 1 )then
+           START = "1"
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;;; print(2)
+       command = "awk '(NR % " + opt at every + ") == " + START + "' " + fName 
+     end if
+ ;.. NOTE: Should check for line1 <= line2
+     if( isatt(opt,"line1") )then
+       AOK = True
+ ;;; print(3)
+       if( isatt(opt,"line2") )then
+         command = "awk 'NR==" + opt at line1 + ",NR==" + opt at line2
+       else
+         command = "awk 'NR>=" + opt at line1
+       end if
+       command = command + "' " + fName
+     end if
+ ;;; print("command = "+command)
+   end if
+   if( AOK )then
+     return( systemfunc(command) )
+   else
+     return( "ERROR" )
+   end if
+ end ; END extractAsciiRows
+ ;***************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea   
+ ; There is no NCL built-in function to get the dimension names
+ ; +++++++ THIS HAS CHANGED ++++++++++++
+ ;         getvardims replaces this function
+ ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ ; of a variable in memory. There is one for file variables 
+ ; [getfilevardims] but not for a variable in memory. Dunno why! 
+ ; Usage:   dimNames = getVarDimNames (x)
+ undef ("getVarDimNames")
+ function getVarDimNames (x)
+ ;local dimx, rank, n, dimNames
+ begin
+  ;dimx = dimsizes(x)
+  ;rank = dimsizes(dimx)
+  ;dimNames = new ( rank, "string", "missing")
+  ;do n=0,rank-1
+  ;   if (.not.ismissing(x!n)) then
+  ;       dimNames(n) = x!n
+  ;   end if
+  ;end do
+  ;return (dimNames)
+   return (getvardims(x))
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; print Min and Max of a numeric variable using long_name [if present]
+ ;
+ undef("printMinMax")
+ procedure printMinMax (x:numeric,optSpace:logical)  
+ ;  Usage:   printMinMax (T,True)                   
+ begin                                             
+           ; attribute names to check             
+    vLongName = (/"long_name", "description", "standard_name" /)
+    long_name = ""        
+    do n=0,dimsizes(vLongName)-1            
+       if (isatt(x,vLongName(n))) then     
+           long_name = x@$vLongName(n)$   
+           break
+       end if
+    end do
+    if (optSpace) then
+        print (" ")  
+    end if          
+    if (long_name.ne."") then 
+        print (long_name+ ": min="+min(x)+"   max="+max(x)) 
+    else 
+        print ("min="+min(x)+"   max="+max(x))
+    end if 
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate gaussian latitudes and meta data 
+ ; nlat = 64
+ ; lat  = latGau (nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+ ;
+ ; set nlat at double = True if double precision is desired
+ undef ("latGau")
+ function latGau (nlat, dimName:string, longName:string, units:string)
+ local gau_info, lat
+ begin
+   if (isatt(nlat,"double") .and. nlat at double) then
+       gau_info  = gaus(nlat/2)         
+   else
+       gau_info  = doubletofloat(gaus(nlat/2))         
+   end if
+   lat           = gau_info(:,0)       ; lat values
+   lat!0         = dimName             ; name the dimension
+   lat at long_name = longName            
+   lat at units     = units
+   lat&$dimName$ = lat                 ; coordinate variable
+   return (lat)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate gaussian weights and meta data 
+ ; nlat = 64
+ ; gwt  = latGauWgt (nlat, "lat", "gaussian weights", "dimension_less")
+ ; gwt  = latGauWgt (nlat, "lat", "gaussian weights", "")
+ ;
+ ; set nlat at double = True if double precision is desired
+ undef ("latGauWgt")
+ function latGauWgt(nlat,dimName:string,longName:string,units:string)
+ local gau_info, gwt
+ begin        
+   if (isatt(nlat,"double") .and. nlat at double) then
+       gau_info  = gaus(nlat/2)         
+   else
+       gau_info  = doubletofloat(gaus(nlat/2))         
+   end if
+   gwt           = gau_info(:,1)       ; gaussian wgt values
+   gwt!0         = dimName             ; name the dimension
+   gwt at long_name = longName            
+   if (units.ne."")then
+       gwt at units     = units
+   end if
+   gwt&$dimName$ = gau_info(:,0)       ; lat to named dimension
+   return (gwt)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; Mark Stevens
+ ; normalize the cosine wgts so that the sum is 2.0
+ ; just like gaussian wgts
+ undef("NormCosWgtGlobe")
+ function NormCosWgtGlobe (lat:numeric)
+ local deg_to_rad, wgt, tsum, nwgt
+ begin
+  if (typeof(lat).eq."double") then
+      one = 1.0d
+      two = 2.0d
+      con = 180.0d
+  else
+      one = 1.0
+      two = 2.0
+      con = 180.0
+  end if
+  deg_to_rad = acos(-one)/con
+  wgt  = lat
+  wgt  = cos(lat*deg_to_rad)
+  tsum = sum(wgt)
+  nwgt = wgt                ; copy coordinates
+  nwgt = (/two*wgt/tsum/)    
+  nwgt at long_name = "normalized cosine weights"
+  nwgt at units     = "dimensionless"
+  return(nwgt)             
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate longitudes for a Fixed global grid
+ ; mlon = 128
+ ; lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+ ; lon will run from 0->"whatever"
+ ;
+ ; If u want the initial lon to be -180., then upon return
+ ;          lon = (/ lon - 180. /)  ; subtract 180 from all values 
+ ;          lon&lon = lon           ; make coord
+ ;
+ ; set mlon at double = True if double precision is desired
+ undef ("lonGlobeF")
+ function lonGlobeF(mlon,dimName:string,longName:string,units:string)
+ local dlon, lon
+ begin
+   if (isatt(mlon,"double") .and. mlon at double) then
+       dlon      = new ( 1, "double")
+   else
+       dlon      = new ( 1, "float")
+   end if
+   delete (dlon at _FillValue)
+   dlon          = 360./mlon           ; output lon
+   lon           = ispan ( 0,mlon-1,1 )*dlon
+   lon!0         = dimName
+   lon at long_name = longName
+   lon at units     = units
+   lon&$dimName$ = lon
+   return (lon)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate longitudes for a Fixed-Offset global grid
+ ; Example: lon = lonGlobeFo (72, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+ ;          lon will run from -> 2.5 to 357.5 in the above example
+ ;
+ ; If u want the initial lon to be, say, -177.5,, then upon return
+ ;          lon = (/ lon - 180. /)  ; subtract 180 from all values 
+ ;          lon&lon = lon           ; make coord
+ ;
+ ; set mlon at double = True if double precision is desired
+ undef ("lonGlobeFo")
+ function lonGlobeFo(mlon,dimName:string,longName:string,units:string)
+ local dlon, offset, lon
+ begin
+   if (isatt(mlon,"double") .and. mlon at double) then
+       dlon      = new ( 1, "double")
+   else
+       dlon      = new ( 1, "float")
+   end if
+   delete (dlon at _FillValue)
+   dlon          = 360./mlon           ; output lon
+   offset        = dlon*0.5
+   lon           = ispan ( 0,mlon-1,1 )*dlon + offset
+   lon!0         = dimName
+   lon at long_name = longName
+   lon at units     = units
+   lon&$dimName$ = lon
+   return (lon)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Internal: made for regridding routines with _Wrap  
+ ;           Will cause 0=>360 to return -180-to-180 via
+ ;           lon = (/ lon - 180. /)  ; subtract 180 from all values 
+ ;           lon&lon = lon           ; make coord
+ ; check the initial LON location: if lon(0) < 0 assume
+ ; start is at Date Line
+ ; note: x&lon is different from lonNew
+ undef ("lonGM2DateLine")
+ procedure lonGM2DateLine (xOld, lonNew) 
+ local namDim, dim_x, nDim 
+ begin
+   dim_x = dimsizes(xOld)
+   nDim  = dimsizes(dim_x) 
+   if (.not.ismissing(xOld!(nDim-1)) .and. iscoord(xOld,xOld!(nDim-1))) then
+       namDim = xOld!(nDim-1)
+       if (xOld&$namDim$(0).lt.0.) then   ; is 1st value < 0.0
+           lonNew = (/ lonNew-180. /)     ; start lonNew at Date Line
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D.Shea
+ ; Change case of each character in a string to the opposite case
+ ; This function was deprecated in V5.1.1 and replaced with
+ ; the built-in function "str_switch".
+ ; input strings may be scalar [sample="An apple a day"]
+ ;                   or 1D     [sample=new( 10, string) ]
+ ;                              sample(0)="apple", (1)="ARTICHOKE", ...
+ ; Usage:   sample = changeCaseChar (sample)  
+ ;          sample = changeCaseChar ("apple")  ==> APPLE  
+ ;          sample = changeCaseChar ("APPLE")  ==> apple  
+ ;          sample = changeCaseChar ("ApplE")  ==> aPPLe  
+ undef ("changeCaseChar")
+ function changeCaseChar (x:string)
+ begin
+ ;  print("changeCaseChar: this function has been deprecated.")
+ ;  print("                Will use str_switch.")
+   return(str_switch(x))
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D.Shea
+ ; Change case: (1) "low" [change all to lower case] 
+ ;              (2) "up"  [change all to upper case]
+ ; This function was deprecated in V5.1.1 and replaced with
+ ; the built-in functions "str_lower" and "str_upper".
+ ; input strings may be scalar [sample="An apple a day"]
+ ;                   or 1D     [sample=new( 10, string) ]
+ ;                              sample(0)="apple", (1)="ARTICHOKE", ...
+ ; Usage:   sample = changeCase (sample, "up")   ; all upper case  
+ ;          sample = changeCase (sample, "low")  ; all lower case
+ undef ("changeCase")
+ function changeCase (x:string, opt:string)
+ begin
+   print("changeCase: this function has been deprecated.")
+   print("            Will use str_lower or str_upper.")
+   if (opt.eq."low") then
+     return (str_lower(x))
+   else
+     return (str_upper(x))
+   end if
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; trim trailing (rightmost) blanks from one or more strings
+ ; This function was deprecated in V5.1.1 and replaced with
+ ; the built-in function "str_right_strip".
+ ;
+ undef("trimBlankRight")
+ function trimBlankRight (s[*]:string)
+ begin
+   print("trimBlankRight: this function has been deprecated.")
+   print("                Will use str_right_strip.")
+   return(str_right_strip(s))
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate latitudes for a Fixed global grid
+ ; nlat= 73
+ ; lat = latGlobeF (nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+ ; lat will run from -90 -> +90
+ ;
+ ; set nlat at double = True if double precision is desired
+ ;
+ undef ("latGlobeF")
+ function latGlobeF(nlat,dimName:string,longName:string,units:string)
+ local dlat, lat
+ begin
+   if (isatt(nlat,"double") .and. nlat at double) then
+       dlat      = new ( 1, "double" )
+   else
+       dlat      = new ( 1, "float" )
+   end if
+   delete (dlat at _FillValue)
+   dlat          = 180./(nlat-1)              ; output lat
+   lat           = ispan ( 0,nlat-1,1 )*dlat - 90.
+   lat!0         = dimName
+   lat at long_name = longName
+   lat at units     = units
+   lat&$dimName$ = lat
+   return (lat)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate latitudes for a Fixed-Offset global grid
+ ; Example: nlat= 72
+ ;          lat = latGlobeFo (nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+ ;          lat will run from -> -87.5 to 87.5 in the above example
+ ;
+ ; set nlat at double = True if double precision is desired
+ ;
+ undef ("latGlobeFo")
+ function latGlobeFo(nlat,dimName:string,longName:string,units:string)
+ local dlat, offset, lat
+ begin
+   if (isatt(nlat,"double") .and. nlat at double) then
+       dlat      = new ( 1, "double" )
+   else
+       dlat      = new ( 1, "float" )
+   end if
+   delete (dlat at _FillValue)
+   dlat          = 180./nlat           ; output lat
+   offset        = dlat*0.5
+   lat           = ispan ( 0,nlat-1,1 )*dlat - 90. + offset
+   lat!0         = dimName
+   lat at long_name = longName
+   lat at units     = units
+   lat&$dimName$ = lat
+   return (lat)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Assign all named dimensions to a variable along with the longname 
+ ; and units.  It will not assigne coordinate variables.
+ undef("nameDim")
+ function nameDim(x,dimNames[*]:string,longName:string,units:string)
+ ;usage:     z = nameDim (z,  (/a string name for each dim/), longName, units)
+ ;usage: 4D: u = nameDim (u,  (/"time","lat","lev","lon"/), "zonal wind", "m/s")
+ ;usage: 4D: u = nameDim (u,  (/"time","lev","lat","lon"/), "zonal wind", "m/s")
+ ;usage: 3D: t = nameDim (x,  (/"time","lat","lon"/) , "temperature", "K")
+ ;usage: 1D: lat = nameDim (lat,  "lat" , "latitude", "degrees_north")
+ ;usage: 1D: gw  = nameDim ( gw,  "lat" , "gaussian weights", "")
+ local dimN, rank, n
+ begin
+   dimN = dimsizes(dimNames)    ; number of names in dimNames
+   rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(x)) ; number of dimension of "x"
+   if (dimN.eq.rank) then
+       do n=0,dimN-1
+          x!n = dimNames(n)       ; eg: x!0 = "time"
+       end do
+       x at long_name = longName
+       x at units     = units
+   else
+       print ("NCL: nameDim: #of dimension names (="+dimN+ 
+              ") does not equal the rank of the input array ("+rank+")")
+   end if
+   return (x)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; Calculate meteorological wind direction
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ undef ("wind_direction")
+ function wind_direction(u:numeric, v:numeric, opt:integer)
+ ; meteorological wind direction. 
+ ; This is over-kill. Only need: wdir=atan2(u,v)*radi + 180
+ local wdir, radi, con, wcrit, wmsg, zero, dimu
+ begin
+   if (.not.(typeof(u).eq."double" .or. 
+             typeof(u).eq."float"  .or. 
+             typeof(u).eq."integer" )) then
+       print("wind_direction: illegal numeric type: "+typeof(u))
+       exit
+   end if
+   dimu = dimsizes(u)
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       zero = 0.0d
+       wmsg = 1d20
+       con  = 180.0d
+       wcrit= 360d0-0.00002d0
+       radi = 1.0d0/0.0174532925199433d0
+       wdir = new (dimu, typeof(u), wmsg) 
+   else
+       zero = 0.0
+       wmsg = 1e20
+       con  = 180.0
+       wcrit= 360-0.00002
+       radi = 1.0/0.01745329
+       wdir = new (dimu, "float", wmsg) 
+   end if
+   wdir = (/ atan2(u,v)*radi + con  /)
+   wdir = where(wdir.ge.wcrit, zero, wdir)  ; force 360 "north winds" to 0
+   if (typeof(opt).eq."integer" .and. opt.eq.0) then 
+       cdir = zero                          ; calm 0.0->_FillValue
+       wdir = where (u.eq.zero .and. v.eq.zero, cdir, wdir)
+   end if
+   if (typeof(opt).eq."integer" .and. opt.eq.1) then 
+       cdir = wdir at _FillValue               ; calm 0.0->_FillValue
+       wdir = where (u.eq.zero .and. v.eq.zero, cdir, wdir)
+   end if
+   if (typeof(opt).eq."float" .or. typeof(opt).eq."double") then  
+                                            ; calm 0.0->user_value
+       wdir = where (u.eq.zero .and. v.eq.zero, opt, wdir)
+   end if
+   wdir at long_name = "wind direction (meteorological)"
+   if (isatt(wdir,"units")) then
+       delete(wdir at units)
+   end if
+   return(wdir)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; Calculate meteorological wind components
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ undef ("wind_component")
+ function wind_component(wspd:numeric, wdir:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local wdir, rad , ivmsg, uveps, uvzero, dimw, rankw, dimuv, uv
+ begin
+   if (typeof(wspd).eq."double" .or. typeof(wspd).eq."double") then
+       rad   = 0.0174532925199433d0
+       uvmsg = 1d20
+       uveps = 1.0d-5
+       uvzero= 0.0d0
+   else
+       rad   = 0.01745329
+       uvmsg = 1e20
+       uveps = 1.0e-5
+       uvzero= 0.0
+   end if
+   dimw = dimsizes(wspd)
+   rankw= dimsizes(dimw)
+   dimuv= new ( rankw+1, "integer", "No_FillValue")
+   dimuv(0)  = 2
+   dimuv(1:) = dimw
+   uv        = new (dimuv, typeof(wspd), uvmsg) 
+   if (rankw.eq.1 .and. dimw(0).eq.1) then
+       uv(0) = -wspd*sin(wdir*rad)
+       uv(1) = -wspd*cos(wdir*rad)
+       copy_VarMeta(wspd, uv)
+   else if (rankw.eq.1) then
+       uv(0,:) = -wspd*sin(wdir*rad)
+       uv(1,:) = -wspd*cos(wdir*rad)
+       copy_VarMeta(wspd, uv(0,:))
+   else if (rankw.eq.2) then
+       uv(0,:,:) = -wspd*sin(wdir*rad)
+       uv(1,:,:) = -wspd*cos(wdir*rad)
+       copy_VarMeta(wspd, uv(0,:,:))
+   else if (rankw.eq.3) then
+       uv(0,:,:,:) = -wspd*sin(wdir*rad)
+       uv(1,:,:,:) = -wspd*cos(wdir*rad)
+       copy_VarMeta(wspd, uv(0,:,:,:))
+   else if (rankw.eq.4) then
+       uv(0,:,:,:,:) = -wspd*sin(wdir*rad)
+       uv(1,:,:,:,:) = -wspd*cos(wdir*rad)
+       copy_VarMeta(wspd, uv(0,:,:,:,:))
+   else if (rankw.eq.5) then
+       uv(0,:,:,:,:,:) = -wspd*sin(wdir*rad)
+       uv(1,:,:,:,:,:) = -wspd*cos(wdir*rad)
+       copy_VarMeta(wspd, uv(0,:,:,:,:,:))
+   end if           ; 5
+   end if           ; 4
+   end if           ; 3
+   end if           ; 2
+   end if           ; 1
+   end if           ; scalar
+   uv   = where(abs(uv).le.uveps, uvzero, uv) ; make near zero => 0
+   uv!0 = "uv"
+   uv at long_name = "zonal and meridional wind components"
+   return(uv)
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Loops thru a 1D variable [eg, time] and finds
+ ; the indices which match up with the values of the cvWant 1D array
+ ; e.g. time_want = (/1948, 1957, 1964, 1965, 1989/)
+ ; indWant   = get1Dindex (time, time_want)
+ ; note that the values of cvWant must EXIST in cv
+ undef("get1Dindex")
+ function get1Dindex (cv[*],  cvWant[*])
+ local nWant, indWant, n, indcv, nMult
+ begin
+   nWant   = dimsizes (cvWant)
+   indWant = new (nWant, "integer")
+   nMult   = 0
+   do n=0,nWant-1
+      indcv     := ind( cv.eq.cvWant(n) ) ; could be multiple values
+      indWant(n) = indcv(0)               ; return the 1st if multiple indcv
+      if (dimsizes(indcv).gt.1) then
+          nMult = nMult + 1
+      end if
+   end do
+   indWant at index_info = "Out of nWant="+nWant+" : multiple index occurrences="+nMult
+   indWant at nMultInd   = nMult
+   return (indWant)
+ end 
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
+ ; The following procedure to sorts x,y coordinate pair based on
+ ; selected one. The opt controls the behavior of the sort procedure. If the
+ ; value is equal to 1 then, it sorts the x values and match the correct y
+ ; with it. 
+ undef("sort_xy")
+ procedure sort_xy(x:numeric, y:numeric, eps:numeric, opt:numeric)
+ local x_old, y_old, x_ind, y_ind, x_eps, y_eps, i
+ begin
+   ;--- sort x ---
+   if (opt .eq. 1) then
+     ;--- fix, the arguments of the get1Dindex must unique ---
+     x_eps = new(dimsizes(x), typeof(x))
+     do i = 0, dimsizes(x)-1
+       x_eps(i) = (i+1)*eps
+     end do
+     ;--- add artifical small number to get unique array ---
+     x = x+x_eps
+     ;--- sort arrays ---
+     x_old = x
+     qsort(x)
+     x_ind = get1Dindex(x_old, x)
+     y = y(x_ind)
+   ;--- sort y ---
+   else
+     ;--- fix, the arguments of the get1Dindex must unique ---
+     y_eps = new(dimsizes(y), typeof(y))
+     do i = 0, dimsizes(y)-1
+       y_eps(i) = (i+1)*eps
+     end do
+     ;--- add artifical small number to get unique array ---
+     y = y+y_eps
+     ;--- sort arrays ---
+     y_old = y
+     qsort(y)
+     y_ind = get1Dindex(y_old, y)
+     x = x(y_ind)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; set a _FillValue "automatically" 
+ ; If a variable has a "_FillValue" use it, if not "missing_value" etc.
+ ; if none on file, then return "No_FillValue"  
+ ; This function should be used within the "new" statement.
+ ; example of inline use: var = new(dimsizes(x),typeof(x),getFillValue(x))
+ undef("getFillValue")
+ function getFillValue (x)
+ local FillValue
+ begin
+   if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+       FillValue = x at _FillValue
+   else
+       if (isatt(x,"missing_value")) then
+            FillValue = x at missing_value
+       else
+            FillValue = "No_FillValue"
+       end if
+   end if
+    return (FillValue)
+ end
+ ;********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; set a numeric _FillValue "automatically" 
+ ; If a variable has a "_FillValue" use it, if not "missing_value" etc.
+ ; if none on file, then set default by variable type 
+ ; example of inline use: var = new(dimsizes(x),typeof(x),getFillValue(x))
+ undef("getVarFillValue")
+ function getVarFillValue (x)
+ local FillValue
+ begin
+   if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+       return( x at _FillValue )
+   else
+       if (isatt(x,"missing_value")) then
+            return( x at missing_value )
+       else
+            return( default_fillvalue(typeof(x)) )
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Loops thru a 1D variable [eg, time] and finds
+ ; the indices which do *not* match up with the values of the cvExclude
+ undef("get1Dindex_Exclude")
+ function get1Dindex_Exclude (cv[*]:numeric,cvExclude[*]:numeric)
+ local nCv, nExclude, cvLocal,n, indTemp
+ begin
+   nExclude = dimsizes (cvExclude)
+   nCv      = dimsizes (cv)
+   cvLocal  = new( nCv, typeof(cv), getFillValue(cv) )
+   cvLocal  = (/ cv /)
+   do n=0,nExclude-1
+      indTemp = ind( cvExclude(n).eq.cv)
+      if (.not.any(ismissing(indTemp)) ) then
+          cvLocal(indTemp) = cvLocal at _FillValue         
+      end if
+      delete(indTemp)
+   end do
+   return(ind(.not.ismissing(cvLocal)))
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; 19 Feb 2006
+ ; This was wrong. For historical reasons keep the function but
+ ; invoke get1Dindex_Exclude
+ undef("get1Dindex_Collapse")
+ function get1Dindex_Collapse (cv[*]:numeric,cvWant[*]:numeric)
+ begin
+   return( get1Dindex_Exclude(cv, cvWant) )
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************
+ ; From: Dave Allured 
+ ; Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 14:00:43 -0600
+ ; "The following is much simpler and more robust" ... than 'closest_val' 
+ ; DA's original name was 'closest_val_AnyOrder'
+ undef("closest_val")
+ function closest_val(xVal[1]:snumeric, x:snumeric)
+ local xAbsDif, xMinVal, iClose
+ begin
+    xAbsDif = abs(xVal-x)
+    iClose = minind(xAbsDif)
+    return(iClose) ; original doc says "first occurence"
+ end 
+ ;****************************************************************
+ ; S. Murphy
+ ; Finds the index of the array point closest to the desired value
+ ; e.g. var2ck = 18.382
+ ; values in array2ck = 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5
+ ; this function would return 3.
+ undef("closest_val_original")
+ function closest_val_original(var2ck:numeric,array2ck[*])
+ local size, narray,loc, test1,test2
+ begin
+   size = dimsizes(array2ck)            ; get size of original array
+ ; make sure array is monotonically increasing
+   if (.not.all(array2ck(1:size-1).gt.array2ck(0:size-2)) ) then
+       print("closest_val: input array is not monotonically increasing")
+       exit
+   end if
+ ; first check to see if the value exists in the array
+   if(any(var2ck.eq.array2ck))then
+     return(ind(var2ck.eq.array2ck))
+     print(var2ck +"equals a value in the array")
+     exit
+   end if
+ ; value does not exist in array, so we insert it
+   narray = new( (/size + 1/),typeof(array2ck)) ; create new array 
+   narray(0:size-1) = array2ck(:)
+   narray(size) = var2ck                ; add value to new array
+   qsort(narray)                        ; sort the new array
+   loc = ind(narray.eq.var2ck)          ; determine the index
+ ;
+ ; var2ck is last value
+ ;
+   if(loc.ge.size)then
+     return(size)
+     exit
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; var2ck is first value
+ ;
+   if(loc.eq.0)then
+     return(loc)
+     exit
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; somewhere in the middle
+ ;
+   test1 = narray(loc) - narray(loc-1)
+   test2 = narray(loc+1) - narray(loc)
+   if(test1.lt.test2)then
+      return(loc-1)
+   else
+      return(loc) 
+   end if
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Convert a 1D array to a single string
+ ; e.g. maxYrs = (/1960,1969,1980,1989/)  
+ ; yrString    = oneDtostring (maxYrs)
+ ; yrString    = "1960,1969,1980,1989"
+ undef("oneDtostring")
+ function oneDtostring (x[*])
+ local nx, n, newString
+ begin
+   newString = new ( 1 , string)
+   nx = dimsizes(x)
+   if (nx.gt.1) then
+       newString = x(0) + ","
+       do n=1,nx-2
+          newString = newString + x(n) + ","
+       end do
+       newString = newString + x(nx-1)
+   else
+       newString = x(0) 
+   end if
+   return (newString)
+ end
+ ;********************************************************
+ ; S. Murphy
+ ; converts a list of comma deliminated variables passed from
+ ; csh to NCL to an actual array of strings.
+ ; e.g. set vars = ,T,U,V,TS,PRECC, (in csh)
+ ;      setenv nclvars $vars        (to pass to NCL must be and env)
+ ;      vs = getenv("nclvars")      (reads csh variable into NCL)
+ ;      vars = cshstringtolist(vs)  (does conversion)
+ ;      vars = (/"T","U","V","TS","PRECC"/)       
+ ; note the string "list" is now an NCL keyword, so "list" has been
+ ; shortened to "lst"
+ undef("cshstringtolist")
+ function cshstringtolist(cshlist:string)
+ local lst, breaks, nwords, str, i
+ begin
+  lst=stringtochar(cshlist)            ;convert the string to characters
+  breaks = ind(lst .eq. inttochar(44)) ;locate the deliminators (a space is 32)
+  nwords=dimsizes(breaks)              ;count the deliminators
+  str=new((/nwords-1/),string)
+  do i=0,nwords-2                      ;pull out the separate strings
+     str(i) = chartostring (lst(breaks(i)+1:breaks(i+1)-1))
+  end do
+  return(str)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; use coersion for integer to float 
+ ; get around *irritating* lack of conversion function
+ undef ("int2flt")
+ function int2flt(i:integer)
+ local dimi, fi
+ begin
+    dimi = dimsizes(i)
+    if (isatt(i,"_FillValue")) then
+      fi = new( dimi, "float", i at _FillValue)
+    else
+      fi = new( dimi, "float","No_FillValue")
+    end if
+    fi   = i                    ; values + meta data
+    return (fi)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; use coersion for integer to float 
+ ; get around *irritating* lack of conversion function
+ undef ("int2dble")
+ function int2dble(i:integer)
+ local dimi, di
+ begin
+   dimi = dimsizes(i)
+   di   = new( dimi, "double")
+   di   = i                   ; values + meta data
+   if (isatt(i,"_FillValue")) then
+       di at _FillValue = i at _FillValue
+   else
+      delete(di at _FillValue)
+   end if
+   return (di)
+ end
+ ; *************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; use coersion for float to double
+ ; but also make sure that _FillValue is assigned 
+ ;     when missing_value is present
+ undef("flt2dble")
+ function flt2dble (xF:float) 
+ local xD
+ begin
+  xD = new (dimsizes(xF), double, getFillValue(xF))
+ ;if (.not.isatt(xF,"_FillValue")     .and. \

+ ;    .not.isatt(xF,"missing_value")) then
+ ;    delete(xD at _FillValue)     ; no _FillValue or missing_value on input
+ ;end if
+  xD = xF  ; variable-to-variable transfer [all meta data copied]
+  if (isatt(xD,"missing_value") .and. 
+      typeof(xD at missing_value).ne."double") then
+      delete(xD at missing_value)         
+      xD at missing_value = xD at _FillValue   ; add missing_value
+  end if
+  return(xD)
+ end
+ ; *************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Wrapper for NCL function: doubletofloat
+ ; This does the conversion and copies all the attributes
+ ; and coordinate variables [CV] and attributes of the CV.
+ ; This is more complicated than usual beacuse I want
+ ; to convert any double attributes and CVs to float.
+ undef("dble2flt")
+ function dble2flt (xD)
+ local dimx, ndimx, xF, xD_atts, i, j, cv, cvD, cvF, cvD_atts
+ begin
+  if (typeof(xD).eq."float") then
+      if (isatt(xD,"long_name")) then
+          print("dble2flt: input variable is already type float: "+xD at long_name)
+      else
+          print("dble2flt: input variable is already type float")
+      end if
+      return(xD)
+  end if
+  dimx = dimsizes(xD)
+  if (isatt(xD,"_FillValue")) then
+    xF = new (dimx, float, doubletofloat(xD at _FillValue ) )
+  else
+    if (isatt(xD,"missing_value")) then
+       xF = new (dimx(xD), float, doubletofloat(xD at missing_value) )
+    end if
+  end if
+  xF = doubletofloat (xD)       ; convert values
+  xD_atts = getvaratts(xD)      ; copy attributes of input variable
+  if (.not.all(ismissing(xD_atts))) then
+     do i=0,dimsizes(xD_atts)-1
+        if (xD_atts(i).ne."_FillValue") then                   ; done above
+            if(typeof(xD@$xD_atts(i)$) .ne. "double" ) then
+               xF@$xD_atts(i)$ = xD@$xD_atts(i)$
+            else
+               xF@$xD_atts(i)$ = doubletofloat(xD@$xD_atts(i)$)
+            end if
+        end if
+     end do
+  end if
+  delete (xD_atts)
+                                   ; add info on operation performed
+  xF at typeConversion_op_ncl = "double converted to float"
+  ndimx = dimsizes(dimx)           ; number of dimensions
+  do i=0,ndimx-1                   ; loop over all dimensions
+     if (.not.ismissing(xD!i)) then
+         xF!i = xD!i               ; copy dimension name
+         if(iscoord(xD,xD!i)) then ; copy coordinate variable [if present]
+            cvD = xD&$xD!i$        ; coordinate variable [for convenience]
+            if (typeof(cvD).ne."double") then
+                xF&$xF!i$ = cvD    ; straight copy
+            else
+                cvF       = doubletofloat(cvD) ; no attributes copied
+                cvD_atts  = getvaratts(cvD)    ; coord var atts
+                if (.not.all(ismissing(cvD_atts))) then
+                    do j=0,dimsizes(cvD_atts)-1
+                       if (typeof(cvD@$cvD_atts(j)$) .ne. "double" ) then
+                           cvF@$cvD_atts(j)$  = cvD@$cvD_atts(j)$
+                       else                    ; must be double
+                           cvF@$cvD_atts(j)$ = doubletofloat( cvD@$cvD_atts(j)$)
+                       end if
+                    end do
+                end if
+                xF&$xF!i$ = cvF          ; assign float coord variable
+                delete (cvF)
+                delete (cvD_atts)
+            end if                   
+            delete (cvD)
+         end if                     
+     end if                        
+  end do                          
+  return (xF)
+ end
+ ;******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; converts shorts to floats using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present) 
+ ; Note: the CF and COARDS conventions require that 
+ ; "if both scale_factor and add_offset
+ ; attributes are present, the data are first scaled before the offset is added" 
+ ; This follows these conventions.
+ undef("short2flt")
+ function short2flt (xS)
+ local xF, oNames, sNames, offset, scale, xAtts, nAtts, n
+ begin
+  if (typeof(xS).eq."float") then
+      if (isatt(xS,"long_name")) then
+          print("short2flt: input variable is already type float: "+xS at long_name)
+      else
+          print("short2flt: input variable is already type float")
+      end if
+      print("short2flt: no conversion performed")
+      return(xS)
+  end if
+  if (.not.(typeof(xS).eq."short" .or. typeof(xS).eq."ushort")) then
+      if (isatt(xS,"long_name")) then
+          print("short2flt: input variable is not type short or ushort: "+xS at long_name)
+      else
+          print("short2flt: input variable is not type short or ushort")
+      end if
+      exit
+  end if
+ ;xF = new ( dimsizes(xS), float)
+  xF = new ( dimsizes(xS), float, 1.e20)  ; 20 Nov 2002
+                                      ; added 19 Dec 2002
+                                      ; the type stuff added Sept 2003
+  if (isatt(xS,"missing_value") .and. .not.isatt(xS,"_FillValue")) then
+      type_missing_value = typeof(xS at missing_value)
+      if (typeof(xS).eq."short") then
+          if (type_missing_value.eq."short") then
+              xS at _FillValue = xS at missing_value
+          end if
+          if (type_missing_value.eq."ushort") then
+              xS at _FillValue = toshort(xS at missing_value)
+          end if
+          if (type_missing_value.eq."integer") then
+              xS at _FillValue = toshort(xS at missing_value)
+          end if
+      end if
+      if (typeof(xS).eq."ushort") then
+          if (type_missing_value.eq."ushort") then
+              xS at _FillValue = xS at missing_value
+          end if
+          if (type_missing_value.eq."short") then
+              xS at _FillValue = toushort(xS at missing_value)
+          end if
+          if (type_missing_value.eq."integer") then
+              xS at _FillValue = toushort(xS at missing_value)
+          end if
+      end if
+  end if   ; end of assigning _FillValue
+  copy_VarAtts   (xS, xF)
+  copy_VarCoords (xS, xF)
+           ; should data be 'scaled' and/or 'offset' ?
+           ; names to check
+  oNames = (/"add_offset", "offset", "OFFSET", "Offset", "_offset" 
+            ,"Intercept", "intercept", "add_off", "ADD_OFF"/)
+  sNames = (/"scale", "SCALE", "Scale", "_scale", "scale_factor", "factor"    
+            ,"Scale_factor", "Slope" , "slope", "ScaleFactor", "Scale_Factor" 
+            ,"SCALING_FACTOR" /)
+  offset = 0.0   ; establish as type float
+  scale  = 1.0
+  xAtts  = getvaratts(xS)
+  nAtts  = dimsizes(xAtts)
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(oNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             offset = xS@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 offset = doubletofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 offset = stringtofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have offset att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(sNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             scale  = xS@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 scale  = doubletofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 scale  = stringtofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have scale att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  if (scale.eq.1.0 .and. offset.eq.0.) then
+      xF = (/ xS /) 
+  else
+      xF = xS*scale + offset 
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xS,"valid_range") .and. typeof(xS at valid_range).eq."short") then
+      vrS = xS at valid_range
+      vrF = new ( dimsizes(vrS), float)
+      vrF = vrS*scale + offset 
+      delete(xF at valid_range)    ; delete the "short" valid_range
+      xF at valid_range = vrF      ; recreate with float
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xF,"missing_value")) then
+      delete(xF at missing_value)
+      xF at missing_value = xF at _FillValue
+  end if
+  return (xF)
+ end
+ ;******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; converts bytes to floats using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present) 
+ ; Note: the CF and COARDS conventions require that 
+ ; "if both scale_factor and add_offset
+ ; attributes are present, the data are first scaled before the offset is added" 
+ ; This follows these conventions.
+ undef("byte2flt")
+ function byte2flt (xB)
+ local xF, oNames, sNames, offset, scale, xAtts, nAtts, n
+ begin
+  xF = new ( dimsizes(xB), float)
+  copy_VarAtts   (xB, xF)
+  copy_VarCoords (xB, xF)
+           ; should data be 'scaled' and/or 'offset' ?
+           ; names to check
+  oNames = (/"add_offset", "offset", "OFFSET", "Offset", "_offset" 
+            ,"Intercept", "intercept", "add_off", "ADD_OFF"/)
+  sNames = (/"scale", "SCALE", "Scale", "_scale", "scale_factor" , "factor"   
+            ,"Scale_factor", "Slope" , "slope", "ScaleFactor", "Scale_Factor" 
+            ,"SCALING_FACTOR" /)
+  offset = 0.0   ; establish as type float
+  scale  = 1.0
+  xAtts  = getvaratts(xB)
+  nAtts  = dimsizes(xAtts)
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(oNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             offset = xB@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 offset = doubletofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 offset = stringtofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have offset att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(sNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             scale  = xB@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 scale  = doubletofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 scale  = stringtofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have scale att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  if (scale.eq.1.0 .and. offset.eq.0.) then
+      xF = (/ xB /) 
+  else
+      xF = xB*scale + offset 
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xB,"valid_range") .and. 
+     (typeof(xB at valid_range).eq."byte" .or. 
+      typeof(xB at valid_range).eq."ubyte")    ) then
+      vrB = xB at valid_range
+      vrF = new ( dimsizes(vrB), float)
+      vrF = vrB*scale + offset 
+      delete(xF at valid_range)    ; delete the "byte" valid_range
+      xF at valid_range = vrF      ; recreate with float
+  end if
+  return (xF)
+ end
+ ;******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; converts shorts to floats using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present) 
+ ; Note: Conventional HDF usage require that 
+ ; if both scale_factor and add_offset attributes are present, 
+ ; the following implementation should be used:
+ ;      result = scale_factor*(stored_integer-add_offset)
+ ; This is different than the COARDS and CF Conventions.
+ ;
+ ; Usage: 
+ ;      x = short2flt_hdf(xS)  where xS is a short
+ ; also directly convert to float
+ ;      x = short2flt_hdf(f->xS)  
+ ;
+ undef("short2flt_hdf")
+ function short2flt_hdf (xS:short)
+ local xF, oNames, sNames, offset, scale, xAtts, nAtts, n
+ begin
+ ;xF = new ( dimsizes(xS), float)
+  xF = new ( dimsizes(xS), float, 1.e20)  ; 20 Nov 2002
+  copy_VarAtts   (xS, xF)
+  copy_VarCoords (xS, xF)
+                                      ; added 19 Dec 2002
+  if (isatt(xS,"missing_value") .and. .not.isatt(xS,"_FillValue")) then
+            xS at _FillValue = xS at missing_value
+  end if
+           ; should data be 'scaled' and/or 'offset' ?
+           ; names to check
+  oNames = (/"add_offset", "offset", "OFFSET", "Offset", "_offset" 
+            ,"Intercept", "intercept", "scalingIntercept" /)
+  sNames = (/"scale", "SCALE", "Scale", "_scale", "scale_factor" 
+            ,"Scale_factor", "Slope" , "slope", "ScaleFactor"      
+            ,"Scale_Factor", "scalingSlope", "SCALING_FACTOR" /)
+  offset = 0.0   ; establish as type float
+  scale  = 1.0
+  xAtts  = getvaratts(xS)
+  nAtts  = dimsizes(xAtts)
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(oNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             offset = xS@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 offset = doubletofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 offset = stringtofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have offset att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(sNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             scale  = xS@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 scale  = doubletofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xS@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 scale  = stringtofloat(xS@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have scale att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  if (scale.eq.1.0 .and. offset.eq.0.) then
+      xF = (/ xS /) 
+  else
+      xF = scale*(xS - offset) 
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xS,"valid_range") .and. typeof(xS at valid_range).eq."short") then
+      vrS = xS at valid_range
+      vrF = new ( dimsizes(vrS), float)
+      vrF = vrS*scale + offset 
+      delete(xF at valid_range)    ; delete the "short" valid_range
+      xF at valid_range = vrF      ; recreate with float
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xF,"missing_value")) then
+      delete(xF at missing_value)
+      xF at missing_value = xF at _FillValue
+  end if
+  return (xF)
+ end
+ ;******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; converts bytes to floats using the "scale" and "offset"
+ ; attributes (if present) 
+ ; Note: Conventional HDF usage [HDF Users Guide] require that 
+ ; if both scale_factor and add_offset attributes are present, 
+ ; the following implementation should be used:
+ ;      Usage: x = byte2flt_hdf(xB)  where xB is a short
+ undef("byte2flt_hdf")
+ function byte2flt_hdf (xB:byte)
+ local xF, oNames, sNames, offset, scale, xAtts, nAtts, n
+ begin
+  xF = new ( dimsizes(xB), float)
+  copy_VarAtts   (xB, xF)
+  copy_VarCoords (xB, xF)
+           ; should data be 'scaled' and/or 'offset' ?
+           ; names to check
+  oNames = (/"add_offset", "offset", "OFFSET", "Offset", "_offset" 
+            ,"Intercept", "intercept"/)
+  sNames = (/"scale", "SCALE", "Scale", "_scale", "scale_factor" 
+            ,"Scale_factor", "Slope" , "slope", "ScaleFactor"    
+            ,"Scale_Factor", "SCALING_FACTOR" /)
+  offset = 0.0   ; establish as type float
+  scale  = 1.0
+  xAtts  = getvaratts(xB)
+  nAtts  = dimsizes(xAtts)
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(oNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             offset = xB@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 offset = doubletofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 offset = stringtofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have offset att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  do n=0,nAtts-1
+     if (any(sNames.eq.xAtts(n))) then
+         if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."float") then
+             scale  = xB@$xAtts(n)$
+         else
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."double") then
+                 scale  = doubletofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+             if (typeof(xB@$xAtts(n)$).eq."string") then
+                 scale  = stringtofloat(xB@$xAtts(n)$)
+             end if
+         end if
+         delete(xF@$xAtts(n)$)  ; xF will no longer have scale att
+         break
+     end if
+  end do
+  if (scale.eq.1.0 .and. offset.eq.0.) then
+      xF = (/ xB /) 
+  else
+      xF = scale*(xB - offset) 
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xB,"valid_range") .and. typeof(xB at valid_range).eq."byte") then
+      vrB = xB at valid_range
+      vrF = new ( dimsizes(vrB), float)
+      vrF = vrB*scale + offset 
+      delete(xF at valid_range)    ; delete the "byte" valid_range
+      xF at valid_range = vrF      ; recreate with float
+  end if
+  return (xF)
+ end
+ ; ********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; There is no built-in "floattostring"
+ ; Convert float values to type string
+ undef("flt2string")
+ function flt2string ( x:float )
+ local x_str
+ begin
+   ;x_str = x + ""              ; trick
+   ;copy_VarMeta (x, x_str)     ; contributed.ncl
+    x_str = new (dimsizes(x), "string")
+    delete(x_str at _FillValue)
+    x_str = x
+    return(x_str)
+ end
+ ; ********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Convert *any* numeric type to integer with option for rounding
+ undef("numeric2int")
+ function numeric2int( x:numeric, opt[1]:integer)
+ local t, i
+ begin
+   t = typeof( x )
+   if (t.eq."integer") then
+       return( x )
+   end if
+   if (t.eq."float") then
+       if (opt.eq.0) then
+           return( toint(x) )       ; truncate
+       else
+           return( round(x,3) )
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (t.eq."double") then
+       if (opt.eq.0) then
+           return( toint(x) )  ; truncate
+       else
+           return( round(x,3) )
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (t.eq."short" .or. t.eq."byte") then
+       i = new( dimsizes(x), "integer", getFillValue(x))
+       i = x               ; promote to integer
+       return( i )
+   end if
+ end
+ ; ********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Truncate or Round "x" to the number of decimal places [nDec]
+ ; This will [I hope] operate on any arbitrary array of float/double 
+ ; numbers. However, originally it was designed to work on a scalar for
+ ; plotting or printing purposes.
+ ; ==> The NCL function "sprintf" has much of the same functionality
+ ; ==> as this function. "decimalPlaces" is kept for backward
+ ; ==> compatibility reasons.
+ ;
+ ; It was upgraded by D Shea in Dec 2009 to use "round" and to
+ ; return metadata.
+ ;
+ ; x     - float or double only
+ ; nDec  - number of decimal places to the right of decimal point
+ ; Round - round or truncate
+ ;   
+ ; usage: 
+ ;   x is a scalar
+ ;   xRound = decimalPlaces(x, 2, True)  ; x=12.345678 => 12.35
+ ;   xRound = decimalPlaces(x, 2, False) ; x=12.345678 => 12.34
+ ;   title  = "EOF: PerCent Variance="+decimalPlaces(pcvar(0), 2, True)
+ undef("decimalPlaces")
+ function decimalPlaces(x:numeric, nDec:integer, Round:logical)
+ local xType, shift, xTmp, _FillValue
+ begin
+   xType = typeof(x)
+   if (xType.eq."float"  .or.  xType.eq."double") then
+       if (xType.eq."double") then
+           shift = 10.0d^nDec
+       else
+           shift = 10.0^nDec
+       end if
+       xTmp = x                            
+       if (isatt(xTmp,"_FillValue")) then
+           FillValue = xTmp at _FillValue
+           delete(xTmp at _FillValue)
+           xTmp at _FillValue = FillValue*shift       ; shifted _FillValue
+       end if
+       xTmp = xTmp*shift               
+       xTmp = round(xTmp, 0)
+       xTmp = xTmp/shift
+      ;xTmp = (/ round(x*shift)/shift /)
+       if (isvar("FillValue")) then
+           xTmp at _FillValue = FillValue              ; original _FillValue
+       end if
+       return(xTmp)
+   else
+       print ("decimalPlaces: input is of type "+xType )
+       print ("               only float or double is allowed")
+       return (x)           
+   end if
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Constructs a string with dim names to return with the _Wrap fcns
+ ; str - name of function being used
+ ; val - variable containing possible dimension names
+ ; dims - dimensions whose dim names we want to use (if they exist)
+ undef("dimWrapString")
+ function dimWrapString(str[1]:string,val:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local any_valid_dims, i, strcat, dnames
+ begin
+  dnames        = getvardims(val)
+  any_valid_dims = False
+  if(.not.all(ismissing(dnames))) then
+    strcat = str + " over dimension(s): "
+    do i=0,dimsizes(dims)-1
+      if(.not.ismissing(val!dims(i))) then   
+        if(.not.any_valid_dims) then
+          strcat = strcat + val!dims(i)
+          any_valid_dims = True
+        else
+          strcat = strcat + "," + val!dims(i)
+        end if
+       end if
+    end do
+  end if
+  if(any_valid_dims) then
+    return(strcat)
+  else
+    return(str + " function was applied")
+  end if
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute a dimension average of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_avg_Wrap")
+ function dim_avg_Wrap (x:numeric)     
+ local xave, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xave = dim_avg(x)          ; arithmetic ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xave)     ; copy attributes
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xave) ; one less dimension 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+  xave at average_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_avg",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xave)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension average of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. Based on dim_avg_Wrap.
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do average across
+ undef ("dim_avg_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_avg_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dim_args[*])
+ local xave, dims
+ begin
+  dims = dimnames_to_indexes(x,dim_args)
+  xave = dim_avg_n(x,dims)   ; arithmetic ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xave)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim names and coord variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xave, dims)
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xave at average_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_avg_n",x,dims)
+  return (xave)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute a wgted average of the rightmost dimension of "x" 
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_avg_wgt_Wrap")
+ function dim_avg_wgt_Wrap (x:numeric, w[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer)     
+ local xave, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xave = dim_avg_wgt(x,w,opt); weighted ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xave)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xave) ; one less dimension 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+  xave at average_op_ncl =  dimWrapString("dim_avg_wgt",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xave)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a wgted average of the dims' dimensions of "x" 
+ ; return with one less dimension. Based on dim_avg_wgt_Wrap.
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do wgted average across
+ undef ("dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap (x:numeric, w[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer, 
+                              dims[*]:integer)
+ local xave
+ begin
+  xave = dim_avg_wgt_n(x,w,opt,dims); weighted ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xave)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xave, dims)
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xave at average_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_avg_wgt_n",x,dims)
+  return (xave)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute a dimension variance of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_variance_Wrap")
+ function dim_variance_Wrap (x:numeric)     
+ local xvar, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xvar = dim_variance(x)     ; arithmetic ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xvar)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xvar) ; one less dimension 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+  xvar at variance_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_variance",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xvar)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension variance of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. Based on dim_variance_Wrap
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do variance across
+ undef ("dim_variance_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_variance_n_Wrap (x:numeric, dims[*]:integer)
+ local xvar
+ begin
+  xvar = dim_variance_n(x,dims)     ; arithmetic ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xvar)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xvar, dims)
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xvar at variance_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_variance_n",x,dims)
+  return (xvar)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute a dimension standard dev of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_stddev_Wrap")
+ function dim_stddev_Wrap (x:numeric)     
+ local xstd, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xstd = dim_stddev(x)       ; arithmetic ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xstd)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xstd) ; one less dimension 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+  xstd at stddev_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_stddev",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xstd)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension standard dev of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. Based on dim_stddev_Wrap
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do sum across
+ undef ("dim_stddev_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_stddev_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local xstd
+ begin
+  xstd = dim_stddev_n(x,dims); arithmetic ave [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xstd)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xstd, dims) 
+                                   ; add an extra attribute
+  xstd at stddev_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_stddev_n",x,dims)
+  return (xstd)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute a dimension sum of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_sum_Wrap")
+ function dim_sum_Wrap (x:numeric)     
+ local xsum, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xsum = dim_sum(x)          ; arithmetic sum [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xsum)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xsum) ; one less dimension 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+  xsum at sum_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_sum",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xsum)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension sum of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. Based on dim_sum_Wrap.
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do sum across
+ undef ("dim_sum_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_sum_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local xsum
+ begin
+  xsum = dim_sum_n(x,dims)   ; arithmetic sum [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xsum)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim names and coord variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xsum, dims)
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xsum at sum_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_sum_n",x,dims)
+  return (xsum)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension min of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. There is no dim_min_Wrap.
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do min across
+ undef ("dim_min_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_min_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local xmin
+ begin
+  xmin = dim_min_n(x,dims)   ; min of data [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xmin)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim names and coord variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xmin, dims)
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xmin at min_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_min_n",x,dims)
+  return (xmin)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension max of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. There is no dim_max_Wrap.
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do max across
+ undef ("dim_max_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_max_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local xmax
+ begin
+  xmax = dim_max_n(x,dims)   ; max of data [no meta data]
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xmax)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim names and coord variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xmax, dims)
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xmax at max_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_max_n",x,dims)
+  return (xmax)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute a dimension sum of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_sum_wgt_Wrap")
+ function dim_sum_wgt_Wrap (x:numeric, w[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer )  
+ local xsum, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xsum = dim_sum_wgt(x, w, opt) ; arithmetic weighted  sum 
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xsum)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xsum) ; one less dimension 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+  xsum at sum_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_sum_wgt",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xsum)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute a dimension wgted sum of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension. Based on dim_sum_wgt_Wrap
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do calculation on
+ undef ("dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap (x:numeric, w[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer, 
+                             dims[*]:numeric )  
+ local xsum
+ begin
+  xsum = dim_sum_wgt_n(x, w, opt, dims) ; arithmetic weighted  sum 
+  copy_VarAtts (x, xsum)     ; copy attributes
+                             ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+  copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xsum, dims) 
+                                        ; add an extra attribute
+  xsum at sum_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_sum_wgt_n",x,dims)
+  return (xsum)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Remove means of each rightmost dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ;
+ undef ("dim_rmvmean_Wrap")
+ function dim_rmvmean_Wrap (x:numeric)     
+ local xAnom, dimx, Ndx
+ begin
+  xAnom = dim_rmvmean(x)     
+  copy_VarAtts(x, xAnom)
+  copy_VarCoords(x, xAnom)
+  if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+      xAnom at long_name = "Anomalies: "+getLongName(x)
+  else
+      xAnom at long_name = "Deviation from mean"
+  end if
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  xAnom at rmvmean_op_NCL = dimWrapString("dim_rmvmean",x,Ndx-1)
+  return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Remove means of all but the dims' dimensions.
+ ;      Based on dim_rmvmean_Wrap
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do calculation on
+ undef ("dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local xAnom
+ begin
+  xAnom = dim_rmvmean_n(x,dims)
+  copy_VarAtts(x, xAnom)
+  copy_VarCoords(x, xAnom)
+  if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+      xAnom at long_name = "Anomalies: "+getLongName(x)
+  else
+      xAnom at long_name = "Deviation from mean"
+  end if
+  xAnom at rmvmean_op_NCL = dimWrapString("dim_rmvmean_n",x,dims)
+  return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Remove median of all but the dims' dimensions.
+ ;      Based on dim_rmvmean_Wrap
+ ; Remove median of each rightmost dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ;
+ undef ("dim_rmvmed_Wrap")
+ function dim_rmvmed_Wrap (x:numeric)     
+ local xRmvMed, dimx, Ndx
+ begin
+  xRmvMed = x                   ; copy metadata
+  xRmvMed = dim_rmvmed(x)     
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  xRmvMed at rmvmed_op_NCL = dimWrapString("dim_rmvmed",x,Ndx-1)
+  return (xRmvMed)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Remove median of all but the dims' dimensions.
+ ;      Based on dim_rmvmed_Wrap
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do calculation on
+ undef ("dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap (x:numeric,dims[*]:integer)
+ local xRmvMed
+ begin
+  xRmvMed = x                   ; copy metadata
+  xRmvMed = dim_rmvmed_n(x,dims)
+  xRmvMed at rmvmed_op_NCL = dimWrapString("dim_rmvmed_n",x,dims)
+  return (xRmvMed)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Standardize by the st. dev of each rightmost dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ undef ("dim_standardize_Wrap")
+ function dim_standardize_Wrap (x:numeric, opt:integer)     
+ local xStd, dimx, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  xStd = x                   ; copy metadata
+  xStd = dim_standardize(x, opt)
+  dimx = dimsizes(x)         ; size of each dimension
+  Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+  Ndx1 = Ndx-1               ; last dimension
+  xStd at standardize_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_standardize",x,Ndx1)
+  return (xStd)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Standardize by the st. dev of each dims' dimensions
+ ;    Based on dim_standardize_Wrap
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do calculation on
+ undef ("dim_standardize_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_standardize_n_Wrap (x:numeric, opt:integer, dims[*]:integer)
+ local xStd
+ begin
+  xStd = x                   ; copy metadata
+  xStd = dim_standardize_n(x, opt, dims)
+                             ; add an extra attribute
+  xStd at standardize_op_ncl= dimWrapString("dim_standardize_n",x,dims)
+  return (xStd)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Compute average root-mean-square-difference between "x" and "y" 
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x,y    - 1D or multidimensional variables (must have same size) 
+ undef ("dim_rmsd_Wrap")
+ function dim_rmsd_Wrap (x:numeric, y:numeric)     
+ local xrmsd, dimx, dimy, Ndx, Ndx1
+ begin
+  dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+  dimy  = dimsizes(y)
+  if (all(dimx.eq.dimy)) then
+      xrmsd = dim_rmsd(x,y)          ; rmsd values only [no meta data]
+      copy_VarAtts (x, xrmsd)    ; copy attributes
+      if (isatt(xrmsd,"long_name")) then
+          xrmsd at long_name = "RMSD: "+getLongName(x)
+      end if
+                                 ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+      Ndx  = dimsizes(dimx)      ; number of dimensions
+      copy_VarCoords_1 (x, xrmsd); one less dimension 
+                                            ; add an extra attribute
+      Ndx1 = Ndx-1                          ; last dimension
+      xrmsd at rmsd_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_rmsd",x,Ndx1)
+      return (xrmsd)
+  else
+      print ("------------------------------------------------------")
+      print ("---> dim_rmsd_Wrap: error: x,y dimension mismatch <---")
+      print ("------------------------------------------------------")
+      exit
+  end if
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; Compute average root-mean-square-difference between "x" and "y" 
+ ;      Based on dim_rmsd_Wrap
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x,y    - 1D or multidimensional variables (must have same size) 
+ ; dims - dimension(s) to do calculation on
+ undef ("dim_rmsd_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_rmsd_n_Wrap (x:numeric, y:numeric, dims[*]:integer)
+ local xrmsd, dimx, dimy
+ begin
+  dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+  dimy  = dimsizes(y)
+  if (all(dimx.eq.dimy)) then
+      xrmsd = dim_rmsd_n(x,y,dims)     ; rmsd values only [no meta data]
+      copy_VarAtts (x, xrmsd)    ; copy attributes
+      if (isatt(xrmsd,"long_name")) then
+          xrmsd at long_name = "RMSD: "+getLongName(x)
+      end if
+                                 ; copy dim  names and coord  variables
+      copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, xrmsd, dims)
+                                            ; add an extra attribute
+      xrmsd at rmsd_op_ncl = dimWrapString("dim_rmsd_n",x,dims)
+      return (xrmsd)
+  else
+      print ("--------------------------------------------------------")
+      print ("---> dim_rmsd_n_Wrap: error: x,y dimension mismatch <---")
+      print ("--------------------------------------------------------")
+      exit
+  end if
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; returns cumulative sum of each rightmost dimension
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; opt  - option argument, must be 0, 1, or 2
+ ;
+ undef ("dim_cumsum_Wrap")
+ function dim_cumsum_Wrap (x:numeric,opt:integer)
+ local xCumSum
+ begin
+  xCumSum = dim_cumsum(x,opt)
+  copy_VarAtts(x, xCumSum)
+  copy_VarCoords(x, xCumSum)
+  if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+      xCumSum at long_name = "Cumulative Sum: "+getLongName(x)
+  else
+      xCumSum at long_name = "Cumulative Sum"
+  end if
+  return (xCumSum)
+ end
+ ; *******************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; returns cumulative sum at the given  dimension
+ ;    Based on dim_cumsum_Wrap 
+ ; Copies over all the attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; x    - multidimensional variable 
+ ; opt  - option argument, must be 0, 1, or 2
+ ; dims - dimensions to do calculations on
+ undef ("dim_cumsum_n_Wrap")
+ function dim_cumsum_n_Wrap (x:numeric,opt:integer,dims[1]:integer)
+ local xCumSum
+ begin
+  xCumSum = dim_cumsum_n(x,opt,dims)
+  copy_VarAtts(x, xCumSum)
+  copy_VarCoords(x, xCumSum)
+  if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+      xCumSum at long_name = "Cumulative Sum: "+getLongName(x)
+  else
+      xCumSum at long_name = "Cumulative Sum"
+  end if
+  return (xCumSum)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute divergence on a fixed grid
+ undef("uv2dvF_Wrap")
+ function uv2dvF_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric)
+ local div
+ begin
+  div = uv2dvF (u,v)
+  copy_VarMeta (u, div)
+  div at long_name = "divergence"
+  div at units     = "1/s"        ; assume u,v are m/s
+  return (div)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute divergence on a gaussian grid
+ undef("uv2dvG_Wrap")
+ function uv2dvG_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric)
+ local div
+ begin
+  div = uv2dvG (u,v)
+  copy_VarMeta (u, div)
+  div at long_name = "divergence"
+  div at units     = "1/s"        ; assume u,v are m/s
+  return (div)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute relative vorticity on a fixed grid
+ undef("uv2vrF_Wrap")
+ function uv2vrF_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric)
+ local vrt
+ begin
+  vrt = uv2vrF (u,v)
+  copy_VarMeta (u, vrt)
+  vrt at long_name = "vorticity"
+  vrt at units     = "1/s"        ; assume u,v are m/s
+  return (vrt)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute relative vorticity on a gaussian grid
+ undef("uv2vrG_Wrap")
+ function uv2vrG_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric)
+ local vrt
+ begin
+  vrt = uv2vrG (u,v)
+  copy_VarMeta (u, vrt)
+  vrt at long_name = "vorticity"
+  vrt at units     = "1/s"        ; assume u,v are m/s
+  return (vrt)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute inverse laplacian on a gaussian grid
+ undef("ilapsG_Wrap")
+ function ilapsG_Wrap (zlap:numeric, zlmbda:numeric)
+ local answer
+ begin
+  answer = ilapsG (zlap,zlmbda)
+  copy_VarMeta (zlap, answer)
+  answer at long_name = "inverse laplacian"
+  answer at units     = ""        ; assume u,v are m/s
+  return (answer)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute inverse laplacian on a fixed grid
+ undef("ilapsF_Wrap")
+ function ilapsF_Wrap (zlap:numeric, zlmbda:numeric)
+ local answer
+ begin
+  answer = ilapsF (zlap,zlmbda)
+  copy_VarMeta (zlap, answer)
+  answer at long_name = "inverse laplacian"
+  answer at units     = ""        ; assume u,v are m/s
+  return (answer)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Wrappers for the dv2uv[G/F] and vr2uv[G/F] functions  
+ undef("dv2uvG_Wrap")
+ function dv2uvG_Wrap (dv)
+ local uv
+ begin
+   uv   = dv2uvG(dv)
+   copy_VarAtts (dv, uv)
+                        ; override long_name and units
+   uv at long_name = "divergent zonal [0] and meridional [1] winds"
+   uv at units     = "m/s"
+                        ; coordinate variables
+   component_copy_VarCoords (dv, uv)
+   return(uv)
+ end
+ undef("dv2uvF_Wrap")
+ function dv2uvF_Wrap (dv)
+ local uv
+ begin
+   uv   = dv2uvF(dv)
+   copy_VarAtts (dv, uv)
+                        ; override long_name and units
+   uv at long_name = "divergent zonal [0] and meridional [1] winds"
+   uv at units     = "m/s"
+                        ; coordinate variables
+   component_copy_VarCoords (dv, uv)
+   return(uv)
+ end
+ undef("vr2uvG_Wrap")
+ function vr2uvG_Wrap (vr)
+ local uv
+ begin
+   uv   = vr2uvG(vr)
+   copy_VarAtts (vr, uv)
+                        ; override long_name and units
+   uv at long_name = "rotational zonal [0] and meridional [1] winds"
+   uv at units     = "m/s"
+                        ; coordinate variables
+   component_copy_VarCoords (vr, uv)
+   return(uv)
+ end
+ undef("vr2uvF_Wrap")
+ function vr2uvF_Wrap (vr)
+ local uv
+ begin
+   uv   = vr2uvF(vr)
+   copy_VarAtts (vr, uv)
+                        ; override long_name and units
+   uv at long_name = "rotational zonal [0] and meridional [1] winds"
+   uv at units     = "m/s"
+                        ; coordinate variables
+   component_copy_VarCoords (vr, uv)
+   return(uv)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ ;D. Shea
+ ; Compute a zonal average of "x" [x may have many dimensions]
+ ; return with one less dimension
+ undef("zonalAve")
+ function zonalAve (x:numeric)
+ local xzon
+ begin
+  xzon = dim_avg_Wrap (x)
+                         ; ----DJS personal---- over ride above 
+  if (isatt(xzon,"long_name") .or. isatt(xzon,"description") .or. 
+      isatt(xzon,"standard_name") ) then
+      xzon at long_name  = "Zonal Ave ["+ getLongName(xzon)+"]" 
+  else
+      xzon at long_name  = "Zonal Average"
+  end if
+  if (isatt(xzon,"short_name")) then
+      xzon at short_name = "Zonal Ave ["+ xzon at short_name+"]" 
+  else
+      xzon at short_name = "ZonAve"
+  end if
+                         ; ----end DJS personal
+  return (xzon)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; same arguments as NCL function smth9
+ ; usually: p=0.50 and q={-0.25 [light], 0 [5-pt], 0.25[heavy]} 
+ ; This is a "wrapper" for smth9. It copies all attributes
+ ; coordinate dimensions etc to the smoothed variable.
+ ; Also it adds an attribute or two.
+ ; Basically it ensures that the return variable will have all the
+ ; corrects meta info with it. 
+ ; [eg:     xSmth = smth9_Wrap (x,p,q,False)  then xSmth will be "correct"]
+ undef("smth9_Wrap")
+ function smth9_Wrap(var:numeric, p[1]:numeric, q[1]:numeric, cyclic:logical)
+ local var_out
+ begin
+   if (isatt(var,"missing_value") .and. .not.isatt(var,"_FillValue")) then
+      var at _FillValue = var at missing_value
+   end if
+   var_out = var   ; transfer all coordinate variables, attributes etc
+   var_out = smth9 (var, p, q, cyclic) ; add info on operation performed
+   var_out at spatial_op_ncl = "smth9; nine-pt smoother applied; " + 
+                              "p="+p+"  q="+q+"  cyclic="+cyclic
+   return(var_out)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; error check: called internally by a number of functions
+ ; sample:   modCheck ("clmMonLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ undef("modCheck")
+ procedure modCheck (name:string, N, n)
+ local valid_types
+ begin
+   valid_types = (/"integer","long"/)
+   if(.not.any(typeof(N).eq.valid_types).or.
+      .not.any(typeof(n).eq.valid_types)) then
+        print ("modCheck: n and N must be integers or longs")
+        exit
+   end if
+   if ((N%n).ne.0) then
+        print ("contributed.ncl: "+name+": dimension must be a multiple of "+n)
+        exit 
+  end if
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; error check: called internally by a number of functions
+ ; sample:   rankCheck ("routine_name", x, 3)   ; rank check
+ undef("rankCheck")
+ procedure rankCheck (name:string, x, n:integer)
+ begin
+   rank = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+   if (rank.ne.n) then
+       print("contributed.ncl: "+name+":: rank +n+ required: rank="+rank)
+       exit
+   end if
+ end  
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate long term monthly means (monthly climatology)
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;    x!0 = "lat"
+ ;    x!1 = "lon"
+ ;    x!2 = "time"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moClm = clmMonLLT (x)
+ undef("clmMonLLT")
+ function clmMonLLT (x[*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, nlat, mlon, ntim, i, nmo, nmos, aveMonth
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    nlat  = dimx(0)
+    mlon  = dimx(1)
+    ntim  = dimx(2)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("clmMonLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+ ;
+    aveMonth = new((/nlat,mlon,nmos/),typeof(x) 
+                                     ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       aveMonth(:,:,nmo) = dim_avg( x(:,:,nmo:ntim-1:nmos) )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,aveMonth)
+    aveMonth at time_op_ncl = "Climatology: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    aveMonth at info    = "function clmMonLLT: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=0,1
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           aveMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               aveMonth&$aveMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    aveMonth!2     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    aveMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (aveMonth)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate standard deviations of monthly means 
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;    x!0 = "lat"   
+ ;    x!1 = "lon"
+ ;    x!2 = "time"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moStd = stdMonLLT (x)
+ undef("stdMonLLT")
+ function stdMonLLT (x[*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, nlat, mlon, ntim, i, nmo, nmos, stdMonth
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    nlat  = dimx(0)
+    mlon  = dimx(1)
+    ntim  = dimx(2)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("stdMonLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly standard deviations first. 
+ ;
+    stdMonth = new((/nlat,mlon,nmos/),typeof(x) 
+                                     ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       stdMonth(:,:,nmo) = dim_stddev( x(:,:,nmo:ntim-1:nmos) )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,stdMonth)
+    stdMonth at time_op_ncl = " Monthly Standard Deviation: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    stdMonth at info    = "function stdMonLLT: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=0,1
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           stdMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               stdMonth&$stdMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    stdMonth!2     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    stdMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (stdMonth)
+ end
+ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate anomalies from climatology 
+ ; returned array is same as from "rmMonthAnnualCycleLLT (x, yr1, yr2)
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;     x(lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;     x!0 = "lat"
+ ;     x!1 = "lon"
+ ;     x!2 = "time"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x     = calcMonAnomLLT (x,xAve)  ; overwrites "x"
+ ;         xAnom = calcMonAnomLLT (x,xAve)  ; creates xAnom
+ ; where   xAve  = clmMonLLT (x)            ; see previous function 
+ undef("calcMonAnomLLT")
+ function calcMonAnomLLT (x[*][*][*]:numeric, xAve[*][*][12]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, yr, nmos, xAnom
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(2)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("calcMonAnomLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ; Now loop on every year and compute difference. 
+ ; The [yr:yr+nmos-1] strips out 12 months for each year.
+    xAnom = x          ; variable to variable copy [meta data]
+    do yr=0,ntim-1,nmos
+       xAnom(:,:,yr:yr+nmos-1) = (/ x(:,:,yr:yr+nmos-1)- xAve /)
+    end do
+ ; Create an informational attribute:  
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "function calcMonAnomLLT: contributed.ncl"
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Remove that remove Annual Cycle from "monthly" (nmos=12) data. 
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;       x(lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;       x!0 = "lat"
+ ;       x!1 = "lon"
+ ;       x!2 = "time"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x = rmMonAnnCyLLT (x)
+ undef("rmMonAnnCycLLT")
+ function rmMonAnnCycLLT (x[*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, nmos, xAve, xAnom
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+    ntim  = dimx(2)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("rmMonAnnCycLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+    xAve  = clmMonLLT (x)            ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+    xAnom = calcMonAnomLLT (x,xAve)  ; Remove the mean from each year-month grid
+ ; Create an informational attribute 
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "Annual Cycle Removed:function rmMonAnnCycLLT:contributed.ncl" 
+    xAnom at reference   = "function rmMonAnnCycLLT in contrib.ncl"
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate long term monthly means (monthly climatology)
+ ; requires named dimensions
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(time,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;    x!1 = "time"  
+ ;    x!2 = "lat"
+ ;    x!3 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moClm = clmMonTLL (x)
+ undef("clmMonTLL")
+ function clmMonTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, i, nmo, nmos, monAveLLT
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   ntim = dimx(0)
+   nmos  = 12
+   modCheck ("clmMonTLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+  ;rankCheck("clmMonTLL", x, 3)         ; not needed due to prototyping
+   nlat = dimx(1)
+   mlon = dimx(2)
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+ ;
+    aveMonth = new((/nmos,nlat,mlon/),typeof(x) 
+                                     ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       aveMonth(nmo,:,:) = dim_avg_n( x(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:), 0 )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,aveMonth)
+    aveMonth at time_op_ncl = "Climatology: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    aveMonth at info    = "function clmMonLLT: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=1,2
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           aveMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               aveMonth&$aveMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    aveMonth!0     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    aveMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (aveMonth)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate standard deviations of monthly means (interannual var)
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(time,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;    x!1 = "time"  
+ ;    x!2 = "lat"
+ ;    x!3 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moStd = stdMonTLL (x)
+ undef("stdMonTLL")
+ function stdMonTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, i, nmo, nmos, stdMonth
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   ntim = dimx(0)
+   nmos  = 12
+   modCheck ("stdMonTLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+  ;rankCheck("stdMonTLL", x, 3)         ; not needed due to prototyping
+   nlat = dimx(1)
+   mlon = dimx(2)
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 std deviations. 
+ ;
+    stdMonth = new((/nmos,nlat,mlon/),typeof(x) 
+                                     ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       stdMonth(nmo,:,:) = dim_stddev_n( x(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:), 0 )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,stdMonth)
+    stdMonth at time_op_ncl = "Monthly Standard Deviation: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    stdMonth at info    = "function stdMonTLL: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=1,2
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           stdMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               stdMonth&$stdMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    stdMonth!0     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    stdMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (stdMonth)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate standardized anomalies from monthly data
+ ;
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each Month.
+ ; divide by the standard deviation for that month
+ ; On return x will consist of anomalies from  each month's long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; opt 
+ ;     opt=1     use population standard deviation to normalize. 
+ ;     opt.ne.1, use sample standard deviation. 
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;     x(time,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;     x!0 = "time"
+ ;     x!1 = "lat"
+ ;     x!2 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x     = calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL (x, opt)  ; overwrites "x"
+ ;         xStiz = calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL (x, opt)  ; creates xStiz as new variable
+ undef("calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL")
+ function calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local dimx, ntim, nmo, nmos, dNam, namd0, namd1, namd2, xStiz
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+    dNam  = dimNamCheck ("calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL", x) ; error check
+    nyrs  = ntim/nmos
+    namd0 = dNam(0)
+    namd1 = dNam(1)
+    namd2 = dNam(2)   
+    xStiz = x          ; variable to variable copy [meta data]
+    do nmo=0,ntim-1,nmos
+      ;xStiz(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:) = dim_standardize(x(namd1|:,namd2|:,namd0|nmo:ntim-1:nmos), opt)
+       xStiz(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:) = dim_standardize_n(x(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:), opt, 0 )  ; Nov 9, 2009
+    end do
+    if (isatt(x,"long_name") .or. isatt(x,"description") .or. 
+        isatt(x,"standard_name") ) then
+        xStiz at long_name = "Standardized Anomalies: "+getLongName(x)
+    end if
+    xStiz at units = "dimensionless"
+ ; Create an informational attribute:  
+    xStiz at standardized_op_ncl  = "calcMonStandardizeAnomTLL: contributed.ncl"
+    return (xStiz)
+ end
+ ;*******************************************************************
+ ; Adam Phillips
+ ; remove annual cycle from 1d monthly time series
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ; Usage:
+ ;        xAnom = rmAnnCycle1D (x)
+ ;        x     = rmAnnCycle1D (x)
+ undef ("rmAnnCycle1D")
+ function rmAnnCycle1D (x[*]:numeric)
+ local ntim, nmo, nmos, aveMonth, xAnom, yr
+ begin
+   ntim = dimsizes(x)
+   nmos = 12
+   modCheck ("rmAnnCycle1D", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+ ;
+   aveMonth = new(nmos,typeof(x),getFillValue(x))
+   do nmo=0,nmos-1
+      aveMonth(nmo) = dim_avg( x(nmo:ntim-1:nmos) )
+   end do
+ ;
+ ; remove the monthly means from each year
+ ;
+   xAnom = x          ; variable to variable copy [meta data]
+   do yr=0,ntim-1,nmos
+      xAnom(yr:yr+nmos-1) = (/ x(yr:yr+nmos-1)- aveMonth /)
+   end do
+   xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "Annual Cycle Removed: rmAnnCycle1D: contributed.ncl" 
+   return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate long term monthly means (monthly climatology)
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(lev,lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moClm = clmMonLLLT (x)
+ ;         moClm(lev,lat,lon,12)
+ undef("clmMonLLLT")
+ function clmMonLLLT (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, klvl, nlat, mlon, ntim, i, nmo, nmos, aveMonth
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    klvl  = dimx(0)
+    nlat  = dimx(1)
+    mlon  = dimx(2)
+    ntim  = dimx(3)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("clmMonLLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+ ;
+    aveMonth = new((/klvl,nlat,mlon,nmos/),typeof(x) 
+                                          ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       aveMonth(:,:,:,nmo) = dim_avg( x(:,:,:,nmo:ntim-1:nmos) )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,aveMonth)
+    aveMonth at time_op_ncl = "Climatology: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    aveMonth at info    = "function clmMonLLLT: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=0,2
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           aveMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               aveMonth&$aveMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    aveMonth!3     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    aveMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (aveMonth)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate standard deviations of monthly means 
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(lev,lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moStd = stdMonLLLT (x)
+ ;         moStd(lev,lat,lon,12)
+ undef("stdMonLLLT")
+ function stdMonLLLT (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, klvl, nlat, mlon, ntim, i, nmo, nmos, stdMonth
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    klvl  = dimx(0)
+    nlat  = dimx(1)
+    mlon  = dimx(2)
+    ntim  = dimx(3)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("stdMonLLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly standard deviations first. 
+ ;
+    stdMonth = new((/klvl,nlat,mlon,nmos/),typeof(x) 
+                                          ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       stdMonth(:,:,:,nmo) = dim_stddev( x(:,:,:,nmo:ntim-1:nmos) )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,stdMonth)
+    stdMonth at time_op_ncl = " Monthly Standard Deviation: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    stdMonth at info    = "function stdMonLLLT: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=0,2
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           stdMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               stdMonth&$stdMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    stdMonth!3     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    stdMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (stdMonth)
+ end
+ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate anomalies from climatology 
+ ; returned array is same as from "rmMonthAnnualCycleLLLT (x, yr1, yr2)
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;     x(,lev,lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x     = calcMonAnomLLLT (x,xAve)  ; overwrites "x"
+ ;         xAnom = calcMonAnomLLLT (x,xAve)  ; creates xAnom
+ ; where   xAve  = clmMonLLLT (x)            ; see previous function 
+ undef("calcMonAnomLLLT")
+ function calcMonAnomLLLT (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric, xAve[*][*][*][12]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, yr, nmos, xAnom
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(3)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("calcMonAnomLLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+ ; Now loop on every year and compute difference. 
+ ; The [yr:yr+nmos-1] strips out 12 months for each year.
+    xAnom = x          ; variable to variable copy [meta data]
+    do yr=0,ntim-1,nmos
+       xAnom(:,:,:,yr:yr+nmos-1) = (/ x(:,:,:,yr:yr+nmos-1)- xAve /)
+    end do
+ ; Create an informational attribute:  
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "function calcMonAnomLLLT: contributed.ncl"
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Remove that Annual Cycle from "monthly" (nmos=12) data. 
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;       x(lat,lon,time)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x = rmMonAnnCyLLLT (x)
+ undef("rmMonAnnCycLLLT")
+ function rmMonAnnCycLLLT (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, xAve, xAnom, nmos
+ begin
+    dimx = dimsizes(x)
+    ntim = dimx(3)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("rmMonAnnCycLLLT", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+    xAve  = clmMonLLLT (x)            ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+    xAnom = calcMonAnomLLLT (x,xAve)  ; Remove the mean from each year-month grid
+ ; Create an informational attribute 
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "Annual Cycle Removed:function rmMonAnnCycLLLT:contributed.ncl" 
+    xAnom at reference   = "function rmMonAnnCycLLLT in contrib.ncl"
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate long term monthly means (monthly climatology)
+ ; requires named dimensions
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(time,lev,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moClm = clmMonTLLL (x)
+ ; Output: moClm(12,lev,lat,lon)
+ undef("clmMonTLLL")
+ function clmMonTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, klvl, ntim, nlat, mlon, i, nmo, nmos, monAveLLT
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   ntim = dimx(0)
+   nmos  = 12
+   modCheck ("clmMonTLLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+  ;rankCheck("clmMonTLLL", x, 3)         ; not needed due to prototyping
+   klvl = dimx(1)
+   nlat = dimx(2)
+   mlon = dimx(3)
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. 
+ ;
+    aveMonth = new((/nmos,klvl,nlat,mlon/),typeof(x) 
+                                          ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       aveMonth(nmo,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n( x(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:,:), 0 )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,aveMonth)
+    aveMonth at time_op_ncl = "Climatology: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    aveMonth at info    = "function clmMonLLLT: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=1,3
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           aveMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               aveMonth&$aveMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    aveMonth!0     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    aveMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (aveMonth)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate standard deviations of monthly means (interannual var)
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;    x(time,klvl,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  moStd = stdMonTLLL (x)
+ ; Output: moStd(12,lev,lat,lon)
+ undef("stdMonTLLL")
+ function stdMonTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, klvl, ntim, nlat, mlon, i, nmo, nmos, stdMonth
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   ntim = dimx(0)
+   nmos  = 12
+   modCheck ("stdMonTLLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+  ;rankCheck("stdMonTLLL", x, 3)         ; not needed due to prototyping
+   klvl = dimx(1)
+   nlat = dimx(2)
+   mlon = dimx(3)
+ ;
+ ; Compute all 12 standard deviations first. 
+ ;
+    stdMonth = new((/nmos,klvl,nlat,mlon/),typeof(x) 
+                                          ,getFillValue(x))
+    do nmo=0,nmos-1
+       stdMonth(nmo,:,:,:) = dim_stddev_n( x(nmo:ntim-1:nmos,:,:,:), 0 )
+    end do
+ ; copy attributes and add a couple of informational attributes
+ ; only need to do this if plotting or writing to netCDF file
+    copy_VarAtts (x,stdMonth)
+    stdMonth at time_op_ncl = "Monthly Standard Deviation: "+ (ntim/nmos) +" years"
+    stdMonth at info    = "function stdMonTLLL: contributed.ncl"
+ ; copy spatial (eg, lat/lon) coordinate variables
+    do i=1,3
+       if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+           stdMonth!i = x!i
+           if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+               stdMonth&$stdMonth!i$ = x&$x!i$
+           end if
+       end if
+    end  do
+    stdMonth!0     = "month"           ; create a "month" named dim
+    stdMonth&month = ispan(0,nmos-1,1) ; create a month coord var
+    return (stdMonth)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate anomalies from climatology [Remove annual cycle]
+ ;
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;     x(time,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;     x!0 = "time"
+ ;     x!1 = "lat"
+ ;     x!2 = "lon"
+ ;     xAve(12,lat,lon) <==== THE 12 is Jan, Feb, .., Dec
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x     = calcMonAnomTLL (x,xAve)  ; overwrites "x"
+ ;         xAnom = calcMonAnomTLL (x,xAve)  ; creates xAnom as new variable
+ ; where   xAve  = clmMonTLL (x)           
+ undef("calcMonAnomTLL")
+ function calcMonAnomTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric, xAve[12][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, yr, nmos, xAnom
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("calcMonAnomTLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+   ;rankCheck("calcMonAnomTLL", x, 3)         ; not needed due to prototyping
+ ; Now loop on every year and compute difference. 
+ ; The [yr:yr+nmos-1] strips out 12 months for each year. [array notation]
+    xAnom = x          ; variable to variable copy [meta data]
+    do yr=0,ntim-1,nmos
+       xAnom(yr:yr+nmos-1,:,:) = (/ x(yr:yr+nmos-1,:,:)- xAve /)
+    end do
+ ; Create an informational attribute:  
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "Anomalies from Annual Cycle: calcMonAnomTLL: contributed.ncl" 
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculate anomalies from climatology [Remove annual cycle]
+ ;
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;     x(time,lev,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;     x!0 = "time"
+ ;     x!1 = "lev"
+ ;     x!2 = "lat"
+ ;     x!3 = "lon"
+ ;     xAve(12,lev,lat,lon) <==== THE 12 is Jan, Feb, .., Dec
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x     = calcMonAnomTLLL (x,xAve)  ; overwrites "x"
+ ;         xAnom = calcMonAnomTLLL (x,xAve)  ; creates xAnom as new variable
+ ; where   xAve  = clmMonTLLL (x)           
+ undef("calcMonAnomTLLL")
+ function calcMonAnomTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric, xAve[12][*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, yr, nmos, xAnom
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("calcMonAnomTLLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+   ;rankCheck("calcMonAnomTLLL", x, 3)         ; not needed due to prototyping
+ ; Now loop on every year and compute difference. 
+ ; The [yr:yr+nmos-1] strips out 12 months for each year. [array notation]
+    xAnom = x          ; variable to variable copy [meta data]
+    do yr=0,ntim-1,nmos
+       xAnom(yr:yr+nmos-1,:,:,:) = (/ x(yr:yr+nmos-1,:,:,:)- xAve /)
+    end do
+ ; Create an informational attribute:  
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "Anomalies from Annual Cycle: calcMonAnomTLLL: contributed.ncl" 
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Remove the Annual Cycle from "monthly" (nmos=12) data. 
+ ; Subtract the the long term means from each "month".
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from  each "month's" long term mean.
+ ;
+ ; The time dimension must be a multiple of 12
+ ;
+ ;       x(time,lat,lon)  <==== INPUT DIMENSION ORDER
+ ;       x!0 = "time"
+ ;       x!1 = "lat"
+ ;       x!2 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  x = rmMonAnnCycTLL (x)
+ undef("rmMonAnnCycTLL")
+ function rmMonAnnCycTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric)
+ local dimx, ntim, nmos, xAve, xAnom
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    nmos  = 12
+    modCheck ("rmMonAnnCycTLL", ntim, nmos)   ; error check
+    xAve  = clmMonTLL (x)  ; Compute all 12 monthly averages first. [12,lat,lon] 
+    xAnom = calcMonAnomTLL (x,xAve)  ; Remove the mean from each year-month grid
+ ; Create an informational attribute 
+    xAnom at anomaly_op_ncl  = "Annual Cycle Removed: rmMonAnnCycTLL: contributed.ncl" 
+    return (xAnom)
+ end
+ ; =====================================
+ undef("clmDayTLL")
+ function clmDayTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric, yyyyddd:integer)   
+ ;
+ ; calculate the mean Annual Cycle from daily data. 
+ ; The return array will gave the raw climatology at each grid point
+ ;
+ ;              x(time,lat,lon)  <==== input dimension order
+ ;              x!0 = "time"     <==== time is in days
+ ;              x!1 = "lat"
+ ;              x!2 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ;    non-Leap  yyyyddd
+ ;              1905001 =>  Jan  1, 1905
+ ;              1905032 =>  Feb  1, 1905
+ ;              1905059 =>  Feb 28, 1905
+ ;              1905060 =>  Mar  1, 1905
+ ;              1905365 =>  Dec 31, 1905
+ ;
+ ;    Leap
+ ;              1908001 =>  Jan  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908032 =>  Feb  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908059 =>  Feb 28, 1908]
+ ;              1908060 =>  Feb 29, 1908]
+ ;              1908061 =>  Mar  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908366 =>  Dec 31, 1908]
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  xClmDay = clmDAY_TLL (x, yyyyddd)
+ ; -------
+ local dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, ndys, days, clmDay, ndy, indx, year_day, nFill
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    nlat  = dimx(1)
+    mlon  = dimx(2)
+    if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+        if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."360") then
+            ndys = 360
+        end if
+        if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."365"      .or. 
+            yyyyddd at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+            ndys  = 365
+        end if
+        if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."366"      .or. 
+            yyyyddd at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+            ndys  = 366
+        end if
+        if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."standard" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."gregorian") then
+            ndys  = 366
+        end if
+    else
+        ndys  = 366     ; default
+    end if
+    days  = yyyyddd - (yyyyddd/1000)*1000           ; strip year info [ddd]
+    clmDay= new((/ndys,nlat,mlon/),typeof(x), getFillValue(x) ) ; daily climatology
+ ;
+ ; Compute averages for each sequential day of the year. 
+ ;
+    do ndy=0,ndys-1                                 
+       indx = ind( days.eq.(ndy+1) )               
+       if (.not.ismissing(indx(0))) then
+           nindx = dimsizes(indx)
+           if (nindx.eq.1) then                       ; force 3rd dimension
+               clmDay(ndy,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(indx:indx,:,:), 0) 
+           else
+               clmDay(ndy,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(indx,:,:), 0) 
+           end if
+       end if
+       delete(indx)                  
+    end do
+    if (.not.isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .or. 
+        isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .and. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."standard" .or. 
+                                        yyyyddd at calendar.eq."gregorian") then
+                                                    ; nominal day 366 
+                                                    ; ave(31 Dec + 1 Jan)=leap
+        clmDay(ndys-1,:,:) = (clmDay(0,:,:) + clmDay(ndys-2,:,:))*0.5
+    end if
+    nFill = num(ismissing(clmDay))
+    if (nFill.eq.0) then
+        delete(clmDay at _FillValue)
+    end if
+    clmDay at long_name   = "Daily Climatology"
+    if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+        clmDay at long_name = clmDay at long_name +": "+x at long_name
+    end if
+    if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+        clmDay at units     = x at units
+    end if
+    clmDay at information = "Raw daily averages across all years"
+    clmDay at smoothing   = "None"
+    year_day           = ispan(1,ndys,1)
+    year_day at long_name = "day of year"
+    year_day at units     = "ddd"
+    clmDay!0           = "year_day"
+    clmDay&year_day    =  year_day
+    copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:), clmDay(0,:,:))   ; trick
+    delete(clmDay at year_day)                   ; clean up
+    if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+        clmDay at calendar = yyyyddd at calendar 
+    end if
+    return (clmDay)
+ end
+ ; =====================================
+ undef("clmDayTLLL")
+ function clmDayTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric, yyyyddd:integer)   
+ ;
+ ; calculate the mean Annual Cycle from daily data. 
+ ; The return array will gave the raw climatology at each grid point
+ ;
+ ;              x(time,lev,lat,lon)  <==== input dimension order
+ ;              x!0 = "time"         <==== time is in days
+ ;              x!1 = "lev"
+ ;              x!2 = "lat"
+ ;              x!3 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ;    non-Leap  yyyyddd
+ ;              1905001 =>  Jan  1, 1905
+ ;              1905032 =>  Feb  1, 1905
+ ;              1905059 =>  Feb 28, 1905
+ ;              1905060 =>  Mar  1, 1905
+ ;              1905365 =>  Dec 31, 1905
+ ;
+ ;    Leap
+ ;              1908001 =>  Jan  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908032 =>  Feb  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908059 =>  Feb 28, 1908]
+ ;              1908060 =>  Feb 29, 1908]
+ ;              1908061 =>  Mar  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908366 =>  Dec 31, 1908]
+ ;
+ ; Usage:  xClmDay = clmDAYTLLL (x, yyyyddd)
+ ; -------
+ local dimx, ntim, klev, nlat, mlon, ndys, days, clmDay, ndy, indx, year_day, nFill
+ begin
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    klev  = dimx(1)
+    nlat  = dimx(2)
+    mlon  = dimx(3)
+    if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+        if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."360") then
+            ndys = 360
+        end if
+        if (yyyy at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."365"      .or. 
+            yyyy at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+            ndys  = 365
+        end if
+        if (yyyy at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."366"      .or. 
+            yyyy at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+            ndys  = 366
+        end if
+        if (yyyy at calendar.eq."standard" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."gregorian") then
+            ndys  = 366
+        end if
+    else
+        ndys  = 366     ; default
+    end if
+    days  = yyyyddd - (yyyyddd/1000)*1000           ; strip year info [yyyy]
+    clmDay= new((/ndys,klev,nlat,mlon/),typeof(x), getFillValue(x) ) ; daily climatology
+ ;
+ ; Compute averages for each sequential day of the year. 
+ ; This uses dimension swapping.
+ ;
+    do ndy=0,ndys-2                                 ; ndy=0->364 ==> day of year 1->365       
+       indx = ind( days.eq.(ndy+1) )                ; indx:indx Mar 2012, handle 1 element
+       if (.not.ismissing(indx(0))) then
+           nindx = dimsizes(indx)
+           if (nindx.eq.1) then                     ; force 3rd dimension
+               clmDay(ndy,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(indx:indx,:,:,:), 0)
+           else
+               clmDay(ndy,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(indx,:,:,:), 0)
+           end if
+       end if
+       delete(indx)                  
+    end do
+    if (.not.isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .or. 
+        isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .and. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."standard" .or. 
+                                        yyyyddd at calendar.eq."gregorian") then
+                                               ; nominal day 366 
+                                               ; ave(31 Dec + 1 Jan)=leap
+       clmDay(ndys-1,:,:,:) = (clmDay(0,:,:,:) + clmDay(ndys-2,:,:,:))*0.5
+    end if
+    nFill = num(ismissing(clmDay))
+    if (nFill.eq.0) then
+        delete(clmDay at _FillValue)
+    end if
+    clmDay at long_name   = "Daily Climatology"
+    if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+        clmDay at long_name = clmDay at long_name +": "+x at long_name
+    end if
+    if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+        clmDay at units     = x at units
+    end if
+    clmDay at information = "Raw daily averages across all years"
+    clmDay at smoothing   = "None"
+    year_day           = ispan(1,ndys,1)
+    year_day at long_name = "day of year"
+    year_day at units     = "ddd"
+    clmDay!0           = "year_day"
+    clmDay&year_day    =  year_day
+    copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:,:), clmDay(0,:,:,:))   ; trick
+    delete(clmDay at year_day)                   ; clean up
+    if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+        clmDay at calendar = yyyyddd at calendar 
+    end if
+    return (clmDay)
+ end
+ ; =====================================
+ undef("smthClmDayTLL")
+ function smthClmDayTLL (clmDay[*][*][*]:numeric, nHarm:integer)
+ ;
+ local nFill, dn, z, cf, clmDaySmth 
+ begin
+ ; The following was commented out (post 6.2.0) when people started using 
+ ; this on daily SSTs which, of course, have _FillValue over land.
+  ;if (isatt(clmDay, "_FillValue")) then
+  ;    nFill = num(ismissing(clmDay))
+  ;    if (nFill.gt.0) then
+  ;        print("smthClmDayTLL: No missing values allowed: ezfftf does not allow")
+  ;        print("smthClmDayTLL: nFill="+nFill)
+  ;        exit  
+  ;    end if
+  ;end if
+   dn = getvardims(clmDay)                   ; get dimension names
+   if (dn(0).ne."year_day") then
+       print("smthClmDayTLL: Warning: Usually expect year_day to be the dimension name")
+   end if
+   z  = clmDay($dn(1)$|:,$dn(2)$|:,$dn(0)$|:); reorder make time fastest varying dimension
+   cf = ezfftf( z )                          ; [2] x [nlat] x [mlon] x [nday/2+1]
+                                             ; remember NCL is 0-based 
+                                             ; cf(:,0:nHarm-1) are retained unaltered
+   cf(:,:,:,nHarm   ) = 0.5*cf(:,:,:,nHarm)  ; mini-taper
+   cf(:,:,:,nHarm+1:) = 0.0                  ; set all higher coef to 0.0
+   z  = ezfftb( cf, cf at xbar)                 ; reconstructed series
+   clmDaySmth = z($dn(0)$|:,$dn(1)$|:,$dn(2)$|:)
+   clmDaySmth at information = "Smoothed daily climatological averages"
+   clmDaySmth at smoothing   = "FFT: "+nHarm+" harmonics were retained."
+   return(clmDaySmth)
+ end
+ ; =====================================
+ undef("smthClmDayTLLL")
+ function smthClmDayTLLL (clmDay[*][*][*][*]:numeric, nHarm:integer)
+ ;  lxf: Li 2011-05-15
+ local nFill, dn, z, cf, clmDaySmth
+ begin
+ ; The following was commented out (post 6.2.0) when people started using 
+ ; this on daily ocean which, of course, have _FillValue over land.
+   if (isatt(clmDay, "_FillValue")) then
+       nFill = num(ismissing(clmDay))
+       if (nFill.gt.0) then
+           print("smthClmDayTLLL: No missing values allowed: ezfftf does not allow")
+           print("smthClmDayTLLL: nFill="+nFill)
+           exit
+       end if
+   end if
+   dn = getvardims(clmDay)                   ; get dimension names
+   if (dn(0).ne."year_day") then
+       print("smthClmDayTLLL: Warning: Usually expect year_day to be the dimension name")
+   end if
+   z  = clmDay($dn(1)$|:,$dn(2)$|:,$dn(3)$|:,$dn(0)$|:); reorder make time fastest varying dimension
+   cf = ezfftf( z )                          ; [2] x [klev] x [nlat] x [mlon] x [183]
+                                             ; remember NCL is 0-based
+                                             ; cf(:,0:nHarm-1) are retained unaltered
+   cf(:,:,:,:,nHarm   ) = 0.5*cf(:,:,:,:,nHarm)  ; mini-taper
+   cf(:,:,:,:,nHarm+1:) = 0.0                  ; set all higher coef to 0.0
+   z  = ezfftb( cf, cf at xbar)                 ; reconstructed series
+   clmDaySmth = z($dn(0)$|:,$dn(1)$|:,$dn(2)$|:,$dn(3)$|:)
+   clmDaySmth at information = "Smoothed daily climatological averages"
+   clmDaySmth at smoothing   = "FFT: "+nHarm+" harmonics were retained."
+   return(clmDaySmth)
+ end
+ ; =====================================
+ undef("clmDayHr")
+ ;
+ ; Calculate daily  temporal means.
+ ; This is a more general form of clmDayTLL
+ ; It works on any dimension array and allows for multiple 
+ ; samples per day.
+ ;
+ ; It has not been extensively tested and it is not documented.
+ ; Consider this unsupported at this time.
+ ;
+ function clmDayHr(z:numeric, yyyymmddhh[*]:integer)
+ begin
+   yyyy = yyyymmddhh/1000000
+   mdh  = yyyymmddhh%1000000
+   mm   = mdh/10000
+   dh   = mdh%10000
+   dd   = dh/100
+   hh   = dh-dd*100
+   if (isatt(yyyymmddhh,"calendar")) then
+       yyyy at calendar = yyyymmddhh at calendar     ; needed for 'day_of_year'
+   end if
+   NTIM   = dimsizes(yyyymmddhh)     ; all time steps
+   dddhh  = day_of_year(yyyy, mm, dd)*100 + hh
+   yyyydddhh = yyyy*100000 +  dddhh
+   if (isatt(yyyy,"calendar")) then
+       yyyydddhh at calendar = yyyy at calendar
+   end if
+   dhh    = hh(1)-hh(0)              ; assume constant 
+   nsmp   = 24/dhh                   ; # samples/day                          
+   if (.not.isatt(yyyy,"calendar") .or. 
+       isatt(yyyy,"calendar") .and. yyyy at calendar.eq."standard" .or. 
+                                    yyyy at calendar.eq."gregorian") then
+       nday   = 365
+       ndayx  = 366                  ; including leap year
+   end if
+   if (isatt(yyyy,"calendar")) then
+       if (yyyy at calendar.eq."none") then
+           print("clmDayHr: yyyy at calendar=none: I have no idea what to do")
+           exit
+       end if
+       if (yyyy at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."360") then
+           nday  = 360
+           ndayx = 360
+       end if
+       if (yyyy at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."365"      .or. 
+           yyyy at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+           nday  = 365
+           ndayx = 365
+       end if
+       if (yyyy at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."366"      .or. 
+           yyyy at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyy at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+           nday  = 366
+           ndayx = 366
+       end if
+   end if
+   ntimx  = nsmp*ndayx
+   dimz   = dimsizes(z)
+   rankz  = dimsizes(dimz)
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; Create array to hold climatology and counts.
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+   if (typeof(z).eq."double") then
+       zType = "double"
+       zFill =  1d20
+   else
+       zType = "float"
+       zFill =  1e20
+   end if
+   if (rankz.eq.4) then
+       klev   = dimz(1)
+       nlat   = dimz(2)
+       mlon   = dimz(3)
+       zClm   = new ( (/ntimx,klev,nlat,mlon/), zType, zFill)
+   end if
+   if (rankz.eq.3) then
+       nlat   = dimz(1)
+       mlon   = dimz(2)
+       zClm   = new ( (/ntimx,nlat,mlon/), zType, zFill)
+   end if
+   if (rankz.eq.2) then
+       npts   = dimz(1)
+       zClm   = new ( (/ntimx,npts/), zType, zFill)
+   end if
+   if (rankz.eq.1) then
+       zClm   = new ( (/ntimx/), zType, zFill)
+   end if
+   yrStrt = yyyy(0)
+   yrLast = yyyy(NTIM-1)
+   nyrs   = yrLast-yrStrt+1 
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; Climatologies: Loop over each climate day and hour
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+   nt = -1
+   do ndy=1,nday
+     do nhr=hh(0),hh(nsmp-1),dhh
+        nt    = nt+1
+        indx = ind(dddhh.eq.(ndy*100+nhr))  
+        if (rankz.eq.4) then
+            zClm(nt:nt,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n(z(indx,:,:,:), 0)
+        end if
+        if (rankz.eq.3) then
+            zClm(nt:nt,:,:)   = dim_avg_n(z(indx,:,:), 0)
+        end if
+        if (rankz.eq.2) then
+            zClm(nt:nt,:)     = dim_avg_n(z(indx,:), 0)
+        end if
+        if (rankz.eq.1) then
+            zClm(nt:nt)       = dim_avg_n(z(indx), 0)
+        end if
+        delete(indx)
+     end do
+   end do
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; Fill in climatological day 366 with the average
+ ; of Jan 1 (day 1) and 31 Dec (day 365)
+ ; greorian, standard or no calendar attribute
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+   if (nday.eq.365 .and. ndayx.eq.366) then
+       do ns=0,nsmp-1
+          if (rankz.eq.4) then
+              zClm(ntim+ns,:,:,:) = 0.5*(zClm(ns,:,:,:)+zClm(ntim-(nsmp-ns),:,:,:))
+          end if
+          if (rankz.eq.3) then
+              zClm(ntim+ns,:,:)   = 0.5*(zClm(ns,:,:)+zClm(ntim-(nsmp-ns),:,:))
+          end if
+          if (rankz.eq.2) then
+              zClm(ntim+ns,:)     = 0.5*(zClm(ns,:)+zClm(ntim-(nsmp-ns),:))
+          end if
+          if (rankz.eq.1) then
+              zClm(ntim+ns)       = 0.5*(zClm(ns)+zClm(ntim-(nsmp-ns)))
+          end if
+       end do
+   end if
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; Meta data
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------
+   dt        = 1.0/nsmp
+   day       = fspan(1.00, ndayx+1-dt, ntimx)
+   day at long_name = "day and fraction of day"
+   day!0     = "day"
+   day&day   =  day
+   zClm!0    = "day"
+   zClm&day  =  day 
+   if (rankz.eq.4) then
+       copy_VarCoords(z(0,:,:,:), zClm(0,:,:,:))
+   end if
+   if (rankz.eq.3) then
+       copy_VarCoords(z(0,:,:), zClm(0,:,:))
+   end if
+   if (rankz.eq.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords(z(0,:), zClm(0,:))
+   end if
+   if (isatt(z,"long_name")) then
+       zClm at long_name = z at long_name
+   end if
+   if (isatt(z,"units")) then
+       zClm at units     = z at units
+   end if
+   return(zClm)
+ end
+ ; =====================================
+ undef("calcDayAnomTLL")
+ function calcDayAnomTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric, yyyyddd:integer, clmDay[*][*][*]:numeric)   
+ ; Remove the Annual Cycle from daily data. 
+ ; On return x will consist of deviations from each day's long term mean.
+ ;
+ ;              x(time,lat,lon)  <==== input dimension order
+ ;              x!0 = "time"     <==== time is in days
+ ;              x!1 = "lat"
+ ;              x!2 = "lon"
+ ;
+ ;
+ ;    non-Leap  yyyyddd
+ ;              1905001 =>  Jan  1, 1905
+ ;              1905032 =>  Feb  1, 1905
+ ;              1905059 =>  Feb 28, 1905
+ ;              1905060 =>  Mar  1, 1905
+ ;              1905365 =>  Dec 31, 1905
+ ;
+ ;    Leap
+ ;              1908001 =>  Jan  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908032 =>  Feb  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908059 =>  Feb 28, 1908]
+ ;              1908060 =>  Feb 29, 1908]
+ ;              1908061 =>  Mar  1, 1908]
+ ;              1908366 =>  Dec 31, 1908]
+ ; Usage:  xAnom = calcDayAnomTLL (x, yyyyddd, clmDay)
+ local dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, days, xAnom, nt
+ begin
+    if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .and. isatt(clmDay,"calendar")) then  
+        if (yyyyddd at calendar .ne. clmDay at calendar) then
+            print("calcDayAnomTLL: calendar mismatch")
+            print("                yyyyddd at calendar = "+yyyyddd at calendar)
+            print("                 clmday at calendar = "+ clmDay at calendar)
+            exit
+        end if
+    end if
+    dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+    ntim  = dimx(0)
+    nlat  = dimx(1)
+    mlon  = dimx(2)
+    days  = yyyyddd - (yyyyddd/1000)*1000      ; strip year info [yyyy]
+ ; loop on every day and compute difference. 
+    xAnom = (/ x  /)                                 ; create xAnom
+    do nt=0,ntim-1
+       xAnom(nt,:,:) = x(nt,:,:) - clmDay(days(nt)-1,:,:)   ; -1 for 0-based subscript
+    end do
+    if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+         xAnom at long_name = "Anomalies: "+x at long_name
+     else
+         xAnom at long_name = "Anomalies from Daily Climatology"
+     end if
+     if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+         xAnom at units = x at units
+     end if
+     if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+         xAnom at calendar = yyyyddd at calendar
+     end if
+     copy_VarCoords(x, xAnom)
+     return(xAnom)
+  end
+  ; *******************************************************************
+  undef("calcDayAnomTLLL")
+  function calcDayAnomTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric, yyyyddd:integer, clmDay[*][*][*][*]:numeric)   
+  ; Remove the Annual Cycle from daily data. 
+  ; On return x will consist of deviations from each day's long term mean.
+  ;
+  ;              x(time,lev,lat,lon)  <==== input dimension order
+  ;              x!0 = "time"         <==== time is in days
+  ;              x!1 = "lev"
+  ;              x!2 = "lat"
+  ;              x!3 = "lon"
+  ;
+  ;
+  ;    non-Leap  yyyyddd
+  ;              1905001 =>  Jan  1, 1905
+  ;              1905032 =>  Feb  1, 1905
+  ;              1905059 =>  Feb 28, 1905
+  ;              1905060 =>  Mar  1, 1905
+  ;              1905365 =>  Dec 31, 1905
+  ;
+  ;    Leap
+  ;              1908001 =>  Jan  1, 1908]
+  ;              1908032 =>  Feb  1, 1908]
+  ;              1908059 =>  Feb 28, 1908]
+  ;              1908060 =>  Feb 29, 1908]
+  ;              1908061 =>  Mar  1, 1908]
+  ;              1908366 =>  Dec 31, 1908]
+  ; Usage:  xAnom = calcDayAnomTLLL (x, yyyyddd, clmDay)
+  local dimx, ntim, klev,nlat, mlon, ndys, days, xAnom, nt
+  begin
+     if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .and. isatt(clmDay,"calendar")) then  
+         if (yyyyddd at calendar .ne. clmDay at calendar) then
+             print("calcDayAnomTLL: calendar mismatch")
+             print("                yyyyddd at calendar = "+yyyyddd at calendar)
+             print("                 clmday at calendar = "+ clmDay at calendar)
+             exit
+         end if
+     end if
+     dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+     ntim  = dimx(0)
+     klev  = dimx(1)
+     nlat  = dimx(2)
+     mlon  = dimx(3)
+     days  = yyyyddd - (yyyyddd/1000)*1000      ; strip year info [yyyy]
+  ; loop on every day and compute difference. 
+     xAnom = (/ x  /)                                 ; create xAnom
+     do nt=0,ntim-1
+        xAnom(nt,:,:,:) = x(nt,:,:,:) - clmDay(days(nt)-1,:,:,:)   ; -1 for 0-based subscript
+     end do
+     if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+         xAnom at long_name = "Anomalies: "+x at long_name
+     else
+         xAnom at long_name = "Anomalies from Daily Climatology"
+     end if
+     if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+         xAnom at units = x at units
+     end if
+     if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+         xAnom at calendar = yyyyddd at calendar
+     end if
+     copy_VarCoords(x, xAnom)
+     return(xAnom)
+  end
+  ; **********************************************************************
+  ; D. Shea
+  ; create different view of variable
+  ; v6.2.0: calendar attribute recognized
+ undef("yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd")
+ function yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd (yyyymmdd[*]:integer)
+ local ntim, yyyy, mmdd, mm, dd, yyyyddd
+ begin
+   ntim = dimsizes(yyyymmdd)
+ ;;if (isatt(yyyymmdd,"calendar") .and. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."proleptic_gregorian") then  
+ ;;    print("yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd:  proleptic_gregorian calendar not supported")
+ ;;    yyyyddd = new(ntim, "integer", -9999)
+ ;;    yyyyddd at long_name = "yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd:  proleptic_gregorian calendar not supported"
+ ;;    return(yyyyddd)
+ ;;end if
+   yyyy = yyyymmdd/10000
+   mmdd = yyyymmdd - (yyyy*10000)
+   mm   = mmdd/100
+   dd   = mmdd - (mm*100)
+   if (isatt(yyyymmdd,"calendar")) then     ; needed for day_of_year
+       yyyy at calendar = yyyymmdd at calendar
+   end if
+   yyyyddd  = yyyy*1000 +day_of_year(yyyy, mm, dd)
+   copy_VarMeta(yyyymmdd, yyyyddd)
+   yyyyddd at long_name = "yyyy and day_of_year"
+   yyyyddd at units = "yyyyddd"
+   return(yyyyddd)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; v6.2.0: calendar attribute recognized
+ undef("yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd")
+ function yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd ( yyyyddd[*]:integer )
+ ; convert yyyyddd (year|day_of_year) to yyyymmdd
+ local nTime, yyyy, ddd, days, yyyymmdd, nt, iyr 
+     , ndyr, skip, nmo, ndy, ndymo, foo
+ begin
+   nTime    = dimsizes( yyyyddd )
+ ;;if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar") .and. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."proleptic_gregorian") then  
+ ;;    print("yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd:  proleptic_gregorian calendar not supported")
+ ;;    yyyymmdd = new(nTime, "integer", -9999)
+ ;;    yyyymmdd at long_name = "yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd:  proleptic_gregorian calendar not supported"
+ ;;    return(yyyymmdd)
+ ;;end if
+   yyyy     = yyyyddd/1000
+   ddd      = yyyyddd - yyyy*1000
+            ; non leap and leap [greorian, standard, or no 'calendar' attribute
+   days     = (/ (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) 
+               , (/31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) /)
+   if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then                        ; retrofit to existing code
+       yyyy at calendar = yyyyddd at calendar                       ; needed for day_of_year
+       if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."365" .or. 
+           yyyyddd at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+           days(1,:) = days(0,:)         ; make all non-leap year 
+       end if
+       if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."366" .or. 
+           yyyyddd at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+           days(0,:) = days(1,:)         ; make all leap yeary
+       end if
+       if (yyyyddd at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyyddd at calendar.eq."360") then
+           days      = 30                ; make all 30
+       end if
+   end if
+   yyyymmdd = new (nTime, integer)
+   do nt=0,nTime-1
+      iyr   = 0
+      if (isleapyear(yyyy(nt))) then   ; only has effect for standard, gregorian
+          iyr   = 1
+      end if
+      ndyr = 0            ; day of year
+      skip = False        ; use to bounce out of loops
+      do nmo=1,12
+        do ndymo=1,days(iyr,(nmo-1))
+           ndyr = ndyr+1      ; increment day of year
+           if (ndyr.eq.ddd(nt)) then
+               yyyymmdd(nt) = yyyy(nt)*10000 + nmo*100 + ndymo
+               skip = True
+               break      ; bounce out of ndy loop
+           end if
+        end do
+         foo = 1
+         if (skip) then
+             break        ; bounce out of nmo loop
+         end if
+      end do
+    end do
+    if (.not.any(ismissing(yyyymmdd))) then
+        delete(yyyymmdd at _FillValue)
+    end if
+    yyyymmdd!0 = "time"
+    yyyymmdd at long_name = "current date"
+    yyyymmdd at units     = "YYYYMMDD" 
+    yyyymmdd at info      = "converted from YYYYDDD" 
+    if (isatt(yyyyddd,"calendar")) then
+        yyyymmdd at calendar = yyyyddd at calendar
+    end if
+    return(yyyymmdd) 
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "linint1"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("linint1_Wrap")
+ function linint1_Wrap (xi:numeric, fi:numeric, wrapX:logical 
+                       ,xo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "linint1"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, n, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = linint1 (xi,fi, wrapX, xo, Opt)        ; perform interpolation 
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_1 (fi, fo)                     ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except for rightmost
+   nD   = nDim-1                                 ; last dimension
+                                                 ; create a new coord for
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0)) then
+       fo!nD = xo!0                              ; if present, use xo name
+   else 
+       if (isdimnamed(fi,nD)) then
+           fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)             ; if present, use same name
+       else                                      ; but change case [contributed]
+           fo!nD = "X"                           ; default dimension name
+       end if                
+   end if
+                                                 ; assign coordinates
+   fo&$fo!nD$ = xo                               ; rightmost dim
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "linint1_n" that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("linint1_n_Wrap")
+ function linint1_n_Wrap (xi:numeric, fi:numeric, wrapX:logical 
+                         ,xo[*]:numeric, Opt, dim[1]:integer)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "linint1_n" that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, n, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = linint1_n (xi,fi, wrapX, xo, Opt, dim) ; perform interpolation 
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_not_n (fi, fo, dim)            ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except for dim-th
+                                                 ; create a new coord for
+   nD   = dim                                    ; "dim"-th dimension
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0)) then
+       fo!nD = xo!0                              ; if present, use xo name
+   else 
+       if (isdimnamed(fi,nD)) then
+           fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)             ; if present, use same name
+       else                                      ; but change case [contributed]
+           fo!nD = "X"                           ; default dimension name
+       end if                
+   end if
+                                                 ; assign coordinates
+   fo&$fo!nD$ = xo                               ; "dim"-th dimension
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "linint2"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef ("linint2_Wrap")
+ function linint2_Wrap (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric, wrapX:logical 
+                       ,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "linint2"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = linint2 (xi,yi,fi, wrapX, xo,yo, Opt)  ; perform interpolation 
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   if (nDim.gt.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)                 ; copy coord variables  
+   end if
+   fo!(nDim-2) = "Y"                             ; default named dimensions
+   fo!(nDim-1) = "X"
+                                                 ; override if possible
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0) .and. isdimnamed(yo,0) ) then
+       fo!(nDim-2) = yo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+       fo!(nDim-1) = xo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+   else 
+       do nD=nDim-2,nDim-1                       ; two rightmost dimensions
+          if (.not.ismissing(fi!nD)) then
+              fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)          ; if present, use same name
+          end if                                 ; but change case
+       end do
+   end if
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-2)$ = yo                         ; create coordinate var 
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-1)$ = xo                         ; two rightmost dimensions
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "linint2_points"  that copies attributes+coordinates
+ ; vars.  It creates a "pts" coord variable and creates two 1D
+ ; attributes that indicate the lat/lon associated with each point.
+ undef ("linint2_points_Wrap")
+ function linint2_points_Wrap 
+                       (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric, wrapX:logical 
+                       ,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "linint2_points"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, pts
+ begin
+   fo   = linint2_points (xi,yi,fi, wrapX, xo,yo, Opt)  ; perform interpolation 
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts     (fi, fo)                     ; copy variable attributes
+   if (nDim.gt.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)                 ; copy coord variables  
+   end if
+                                                 ; except for 2 rightmost
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))                 ; # output  dimensions 
+   pts           = ispan(0,dimsizes(xo)-1,1)     ; linear   
+   pts at long_name = "Points"
+   fo!(nDim-1)   = "pts"                         ; default named dimensions
+   fo&pts        =  pts
+   fo at xcoord     =  xo            ; x/longitude points
+   fo at ycoord     =  yo            ; y/latitude  points
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "rcm2rgrid"  that copies attributes and coordinate
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef ("rcm2rgrid_Wrap")
+ function rcm2rgrid_Wrap (yi[*][*]:numeric,xi[*][*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                         ,yo[*]:numeric,xo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "rcm2rgrid"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = rcm2rgrid (yi,xi,fi, yo,xo, Opt)  ; perform interpolation
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))            ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                    ; copy variable attributes
+   if (isatt(fo,"lat2d")) then
+       delete(fo at lat2d)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(fo,"lon2d")) then
+       delete(fo at lon2d)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.gt.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)            ; copy coord variables
+   end if
+   fo!(nDim-2) = "Y"                        ; default named dimensions
+   fo!(nDim-1) = "X"
+                                            ; override if possible
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0) .and. isdimnamed(yo,0) ) then
+       fo!(nDim-1) = xo!0                   ; if present, use xo name
+       fo!(nDim-2) = yo!0                   ; if present, use xo name
+   else
+       do nD=nDim-2,nDim-1                  ; two rightmost dimensions
+          if (.not.ismissing(fi!nD)) then
+              fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)     ; if present, use same name
+          end if                            ; but change case
+       end do
+   end if
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-1)$ = xo                    ; create coordinate var
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-2)$ = yo                    ; two rightmost dimensions
+   fo at ncl = "rcm2rgrid used for interpolation"
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ;-------------------------
+ undef ("rcm2points_Wrap")
+ function rcm2points_Wrap 
+                       (yi[*][*]:numeric,xi[*][*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                       ,yo[*]:numeric,xo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, pts
+ begin
+   fo   = rcm2points (yi,xi,fi, yo,xo, Opt)  ; perform interpolation 
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts     (fi, fo)                     ; copy variable attributes
+   if (nDim.gt.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)                 ; copy coord variables  
+   end if                                        ; except for 2 rightmost
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))                 ; # output  dimensions 
+   pts           = ispan(0,dimsizes(xo)-1,1)     ; linear   
+   pts at long_name = "Points"
+   fo!(nDim-1)   = "pts"                         ; default named dimensions
+   fo&pts        =  pts
+   fo at xcoord     =  xo            ; x/longitude points
+   fo at ycoord     =  yo            ; y/latitude  points
+   fo at ncl = "rcm2points used for interpolation"
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "rgrid2rcm"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  
+ undef ("rgrid2rcm_Wrap")
+ function rgrid2rcm_Wrap (yi[*]:numeric,xi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                         ,yo[*][*]:numeric,xo[*][*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "rgrid2rcm"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = rgrid2rcm (yi,xi,fi, yo,xo, Opt)  ; perform interpolation 
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   if (nDim.gt.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)                 ; copy coord variables  
+   end if                                        ; except for 2 rightmost
+   fo!(nDim-2) = "Y"                             ; default named dimensions
+   fo!(nDim-1) = "X"   
+                                                 ; override if possible
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0) ) then
+       fo!(nDim-2) = xo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+   end if
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,1) ) then
+       fo!(nDim-1) = xo!1                        ; if present, use xo name
+   end if
+   fo at ncl = "rgrid2rcm used for interpolation"
+  ;fo at coordinates = fo!(nDim-2) +" "+fo!(nDim-1)
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ;****************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Take a monthly climatology and make a daily climatology
+ ; Current for gregorian / standard year.
+ ;
+ ; Supported: leftmost dimension must be 12
+ ;            x(12), x(12,N), x(12,N1,N2), x(12,N1,N2,N3)
+ ; x must have named dimensions on entry
+ ; opt - not used set to zero [0]
+ ;
+ undef("clmMon2clmDay")
+ function clmMon2clmDay( x:numeric, retOrder:integer, opt:integer )
+ local dNames, dimx, rank, X, midMon, day
+ begin
+   if (.not.(retOrder.eq.0 .or. retOrder.eq.1)) then
+       print("clmMon2clmDay: retOrder must be 0 or 1, retOrder=" +retOrder)
+       exit
+   end if
+   dNames = getvardims( x )
+   if (any(ismissing(dNames))) then
+       print("clmMon2clmDay: named dimensions required:" +dNames)
+       exit
+   end if
+   dimx   = dimsizes(x)
+   if (dimx(0).ne.12) then
+       print("clmMon2clmDay: leftmost dimension must be size=12: SIZE="+dimx(0))
+       exit
+   end if
+   rank   = dimsizes( dimx )
+   if (rank.gt.4) then
+       print("clmMon2clmDay: currently max of 4 dimension supported: rank="+rank)
+       exit
+   end if
+  ;if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+  ;    nFill = num(ismissing(x))
+  ;    if (nFill.gt.0) then
+  ;        print("clmMon2clmDay: input is assumed to have no missing values, nFill="+nFill)
+  ;        exit
+  ;    end if
+  ;end if
+                           ; transfer to work arrsy,if necessary, reorder array
+   if (rank.eq.2) then
+       X =  x
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.2) then
+       X =  x($dNames(1)$|:, $dNames(0)$|:)  
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3)
+       X =  x($dNames(1)$|:, $dNames(2)$|:, $dNames(0)$|:) 
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.4)
+       X =  x($dNames(1)$|:, $dNames(2)$|:, $dNames(3)$|:, $dNames(0)$|:) 
+   end if
+                           ; mid day of each month
+   if (isatt(opt,"midmon")) then
+       if (dimsizes(opt at midMon).eq.12) then
+           midMon = opt at midMon
+       else
+           print("clmMon2clmDay: midMon required to be size 12: size="+dimsizes(opt at midMon))
+           exit
+       end if
+   else
+       midMon = (/ 15.5, 45  , 74.5,105  ,135.5,166  
+                 ,196.5,227.5,258  ,288.5,319  ,349.5/)
+   end if
+   midMon at long_name = "middle of month"
+   day    = ispan(0,364,1)    ; use 0 => 364 for interpolation
+   day!0  = "day"
+   Z      = linint1_Wrap (midMon, X, True, day, 0)
+   Z at info = "NCL: clmMon2clmDay"
+   day    = ispan(1,365,1)    ; use 1 => 365 for coord variable
+   day at long_name = "day of year: no leap"
+   day at units     = "1=Jan 1, 32=Feb 1, ..., 365-Dec 31"
+   Z!(rank-1) = "day"
+   Z&day      =  day
+   if (retOrder.eq.1) then
+       return( Z )
+   end if
+   if (retOrder.eq.0) then
+       if (rank.eq.1) then
+           return(Z)
+       end if
+       if (rank.eq.2) then
+           return( Z(day
+       end if
+       if (rank.eq.3) then
+           return( Z(day
+       end if
+       if (rank.eq.4) then
+           return( Z(day
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "cssgrid"  that copies attributes 
+ ; It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("cssgrid_Wrap")
+ function cssgrid_Wrap (lati[*]:numeric,loni[*]:numeric, fi:numeric  
+                       ,lato[*]:numeric,lono[*]:numeric)
+ local fo
+ begin
+   fo   = cssgrid (lati,loni, fi, lato, lono)          ; perform interpolation 
+   fo!0 = "lat"
+   fo!1 = "lon"
+   fo&lat = lato
+   fo&lon = lono
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)     ; copy variable attributes
+   fo at NCL_function = "cssgrid_Wrap" 
+   if (isatt(fo,"time")) then
+       delete (fo at time)   ; special case since this does not work
+   end if                 ; on arrays
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ;********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "g2gsh"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("g2gsh_Wrap")
+ function g2gsh_Wrap (x:numeric, newDims, twave:numeric)
+ local nlat, mlon, xNew, lat, lon, nDim, gwt 
+ begin
+   nlat = newDims(0)                             ; specify output grid
+   mlon = newDims(1)
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   xNew = g2gsh(x, (/nlat,mlon/), twave)         ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (x, xNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (x, xNew)   ; copy coord variables except lat and lon
+   lat  = latGau    (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   gwt  = latGauWgt (nlat, "lat", "gaussian weights", "")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (x, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat                                ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   if (isatt(xNew,"gwt")) then
+       delete(xNew at gwt)
+   end if
+   xNew at gwt = gwt                                ; attach as attribute
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ;******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "g2fsh"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("g2fsh_Wrap")
+ function g2fsh_Wrap (x:numeric, newDims)
+ local nlat, mlon, xNew, lat, lon, nDim 
+ begin
+   nlat = newDims(0)                             ; specify output grid
+   mlon = newDims(1)
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   xNew = g2fsh(x, (/nlat,mlon/) )               ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (x, xNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (x, xNew) ; copy coord variables except lat and lon
+   lat  = latGlobeF (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (x, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat                                ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "f2gsh" that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("f2gsh_Wrap")
+ function f2gsh_Wrap (x:numeric, newDims, twave:numeric)
+ local nlat, mlon, xNew, lat, lon, nDim 
+ begin
+   nlat = newDims(0)                             ; specify output grid
+   mlon = newDims(1)
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   xNew = f2gsh(x, newDims, twave)               ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (x, xNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (x, xNew)  ; copy coord variables  except lat and lon
+   lat  = latGau    (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   gwt  = latGauWgt (nlat, "lat", "gaussian weights", "")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (x, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat                                ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   if (isatt(xNew,"gwt")) then
+       delete(xNew at gwt)
+   end if
+   xNew at gwt = gwt                                ; attach gaussian weights
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ;********************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "f2fsh"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("f2fsh_Wrap")
+ function f2fsh_Wrap (x:numeric, newDims)
+ local nlat, mlon, xNew, lat, lon, nDim 
+ begin
+   nlat = newDims(0)                             ; specify output grid
+   mlon = newDims(1)
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   xNew = f2fsh(x, newDims )                     ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (x, xNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (x, xNew) ; copy coord variables except lat and lon
+   lat  = latGlobeF (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (x, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat                                ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ;****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "f2fosh"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("f2fosh_Wrap")
+ function f2fosh_Wrap (x:numeric)
+ local nlat, mlon, xNew, lat, lon, dimx, nDim, nlat1 
+ begin
+   xNew = f2fosh(x)                              ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (x, xNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (x, xNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   dimx = dimsizes (x)
+   nDim = dimsizes (dimx)                        ; rank of matrix
+   nlat = dimx(nDim-2)                           ; dim of INPUT grid
+   mlon = dimx(nDim-1)    
+   nlat1= nlat-1                                 ; fo has one less lat
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       nlat1 at double= True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat = latGlobeFo (nlat1, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+   lon = lonGlobeFo (mlon , "lon", "longitude","degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make near Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (x, lon)                       ; init location    
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat                                ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ;****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "fo2fsh"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("fo2fsh_Wrap")
+ function fo2fsh_Wrap (x:numeric)
+ local nlat, mlon, xNew, lat, lon, dimx, nDim, nlat1 
+ begin
+   xNew = fo2fsh(x)                              ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (x, xNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (x, xNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   dimx = dimsizes (x)
+   nDim = dimsizes (dimx)                        ; rank of matrix
+   nlat = dimx(nDim-2)                           ; dim of INPUT grid
+   mlon = dimx(nDim-1)    
+   nlat1= nlat+1                                 ; f has one additional lat
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       nlat1 at double= True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat = latGlobeF (nlat1, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+   lon = lonGlobeF (mlon , "lon", "longitude","degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make near Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (x, lon)                       ; init location    
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat                                ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "g2gshv"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("g2gshv_Wrap")
+ procedure g2gshv_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric, uNew:numeric, vNew:numeric,
+                        twave:numeric)
+ local dim_uNew, nDim, nlat, mlon, lat, lon, gwt 
+ begin
+   g2gshv (u, v, uNew, vNew,twave)
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (u, uNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (u, uNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   copy_VarAtts (v, vNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (v, vNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   dim_uNew= dimsizes(uNew)                      ; dim sizes of each dimension
+   nDim    = dimsizes(dim_uNew)                  ; number of dimensions [rank]
+   nlat    = dim_uNew(nDim-2)                    ; number of latitudes
+   mlon    = dim_uNew(nDim-1)                    ; number of longitudes
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat  = latGau    (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   gwt  = latGauWgt (nlat, "lat", "gaussian weights", "")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (u, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   uNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   uNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   uNew&lat       =  lat                         ; add new coord var
+   uNew&lon       =  lon
+   vNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   vNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   vNew&lat       =  lat                         ; add new coord var
+   vNew&lon       =  lon
+   if (isatt(uNew,"gwt")) then
+       delete(uNew at gwt)                 
+   end if
+   uNew at gwt       = gwt                          ; attach gaussian weights
+   if (isatt(vNew,"gwt")) then
+       delete(vNew at gwt)
+   end if
+   vNew at gwt       = gwt                          ; attach gaussian weights
+ end
+ ; ********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "g2fshv"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("g2fshv_Wrap")
+ procedure g2fshv_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric, uNew:numeric, vNew:numeric)
+ local dim_uNew, nDim, nlat, mlon, lon, lat
+ begin
+   g2fshv (u, v, uNew, vNew)       
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (u, uNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (u, uNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   copy_VarAtts (v, vNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (v, vNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   dim_uNew= dimsizes(uNew)                      ; dim sizes of each dimension
+   nDim    = dimsizes(dim_uNew)                  ; number of dimensions [rank]
+   nlat    = dim_uNew(nDim-2)                    ; number of latitudes
+   mlon    = dim_uNew(nDim-1)                    ; number of longitudes
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat  = latGlobeF (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (u, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   uNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   uNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   uNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   uNew&lon       = lon
+   vNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   vNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   vNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   vNew&lon       = lon
+ end
+ ; ***********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "f2gshv"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("f2gshv_Wrap")
+ procedure f2gshv_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric, uNew:numeric, vNew:numeric,
+                        twave:numeric)
+ local dim_uNew, nDim, nlat, mlon, lon, lat, gwt
+ begin
+   f2gshv (u, v, uNew, vNew, twave)
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (u, uNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (u, uNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   copy_VarAtts (v, vNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (v, vNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   dim_uNew= dimsizes(uNew)                      ; dim sizes of each dimension
+   nDim    = dimsizes(dim_uNew)                  ; number of dimensions [rank]
+   nlat    = dim_uNew(nDim-2)                    ; number of latitudes
+   mlon    = dim_uNew(nDim-1)                    ; number of longitudes
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat  = latGau    (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   gwt  = latGauWgt (nlat, "lat", "gaussian weights", "")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (u, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   uNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   uNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   uNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   uNew&lon       = lon
+   vNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   vNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   vNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   vNew&lon       = lon
+   if (isatt(uNew,"gwt")) then
+       delete(uNew at gwt)
+   end if
+   uNew at gwt       = gwt                          ; attach gaussian weights
+   if (isatt(vNew,"gwt")) then
+       delete(vNew at gwt)
+   end if
+   vNew at gwt       = gwt                          ; attach gaussian weights
+ end
+ ; *************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "f2fshv"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("f2fshv_Wrap")
+ procedure f2fshv_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric, uNew:numeric, vNew:numeric)
+ local dim_uNew, nDim, nlat, mlon, lon, lat
+ begin
+   f2fshv (u, v, uNew, vNew)
+                                                 ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (u, uNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (u, uNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   copy_VarAtts (v, vNew)                        ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (v, vNew)                    ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except lat and lon
+   dim_uNew= dimsizes(uNew)                      ; dim sizes of each dimension
+   nDim    = dimsizes(dim_uNew)                  ; number of dimensions [rank]
+   nlat    = dim_uNew(nDim-2)                    ; number of latitudes
+   mlon    = dim_uNew(nDim-1)                    ; number of longitudes
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat  = latGlobeF (nlat, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (u, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   uNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   uNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   uNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   uNew&lon       = lon
+   vNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   vNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   vNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   vNew&lon       = lon
+ end
+ ; ********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "f2fosh"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars. It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("f2foshv_Wrap")
+ procedure f2foshv_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric, uNew:numeric, vNew:numeric)
+ local dim_uNew, nDim, nlat, mlon, lon, lat
+ begin
+   f2foshv(u, v, uNew, vNew)                    ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (u, uNew)                       ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (u, uNew)                   ; copy coord variables  
+                                                ; except lat and lon
+   copy_VarAtts (v, vNew)                       ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (v, vNew)                   ; copy coord variables  
+                                                ; except lat and lon
+   dim_uNew= dimsizes(uNew)                     ; dim sizes of each dimension
+   nDim    = dimsizes(dim_uNew)                 ; number of dimensions [rank]
+   nlat    = dim_uNew(nDim-2)                   ; number of latitudes  [fo grid]
+   mlon    = dim_uNew(nDim-1)                   ; number of longitudes [fo grid]
+   nlat1= nlat-1                                ; fo has one less lat
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       nlat1 at double= True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat = latGlobeFo (nlat1, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+   lon = lonGlobeFo (mlon , "lon", "longitude","degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make near Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (u, lon)                       ; init location    
+   uNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   uNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   uNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   uNew&lon       = lon
+   vNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   vNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   vNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   vNew&lon       = lon
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "fo2fsh"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef("fo2fshv_Wrap")
+ procedure fo2fshv_Wrap (u:numeric, v:numeric, uNew:numeric, vNew:numeric)
+ local dim_uNew, nDim, nlat, mlon, lon, lat
+ begin
+   fo2fshv(u, v, uNew, vNew)                    ; interpolate to new grid
+                                                ; contributed functions
+   copy_VarAtts (u, uNew)                       ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (u, uNew)                   ; copy coord variables  
+                                                ; except lat and lon
+   copy_VarAtts (v, vNew)                       ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (v, vNew)                   ; copy coord variables  
+                                                ; except lat and lon
+   dim_uNew= dimsizes(uNew)                     ; dim sizes of each dimension
+   nDim    = dimsizes(dim_uNew)                 ; number of dimensions [rank]
+   nlat    = dim_uNew(nDim-2)                   ; number of latitudes  [fo grid]
+   mlon    = dim_uNew(nDim-1)                   ; number of longitudes [fo grid]
+   nlat1   = nlat+1                             ; f has one more lat
+   if (typeof(u).eq."double") then
+       nlat at double = True
+       nlat1 at double= True
+       mlon at double = True
+   end if
+   lat  = latGlobeF (nlat1, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (mlon , "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+                                                 ; possibly make Date Line 
+   lonGM2DateLine (u, lon)                       ; [lon(0)=-180] init location    
+   uNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   uNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   uNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   uNew&lon       = lon
+   vNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   vNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   vNew&lat       = lat                          ; add new coord var
+   vNew&lon       = lon
+ end
+ ;*********************************************************************
+ ; Mark Stevens
+ ; Read RGB file format of n rows by 3 columns (R,G,B)
+ ; values are integers from 0 to 255
+ ; first triplet is the background
+ ; second triplet is the foreground
+ ; normalize RGB values (=RGB/255) for cmap format
+ undef("RGBtoCmap")
+ function RGBtoCmap (fName:string)
+ local rgb, size, n, norm, cmap
+ begin
+    rgb  = asciiread (fName, -1, "integer") 
+    size = dimsizes(rgb)
+    n    = size/3                    ; number of rows 
+    norm = rgb/255.0                 ; divide all elements     
+    cmap = onedtond (norm, (/n,3/))  ; back to triplets
+    return (cmap)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; Mark Stevens
+ ; will choose a color to fill in a poly(line/gon/marker) based upon
+ ; secondary scalar field.
+ ;
+ ; This function was updated 6/10/2013 to allow n x 3 or
+ ; n x 4 (RGBA) arrays.
+ ;
+ undef("GetFillColor")
+ function GetFillColor(cnlvls[*]:numeric,cmapt,data:numeric)
+ local dims, ncn, nclr, color, n
+ begin
+  if(isstring(cmapt)) then
+     cmap = read_colormap_file(cmapt)
+  else if(isnumeric(cmapt)) then
+    dims = dimsizes(cmapt)
+    if(dims(0).lt.3.or.dims(0).gt.256.or..not.any(dims(1).ne.(/3,4/))) then
+      print ("Error: GetFillColors: cmap must be an n x 3 or n x 4 array of RGB or RGBA values, or a valid color map name")
+      return(new(3,"float"))    ; return a missing value
+    end if
+    cmap = cmapt
+  else
+    print ("Error: GetFillColors: cmap must be an n x 3 or n x 4 array of RGB or RGBA values, or a valid color map name")
+  end if
+  end if
+  ncn = dimsizes (cnlvls)
+  nclr = dimsizes (cmap(:,0))
+  if (nclr-2 .lt. ncn+1) then 
+    print ("Error: GetFillColors: Not enough colors in colormap for number of contour levels")
+    return (new(3,float))   ; return missing
+  end if
+  if (data .le. cnlvls(0)) then
+    color = cmap(2,:)
+  else 
+    if (data .gt. cnlvls(ncn-1)) then
+      color = cmap(nclr-1,:)
+    else 
+      do n = 1, ncn-1
+        if (data .le. cnlvls(n)) then
+          color = cmap(n+2,:)
+          break
+        end if
+      end do
+    end if
+  end if
+  return (color)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; Mark Stevens
+ ; function returns the correct colormap index for the input data value
+ ;
+ undef ("GetFillColorIndex")
+ function GetFillColorIndex(cnlvls[*]:numeric,indices[*]:integer,data:numeric)
+ ; cnlvls  - input contour levels
+ ; indices - input indices to colormap
+ ; data    - input data value
+ local ncn, nclr, index, n
+ begin
+  ncn = dimsizes (cnlvls)
+  nclr = dimsizes (indices)
+  if (nclr .lt. ncn+1) then 
+    print ("Not enough colors in colormap for number of contour levels")
+    return (default_fillvalue("integer"))
+  end if
+  if (data .le. cnlvls(0)) then
+    index = indices(0) 
+  else 
+    if (data .gt. cnlvls(ncn-1)) then
+      index = indices(nclr-1) 
+    else 
+      do n = 1, ncn-1
+        if (data .le. cnlvls(n)) then
+          index = indices(n) 
+          break
+        end if
+      end do
+    end if
+  end if
+  return (index)
+ end
+ ;*****************************************************************
+ ; S. Murphy
+ ; goes and determines the appropriate value for the missing value from
+ ; getFillValue, and then assigns the _FillValue and the missing_value
+ ; to this number. This is useful when creating derivations and outputting
+ ; data to netcdf, or dealing with netcdf data that has no attributes.
+ undef("assignFillValue")
+ procedure assignFillValue(var_from:numeric, var_to:numeric)
+ local value
+ begin
+   if (isatt(var_from,"_FillValue")) then
+       var_to at _FillValue    = var_from at _FillValue
+       var_to at missing_value = var_from at _FillValue
+   end if
+ end
+ ;*****************************************************************
+ ; A Phillips
+ ; Sets a data point array to missing if a percentage of good points
+ ; is not met.
+ ; Time is assumed to be on the rightmost side of y
+ ;
+ ; dataperc is the percentage of data which is necessary to use
+ ; in forthcoming calculations in your program. For instance, 
+ ; if dataperc is .75, 75% of the data for a data point must
+ ; be present. If not, all data values for that particular data
+ ; point will be set to missing in this fxn. 
+ ;
+ ; USAGE:
+ ;	y = rmInsufData(y,.75)   ;will replace "y" with filtered array
+ ;	Y = rmInsufData(y,.75)   ;"Y" will be filtered, "y" will be unchanged
+ undef("rmInsufData")
+ function rmInsufData (y:numeric, dataperc:float)
+ local x, dims, numdims, i,j,k,l, dim0,dim1,dim2,dim3,dim4
+ begin
+  x=y
+  dims=dimsizes(x)
+  numdims=dimsizes(dims)
+  if (numdims.eq.1) then
+    dim0=dims(0)
+    if (((num(.not.ismissing(x(:)))*100)/dim0).lt.dataperc*100) then
+       x = x at _FillValue
+    end if
+  end if
+  if (numdims.eq.2) then
+    dim0=dims(0)
+    dim1=dims(1)
+    do i=0,dim0-1
+      if (((num(.not.ismissing(x(i,:)))*100)/dim1).lt.dataperc*100) then
+        x(i,:) = x at _FillValue
+      end if
+    end do	   
+  end if
+  if (numdims.eq.3) then
+    dim0=dims(0)
+    dim1=dims(1)
+    dim2=dims(2)
+    do i=0,dim0-1
+      do j=0,dim1-1
+        if (((num(.not.ismissing(x(i,j,:)))*100)/dim2).lt.dataperc*100) then
+ 	  x(i,j,:) = x at _FillValue
+        end if
+      end do	   
+    end do
+  end if	
+  if (numdims.eq.4) then
+     dim0=dims(0)
+     dim1=dims(1)
+     dim2=dims(2)
+     dim3=dims(3)
+     do i=0,dim0-1
+       do j=0,dim1-1
+ 	 do k=0,dim2-1
+ 	   if(((num(.not.ismissing(x(i,j,k,:)))*100)/dim3).lt.dataperc*100)then
+ 	      x(i,j,k,:) = x at _FillValue
+ 	   end if
+ 	 end do	   
+       end do
+     end do
+  end if	
+  if (numdims.eq.5) then
+    dim0=dims(0)
+    dim1=dims(1)
+    dim2=dims(2)
+    dim3=dims(3)
+    dim4=dims(4)
+    do i=0,dim0-1
+       do j=0,dim1-1
+ 	 do k=0,dim2-1
+ 	    do l=0,dim3-1
+ 	       if(((num(.not.ismissing(x(i,j,k,l,:)))*100)/dim4).lt.
+                     dataperc*100) then
+ 	            x(i,j,k,l,:) = x at _FillValue
+ 	       end if
+ 	     end do	   
+ 	  end do
+       end do
+    end do
+  end if	
+  return(x)
+ end
+ ;; -------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("SqrtCosWeight")
+ function SqrtCosWeight (y:numeric)
+ ;;	Created by Adam Phillips
+ ;;
+ ;;      The name of the latitude dimension is assumed to be "lat"
+ ;;      The rightmost dimension is assumed to be longitude
+ ;;
+ ;;      Acceptable dimension orders:
+ ;;      (lat,lon), (time,lat,lon), (time,???,lat,lon), (time,???,???,lat,lon)
+ ;;
+ ;;      This function will perform square-root of the cosine weighting on the 
+ ;;      given array.
+ ;;
+ ;;                       
+ ;; USAGE:
+ ;;      y = SqrtCosWeight(y)   ;will replace "y" with weighted array
+ ;;      Y = SqrtCosWeight(y)   ;"Y" will be weighted, "y" will be unchanged
+ local x, qwlat, dims, numdims, nlat, pi, rad, coslat, z, sqrtcos, a,b,c,d
+ begin
+         x = y
+      	if (typeof(x&lat).eq."double") then
+ 	   qwlat = doubletofloat(x&lat)
+ 	else
+ 	   qwlat = x&lat
+ 	end if   
+         dims=dimsizes(x)
+         numdims=dimsizes(dims)
+         nlat   = dims(numdims-2)  
+         pi     = 4.*atan(1.0)
+         rad    = (pi/180.)
+         coslat = cos(qwlat*rad)
+         do z = 0,nlat-1
+            if (coslat(z).lt.0) then
+               coslat(z) = 0.            ;sets the cos(90) = 0
+            end if               
+         end do  
+         sqrtcos = sqrt(coslat)
+         if (numdims.eq.2) then
+            do a = 0,nlat-1
+               x(a,:) = x(a,:)*sqrtcos(a)
+            end do  
+         end if
+         if (numdims.eq.3) then
+            do b = 0,nlat-1
+               x(:,b,:) = x(:,b,:)*sqrtcos(b)
+            end do  
+         end if
+         if (numdims.eq.4) then
+            do c = 0,nlat-1
+               x(:,:,c,:) = x(:,:,c,:)*sqrtcos(c)
+            end do  
+         end if
+         if (numdims.eq.5) then
+            do d = 0,nlat-1
+               x(:,:,:,d,:) = x(:,:,:,d,:)*sqrtcos(d)
+            end do  
+         end if
+ 	if (numdims.ge.6) then
+ 	   print("SqrtCosWeight accepts an array with 5 dimensions or less, array has "+numdims+" dimensions, exiting")
+ 	   exit
+ 	end if
+ 	if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+            x at long_name = x at long_name + " (sqrt cosine weighted)"
+         end if
+ return(x)
+ end
+ ;; -------------------------------------------------------
+ undef ("NewCosWeight")
+ function NewCosWeight (y:numeric)
+ ;;	
+ ;;	created by Adam Phillips
+ ;;
+ ;;      The name of the latitude dimension is assumed to be "lat"
+ ;;      The rightmost dimension is assumed to be longitude
+ ;;
+ ;;      Acceptable dimension orders:
+ ;;      (lat,lon), (time,lat,lon), (time,???,lat,lon), (time,???,???,lat,lon)
+ ;;
+ ;;      This function will perform cosine weighting on the given array.
+ ;;
+ ;; USAGE:
+ ;;      y = NewCosWeight(y)   ;will replace "y" with weighted array
+ ;;      Y = NewCosWeight(y)   ;"Y" will be weighted, "y" will be unchanged
+ local x, qwlat, dims, numdims, pi, rad, coslat, nlat, a,b,c,d 
+ begin
+         x = y
+ 	if (typeof(x&lat).eq."double") then
+ 	   qwlat = doubletofloat(x&lat)
+ 	else
+ 	   qwlat = x&lat
+ 	end if
+         dims=dimsizes(x)
+         numdims=dimsizes(dims)
+         pi     = 4.*atan(1.0)
+         rad    = (pi/180.)
+         coslat = cos(qwlat*rad)
+         nlat   = dims(numdims-2)  
+         if (numdims.eq.2) then
+            do a = 0,nlat-1
+               x(a,:) = x(a,:)*coslat(a)
+            end do  
+         end if
+         if (numdims.eq.3) then
+            do b = 0,nlat-1
+               x(:,b,:) = x(:,b,:)*coslat(b)
+            end do  
+         end if
+         if (numdims.eq.4) then
+            do c = 0,nlat-1
+               x(:,:,c,:) = x(:,:,c,:)*coslat(c)
+            end do  
+         end if
+         if (numdims.eq.5) then
+            do d = 0,nlat-1
+               x(:,:,:,d,:) = x(:,:,:,d,:)*coslat(d)
+            end do  
+         end if
+ 	if (numdims.ge.6) then
+ 	   print("NewCosWeight accepts an array with 5 dimensions or less, array has "+numdims+" dimensions, exiting")
+ 	   exit
+ 	end if
+         if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+            x at long_name = x at long_name + " (cosine weighted)"
+         end if
+ return(x)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Unfortunately, NCL's built-in function, "addfiles" does not act like
+ ; the "addfile". It does not return any meta information.
+ ; This function will return all the attributes and coordinate
+ ; variables of a variable returned by "addfiles". This does make
+ ; an assumption in the case of "join" that the leftmost dimension
+ ; is the coordinate variable that must be treated 'specially'
+ ;
+ ; sample usage:
+ ;        diri = "/fs/cgd/data0/shea/"
+ ;        fili = "annual*.nc"
+ ;        fils = systemfunc ("ls "+diri+fili)
+ ;
+ ;        f    = addfiles (fils, "r")
+ ;
+ ;        ListSetType (f, "cat")     ; default
+ ;    or
+ ;        ListSetType (f, "join")    ; [extra dimension]
+ ;
+ ;        T    = addfiles_GetVar (f, fils, "T" )
+ undef("addfiles_GetVar")
+ function addfiles_GetVar (f:list, fils[*]:string, varName:string)
+ local x, dimx, rankx, g, X, dimX, rankX, i
+ begin
+   x     = f[:]->$varName$             ; returned variable [vlaues ONLY]
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)                  
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)              ; # dimensions [rank]
+   g     = addfile (fils(0), "r")      ; read in one variable
+   X     = g->$varName$                ; with original atts + coord vars
+   dimX  = dimsizes(X)                  
+   rankX = dimsizes(dimX)              ; # dimensions [rank]
+   copy_VarAtts (X,x)                  ; copy attributes
+                                       ; copy/create coordinate variables
+   if (rankx.eq.(rankX+1) ) then       ; must be "join"
+      do i=0,rankX-1                    
+         if (.not.ismissing(X!i)) then
+             x!(i+1) = X!i             ; dimensions are offset by one
+             if (iscoord(X,X!i) ) then 
+ 	        x&$x!(i+1)$ = X&$X!i$
+             end if
+         end if
+      end  do
+                                       ; add the extra dim stuff
+      x!0    = "case"                  ; arbitrary dimension name
+      x&$x!0$ = ispan(0,dimx(0)-1,1)   ; sequential sequence
+   else                                ; should be "cat"
+      if (rankx.eq.rankX ) then               
+          do i=0,rankX-1                    
+             if (.not.ismissing(X!i)) then
+                 x!i = X!i             ; name all dimensions
+ 	        if (iscoord(X,X!i) ) then 
+ 	            if (i.eq.0 ) then 
+                         x&$x!0$ = f[:]->$x!0$  ; leftmost dimension
+ 	            else
+ 	                x&$x!i$ = X&$X!i$      ; rightmost dimensions
+                     end if
+                 end if
+             end if
+          end  do
+       else 
+          print ("function addfiles_GetVar: ERROR: dimension problem")
+       end if
+    end if
+   return (x)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; called internally by eofcov_Wrap, eofcor_Wrap, eof_pcmsg_Wrap, eof_pcmsg_Wrap 
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "eofcov"  that copies coordiante variables
+ undef ("eofMeta")
+ procedure eofMeta (data:numeric, neval:integer, eof:numeric)
+ local evn, dimd, dime, nDimd, nDime, i
+ begin
+   if (isatt(data,"long_name") .or. isatt(data,"description") .or. 
+       isatt(data,"standard_name") ) then
+       eof at long_name = "EOF: "+getLongName(data)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(data,"lev") ) then
+       eof at lev = data at lev
+   end if
+   evn  = ispan(1,neval,1)  ; built-in function     
+   evn at long_name = "eigenvalue number"
+   evn at units     = ""
+   evn!0         = "evn"   ; name dimension
+   evn&evn       =  evn    ; make coord variable
+   eof!0     = "evn"        ; name eof leftmost dimension
+   eof&evn   =  evn         ; assign coord var
+   dimd = dimsizes(data)
+   dime = dimsizes(eof)
+   nDimd= dimsizes(dimsizes(data))               ; rank
+   nDime= dimsizes(dimsizes(eof))                
+   do i=0,nDimd-2           ; do not use last dimension
+      if (.not.ismissing(data!i)) then
+          eof!(i+1) = data!i
+          if (iscoord(data,data!i) ) then
+ 	     eof&$eof!(i+1)$ = data&$data!i$
+          end if
+      end if
+   end  do
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrappers for NCL functions "eofcov"/"eofcor"  that copies coord variables
+ ; usage:  eof = eofcov_Wrap (data, neval)    
+ ;         eof = eofcor_Wrap (data, neval)    
+ undef ("eofcov_Wrap")
+ function eofcov_Wrap (data:numeric, neval:integer) 
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "eofcov"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local eof
+ begin
+   eof = eofcov(data, neval)    ; invoke built-in function
+   eofMeta (data, neval, eof)   ; add meta information
+   eof at matrix = "covariance"
+   return  (eof)                ; return
+ end
+ undef ("eofcor_Wrap")
+ function eofcor_Wrap (data:numeric, neval:integer) 
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "eofcor"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local eof
+ begin
+   eof  = eofcor(data, neval)
+   eofMeta (data, neval, eof)
+   eof at matrix = "correlation"
+   return (eof)
+ end
+ undef ("eofcov_pcmsg_Wrap")
+ function eofcov_pcmsg_Wrap (data:numeric, neval:integer, pcrit:numeric) 
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "eofcov_pcmsg"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local eof
+ begin
+   eof = eofcov_pcmsg(data, neval, pcrit)    ; invoke built-in function
+   eofMeta (data, neval, eof)   ; add meta information
+   eof at matrix = "covariance"
+   eof at pcrit  = pcrit
+   return  (eof)                ; return
+ end
+ undef ("eofcor_pcmsg_Wrap")
+ function eofcor_pcmsg_Wrap (data:numeric, neval:integer, pcrit:numeric) 
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "eofcor_pcmsg"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local eof
+ begin
+   eof = eofcor_pcmsg(data, neval, pcrit)
+   eofMeta (data, neval, eof)
+   eof at matrix = "correlation"
+   eof at pcrit  = pcrit
+   return (eof)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; called internally by eofcov_ts_Wrap and eofcor_ts_Wrap 
+ ; wrapper for NCL functions "eofcov_ts" "eofcor_ts"  
+ ; that copies coordiante variables
+ undef ("eofTsMeta")
+ procedure eofTsMeta (data:numeric, eof:numeric, eofTs:numeric)
+ local dimd, dime, nDimd, nDime, i, j
+ begin
+   dimd = dimsizes(data)
+   dime = dimsizes(eofTs)
+   nDimd= dimsizes(dimsizes(data))               ; rank
+   nDime= dimsizes(dimsizes(eofTs))                
+   if (isatt(data,"long_name") .or. isatt(data,"description") .or. 
+       isatt(data,"standard_name") ) then
+       eofTs at long_name = "EOF: Amplitude: "+getLongName(data)
+   end if
+   if (.not.ismissing(eof!0)) then
+       eofTs!0 = eof!0
+       if (iscoord(eof,eof!0) ) then
+           eofTs&$eofTs!0$ = eof&$eof!0$
+       end if
+   end if
+   i   = nDimd-1            ; rightmost dimension of data
+   j   = nDime-1            ; rightmost dimension of eofTs
+   if (.not.ismissing(data!i)) then
+       eofTs!j = data!i
+       if (iscoord(data,data!i) ) then
+           eofTs&$eofTs!j$ = data&$data!i$
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrappers for NCL functions "eofcov_ts"/"eofcor_ts"  that copies coord variables
+ ; usage:  eof = eofcov_ts_Wrap (data, eof)    
+ ;         eof = eofcor_ts_Wrap (data, eof)    
+ undef ("eofcov_ts_Wrap")
+ function eofcov_ts_Wrap (data:numeric, eof:numeric)
+ local eofTS 
+ begin
+   eofTs = eofcov_ts(data, eof)    ; invoke built-in function
+   eofTsMeta (data, eof, eofTs)    ; add meta information
+   return  (eofTs)                 ; return
+ end
+ undef ("eofcor_ts_Wrap")
+ function eofcor_ts_Wrap (data:numeric, eof:numeric)
+ local eofTS 
+ begin
+   eofTs = eofcor_ts(data, eof)    ; invoke built-in function
+   eofTsMeta (data, eof, eofTs)    ; add meta information
+   return  (eofTs)                 ; return
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ ;
+ ; Project the eofts onto the Data and return an 'eof' pattern.
+ ; No normalization is performed.
+ ;
+ ; usage:   eof   = eofcov (x,neval)
+ ;          eofts = eofcov_ts (x,eof)  ; where 'deof' is the data used
+ ;          EOF   = eoftsData2eof(eof_ts, deof, False) 
+ ;
+ ; currently: the option argument is not used. 
+ ;
+ undef("eoftsData2eof")
+ function eoftsData2eof (eof_ts[*][*], data:numeric, option:logical )
+ local dimd, rank, dimts, neval, ntim, npts, eof, nev 
+     , np, opt, n, mx, MX, ny, NY
+ begin
+   dimd  = dimsizes(data)
+   rank  = dimsizes(dimd)
+   if (rank.lt.2 .or. rank.gt.3) then
+       print("-----")
+       print("contributed: eoftsData2eof: only works with arrays of2 or 3")
+       exit
+   end if
+   dimts = dimsizes(eof_ts)
+   neval = dimts(0)
+   ntim  = dimts(1)
+   if (rank.eq.2) then
+       npts = dimd(0)
+       eof = new ( (/neval,npts/), typeof(data),getFillValue(data) ) 
+       do nev=0,neval-1
+         do np=0,npts-1
+            eof(nev,np) = sum(eof_ts(nev,:)*data(np,:))
+         end do
+       end do 
+       eof!0 = "evn"
+       if (isdimnamed(data,0)) then
+           eof!1 = data!0
+           if (iscoord(data,data!0) ) then
+               eof&$eof!0$ = data&$data!0$
+           end if
+       else
+           eof!1 = "npts"
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3) then
+       NY = dimd(0)
+       MX = dimd(1)
+       eof = new ( (/neval,NY,MX/), typeof(data),getFillValue(data) ) 
+       do nev=0,neval-1
+         do ny=0,NY-1
+         do mx=0,MX-1
+            eof(nev,ny,mx) = sum(eof_ts(nev,:)*data(ny,mx,:))
+         end do
+         end do
+       end do 
+       eof!0 = "evn"
+       do n=1,2
+          nm1 = n-1
+          if (isdimnamed(data,n)) then
+              eof!n = data!nm1
+            if (iscoord(data,data!nm1) ) then
+                eof&$eof!n$ = data&$data!nm1$
+            end if
+          end if
+       end do
+   end if
+   return(eof)
+ end
+ undef ("eofunc_Wrap")
+ function eofunc_Wrap (data:numeric, neval:integer, optEOF:logical) 
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "eofunc"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local eofx
+ begin
+   eofx = eofunc(data, neval, optEOF)    ; invoke built-in function
+   eofMeta (data, neval, eofx)           ; add meta information
+   return  (eofx)                        ; return
+ end
+ undef ("eofunc_ts_Wrap")
+ function eofunc_ts_Wrap (data:numeric, eof:numeric, optETS:logical)
+ local eofTS 
+ begin
+   eofTs = eofunc_ts(data, eof, optETS) ; invoke built-in function
+   eofTsMeta (data, eof, eofTs)      ; add meta information
+   return  (eofTs)                   ; return
+ end
+ undef ("eofunc_varimax_Wrap")
+ function eofunc_varimax_Wrap (eof:numeric, optEVX:integer)
+ local eofEVX
+ begin
+   eofEVX    = eofunc_varimax(eof, optEVX) ; invoke built-in function
+   eofEVX at op = "Kaiser Varimax Rotation: opt="+optEVX
+   copy_VarCoords(eof, eofEVX)
+   return  (eofEVX)                        ; return
+ end
+ ;*******************************************************************
+ ; Returns the varimax rotated EOFs in descending order.
+ ;*******************************************************************
+ undef("eof_varimax_reorder")
+ procedure eof_varimax_reorder ( eofr )
+ local dime, rank, neof, ip, EOFR
+ begin
+   dime = dimsizes( eofr )
+   rank = dimsizes( dime )
+   if (rank.lt.2 .or. rank.gt.3) then
+       print("eof_varimax_reorder: Currently eofr must be 2D or 3D.")
+       print("eof_varimax_reorder: ***** Return original array ****")
+   end if
+   neofr= dime(0)
+   ip   = dim_pqsort( eofr at pcvar_varimax, -1 )   ; descending order
+   EOFR = eofr                                   ; temp and copt meta
+   do ne=0,neofr-1
+      if (rank.eq.2) then
+          eofr(ne,:)   = (/ EOFR(ip(ne),:) /)
+      end if
+      if (rank.eq.3) then
+          eofr(ne,:,:) = (/ EOFR(ip(ne),:,:) /)
+      end if
+      eofr at pcvar_varimax(ne)    = (/ EOFR at pcvar_varimax(ip(ne))    /)
+      eofr at variance_varimax(ne) = (/ EOFR at variance_varimax(ip(ne)) /)
+   end do
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; different entry name .... 
+ ; **************************************************************
+ undef("eofunc_varimax_reorder")
+ procedure eofunc_varimax_reorder ( eofr )
+ begin
+    eof_varimax_reorder( eofr )
+ end
+ ; **************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; reorder [flip] the longitude coordinate variable
+ ; NOTE:
+ ; (1) coordinate "lon"  is assumed to be the rightmost dim
+ ; (2) the longitude is assume to be "global"
+ ; (3) cyclic pt NOT allowed here
+ ; change to the return variable:  Feb 9 2001
+ ; instead of returning "x" I return "temp"
+ undef("lonFlip")
+ function lonFlip (x:numeric)   
+ local dimx, nDim, mon, mlon2, temp, i
+ begin
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   nDim  = dimsizes(dimx)
+   if (nDim.gt.5) then
+       print ("lonflip: too many dimensions: nDim="+nDim)
+       return (x)
+   end if
+   mlon  = dimx(nDim-1)
+   if (mlon%2 .ne. 0) then
+       print ("lonflip: longitude dimension size must be even: mlon="+mlon)
+       exit
+   end if
+   mlon2 = mlon/2
+   if (mlon%2.ne.0) then
+       print("=======================")
+       print("Currently, lonFlip requires that the number")
+       print("of longitudes be even. mlon="+mlon          )
+       print("=======================")
+       exit
+   end if
+   temp = x
+   if (nDim.eq.1) then
+       temp(0:mlon2-1) = (/ x(mlon2:)    /)
+       temp(mlon2:)    = (/ x(0:mlon2-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.2) then
+       temp(:,0:mlon2-1) = (/ x(:,mlon2:)    /)
+       temp(:,mlon2:)    = (/ x(:,0:mlon2-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.3) then
+       temp(:,:,0:mlon2-1) = (/ x(:,:,mlon2:)    /)
+       temp(:,:,mlon2:)    = (/ x(:,:,0:mlon2-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.4) then
+       temp(:,:,:,0:mlon2-1) = (/ x(:,:,:,mlon2:)    /)
+       temp(:,:,:,mlon2:)    = (/ x(:,:,:,0:mlon2-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.5) then
+       temp(:,:,:,:,0:mlon2-1) = (/ x(:,:,:,:,mlon2:)    /)
+       temp(:,:,:,:,mlon2:)    = (/ x(:,:,:,:,0:mlon2-1) /)
+   end if
+   i = nDim-1                      ; last dimension
+   if (.not.ismissing(x!i)) then
+      if (iscoord(x,x!i)) then
+          xlon = x&$x!i$           ; original coord variable
+          tlon = (/ xlon /)
+          xlon(0:mlon2-1) = (/ tlon(mlon2:) /)
+          xlon(mlon2:)    = (/ tlon(0:mlon2-1)/)            
+          if (tlon(0).ge.0.) then  ; (say) 0=>355
+              xlon(0:mlon2-1) = (/ tlon(mlon2:) - 360 /)
+              xlon(mlon2:)    = (/ tlon(0:mlon2-1)    /)            
+          else                     ; (say) -180=>175
+              xlon(0:mlon2-1) = (/ tlon(mlon2:) /)
+              xlon(mlon2:)    = (/ tlon(0:mlon2-1) + 360  /)           
+          end if
+          temp&$x!i$ = xlon           ; new coord variable
+      end if
+   else
+      print ("lonFlip: warning: last dimension is not named")
+   end if
+   temp at lonFlip = "longitude coordinate variable " + 
+               "has been reordered via lonFlip"
+   return (temp)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; pivot (flip) the contents of array "x" about some arbitrary
+ ; user specified longitude. The effect is similar to "lonFlip"
+ ; However, lonFlip will pivot about the mid point [whatever that is]
+ ; while thus function allows the user to specify what lon to pivot about.
+ ; grid must be "global" [no cyclic point] and it assumes that the
+ ; rightmost dimension of "x" is a coordinate variable corresponding
+ ; to longitude.
+ ; change to the return variable:  Feb 9 2001
+ ; usage    xNew = lonPivot (x, 20.)    ; pivot about 20E
+ ;             x = lonPivot (x, 20.)    ; can overwrite
+ undef("lonPivot")
+ function lonPivot (x:numeric, pivotLon:numeric)
+ local dimx, nDim, lonName, temp, xlon, indP, mlon, indL, n 
+     , temp, tlon, indt
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimx)
+   if (nDim.gt.5) then
+       print ("contributed.ncl: lonflip: too many dims: nDim="+nDim)
+       return (x)
+   end if
+   if (.not.ismissing(x!(nDim-1)) ) then
+       lonName = x!(nDim-1)
+   else
+       print ("contributed.ncl: lonPivot: lon coord var is msg")
+       exit
+   end if 
+   temp     = x
+   xlon     = x&$lonName$                ; original coord variable
+   xlon!0   = "lon"
+   xlon&lon = (/ xlon /)
+   indP = ind(xlon.eq.xlon({pivotLon}))  ; must be exact
+   if (ismissing(indP)) then
+       print ("contributed.ncl: lonPivot: bad pivot value")
+       exit
+   end if
+   mlon = dimx(nDim-1)    ; # of longitudes
+   indL = mlon-1          ; last index
+   n    = indL-indP
+   if (nDim.eq.1) then
+       temp(0:n)      = (/ x(indP:indL)/)
+       temp(n+1:)     = (/ x(0:indP-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.2) then
+       temp(:,0:n)    = (/ x(:,indP:indL)/) 
+       temp(:,n+1:)   = (/ x(:,0:indP-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.3) then
+       temp(:,:,0:n)  = (/ x(:,:,indP:indL)/)
+       temp(:,:,n+1:) = (/ x(:,:,0:indP-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.4) then
+       temp(:,:,:,0:n)  = (/ x(:,:,:,indP:indL)/)
+       temp(:,:,:,n+1:) = (/ x(:,:,:,0:indP-1) /)
+   end if
+   if (nDim.eq.5) then
+       temp(:,:,:,:,0:n) = (/ x(:,:,:,:,indP:indL)/)
+       temp(:,:,:,:,n+1:)= (/ x(:,:,:,:,0:indP-1) /)
+   end if
+   tlon       = new ( mlon, typeof(xlon) )
+   tlon(0:n)  = (/ xlon(indP:indL) /)
+   tlon(n+1:) = (/ xlon(0:indP-1)/)            
+   delete (tlon at _FillValue)
+   if (tlon(0).ge.0.) then  ; (say) 20,25,...,350,355,0,5,..
+       indt = ind(tlon.lt.tlon(0))
+       if (.not.all(ismissing(indt))) then
+           tlon(indt) = (/ tlon(indt) + 360. /)
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (tlon(0).ge.180. .or. tlon(0).eq.360.) then
+       tlon = (/ tlon -360. /)
+   end if
+   copy_VarAtts   (xlon,tlon)
+   temp&$lonName$ = tlon           ; new coord variable
+   temp at lonPivot  = "reordered via lonPivot [NCL]: pivotLon="+pivotLon
+   return (temp)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Dennis Shea
+ undef("natgrid_Wrap")
+ function natgrid_Wrap (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                       ,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric)
+ local fo, dimfi, nDimi, nDimo
+ begin
+   fo = natgrid (xi,yi,fi, xo,yo)            ; perform interpolation 
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDimi= dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; rank: # of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   if (nDimi.ge.2) then                          ; copy coord vars
+       copy_VarCoords_1(fi,fo)                   ; except for rightmost dim
+   end if
+   nDimo = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))
+   dNam = getvardims( yo )
+   if (.not.ismissing(dNam)) then
+       fo!(nDimo-2) = dNam
+       fo&$dNam$    = yo
+   else
+       fo!(nDimo-2) = "y"
+       fo&y         = yo
+   end if
+   delete(dNam)
+   dNam = getvardims( xo )
+   if (.not.ismissing(dNam)) then
+       fo!(nDimo-1) = dNam
+       fo&$dNam$    = xo
+   else
+       fo!(nDimo-1) = "x"
+       fo&x         = xo
+   end if
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Dennis Shea
+ undef("obj_anal_ic_Wrap")
+ function obj_anal_ic_Wrap (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                           ,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric,rscan[*]:numeric 
+                           ,opt[1]:logical)
+ local fo, dimfi, nDimi, nDimo
+ begin
+   fo = obj_anal_ic (xi,yi,fi, xo,yo,rscan,opt)  ; perform interpolation 
+   dimfi = dimsizes(fi)
+   nDimi = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                ; rank: # of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   if (nDimi.ge.2) then                          ; copy coord vars
+       copy_VarCoords_1(fi,fo)                   ; except for rightmost dim
+   end if
+   nDimo = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))
+   dNam = getvardims( yo )
+   if (.not.ismissing(dNam)) then
+       fo!(nDimo-2) = dNam
+       fo&$dNam$    = yo
+   else
+       fo!(nDimo-2) = "y"
+       fo&y         = yo
+   end if
+   delete(dNam)
+   dNam = getvardims( xo )
+   if (.not.ismissing(dNam)) then
+       fo!(nDimo-1) = dNam
+       fo&$dNam$    = xo
+   else
+       fo!(nDimo-1) = "x"
+       fo&x         = xo
+   end if
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Dennis Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function runave
+ undef ("runave_Wrap")
+ function runave_Wrap( x:numeric, nave[1]:integer, kopt[1]:integer)
+ local xRunAve
+ begin
+  ;xRunAve = x                               ; 10 Nov 2008
+   xRunAve = runave (x, nave, kopt)   
+   copy_VarMeta(x, xRunAve)                  ; 10 Nov 2008
+   xRunAve at runave_op_ncl = "runave: nave="+nave 
+   return(xRunAve)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Mary Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL function runave_n
+ undef ("runave_n_Wrap")
+ function runave_n_Wrap( x:numeric, nave[1]:integer, kopt[1]:integer, 
+                         dim[1]:integer)
+ local xRunAve
+ begin
+  ;xRunAve = x
+   xRunAve = runave_n (x, nave, kopt, dim)   
+   copy_VarMeta(x, xRunAve)
+   xRunAve at runave_op_ncl = "runave_n: nave="+nave 
+   return(xRunAve)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Dennis Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function wgt_runave
+ undef ("wgt_runave_Wrap")
+ function wgt_runave_Wrap( x:numeric, wgt[*]:numeric, kopt[1]:integer)
+ local wRunAve
+ begin
+  ;wRunAve = x                               ; 10 Nov 2008
+   wRunAve = wgt_runave (x, wgt, kopt)   
+   copy_VarMeta(x, wRunAve)                  ; 10 Nov 2008
+   wRunAve at wgt_runave_op_ncl = "wgt_runave"
+   return(wRunAve)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Mary Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL function wgt_runave_n
+ undef ("wgt_runave_n_Wrap")
+ function wgt_runave_n_Wrap( x:numeric, wgt[*]:numeric, kopt[1]:integer, 
+                             dim[1]:integer)
+ local wRunAve
+ begin
+  ;wRunAve = x
+   wRunAve = wgt_runave_n (x, wgt, kopt, dim)   
+   copy_VarMeta(x, wRunAve)
+   wRunAve at wgt_runave_op_ncl = "wgt_runave_n"
+   return(wRunAve)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Dennis Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function taper
+ undef ("taper_Wrap")
+ function taper_Wrap( x:numeric, pct[1]:numeric, kopt[1]:numeric)
+ local xTaper 
+ begin
+  ;xTaper = x            
+   xTaper = taper (x, pct, kopt)   
+   copy_VarMeta(x, xTaper)       
+   xTaper at taper_op_ncl = "taper: pct="+sprintf("%4.2f", pct)
+   return(xTaper)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Mary Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL function taper_n, added 11/1/2009
+ ;
+ undef ("taper_n_Wrap")
+ function taper_n_Wrap( x:numeric, pct[1]:numeric, kopt[1]:numeric,  
+                        dim[1]:integer)
+ local xTaper 
+ begin
+  ;xTaper = x            
+   xTaper = taper_n (x, pct, kopt, dim)
+   copy_VarMeta(x, xTaper)       
+   xTaper at taper_op_ncl = "taper_n: pct="+sprintf("%4.2f", pct)
+   return(xTaper)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Mary Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL function escorc
+ ;
+ ; This wrapper is unique because of the multiple
+ ; dimensionality possibilities of x and y.
+ undef ("escorc_Wrap")
+ function escorc_Wrap(x:numeric, y:numeric)
+ local ccr, ndims_x, ndims_y, rank_x, rank_y, xnames, ynames
+ begin
+   dsizes_x = dimsizes(x)
+   dsizes_y = dimsizes(y)
+   rank_x   = dimsizes(dsizes_x)
+   rank_y   = dimsizes(dsizes_y)
+   ccr = escorc (x, y)
+   if(rank_x.gt.1.and.rank_x.eq.rank_y) then
+     copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, ccr, rank_x-1)
+   else
+     ccr_n = 0   ; dimension counter for ccr 
+     if(rank_x.gt.1) then
+       xnames = getvardims(x)
+       do n=0,rank_x-2
+         if (ismissing(xnames(n))) then
+           xnames(n) = "ncl_"+ccr_n
+         end if
+         ccr!ccr_n = xnames(n)
+         if(iscoord(x,xnames(n))) then
+           ccr&$ccr!ccr_n$ = x&$xnames(n)$
+         end if
+         ccr_n = ccr_n + 1
+       end do
+     end if
+     if(rank_y.gt.1) then
+       ynames = getvardims(y)
+       do n=0,rank_y-2
+         if (ismissing(ynames(n))) then
+           ynames(n) = "ncl_"+ccr_n
+         end if
+         ccr!ccr_n = ynames(n)
+         if(iscoord(y,ynames(n))) then
+           ccr&$ccr!ccr_n$ = y&$ynames(n)$
+         end if
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if
+   ccr at escorc_op_ncl = "escorc"
+   return(ccr)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Mary Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL function escorc_n
+ ;
+ ; This wrapper is a pain because of the multiple
+ ; dimensionality possibilities of x and y.
+ undef ("escorc_n_Wrap")
+ function escorc_n_Wrap(x:numeric,y:numeric,xdims[*]:integer,
+                        ydims[*]:integer)
+ local ccr, rank_x, rank_y, xnames, ynames, n, ccr_n
+ begin
+   rank_x = dimsizes(dimsizes(x))
+   rank_y = dimsizes(dimsizes(y))
+   ccr = escorc_n (x, y, xdims, ydims)
+ ; copy_VarAtts(x, ccr)
+   if(rank_x.gt.1.and.rank_x.eq.rank_y) then
+     copy_VarCoords_not_n (x, ccr, xdims)
+   else
+     ccr_n = 0   ; dimension counter for ccr 
+     if(rank_x.gt.1) then
+       xnames = getvardims(x)
+       do n=0,rank_x-1
+         if (.not.any(n.eq.xdims)) then
+           if(ismissing(xnames(n))) then
+             xnames(n) = "ncl_"+ccr_n
+           end if
+           ccr!ccr_n = xnames(n)
+           if(iscoord(x,xnames(n))) then
+             ccr&$ccr!ccr_n$ = x&$xnames(n)$
+           end if
+           ccr_n = ccr_n + 1
+         end if
+       end do
+     end if
+     if(rank_x.gt.1) then
+       ynames = getvardims(y)
+       do n=0,rank_y-1
+         if (.not.any(n.eq.ydims)) then
+           if (ismissing(ynames(n))) then
+             ynames(n) = "ncl_"+ccr_n
+           end if
+           ccr!ccr_n = ynames(n)
+           if(iscoord(y,ynames(n))) then
+             ccr&$ccr!ccr_n$ = y&$ynames(n)$
+           end if
+           ccr_n = ccr_n + 1
+         end if
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if
+   ccr at escorc_op_ncl = "escorc_n"
+   return(ccr)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Dennis Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function wgt_areaave
+ undef ("wgt_areaave_Wrap")
+ function wgt_areaave_Wrap (x:numeric, wgty[*]:numeric, wgtx[*]:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local dimx, rank, areaAve
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   rank = dimsizes(dimx)
+   if (rank.lt.2) then
+       print("wgt_areaave_Wrap: incorrect rank")
+       exit
+   end if
+   areaAve  = wgt_areaave (x, wgty, wgtx, 0)   
+   if (rank.gt.2) then
+       copy_VarMeta (x, areaAve)          ; contributed.ncl (copy meta data)
+   else
+       copy_VarAtts (x, areaAve)
+       if (isatt(areaAve,"gwt")) then
+           delete(areaAve at gwt)
+       end if
+   end if
+   areaAve at wgt_areaave_op_ncl = "Area Average"
+   return(areaAve)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ undef("wgt_runave_leftdim")
+ function wgt_runave_leftdim(x:numeric, wgt[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer)
+ ;
+ ; utility routine ... makes for cleaner code
+ ; Reorder so time is rightmost; applies Lanczos weights, reorder back
+ ;
+ ; Updated 11/7/2009 to use wgt_runave_n_Wrap
+ ;
+ begin
+   return( wgt_runave_n_Wrap( x, wgt, opt, 0) )
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ undef("taper_leftdim")
+ function taper_leftdim(x:numeric, pct[1]:numeric, opt[1]:integer)
+ ;
+ ; utility routine ... makes for cleaner code
+ ; Reorder so time is rightmost; applies taper, reorder back
+ ;
+ ; Updated 11/1/2009 to use taper_n_Wrap. No reordering needed.
+ ;
+ local n, dimx, rank, dNam
+ begin
+   if (pct.le.0 .or. pct.gt.1) then
+       print("**************************************************")
+       print("taper_leftdim: no taper: bad input value: pct="+pct)
+       print("**************************************************")
+       return
+   end if
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)
+   rank = dimsizes( dimx )
+   if (rank.eq.1) then
+       return( taper_Wrap( x, PCT, opt) )
+   end if
+   dNam = getvardims( x )
+   do n=0,rank-1
+      if (ismissing(dNam(n))) then
+          dNam(n) = "ncl_"+n
+          x!n     = dNam(n)
+      end if
+   end do
+   return( taper_n_Wrap( x, pct, opt, 0) )
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ undef("dtrend_leftdim")
+ function dtrend_leftdim(x:numeric, opt[1]:logical)
+ ;
+ ; utility routine ... makes for cleaner code
+ ;
+ ; Pre V5.2.0: Reorder so time is rightmost; detrend the time series,
+ ;     reorder back
+ ;
+ ; Post V5.2.0: Updated 11/1/09 to use dtrend_n.
+ ;
+ local x_dtrend
+ begin
+   x_dtrend = x                             ; retain meta data
+   x_dtrend = dtrend_n( x, opt, 0) 
+   return (x_dtrend)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Ethan Alpert
+ ;
+ ; This is for fortran SEQUENTIAL files that need to be byte swapped. This
+ ; requires *all* records in the file to be the same type and dimension size.
+ ; It also requires that the use provide the dimensionality of each record.
+ ; The number of records is *not* necessary. If you input wrong dimensions
+ ; for each record it *will* screw up the data.
+ ;
+ ; Output file will be sequential access file
+ ;
+ ;   [06 Feb 2011 - added support for "long" dims]
+ undef ("fbinseqSwap1")
+ procedure fbinseqSwap1(in_file[1]:string, outfile[1]:string 
+                       ,type[1]:string,  dims[*])
+ local indata, tot, n, sz, i, done, tmp
+ begin
+ 	indata = cbinread(in_file,-1,"byte")
+ 	tot = tolong(dimsizes(indata))
+        ;print(tot)
+ 	n = tolong(product(dims))   ; Use longs to handle large sizes
+        ;print(n)
+ 	if(type.eq."long")
+ 		print("fbinswap: won't convert longs due to fact that " + 
+                       "they can be different sizes on different machines, " + 
+                       "use int64/double for 64 bit ints and integer for 32 bit longs")
+ 		return
+ 	end if
+ 	if(type.eq."short")
+ 		sz = 2l
+ 	end if
+ 	if(any(type.eq.(/"integer","float"/)))
+ 		sz = 4l
+ 	end if
+ 	if(any(type.eq.(/"int64","double"/)))
+ 		sz = 8l
+ 	end if
+ ;
+ ; Skip first control word
+ ;
+ 	i    = 4l
+ 	done = False
+ 	do while(.not.done)
+ 		tmp = onedtond(indata(i:i+n*sz-1),(/n,sz/))
+ 	 	fbinrecwrite(outfile,-1,tmp(:,::-1))
+ ;
+ ; Skip control word after current record and before next
+ ;
+ 		i = i + 8l + n*sz
+ 		if(i.ge.tot)
+ 			done = True
+ 		end if
+ 	end do
+ end	
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; Ethan Alpert
+ ; more memory friendly version of fbinseqSwap1
+ ; note: it requires an extra dimension
+ ;
+ ; Output file will be fortran sequential access file
+ ;
+ ;   [06 Feb 2011 - added support for "long" dims]
+ undef ("fbinseqSwap2")
+ procedure fbinseqSwap2(in_file[1]:string, outfile[1]:string, 
+                        type[1]:string, nrec[1]:integer, dims[*])
+ local n, sz, i, indata, tmp
+ begin
+ 	n = tolong(product(dims))
+ 	if(type.eq."long")
+ 		print("fbinswap: won't convert longs due to fact that " + 
+                       "they can be different sizes on different machines, " + 
+                       "use int64/double for 64 bit longs and integer for 32 bit longs")
+ 		return
+ 	end if
+ 	if(type.eq."short")
+ 		sz = 2l
+ 	end if
+ 	if(any(type.eq.(/"integer","float"/)))
+ 		sz = 4l
+ 	end if
+ 	if(any(type.eq.(/"int64","double"/)))
+ 		sz = 8l
+ 	end if
+ 	recsize = n*sz
+ 	do rnum = 0,nrec,1
+ 		indata = fbindirread(in_file,rnum,recsize+8,"byte")
+ 		tmp = onedtond(indata(4:4+recsize-1),(/n,sz/))
+ 	 	fbinrecwrite(outfile,-1,tmp(:,::-1))
+ 	end do
+ end	
+ ;******************
+ ;
+ ; This is for fortran DIRECT access files that need to be byte swapped.
+ ; formerly called "reverseEndian"
+ ;
+ ; Output file will be direct access binary file
+ ;
+ undef ("fbindirSwap")
+ procedure fbindirSwap (infile:string, dims 
+                       ,inType:string, outFile:string)
+ ; procedure that reads byte reversed data 
+ ; create a new output file which can then be read
+ ; via fbindirread or cbinread
+ ; Example:   fbindirSwap ("/shea/bigEnd", (/100,72,144/) \

+ ;                        ,"float","/shea/littleEnd")
+ local nBytes, dimBytes, indata
+ begin
+  ;print ("Start fbindirSwap: "+systemfunc("date"))
+   nBytes = 4l     ; treat as longs just in case large dimensions
+   if (inType.eq."double") then
+       nBytes  = 8l
+   end if
+   dimBytes  = (/product(dims),nBytes/)
+  ;print (dimBytes)
+                                   ; read data as bytes
+   indata = fbindirread(infile,0,dimBytes,"byte")
+  ;printVarSummary (indata)
+                                   ; write to temporary file
+                                   ; and reverse byte order
+   system ("/usr/bin/rm "+outFile) ; delete if it exists
+   fbindirwrite(outFile,indata(:,::-1))
+  ;print ("End   fbindirSwap: "+systemfunc("date"))
+ end
+ ;***************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Calculates a base 2 logarithm.
+   undef("LOG2")
+   function LOG2(x:numeric)
+   begin
+ 	return(log10(x)/log10(2.))
+   end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "zonal_mpsi"  that copies coord variables
+ ; and adds attributes
+ ; usage:  zmpsi = zonal_mpsi_Wrap (v, lat, p, ps)
+ undef ("zonal_mpsi_Wrap")
+ function zonal_mpsi_Wrap (v:numeric, lat[*]:numeric, p[*]:numeric, ps:numeric)
+ local zmpsi
+ begin
+   zmpsi = zonal_mpsi (v, lat, p, ps)
+   copy_VarCoords_1 (v, zmpsi)
+   zmpsi at long_name = "Zonal Meridional Stream Function"
+   zmpsi at units     = "kg/s"
+   return (zmpsi)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; transpose a matrix: copies all attributes and coordinate variables
+ ; usage:  xT = transpose (x)
+ undef ("transpose")
+ function transpose (x)
+ local dimx, N, N1, n, X, namedDim, xT
+ begin
+   dimx  = dimsizes (x)
+   N     = dimsizes( dimx )        ; rank of matrix
+   N1    = N-1                     ; for convenience
+   if (N.gt.6) then
+       print ("transpose: currently set up for a max of 6 dimensions")
+       exit
+   end if
+                                   ; is each dimension named?
+   namedDim = getvardims(x)
+   do n=0,N1     
+      if (ismissing(namedDim(n))) then
+          x!n = "dim"+n 
+      end if
+   end do
+   if (N.eq.1) then
+       xx = onedtond(x, (/1,dimx/) )
+       xx!0 = "dumy"
+       xx!1 = x!0
+       xT = xx($xx!1$|:, $xx!0$|:)
+       delete(xT!1)
+       return(xT)
+   end if
+   if (N.eq.2) then
+       xT = x($x!N1$|:, $x!(N1-1)$|:)
+   end if
+   if (N.eq.3) then
+       xT = x($x!N1$|:, $x!(N1-1)$|:, $x!(N1-2)$|: )
+   end if
+   if (N.eq.4) then
+       xT = x($x!N1$|:, $x!(N1-1)$|:, $x!(N1-2)$|:, $x!(N1-3)$|: )
+   end if
+   if (N.eq.5) then
+       xT = x($x!N1$|:, $x!(N1-1)$|:, $x!(N1-2)$|:, $x!(N1-3)$|:, $x!(N1-4)$|: )
+   end if
+   if (N.eq.6) then
+       xT = x($x!N1$|:, $x!(N1-1)$|:, $x!(N1-2)$|:, $x!(N1-3)$|:, $x!(N1-4)$|:, $x!(N1-5)$|: )
+   end if
+                                 ; if temporary dim name
+   do n=0,N1     
+      if (ismissing(namedDim(n))) then
+         delete(x!n)             ; delete temporary name 
+         delete(xT!(N1-n))
+      end if
+   end do
+   return (xT)
+ end
+ ; ------------------------
+ ; D Shea
+ ; compute a user specified seasonal mean [all are three-month means]
+ ; first (DJF=JF) /last (NDJ=ND) seasons are 2-month averages
+ ;
+ ; x(time,lat,lon),  x(time,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;   ^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   
+ ; must have named dim BUT can be ANY names
+ ;
+ ; The input "x" are assumed to contain monthly mean data
+ ; The size of "time" MUST be divisible by 12.
+ ; Also, it is assumed the "Jan" is the 1st month.
+ ;
+ ; xMon(time)  or  xMon(time,lat,lon)   or  xMon(time,lev,lat,lon)
+ ; USAGE     xJJA = month_to_season (xMon, "JJA")
+ ;
+ ; RESULT    xJJA(time/12,lev,lat,lon)    xJJA(time/12,lat,lon)
+ ;
+ ; Note: this returns (7/2003) NMO as an attribute
+ undef ("month_to_season")
+ function month_to_season (xMon:numeric, SEASON:string)
+ local season,NMO,dimx,rank,ntim,nlat,mlon,nmos,nyrs,con 
+     , nyrStrt,nyrLast,nyr,n,xSea, klev, dName,cv,xSea
+ begin
+   season  =  (/"DJF","JFM","FMA","MAM","AMJ","MJJ" 
+               ,"JJA","JAS","ASO","SON","OND","NDJ" /)
+   NMO     = ind(season.eq.SEASON)  ; index corresponding to season
+   if (ismissing(NMO)) then
+       print ("contributed: month_to_season: bad season: SEASON="+SEASON)
+       exit
+   end if
+   dimx    = dimsizes(xMon)
+   rank    = dimsizes(dimx)
+   if (rank.eq.2 .or. rank.ge.5) then
+       print ("contributed: month_to_season: rank="+rank)
+       print ("----- rank currently not handled -----")
+   end if
+   nmos    = 12
+   ntim    = dimx(0)
+   modCheck ("month_to_season", ntim, nmos)
+   if (rank.ge.3) then
+       nlat    = dimx(rank-2)
+       mlon    = dimx(rank-1)
+   end if
+   nyrs    = ntim/nmos
+   con     = 1./3.
+   nyrStrt = 0
+   nyrLast = nyrs-1
+   if (NMO.eq.0) then
+       nyrStrt = 1
+   end if
+   if (NMO.eq.nmos-1) then
+       nyrLast = nyrs-2
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.1) then
+       xSea = new ( nyrs, typeof(xMon), getFillValue(xMon))
+       do nyr=nyrStrt,nyrLast
+          n = nyr*nmos + NMO
+          xSea(nyr) = (xMon(n-1) + xMon(n) + xMon(n+1))*con
+       end do
+                                         ; special for beginning/end points
+      if (NMO.eq.0) then
+          n = 0
+          xSea(0) = (xMon(n) + xMon(n+1))*0.5
+      end if
+      if (NMO.eq.nmos-1) then
+          n = (nyrs-1)*nmos + NMO
+          xSea(nyrs-1) = (xMon(n) + xMon(n-1))*0.5
+      end if
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3) then
+       xSea = new ( (/nyrs,nlat,mlon/), typeof(xMon), getFillValue(xMon))
+       do nyr=nyrStrt,nyrLast
+          n = nyr*nmos + NMO
+          xSea(nyr,:,:) = (xMon(n-1,:,:) + xMon(n,:,:) + xMon(n+1,:,:))*con
+       end do
+                                         ; special for beginning/end points
+      if (NMO.eq.0) then
+          n = 0
+          xSea(0,:,:) = (xMon(n,:,:) + xMon(n+1,:,:))*0.5
+      end if
+      if (NMO.eq.nmos-1) then
+          n = (nyrs-1)*nmos + NMO
+          xSea(nyrs-1,:,:) = (xMon(n,:,:) + xMon(n-1,:,:))*0.5
+      end if
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.4) then
+       klev = dimx(1)
+       xSea = new ( (/nyrs,klev,nlat,mlon/), typeof(xMon), getFillValue(xMon))
+       do nyr=nyrStrt,nyrLast
+          n = nyr*nmos + NMO
+          xSea(nyr,:,:,:) = (xMon(n-1,:,:,:) + xMon( n ,:,:,:) 
+                                             + xMon(n+1,:,:,:))*0.33333
+       end do
+      if (NMO.eq.0) then
+          n = 0
+          xSea(0,:,:,:) = (xMon(n,:,:,:) + xMon(n+1,:,:,:))*0.5
+      end if
+      if (NMO.eq.nmos-1) then
+          n = (nyrs-1)*nmos + NMO
+          xSea(nyrs-1,:,:,:) = (xMon(n,:,:,:) + xMon(n-1,:,:,:))*0.5
+      end if
+   end if
+   copy_VarAtts (xMon, xSea)
+   if (isatt(xMon,"long_name") .or. isatt(xMon,"description") .or. 
+       isatt(xMon,"standard_name") ) then
+       xSea at long_name = SEASON+": "+getLongName(xMon)
+   end if
+   do n=1,rank-1                  ; copy spatial coordinates
+      if (.not.ismissing(xMon!n)) then
+          xSea!n = xMon!n
+         if(iscoord(xMon,xMon!n))
+ 	   xSea&$xSea!n$ = xMon&$xMon!n$
+         end if
+      end if
+   end  do
+  ;n = 0                         ; special coordinate for time
+  ;xSea!n = "year"
+  ;if (iscoord(xMon,xMon!n))
+  ;    xSea&$xSea!n$ = xMon&$xMon!n$(NMO:ntim-1:nmos)
+  ;end if
+   dName        = xMon!0
+   xSea!0       = dName
+   if(iscoord(xMon,dName)) then
+       cv = xMon&$dName$(NMO:ntim-1:nmos) 
+                                      ; possibly override
+      ;if (isatt(cv,"units") .and. \

+      ;         (cv at units.eq."YYYYMM" .or. cv at units.eq."YYMM")) then
+      ;    cv = cv/100
+      ;    cv at units = "YYYY"
+      ;end if
+      ;if (isatt(cv,"units") .and. cv at units.eq."YYYYMMDD") then
+      ;    cv = cv/10000
+      ;    cv at units = "YYYY"
+      ;end if
+       xSea&$dName$ = cv
+   end if
+   xSea at NMO = NMO   ; for possible use in subscripting 
+                    ; eg: nStrt= xSea at NMO ; time(nStrt:ntim-1,12)
+   return (xSea)
+   end
+ ; ------------------------
+ ; D Shea
+ ; Compute 12 seasonal (3-mo) averages using monthly data
+ ;
+ ;  0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 
+ ; first (DJF=JF) /last (NDJ=ND) seasons are 2-month averages
+ ;
+ ; x(time),   x(time,lat,lon),  x(time,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;              ^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   
+ ; must have named dim BUT can be ANY names
+ ;
+ ; The input "x" are assumed to contain monthly mean data
+ ; The size of "time" MUST be divisible by 12
+ ; usage:   pSea = mon_to_season12 (pMon) 
+ ; result   pSea(time,lat,lon) or pSea(time,lev,lat,lon) 
+ undef ("month_to_season12")
+ function month_to_season12 (xMon:numeric)
+ local season,dimx,rank,ntim,nlat,mlon,nmos,nyrs,dNam,i, xSea
+ begin
+   season =  (/"DJF","JFM","FMA","MAM","AMJ","MJJ" 
+              ,"JJA","JAS","ASO","SON","OND","NDJ" /)
+   dimx   = dimsizes(xMon)
+   rank   = dimsizes(dimx)
+   if (rank.eq.2 .or. rank.ge.5) then
+       print ("contributed: month_to_season12: rank="+rank)
+       print ("----- rank currently not handled -----")
+   end if
+   nmos   = 12
+   ntim   = dimx(0)
+   modCheck ("month_to_season12", ntim, nmos)
+   nyrs   = ntim/nmos
+   if (rank.ge.3) then
+       nlat   = dimx(rank-2)
+       mlon   = dimx(rank-1)
+   end if
+   dNam = new ( rank, "string")    ; save input dim names
+   do i=0,rank-1
+      if (.not.ismissing(xMon!i)) then
+          dNam(i) = xMon!i
+      else
+          print("mon_to_season12: All dimensions must be named")
+          print("                 dimension "+i+" is missing"  )
+          exit
+      end if
+   end  do
+   if (rank.eq.1) then                ; (time)
+       xSea = xMon              ; transfer meta and reorder
+       xSea = runave (xSea ,3, 0 )              ; overwrite with seasonal means
+       xSea(0)      = (xMon(0) + xMon(1) )*0.5
+       xSea(ntim-1) = (xMon(ntim-2) + xMon(ntim-1) )*0.5
+       xSea at long_name = "seasonal means: "+getLongName(xMon)
+       xSea at season    = season 
+       return (xSea)
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3) then                ; (time,lat,lon)
+      ;xSea = xMon(lat|:,lon|:,time|:)   ; transfer meta and reorder
+       xSea = xMon($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:) ; transfer meta and reorder
+       xSea = runave (xSea ,3, 0 )              ; overwrite with seasonal means
+       xSea(:,:,0)      = (xMon(0,:,:) + xMon(1,:,:) )*0.5
+       xSea(:,:,ntim-1) = (xMon(ntim-2,:,:) + xMon(ntim-1,:,:) )*0.5
+       xSea at long_name = "seasonal means: "+getLongName(xMon)
+       xSea at season    = season 
+       return (xSea($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:))  ; reorder and return
+      ;return (xSea(time|:,lat|:,lon|:))
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.4) then                ; (time,lev,lat,lon)
+      ;xSea = xMon(lev|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|:)    ; transfer meta and reorder
+       xSea = xMon($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:) 
+       xSea = runave (xSea ,3, 0 )              ; overwrite with seasonal means
+       xSea(:,:,:,0)      = (xMon(0,:,:,:) + xMon(1,:,:,:) )*0.5
+       xSea(:,:,:,ntim-1) = (xMon(ntim-2,:,:,:) + xMon(ntim-1,:,:,:) )*0.5
+       xSea at long_name = "seasonal means: "+getLongName(xMon)
+       xSea at season    = season
+       return (xSea($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:)) 
+      ;return (xSea(time|:,lev|:,lat|:,lon|:)) 
+   end if
+ end
+ ; -------------------------------------------------------
+ undef ("month_to_seasonN")
+ function month_to_seasonN (xMon:numeric, SEASON[*]:string)
+ ; D Shea
+ ; Compute the seasonal (3-mo) average for user specified seasons.
+ ; These are the conventional seasons:
+ ;
+ ; xMon(time) or  xMon(time,lat,lon)    or   xMon(time,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;
+ ; The input "x" are assumed to contain monthly mean data
+ ; The size of "time" MUST be divisible by 12.
+ ; Also, it is assumed the "Jan" is the 1st month.
+ ;
+ ; first DJF season is a 2-month average (DJF=JF)
+ ;
+ ; USAGE:   xSea = month_to_seasonN (xMon, (/"DJF","MAM","JJA","SON"/))
+ ;      :   xSea = month_to_seasonN (xMon, (/"DJF","JJA"/))
+ ;      :   xSea = month_to_seasonN (xMon, (/"JJA","ASO","OND"/))
+ ;
+ ; RESULT   xSea(N,time/12,lat,lon) or xSea(N,time/12,lev,lat,lon)  
+ ;          where N=dimsizes(SEASON)
+ ;          The above would return:
+ ;              xSea(4,time/12,lat,lon) or xSea(4,time/12,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;              xSea(2,time/12,lat,lon) or xSea(2,time/12,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;              xSea(3,time/12,lat,lon) or xSea(3,time/12,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;
+ ; NOTE: the "time" dimension may have to be altered to the user's desires.
+ ;       it may correspond to those associated with the 1st month.
+ local season, N, n, dimx, rank, nmos, ntim, nyrs, xSea12, nlat, mlon 
+     , NMO, NMO1, xSeaN, ns, dName, cv  
+ begin
+   season  =  (/"DJF","JFM","FMA","MAM","AMJ","MJJ" 
+               ,"JJA","JAS","ASO","SON","OND","NDJ" /)
+   N      = dimsizes(SEASON)
+   do n=0,N-1
+      if (.not.any(season.eq.SEASON(n))) then
+          print ("month_to_seasonN: You have at least one spelling error "+
+                 "in your SEASON specification. "+SEASON(n)+" is not valid.")
+          exit
+      end if
+   end do
+                                      ; now subset the data
+   dimx   = dimsizes(xMon)
+   rank   = dimsizes(dimx)
+   if (rank.eq.2 .or. rank.ge.5) then
+       print ("contributed: month_to_seasonN: rank="+rank)
+       print ("----- rank currently not handled -----")
+   end if
+   nmos   = 12
+   ntim   = dimx(0)    
+   modCheck ("month_to_seasonN", ntim, nmos)
+   nyrs   = ntim/nmos
+   xSea12 = month_to_season12 (xMon)  ; compute the 12 seasons
+   if (rank.ge.3) then
+       nlat   = dimx(rank-2)
+       mlon   = dimx(rank-1)
+   end if
+   NMO1   = ind(SEASON(0).eq.season)
+                                      ; error checking done
+   if (rank.eq.1) then                ; (time,lat,lon)
+       xSeaN = new ( (/N,nyrs/),  typeof(xSea12), getFillValue(xMon))
+       do ns =0,N-1
+          NMO= ind(SEASON(ns).eq.season)
+          if (.not.ismissing(NMO)) then
+              xSeaN(ns,:) = (/ xSea12(NMO:ntim-1:nmos) /)
+          end if
+       end do
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3) then                ; (time,lat,lon)
+       xSeaN = new ( (/N,nyrs,dimx(1),dimx(2)/),  typeof(xSea12), 
+                    getFillValue(xMon))
+       do ns =0,N-1
+          NMO= ind(SEASON(ns).eq.season)
+          if (.not.ismissing(NMO)) then
+              xSeaN(ns,:,:,:) = (/ xSea12(NMO:ntim-1:nmos,:,:) /)
+          end if
+       end do
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.4) then                ; (time,lev,lat,lon)
+       xSeaN = new ( (/N,nyrs,dimx(1),dimx(2),dimx(3)/),  typeof(xSea12), 
+                    getFillValue(xMon))
+       do ns =0,N-1
+          NMO= ind(SEASON(ns).eq.season)
+          if (.not.ismissing(NMO)) then
+              xSeaN(ns,:,:,:,:) = (/ xSea12(NMO:ntim-1:nmos,:,:,:) /)
+          end if
+       end do
+   end if
+                                      ; copy attributes
+   copy_VarAtts (xMon, xSeaN)
+   if (isatt(xMon,"long_name") .or. isatt(xMon,"description") .or. 
+       isatt(xMon,"standard_name") ) then
+       xSeaN at long_name = "Seasonal Means: "+getLongName(xMon)
+   end if
+                                      ; copy dimension stuff
+   xSeaN!0      = "season"
+   xSeaN&season =  SEASON
+   dName        = xSea12!0
+   xSeaN!1      = dName
+   if(iscoord(xSea12,dName)) then
+       cv = xSea12&$dName$(NMO1:ntim-1:nmos) 
+       xSeaN&$dName$ = cv
+                                      ; possibly override
+       if (isatt(cv,"units") .and. 
+                (cv at units.eq."YYYYMM" .or. cv at units.eq."YYMM")) then
+           cv = cv/100
+           cv at units = "YYYY"
+           xSeaN&$dName$ = cv
+       end if
+       if (isatt(cv,"units") .and. cv at units.eq."YYYYMMDD") then
+           cv = cv/10000
+           cv at units = "YYYY"
+           xSeaN&$dName$ = cv
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (rank.gt.1) then
+       do i=1,rank-1                 ; copy spatial coords 
+          dName       = xSea12!i
+          xSeaN!(i+1) = dName
+          if(iscoord(xSea12,dName)) then
+             xSeaN&$dName$ = xSea12&$dName$
+          end if
+       end  do
+   end if
+   return (xSeaN)
+ end
+ ; -------------------------------------------------------
+ undef ("wave_number_spc")
+ function wave_number_spc (x:numeric, gridType:string)
+ ; D Shea
+ ; Compute the total power spectrum as a function of wave number
+ ; Currently "x" must have at least two dimensions and 
+ ; may have up to four dimensions. The rightmost dimensions
+ ; must be (lat,lon). 
+ ;
+ ; x   -  a numeric array of two to four dimensions (rightmost [lat,lon) ]
+ ; gridType - "g" or "G" for x being a gaussian grid
+ ;          - "f" or "F" for x being a regular (fixed) grid
+ ;
+ ; Usage:     power = wave_number_spc (T, "G") ; T is gaussian grid
+ ;            power = wave_number_spc (X, "F") ; X is fixed grid
+ local dimx, rank, ab, spc, waveNumber 
+ begin
+   dimx = dimsizes(x)       ; dimension sizes
+   rank = dimsizes(dimx)    ; # of dimensions
+   if (rank.lt.2 .or. rank.gt.4) then
+       print ("wave_number_spc: rank="+rank+" error")
+       exit
+   end if
+                            ; perform analysis
+   if (gridType.eq."G" .or. gridType.eq."g") then 
+       ab   = shagC (x)
+   end if
+   if (gridType.eq."F" .or. gridType.eq."f") then 
+       ab   = shaeC (x)
+   end if
+                            ; compute power spectra
+   if (rank.eq.2) then   
+       spc = x(:,0)         ; spc is 1D
+       spc = dim_sum( ab(0,:,:)^2 + ab(1,:,:)^2 )*0.5
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3) then
+       spc = x(:,:,0)       ; spc is 2D
+       spc = dim_sum( ab(0,:,:,:)^2 + ab(1,:,:,:)^2 )*0.5
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.4) then
+       spc = x(:,:,:,0)     ; spc is 3D
+       spc = dim_sum( ab(0,:,:,:,:)^2 + ab(1,:,:,:,:)^2 )*0.5
+   end if
+   waveNumber   = ispan(1,dimx(rank-2),1)
+   waveNumber!0 = "wave_number"
+   waveNumber at long_name = "Wave Number"
+   spc!(rank-2)       = waveNumber!0 
+   spc&$waveNumber!0$ = waveNumber
+   spc at long_name      = "Power"
+   if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+       spc at units = "(" + x at units + ")^2"
+   end if
+   return (spc)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; set all values X +/- eps of zero to 0
+ ; X can be ANY dimensions
+ ; note: "abs" is NOT generic like in fortran
+ ;
+ ; Usage: let X   = (/ 1,-2, -999., 1.e-05, -1.e-07, 10/)
+ ;            X at _FillValue = -999.
+ ;            eps = 1.e-04
+ ;            epsZero (X, eps)
+ ;     result X   = (/ 1,-2, -999., 0., 0., 10/)
+ undef ("epsZero")
+ procedure epsZero (X:numeric, eps:numeric)
+ local FillValue
+ begin
+   if (isatt(X,"_FillValue")) then
+       FillValue = X at _FillValue        ; save the _FillValue
+       delete (X at _FillValue)           ; delete original 
+   end if
+   X at _FillValue = 0.0                  ; temporary [trick]
+   if (typeof(X).eq."float" .or. typeof(X).eq."double") then
+       X = mask(X,fabs(X).le.eps,False)
+   else
+       X = mask(X, abs(X).le.eps,False)
+   end if
+   delete (X at _FillValue)               ; delete temporary
+   if (isvar("FillValue")) then
+       X at _FillValue = FillValue        ; restore original _FillValue
+   end if
+ end 
+ ; M Haley
+ ; you pass it your multi-dimensioned data array, and
+ ; it will return the indices in that array where the 
+ ; first maximum value occurs.  
+ ; ****> superceded by NCL built-in function "ind_resolve"
+ undef ("maxind_ind")
+ function maxind_ind(data:numeric)
+ local i, dsizes, ndims, max_index, ind_product, data_indices, new_val
+ begin
+   dsizes = dimsizes(data)      ; dimension sizes
+   ndims  = dimsizes(dsizes)    ; number of dimensions
+   if(ndims.eq.1)
+     return(maxind(data))
+   end if
+   max_index = maxind(ndtooned(data))    ; Get index of first maximum value.
+   if(ismissing(max_index))
+     return(max_index)
+   end if
+   ind_product = new(ndims,integer)     ; This array is used to
+   ind_product(ndims-1) = 1             ; calculate indices.
+   do i = ndims-2,0,1
+     ind_product(i) = dsizes(i+1) * ind_product(i+1)
+   end do
+   data_indices = new(ndims,integer)    ; Will hold the return indices.
+   new_val = max_index
+   do i = 0,ndims-1
+     data_indices(i) = new_val/ind_product(i)   ; Calculate index.
+     new_val = new_val % ind_product(i)         ; "%" is the modulus operator.
+   end do
+   delete(ind_product)       ; Clean up.
+   delete(max_index)
+   delete(dsizes)
+   return(data_indices)      ; Return the indices.
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Bring one or more files from the MSS to a local directory
+ ; The options are those for msrcp. The MSS files can be from different dir.
+ ; Usage:   mssFiles   = (/ "/SHEA/sample/dummy1", ... /) ; a 1D array of MSS names
+ ;          target_dir = "/ptmp/shea/whatever/"           ; a local directory
+ ;          msrcp_mss2local (mssFiles, target_dir, "-n" )
+ undef ("msrcp_mss2local")
+ procedure msrcp_mss2local (source:string,target_dir:string,opts:string)
+ local dims, cmd, mssList, n
+ begin
+   dims = dimsizes(source)
+   if (dims(0).eq.1) then
+       cmd  = "msrcp "+opts+" 'mss:"+source+" "+target_dir
+   else
+       mssList = ""  
+       do n=0,dims(0)-1
+          mssList = mssList + " mss:"+source(n)  
+       end do
+       cmd  = "msrcp "+opts + mssList +" "+ target_dir
+   end if
+   print ("msrcp_mss2local: "+dims(0)+" files: tStart= "+systemfunc("date"))
+  ;print (cmd)
+   system(cmd)
+   print ("msrcp_mss2local: "+dims(0)+" files: tEnd  = "+systemfunc("date"))
+ end 
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; old ... undocumented function: use "yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac"
+ ; given, say, yyyymm = (/ 197901 , 198407, 200112 /)
+ ;       yrFrac = yyyymm2yyyyFrac (yyyymm)
+ ;       yrFrac ==> [1979.0 , 1979.5 , 2001.917]
+ ;
+ ; yyyymm       - scalar or array of dates
+ ; 
+ undef("yyyymm2yyyyFrac")
+ function yyyymm2yyyyFrac (yyyymm:integer)
+ local year, mon, yrFrac
+ begin
+   year = yyyymm/100 
+   mon  = yyyymm-year*100  
+   yrFrac = year + (mon-1.)/12.
+   yrFrac at long_name = "Time"
+   yrFrac at units     = "YYYY + fractional portion of year"
+   yrFrac at info      = "derived using: function yyyymm2yyyyFrac"
+   return(yrFrac)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************************* 
+ ; D. Shea                                                                 
+ ;                                                                        
+ ; given, say, yyyymm = (/ 197901 , 198407, 200112 /)                    
+ ;       yrFrac = yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac (yyyymm, 0.0)                      
+ ;       yrFrac ==> [1979.0 , 1979.5 , 2001.917]                       
+ ;                                                                    
+ ; yyyymm       - scalar or array of dates                           
+ ; mm_offset    - 0.0 or 0.5
+ ;                                                                  
+ undef("yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac")
+ function yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac (yyyymm[*]:numeric, mmOffset[1]:numeric)
+ local YYYYMM, year, mm, xmos, one, yrFrac      
+ begin                                                                                               
+   if (typeof(yyyymm).eq."double" .or. typeof(mmOffset).eq."double") then 
+       xmos = 12.d0                         
+       one  = 1.0d0                        
+       YYYYMM = toint(yyyymm)       ; numerical issue
+   else                                   
+       xmos = 12.0                       
+       one  = 1.0                       
+       if (typeof(yyyymm).eq."float") then
+           YYYYMM = toint(yyyymm)    ; numerical issue
+       else
+           YYYYMM = yyyymm
+       end if
+   end if                              
+   year   = YYYYMM/100               
+   mm     = YYYYMM-year*100         
+   yrFrac = year + ((mm+mmOffset)-one)/xmos  
+   copy_VarMeta(yyyymm, yrFrac)            
+   yrFrac at units     = "YYYY + fractional portion of year"  
+   yrFrac at NCL       = "derived using function yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac"
+   return(yrFrac)                                              
+ end                                                          
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; given, say, 19790719  where 0719 (mmdd)  is the 200th day of the year
+ ;       yrFrac = yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac (19790719)
+ ;       yrFrac = 1979.545     ( [200-1]/365.= 0.545..)
+ ;
+ ; yyyymmdd       - scalar or array of dates
+ ; 
+ ; 6.2.0: calendar attribute
+ ;
+ undef ("yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac") 
+ function yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac (yyyymmdd:numeric, ddOffset[1]:numeric)
+ local ntim, year, mmdd, mon, day, dayYear, nDay, yrFrac, n, con, varType, YYYYMMDD
+ begin
+      ntim = dimsizes(yyyymmdd)
+      if (isatt(yyyymmdd,"calendar") .and. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."proleptic_gregorian") then  
+          print("yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac: yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac:  proleptic_gregorian calendar not supported")
+          yrFrac = new( ntim, typeof(yyyymmdd))
+          yrFrac at long_name = "yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac: yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac:  proleptic_gregorian calendar not supported"
+          return(yrFrac)
+      end if
+      varType = typeof(yyyymmdd)
+      if (varType.eq."integer") then
+          YYYYMMDD = yyyymmdd
+      else
+          YYYYMMDD = toint(yyyymmdd)
+      end if
+      year = YYYYMMDD/10000
+      mmdd = YYYYMMDD-year*10000
+      delete(YYYYMMDD)
+      mon  = mmdd/100
+      day  = mmdd-mon*100
+      delete (mmdd)
+      if (isatt(yyyymmdd,"calendar")) then   ; retrofit code for calendar
+          year at calendar = yyyymmdd at calendar  ; check for calendar
+      end if
+      dayYear = day_of_year(year, mon, day)  
+      delete ( [/mon, day /] )
+      nDay   = dimsizes(yyyymmdd)            ; all days 
+      if (varType.eq."double") then
+          yrFrac = new( nDay, "double")
+          one    = 1d0
+      else
+          yrFrac = new( nDay, "float")
+          one    = 1.0
+      end if
+      delete(yrFrac at _FillValue)
+      if (isatt(yyyymmdd,"calendar")) then    ; retrofit to existing code
+          yrFrac at calendar = yyyymmdd at calendar
+          if (yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."360") then
+              con = (/ 360, 360 /)*one
+          end if
+          if (yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."365"    .or. 
+              yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+              con = (/ 365, 365 /)*one
+          end if
+          if (yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."366"    .or. 
+              yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+              con = (/ 366, 366 /)*one
+          end if
+          if (yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."gregorian" .or. yyyymmdd at calendar.eq."standard") then
+              con = (/ 365, 366 /)*one 
+          end if
+      else
+          con = (/ 365, 366 /)*one             ; default is gregorian/standard 
+      end if
+      do n=0,nDay-1
+         if (isleapyear(year(n))) then
+             yrFrac(n) = year(n) + ((dayYear(n)-1)+ddOffset)/con(1)
+         else
+             yrFrac(n) = year(n) + ((dayYear(n)-1)+ddOffset)/con(0)
+         end if   
+      end do
+      yrFrac at long_name = "Time"
+      yrFrac at units     = "YYYY + fractional portion of year"
+      yrFrac at info      = "derived using: function yyyymmdd_to_yyyyFrac"
+      return(yrFrac)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;      a function that invokes yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac
+ ;      name consistent with yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac
+ undef("yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac")
+ function yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac (yyyymmdd:numeric, ddOffset:numeric)
+ local varType
+ begin
+   varType = typeof(yyyymmdd)
+   if (varType.eq."integer" .or. 
+       varType.eq."float"   .or. 
+       varType.eq."double"       ) then
+       return (yyyymmdd2yyyyFrac (yyyymmdd, ddOffset))
+   else
+       print("yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac: variable type="+varType+" not supported")
+       exit
+   end if
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;
+ ; given, say, 1979071906  where 0719 is the 200th day of the year
+ ;       yrFrac = yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac (1979071906)
+ ;       yrFrac = 1979.5458984375    ([200-1]*86400.+hh*3600.)/(86400*365)
+ ;
+ ; yyyymmddhh     - scalar or array of dates
+ ;
+ ; assumes Gregorian calendar
+ undef ("yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac")
+ function yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac (yyyymmddhh[*]:numeric)
+ local year, mmddhh, mon, ddhh, day, hour, dayYear, nTim, yrFrac 
+     , n, ysec, dsec, varType, YEAR
+ begin
+      varType = typeof(yyyymmddhh)
+      if (varType.eq."integer") then
+          YYYYMMDDHH = yyyymmddhh
+      else
+          YYYYMMDDHH = toint(yyyymmddhh)
+      end if
+      year   = YYYYMMDDHH/1000000
+      mmddhh = YYYYMMDDHH-year*1000000
+      delete(YYYYMMDDHH)
+      mon  = mmddhh/10000
+      ddhh = mmddhh-mon*10000
+      delete (mmddhh)
+      day  = ddhh/100
+      hour = ddhh-day*100
+      delete (ddhh)
+      if (isatt(yyyymmddhh,"calendar")) then
+          year at calendar = yyyymmddhh at calendar  ; check for calendar
+      end if
+      dayYear = day_of_year(year, mon, day)    ; Gregorian calendar
+      delete ([/mon, day/])
+      nTim   = dimsizes(yyyymmddhh)
+      if (varType.eq."double") then
+          yrFrac = new( nTim, "double", "No_FillValue")
+          one    = 1d0
+      else
+          yrFrac = new( nTim, "float", "No_FillValue")
+          one    = 1.0
+      end if
+      if (isatt(yyyymmddhh,"calendar")) then    ; retrofit to existing code
+          yrFrac at calendar = yyyymmddhh at calendar
+          if (yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."360") then
+              con = (/ 360, 360, 86400, 3600 /)*one
+          end if
+          if (yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."365"    .or. 
+              yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+              con = (/ 365, 365, 86400, 3600 /)*one
+          end if
+          if (yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."366"    .or. 
+              yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+              con = (/ 366, 366, 86400, 3600 /)*one
+          end if
+          if (yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."gregorian" .or. yyyymmddhh at calendar.eq."standard") then
+              con = (/ 365, 366, 86400, 3600 /)*one 
+          end if
+      else
+          con = (/ 365, 366, 86400, 3600 /)*one   ; default is gregorian/standard
+      end if
+      do n=0,nTim-1
+         if (isleapyear(year(n))) then
+             ysec = con(2)*con(1)
+         else
+             ysec = con(2)*con(0)
+          end if
+          dsec = (dayYear(n)-1)*con(2)  + hour(n)*con(3)
+          yrFrac(n) = year(n) + dsec/ysec
+      end do
+      yrFrac at long_name = "Time"
+      yrFrac at units     = "YYYY + fractional portion of year"
+      yrFrac at NCL       = "contributed.ncl: function yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyFrac"
+      return(yrFrac)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;      a function that invokes yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac
+ ;      name consistent with yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac
+ ;      name consistent with yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac
+ ;
+ ;      ignore hhOffset
+ ;
+ undef("yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac")
+ function yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac (yyyymmddhh:numeric, hhOffset[1]:numeric)
+ local varType
+ begin
+   varType = typeof(yyyymmddhh)
+   if (varType.eq."integer" .or. 
+       varType.eq."float"   .or. 
+       varType.eq."double"       ) then
+       return (yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac (yyyymmddhh))
+   else
+       print("yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac: variable type="+varType+" not supported")
+       exit
+   end if
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;      convert initial_time (type string) to integer time
+ ;
+ ;      01/01/1997 (18:00)  <==> MM/DD/YYYY (HH:NN) {ignore NN}  
+ ;      return will be integer of form YYYYMMDDHH
+ ;
+ undef ("grib_stime2itime")
+ function grib_stime2itime(stime[*]:string)
+ local N, time, i, tmp_c
+ begin
+         N      = dimsizes(stime)
+         time   = new( N ,integer)
+         delete(time at _FillValue)
+         do i=0,N-1
+              tmp_c   = stringtochar(stime(i))
+              time(i) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(6:9)/)) * 1000000 + 
+                        stringtointeger((/tmp_c(0:1)/)) * 10000 + 
+                        stringtointeger((/tmp_c(3:4)/)) * 100 + 
+                        stringtointeger((/tmp_c(12:13)/))
+         end do
+         time!0 = "time"
+         time at long_name  = "time"
+         time at units      = "yyyymmddhh"
+         time&time       =  time        ; make coordinate variable
+         return (time)
+ end 
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;      convert initial_time (type string) to COARDS time
+ ;
+ ;      01/01/1997 (18:00)  <==> MM/DD/YYYY (HH:NN) {ignore NN}  
+ ;      return will be "double" 
+ ; Usage:
+ ;   sit0 = a->initial_time0
+ ;   time = grib_stime2COARDStime(sit0, "days since 1801-01-01 00:00:0.0")
+ ;                                      ^^^^ can be anything^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ ;
+ undef ("grib_stime2COARDStime")
+ function grib_stime2COARDStime(stime[*]:string, tunits:string)
+ local N, time, tmp_c, year, month, day, hour, min, sec
+ begin
+   N      = dimsizes(stime)
+   time   = new( N ,"double")
+   time at units = tunits
+   time!0 = "time"
+   time at long_name  = "time"
+   tmp_c   = stringtochar(stime)
+   year    = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(:,6:9)/))
+   month   = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(:,0:1)/)) 
+   day     = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(:,3:4)/))
+   hour    = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(:,12:13)/))
+   min     = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(:,15:16)/))
+   sec     = new( N ,"float")
+   sec     = 0.0
+   time    = (/ cd_inv_calendar(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,tunits, 0) /)
+   time&time       =  time        ; make coordinate variable
+   if (isatt(time,"_FillValue")) then
+       delete(time at _FillValue)
+   end if
+   return (time)
+ end 
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Concatenate 2 (or more) variables to create one variable
+ ; All dimensions must match except for the leftmost (record) dimension
+ ;
+ ; Usage:   let xa(22,73,144) and xb(38,73,144)
+ ;          X = cat2Var(xa,xb)   ; X(60,73,144)    
+ ; Note: More than two variables can be concatenated by embedding the function
+ ;          let xa(22,73,144), xb(38,73,144), xc(5,73,144), xd(25,73,144)
+ ;          Xabc  = cat2Var( cat2Var(xa,xb), xc)  ; X(65,73,144)
+ ;          Xabcd = cat2Var (cat2Var( cat2Var(xa,xb), xc), xd )  ; X(90,73,144)
+ ;
+ undef ("cat2Var")
+ function cat2Var (xa, xb)
+ local dim_xa, dim_xb, rank_xa, rank_xb, rank, nr_xa, nr_xb, dim_X 
+     , X, nab, i, ca, cb, cv
+ begin
+   dim_xa = dimsizes(xa)
+   dim_xb = dimsizes(xb)
+   rank_xa = dimsizes(dim_xa)
+   rank_xb = dimsizes(dim_xb)
+   if (rank_xa.ne.rank_xb) then
+       print ("contributed.ncl: cat2Var: rank mismatch")
+       exit
+   end if
+   rank  = rank_xa                    ; all rank the same
+   if (rank.gt.5) then
+       print ("contributed.ncl: cat2Var: rank="+rank+" too big: change function")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rank.gt.1) then
+       if (.not.all(dim_xa(1:).eq.dim_xb(1:))) then
+           print ("contributed.ncl: cat2Var:  non-record dim(s) must match")
+           exit
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (typeof(xa).ne.typeof(xb)) then
+       print ("contributed.ncl: cat2Var: types must match (could be worked around) ")
+       exit
+   end if
+   nr_xa = dim_xa(0)                  ; # of records in xa
+   nr_xb = dim_xb(0)                  ;                 xb
+   dim_X = dim_xa
+   dim_X(0) = nr_xa + nr_xb
+   X     = new (dim_X, typeof(xa), getFillValue(xa) ) 
+   nab   = nr_xa+nr_xb-1              ; last subscript                  
+   if (rank.eq.1) then
+       X(0:nr_xa-1) = (/ xa /)
+       X(nr_xa:nab) = (/ xb /)
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.2) then
+       X(0:nr_xa-1,:) = (/ xa /)
+       X(nr_xa:nab,:) = (/ xb /)
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.3) then
+       X(0:nr_xa-1,:,:) = (/ xa /)
+       X(nr_xa:nab,:,:) = (/ xb /)
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.4) then
+       X(0:nr_xa-1,:,:,:) = (/ xa /)
+       X(nr_xa:nab,:,:,:) = (/ xb /)
+   end if
+   if (rank.eq.5) then
+       X(0:nr_xa-1,:,:,:,:) = (/ xa /)
+       X(nr_xa:nab,:,:,:,:) = (/ xb /)
+   end if
+   copy_VarAtts (xa, X)              ; contributed.ncl
+   if (rank.gt.1) then
+       do i=1,rank-1   ; copy all coords but rec dim
+          if (.not.ismissing(xa!i)) then
+              X!i = xa!i                 ; copy named dimension
+              if(iscoord(xa,xa!i)) then  ; is there a coord var
+                 X&$X!i$ = xa&$xa!i$     ; copy coord variable
+              end if
+          end if
+       end  do
+   end if
+   if (.not.ismissing(xa!0)) then
+       X!0 = xa!0             ; copy named dimension
+       if(iscoord(xa,xa!0) .and. iscoord(xb,xb!0)) then  ; is there a coord var
+          ca = xa&$xa!0$
+          cb = xb&$xb!0$
+          cv = new ( dim_X(0), typeof(ca) )
+          delete (cv at _FillValue)
+          cv(0:nr_xa-1) = (/ ca /)
+          cv(nr_xa:nab) = (/ cb /)
+          X&$X!0$ = cv
+       end if
+   end if
+   return (X)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Basically, this takes a 2D {homo/hetero}geneous array
+ ; and partitions it into a 3D array with lat/lon coordinate
+ ; arrays. Attributes are also added.
+ ;
+ ; usage: 
+ ; homlft = new((/nsvd,ncols/),typeof(x))
+ ; hetlft = new((/nsvd,ncols/),typeof(x))
+ ; homrgt = new((/nsvd,ncols/),typeof(x))
+ ; hetrgt = new((/nsvd,ncols/),typeof(x))
+ ; pcvar  = svdstd(x,y,nsvd,homlft,hetlft,homrgt,hetrgt)
+ ;
+ ; HOMLFT = svdHomHet2latlon(homlft,lat,lon,"homogeneous left"    ,"")
+ ; HOMRGT = svdHomHet2latlon(homrgt,lat,lon,"homogeneous right"   ,"")
+ ; HETLFT = svdHomHet2latlon(hetlft,lat,lon,"heterogeneous left"  ,"")
+ ; HETRGT = svdHomHet2latlon(hetrgt,lat,lon,"heterogeneous right" ,"")
+ ;
+ undef ("svdHomHet2latlon")
+ function svdHomHet2latlon (x[*][*]:numeric                
+                           ,lat[*]:numeric, lon[*]:numeric 
+                           ,long_name:string, units:string )
+ local nlat, mlon, dimx, nsvd, ncols, X
+ begin
+   nlat  = dimsizes(lat)
+   mlon  = dimsizes(lon)
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   nsvd  = dimx(0)
+   ncols = dimx(1)
+   if ((nlat*mlon).ne.ncols) then
+       print ("contributed: svdHomHet2latlon: size mismatch: nlat="+nlat 
+             +"  mlon="+mlon+"  ncols="+ncols 
+             +"  nlat*mlon="+(nlat*mlon) ) 
+       exit
+   end if
+   X     = onedtond( ndtooned(x), (/nsvd,nlat,mlon/) )
+   X!0   = "svd"
+   X!1   = "lat"
+   X!2   = "lon"
+   X&svd = ispan(1,nsvd,1)
+   X&lat =  lat
+   X&lon =  lon
+   X at long_name = long_name
+   X at units     = units
+   return (X)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Basically, this takes a 1D expansion coef
+ ; and partitions it into a 2D array with (svd,time)
+ ; arrays. Attributes are also added.
+ ;
+ ; usage: 
+ ; pcvar  = svdstd(x,y,nsvd,homlft,hetlft,homrgt,hetrgt)
+ ;        or
+ ; pcvar  = svdcoc(x,y,nsvd,homlft,hetlft,homrgt,hetrgt)
+ ;
+ ; ak     = svdAkBk2time (pcvar at ak, nsvd, time, "Exp Coef AK","")
+ ; bk     = svdAkBk2time (pcvar at bk, nsvd, time, "Exp Coef BK","")
+ ;
+ undef ("svdAkBk2time")
+ function svdAkBk2time (xk[*]:numeric, nsvd:integer, time[*]:numeric 
+                       ,long_name:string, units:string )
+ local ntim, nxk, XK
+ begin
+   ntim  = dimsizes(time)
+   nxk   = dimsizes(xk)
+   if ((nsvd*ntim).ne.nxk) then
+       print ("contributed: svdAkBk2time: size mismatch: nsvd="+nsvd 
+             +"  ntim="+ntim+"  nxk="+nxk 
+             +"  nsvd*ntim="+(nsvd*ntim) ) 
+       exit
+   end if
+   XK      = onedtond ( xk, (/nsvd,ntim/) )
+   XK!0    = "svd"
+   XK!1    = "time"
+   XK&svd  = ispan(1,nsvd,1)
+   XK&time =  time
+   XK at long_name = long_name
+   XK at units     = units
+   return (XK)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ undef ("timeCoads2YYYYMM")
+ function timeCoads2YYYYMM (yrStrt:integer, yrLast:integer, TYPE:string)
+ ;
+ ; This was a *terrible* name for a function.
+ ; It was never explicitly documented.
+ ; It was used in some "COADS" application examples.
+ ; The function "yyyymm_time" is documented.
+ ; It is just a different interface to this function.
+ ;
+ ; usage
+ ;    yrLast = 1997   ; last year on this COADS file
+ ;    yyyymm = timeCoads2YYYYMM (1800,yrLast,typeof(time))
+ local nmos, nyrs, ntim, time, n
+ begin
+      nmos = 12
+      nyrs = yrLast-yrStrt+1
+      ntim = nmos*nyrs
+      time = new ( ntim, TYPE)
+      n = 0
+      do yr=yrStrt,yrLast
+         time(n:n+nmos-1) = yr*100 + ispan(1,nmos,1)
+         n = n+nmos
+      end do
+      time at long_name = "time"
+      time at units     = "YYYYMM"
+      if (isatt(time,"_FillValue")) then
+          delete(time at _FillValue)
+      end if
+      time!0    = "time"
+      time&time =  time
+      return (time)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ undef ("yyyymm_time")
+ function yyyymm_time (yrStrt:integer, yrLast:integer, TYPE:string)
+ ;
+ ; documented interface to "timeCoads2YYYYMM"
+ ; It is just a different interface to this function.
+ ;
+ ; usage
+ ;    yyyymm = yyyymm_time (1800,2001, "integer")
+ begin
+      return( timeCoads2YYYYMM (yrStrt, yrLast, TYPE) )     
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; Nadine Salzmann and Simon Scherrer
+ undef ("yyyymmdd_time")
+ function yyyymmdd_time (yrStrt:integer, yrLast:integer, TYPE:string)
+ local n, nmos, nyrs, ntim, year, nmo, ndy, tdum
+ begin
+   nmos = 12
+   nyrs = yrLast-yrStrt+1
+   ntim = nyrs*nmos*31 ; make long enough array
+   tdum = new ( ntim, TYPE, "No_FillValue" )
+   year = 0
+   if (isatt(yrStrt,"calendar")) then
+       year at calendar = yrStrt at calendar
+   end if
+   n = -1 ; initialize day counter
+   do year = yrStrt,yrLast
+     do nmo=1,nmos
+        YRM  = year*10000 + nmo*100
+        nday = days_in_month(year, nmo)
+       do ndy = 1,nday
+          n = n+1
+          tdum(n) = YRM + ndy
+       end do
+     end do
+   end do
+   time      = tdum(0:n) ; cut out only filled in times
+   time at long_name = "time"
+   time at units     = "YYYYMMDD"
+   if (isatt(yrStrt,"calendar")) then
+       time at calendar  = yrStrt at calendar
+   end if
+   time!0    = "time"
+   time&time =  time
+   return (time)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ undef ("yyyymmddhh_time")
+ function yyyymmddhh_time (yrStrt[1]:integer, yrLast[1]:integer, hrStep[1]:integer, TYPE:string)
+ local n, nmos, nyrs, ntim, year, nmo, ndy, tdum, nhr, nhrs
+ begin
+   nmos = 12
+   nyrs = yrLast-yrStrt+1
+   nhrd = 24/hrStep               ; # of hours per day
+   ntim = nyrs*nmos*nhrd*31       ; make long enough array
+   tdum = new ( ntim, TYPE, "No_FillValue" )
+   year = 0
+   if (isatt(yrStrt,"calendar")) then
+       year at calendar = yrStrt at calendar   ; needed for days in month
+   end if
+   n = -1 ; initialize counter index
+   do year=yrStrt,yrLast
+     do nmo=1,nmos
+        YRM  = year*1000000 + nmo*10000
+        nday = days_in_month(year, nmo)
+       do ndy=1,nday
+         do nhr=0,23,hrStep
+            n = n+1
+            tdum(n) = YRM + ndy*100 + nhr
+         end do
+       end do
+     end do
+   end do
+   time      = tdum(0:n) ; cut out only filled in times
+   time at long_name = "time"
+   time at units     = "YYYYMMDDHH"
+   if (isatt(yrStrt,"calendar")) then
+       time at calendar  = yrStrt at calendar
+   end if
+   time!0    = "time"
+   time&time =  time
+   return (time)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************************* 
+ ; D. Shea 
+ ; Parse (Partition) YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDDHH into a (:,6) array
+ undef("date_expand")
+ function date_expand(date[*]:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local ndate, DATE, utest, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mn, sc
+ begin
+   ndate = dimsizes(date)
+   DATE  = new( (/ndate,6/), "integer", "No_FillValue")
+   if (.not.isatt(date,"units")) then
+       print(" ")
+       print("date_expand: no units attribute: no expansion")
+       print(" ")
+       return(DATE)
+   end if
+   utest = str_lower(date at units)
+   if (.not.any(utest.eq.(/"yyyymm","yyyymmdd","yyyymmddhh"/))) then
+       print(" ")
+       print("date_expand: units not recognized: units="+date at units)
+       print("recognized units: yyyymm,yyyymmdd,yyyymmddhh or YYYYMM,YYYYMMDD,YYYYMMDDHH")
+       print(" ")
+       return(DATE)
+   end if
+   mn   = conform(date, 0, -1)
+   sc   = conform(date, 0, -1)
+   if (utest.eq."yyyymm") then
+       yyyy = date/100
+       mm   = date-(yyyy*100)
+       dd   = conform(date, 0, -1)
+       hh   = conform(date, 0, -1)
+   end if
+   if (utest.eq."yyyymmdd") then
+       yyyy = date/10000
+       mmdd = date-(yyyy*10000)
+       mm   = mmdd/100
+       dd   = mmdd-(mm*100)           
+       hh   = conform(date, 0, -1)
+   end if
+   if (utest.eq."yyyymmddhh") then
+       yyyy   = date/1000000
+       mmddhh = date-(yyyy*1000000)
+       mm     = mmddhh/10000
+       mmdd   = mmddhh/100
+       dd     = mmdd-(mm*100)           
+       hh     = date-(yyyy*1000000+mm*10000+dd*100)
+   end if
+   DATE(:,0) = yyyy
+   DATE(:,1) =   mm
+   DATE(:,2) =   dd
+   DATE(:,3) =   hh
+   DATE(:,4) =   mn
+   DATE(:,5) =   sc
+   DATE at long_name = "time elements"
+   DATE at units     = "yyyy,mm,dd,hh,m,sc"
+   dName     = getvardims(date)
+   if (.not.ismissing(dName)) then
+       DATE!0 = dName
+     if (iscoord(date,dName)) then
+         DATE&$dName$ = date&$dName$
+     end if
+   end if
+   if (isatt(date,"calendar")) then
+       DATE at calendar  = date at calendar
+   end if
+   return(DATE)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************************* 
+ ; D. Shea 
+ ; Read simple f90 namelist file as indicated by Ben Foster [HAO]
+ ; An integer variable is returned. Upon return it will have 
+ ; associated with it attributes that were created from the
+ ; input namelist file.
+ ;
+ ; Usage:
+ ; 
+ ;     hao_user = namelist("haoUserNameList")
+ ;
+ ;     In some cases, these new attributes are used to modify an
+ ;     existing (say, default) suite of attributes (say, haoDefault).
+ ;
+ ;     hao = merge_VarAtts(hao_user, haoDefault) 
+ ;
+ undef ("namelist")
+ function namelist (fname:string)
+ local lines, nam, chr, blankc, eqc, quot1c, quot2c, semic    
+     , decimalc, slashc, commac, ampc, nullc, newlc, nLines   
+     , nl, cc, CC, nc, NC, nEq, iEq, iSemic, aName, iq, i, n  
+     , iComma, nComma, nDecimal, rhs, RHS 
+ begin
+   lines  = asciiread (fname, -1, "string")
+   nam    = 1   ; create variable to which 
+                ; attributes may be attached
+                ; special characters to check 
+                ; for clarity use stringtochar 
+   chr    = stringtochar(" ")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   blankc = chr(0)             ; blank space     (int 32)
+   chr    = stringtochar("=")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   eqc    = chr(0)             ; equal           (int 61)
+   chr    = stringtochar(";")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   semic  = chr(0)             ; comment         (int 59)
+   chr    = stringtochar("\")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   slashc = chr(0)             ; line continuation (int 92)
+   chr    = stringtochar(",")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   commac = chr(0)             ; value separator (int 44)
+   chr    = stringtochar(".")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   decimalc= chr(0)            ; indicate float  (int 46)
+   chr    = stringtochar("&")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   ampc   = chr(0)             ; ampersand       (int 38)
+   chr    = stringtochar("'")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   quot1c = chr(0)             ; single quote    (int 39)
+   quot2c= integertochar(34)   ; double quote "  (int 34)
+   newlc = integertochar(10)   ; new line character
+   nullc = integertochar(0)    ; null
+   nLines = dimsizes(lines)    ; # of lines (strings)
+   do nl=0,nLines-1                 ; loop over each line
+      cc  = stringtochar(lines(nl)) ; convert to characters
+      nc  = dimsizes(cc)            ; # characters
+      nc  = nc - 1                  ; ignore last character
+      nEq = num(cc.eq.eqc)          ; number of = signs
+                                    ; eliminate (a) HAO's  &proc
+                                    ; (b) any line without an =
+      if (cc(0).eq.ampc .or. nEq.eq.0) then     
+          delete (cc)               ; delete cuz size changes
+          continue                  ; go to next iteration
+      end if
+      iSemic = ind(cc.eq.semic)     ; is simicolon (;) present [comment] 
+      if (.not.ismissing(iSemic)) then
+          nc = iSemic(0)-1          ; only look up to semi-colon
+          if (nc.le.1) then         ; need at least 3 char [eg: i=0]
+              delete (cc)
+              delete (iSemic)
+              continue              ; go to next iteration
+          end if
+      end if
+      delete (iSemic)
+      NC = -1                       ; remove blanks
+      CC = new ( nc, "character")   ; cc after blanks removed
+    do n=0,nc-1
+       if (cc(n).ne.blankc .and. cc(n).ne.nullc .and. cc(n).ne.newlc) then 
+           NC     = NC+1
+           CC(NC) = cc(n)
+       end if
+    end do
+    delete (cc)                     ; no longer needed
+    if (NC.le.1) then               ; again need min 3 char
+        delete (CC)                 ; size might change
+        continue                    ; go to next iteration
+    end if
+    iEq     = ind(CC.eq.eqc)        ; = is separator; return index
+                                    ; name of attribute (lhs)
+    aName    = chartostring( (/CC(0:iEq-1)/) )
+    nComma   = num(CC.eq.commac)    ; a comma (,) means more than one 
+    RHS      = chartostring(CC(iEq+1:))       ; right hand side
+                               ; does rhs have a ' or " [if so, string]
+    iq = ind(CC.eq.quot1c .or. CC.eq.quot2c)  ; indices of quotes (',")
+    if (any(.not.ismissing(iq))) then
+        CC(iq) = quot2c        ; change ' to " [also "-to-" for convenience]
+        if (nComma.gt.0) then              ; more than 1 element
+            rhs         = new ( nComma+1, "string")
+            delete (rhs at _FillValue)
+                                           ; must parse CC(iEq+1:)
+                                           ; put each element => array rhs
+            iComma      = ind(CC.eq.commac); indices of commas
+            rhs(0)      = chartostring( CC(iEq+1:iComma(0)-1) )
+            rhs(nComma) = chartostring( CC(iComma(nComma-1)+1:nc-1) )
+            if (nComma.gt.1) then
+                do i=0,nComma-2
+                   rhs(i+1) = chartostring(CC(iComma(i)+1:iComma(i+1)-1))
+                end do
+            end if
+            nam@$aName$ = rhs
+            delete (rhs)
+            delete (iComma)
+        else
+            nam@$aName$ = RHS    ; single string
+        end if
+        delete (iq)
+        delete (CC)
+        continue                 ; go to next iteration
+    end if
+                                 ; MUST be integer or real
+    delete (iq)                  ; iq referred to index of ' or "
+    nDecimal = num(CC.eq.decimalc)      ; number of decimal pts
+    if (nComma.gt.0) then
+        iComma          = ind(CC.eq.commac)  ; inices of ,
+        if (nDecimal.eq.0) then
+            rhs         = new ( nComma+1, "integer")
+            rhs(0)      = stringtointeger( chartostring( CC(iEq+1:iComma(0)-1) ))
+            rhs(nComma) = stringtointeger( chartostring( CC(iComma(nComma-1)+1:nc-1) ))
+            if (nComma.gt.1) then
+                do i=0,nComma-2
+                   rhs(i+1) = stringtointeger(chartostring(CC(iComma(i)+1:iComma(i+1)-1)))
+                end do
+            end if
+        else
+            rhs         = new ( nComma+1, "float")
+            rhs(0)      = stringtofloat( chartostring( CC(iEq+1:iComma(0)-1) ))
+            rhs(nComma) = stringtofloat( chartostring( CC(iComma(nComma-1)+1:nc-1) ))
+            if (nComma.gt.1) then
+                do i=0,nComma-2
+                   rhs(i+1) = stringtofloat( chartostring(CC(iComma(i)+1:iComma(i+1)-1)))
+                end do
+            end if
+        end if
+        delete (rhs at _FillValue)
+        delete (iComma)
+    else
+        if (nDecimal.eq.0) then
+            rhs = stringtointeger(RHS)
+        else
+            rhs = stringtofloat(RHS)
+        end if
+    end if
+    nam@$aName$ = rhs     ; associate values with variable
+    delete (rhs)
+    delete (CC)
+   end do
+   return(nam)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;Within a string:  replace one character with another
+ ; usage:   s = "apples are good"
+ ;          replaceSingleChar(s, " ", "_")   ; ==> s="apples_are_good""
+ ; This function was deprecated in V5.1.1 and replaced with
+ ; the built-in function "str_sub_str".
+ undef("replaceSingleChar")
+ procedure replaceSingleChar (s[*]:string, oldStr[1]:string, newStr[1]:string)
+ begin
+   print("replaceSingChar: this function has been deprecated.")
+   print("                 Will use str_sub_str.")
+   s = str_sub_str(s,oldStr,newStr)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; create symmetric min/max values for plots
+ ; will add additional plot resources to the "res" variable
+ ; 
+ ; usage:    res = True
+ ;          symMinMaxPlt(zData, 14, False, res)
+ ;
+ undef("symMinMaxPlt")
+ procedure symMinMaxPlt (x:numeric, nCnLvl:integer, inOut:logical, res:logical)
+ local xMin, xMax, cmnmx, mnmxint
+ begin
+   xMin  = min(x)
+   xMax  = max(x)
+   cmnmx = max( (/fabs(xMin), fabs(xMax)/) )  ; larger of two values
+   mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( -cmnmx, cmnmx, nCnLvl, inOut)
+   res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"   
+   res at cnMinLevelValF       = mnmxint(0)
+   res at cnMaxLevelValF       = mnmxint(1)
+   if (isnan_ieee(mnmxint(2))) then            ; extreme case
+       res at cnLevelSpacingF  = 1.0
+   else
+       res at cnLevelSpacingF  = mnmxint(2)
+   end if
+ end
+ undef("isStrSubset")
+ function isStrSubset(S[1]:string, s[1]:string)
+ ; return True or False is "s" is a subset of "S" 
+ local SC, sc, nsc, nSC, n, sTF
+ begin
+    SC  = stringtochar(S)     ; main
+    sc  = stringtochar(s)     ; subset
+    nSC = dimsizes( SC ) - 1  ; extra 'end of char' at end
+    nsc = dimsizes( sc ) - 1
+    sTF = False
+    if (nsc.le.nSC) then      ; nsc must be <= nSC
+        do n=0,nSC-nsc
+           if (all(SC(n:n+nsc-1).eq.sc(0:nsc-1)) ) then
+               sTF = True
+               return (sTF)
+           end if
+        end do
+    end if
+    return (sTF)
+ end
+ ; ----------------------
+ undef("indStrSubset")
+ function indStrSubset(S[1]:string, s[1]:string)
+ ; return the indices of the characters
+ ; of "S" of which "s" is a subset. 
+ local SC, sc, nsc, nSC, n, ii
+ begin
+    if (ismissing(S) .or. ismissing(s)) then
+        print("indStrSubset: missing string")
+        imsg = default_fillvalue("integer")
+        ii = (/imsg,imsg/)
+        ii at _FillValue = imsg
+        return(ii)
+    end if
+    SC  = stringtochar(S)     ; main
+    sc  = stringtochar(s)     ; subset
+    nSC = dimsizes( SC ) - 1  ; extra 'end of char' at end
+    nsc = dimsizes( sc ) - 1
+    if (nsc.le.nSC) then      ; nsc must be <= nSC
+        do n=0,nSC-nsc
+           if (all(SC(n:n+nsc-1).eq.sc(0:nsc-1)) ) then
+               ii  = ispan(n,n+nsc-1,1)
+               return( ii )
+           end if
+        end do
+    end if
+    ii = new ( 1, integer)
+    return (ii)
+ end
+ undef ("getSubString")
+ function getSubString (s[*]:string, iStrt:integer, iLast:integer)
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;     extract a sub-string from one or more strings 
+ ;     a = "0850-0899"
+ ;     a1= getSubString(a, 0, 3)  ; ==> a1 = "0850"
+ ;     a2= getSubString(a, 5, 8)  ; ==> a2 = "0899"
+ ;
+ ;     A = (/ "vorticity", "flux", "divergence" /)
+ ;     As= getSubString(A, 0, 4)  ; ==> As = (/"vort","flux","dive"/)
+ ; This function was deprecated in V5.1.1 and replaced with
+ ; the built-in function "str_get_cols".
+ begin
+   return(str_get_cols(s,iStrt,iLast))
+ end
+ undef("wallClockElapseTime")
+ procedure wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt:string, title:string, opt:integer)
+ ;
+ ; compute *Wall Clock* elapsed time in seconds
+ ; Usage:     wcStrt = systemfunc("date")
+ ;                   :    ; one or more statements [usually a block of code]
+ ;            wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt, "short_info", 0)
+ ; opt not used right now
+ ; this will not handle case where year or month changes
+ ;
+ ; Haley: updated Aug 2014 to return the date in the correct format.
+ ;
+ local wcNow, wcStrt_c, tSTRT, wcNow_c, tNOW, sec, NLINE, dq, date_cmd
+ begin
+   dq        = str_get_dq()
+   date_cmd  = "date +" + dq + "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" + dq
+ ;;wcNow     = systemfunc("date")
+   wcNow     = systemfunc(date_cmd)   ; current ("now") time; must be
+   wcNow_c   = stringtochar(wcNow)    ;    be 'Wed Aug 27 08:38:33 MDT 2014' format
+   wcStrt_c  = stringtochar(wcStrt)
+   if (dimsizes(wcNow_c).eq.dimsizes(wcStrt_c) .and. 
+       dimsizes(wcNow_c).eq.29) then  ; includes end-of-line character
+       tSTRT = stringtointeger((/wcStrt_c( 8: 9)/))*86400 
+             + stringtointeger((/wcStrt_c(11:12)/))*3600  
+             + stringtointeger((/wcStrt_c(14:15)/))*60    
+             + stringtointeger((/wcStrt_c(17:18)/))
+       tNOW  = stringtointeger((/wcNow_c( 8: 9)/))*86400  
+             + stringtointeger((/wcNow_c(11:12)/))*3600   
+             + stringtointeger((/wcNow_c(14:15)/))*60     
+             + stringtointeger((/wcNow_c(17:18)/))
+       secElapseTime = tNOW-tSTRT
+       NLINE     = inttochar(10)   ; new line character
+       print (NLINE+ 
+         "=====> Wall Clock Elapsed Time: "+title+": "+   
+          secElapseTime+" seconds <====="+NLINE)
+   else
+       print("wallClockElapseTime: something wrong: no printed value")
+   end if
+ end
+ undef("partitionString")
+ function partitionString(s:string , fs:string)
+ ; D Shea
+ ; Subset a string into parts depending upon a string separator [fs].
+ ; The fs argument can be only one character.
+ ;
+ ;    code = "apple:orange:cider:peach"     ; 4 components
+ ;    a    = partitionString(code, ":")
+ ; result will be a 1D array of length 4 containing
+ ;    a    = (/"apple","orange","cider","peach"/)
+ local cs, cfs, i, nStr, str, n, iStrt, iLast
+ begin
+   cs  = stringtochar(s)     ; string to individual characters   
+   cfs = stringtochar(fs)    ; string separator as character
+   if (dimsizes(cfs).ne.2) then
+       print ("*****")
+       print ("partitionString: fs can contain only one character, fs="+fs)
+       print ("*****")
+       return(s)
+   end if
+   i   = ind(cs .eq. cfs(0)) ; indices where fs occurs
+   if (.not.any(ismissing(i)) ) then 
+       nStr  = dimsizes(i) + 1
+       str   = new ( nStr, "string")
+       iStrt = 0
+       do n=0,nStr-2
+          iLast  = i(n)-1
+          str(n) =  chartostring((/cs(iStrt:iLast)/)) 
+          iStrt  = i(n)+1
+       end do
+       iLast = dimsizes(cs)-2
+       str(nStr-1) =  chartostring((/cs(iStrt:iLast)/)) 
+   else
+       str = s     ; string separator found
+   end if
+   return(str)
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; read an ascii file and return just the header as a 1D array of strings.
+ ;
+ ; The header is the non-numeric part. Note upon
+ ; return this may have to be parsed individually for specific info. 
+ ;
+ ; opt - option
+ ;       if type "integer" or "long" then it is the number of rows
+ ;       (line) for the header. This is a 'fixed' number of lines.
+ ;        [06 Feb 2011 - add support for "long" nrows]
+ ;
+ ;       if type "string" then it is a sequence of characters
+ ;       that terminate a variable number of header rows.
+ ;       Currently this just checks character sequences
+ ;       starting in col 0. 
+ ;
+ ;       if type "float" and positive then it will read  all values as float. 
+ ;       eg: f_head = readAsciiHead("foo.ascii", 3.) 
+ ;       all numbers on the 1st three rows will be read as float.
+ undef("readAsciiHead")
+ function readAsciiHead( fName:string, opt)
+ local xs, xc, nr, nrow, noptc, nxc, f_head
+ begin
+   xs   = asciiread(fName, -1, "string") ; all rows as strings
+   if (any(typeof(opt).eq.(/"integer","long"/))) then
+       if (opt.gt.0) then
+           return( xs(0:opt-1) )       ; return just header rows
+       else
+           print ("contributed: readAsciiHead: opt must be >0")
+           return( new(1,string) )
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (typeof(opt).eq."string") then
+       nrow = dimsizes(xs)
+       do nr=0,nrow-1
+          ii = str_index_of_substr(xs(nr),opt,1)  ; Find the 1st match
+          if(.not.any(ismissing(ii)).and.ii.eq.0) then
+              return( xs(0:nr) )
+              exit
+          end if
+       end do
+       return(new(1,string))
+   end if
+   if (typeof(opt).eq."float") then
+       nrow = tolong(opt)    ; # of rows to be read as float
+       tmpdir  = ncargpath("tmp") + "/"
+       if(ismissing(tmpdir)) then
+         tmpdir = "./"
+       end if
+       tmpfile = systemfunc("echo tmp$$")
+       if (ismissing(tmpfile)) then
+           tmpfile = "BoGuS_file"
+       end if
+       asciiwrite (tmpdir+tmpfile, xs(0:nrow-1))
+       f_head = asciiread(tmpdir+tmpfile, -1, "float")
+       system("/bin/rm "+tmpdir+tmpfile)
+       return( f_head )
+   end if
+ end
+ ;*************************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; read an ascii file and return the table data after the header portion
+ ; opt - option
+ ;       if type "integer" it can be a scalar or have size [2]
+ ;       opt/opt(0) specifies the number of rows (lines) for the header. 
+ ;       This is a 'fixed' number of lines.
+ ;       if opt has 2 elements, the second integer value [ opt(1) ]
+ ;       specifies the number of lines at the end of the 
+ ;       file to be ignored.
+ ;
+ ;       if type "string" then it is a sequence of characters
+ ;       that terminate a variable number of header rows.
+ ;       Currently this just checks character sequences
+ ;       starting in col 0. 
+ ; ncol- number of columns in table
+ ;
+ ;   [06 Feb 2011 - added support for "long" ncol]
+ undef("readAsciiTable")
+ function readAsciiTable( fName:string, ncol, datatype:string, opt)
+ local head, nh, xs, nrow, table, nopt, valid_dim_types
+ begin
+   valid_dim_types = (/"integer","long"/)
+   if (.not.any(typeof(ncol).eq.valid_dim_types)) then
+     print ("contributed: readAsciiTable: ncol must be int or long")
+     return(new(1,string))
+   end if
+   nopt = dimsizes(opt)
+   if (any(typeof(opt).eq.valid_dim_types) .and. nopt.eq.1 .and. 
+       opt(0).eq.0) then
+       nrow  = dimsizes(asciiread(fName, -1, "string"))  ; all rows as strings
+       table = asciiread(fName, (/nrow,ncol/), datatype)
+   else
+     ;;if (opt(0).gt.0) then
+       if ((nopt.eq.1 .and. typeof(opt).eq."string") .or. 
+            opt(0).gt.0) then
+         head = readAsciiHead( fName, opt(0))
+         nh   = dimsizes(head)                 ; # header records
+       else
+         nh = 0                                ; no header to read
+       end if
+       xs   = asciiread(fName, -1, "string") ; all rows as strings
+       nrow = dimsizes(xs)-nh                ; # rows after header
+       if (nopt.gt.1) then
+           nrow = nrow - opt(1) 
+       end if
+       tmpdir  = ncargpath("tmp") + "/"
+       if(ismissing(tmpdir)) then
+         tmpdir = "./"
+       end if
+     ;;tmpfile = systemfunc("echo tmp$$")   ; See JIRA: NCL-2174
+       tmpnum = systemfunc("date +%N")      ; introduced 6.3.0
+       if(tmpnum.eq."N")then
+         delete(tmpnum)
+         srand(toint(systemfunc("date +%s")))
+         tmpnum = rand()
+       end if
+       tmpfile = "tmp"+tmpnum
+       if (ismissing(tmpfile)) then
+           tmpfile = "BoGuS_file"
+       end if
+       asciiwrite (tmpdir+tmpfile, xs(nh:nh+nrow-1))
+       table = asciiread(tmpdir+tmpfile, (/nrow,ncol/), datatype)
+       system("/bin/rm "+tmpdir+tmpfile)
+   end if
+   return(table)
+ end
+ ;********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "hyi2hyo" that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the new level coordinates.
+ undef("hyi2hyo_Wrap")
+ function hyi2hyo_Wrap(p0,hyai,hybi,psfc,xi,hyao,hybo,option)
+ ;
+ ; hyai, hybi - input  hybrid coordinates
+ ; hyao, hybo - output hybrid coordinates
+ ;
+ local xo, dName, nDim, P0, lev, n
+ begin
+    xo = hyi2hyo(p0,hyai,hybi,psfc,xi,hyao,hybo,option)
+    copy_VarAtts(xi,xo) 
+    xo at info = "NCL function hyi2hyo used to interpolate" 
+    dName = getvardims( xi )  ; get dim names of the input variable
+    if (any(dName.eq."missing")) then
+        return (xo)
+    end if
+    nDim = dimsizes( dimsizes(xo) )
+    do n=0,nDim-1                     ; name the dimensions
+       xo!n = dName(n)
+      ;print("dName: "+n+": "+dName(n))
+    end do
+    if (isatt(p0,"units") .and. 
+       (p0 at units.eq."Pa" .or. p0 at units.eq."Pascals") .or. 
+       (p0.eq.100000.))  then
+        P0  = p0/100.
+        P0 at units = "hPa"
+        if (isStrSubset(hyai at long_name,"interfaces") .or. 
+            isStrSubset(hyai at long_name,"midpoints" )) then
+            lev                = (hyao+hybo)*P0
+            lev at long_name      = "level"
+            lev at units          = "hPa"
+            if (isStrSubset(hyai at long_name,"interfaces")) then
+                lev at long_name     = "hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B))"
+                lev at formula_terms = "a: hyai b: hybi p0: P0 ps: PS" 
+                lev!0             = "ilev"
+            end if
+            if (isStrSubset(hyai at long_name,"midpoints")) then
+                lev at long_name      = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))"
+                lev at formula_terms  = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS" 
+                lev!0             = "lev"
+            end if
+        else
+            lev                = (hyao+hybo)*P0
+            lev at long_name      = "level"
+            lev at units          = "hPa"
+            lev at long_name      = "hybrid level (1000*(A+B))"
+            lev at formula_terms  = "a: hya b: hyb p0: P0 ps: PS" 
+        end if
+    end if
+    lev at standard_name  = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate"
+    lev at positive       = "down" 
+    if (nDim.eq.3) then
+        if (isvar("lev")) then
+            xo&$dName(0)$ = lev
+        end if
+        do n=1,2
+           if (iscoord(xi, dName(n)) ) then
+               xo&$dName(n)$ = xi&$dName(n)$
+           end if
+        end do
+    end if
+    if (nDim.eq.4) then
+        do n=0,3
+           if (n.eq.1 .and. isvar("lev")) then
+               xo&$dName(n)$ = lev
+           else
+               if (iscoord(xi, dName(n)) ) then
+                   xo&$dName(n)$ = xi&$dName(n)$
+               end if
+           end if
+        end do
+    end if
+    return (xo)
+ end
+ ;**************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "shsgc_R42"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the longitude and gaussian latitude coordinates.
+ undef("shsgc_R42_Wrap")
+ function shsgc_R42_Wrap (a:numeric, b:numeric)
+ local xNew, lat, gwt, lon, nDim
+ begin
+   xNew = shsgc_R42(a,b) 
+   lat  = latGau    (108, "lat", "latitude" , "degrees_north")
+   gwt  = latGauWgt (108, "lat", "gaussian weights", "")
+   lon  = lonGlobeF (128, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+   if (isatt(a,"long_name")) then
+       xNew at long_name = a at long_name
+   end if
+   if (isatt(a,"units")) then
+       xNew at units = a at units
+   end if
+   nDim     = dimsizes(dimsizes(xNew))           ; number of dimensions
+   xNew!(nDim-2)  = "lat"                        ; 2nd rightmost dimension
+   xNew!(nDim-1)  = "lon"                        ; rightmost dimension
+   xNew&lat = lat(::-1)                          ; add new coord var
+   xNew&lon = lon
+   xNew at gwt = gwt                                ; attach as attribute
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ;********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "pres2hybrid" that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ ; It adds the new level coordinates.
+ undef("pres2hybrid_Wrap")
+ function pres2hybrid_Wrap(p[*],psfc,p0,xi,hyao,hybo,intflg)
+ local xo, dName, nDim, P0, lev, n
+ begin
+    xo = pres2hybrid(p,psfc,p0,xi,hyao,hybo,intflg)
+    copy_VarAtts(xi,xo) 
+    xo at info = "NCL function pres2hybrid used to interpolate" 
+    dName = getvardims( xi )  ; get dim names of the input variable
+    if (any(ismissing(dName))) then
+        return (xo)
+    end if
+    nDim = dimsizes( dimsizes(xo) )
+    if (nDim.ge.5) then
+        print("pres2hybrid_Wrap: Too many dimensions: nDim="+nDim)
+        exit
+    end if
+    if (nDim.lt.3) then
+        print("pres2hybrid_Wrap: Too few  dimensions: nDim="+nDim)
+        exit
+    end if
+    do n=0,nDim-1                     ; name the dimensions
+       xo!n = dName(n)
+    end do
+    if (isatt(p0,"units") .and. 
+       (p0 at units.eq."Pa" .or. p0 at units.eq."Pascals") .or. 
+       (p0.eq.100000.))  then
+        P0  = p0/100.
+        P0 at units = "hPa"
+        lev      = (hyao+hybo)*P0
+        lev at long_name     = "level"
+        lev at units         = "hPa"
+        lev at formula_terms = "a: hyam b: hybm p0: P0 ps: PS" 
+        lev at positive      = "down" 
+        lev at standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate"
+    end if
+    if (nDim.eq.3) then
+        if (isvar("lev")) then
+            xo&$dName(0)$ = lev
+        end if
+        do n=1,2
+           if (iscoord(xi, dName(n)) ) then
+               xo&$dName(n)$ = xi&$dName(n)$
+           end if
+        end do
+    end if
+    if (nDim.eq.4) then
+        do n=0,3
+           if (n.eq.1 .and. isvar("lev")) then
+               xo&$dName(n)$ = lev
+           else
+               if (iscoord(xi, dName(n)) ) then
+                   xo&$dName(n)$ = xi&$dName(n)$
+               end if
+           end if
+        end do
+    end if
+    return (xo)
+ end
+ ;
+ ;**************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Driver for NCL function "omega_ccm"  
+ ; It calculates intermediate quantities needed for input.
+ ;
+ undef("omega_ccm_driver")
+ function omega_ccm_driver(p0,psfc,u,v,hyam[*],hybm[*],hyai[*],hybi[*])
+ ; calculate assorted intermediate quantities 
+ ; prior to invoking the built-in function "omega_ccm"
+ ;
+ ;  p0     - Scalar numeric value equal to surface reference pressure in Pa.
+ ;  psfc   - 2D or 3D array  ([time,]lat,lon) of surface pressures in Pa. 
+ ;  u, v   - 3D or 4D arrays ([time,]lev,lat,lon) of zonal and meridional wind (m/s)
+ ;  hyam   - 1D array containing the hybrid A coefficients. Must have the 
+ ;           same dimension as the level dimension of u and v. 
+ ;           The order must be top-to-bottom. 
+ ;  hybm   - 1D array containing the hybrid B coefficients. Must have the 
+ ;           same dimension as the level dimension of u and v. 
+ ;           The order must be top-to-bottom. 
+ ;  hyai   - 1D array containing the interface hybrid A coefficients. 
+ ;           The order must be top-to-bottom. 
+ ;  hybi   - 1D array containing the interface hybrid B coefficients. 
+ ;           The order must be top-to-bottom. 
+ begin
+   dimps  = dimsizes(psfc)
+   rankps = dimsizes(dimps)
+   dimu   = dimsizes(u)
+   ranku  = dimsizes(dimu)
+   if ((ranku .eq.rankps)             .or. 
+       (ranku .le.2 .or.  ranku.ge.5) .or. 
+       (rankps.le.1 .or. rankps.ge.4) .or. 
+       (ranku .eq.4 .and.rankps.ne.3) .or. 
+       (ranku .eq.3 .and.rankps.ne.2)) then
+       print("omega_ccm_driver: expected ranku=3 or 4 and rankps=2 or 3")
+       print("omega_ccm_driver: got      ranku="+ranku+"  and rankps="+rankps)
+       exit
+   end if
+                           ; only klev is used below: ntim, nlat, mlon  are FYI only
+   if (ranku.eq.3) then
+       klev   = dimu(0)
+       nlat   = dimu(1)
+       mlon   = dimu(2)
+   else
+       ntim   = dimu(0)
+       klev   = dimu(1)
+       nlat   = dimu(2)
+       mlon   = dimu(3)
+   end if
+   omega = u                                 ; create space
+   omega at long_name = "Vertical pressure velocity"
+   omega at units     = "Pa/s"
+   lat   = omega&lat
+                       ;  hybd  = new((/klev/),typeof(hyai))
+                       ;  do k=0,klev-1
+                       ;    hybd(k) = hybi(k+1)-hybi(k)
+                       ;  end do
+   klevi  = dimsizes(hybi)
+   hybd   = hybi(1:) - hybi(0:klevi-2)
+   nprlev = 0                                ; number of pure pressure levels
+   do k=1,klev
+     if (nprlev .eq. 0 .and. hybi(k) .ne. 0.0) then
+       nprlev = k - 1 
+     end if
+   end do  
+   pdel  = dpres_hybrid_ccm(psfc,p0,hyai,hybi)
+   pmid  = pres_hybrid_ccm (psfc,p0,hyam,hybm)
+   dpsl  = psfc                            ; create space for retrn variables
+   dpsm  = psfc
+   psln  = log(psfc)
+   gradsg(psln,dpsl,dpsm)                  ; gradients of log(psfc) gaussian grid
+   div   = uv2dvG(u,v)                     ; divergence on gaussian grid
+   omega = omega_ccm(u       ,v       ,div     ,dpsl    
+                    ,dpsm    ,pmid    ,pdel             
+                    ,psfc    ,hybd    ,hybm    ,nprlev  )
+   return(omega)
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea 
+ ;
+ ; Converts OMEGA (Pa/s) to W (m/s)                          
+ ; This is a 1st order approximation.
+ undef("omega_to_w")
+ function omega_to_w (omega, p, t)
+ ;
+ ; first order conversion: w = -omega/(density*gravity)
+ ;
+ ; omega: units = "Pa/sec"
+ ; p    : units = "Pa"
+ ; t    : units = "K"
+ local dims_omega, dims_t, dims_p, rank_omega, rank_t, rank_p, RGAS, GRAV, rho, w
+ begin
+    dims_omega = dimsizes( omega )
+    dims_t     = dimsizes( t )
+    dims_p     = dimsizes( p )
+    rank_omega = dimsizes( dims_omega )
+    rank_t     = dimsizes( dims_t ) 
+    rank_p     = dimsizes( dims_p ) 
+    if (rank_omega.ne.rank_t .or. rank_omega.ne.rank_p .or. 
+        .not.(all(dims_omega.eq.dims_t) .and. all(dims_omega.eq.dims_p)) ) then
+        print("omega_to_w: omega, p, t must be the same rank & size")
+        exit
+    end if
+    RGAS = 287.058            ; J/(kg-K) => m2/(s2 K)
+    GRAV = 9.80665            ; m/s2
+    rho  = p/(RGAS*t)         ; density => kg/m3
+    w    = -omega/(rho*GRAV)  ; array operation
+    w at long_name = "vertical velocity"
+    w at units     = "m/s"
+    w at info_tag  = "NCL: omega_to_w: -omega/(rho*g): approximation "
+    copy_VarCoords( omega, w)
+    return( w )
+ end 
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea 
+ ;
+ ; Converts W (m/s) to OMEGA (Pa/s)                          
+ ; This is a 1st order approximation.
+ undef("w_to_omega")
+ function w_to_omega (w, p, t)
+ ;
+ ; first order conversion: omega= -w*density*gravity
+ ;
+ ; w    : units = "m/sec"
+ ; p    : units = "Pa"
+ ; t    : units = "K"
+ local dims_w, dims_t, dims_p, rank_w, rank_t, rank_p, RGAS, GRAV, rho, omega
+ begin
+    dims_w = dimsizes( w )
+    dims_t = dimsizes( t )
+    dims_p = dimsizes( p )
+    rank_w = dimsizes( dims_w )
+    rank_t = dimsizes( dims_t )
+    rank_p = dimsizes( dims_p )
+    if (rank_w.ne.rank_t .or. rank_w.ne.rank_p .or. 
+        .not.(all(dims_w.eq.dims_t) .and. all(dims_w.eq.dims_p)) ) then
+        print("w_to_omega: omega, p, t must be the same rank & size")
+        exit
+    end if
+    RGAS = 287.058            ; J/(kg-K) => m2/(s2 K)
+    GRAV = 9.80665            ; m/s2
+    rho  = p/(RGAS*t)         ; density => kg/m3
+    omega    = -w*rho*GRAV    ; array operation
+    omega at long_name = "vertical velocity"
+    omega at units     = "Pa/s"
+    omega at info_tag  = "NCL: w_to_omega: omega= -w*rho*g: approximation "
+    copy_VarCoords( w, omega)
+    return( omega )
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea and S. N. Hameed <U. Hawaii> 
+ ;
+ ; Determines the relative minima for a 1-dimensional array. 
+ ; x      - A 1-dimensional float or double array. 
+ ;          Missing data are not allowed.
+ ; cyclic - Set to True if data are cyclic.  
+ ;          Set to False if the data array is not cyclic in x.
+ ; delta  - Tolerance level (negative). If values are within delta of 
+ ;          surrounding values it will not be counted as a local min value. 
+ ; opt    - indicates what is to be returned
+ ;          0         ; return the minimum values
+ ;          opt.ne.0  ; return the indices [subscripts] where 
+ ;                    ; minimum values occured.
+ ;
+ ; usage:   qmin = local_min_1d(q, False, -0.25, 0)
+ ;
+ ;          imin = local_min_1d(q, False, -0.25, 1)
+ ;          if (.not.ismissing(imax)) then
+ ;              qmin = q(imin)
+ ;              zmin = z(imin)   ; z where q is at a minimum
+ ;          end if
+ ;
+ ; M.Haley, 5 Feb 2011 - updated to allow long dimension sizes
+ undef("local_min_1d")
+ function local_min_1d( X[*]:numeric  , cyclic:logical 
+                      , del[1]:numeric, opt[1]:integer )
+ local NX, nx, x, iOffSet, nStrt, nLast, imn, i, type_nx
+ begin
+   if (del.gt.0.0) then
+       print("contributed: local_min_1d: del must be .le. 0.0")
+       print("contributed: local_min_1d: del ="+del)
+       exit 
+   end if
+   if (any(ismissing(X))) then
+       print("contributed: local_min_1d: missing values not allowed")
+       print("contributed: local_min_1d: "+num(ismissing(X)) 
+                        +" missing values encountered")
+       exit 
+   end if
+   NX  = dimsizes(X)
+   if (cyclic) then
+       nx        = NX+2
+       x         = new (nx, typeof(X), getFillValue(X)) 
+       x(0)      = (/ X(NX-1) /)
+       x(nx-1)   = (/ X(0)    /)
+       x(1:nx-2) = (/ X       /) 
+       iOffSet   = -1
+   else
+       x         = (/ X /)
+       iOffSet   = 0
+   end if
+   nx      = dimsizes(x)
+   type_nx = typeof(nx)                     ; int or long
+   imn     = new( nx, type_nx )
+   nStrt   = new(  1, type_nx )
+   nLast   = new(  1, type_nx )
+   i       = new(  1, type_nx )
+   nStrt = 1
+   nLast = nx-2   
+   i     = -1
+   do n=nStrt,nLast
+      if ((x(n)-x(n-1)).le.del .and. (x(n)-x(n+1)).le.del) then
+          i = i+1
+          imn(i) = n   ; indices of local minima
+      end if
+   end do
+   i at _FillValue = -1             ; trick ... assign after loop 
+   if (.not.ismissing(i)) then
+       if (opt.eq.0) then
+           return(x(imn(0:i)))   ; return actual minimum values
+       else
+           return(imn(0:i)+iOffSet)
+       end if
+   else                          ; must be no local minima
+       if (opt.eq.0) then
+           return(default_fillvalue(typeof(x)))
+       else
+           return(i)           ; default integer missing code
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea and S. N. Hameed <U. Hawaii> 
+ ;
+ ; Determines the relative maxima for a 1-dimensional array. 
+ ; x      - A 1-dimensional float or double array. 
+ ;          Missing data are not allowed.
+ ; cyclic - Set to True if data are cyclic.  
+ ;          Set to False if the data array is not cyclic in x.
+ ; delta  - Tolerance level (positive). If values are within delta 
+ ;          of surrounding values it will not be counted as a local max value. 
+ ; opt    = indicates what is to be returned
+ ;          0         ; return the maximum values
+ ;          opt.ne.0  ; return the indices [subscripts] where 
+ ;                    ; maximum values occured.
+ ;
+ ; usage:   qmax = local_max_1d(q, False, 0.25, 0)
+ ;
+ ;          imax = local_max_1d(q, False, 0.25, 1)
+ ;          if (.not.ismissing(imax)) then
+ ;              qmax = q(imax)
+ ;              zmax = z(imax)   ; z where q is at a maximum
+ ;          end if
+ undef("local_max_1d")
+ function local_max_1d( X[*]:numeric  , cyclic:logical 
+                      , del[1]:numeric, opt[1]:integer )
+ local NX, nx, x, iOffSet, nStrt, nLast, imx, i, type_nx
+ begin
+   if (del.lt.0.0) then
+       print("contributed: local_max_1d: del must be .ge. 0.0")
+       print("contributed: local_max_1d: del ="+del)
+       exit 
+   end if
+   if (any(ismissing(X))) then
+       print("contributed: local_max_1d: missing values not allowed")
+       print("contributed: local_max_1d: "+num(ismissing(X)) 
+                        +" missing values encountered")
+       exit 
+   end if
+   NX  = dimsizes(X)        
+   if (cyclic) then          
+       nx        = NX+2                 
+       x         = new (nx, typeof(X), getFillValue(X))    
+       x(0)      = (/ X(NX-1) /)  
+       x(nx-1)   = (/ X(0)    /)   
+       x(1:nx-2) = (/ X       /)    
+       iOffSet   = -1
+   else                              
+       x         = (/ X /)            
+       iOffSet   = 0
+   end if
+   nx      = dimsizes(x)
+   type_nx = typeof(nx)                     ; int or long
+   imx     = new( nx, type_nx ) 
+   nStrt   = new(  1, type_nx )
+   nLast   = new(  1, type_nx )
+   i       = new(  1, type_nx )
+   nStrt = 1 
+   nLast = nx-2   
+   i     = -1
+   do n=nStrt,nLast
+      if ((x(n)-x(n-1)).ge.del .and. (x(n)-x(n+1)).ge.del) then
+          i    = i+1
+          imx (i) = n
+      end if
+   end do
+   i at _FillValue = -1             ; trick ... assign after loop 
+   if (.not.ismissing(i)) then
+       if (opt.eq.0) then
+           return(x(imx(0:i)))   ; return actual maximum values
+       else
+           return(imx(0:i)+iOffSet)      ; return index values
+       end if
+   else                          ; must be no local maxima
+       if (opt.eq.0) then
+           return(default_fillvalue(typeof(x)))
+       else
+           return(i)
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;************************************************************
+ ; Internal
+ ; Copy all of the coordinate variables from one variable to another.  
+ ; starting at dimension 1           
+ undef("copy_VarCoords_skipDim0")
+ procedure copy_VarCoords_skipDim0(var_from,var_to)  
+ local dfrom, dto, rfrom, rto, i, dName
+ begin                                     
+   dfrom = dimsizes(var_from)
+   dto   = dimsizes(var_to)
+   rfrom = dimsizes(dfrom)
+   rto   = dimsizes(dto)
+                                              ; coordinates must have names
+   dName = getvardims(var_from)               ; Oct 18, 2005
+   if (.not.all(ismissing(dName))) then
+           do i = 1,rto-1
+              if (.not.ismissing(dName(i))) then   ; Oct 18, 2005
+                 var_to!i = var_from!i
+                 if(iscoord(var_from,var_from!i))
+                var_to&$var_to!i$ = var_from&$var_from!i$
+                 end if
+              end if
+           end  do
+   end if
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Turn monthly values [eg, precipitation] to annual values
+ ; Two options: (a) sum of all 12 months (b) [sum of 12 values]/12
+ ; Caveats: If there is more than one dimension, 
+ ;            (a) all dimensions *must* be named.
+ ;            (b) If there are no missing data [_FillValue], 
+ ;                this function will work as expected.
+ ; Nomenclature:
+ ;   x          -  data array
+ ;                 if rank is greater than one, then it is required that 
+ ;                 the *leftmost* dimension be "time"
+ ;                 eg: prc(time,lat,lon),  z(time,stations), q(time,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;
+ ;                 if 1D missing values [_FillValue] are allowed
+ ;                 otherwise
+ ;                 no missing values currently alloed
+ ;
+ ;   opt        - flag: opt=0 if annual total value [sum 12 values] is to be returned
+ ;                      opt=1 if annual mean  value is to be returned [(annual total)/12]
+ ;                      opt>1 special: calculate annual mean with < 12 values
+ ;                                     # values used to calculate "annual" mean
+ ;                                       can be 1<=opt<=12
+ ;                    
+ ;   Usage:
+ ;                 PRC_annual_total = month_to_annual( prc, 0) 
+ ;                 TMP_annual_mean  = month_to_annual( tmp, 1) 
+ ;                 special
+ ;                 TMP_annual_mean  = month_to_annual( tmp, 10)   ; 10 or more values
+ ;
+ undef("month_to_annual")
+ function month_to_annual(x:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local dimx, rankx, ntim, nyr, nyrs, nt, nx, ny, kz, nn, nmo 
+     , dName, xAnnual, xTemp, n, m, k, nMsg, nmos, NMOS, nGood
+ begin
+   if (opt.lt.0 .or. opt.gt.12) then
+       print("month_to_annual: illegal value of opt: opt="+opt)
+       exit
+   end if
+   NMOS  = 12                   ; fixed ... will not change
+   nmos  = 12                   ; possible change in value
+   if (opt.gt.1) then
+       nmos = opt         
+   end if
+   NMOS1 = NMOS-1               ; convenience
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)
+   NTIM  = dimx(0)
+   if (dimx(0).ne.NTIM) then
+       print("month_to_annual: yyyymm and x time dimension must be same size")
+       exit
+   end if 
+   if (rankx .gt. 4) then
+       print("*** FATAL  ***")
+       print("month_to_annual: currently support up to 4D only")
+       print("month_to_annual: rank="+rankx)
+       exit
+   end if
+   nyrs = NTIM/NMOS
+   ntim = nyrs*NMOS
+   if (NTIM%NMOS .ne. 0) then
+       print("*** WARNING ***")
+       print("month_to_annual: ntim="+NTIM+" not multiple of 12:  nyrs="+nyrs)
+       nyrs = nyrs + 1
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.1) then
+       xAnnual = new ( nyrs, typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed.ncl
+       nyr = -1
+       do nt=0,ntim-1,NMOS
+          nyr  = nyr+1
+          nMsg = 0
+          if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+              nMsg = num (ismissing(x(nt:nt+NMOS1)) )
+          end if
+          nGood = NMOS-nMsg
+          if (nMsg.eq.0 .and. opt.eq.0) then
+              xAnnual(nyr)   = sum ( x(nt:nt+NMOS1) )
+          end if
+          if (nMsg.eq.0 .and. opt.ge.1) then
+              xAnnual(nyr)   = avg ( x(nt:nt+NMOS1) )  ; always opt=1
+          end if
+          if (nMsg.gt.0 .and. opt.gt.1 .and. nGood.ge.nmos) then
+              xAnnual(nyr)   = avg ( x(nt:nt+NMOS1) )  ; always opt=1
+          end if
+       end do
+       copy_VarAtts (x, xAnnual)
+       xAnnual at NCL  = "month_to_annual"
+       xAnnual!0    = "year"
+       return(xAnnual)
+    end if
+    dName  = getvardims(x)    ; get dim names
+    if (any(ismissing(dName))) then
+        print("*** FATAL  ***")
+        print("month_to_annual: requires that all dimensions be named")
+        exit
+    end if
+    if (rankx.eq.2) then
+        nn     = dimx(1)  
+        nyr    = -1
+        xAnnual= new ( (/nyrs,nn/), typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed.ncl
+        do nt=0,ntim-1,NMOS
+           xTemp = x(nt:nt+NMOS1, :)       ; cleaner code only
+           nyr   = nyr+1
+           if (opt.eq.0) then
+               xAnnual(nyr,:) = dim_sum_n ( xTemp, 0 )
+           else
+               xAnnual(nyr,:) = dim_avg_n ( xTemp, 0 )
+           end if
+           nMsg  = 0                             ; number of missing for current year (nyr)
+           if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+               nMsg = num (ismissing(xTemp) )    ; for all grid points
+           end if
+           if (nMsg.gt.0) then
+               nGood = dim_num_n(.not.ismissing(xTemp), 0 )
+               xAnnual(nyr,:) = mask( xAnnual(nyr,:), nGood.ge.nmos, True)  ; ?False
+               print("month_to_annual: some points have missing data: nt="+nt 
+                    +" nyr="+nyr+"  num(nGood)="+num(nGood.gt.0))
+           end if
+        end do
+        copy_VarAtts (x, xAnnual)
+        xAnnual at NCL  = "month_to_annual"
+        xAnnual!0    = "year"
+        copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+        return(xAnnual)
+    end if
+    if (rankx.eq.3) then
+        ny     = dimx(1)      ; nlat
+        mx     = dimx(2)      ; mlon
+        nyr    = -1
+        xAnnual= new ( (/nyrs,ny,mx/), typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed.ncl
+        do nt=0,ntim-1,NMOS
+           xTemp = x(nt:nt+NMOS1,:,:) ; cleaner code only
+           nyr   = nyr+1
+           if (opt.eq.0) then
+               xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = dim_sum_n ( xTemp, 0 )
+           else
+               xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = dim_avg_n ( xTemp, 0 )
+           end if
+           nMsg  = 0                             ; number of missing for current year (nyr)
+           if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+               nMsg = num (ismissing(xTemp) )    ; for all grid points
+           end if
+           if (nMsg.gt.0) then
+               nGood            = dim_num_n(.not.ismissing(xTemp), 0 )          ; (lat,lon)
+               xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = mask( xAnnual(nyr,:,:), nGood.ge.nmos, True)  ; ?False
+               print("month_to_annual: some grid points have missing data: nt="+nt 
+                    +" nyr="+nyr+"  num(nGood)="+num(nGood.gt.0))
+           end if
+        end do
+        copy_VarAtts (x, xAnnual)
+        xAnnual at NCL  = "month_to_annual"
+        xAnnual!0    = "year"
+        copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+        return(xAnnual)
+    end if
+    if (rankx.eq.4) then
+        kz     = dimx(1)      ; nlev
+        ny     = dimx(2)      ; nlat
+        mx     = dimx(3)      ; mlon
+        nyr    = -1
+        xAnnual= new ( (/nyrs,kz,ny,mx/), typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed.ncl
+        do nt=0,ntim-1,NMOS
+           xTemp = x(nt:nt+NMOS1,:,:,:) 
+           nyr   = nyr+1
+           if (opt.eq.0) then
+                   xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = dim_sum_n ( xTemp, 0 )
+           else
+                   xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n ( xTemp, 0 )
+           end if
+           nMsg  = 0                             ; number of missing for current year (nyr)
+           if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+               nMsg = num (ismissing(xTemp) )    ; for all grid points
+           end if
+           if (nMsg.gt.0) then
+               nGood              = dim_num_n(.not.ismissing(xTemp), 0 )
+               xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = mask( xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:), nGood.ge.nmos, True)
+               print("month_to_annual: some grid points have missing data: nt="+nt 
+                    +" nyr="+nyr+"  num(nGood)="+num(nGood.gt.0))
+           end if
+        end do
+        copy_VarAtts (x, xAnnual)
+        xAnnual at NCL  = "month_to_annual"
+        xAnnual!0    = "year"
+        copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+        return(xAnnual)
+    end if
+ return
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ undef("month_to_annual_weighted")
+ function month_to_annual_weighted(yyyymm[*]:numeric, x:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local dimx, rankx, ntim, nyr, nyrs, nt, nx, ny, nz, nn, nmo 
+     , dName, xAnnual, xTemp, nmos
+ begin
+   yyyy  = yyyymm/100
+   mm    = yyyymm - (yyyy*100)     ; mm=1,...,12
+   nmos  = 12
+   if (any(mm.lt.1 .or. mm.gt.12)) then
+       print("month_to_annual_weighted: mm must be 1-to-12 inclusive")
+       exit
+   end if
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)
+   NTIM  = dimx(0)
+   if (NTIM.ne.dimsizes(yyyymm)) then
+       print("month_to_annual_weighted: incompatible time dimesnions")
+       print("                                  dimsizes(yyyymm) .ne. ntim  ")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rankx .gt. 4) then
+       print("*** FATAL  ***")
+       print("month_to_annual_weighted: currently supports up to 4D only")
+       print("month_to_annual_weighted: rank="+rankx)
+       exit
+   end if
+   nyrs = NTIM/12
+   ntim = nyrs*12
+   if (NTIM%12 .ne. 0) then
+       print("*** WARNING ***")
+       print("month_to_annual_weighted: ntim="+NTIM+" not multiple of 12")
+   end if
+   if (isatt(yyyymm,"calendar")) then
+       yyyy at calendar = yyyymm at calendar    ; needed for days_in_month
+   end if
+   dymon = days_in_month ( yyyy, mm)      ; accounts for calendar attribute
+   if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+       one    = 1d0
+   else
+       one    = 1.0
+   end if
+   if (isatt(yyyymm,"calendar")) then    ; retrofit to existing code
+       if (yyyymm at calendar.eq."360_day" .or. yyyymm at calendar.eq."360") then
+           con = (/ 360, 360 /)*one
+       end if
+       if (yyyymm at calendar.eq."365_day" .or. yyyymm at calendar.eq."365"    .or. 
+           yyyymm at calendar.eq."noleap"  .or. yyyymm at calendar.eq."no_leap") then
+           con = (/ 365, 365 /)*one
+       end if
+       if (yyyymm at calendar.eq."366_day" .or. yyyymm at calendar.eq."366"    .or. 
+           yyyymm at calendar.eq."allleap" .or. yyyymm at calendar.eq."all_leap") then
+           con = (/ 366, 366 /)*one
+       end if
+       if (yyyymm at calendar.eq."gregorian" .or. yyyymm at calendar.eq."standard") then
+           con = (/ 365, 366 /)*one 
+       end if
+   else
+       con = (/ 365, 366 /)*one             ; default is gregorian/standard 
+   end if
+   wSum_1 = con(0)
+   wSum_2 = con(1)
+   if (rankx.eq.1) then
+       xAnnual = new ( nyrs, typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed
+       nyr = -1
+       do nt=0,ntim-1,12
+          nyr  = nyr+1
+         ;nMsg = 0
+         ;if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+         ;    nMsg = num (ismissing(x(nt:nt+11)) )
+         ;end if
+         ;if (nMsg.eq.0) then
+              wgt          = dymon(nt:nt+11)                ; days for each month
+              xTemp        = x(nt:nt+11)*wgt                ; values(:)*wgt(:)
+              xAnnual(nyr) = sum( xTemp )                   ; opt=0
+              nAnnual      = num( .not.ismissing(xTemp) )
+              if (opt.eq.1) then                          
+                  wgtSum = wSum_1
+                  if (isleapyear(yyyy(nt))) then
+                      wgtSum = wSum_2
+                  end if
+                  xAnnual(nyr) = xAnnual(nyr)/wgtSum        ; weighted average
+              end if
+              if (opt.eq.2) then
+                  xAnnual(nyr) = xAnnual(nyr)/12            
+              end if
+              if (nAnnual.ne.12) then
+                  xAnnual(nyr) = x at _FillValue
+              end if
+         ;end if
+       end do
+       xAnnual!0    = "year"
+       xAnnual&year =  yyyy(0:ntim-1:12)
+       copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+       if (isatt(x, "long_name")) then
+           xAnnual at long_name = x at long_name
+       end if
+       if (isatt(x, "units")) then
+           xAnnual at units     = x at units
+       end if
+       if (isatt(yyyymm,"calendar")) then
+           xAnnual at calendar = yyyymm at calendar    
+       end if
+       return(xAnnual)
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.2) then
+       dName  = getvardims(x)    ; get dim names
+       xAnnual= new ( (/nyrs,dimx(1)/), typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed
+       nyr    = -1
+       do nt=0,ntim-1,12
+          nyr     = nyr+1
+          xTemp   = x(nt:nt+11,:)  
+         ;nMsg = 0
+         ;if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+         ;    nMsg = num (ismissing(xTemp) ) 
+         ;end if
+         ;if (nMsg.eq.0) then
+              wgt            = conform(xTemp, dymon(nt:nt+11), 0)
+              xTemp          = xTemp*wgt                       ; values*wgt 
+              xAnnual(nyr,:) = dim_sum_n( xTemp, 0 )                ; opt=3
+              nAnnual        = dim_num_n(.not.ismissing(xTemp), 0 )  
+              if (opt.eq.1) then                               
+                  wgtSum = wSum_1
+                  if (isleapyear(yyyy(nt))) then
+                      wgtSum = wSum_2
+                  end if
+                  xAnnual(nyr,:) = xAnnual(nyr,:)/wgtSum
+              end if
+              if (opt.eq.2) then
+                  xAnnual(nyr,:) = xAnnual(nyr,:)/12
+              end if
+              xAnnual(nyr,:) = mask( xAnnual(nyr,:), nAnnual.eq.12, True)
+         ;end if
+       end do
+       xAnnual!0    = "year"
+       xAnnual&year =  yyyy(0:ntim-1:12)
+       copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+       if (isatt(x, "long_name")) then
+           xAnnual at long_name = x at long_name
+       end if
+       if (isatt(x, "units")) then
+           xAnnual at units     = x at units
+       end if
+       return(xAnnual)
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.3) then
+       dName  = getvardims(x)
+       ny     = dimx(1)      ; nlat
+       mx     = dimx(2)      ; mlon
+       xAnnual = new ( (/nyrs,ny,mx/), typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed
+       nyr    = -1
+       do nt=0,ntim-1,12
+          xTemp = x(nt:nt+11,:,:) 
+          nyr   = nyr+1
+         ;nMsg = 0
+         ;if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+         ;    nMsg = num (ismissing(xTemp) )
+         ;end if
+         ;if (nMsg.eq.0) then
+              wgt              = conform(xTemp, dymon(nt:nt+11), 0)
+              xTemp            = xTemp*wgt
+              xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = dim_sum_n ( xTemp, 0 )   ; opt=0
+              nAnnual          = dim_num_n (.not.ismissing(xTemp), 0 )  
+              if (opt.eq.1) then
+                  wgtSum = wSum_1
+                  if (isleapyear(yyyy(nt))) then
+                      wgtSum = wSum_2
+                  end if
+                  xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = xAnnual(nyr,:,:)/wgtSum
+              end if
+              if (opt.eq.2) then
+                  xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = xAnnual(nyr,:,:)/12
+              end if
+              xAnnual(nyr,:,:) = mask( xAnnual(nyr,:,:), nAnnual.eq.12, True)
+         ;end if
+       end do
+       xAnnual!0    = "year"
+       xAnnual&year =  yyyy(0:ntim-1:12)
+       copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+       if (isatt(x, "long_name")) then
+           xAnnual at long_name = x at long_name
+       end if
+       if (isatt(x, "units")) then
+           xAnnual at units     = x at units
+       end if
+       return(xAnnual)
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.4) then
+       dName   = getvardims(x)
+       nz      = dimx(1)      ; nlev
+       ny      = dimx(2)      ; nlat
+       mx      = dimx(3)      ; mlon
+       xAnnual = new ( (/nyrs,nz,ny,mx/), typeof(x), getFillValue(x)) ;  contributed
+       nyr    = -1
+       do nt=0,ntim-1,12
+          xTemp = x(nt:nt+11,:,:,:) 
+          nyr   = nyr+1
+         ;nMsg = 0
+         ;if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+         ;    nMsg = num (ismissing(xTemp) )
+         ;end if
+         ;if (nMsg.eq.0) then
+              wgt                = conform(xTemp, dymon(nt:nt+11),0)
+              xTemp              = xTemp*wgt
+              xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = dim_sum_n ( xTemp, 0 )   ; opt=0
+              nAnnual            = dim_num_n (.not.ismissing(xTemp), 0 )  
+              if (opt.eq.1) then
+                  wgtSum = wSum_1
+                  if (isleapyear(yyyy(nt))) then
+                      wgtSum = wSum_2
+                  end if
+                  xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:)/wgtSum
+              end if
+              if (opt.eq.2) then
+                  xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:)/12.
+              end if
+              xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:) = mask( xAnnual(nyr,:,:,:), nAnnual.eq.12, True)
+         ;end if
+       end do
+       xAnnual!0    = "year"
+       xAnnual&year =  yyyy(0:ntim-1:12)
+       copy_VarCoords_skipDim0 (x, xAnnual)
+       if (isatt(x, "long_name")) then
+           xAnnual at long_name = x at long_name
+       end if
+       if (isatt(x, "units")) then
+           xAnnual at units     = x at units
+       end if
+      if (isatt(yyyymm,"calendar")) then
+          xAnnual at calendar = yyyymm at calendar    
+      end if
+       return(xAnnual)
+    end if
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Convert monthly total values [eg, precipitation] to "per day" values.
+ ; Each monthly total is divided by the number of days in the month.
+ ; Leap years use 29 days.
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature:
+ ;   yyyymm     -  yearMonth   [eg  195602]
+ ;                 Values correspond to the time dimension of "x"
+ ;                 Must be the same size as time dimension of "x".
+ ;   x          -  data array
+ ;                 if rank is greater than one, then it is required that 
+ ;                 the *leftmost* dimension be "time"
+ ;                 eg: prc(time),  prc(time,lat,lon),  prc(time,stations)
+ ;   opt        -  not used currently: set to zero [ 0 ]
+ ;
+ ;   Usage:  prc(time), prc(time,stations) or prc(time,lat,lon)
+ ;           PRC = monthly_total_to_daily_mean( time, prc, 0) ; time is yyyymm
+ ;
+ undef("monthly_total_to_daily_mean")
+ function monthly_total_to_daily_mean(yyyymm[*]:numeric, x:numeric, opt:integer)
+ local yyyy, mm, dymon, DYMON, dimx, rankx, xNew
+ begin
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   if (dimx(0).ne.dimsizes(yyyymm)) then
+       print("monthly_total_to_daily_mean: yyyymm and x time dimension must be same size")
+       exit
+   end if 
+   yyyy  = yyyymm/100
+   mm    = yyyymm - (yyyy*100)     ; mm=1,...,12
+   if (any(mm.lt.1 .or. mm.gt.12)) then
+       print("monthly_total_to_daily_mean: mm must be 1-to-12 inclusive")
+       exit
+   end if
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)                 ; number of dimensions
+   if (isatt(yyyymm,"calendar")) then
+       yyyy at calendar = yyyymm at calendar    ; needed for 'day_in_month'
+   end if
+   dymon = days_in_month ( yyyy, mm)      ; accounts for leap year
+   if (rankx.eq.1) then
+       xNew  = x/dymon                    ; per day
+   else
+       DYMON = conform(x, dymon, 0)       ; time is the left dim of x [0]
+       xNew  = x/DYMON
+   end if
+   copy_VarMeta(x, xNew)
+   if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+       xNew at units = x at units + "/day"
+   end if
+   return(xNew)
+ end   
+ ;**************************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ ;
+ ; Standard "lossy" approach to compressing (packing) data.  
+ ; The contributed.ncl functions "short2flt", "byte2flt"
+ ; can be used to unpack the values.
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; The actual packing is pretty simple.
+ ; Most of the code is to handle _FillValue and assorted permutations/options
+ undef("pack_values")
+ function pack_values(var:numeric, packType:string, opt:logical)  
+ local vType, one, two, pMax, sFill, vMin, vMax, vRange, vPack  
+     , scale_factor, add_offset, vMinVar, vMaxVar, msgFlag, msgVal, filFlag, filVal 
+ begin
+         vType = typeof(var)
+         if (.not.(vType.eq."float" .or. vType.eq."double")) then
+             print("pack_values: FATAL:  input must be float or double: vType="+vType) 
+             exit
+         end if
+         if (.not.(packType.eq."short" .or. packType.eq."byte")) then
+             print("pack_values: FATAL:  packType must be short or byte: packType="+packType) 
+             exit
+         end if
+                       ; user may input both scale_factor and add_offset
+         if (opt .and. (isatt(opt,"scale_factor") .and. .not.isatt(opt,"add_offset"  ))  .or. 
+                       (isatt(opt,"add_offset")   .and. .not.isatt(opt,"scale_factor"))) then
+             print("pack_values: FATAL:  User must specify BOTH scale_factor and add_offset")
+             exit
+         end if
+                                                   ; ensure that float/double handle correctly
+         if (vType.eq."float") then
+             one = 1.0
+             two = 2.0
+         else
+             one = 1.0d 
+             two = 2.0d
+         end if
+         if (packType.eq."short") then
+             pMax = 2^15 - one
+         else
+             pMax = 2^7  - one            
+         end if
+         vMinVar = min(var)                        ; calculate [default]
+         if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"min_value") ) then
+             vMin = opt at min_value                  ; knowledgable user
+             if (vMinVar.lt.vMin) then
+                 print("pack_values: FATAL: User specified opt at min_value is too high")
+                 print("pack_values: opt at min_value    = "+opt at min_value)
+                 print("pack_values: actual min value = "+vMinVar)
+                 exit
+             end if
+         else
+             vMin = vMinVar
+         end if
+         vMaxVar = max(var)                       ; calculate [default]
+         if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"max_value") ) then
+             vMax = opt at max_value                 ; knowledgable user
+             if (vMaxVar.gt.vMax) then
+                 print("pack_values: FATAL: User specified opt at max_value is too low")
+                 print("pack_values: opt at max_value    = "+opt at max_value)
+                 print("pack_values: actual max value = "+vMaxVar)
+                 exit
+             end if
+         else
+             vMax = vMaxVar
+         end if
+         if (.not.isatt(var,"_FillValue") .and. isatt(var,"missing_value")) then
+             var at _FillValue = var at missing_value    ; NCL only understands _FillValue
+         end if
+         if (isatt(var,"_FillValue")) then
+             if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"msgFill") ) then
+                 if (packType.eq."short") then
+                     if (typeof(opt at msgFill).eq."integer") then
+                         sFill = inttoshort(opt at msgFill)         ; user specified _FillValue 
+                     else
+                         sFill = opt at msgFill                     ; must be same as packType
+                     end if
+                 else
+                     if (typeof(opt at msgFill).eq."integer") then
+                         sFill = inttobyte(opt at msgFill)          ; user specified _FillValue 
+                     else
+                         sFill = opt at msgFill                     ; must be same as packType
+                     end if
+                 end if
+             else
+                 if (packType.eq."short") then
+                     if (vType.eq."float") then
+                         sFill = floattoshort (pMax)             ; default _FillValue 
+                     else 
+                         sFill = doubletoshort(pMax)     
+                     end if
+                 else
+                     if (vType.eq."float") then
+                         sFill = floattobyte (pMax)              ; default _FillValue
+                     else 
+                         sFill = doubletobyte(pMax)     
+                     end if
+                 end if
+             end if
+             vPack = new ( dimsizes(var), packType, sFill)       ; pre-fill with _FillValue
+         end if                                                  ; if _FillValue associated var
+         vRange       = vMax-vMin
+ 	scale_factor = vRange/pMax
+ 	add_offset   = (vMax+vMin)/two
+         if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"scale_factor") .and. isatt(opt,"add_offset") ) then
+             scale_factor = opt at scale_factor                     ; must be careful
+             add_offset   = opt at add_offset                       ;  "   "     "
+         end if
+         if (packType.eq."short") then
+             if (vType.eq."float") then
+                 vPack = floattoshort((var-add_offset)/scale_factor)  ; pack ... array syntax
+             else
+                 vPack = doubletoshort((var-add_offset)/scale_factor) 
+             end if
+         else   ; byte                            
+             if (vType.eq."float") then
+                 vPack = floattobyte((var-add_offset)/scale_factor)  ; pack ... array syntax
+             else
+                 vPack = doubletobyte((var-add_offset)/scale_factor) 
+             end if
+         end if
+ 	copy_VarCoords(var,vPack)              ; copy coordinates
+         msgFlag = False
+         if (isatt(var,"missing_value")) then
+             msgVal = var at missing_value         ; float/double
+             delete(var at missing_value)          ; so it will not be copied to new variable
+             msgFlag = True
+         end if
+         filFlag = False
+         if (isatt(var,"_FillValue")) then
+             filVal = var at _FillValue            ; float/double
+             delete(var at _FillValue)             ; so it will not be copied to new variable
+             filFlag = True
+         end if
+ 	copy_VarAtts(var,vPack)                ; copy attributes but not original
+                                                ; missing_value or _FillValue
+         if (msgFlag) then
+             var at missing_value = msgVal         ; reassign to input variable
+             vPack at missing_value = sFill        ; explicitly add
+         end if
+         if (filFlag) then
+             var at _FillValue = filVal            ; reassign to input variable
+         end if
+ 	vPack at add_offset   = add_offset
+ 	vPack at scale_factor = scale_factor
+         vPack at vMin_original_data   = vMinVar
+         if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"min_value") ) then
+             vPack at vMin_user_specified  = opt at min_value
+         end if
+         vPack at vMax_original_data   = vMaxVar
+         if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"max_value") ) then
+             vPack at vMax_user_specified  = opt at max_value
+         end if
+ 	vPack at vRange       = vRange 
+ 	return(vPack)
+ end
+ ;**************************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ ;
+ ; Get the suffix associated with a file. Minor options.
+ ; The attribute "fBase" is the file name without the suffix
+ ;
+ ; Usage:
+ ;       fName  = "sample.1958-2005.nc.gz"
+ ;       suffix = get_file_suffix(fName, 0)  ; ".gz"
+ ;       if (suffix.eq.".gz") then
+ ;           system("gzip -d "+fName) 
+ ;           fileName = suffix at fBase            ; sample.1958-2005.nc
+ ;       end if
+ ;       f = addfile(fileName, "r")
+ ;
+ ;       fName  = "sample.1958-2005.nc.gz"
+ ;       suffix = get_file_suffix(fName, 1)  ; ".1958-2005.gz"
+ ;       fBase  = suffix at fBase               ; sample
+ undef("get_file_suffix")
+ function get_file_suffix (filName[1]:string, opt:integer)
+ local chr, ckey, cstr, N, filName_suffix, nStrt, nLast, n
+ begin
+   chr    = stringtochar(".")  ; dimsizes(chr)=2
+   ckey   = chr(0)             ; int 46
+   cstr   = stringtochar(filName)
+   N      = dimsizes(cstr)     ; one extra for end of char
+   filName_suffix = new (1, "string")  ; _FillValue="missing"
+   if (opt.eq.0) then
+       nStrt = N-2
+       nLast = 0
+   else
+       nStrt = 0
+       nLast = N-2
+   end if
+   do n=nStrt,nLast,1
+      if (cstr(n).eq.ckey) then
+          filName_suffix        = chartostring(cstr(n:N-2))
+          filName_suffix at fBase  = chartostring(cstr(0:n-1))
+          break
+      end if
+   end do
+   return(filName_suffix)
+ end
+ ;**************************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ ;
+ undef("niceLatLon2D")
+ function niceLatLon2D(lat2d[*][*], lon2d[*][*])
+ ; check map coordinates to see if they have a "nice" structure
+ ;
+ ; if True then 
+ ; the data could be made accessible via classic
+ ; netCDF coordinate array subscripting.
+ ;
+ ; lat      = lat2d(:,0)        
+ ; lon      = lon2d(0,:)       
+ ; lat at units= "degrees_north"  
+ ; lon at units= "degrees_east"
+ ; lat!0    = "lat"
+ ; lon!0    = "lon"
+ ; lat&lat  =  lat 
+ ; lon&lon  =  lon 
+ ;
+ ; assign to a variable
+ local dimll, nLeft, nRght 
+ begin
+    dimll = dimsizes(lat2d)       ; (south_north,west_east) 
+    nLeft = dimll(0)
+    nRght = dimll(1)
+    if (all(lat2d(:,0).eq.lat2d(:,nRght/2)) .and.  
+        all(lat2d(:,0).eq.lat2d(:,nRght-1)) .and.  
+        all(lon2d(0,:).eq.lon2d(nLeft/2,:)) .and.  
+        all(lon2d(0,:).eq.lon2d(nLeft-1,:)) ) then
+        return(True)
+    else
+        return(False)
+    end if
+ end
+ ;**************************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ undef("isMonotonic")
+ function isMonotonic(x[*]:numeric)          
+ ; check for monoticity                     
+ local nx                                  
+ begin                                    
+   nx   = dimsizes(x)                    
+   if (all(x(1:nx-1).gt.x(0:nx-2))) then
+       return(1)                       
+   end if                             
+   if (all(x(1:nx-1).lt.x(0:nx-2))) then 
+       return(-1)                       
+   end if                              
+   return(0)                          
+ end                                 
+ ;**************************************************************************
+ ; Contributed by Christine Shields, March 2006.
+ ; Slight mods were made to allow input to be numeric.
+ ; Bug fix: 23 Sept 2009
+ undef("rho_mwjf")
+ function rho_mwjf(t2d[*][*]:numeric,s2d[*][*]:numeric,depth:numeric) 
+ ;-- based on Steve Yeager's rhoalphabeta
+ ;-- which in turn is based on POP state_mod.F (ccsm3_0_beta22) for 'mwjf'
+ ;=========================================================================
+ local dims,nx,ny,c1,c1p5,c2,c3,c4,c5,c10,c1000,p001,mwjfnp0s0t0,mwjfnp0s0t1,
+       mwjfnp0s0t2,mwjfnp0s0t3,mwjfnp0s1t0,mwjfnp0s1t1,mwjfnp0s2t0,mwjfnp1s0t0,
+       mwjfnp1s0t2,mwjfnp1s1t0,mwjfnp2s0t0,mwjfnp2s0t2,mwjfdp0s0t0,mwjfdp0s0t1,
+       mwjfdp0s0t2,mwjfdp0s0t3,mwjfdp0s0t4,mwjfdp0s1t0,mwjfdp0s1t1,mwjfdp0s1t3,
+       mwjfdp0sqt0,mwjfdp0sqt2,mwjfdp1s0t0,mwjfdp2s0t3,mwjfdp3s0t1,pressure,p,
+       sqr,work1,work2,rhofull
+ begin
+ ;========= define rho
+   rhoout = new(dimsizes(t2d),typeof(t2d))
+ ;========== define constants
+   c1    = 1.0
+   c1p5  = 1.5
+   c2    = 2.0
+   c3    = 3.0
+   c4    = 4.0
+   c5    = 5.0
+   c10   = 10.0
+   c1000 = 1000.0
+       ;*** these constants will be used to construct the numerator
+       ;*** factor unit change (kg/m^3 -> g/cm^3) into numerator terms
+   p001 = 0.001
+   mwjfnp0s0t0 =   9.99843699e+2 * p001
+   mwjfnp0s0t1 =   7.35212840e+0 * p001
+   mwjfnp0s0t2 =  -5.45928211e-2 * p001
+   mwjfnp0s0t3 =   3.98476704e-4 * p001
+   mwjfnp0s1t0 =   2.96938239e+0 * p001
+   mwjfnp0s1t1 =  -7.23268813e-3 * p001
+   mwjfnp0s2t0 =   2.12382341e-3 * p001
+   mwjfnp1s0t0 =   1.04004591e-2 * p001
+   mwjfnp1s0t2 =   1.03970529e-7 * p001
+   mwjfnp1s1t0 =   5.18761880e-6 * p001
+   mwjfnp2s0t0 =  -3.24041825e-8 * p001
+   mwjfnp2s0t2 =  -1.23869360e-11 * p001
+       ;*** these constants will be used to construct the denominator
+   mwjfdp0s0t0 =   1.0e+0
+   mwjfdp0s0t1 =   7.28606739e-3
+   mwjfdp0s0t2 =  -4.60835542e-5
+   mwjfdp0s0t3 =   3.68390573e-7
+   mwjfdp0s0t4 =   1.80809186e-10
+   mwjfdp0s1t0 =   2.14691708e-3
+   mwjfdp0s1t1 =  -9.27062484e-6
+   mwjfdp0s1t3 =  -1.78343643e-10
+   mwjfdp0sqt0 =   4.76534122e-6
+   mwjfdp0sqt2 =   1.63410736e-9
+   mwjfdp1s0t0 =   5.30848875e-6
+   mwjfdp2s0t3 =  -3.03175128e-16
+   mwjfdp3s0t1 =  -1.27934137e-17
+ ;=====pressure calculaton
+ ; taken from gokhan's idl pressure.pro for references
+ ;     this function computes pressure in bars from depth in meters
+ ;     by using a mean density derived from depth-dependent global
+ ;     average temperatures and salinities from Levitus_94, and
+ ;     integrating using hydrostatic balance.
+ ;
+ ;     references:
+ ;        Levitus, S., R. Burgett, and T.P. Boyer, World Ocean Atlas
+ ;          1994, Volume 3: Salinity, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 3, US Dept. of
+ ;          Commerce, 1994.
+ ;        Levitus, S. and T.P. Boyer, World Ocean Atlas 1994,
+ ;          Volume 4: Temperature, NOAA Atlas NESDIS 4, US Dept. of
+ ;          Commerce, 1994.
+ ;        Dukowicz, J. K., 2000: Reduction of Pressure and Pressure
+ ;          Gradient Errors in Ocean Simulations, J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
+ ;          submitted.
+   if(depth.ne.0) then
+     pressure = 0.059808*(exp(-0.025*depth) - 1.0)  + 0.100766*depth + 
+                2.28405e-7*(depth^2)  
+   else
+     pressure = 0.
+   end if
+   p = pressure 
+ ; CAS corrected this; verified w/Steve Yeager 9/8/09
+ ; p = pressure only works for potential density; depth/pressure = 0. 
+   p = pressure*c10
+ ;========= compute the numerator of the MWFJ density  [P_1(S,T,p)]  
+   mwjfnums0t0 = mwjfnp0s0t0 + p*(mwjfnp1s0t0 + p*mwjfnp2s0t0)
+   mwjfnums0t1 = mwjfnp0s0t1
+   mwjfnums0t2 = mwjfnp0s0t2 + p*(mwjfnp1s0t2 + p*mwjfnp2s0t2)
+   mwjfnums0t3 = mwjfnp0s0t3
+   mwjfnums1t0 = mwjfnp0s1t0 + p*mwjfnp1s1t0
+   mwjfnums1t1 = mwjfnp0s1t1
+   mwjfnums2t0 = mwjfnp0s2t0
+   work1 = t2d
+   work1 = mwjfnums0t0 + t2d * (mwjfnums0t1 + t2d * (mwjfnums0t2 + 
+   mwjfnums0t3 * t2d )) + s2d  * (mwjfnums1t0 + 
+   mwjfnums1t1 * t2d + mwjfnums2t0 * s2d)
+ ;============= compute the denominator of  MWJF density [P_2(S,T,p)]
+   sqr = sqrt(s2d)
+   mwjfdens0t0 = mwjfdp0s0t0 + p*mwjfdp1s0t0
+   mwjfdens0t1 = mwjfdp0s0t1 + p^3 * mwjfdp3s0t1
+   mwjfdens0t2 = mwjfdp0s0t2
+   mwjfdens0t3 = mwjfdp0s0t3 + p^2 * mwjfdp2s0t3
+   mwjfdens0t4 = mwjfdp0s0t4
+   mwjfdens1t0 = mwjfdp0s1t0
+   mwjfdens1t1 = mwjfdp0s1t1
+   mwjfdens1t3 = mwjfdp0s1t3
+   mwjfdensqt0 = mwjfdp0sqt0
+   mwjfdensqt2 = mwjfdp0sqt2
+   work2 = t2d 
+   work2 = mwjfdens0t0 + t2d * (mwjfdens0t1 + t2d  * (mwjfdens0t2 +   
+           t2d * (mwjfdens0t3 + mwjfdens0t4 * t2d ))) + 
+           s2d * (mwjfdens1t0 + t2d * (mwjfdens1t1 + t2d*t2d*mwjfdens1t3) + 
+           sqr * (mwjfdensqt0 + t2d*t2d*mwjfdensqt2))    
+   denomk = work2
+   denomk = c1/work2
+   rhofull = work1
+   rhofull = work1*denomk
+   rhoout = rhofull
+ ;==== return density
+   return (rhoout)   
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; append [concatenate] arrays along record dimension 
+ undef("array_append_record")
+ function array_append_record (x1, x2, iopt:integer)
+ local dim_x1, dim_x2, rank_x1, rank_x2, n1, n2, dim_xNew, xNew 
+     , errFlag, dimNames_x1, dimNames_x2, dimNames, n           
+     , recCoord, recFlag
+ begin
+                                    ; get array shape/sizes
+   dim_x1  = dimsizes(x1)
+   dim_x2  = dimsizes(x2)
+   rank_x1 = dimsizes(dim_x1)  
+   rank_x2 = dimsizes(dim_x2)  
+   errFlag = 0                      ; ERROR CHECKING
+                                    ; ranks must be equal
+   if (rank_x1.ne.rank_x1) then
+       print("array_append_record: ranks not equal: rank_x1="+rank_x1+ 
+                                                 "  rank_x2="+rank_x2)
+       errFlag = errFlag + 1
+   end if
+                                    ; current version only supports
+   if (rank_x1.gt.5) then
+       print ("array_append_record: currently will only append array of rank 5 or less")
+       print ("                     rank="+rank_x1)                                     
+       errFlag = errFlag + 1
+   end if
+                                    ; types must match
+   if (typeof(x1).ne.typeof(x2)) then
+       print ("array_append_record: arrays must be of the same type")
+       print ("                     typeof(x1)="+typeof(x1))                                     
+       print ("                     typeof(x2)="+typeof(x2))                                     
+       errFlag = errFlag + 1
+   end if
+   if (rank_x1.gt.1 .and. .not.all(dim_x1(1:).eq.dim_x2(1:))) then
+       print ("array_append_record: non-record dimensions must be the same size")
+       errFlag = errFlag + 1
+   end if
+   if (errFlag.ne.0) then
+       exit
+   end if
+                                    ; allocate space for new array
+   n1          = dim_x1(0)
+   n2          = dim_x2(0)
+   dim_xNew    = dim_x1
+   dim_xNew(0) = n1 + n2
+   xNew        = new ( dim_xNew, typeof(x1), getFillValue(x1) )
+                                    ; chk _FillValue stuff
+   if (.not.isatt(x1,"_FillValue") ) then
+       if (isatt(xNew,"_FillValue") ) then
+           delete(xNew at _FillValue)
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (isatt(x2,"_FillValue") ) then
+       xNew at _FillValue = x2 at _FillValue
+   end if
+                                    ; assign values
+   if (rank_x1.eq.1) then
+       xNew(0:n1-1)         = (/ x1 /)
+       xNew(n1:   )         = (/ x2 /)
+   end if
+   if (rank_x1.eq.2) then
+       xNew(0:n1-1,:)       = (/ x1 /)
+       xNew(n1:   ,:)       = (/ x2 /)
+   end if
+   if (rank_x1.eq.3) then
+       xNew(0:n1-1,:,:)     = (/ x1 /)
+       xNew(n1:   ,:,:)     = (/ x2 /)
+   end if
+   if (rank_x1.eq.4) then
+       xNew(0:n1-1,:,:,:)   = (/ x1 /)
+       xNew(n1:   ,:,:,:)   = (/ x2 /)
+   end if
+   if (rank_x1.eq.5) then
+       xNew(0:n1-1,:,:,:,:) = (/ x1 /)
+       xNew(n1:   ,:,:,:,:) = (/ x2 /)
+   end if
+                                  ; meta data
+   copy_VarAtts (x1, xNew)        ; copy attributes
+   copy_VarAtts (x2, xNew)        ; may overwrite previous info
+   dimNames_x1 = getvardims(x1)   ; dimension names
+   dimNames_x2 = getvardims(x2) 
+   dimNames    = dimNames_x1      ; default
+                                  ; only go here if dimNames are not the same
+                                  ; name all dimensions
+   do n=0,rank_x1-1
+      if (ismissing(dimNames_x1(n)) .and. 
+          .not.ismissing(dimNames_x2(n))) then
+          dimNames(n) = dimNames_x2(n)
+          x1!n = dimNames(n)
+      end if
+      if (ismissing(dimNames_x1(n)) .and. 
+          ismissing(dimNames_x2(n))) then
+          dimNames(n) = "dim"+n
+          x1!n = "dim"+n
+          x2!n = "dim"+n
+      end if
+   end do
+   if (iscoord(x1,dimNames_x1(0)) ) then 
+       recCoord = new ( n1+n2, typeof(x1&$dimNames_x1(0)$) )
+       if (iscoord(x1,dimNames_x1(0)) ) then 
+           recCoord(0:n1-1) = x1&$dimNames_x1(0)$   
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x2,dimNames_x2(0)) ) then 
+           recCoord(n1:   ) = x2&$dimNames_x2(0)$   
+       end if
+   end if
+   recFlag  = False
+   if (isvar("recCoord") .and. .not.all(ismissing(recCoord))) then
+       recFlag = True             ; must have coord
+      ;delete(recCoord at _FillValue)
+   end if
+                                  ; assign coordinate variables [if present]
+   do n=0,rank_x1-1                    
+      xNew!n = dimNames(n)        ; name all dimensions
+      if (n.eq.0 .and. recFlag) then 
+          xNew&$dimNames(n)$ = recCoord
+      else
+          if (iscoord(x1,dimNames_x1(n)) ) then 
+              xNew&$dimNames(n)$ = x1&$dimNames(n)$   ; right dimensions
+          else
+              if (iscoord(x1,dimNames_x2(n)) ) then
+                  xNew&$dimNames(n)$ = x2&$dimNames(n)$
+              end if
+          end if
+      end if
+   end  do
+   return (xNew)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; attaches/appends table data: ie (row,column) arrays ; add additional rows
+ ; will add the coordinate variable of the right dimension
+ ; but will not do so for the left dimension. The left dimension
+ ; will be named but no coordinates will be associated with the name.
+ undef("table_attach_rows")
+ function table_attach_rows (t1[*][*], t2[*][*], iopt:integer)
+ local dim_t1, dim_t2, ncol1, ncol2, nrow1, nrow2    
+     , dimNames_t1, dimNames_t2, dimNames, n
+ begin
+   printVarSummary(t1)
+   printVarSummary(t2)
+                                    ; get array shape/sizes
+   dim_t1  = dimsizes(t1)
+   dim_t2  = dimsizes(t2)
+   ncol1   = dim_t1(1)
+   ncol2   = dim_t2(1)
+   if (ncol1.ne.ncol2) then
+       print ("table_attach_rows: tables must have same number of columns")
+       print ("                    ncol1="+ncol1)                                     
+       print ("                    ncol2="+ncol2)                                     
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (typeof(t1).ne.typeof(t2)) then
+       print ("table_attach_rows: arrays must be of the same type")
+       print ("                    typeof(t1)="+typeof(t1)) 
+       print ("                    typeof(t2)="+typeof(t2)) 
+       exit
+   end if
+                                    ; allocate space for new array
+   nrow1       = dim_t1(0)
+   nrow2       = dim_t2(0)
+                                    ; chk _FillValue stuff
+   if (isatt(t1,"_FillValue") ) then
+       tNew = new ( (/nrow1+nrow2, ncol1/), typeof(t1), t1 at _FillValue)
+   else if (isatt(t2,"_FillValue") ) then
+            tNew = new ( (/nrow1+nrow2, ncol1/), typeof(t2), t2 at _FillValue)
+        else 
+            tNew = new ( (/nrow1+nrow2, ncol1/), typeof(t2), "No_FillValue")
+        end if
+   end if
+                                  ; insert values
+   tNew(0:nrow1-1,:)   = (/ t1 /)
+   tNew(nrow1:   ,:)   = (/ t2 /)
+   write_matrix(tNew, "10f7.2" , False)
+                                  ; meta data
+   tNew!0 = "row"                 ; *default* dim names
+   tNew!1 = "col" 
+   copy_VarAtts (t1, tNew)        ; copy attributes
+   copy_VarAtts (t2, tNew)        ; may overwrite previous info
+   dimNames_t1 = getvardims(t1)   ; dimension names
+   dimNames_t2 = getvardims(t2) 
+   do n=0,1                       ; override "row", "col"
+      if (.not.ismissing(dimNames_t1(n))) then
+          tNew!n = dimNames_t1(n) ; default ... use t1 dim names
+      else if (.not.ismissing(dimNames_t2(n))) then
+               tNew!n = dimNames_t2(n)    ; use t2 dim names if t1 not present
+           end if
+      end if
+   end do
+                                  ; coord for the right dim (n=1) only
+                                  ; left dim (n=0) will be named but no coord
+                                  ; too many hassles when testing      
+   n = 1    
+   if (iscoord(t1,dimNames_t1(n)) ) then 
+       tNew&$dimNames_t1(n)$ = t1&$dimNames_t1(n)$   ; right dimensions
+   else if (iscoord(t2,dimNames_t2(n)) ) then
+            tNew&$dimNames_t2(n)$ = t2&$dimNames_t2(n)$
+        end if
+   end if
+   return (tNew)
+ end
+ ; ******************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; appends table data: ie (row,column) arrays
+ ; adds additional columns
+ ;
+ undef("table_attach_columns")
+ function table_attach_columns (t1[*][*], t2[*][*], iopt:integer)
+ local dim_t1, dim_t2, nrow1, nrow2, trows    
+     , dimNames_t1, dimNames_t2, dimNames, n
+ begin
+                                    ; get array shape/sizes
+   dim_t1  = dimsizes(t1)
+   dim_t2  = dimsizes(t2)
+   nrow1   = dim_t1(0)
+   nrow2   = dim_t2(0)
+   dimNames_t1 = getvardims(t1)     ; dimension names
+   dimNames_t2 = getvardims(t2) 
+   if (nrow1.ne.nrow2) then
+       print ("table_attach_columns: tables must have same number of rows")
+       print ("                      nrow1="+nrow1)                                     
+       print ("                      nrow2="+nrow2)                                     
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (typeof(t1).ne.typeof(t2)) then
+       print ("table_attach_columns: tables must be of the same type")
+       print ("                      typeof(t1)="+typeof(t1))  
+       print ("                      typeof(t2)="+typeof(t2)) 
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (any(ismissing(dimNames_t1))) then
+       if (ismissing(dimNames_t1(0))) then
+           t1!0 = "row_1"
+           dimNames_t1(0) = t1!0
+       end if
+       if (ismissing(dimNames_t1(1))) then
+           t1!1 = "col_1"
+           dimNames_t1(1) = t1!1
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (any(ismissing(dimNames_t2))) then
+       if (ismissing(dimNames_t2(0))) then
+           t2!0 = "row_2"
+           dimNames_t2(0) = t2!0
+       end if
+       if (ismissing(dimNames_t2(1))) then
+           t2!1 = "col_2"
+           dimNames_t2(1) = t2!1
+       end if
+   end if
+                                    ; reverse order ... invoke row append
+   trows = table_attach_rows(t1($dimNames_t1(1)$|:,$dimNames_t1(0)$|:) 
+                            ,t2($dimNames_t2(1)$|:,$dimNames_t2(0)$|:) , 0 )
+   dimNames = getvardims(trows)     ; dimension names
+                                    ; revert back to original order
+   return (trows($dimNames(1)$|:,$dimNames(0)$|:) )
+ end
+ ;****************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ ; requires NCL version a034 or later
+ ;
+ ; Get the indices [subscripts] of the 2D lat/lon arrays
+ ; closest to each LAT/LON coordinate pair.
+ ;
+ undef("getind_latlon2d")
+ function getind_latlon2d(lat2d[*][*]:numeric,lon2d[*][*]:numeric 
+                         ,LAT[*]:numeric, LON[*]:numeric)
+ local N, ij, lat1d, lon1d, dist, mndist, indx
+ begin
+   N  = dimsizes( LAT )          
+   ij = new ( (/N,2/) , typeof(N))
+   lat1d  = ndtooned( lat2d )  
+   lon1d  = ndtooned( lon2d )  
+   n2d    = dimsizes( lat2d )    
+   do n=0,N-1
+      dist   = gc_latlon(LAT(n),LON(n),lat1d,lon1d, 2,2)
+      mndist = min( dist )
+      ind1d  = ind(dist.eq.mndist)
+      if (.not.ismissing(ind1d(0))) then
+          ij(n,:) = ind_resolve( ind1d(0), n2d )
+      else
+          print("getind_latlon2d: lat="+ LAT(n)+"  lon="+ LON(n)+" problem")
+      end if
+      delete(mndist)
+      delete(ind1d)
+   end do
+   ij at long_name = "indices closest to specified LAT/LON coordinate pairs"
+   if (.not.any(ismissing(ij))) then
+       delete(ij at _FillValue)
+   end if
+   return( ij )
+ end
+ ;****************************************************************
+ ; D Shea
+ ; Emulate the fortran "mod" function
+ undef ("mod")
+ function mod (r1:numeric, r2:numeric) 
+ ; mod function like GNU fortran ; AS ALWAYS: BE CAREFUL MIXING NUMERIC TYPES
+ local rank_r1, rank_r2, type_r1, type_r2, tmp, R2
+ begin
+   if (any(r2.eq.0)) then
+       print("mod: contributed: r2 cannot be zero")
+       exit
+   end if
+   rank_r1 = dimsizes(dimsizes(r1))
+   rank_r2 = dimsizes(dimsizes(r2))
+   if (rank_r1.ne.rank_r2 .and. rank_r2.gt.1) then
+       print("mod: contributed: rank(r1).ne.rank(r2)")
+       print("                  rank(r1)= "+rank_r1)
+       print("                  rank(r2)= "+rank_r2)
+       exit
+   end if
+   type_r1 = typeof(r1)
+   type_r2 = typeof(r2)
+   if (type_r1.eq."double") then
+       return( r1 - (r2 * toint( r1/r2) ) ) 
+   end if  
+   if (type_r1.eq."float") then
+       if (type_r2.eq."float" .or. type_r2.eq."integer") then
+           return( r1 - (r2 * toint( r1/r2 ) ))
+       end if     
+       if (type_r2.eq."double") then
+           tmp = doubletofloat( r1 - (r2 * toint( r1/r2 ) ))
+           return( tmp )
+       end if
+   end if  
+   if (type_r1.eq."integer") then
+       if (type_r2.eq."integer") then
+           return( r1 % r2 ) 
+       end if
+       if (type_r2.eq."float") then
+           R2 = toint(r2)
+           return( r1 - toint(R2 * (r1/R2)))
+       end if
+       if (type_r2.eq."double") then
+           R2 = toint(r2)
+           return( r1 - toint(R2 * (r1/R2)))
+       end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;-------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; find indices corresponding to closest distance   
+ ; to a coordinate array [ie: 1D mononic array]
+ ;
+ undef("ind_nearest_coord")
+ function ind_nearest_coord ( z[*]:numeric, zgrid[*]:numeric, iopt:integer) 
+ local n, nz, iz, zz, mnzz, imn
+ begin
+   nz  = dimsizes(z)
+   iz  = new(nz, "integer", "No_FillValue")
+   do n=0,nz-1                  ; loop over each value
+      zz    = abs(z(n)-zgrid)   ; distances
+      mnzz  = min( zz )         ; min distance
+      imn   = ind(zz.eq.mnzz)   ; index on min distance: may be more than one 
+      iz(n) = imn(0)            ; select only the 1st one
+      delete(imn)
+   end do
+   return(iz)
+ end
+ ;****************************************************************
+ ; Christophe Cassou [CERFACS, Toulouse CEDEX France] and Dennis Shea
+ ; Generate unique random subscript indices
+ ;
+ ; As of 6.0.0, N can be integer or long
+ ;
+ undef("generate_unique_indices")
+ function generate_unique_indices( N )
+ local r
+ begin
+   if(.not.any(typeof(N).eq.(/"integer","long"/))) then
+     print("generate_unique_indices: N must be integer or long")
+     exit
+   end if
+   r   = random_uniform(0,100,N)
+   return( dim_pqsort(r, 1) )
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ;
+ undef("isEqualSpace")
+ function isEqualSpace(z[*]:numeric, epsz[1]:numeric)
+ local nz, dz, dz_low, dz_high, diff
+ begin
+   nz = dimsizes(z)
+   if (nz.le.1) then
+       print("is_equal_space: input array  must be > 2")
+       exit
+   end if
+   dz     = abs(z(1)-z(0))             ; error check 
+   dz_low = dz-epsz
+   dz_hgh = dz+epsz
+   diff   = all(abs(z(1:nz-1)-z(0:nz-2)) .ge. dz_low) .and. 
+            all(abs(z(1:nz-1)-z(0:nz-2)) .le. dz_hgh)      
+   return (diff)
+ end
+ ; ---
+ undef("isConstantSpace")
+ ; old name
+ function isConstantSpace(z[*]:numeric, epsz[1]:numeric)
+ begin
+   return(isEqualSpace(z,epsz))
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "area_hi2lores": copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ ;
+ undef ("area_conserve_remap_Wrap")
+ function area_conserve_remap_Wrap (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                                   ,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric, opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "area_conserve_remap" 
+ ; that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = area_conserve_remap (xi,yi,fi, xo,yo, opt)  ; perform interp
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)                     ; copy coord variables  
+   fo!(nDim-2) = "Y"                             ; default named dimensions
+   fo!(nDim-1) = "X"
+                                                 ; override if possible
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0) .and. isdimnamed(yo,0) ) then
+       fo!(nDim-2) = yo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+       fo!(nDim-1) = xo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+   else 
+       do nD=nDim-2,nDim-1                       ; two rightmost dimensions
+          if (.not.ismissing(fi!nD)) then
+             ;fo!nD = changeCaseChar(fi!nD)      ; if present, use same name
+              fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)          ; if present, use same name
+          end if                                 ; but change case
+       end do
+   end if
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-2)$ = yo                         ; create coordinate var 
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-1)$ = xo                         ; two rightmost dimensions
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "area_hi2lores": copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef ("area_hi2lores_Wrap")
+ function area_hi2lores_Wrap (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric, wrapX:logical 
+                       ,wy[*]:numeric,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "area_hi2lores"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = area_hi2lores (xi,yi,fi, wrapX, wy, xo,yo, Opt)  ; perform interp
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_2 (fi, fo)                     ; copy coord variables  
+   fo!(nDim-2) = "Y"                             ; default named dimensions
+   fo!(nDim-1) = "X"
+                                                 ; override if possible
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0) .and. isdimnamed(yo,0) ) then
+       fo!(nDim-2) = yo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+       fo!(nDim-1) = xo!0                        ; if present, use xo name
+   else 
+       do nD=nDim-2,nDim-1                       ; two rightmost dimensions
+          if (.not.ismissing(fi!nD)) then
+             ;fo!nD = changeCaseChar(fi!nD)      ; if present, use same name
+              fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)          ; if present, use same name
+          end if                                 ; but change case
+       end do
+   end if
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-2)$ = yo                         ; create coordinate var 
+   fo&$fo!(nDim-1)$ = xo                         ; two rightmost dimensions
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; Generate [sin(lat+dlat/2)-sin(lat-dlat/2)] weights 
+ ; for equally spaced grids. Currently, only global grids are supported.
+ ;
+ undef("latRegWgt")
+ function latRegWgt(lat[*]:numeric, nType[1]:string, opt[1]:integer)
+ ; usage: wgt = latRegWgt(lat, "double", 0)
+ ;        wgt = latRegWgt(lat, "float" , 0)
+ local nlat, pi, rad, err, eps, dlat, dlat_low, dlat_hgh, diff, nl, dNam
+ begin
+   nlat = dimsizes(lat)
+   pi   = 4.0d*atan(1.0d)
+   rad  = pi/180.0d
+   err  = 1d20
+   eps  = 0.001                          ; arbitrary
+   dlat = abs(lat(2)-lat(1))             ; error check
+   dlat_low = dlat-eps
+   dlat_hgh = dlat+eps
+   diff     = all(abs(lat(1:nlat-1)-lat(0:nlat-2)) .ge. dlat_low) .and. 
+              all(abs(lat(1:nlat-1)-lat(0:nlat-2)) .le. dlat_hgh)        
+   if (.not.diff) then
+       print("latRegWgt: Expecting equally spaced latitudes")
+       if (nType.eq."double") then
+           return(new(nlat,"double",err))
+       else
+           return(new(nlat,"float",doubletofloat(err)))
+       end if
+   end if
+   delete(dlat)
+   dlat = abs((lat(2)-lat(1))*rad)*0.5d
+   w    = new (nlat, "double", "No_FillValue")
+   do nl=0,nlat-1
+      w(nl) = abs( sin(lat(nl)*rad+dlat) - sin(lat(nl)*rad-dlat))
+   end do
+                                         ; poles
+   if (abs(lat(0)).gt.89.9999d) then
+       nl = 0
+     ;;w(nl) = abs( sin(lat(nl)*rad)- sin(lat(nl)*rad-dlat))
+     ;;weight_pole = abs ( 1. - sin(pi/2 - (Delta_phi)/2 )  ; CJ
+       w(nl) = abs ( 1d0 - sin(pi/2d0 - dlat))  ; CJ
+   end if
+   if (abs(lat(nlat-1)).gt.89.9999d) then
+       nl = nlat-1
+     ;;w(nl) = abs( sin(lat(nl)*rad)- sin(lat(nl)*rad-dlat))
+     ;;weight_pole = abs ( 1. - sin(pi/2 - (Delta_phi)/2 )  ; CJ
+       w(nl) = abs ( 1d0 - sin(pi/2d0 - dlat))  ; CJ
+   end if
+   dNam = getvardims( lat )
+   if (.not.ismissing(dNam)) then
+       w!0 = dNam
+       if (iscoord(lat, dNam)) then
+           w&$dNam$ = lat
+       end if
+   end if
+   w at long_name = "latitude weight"
+   if (nType.eq."double") then
+       return( w )
+   else
+       return(dble2flt(w))
+   end if
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ undef("quadroots")
+ function quadroots(a[1]:numeric, b[1]:numeric, c[1]:numeric)
+ ; solve quadratic formula
+ local x, d, droot, dble, two, con, D
+ begin
+   if (typeof(a).eq."double" .or. typeof(b).eq."double" 
+                             .or. typeof(c).eq."double" ) then
+       d    = 0.0d
+       con  = 2.0d*a
+       dble = True
+   else
+       d    = 0.0
+       con  = 2.0*a
+       dble = False
+   end if
+   d = b^2 - 4*a*c                      ; discriminant
+   if (d.ge.0) then                     ; positive roots
+       if (dble) then
+           x    = (/0.0d,0.0d,0.0d0/)
+       else
+           x    = (/0.0 , 0.0, 0.0 /)
+       end if
+       if (d.gt.0) then                 ; two distinct real roots
+           droot = sqrt(d)
+           x(0)  = (-b + droot)/con
+           x(1)  = (-b - droot)/con
+       else              
+           x     = -b/con               ; one distinct root  
+       end if                           ; return as double root
+       x at root         = "real"
+       x at discriminant = d
+      ;x at result1      = a*x(0)^2 + b*x(0) + c
+      ;x at result2      = a*x(1)^2 + b*x(1) + c
+       return (x)
+   end if
+   D      = sqrt(-d)/con                ; (4*a*c -b^2)/2a
+   x = new ( 3, typeof(d), "No_FillValue")
+   x(0) = -b/con                        ; real part
+                                        ; imaginary parts
+   x(1) =  D                            ; positive 
+   x(2) = -D                            ; negative 
+   x at root         = "complex"
+   x at discriminant = d
+   return (x)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; Contributed by Carl J. Schreck, III, July 2008
+ ;
+ ; Converts a time variable from one units to another. The input
+ ; variable must contain a "units" attribute of the correct form.
+ ;
+ ; Input variables:
+ ;   dateFrom: the original date
+ ;   unitsTo:  the NEW date units
+ ; Return Value:
+ ;   retVal:   the date converted to its new units
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ undef("ut_convert")
+ function ut_convert( dateFrom:numeric, unitsTo:string )
+ local retVal, tempDate, utcDate
+ begin
+  if(.not.isatt(dateFrom,"units")) then
+    print("ut_convert: 'dateFrom' contains no 'units' attribute.")
+    print("            Will return all missing values.")
+    retVal = new(dimsizes(dateFrom),double)
+    return(retVal)
+  end if
+  tempDate       = dateFrom
+  tempDate at units = dateFrom at units
+  utcDate = ut_calendar( tempDate, -5 )
+  retVal = ut_inv_calendar( utcDate(:,0), utcDate(:,1), utcDate(:,2), 
+                            utcDate(:,3), utcDate(:,4), utcDate(:,5), 
+                            unitsTo, 0 )
+  return( retVal )
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; This is identical to ut_convert, except it uses cd_calendar.
+ ;***********************************************************************
+ undef("cd_convert")
+ function cd_convert( dateFrom:numeric, unitsTo:string )
+ local retVal, tempDate, utcDate
+ begin
+  if(.not.isatt(dateFrom,"units")) then
+    print("cd_convert: 'dateFrom' contains no 'units' attribute.")
+    print("            Will return all missing values.")
+    retVal = new(dimsizes(dateFrom),double)
+    return(retVal)
+  end if
+  tempDate       = dateFrom
+  tempDate at units = dateFrom at units
+  utcDate = cd_calendar( tempDate, -5 )
+  retVal = cd_inv_calendar( utcDate(:,0), utcDate(:,1), utcDate(:,2), 
+                            utcDate(:,3), utcDate(:,4), utcDate(:,5), 
+                            unitsTo, 0 )
+  return( retVal )
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "triple2grid"  that copies attributes and coordinate
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ undef ("triple2grid_Wrap")
+ function triple2grid_Wrap (xi[*]:numeric,yi[*]:numeric, fi:numeric 
+                           ,xo[*]:numeric,yo[*]:numeric, Opt)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "triple2grid"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, nD
+ begin
+   fo    = triple2grid (xi,yi,fi, xo,yo, Opt)     ; builtin
+   dimfi = dimsizes(fi)
+   nDimi = dimsizes(dimsizes(fi))                 ; number of in dimensions [rank]
+   nDimo = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   fo!(nDimo-2) = "Y"                               ; default named dimensions
+   fo!(nDimo-1) = "X"
+                                              ; override if possible
+   if (isdimnamed(yo,0) ) then
+       fo!(nDimo-2)    = yo!0                   ; if present, use xo name
+       fo&$fo!(nDimo-2)$ = yo                     ; create coordinate var
+   end if
+   if (isdimnamed(xo,0)) then
+       fo!(nDimo-1)    = xo!0                   ; if present, use xo name
+       fo&$fo!(nDimo-1)$ = xo                     ; two rightmost dimensions
+   end if
+   if (nDimo.ge.2) then
+       copy_VarCoords_1 (fi,fo)
+   end if
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ;**************************************************************
+ ; Calculate the PDF of an array
+ ; Original source IDL code by Andrew Gettleman
+ ; pdfx_v510 is to provide backward compatibility for the 5.1.0 version
+ ;
+ undef("pdfx_v510")
+ function pdfx_v510(x:numeric, nbin[1]:integer, opt:logical)
+ local nGood, nbins, xMin, xMax, mnmxint, xSpace 
+      ,bin, pdf, nTot
+ begin
+   nGood = num(.not.ismissing(x))
+   if (nGood.lt.3) then
+       print("pdfx: nGood="+nGood+" : Need more non-missing points")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (nbin.le.2) then
+       nbins = 50             ; default
+   else
+       nbins = nbin
+   end if
+   xMin = 0.0d     ; not required but done for test
+   xMax = 0.0d
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"bin_min")) then  
+       xMin = opt at bin_min                    ; user set
+   else
+       xMin = min(x)                         ; calculate
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"bin_max")) then  
+       xMax = opt at bin_max                    ; user set
+   else
+       xMax = max(x)                         ; calculate
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"bin_nice")) then ; nice xMin, xMax
+       outside = False
+       if (isatt(opt,"bin_nice_outside")) then
+           outside = opt at bin_nice_outside
+       end if
+       mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( min(x), max(x), nbins, outside)
+       xMin    = mnmxint(0)
+       xMax    = mnmxint(1)
+       xSpace  = mnmxint(2)
+       nbins   = round( (xMax-xMin)/xSpace , 3) 
+   end if
+   binBound    = fspan(xMin,xMax,nbins+1)
+   pdf         = new( nbins, "double", getFillValue(x))
+   binCenter   = (binBound(0:nbins-1) + binBound(1:nbins))*0.5d 
+   pdf         = 0.0d
+   do nb=0,nbins-2
+      pdf(nb) = num( x.ge.binBound(nb) .and. x.lt.binBound(nb+1) )
+   end do
+   nTot = num(x.ge.xMin .and. x.le.xMax)   ; actual number used
+   pdf  = pdf/nTot              ; frequency
+   pdf at bin_center     = binCenter
+   pdf at bin_bounds     = binBound
+   pdf at bin_bound_min  = min(binBound)
+   pdf at bin_bound_max  = max(binBound)
+   pdf at bin_spacing    = binBound(2)-binBound(1)
+   pdf at nbins          = nbins
+   pdf at long_name      = "PDF"
+   if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+       pdf at long_name  = "PDF: "+x at long_name
+   end if
+   pdf at units          = "frequency"
+   return( pdf )
+ end
+ ;***********************************************
+ ; binning consistent with the "pdfxy" function
+ ; Feb 2012: replaced NCL loop with fortran loop
+ ; in pdfx_bin. This is much faster.
+ ;
+ undef("pdfx")
+ function pdfx(x:numeric, nbin[1]:integer, opt:logical)
+ local nGood, nbins, xMin, xMax, mnmxint, xSpace 
+      ,bin, pdf, nTot, XMIN, XMAX, nLoOut, nHiOut
+ begin
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "v510") .and. opt at v510) then
+       pdf = pdfx_v510(x, nbin, opt) ; different binning
+       return(pdf)
+   end if
+   if (nbin.le.2) then
+       nbins = 25             ; default 
+   else
+       nbins = nbin
+   end if
+   nGood = num(.not.ismissing(x))
+   if (nGood.lt.3) then
+       print("pdfx: nGood="+nGood+" : Need more non-missing points")
+       pdf = new( nbins, "double", getFillValue(x))
+       return( pdf )
+   end if
+   XMIN = min(x)*1d0   ; min/max for ENTIRE array             
+   XMAX = max(x)*1d0   ; force "double" [*1d0]
+   xMin = 0.0d         ; prototype as double
+   xMax = 0.0d
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"bin_min")) then  
+       xMin = opt at bin_min                    ; user set
+   else
+       xMin = XMIN                           ; calculate
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"bin_max")) then  
+       xMax = opt at bin_max                    ; user set
+   else
+       xMax = XMAX                           ; calculate
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"bin_nice")) then ; nice xMin, xMax
+       outside = False
+       if (isatt(opt,"bin_nice_outside")) then
+           outside = opt at bin_nice_outside
+       end if
+       mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( XMIN, XMAX, nbins, outside)
+       xMin    = mnmxint(0)
+       xMax    = mnmxint(1)
+       xSpace  = mnmxint(2)
+     ;;nbins   = round( (xMax-xMin)/xSpace , 3) 
+   end if
+ ;;dbin        = (xMax-xMin)/(nbins-1)          ; 5.2.0   
+   dbin        = (xMax-xMin)/nbins   
+   binBound    = xMin + ispan(0,nbins,1)*dbin
+   binBound(nbins) = xMax                       ; avoid roundoff              
+   binCenter   = (binBound(0:nbins-1) + binBound(1:nbins))*0.5d 
+   binBoundMin = binBound(0)           
+   binBoundMax = binBound(nbins)      
+   pdf         = new( nbins, "double", getFillValue(x))
+   pdf         = 0.0d
+ ;;---- the following replaces the ;; NCL loop below ---
+   popt          = True
+   popt at fraction = True ; True mean total count (**DO NOT CHANGE**)
+   pdf = pdfx_bin(x, binBound, popt) ; fortran
+ ;;do nb=0,nbins-1      
+ ;;   pdf(nb) = num( x.ge.binBound(nb) .and. x.lt.binBound(nb+1) )
+ ;;   if (nb.eq.(nbins-1)) then                 ; last bin 
+ ;;       pdf(nb) = pdf(nb) + num( x.eq.binBound(nb+1) )   ; include last bound
+ ;;   end if
+ ;;end do
+ ;;----
+   pdf!0    = "x"
+   pdf&x    = binCenter
+                                        ; max possible in data     
+   nMax     = num(x.ge.XMIN .and. x.le.XMAX)
+                                        ; actual number used
+   nUse     = num(x.ge.binBoundMin .and. x.le.binBoundMax)
+   nLoOut   = num(x.lt.binBoundMin)     ; number outliers
+   nHiOut   = num(x.gt.binBoundMax)
+   pdf      = 100d0*pdf/nMax            ; percent frequency
+   pdf at bin_center     = binCenter
+   pdf at bin_bounds     = binBound
+   pdf at bin_bound_min  = binBoundMin
+   pdf at bin_bound_max  = binBoundMax
+   pdf at bin_spacing    = dbin            ; binBound(2)-binBound(1)
+   pdf at nbins          = nbins
+   pdf at nMax           = nMax
+   pdf at nUse           = nUse
+   if (nLoOut.gt.0 .or. nHiOut.gt.0) then
+       pdf at nLoOut     = nLoOut       
+       pdf at nHiOut     = nHiOut
+   end if
+   pdf at long_name      = "PDF"
+   if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+       pdf at long_name  = "PDF: "+x at long_name
+   end if
+   pdf at units          = "%"
+   return( pdf )
+ end
+ ;**************************************************************
+ ; Calculate the "joint PDF [%]" of arrays "x" and "y"
+ ;**************************************************************
+ undef("pdfxy")
+ function pdfxy(x:numeric, y:numeric, nbinx[1]:integer, nbiny[1]:integer, opt:logical)
+ local nGood_x, nbinsx, xMin, xMax, mnmxint, binx, binxBound, binxCenter, nbx 
+      ,nGood_y, nbinsy, yMin, yMax, ySpace , biny, binyBound, binyCenter, nby 
+      ,outside, mnmxint, pdf2, nTot, dimx, dimy, rankx, ranky, x1d, y1d, iy, warnFlag
+      ,xMIN, xMAX, yMIN, yMAX, binxBoundMin, binxBoundMax, binyBoundMin, binyBoundMax
+      ,nMax, nUse, nxLoOut, nxHiOut, nyLoOut, nyHiOut, popt, fmsg, epsx, epsy
+ begin
+   fmsg = default_fillvalue("float")
+   if (nbinx.le.2) then
+       nbinsx = 25             ; default
+   else
+       nbinsx = nbinx          ; user sprecified
+   end if
+   if (nbiny.le.2) then
+       nbinsy = 25             ; default
+   else
+       nbinsy = nbiny          ; user specified
+   end if
+                               ; error check
+   warnFlag = True             ; default ... print warning messages
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"WarningMsg") .and. .not.opt at WarningMsg) then
+       warnFlag = False
+   end if
+   if (warnFlag) then
+       nGood_x = num(.not.ismissing(x))
+       if (nGood_x.lt.3) then
+           print("pdfxy: nGood(x)="+nGood_x+" : Need more non-missing points")
+       end if
+       nGood_y = num(.not.ismissing(y))
+       if (nGood_y.lt.3) then
+           print("pdfxy: nGood(y)="+nGood_y+" : Need more non-missing points")
+       end if
+       if (nGood_x.lt.3 .or. nGood_y.lt.3) then
+           print("pdfxy: exit error: not enough points")
+           pdf2 = new( (/nbinsy,nbinsx/), "double", 1d20)
+           return( pdf2 )
+       end if
+   end if              ; warnFlag
+   xMIN = min(x)*1d0   ; min/max for ENTIRE array             
+   xMAX = max(x)*1d0   ; force "double" [*1d0] ... convenience only
+   yMIN = min(y)*1d0   
+   yMAX = max(y)*1d0  
+                       ; max number possible (excludes _FillValue)
+   nMax = num(x.ge.xMIN .and. x.le.xMAX .and. 
+              y.ge.yMIN .and. y.le.yMAX) 
+   if (nMax.lt.3) then                        
+       print("pdfxy: exit error: nMax.lt.3")
+       pdf2 = new( (/nbinsy,nbinsx/), "double", 1d20)
+       return( pdf2 )
+   end if
+   xMin = 0.0d         ; prototype as "double"    
+   xMax = 0.0d
+   yMin = 0.0d     
+   yMax = 0.0d
+                       ; User may want different min/max used
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"binx_min")) then  
+       xMin = opt at binx_min                   ; user
+   else
+       xMin = xMIN                           ; calculated
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"binx_max")) then  
+       xMax = opt at binx_max                   ; user
+   else
+       xMax = xMAX                                         
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"biny_min")) then  
+       yMin = opt at biny_min                   ; user
+   else
+       yMin = yMIN
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"biny_max")) then  
+       yMax = opt at biny_max                   ; user
+   else
+       yMax = yMAX  
+   end if
+   if (opt.and.isatt(opt,"binx_nice")) then  ; nice xMin, xMax
+       outside = False                       
+       if (isatt(opt,"binx_nice_outside")) then
+           outside = opt at binx_nice_outside
+       end if
+       mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( xMIN, xMAX, nbinsx, outside)
+       xMin    = mnmxint(0)
+       xMax    = mnmxint(1)
+       xSpace  = mnmxint(2)
+     ;;nbinsx  = round( (xMax-xMin)/xSpace , 3) 
+       delete(mnmxint)
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"biny_nice")) then ; nice yMin, yMax
+       outside = False
+       if (isatt(opt,"biny_nice_outside")) then
+           outside = opt at biny_nice_outside
+       end if
+       mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( yMIN, yMAX, nbinsy, outside)
+       yMin    = mnmxint(0)
+       yMax    = mnmxint(1)
+       ySpace  = mnmxint(2)
+     ;;nbinsy  = round( (yMax-yMin)/ySpace , 3) 
+       delete(mnmxint)
+   end if
+ ;;dbinx       = (xMax-xMin)/(nbinsx-1)
+   dbinx       = (xMax-xMin)/nbinsx
+   binxBound   = xMin + ispan(0,nbinsx,1)*dbinx
+   binxBound(nbinsx) = xMax                       ; avoid roundoff
+   binxCenter  = (binxBound(0:nbinsx-1) + binxBound(1:nbinsx))*0.5d 
+ ;;dbiny       = (yMax-yMin)/(nbinsy-1)
+   dbiny       = (yMax-yMin)/nbinsy
+   binyBound   = yMin + ispan(0,nbinsy,1)*dbiny
+   binyBound(nbinsy) = yMax                       ; avoid roundoff
+   binyCenter  = (binyBound(0:nbinsy-1) + binyBound(1:nbinsy))*0.5d 
+   binxBoundMin= binxBound(0)          ; convenience
+   binxBoundMax= binxBound(nbinsx)   
+   binyBoundMin= binyBound(0)   
+   binyBoundMax= binyBound(nbinsy)   
+   pdf2        = new( (/nbinsy,nbinsx/), "double", 1d20)
+   pdf2        = 0.0d                  ; initialize
+   dimx        = dimsizes(x)
+   dimy        = dimsizes(y)
+   rankx       = dimsizes(dimx)
+   ranky       = dimsizes(dimy)
+   popt          = True
+   popt at fraction = False     ; False means to return %
+                       ; -------------------------------------------
+                       ; epsx, epsy:  Nov 2013 for v6.2.0
+ 		      ; get around:  LastLeftBin <= x,y < LastRightBin 
+ 		      ; Add eps LastRightBin will *include* xMAX and yMAX
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "bin_max_epsx")) then
+       epsx = opt at bin_max_epsx ; set to 0.0 for pre 6.2.0 results
+   else
+       epsx = 1d-6             ; default (arbitrary)
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "bin_max_epsy")) then
+       epsy = opt at bin_max_epsy
+   else
+       epsy = 1d-6         
+   end if
+   binxBound(nbinsx)= binxBound(nbinsx) + epsx*binxBound(nbinsx)
+   binyBound(nbinsy)= binyBound(nbinsy) + epsy*binyBound(nbinsy)
+                       ; ------------------------------------------- 
+   pdf2 = pdfxy_bin(x,y, binxBound,binyBound, popt)
+                           ; all NCL [original code]
+     ;;x1d  = ndtooned(x)  ; requires more memory
+     ;;y1d  = ndtooned(y)
+     ;;do nby=0,nbinsy-1
+     ;;   iy = ind(y1d.ge.binyBound(nby) .and. y1d.lt.binyBound(nby+1))
+     ;;   if (.not.ismissing(iy(0))) then
+     ;;       do nbx=0,nbinsx-1
+     ;;          pdf2(nby,nbx) = num(x1d(iy).ge.binxBound(nbx) .and. \

+     ;;                              x1d(iy).lt.binxBound(nbx+1)     )
+     ;;       end do
+     ;;   end if
+     ;;   delete(iy)      ; size may change
+     ;;end do
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"fraction") .and. opt at fraction) then
+       pdf2 = pdf2/1d2                ; fraction [0,1]
+   end if
+   pdf2!0   = "y"         ; arbitrary name
+   pdf2!1   = "x"
+   pdf2&x   =  binxCenter 
+   pdf2&y   =  binyCenter
+                          ; actual number used, excludes outliers
+   nUse     = num(x.ge.binxBoundMin .and. x.le.binxBoundMax .and. 
+                  y.ge.binyBoundMin .and. y.le.binyBoundMax)
+   if (nMax.eq.nUse) then
+       nxLoOut  = 0
+       nxHiOut  = 0
+       nyLoOut  = 0
+       nyHiOut  = 0
+   else
+       nxLoOut  = num(x.lt.binxBoundMin)
+       nxHiOut  = num(x.ge.binxBoundMax)
+       nyLoOut  = num(y.lt.binyBoundMin)
+       nyHiOut  = num(y.ge.binyBoundMax)
+   end if
+   pdf2 at nMax            = nMax
+   pdf2 at nUse            = nUse
+   pdf2 at nOut            = nxLoOut + nxHiOut + nyLoOut + nyHiOut
+   if (nMax.gt.0) then
+       pdf2 at pcUse       = (1e2*nUse)/nMax         ; percent [pc]
+       pdf2 at pcOut       = (1e2*pdf2 at nOut)/nMax
+   else
+       pdf2 at pcUse       = fmsg
+       pdf2 at pcOut       = fmsg
+   end if
+   pdf2 at xMIN            = xMIN 
+   pdf2 at xMAX            = xMAX 
+   pdf2 at binx_center     = binxCenter
+   pdf2 at binx_bounds     = binxBound
+   pdf2 at binx_bound_min  = binxBoundMin
+   pdf2 at binx_bound_max  = binxBoundMax
+   pdf2 at binx_spacing    = dbinx   ; binxBound(2)-binxBound(1)
+   pdf2 at nbinsx          = nbinsx
+  ;pdf2 at nxLoOut         = nxLoOut
+  ;pdf2 at nxHiOut         = nxHiOut
+   if (nMax.gt.0) then
+       pdf2 at pcxLoOut    = (1e2*nxLoOut)/nMax         ; %
+       pdf2 at pcxHiOut    = (1e2*nxHiOut)/nMax
+   else
+       pdf2 at pcxLoOut    = fmsg
+       pdf2 at pcxHiOut    = fmsg
+   end if
+   pdf2 at yMIN            = yMIN 
+   pdf2 at yMAX            = yMAX 
+   pdf2 at biny_center     = binyCenter
+   pdf2 at biny_bounds     = binyBound
+   pdf2 at biny_bound_min  = binyBoundMin
+   pdf2 at biny_bound_max  = binyBoundMax
+   pdf2 at biny_spacing    = dbiny   ; binyBound(2)-binyBound(1)
+   pdf2 at nbinsy          = nbinsy
+  ;pdf2 at nyLoOut         = nyLoOut
+  ;pdf2 at nyHiOut         = nyHiOut
+   if (nMax.gt.0) then
+       pdf2 at pcyLoOut        = (1e2*nyLoOut)/nMax         ; %
+       pdf2 at pcyHiOut        = (1e2*nyHiOut)/nMax
+   else
+       pdf2 at pcyLoOut        = fmsg
+       pdf2 at pcyHiOut        = fmsg
+   end if
+  ;pdf2 at long_name      = "Joint PDF"
+  ;if (isatt(x,"long_name") .and. isatt(y,"long_name")) then
+  ;    pdf2 at long_name  = "Joint PDF: "+x at long_name+" | " \

+  ;                                   +y at long_name
+  ;end if
+  ;pdf2 at units          = "frequency"
+   return( pdf2 )
+ end
+ ; ----
+ undef("pdfxy_conform")
+ function pdfxy_conform(x,y,nbinx,nbiny,opt)  ; same arguments as pdfxy
+ ;
+ ; Work around to allow x and y to be different sizes
+ ; Same arguments as pdfxy
+ local N, M, X, Y, XX, YY, pdf2
+ begin
+     N = product(dimsizes(x))
+     M = product(dimsizes(y))
+     if (N.eq.M) then
+         pdf2 = pdfxy(x,y,nbinx,nbiny,opt)
+         return(pdf2)
+     end if
+     X = ndtooned(x)
+     Y = ndtooned(y)
+     if (N.gt.M) then
+         YY   = new(N, typeof(Y), getVarFillValue(Y))
+         YY(0:M-1) = (/ Y /)
+         pdf2 = pdfxy(X,YY,nbinx,nbiny,opt)
+     else
+         XX   = new(M, typeof(X), getVarFillValue(X))
+         XX(0:N-1) = (/ X /)
+         pdf2 = pdfxy(XX,Y,nbinx,nbiny,opt)
+     end if
+     return(pdf2)
+ end 
+ ; ----
+ undef ("genNormalDist")
+ function genNormalDist(xAve[1]:numeric, xStd[1]:numeric, opt:logical) 
+ ; Usage:
+ ;   xAve = 100
+ ;   xStd =  10
+ ;   xNor = createNormal(xAve, xStd, False)
+ local zero, one, pi, spn, N, con, xVar, x, nor
+ begin
+   if (typeof(xAve).eq."double" .or. typeof(xAve).eq."double") then
+       zero = 0.0d
+       one  = 1.0d
+       pi   = 4.0d*atan(1.0d)
+       spn  = 3.0d                    ; 99.7% of normal
+   else
+       zero = 0.0 
+       one  = 1.0
+       pi   = 4.0*atan(1.0)
+       spn  = 3.0
+   end if
+   if (xStd.eq.zero) then
+       print("genNormalDist: xStd=0 is not allowed")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"std_span")) then
+       spn = opt at std_span
+   end if
+                 ; fix an incorrect documention issue
+                 ; allow 'npts' or 'N'
+   if (opt .and. (isatt(opt,"npts") .or. isatt(opt,"N"))) then
+      if (isatt(opt,"N")) then
+          N = opt at N
+      else
+          N = opt at npts
+      end if
+   else
+       N = 101
+   end if
+   con  = one/(xStd*sqrt(2*pi))
+   xVar = xStd^2
+   x   = fspan( (xAve-spn*xStd), (xAve+spn*xStd), N)
+   nor = con*exp(-((x-xAve)^2/(2*xVar)) )
+   nor at long_name = "Normal Distribution"
+   if (isatt(xAve,"units")) then
+       x at units = xAve at units
+   end if
+   nor at x   = x
+   nor at xsd = (x-xAve)/xStd
+   return( nor )
+ end
+ ; ------------
+ undef("relhum_ttd")
+ function relhum_ttd (t:numeric, td:numeric, opt:integer)
+ ;
+ ; Calculate relative humidity given temperature (K)
+ ; and dew point temperature (K)
+ ;
+ ; reference: John Dutton, Ceaseless Wind, 1976
+ local gc, lhv, rh 
+ begin
+   rankt  = dimsizes( dimsizes(t ) )
+   ranktd = dimsizes( dimsizes(td) )
+   if (rankt.ne.ranktd) then
+       print("relhum_ttd: rank mismatch: fatal")
+       print("            rank(t )="+rankt )
+       print("            rank(td)="+ranktd)
+       exit
+   end if
+   gc  = 461.5             ; [j/{kg-k}]   gas constant water vapor
+   gc  = gc/(1000.*4.186)  ; [cal/{g-k}]  change units
+                                        ; lhv=latent heat vap
+   lhv = ( 597.3-0.57*(t-273.) )        ; dutton top p273 [empirical]
+   rh           = exp( (lhv/gc)*(1.0/t - 1.0/td) )
+   rh at long_name = "relative humidity"
+   rh at units     = "fraction"
+   if (opt.eq.0) then
+       rh       = rh*100.
+       rh at units = "%"
+   end if
+   return (rh)
+ end
+ ; ------------
+ undef("crossp3")
+ function crossp3(a[*][3]:numeric,b[*][3]:numeric)
+ ; calculate a cross product:   c = a x b
+ begin
+   if (typeof(a).eq."double" .or. typeof(b).eq."double") then
+       if (typeof(a).eq."double") then
+           c = new ( dimsizes(a), "double", getFillValue(a))
+       else
+           c = new ( dimsizes(b), "double", getFillValue(b))
+       end if
+   else
+       if (typeof(a).eq."float" .or. typeof(b).eq."float") then
+           if (typeof(a).eq."float") then
+               c = new ( dimsizes(a), "float", getFillValue(a))
+           else
+               c = new ( dimsizes(b), "float", getFillValue(b))
+           end if
+       else
+           c = new ( dimsizes(a), "integer", getFillValue(a))
+       end if
+   end if
+   c(:,0) = a(:,1)*b(:,2)-a(:,2)*b(:,1)
+   c(:,1) = a(:,2)*b(:,0)-a(:,0)*b(:,2)
+   c(:,2) = a(:,0)*b(:,1)-a(:,1)*b(:,0)
+   return(c)
+ end
+ ; -----------------------------------------------------
+ undef("region_ind")
+ function region_ind(XLAT[*][*]:numeric, XLON[*][*]:numeric 
+                    ,latS[1]:numeric, latN[1]:numeric 
+                    ,lonW[1]:numeric, lonE[1]:numeric )
+ ; extract subscript indicies corresponding to region
+ ; described by curvilinear coordinates
+ ; WRF, NARR, REGCM, etc
+ local  XLAT_1d, XLON_1d, nm_1d, nlml, ijsub
+ begin
+  XLAT_1d  = ndtooned( XLAT )
+  XLON_1d  = ndtooned( XLON )  
+  nm_1d    = ind(XLAT_1d.ge.latS .and. XLAT_1d.le.latN .and. 
+                 XLON_1d.ge.lonW .and. XLON_1d.le.lonE)
+  nlml     = ind_resolve(nm_1d, dimsizes(XLON))
+  ijsub    = new( 4, typeof(nlml), "No_FillValue")
+  ijsub(0) = min(nlml(:,0))   ; lat start index
+  ijsub(1) = max(nlml(:,0))   ; lat last  index
+  ijsub(2) = min(nlml(:,1))   ; lon start index
+  ijsub(3) = max(nlml(:,1))   ; lon Last  index
+  return(ijsub)
+ end
+ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("icObjAnal_1d")
+ function icObjAnal_1d(x[*],y[*],z[*],lon[*],lat[*],dcrit[*]:numeric,opt:logical)
+ ; This should *not* be invoked directly by the user.
+ ; It is called by "function icObjAnal"
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ; x,y,z        - lon,lat,observation triplets
+ ; lat          - lat of returned grid. Need not be equally spaced.
+ ;                Should have the units attribute: lat at units="degrees_north"
+ ; lon          - lon of returned grid. Need not be equally spaced
+ ;                Should have the units attribute: lon at units="degrees_east"
+ ; dcrit        - 1D array containing successive radii of influence.
+ ;                Must be expressed in degrees latitude and should be
+ ;                monotonically decreasing.  eg: dcrit = (/10, 5, 3/)
+ ; opt          - variable to which optional attributes are attached
+ ;                @guess = user supplied 2D guess array [default is no 1st guess]
+ ;                         Must be same size and shape as grid defined by lat/lon
+ ;                @zonal = True: use zonal average of z as 1st guess
+ ;                @setmsg= True is default
+ ;                @timing= True   ; print elapsed time per iteration (scan)
+ ;                @count => Return number of observations used in each scan
+ ;                           @nObs ==> (nscan,:,:)
+ ;
+ local nlat, mlon, nScan, G, dimG, rankG, zonavg, i, j, ij, ns, nl, ml 
+     , gcdist, diff, cf, nObs, dc2, nd, flag
+ begin
+   nlat   = dimsizes(lat)
+   mlon   = dimsizes(lon)
+   nScan  = dimsizes(dcrit)
+   nObs   = new( (/nScan,nlat,mlon/), "integer", "No_FillValue" ) 
+   nObs   = 0
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"guess")) then
+       G      = opt at guess                     ; 1st guess
+       dimG   = dimsizes(G)
+       rankG  = dimsizes(dimG)
+       if (.not.(rankG.eq.2)) then
+           print("icObjAnal_1d: rankG="+rankG+"  expecting 2D") 
+           exit
+       end if
+       if (.not.(nlat*mlon.ne.prod(dimG))) then
+           print("icObjAnal_1d: dimension sizes of G and nlat*mlon must match") 
+           print("icObjAnal_1d: dimG="+dimG) 
+           print("icObjAnal_1d: nlat="+nlat+"   mlon="+mlon) 
+           exit
+       end if
+       flag = 2
+   else
+       G  = new( (/nlat,mlon/), typeof(z), getFillValue(z) )    ; 1st guess
+       if (isatt(opt,"zonal") .and. opt at zonal) then       ; create zonal avg
+           dlat  = max(abs(lat(1:nlat-1)-lat(0:nlat-2)) ) ; nominal
+          ;dlat  = 2*dlat      ; expand to get more data for zonal average
+                                                          ; bigger range
+           zonavg = new( nlat, typeof(z), z at _FillValue)
+           do nl=0,nlat-1
+              i = ind(y.le.(lat(nl)+dlat) .and. y.ge.(lat(nl)-dlat))
+              if (.not.all(ismissing(i))) then
+                  zonavg(nl) = avg( z(i) )      ; zonal avg of all observations
+              end if
+              delete(i)
+           end do
+           if (any(ismissing(zonavg))) then
+               zonavg = linmsg(zonavg, -1)      ; linearly interpolate
+           end if
+          print("icObjAnal_1d: lat="+lat+"   zonavg="+zonavg)
+                                                ; arbitrary smooth
+         ;;zonavg = wgt_runave(zonavg, (/0.25, 0.50, 0.25/), 1)  
+           zonavg = wgt_runave(zonavg, filwgts_normal (7, 1.0, 0) , 1)  
+           do nl=0,nlat-1
+              G(nl,:) = zonavg(nl)
+           end do
+           delete(zonavg)
+           flag = 1
+       else
+           G    = 0.0                         ; direct ... no 1st guess
+           flag = 0
+       end if
+   end if
+   G!0   = "lat"
+   G!1   = "lon"
+   G&lat =  lat
+   G&lon =  lon
+   wcStrt = systemfunc("date")
+   do ns=0,nScan-1
+      nsStrt = systemfunc("date")
+      dc2    = dcrit(ns)^2
+     do nl=0,nlat-1
+        i = ind( abs(y-lat(nl)).le.dcrit(ns)) 
+        if (.not.ismissing(i(0)) ) then
+            do ml=0,mlon-1
+               if (ns.eq.0 .or. (ns.gt.0 .and.  nObs(ns-1,nl,ml).gt.0)) then
+                   gcdist = gc_latlon(lat(nl),lon(ml), y(i),x(i), 0,2)
+                   nd     = num(gcdist.le.dcrit(ns))
+                   nObs(ns,nl,ml) = nd     ; # observations within radius
+                   if (nd.gt.0) then 
+                       j      = ind(gcdist.le.dcrit(ns))
+                       ij     = i(j)
+                       diff   = z(ij)-G(nl,ml)  ; normally interpolate G to z but ..... 
+                       wgt    = exp(-4*gcdist(j)^2/dc2)
+                       cf     = sum(wgt*diff)/sum(wgt)  ; correction factor
+                      ;print("ns="+ns+"   nl="+nl+"  ml="+ml+"  cf="+cf)
+                       G(nl,ml) = G(nl,ml) + cf         ; update Guess
+                       delete(j)
+                       delete(ij)
+                       delete(cf)
+                       delete(wgt)
+                       delete(diff)
+                   end if             ; nd
+                   delete(gcdist)
+               end if
+            end do                    ; ml
+        end if
+        delete(i)
+     end do                           ; nl
+                                      ; default is to smooth
+     if (.not.isatt(opt,"smooth") .or. opt at smooth) then
+         if (ns.lt.(nScan-1)) then
+             G = smth9(G, 0.50,-0.25, 0)  ; light local smoother
+         else
+             G = smth9(G, 0.50, 0.25, 0)  ; heavy local smoother
+         end if
+     end if
+                                      ; set grid pts ouside of 
+     if (ns.eq.0) then                ; max radius to _FillValue
+         if (.not.isatt(opt,"setmsg") .or. opt at setmsg) then
+             G = where(nObs(ns,:,:).eq.0, G at _FillValue, G)
+         end if
+     end if
+     if (isatt(opt,"timing")) then
+         wallClockElapseTime(nsStrt,"icObjAnal_1d: ns="+ns, 0)
+     end if
+   end do                             ; ns`
+   if (isatt(opt,"timing")) then
+       wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt,"Total time: icObjAnal_1d: nScan="+nScan , 0)
+   end if
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"count") .and. opt at count) then
+       G at nObs = nObs
+   end if
+   return(G)
+ end
+ ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("icObjAnal_2d")
+ function icObjAnal_2d(x[*],y[*],z[*],lon2d[*][*],lat2d[*][*],dcrit[*]:numeric,opt:logical)
+ ;
+ ; This should not be invoked directly by the user.
+ ; It is called by "function icObjAnal"
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ; x,y,z        - lon,lat,observation triplets
+ ; lat2d        - lat of returned grid. 
+ ; lon2d        - lon of returned grid
+ ; dcrit        - 1D array containing successive radii of influence.
+ ;                Must be expressed in degrees latitude and should be
+ ;                monotonically de.  eg: dcrit = (/10, 5, 3/)
+ ; opt          - variable to which optional attributes are attached
+ ;                @guess = 2D guess array [default is no 1st guess]
+ ;                @timing = True   ; print times
+ ;                @count  => Return number of observations used in each scan
+ ;                           @nObs ==> (nscan,:,:)
+ ;
+ local nlat, mlon, nScan, G, dimG, rankG, zonavg, i, j, ij, ns, nl, ml 
+     , gcdist, diff, cf, nObs, dc2, nd, dimlat, ranklt, LAT, LON, G1D
+ begin
+   dimlat = dimsizes(lat2d)
+   nlat   = dimlat(0)
+   mlon   = dimlat(1)
+   nScan  = dimsizes(dcrit)
+   nObs   = new( (/nScan,nlat,mlon/), "integer", "No_FillValue" ) 
+   nObs   = 0
+   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"guess")) then
+       G      = opt at guess                     ; 1st guess
+       dimG   = dimsizes(G)
+       rankG  = dimsizes(dimG)
+       ranklt = dimsizes(dimlat)
+       if (.not.(rankG.eq.ranklt)) then
+           print("icObjAnal_2d: rankG="+rankG+"  ranklt="+ranklt) 
+           exit
+       end if
+       if (.not.all(dimlat.eq.dimG)) then
+           print("icObjAnal_2d: all dimension sizes must be the same") 
+           print("icObjAnal_2d: dimltt="+dimlat+"   dimG="+dimG) 
+           exit
+       end if
+   else
+       G  = new( dimlat, typeof(z), getFillValue(z) )    ; 1st guess
+       if (isatt(opt,"zonal") .and. opt at zonal) then      ; create zonal avg
+           mnlat = min(lat2d)
+           mxlat = max(lat2d)
+           lat1d = fspan(mnlat,mxlat,nlat)               ; nominal
+           dlat  = (mxlat-mnlat)/(nlat-1)                ; nominal
+           dlat  = 4*dlat      ; expand to get more data for zonal average
+                                                          ; bigger range
+           zonavg = new( nlat, typeof(z), z at _FillValue)
+           do nl=0,nlat-1
+              i = ind(y.le.(lat1d(nl)+dlat) .and. y.ge.(lat1d(nl)-dlat))
+              if (.not.all(ismissing(i))) then
+                  zonavg(nl) = avg( z(i) )      ; zonal avg of all observations
+              end if
+              delete(i)
+           end do
+           if (any(ismissing(zonavg))) then
+               zonavg = linmsg(zonavg, -1)          ; linearly interpolate
+           end if
+         ;;zonavg = wgt_runave(zonavg, (/0.25, 0.50, 0.25/), 1)  ;smooth
+           zonavg = wgt_runave(zonavg, filwgts_normal (7, 1.0, 0) , 1)  ;smooth
+           LAT  = ndtooned(lat2d)
+           G1D  = ndtooned(G) 
+           do nl=0,nlat-1
+              i = ind(LAT.le.(lat1d(nl)+dlat) .and. LAT.ge.(lat1d(nl)-dlat))
+              G1D(i) = zonavg(nl)
+              delete(i)
+           end do
+           delete(zonavg)
+           delete(lat1d)
+           delete(LAT)
+           G = onedtond(G1D, dimlat)
+           delete(G1D)
+       else
+           G = 0.0                         ; direct ... no 1st guess
+       end if
+   end if
+   G at lat2d = lat2d
+   G at lon2d = lon2d
+   LAT    = ndtooned( lat2d )
+   LON    = ndtooned( lon2d )
+   wcStrt =  systemfunc("date")
+   do ns=0,nScan-1
+      nsStrt =  systemfunc("date")
+      dc2 = dcrit(ns)^2
+     do nl=0,nlat-1
+       do ml=0,mlon-1
+          if (ns.eq.0 .or. (ns.gt.0 .and. nObs(ns-1,nl,ml).gt.0)) then
+              i = ind( abs(y-lat2d(nl,ml)).le.dcrit(ns) ) 
+              if (.not.any(ismissing(i)) ) then
+                  gcdist = gc_latlon(lat2d(nl,ml),lon2d(nl,ml), y(i),x(i), 0,2)
+                  nd     = num(gcdist.le.dcrit(ns))
+                  nObs(ns,nl,ml) = nd     ; # observations within radius
+                  if (nd.gt.0) then 
+                      j      = ind(gcdist.le.dcrit(ns))
+                      ij     = i(j)
+                      diff   = z(ij)-G(nl,ml)  ; normally interpolate G to z but .....            
+                      wgt    = exp(-4*gcdist(j)^2/dc2)
+                      cf     = sum(wgt*diff)/sum(wgt) 
+                     ;print("ns="+ns+"   nl="+nl+"  ml="+ml+"  cf="+cf)
+                      G(nl,ml) = G(nl,ml) + cf 
+                      delete(j)
+                      delete(ij)
+                      delete(cf)
+                      delete(wgt)
+                      delete(diff)
+                  end if
+                  delete(gcdist)
+              end if
+              delete(i)
+          end if
+       end do                         ; ml
+     end do                           ; nl
+                                      ; default is to smooth
+     if (.not.isatt(opt,"smooth") .or. opt at smooth) then
+         if (ns.lt.(nScan-1)) then
+             G = smth9(G, 0.50,-0.25, 0)  ; light local smoother
+         else
+             G = smth9(G, 0.50, 0.25, 0)  ; heavy local smoother
+         end if
+     end if
+     if (isatt(opt,"timing")) then
+         wallClockElapseTime(nsStrt,"icObjAnal_2d: ns="+ns , 0)
+     end if
+   end do                             ; ns`
+   if (isatt(opt,"count")) then
+       G at nObs = nObs
+   end if
+   if (isatt(opt,"timing")) then
+       wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt,"Total time: icObjAnal_2d: nScan="+nScan , 0)
+   end if
+   return(G)
+ end
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("obj_anal_ic_deprecated")
+ function obj_anal_ic_deprecated(X[*],Y[*],Z[*], lon:numeric,lat:numeric 
+                         ,dcrit[*]:numeric,opt:logical)
+ ; Perform Barnes [ Cressman ] type iterative correction objective analysis
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ; x,y,z        - lon,lat,observation triplets
+ ; lat          - lat of returned grid. Need not be equally spaced
+ ;                but must be monotonically increasing. Should have the
+ ;                units attribute assigned: lat at units="degrees_north"
+ ; lon          - lon of returned grid. Need not be equally spaced
+ ;                but must be monotonically increasing. Should have the
+ ;                units attribute assigned: lon at units="degrees_east"
+ ; dcrit        - 1D array containing successive radii of influence.
+ ;                Must be expressed in degrees latitude and should be
+ ;                monotonically de.  eg: dcrit = (/10, 5, 3/)
+ ;                dims = dimsizes(dcrit)   , nscan = dims(0) 
+ ; opt          - variable to which optional attributes are attached
+ ;                @guess = 2D guess array  [input]
+ ;                @timing = print times    
+ ;                @count  = number of observation used in each scan
+ ;                          Return @nObs ==> (nscan,:,:)
+ ;
+ local wcStrt, i, XX, YY, ZZ, k, x, y, z, dimLat, dimLon, rankLat, rankLon
+ begin
+   wcStrt =  systemfunc("date")
+   if (.not.isatt(Z,"_FillValue")) then
+       Z at _FillVlaue = 1e20
+   end if
+                             ; eliminate missing values
+   i   = ind(.not.ismissing(Z))
+   if (ismissing(i(0))) then
+       print("icObjAnal: all input data are missing")
+   end if
+   XX  = X(i)
+   YY  = Y(i)
+   ZZ  = Z(i)
+   delete(i)
+  ;k   = dim_pqsort(YY, 1)   ; sort obs in ascending latitude order 
+  ;x   = XX(k)               ; not used here ... too lazy to change code
+  ;y   = YY(k)
+  ;z   = ZZ(k)
+  ;delete(k)
+  ;delete(XX)
+  ;delete(YY)
+  ;delete(ZZ)
+  ;print("icObjAnal:   z="+z+"  lon="+x+"  lat="+y )
+   dimLat  = dimsizes(lat)
+   dimLon  = dimsizes(lon)
+   rankLat = dimsizes(dimLat)
+   rankLon = dimsizes(dimLon)
+   if (rankLat.ne.rankLon) then
+       print("icObjAnal: ranks of lat and lon must match")
+       print("icObjAnal: rankLat="+rankLat)
+       print("icObjAnal: rankLon="+rankLon)
+   end if
+   if (rankLat.gt.2) then
+       print("icObjAnal: ranks of lat and lon must be 1 or 2")
+       print("icObjAnal: rankLat="+rankLat)
+   end if
+   if (rankLat.eq.1) then
+      ;zGrid = icObjAnal_1d(X ,Y , Z,lon,lat,dcrit,opt)
+       zGrid = icObjAnal_1d(XX,YY,ZZ,lon,lat,dcrit,opt)
+   else
+       zGrid = icObjAnal_2d(X ,Y , Z,lon,lat,dcrit,opt)
+      ;zGrid = icObjAnal_2d(XX,YY,ZZ,lon,lat,dcrit,opt)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(opt,"timing")) then
+       wallClockElapseTime(wcStrt,"icObjAnal", 0)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(Z,"long_name")) then
+       zGrid at long_name = Z at long_name
+   end if
+   if (isatt(Z,"units")) then
+       zGrid at units = Z at units
+   end if
+   return(zGrid)
+ end
+ ;****************************************************************************
+ ; Calculate a 'bunch' of dispersion statistics 
+ ; This was originally developed for looking at satellite swath data
+ ; which has many points but, often, many missing values and outliers.
+ ; It can be used to ascertain the best values to use for
+ ; contour resources: min/max/interval
+ ; 
+ ; *This can be slow for big 'x'*
+ ;
+ undef("stat_dispersion")
+ function stat_dispersion (x:numeric, opt[1]:logical )
+ ; Robust dispersion statistics
+ ; 
+ local nStat, nx, sFillV, nFill, one, statx, work, nwork, x1d, ivalid, allFill, nValid
+ begin
+    nx      = product( dimsizes(x) )
+    nStat   = 30
+    nFill   = 0
+    allFill = False 
+    if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+        sFillV = 1d20
+    else
+        sFillV = 1e20
+    end if
+    if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then  
+        nFill  = num(ismissing(x))
+        if (nFill.gt.0) then
+            x1d    = ndtooned(x) 
+            ivalid = ind(.not.ismissing(x1d))
+            if (.not.ismissing(ivalid(0))) then
+                work   = x1d(ivalid)
+            else
+                allFill= True
+                work   = new ( 1, typeof(sFillV), sFillV)
+            end if
+            delete(x1d)
+        else
+            work = ndtooned(x) 
+        end if
+    else
+        work  = ndtooned(x) 
+    end if
+    if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+        one    = 1.0d
+        moment = (/0.0d, 0.0d ,0.0d ,0.0d /)
+    else
+        one    = 1.0
+        moment = (/0.0 , 0.0  ,0.0  ,0.0  /)
+    end if
+    nValid   = 0l                    ; force 'long' int
+    nValid   = nx-nFill
+    nwork    = 0l                    ; force nwork as 'long' int
+    nwork    = dimsizes(work)        
+    statx    = new ( nStat, typeof(sFillV), sFillV) 
+    if (nwork.gt.1) then
+       ;statx(0) = avg(x)                ; mean
+       ;statx(1) = stddev(x)             ; std. deviation
+        moment   = dim_stat4( work ) 
+        statx(0) = moment(0)             ; mean
+        statx(1) = sqrt(moment(1))       ; sample std. deviation
+                                         ; fixed 15 Oct 2014; had returned variance
+        qsort( work )                    ; sort into ascending order
+        statx(2) = work(0)               ; min ( work )
+ ; Daniel Leuenberger (Meteo Swiss) suggested the small 
+ ;      sample size granularity (10/2013)
+                                             ; -1 ... NCL zero based 
+        if (nwork.ge.10) then 
+          statx(3) = work( nwork/10-1 )    ; lower dectile
+          statx(13)= work((nwork*9)/10-1)  ; upper dectile
+        end if
+        if (nwork.ge.8) then
+          statx(4) = work( nwork/8 -1 )    ; lower octtile
+          statx(12)= work((nwork*7)/8 -1)  ; upper octtile
+        end if
+        if (nwork.ge.6) then
+          statx(5) = work( nwork/6 -1 )    ; lower sextile
+          statx(11)= work((nwork*5)/6 -1)  ; upper sextile
+        end if
+        if (nwork.ge.4) then
+          statx(6) = work( nwork/4 -1 )    ; lower quartile
+          statx(10)= work((nwork*3)/4 -1)  ; upper quartile
+        end if
+        if (nwork.ge.3) then
+          statx(7) = work( nwork/3 -1 )    ; lower 3tile
+          statx(9) = work((nwork*2)/3 -1)  ; upper 3tile
+        end if
+        if (nwork.ge.2) then
+          if (nwork%2 .eq.0) then          ; median even
+            statx(8) = (work(nwork/2-1)+work(nwork/2))*0.5  
+          else
+            statx(8) = work( nwork/2   ) ; median odd  
+          end if
+        end if 
+        statx(14)= work(nwork-1)         ; max ( work )      
+        statx(15)= statx(14)-statx(2)    ; range
+        if (statx(1).gt.0) then
+        if (.not.ismissing(statx(1)) .and. statx(1).gt.0) then
+                statx(16)= statx(15)/statx(1); a measure of dispersion
+            end if
+            statx(17)= sqrt(sum((work-statx(0))^2)/nwork) ; root mean sq anomaly
+        end if                               ; nwork.ge.10
+    end if                                   ; .not.allFill
+    statx(18)= nx
+    statx(19)= nValid
+    statx(20)= nFill
+    statx(21)= 100*(one - (one*(nx-nFill))/nx)
+    if (nwork.gt.1000) then
+         ;JBuzan [Purdue] 
+        statx(22) = work( max((/ 0, nwork/1000-1 /)) ) ; lower 99.9% 
+        statx(23) = work( max((/ 0, nwork/100-1  /)) ) ; lower 99.%  
+        statx(24) = work( max((/ 0, nwork/20-1   /)) ) ; lower 95%   
+        statx(25) = work( min((/nwork-1, (nwork*19)/20-1    /)) ) ; upper 95%
+        statx(26) = work( min((/nwork-1, (nwork*99)/100-1   /)) ) ; upper 99.%
+        statx(27) = work( min((/nwork-1, (nwork*999)/1000-1 /)) ) ; upper 99.9%
+         ;JBuzan
+    end if
+         ;Arne Melsom (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
+    statx(28)  = moment(2)                   ; skewness
+    statx(29)  = moment(3)                   ; kurtosis
+         ;Arne Melsom
+    statx at long_name = "Robust Dispersion Statistics"
+    if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+        statx at long_name = statx at long_name +": "+ x at long_name
+    else
+        if (isatt(x,"hdfeos5_name")) then
+            statx at long_name = statx at long_name +": "+ x at hdfeos5_name
+        end if
+    end if
+    if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+        statx at units     = x at units
+    end if
+    if (isatt(statx,"No_FillValue")) then
+        if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+            statx at _FillValue = 1d20
+        else
+            statx at _FillValue = 1e20
+        end if
+    end if
+    if (opt .and. opt at PrintStat) then 
+        print(" ")
+        print("   ===> "+statx at long_name+" <===")
+        print(" [0]            Mean="+statx(0)  ) 
+        print(" [1]          StdDev="+statx(1)  ) 
+        print(" [2]             Min="+statx(2)  ) 
+        print(" [3]          LowDec="+statx(3)  ) 
+        print(" [4]          LowOct="+statx(4)  ) 
+        print(" [5]          LowSex="+statx(5)  ) 
+        print(" [6]     LowQuartile="+statx(6)  ) 
+        print(" [7]          LowTri="+statx(7)  ) 
+        print(" [8]          Median="+statx(8)  ) 
+        print(" [9]         HighTri="+statx(9)  ) 
+        print(" [10]   HighQuartile="+statx(10) ) 
+        print(" [11]        HighSex="+statx(11) ) 
+        print(" [12]        HighOct="+statx(12) ) 
+        print(" [13]        HighDec="+statx(13) ) 
+        print(" [14]            Max="+statx(14) ) 
+        print(" [15]          Range="+statx(15) ) 
+        print(" [16]     Dispersion="+statx(16) ) 
+        print(" [17]    RMS Anomaly="+statx(17) ) 
+        print(" [18]      #   Total="+statx(18) ) 
+        print(" [19]      #    Used="+statx(19) ) 
+        print(" [20]      # Missing="+statx(20) ) 
+        print(" [21]      % Missing="+statx(21) ) 
+        print(" [22]     Lower 0.1%="+statx(22) ) 
+        print(" [23]     Lower 1.0%="+statx(23) ) 
+        print(" [24]     Lower 5.0%="+statx(24) ) 
+        print(" [25]     Upper 5.0%="+statx(25) ) 
+        print(" [26]     Upper 1.0%="+statx(26) ) 
+        print(" [27]     Upper 0.1%="+statx(27) ) 
+        print(" [28]       Skewness="+statx(28) ) 
+        print(" [29]       Kurtosis="+statx(29) ) 
+        print(" ")
+    end if
+    return(statx)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; D. Shea
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "int2p"  that copies attributes and coordinate 
+ ; vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ ;
+ ; Modified by Seah 1/1/2010 to handle multi-d xo.
+ undef("int2p_Wrap")
+ function int2p_Wrap (xi:numeric, fi:numeric, xo:numeric, linlog[1]:integer)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "int2p"  that copies attributes and coordinate vars.
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, n, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = int2p (xi,fi, xo, linlog)              ; perform interpolation 
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_1 (fi, fo)                     ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except for rightmost
+   nD    = nDim-1                              ; last dimension (rightmost)
+   rnkxo = dimsizes( dimsizes(xo) )
+   if (rnkxo.eq.1) then
+       if (isdimnamed(xo,0)) then                ; create a new coord for
+           fo!nD      = xo!0                     ; if present, use xo name
+       else 
+           if (isdimnamed(fi,nD)) then
+               fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)         ; if present, use same name
+             ;;fo!nD = changeCaseChar(fi!nD)     ; if present, use same name
+           else                                  ; but change case 
+               fo!nD = "X"                       ; default dimension name
+           end if                
+       end if
+       fo&$fo!nD$ = xo                           ; assign coords [1D only]
+   else                                          ; must be multi-d
+       if (isdimnamed(xo,nD)) then               ; is xo rightmost named?
+          fo!nD   = xo!nD                        ; if present, use xo name
+       else 
+          if (isdimnamed(fi,nD)) then
+              fo!nD = str_switch(fi!nD)          ; if present, use same name
+            ;;fo!nD = changeCaseChar(fi!nD)      ; if present, use same name
+          else                                   ; but change case 
+              fo!nD = "X"                        ; default dimension name
+          end if                
+       end if
+   end if
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ; **********************************************************************
+ ; M. Haley
+ ; wrapper for NCL procedure "int2p_n" that copies attributes and
+ ; coordinate  vars.  It adds the longitude and latitude coordinates.
+ ;
+ ; Based on int2p_Wrap.
+ ; Added Oct 25, 2009
+ undef("int2p_n_Wrap")
+ function int2p_n_Wrap (xi:numeric, fi:numeric, xo:numeric, 
+                        linlog[1]:integer, pdim[1]:integer)
+ ; wrapper for NCL function "int2p_n"  that copies attributes and 
+ ; coordinate vars.
+ local fo, dimfi, nDim, n, nD
+ begin
+   fo   = int2p_n (xi,fi, xo, linlog, pdim)      ; perform interpolation 
+                                                 ; shea_misc functions
+   dimfi= dimsizes(fi)
+   nDim = dimsizes(dimsizes(fo))                 ; number of dimensions
+   copy_VarAtts (fi, fo)                         ; copy variable attributes
+   copy_VarCoords_not_n (fi, fo, pdim)           ; copy coord variables  
+                                                 ; except for pdim-th
+                                                 ; create a new coord for
+                                                 ; level dimension
+   dimxo = dimsizes(xo)                          ; check if multi-d
+   rnkxo = dimsizes(dimxo)
+   if (rnkxo.eq.1.and.isdimnamed(xo,0)) then
+     fo!pdim = xo!0                              ; if present, use xo name
+   else
+     if(rnkxo.gt.1.and.isdimnamed(xo,pdim)) then
+       fo!pdim = xo!pdim                         ; if present, use xo name
+     else 
+       if (isdimnamed(fi,pdim)) then
+         fo!pdim = str_switch(fi!pdim)           ; if present, use same name
+         ;;fo!pdim = changeCaseChar(fi!pdim)     ; if present, use same name
+       else                                      ; but change case 
+         fo!pdim = "X"                           ; default dimension name
+       end if                
+     end if
+   end if
+                                                 ; assign coordinates
+   if (rnkxo.eq.1) then
+     fo&$fo!pdim$ = xo
+   end if
+   return (fo)
+ end
+ ;------------------------------------------------
+ undef("numBinOneRuns")
+ function numBinOneRuns ( a[*]:integer, nCrit:integer)
+ ;
+ ; Give a binary series [0s and 1s], calculate the
+ ; number of 'runs' of 1s that meet lengths specified by 'nCrit'
+ ; Nomenclature:
+ ;      a[*]   => integer ... eg (/ 1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1 /)
+ ;      nCrit  => integer ... scalar [eg, 3] or of length 2 [eg: (/4,6/) ]
+ ;                scalar: count the number of runs .ge.3
+ ;                   [2]: count the number of runs .ge.4 and .le. 6
+ ;                      : if nCrit[0]=nCrit[1] ( eg : (/5,5/) ]
+ ;                   [2]: count the number of runs .ge.5 and .le. 5
+ ;                      : this would yield the number of runs of
+ ;                      ; exactly length 5
+ ;
+ ; Primary source:
+ ; David Allured: CU/CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC) 
+ local inds, ni, deltas, starts, ends, lengths
+ begin
+    dim_nCrit  = dimsizes(nCrit)
+    if (dim_nCrit.gt.2) then
+        print("numBinOneRuns: nCrit size must be .le. 2: nCrit="+dim_nCrit)
+        return(default_fillvalue("integer"))
+    end if
+    inds    = ind (a .eq. 1)
+    ni      = dimsizes (inds)
+    deltas  = new (ni+1, integer)
+    deltas  = 0
+    deltas(1:ni-1) = (inds(1:ni-1) - inds(0:ni-2))
+    starts  = inds(ind (deltas(0:ni-1).ne.1 .and. deltas(1:ni).eq.1))
+    ends    = inds(ind (deltas(0:ni-1).eq.1 .and. deltas(1:ni).ne.1))
+    lengths = ends - starts + 1
+    if (dim_nCrit.eq.1) then
+        return(num (lengths.ge.nCrit) )
+    else
+        return(num (lengths.ge.nCrit(0) .and. lengths.le.nCrit(1)) )
+    end if
+ end
+ ;---------------------------------
+ ; undocumented and unsupported
+ ;---------------------------------
+ undef ("calculate_monthly_values")
+ function calculate_monthly_values (x:numeric, arith:string, nDim[1]:integer, opt[1]:logical)
+ ; calculate monthly values [avg, sum, min, max]
+ ; x: numeric array of 5D or less [eg: time,lev,lat,lon]
+ ;    *must* have time coordinate recognized by cd_calendar
+ ;    if 5D [case,time,lev,lat,lon]
+ ; arith: "avg" [also, "ave"], "sum","min","max"     others may be added later
+ ; nDim : scalar integer that specifies the 'time' dimension [generally, 0]
+ ; opt  : only used to eliminate a warning message 
+ ;        opt= 0 ... default ... print Warning
+ ;        opt=-1 ... do not print Warning
+ ;
+ ; Sample usage:  x(time,lat,lon) where time are n-hrly or daily values.
+ ;        xMonthAvg = calculate_monthly_values(x, "avg", 0, False)
+ ;        xMonthSum = calculate_monthly_values(x, "sum", 0, False)
+ ;        xMonthMin = calculate_monthly_values(x, "min", 0, False)
+ ;        xMonthMax = calculate_monthly_values(x, "max", 0, False)
+ ;
+ ; It is assumed that there will be multiple elements for the dim_avg_n
+ ; calculation. 
+ ;
+ local dimx, rankx, utc_date, year, month, day, hour, ntim 
+     , yrStrt, yrLast, nyrs, NTIM, dAvg, xReturn, xMonth 
+     , NT, nmo, ii, NMOS, MON1, MON2 
+ begin
+     dimx   = dimsizes( x )
+     rankx  = dimsizes( dimx )
+     if (rankx.gt.5) then
+         print("calculate_monthly_values: rankx="+rankx +" [only 5D or fewer supported]")
+         exit
+     end if
+     utc_date = cd_calendar(x&time, 0)
+     year     = toint(utc_date(:,0))   
+     month    = toint(utc_date(:,1))  
+     day      = toint(utc_date(:,2))
+     hour     = toint(utc_date(:,3))
+    ;minute   = toint(utc_date(:,4))
+    ;second   = utc_date(:,5)
+     if (rankx.le.4) then
+         ntim = dimx(0)
+     else
+         ntim = dimx(1)
+     end if
+     yrStrt = year(0)
+     yrLast = year(ntim-1)
+     nyrs   = yrLast-yrStrt+1
+     NMOS   = 12
+    ;NTIM   = NMOS*nyrs                                     ; total number of months
+     if (yrStrt.eq.yrLast) then
+         NTIM = month(ntim-1) - month(0) + 1
+     else    
+         MON1 = NMOS-month(0)+1                               ; "Sebi" generalization
+         MON2 = month(ntim-1)
+         NTIM = NMOS*(nyrs-2)+MON1+MON2
+       ;;NTIM = NMOS*(nyrs-2)+(12-(month(0)-1))+month(ntim-1) ; "Sebi" generalization
+     end if
+     dAvg   = dimx
+     if (rankx.le.4) then
+         dAvg(0)= NTIM
+     else
+         dAvg(1)= NTIM
+     end if
+     if (typeof(x).eq."float" .or. typeof(x).eq."double") then
+         xReturn= new ( dAvg , typeof(x), getFillValue(x))
+     else
+         xReturn= new ( dAvg , "float", tofloat(getFillValue(x)))
+     end if
+     xMonth = new ( NTIM , typeof(x&time), "No_FillValue")
+   ;;printVarSummary(xMonth)
+     NT   = -1
+     do yr=yrStrt,yrLast
+        nmoStrt = 0                           ; index to start
+        nmoLast = NMOS-1                      ; index to end
+        if (yr.eq.yrStrt) then
+            nmoStrt = month(0)-1              ; possible partial year
+        end if
+        if (yr.eq.yrLast) then
+            nmoLast = month(ntim-1)-1         ; possible partial year
+        end if
+       do nmo=nmoStrt,nmoLast
+          NT    = NT+1
+          if (isvar("ii")) then    ; keep this here!!
+              delete(ii)
+          end if
+          ii    = ind(yr.eq.year .and. (nmo+1).eq.month)
+          if (.not.ismissing(ii(0))) then
+              dimii = dimsizes(ii)     ; should be > 1
+              if (dimii.eq.1 .and. opt.ne.-1 ) then
+                  print("calculate_monthly_values: Warning: there should be more than one element")
+             ;    print("This is unsupported code.                                      ")
+             ;    exit
+              end if
+              iStrt = ii(0)            
+              iLast = ii(dimii-1)
+              xMonth(NT) = (/ x&time(ii(0)) /)
+              if (rankx.eq.1) then
+                  if (arith.eq."avg" .or. arith.eq."ave") then
+                      xReturn(NT) = dim_avg_n(x(iStrt:iLast) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."sum") then
+                      xReturn(NT) = dim_sum_n(x(iStrt:iLast) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."min") then
+                      xReturn(NT) = dim_min_n(x(iStrt:iLast) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."max") then
+                      xReturn(NT) = dim_max_n(x(iStrt:iLast) , nDim)
+                  end if
+              end if
+              if (rankx.eq.2) then
+                  if (arith.eq."avg" .or. arith.eq."ave") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:) = dim_avg_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."sum") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:) = dim_sum_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."min") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:) = dim_min_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."max") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:) = dim_max_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+              end if
+              if (rankx.eq.3) then
+                  if (arith.eq."avg" .or. arith.eq."ave") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."sum") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:) = dim_sum_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."min") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:) = dim_min_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."max") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:) = dim_max_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+              end if
+              if (rankx.eq.4) then
+                  if (arith.eq."avg" .or. arith.eq."ave") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."sum") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:,:) = dim_sum_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."min") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:,:) = dim_min_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."max") then
+                      xReturn(NT,:,:,:) = dim_max_n(x(iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+              end if
+              if (rankx.eq.5) then        ; note the location of time
+                  if (arith.eq."avg" .or. arith.eq."ave") then
+                      xReturn(:,NT,:,:,:) = dim_avg_n(x(:,iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."sum") then
+                      xReturn(:,NT,:,:,:) = dim_sum_n(x(:,iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."min") then
+                      xReturn(:,NT,:,:,:) = dim_min_n(x(:,iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+                  if (arith.eq."max") then
+                      xReturn(:,NT,:,:,:) = dim_max_n(x(:,iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) , nDim)
+                  end if
+              end if
+          end if
+          delete(ii)
+       end do      ; month
+     end do        ; year
+     if (rankx.le.4) then
+         xReturn!0= "time"
+     else
+         xReturn!1= "time"
+     end if
+     xMonth at units = x&time at units
+     xReturn&time = xMonth 
+     if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
+         xReturn at long_name = x at long_name
+     end if
+     if (isatt(x,"units")) then
+         xReturn at units = x at units
+     end if
+     if (rankx.eq.2) then
+         copy_VarCoords(x(0,:), xReturn(0,:))
+     end if
+     if (rankx.eq.3) then
+         copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:), xReturn(0,:,:))
+     end if
+     if (rankx.eq.4) then
+         copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:,:), xReturn(0,:,:,:))
+     end if
+     if (rankx.eq.5) then
+         copy_VarCoords(x(:,0,:,:,:), xReturn(:,0,:,:,:))
+     end if
+     xReturn at operation_tag = "calculate_monthly_values: "+arith
+     return( xReturn ) 
+ end
+ ;**********************************************************
+ undef("merge_levels_sfc")
+ function merge_levels_sfc (x, xsfc, levind[1]:integer)
+ ; levind .ge. 0 top-to-bot ordering
+ ; levind .lt. 0 bot-to-top ordering
+ ;
+ ; rank 1: x(lev),  xsfc(1)
+ ; rank 2: x(time,lev),  xsfc(time)
+ ; rank 3: x(lev,lat,lon),  xsfc(lat,lon)
+ ; rank 4: x(time,lev,lat,lon),  xsfc(time,lat,lon)
+ ; rank 5: x(case,time,lev,lat,lon),  xsfc(case,time,lat,lon)
+ ;
+ local dimx, dimxs, rankx, rankxs, klev, k1, k2, mono, fudge
+ begin
+   dimx   = dimsizes(x)
+   rankx  = dimsizes(dimx)
+   dimxs  = dimsizes(xsfc)
+   rankxs = dimsizes(dimxs)
+   if (rankx.gt.1 .and. .not.(rankx.eq.(rankxs+1)) ) then
+       print("merge_levels_sfc: xsfc must have one less dimension than x")
+       print("                  rank(x)="+rankx+"  rank(xs)="+rankxs )
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.1 .and. (rankxs.ne.1 .or. dimxs(0).gt.1) ) then
+       print("merge_levels_sfc: For x[*], then xsfc must be a scalar")
+       print("                  rank(x)="+rankx+"  rank(xs)="+rankxs+"  dimxs="+dimxs )
+       exit
+   end if
+   momo  = 1
+   fudge = 1.02    ; completely arbitrary > 1
+ ;     rank 5: x(case,time,lev,lat,lon),  xsfc(case,time,lat,lon)
+   if (rankx.eq.5 .and. rankxs.eq.4) then
+       klev    = dimx(2)+1
+       if (iscoord(x, x!2) ) then
+           lv    = x&$x!2$
+           mono  = isMonotonic(lv)
+           lvNew = new (klev, typeof(lv))
+       else
+           lv    = ispan(0,klev-2,1)*1.0
+           lvNew = ispan(0,klev-1,1)*1.0
+       end if
+       dimx(2) = klev
+       xNew    = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+       if (levind.lt.0) then
+           xNew(:,:, 1:  ,:,:) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(:,:, 0:0 ,:,:) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(1:)           = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(0 )           =  lv(0)*fudge  
+           lvNew(0 )           =  2*lv(0) - lv(1)  
+       else
+           k1  = klev-1
+           k2  = klev-2
+           xNew(:,:, 0:k2,:,:) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(:,:,k1:k1,:,:) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(0:k2)         = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(k1)           =  lv(k2)*fudge  
+           lvNew(k1)           =  2*lv(k2) - lv(k2-1)  
+       end if
+       copy_VarAtts(lv, lvNew)
+       if (isdimnamed(x, 0)) then
+           xNew!0  = x!0
+       else
+           x!0     = "case"
+           xNew!0  = "case"
+       end if
+       xNew!1  = x!1
+       xNew!2  = str_switch(x!2)   ; new name
+       xNew!3  = x!3
+       xNew!4  = x!4
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!0$ = x&$x!0$ ; case
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!1) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!1$ = x&$x!1$ ; time
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!2) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!2$ = lvNew   ; level of merged 
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!3) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!3$ = x&$x!3$ ; lat
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!4) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!4$ = x&$x!4$ ; lon
+       end if
+   end if
+ ;     rank 4: x(time,lev,lat,lon),  xsfc(time,lat,lon)
+   if (rankx.eq.4 .and. rankxs.eq.3) then
+       klev    = dimx(1)+1
+       if (iscoord(x, x!1) ) then
+           lv    = x&$x!1$
+           mono  = isMonotonic(lv)
+           lvNew = new (klev, typeof(lv))
+       else
+           lv    = ispan(0,klev-2,1)
+           lvNew = ispan(0,klev-1,1)
+       end if
+       dimx(1) = klev
+       xNew    = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+       if (levind.lt.0) then
+           xNew(:, 1:  ,:,:) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(:, 0:0 ,:,:) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(1:)         = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(0)          =  lv(0)*fudge  
+           lvNew(0 )         =  2*lv(0) - lv(1)  
+       else
+           k1  = klev-1
+           k2  = klev-2
+           xNew(:, 0:k2,:,:) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(:,k1:k1,:,:) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(0:k2)       = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(k1)         =  lv(k2)*fudge  
+           lvNew(k1)         =  2*lv(k2) - lv(k2-1)  
+       end if
+       copy_VarAtts(lv, lvNew)
+       xNew!0  = x!0
+       xNew!1  = str_switch(x!1)   ; new name
+       xNew!2  = x!2
+       xNew!3  = x!3
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!0$ = x&$x!0$ ; time
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!1) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!1$ = lvNew   ; level of merged 
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!2) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!2$ = x&$x!2$ ; lat
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!3) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!3$ = x&$x!3$ ; lon
+       end if
+   end if
+ ;     rank 3: x(lev,lat,lon),  xsfc(lat,lon)
+   if (rankx.eq.3 .and. rankxs.eq.2) then
+       klev    = dimx(0)+1
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           lv    = x&$x!0$
+           mono  = isMonotonic(lv)
+           lvNew = new (klev, typeof(lv))
+       else
+           lv    = ispan(0,klev-2,1)
+           lvNew = ispan(0,klev-1,1)
+       end if
+       dimx(0) = klev
+       xNew    = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+       if (levind.lt.0) then
+           xNew( 1:  ,:,:) = (/ x /)
+           xNew( 0:0 ,:,:) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(1:)       = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(0)        =  lv(0)*fudge  
+           lvNew(0 )       =  2*lv(0) - lv(1)  
+       else
+           k1  = klev-1
+           k2  = klev-2
+           xNew( 0:k2,:,:) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(k1:k1,:,:) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(0:k2)     = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(k1)       =  lv(k2)*fudge  
+           lvNew(k1)       =  2*lv(k2) - lv(k2-1)  
+       end if
+       copy_VarAtts(lv, lvNew)
+       xNew!0  = str_switch(x!0)   ; new name
+       xNew!1  = x!1
+       xNew!2  = x!2
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!0$ = lvNew   ; level of merged 
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!1) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!1$ = x&$x!1$ ; lat
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!2) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!2$ = x&$x!2$ ; lon
+       end if
+   end if
+ ;     rank 1: x(lev),  xsfc(1)
+   if (rankx.eq.1 .and. rankxs.eq.1) then
+       klev    = dimx(0)+1
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           lv    = x&$x!0$
+           mono  = isMonotonic(lv)
+           lvNew = new (klev, typeof(lv))
+       else
+           lv    = ispan(0,klev-2,1)
+           lvNew = ispan(0,klev-1,1)
+       end if
+       dimx(0) = klev
+       xNew    = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+       if (levind.lt.0) then
+           xNew( 1:  ) = (/ x /)
+           xNew( 0:0 ) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(1:)   = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(0)    =  lv(0)*fudge  
+           lvNew(0 )   =  2*lv(0) - lv(1)  
+       else
+           k1  = klev-1
+           k2  = klev-2
+           xNew( 0:k2) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(k1:k1) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(0:k2) = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(k1)   =  lv(k2)*fudge  
+           lvNew(k1)   =  2*lv(k2) - lv(k2-1)  
+       end if
+       copy_VarAtts(lv, lvNew)
+       xNew!0  = str_switch(x!0)   ; new name
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!0$ = lvNew   ; level of merged 
+       end if
+   end if
+ ;     rank 2: x(time,lev),  xsfc(time)
+   if (rankx.eq.2 .and. rankxs.eq.1) then
+       klev    = dimx(1)+1
+       if (iscoord(x, x!1) ) then
+           lv    = x&$x!1$
+           mono  = isMonotonic(lv)
+           lvNew = new (klev, typeof(lv))
+       else
+           lv    = ispan(0,klev-2,1)
+           lvNew = ispan(0,klev-1,1)
+       end if
+       dimx(1) = klev
+       xNew    = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+       if (levind.lt.0) then
+           xNew(:, 1:  ) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(:, 0:0 ) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(1:)     = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(0)      =  lv(0)*fudge  
+           lvNew(0 )     =  2*lv(0) - lv(1)  
+       else
+           k1  = klev-1
+           k2  = klev-2
+           xNew(:, 0:k2) = (/ x /)
+           xNew(:,k1:k1) = (/ xsfc /)
+           lvNew(0:k2)   = (/ lv /)
+          ;lvNew(k1)     =  lv(k2)*fudge  
+           lvNew(k1)     =  2*lv(k2) - lv(k2-1)  
+       end if
+       xNew!0  = x!0
+       xNew!1  = str_switch(x!1)   ; new name
+       if (iscoord(x, x!0) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!0$ = x&$x!0$ ; time
+       end if
+       if (iscoord(x, x!1) ) then
+           xNew&$xNew!1$ = lvNew   ; level of merged 
+       end if
+   end if
+   copy_VarAtts(x, xNew)
+   return(xNew)
+ end
+ ; --------------------------
+ undef("time_to_newtime")
+ function time_to_newtime(time[*]:numeric, new_time_units[1]:string)
+ ; change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different)\

+ ; "udunits" recognized time unit.
+ ;
+ ; Example:
+ ;  TIME = time_to_newtime(time, "days since 1950-01-01 00:00" ) ; Time(time) 
+ ;  time = time_to_newtime(time, "hours since 1800-01-01 00:00") ; time(time) 
+ begin
+   ntim   = dimsizes(time)
+   date   = cd_calendar( time, 0)
+  ;print(date(:,0)+"  "+date(:,1)+"  "+date(:,2)+"  "+date(:,3))
+   TIME   = cd_inv_calendar(toint(date(:,0)),toint(date(:,1)) 
+                           ,toint(date(:,2)),toint(date(:,3)) 
+                           ,toint(date(:,4)),todouble(date(:,5)),new_time_units, 0)
+   if (isatt(time,"calendar")) then
+       TIME at calendar = time at calendar
+   end if
+   TIME!0        = "time"
+   TIME&time     =  TIME
+                           ; delete attributes that may no longer be appropriate
+   if (isatt(TIME,"actual_range")) then
+      delete(TIME at actual_range)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(TIME,"delta_t")) then
+      delete(TIME at delta_t)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(TIME,"avg_period")) then
+      delete(TIME at avg_period)
+   end if
+   if (isatt(TIME,"prev_avg_period")) then
+      delete(TIME at prev_avg_period)
+   end if
+   if (typeof(time).eq."float") then
+       return(dble2flt(TIME))     ; retain meta data 
+   else
+       return(TIME)
+   end if
+ end
+ undef("sigma_interface")
+ function sigma_interface (sigma[*]:numeric, sigma_top[1]:numeric)
+ ; -------------------------------------------------
+ ; create "interface" sigma levels to mimic the
+ ;  CAM models interface hybrid levels
+ ; -------------------------------------------------
+ local ksig, SIGMA, sigmai, sigName
+ begin
+   ksig  = dimsizes(sigma)
+   if (sigma_top.gt.sigma(0)) then
+       print("sigma_interface: sigma_top must be less than/equal to sigma(0)")
+       print("                 sigma_top= "+sigma_top+"  ; sigma(0)="+sigma(0))
+       exit
+   end if
+                          ; 'super' sigma .. include top and bottom
+   SIGMA = new(ksig+2, typeof(sigma),"No_FillValue")
+   SIGMA(0)      = sigma_top        ; anything less than sigma(0)
+   SIGMA(1:ksig) = (/ sigma /)
+   SIGMA(ksig+1) = 1.0
+ ;;print(SIGMA)
+                                    ; interface sigma levels
+   sigmai = (SIGMA(1:) + SIGMA(0:ksig))*0.5
+   sigmai(0)     = SIGMA(0)         ; force top for full thickness
+   sigmai(ksig)  = 1.0              ; force bot
+   copy_VarAtts(sigma, sigmai)
+   sigmai at long_name = "Sigma at model interface layers"
+   return(sigmai)
+ end
+ undef("dpres_sigma")
+ function dpres_sigma (ps:numeric, sigma[*]:numeric, sigma_top[1]:numeric)
+ ; -------------------------------------------------
+ ; use the  dpres_hybrid_ccm function to get layer thicknesses
+ ; -------------------------------------------------
+ local sigmai, A, P0, dp_sigma, rank_ps, nd, psName, sigName
+ begin
+   sigmai    = sigma_interface (sigma, sigma_top)
+   A         = sigmai
+   A         = 0.0
+   P0        = 0.0
+   dp_sigma  =  dpres_hybrid_ccm(ps,P0,A,sigmai)
+   dp_sigma at long_name = "pressure thickness"
+   if (isatt(ps, "units")) then
+       dp_sigma at units = ps at units
+   end if
+   rank_ps    = dimsizes( dimsizes(ps) )
+   if (rank_ps.eq.3) then
+       psName     = getvardims(ps)      ; dimension names
+       dp_sigma!0 = ps!0
+       dp_sigma!2 = ps!1
+       dp_sigma!3 = ps!2
+       do nd=0,2
+          if (.not.ismissing(psName(nd)) .and. 
+              iscoord(ps,psName(nd))) then
+              dp_sigma&$psName(nd)$ = ps&$psName(nd)$
+          end if
+       end do
+       sigName   = getvardims(sigma)
+       if (.not.ismissing(sigName) .and. iscoord(sigma,sigName)) then
+           dp_sigma!1         = sigName
+           dp_sigma&$sigName$ = sigma&$sigName$
+       else
+           dp_sigma!1 = "sigma"
+           dp_sigma&sigma = sigma
+       end if
+   end if
+   return(dp_sigma)
+ end
+ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("dpres_plevel_Wrap")
+ function dpres_plevel_Wrap(plev[*]:numeric, psfc:numeric, ptop[1]:numeric, opt:integer)
+ ; -------------------------------------------------
+ ; use the  dpres_plevel function to get layer thicknesses
+ ; -------------------------------------------------
+ begin
+   dp_plevel           = dpres_plevel(plev, psfc, ptop, 0) 
+ ; add meta data
+   dp_plevel at long_name = "pressure thickness"
+   if (isatt(psfc, "units")) then
+       dp_plevel at units = psfc at units
+   end if
+   plevName   = getvardims(plev)
+   psfcName   = getvardims(psfc)      ; dimension names
+   rank_psfc  = dimsizes( dimsizes(psfc) )
+   if (rank_psfc.eq.1) then
+       if (.not.ismissing(plevName)) then
+           dp_plevel!0          = plevName
+           if (iscoord(plev,plevName)) then
+               dp_plevel&$plevName$ = plev&$plevName$
+           end if
+       else
+           dp_plevel!0   = "plev"
+           dp_plevel&plev=  plev
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (rank_psfc.eq.2) then                           ; (lat,lon) => (0,1)
+       do nd=0,1
+          if (.not.ismissing(psfcName(nd))) then
+              dp_plevel!(nd+1)   = psfcName(nd)       ; psfc!nd
+              if (iscoord(psfc,psfcName(nd))) then
+                  dp_plevel&$psfcName(nd)$ = psfc&$psfcName(nd)$
+              end if
+          end if
+       end do
+       if (.not.ismissing(plevName)) then
+           dp_plevel!0          = plevName
+           if (iscoord(plev,plevName)) then
+               dp_plevel&$plevName$ = plev&$plevName$
+           end if
+       else
+           dp_plevel!0   = "plev"
+           dp_plevel&plev=  plev
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (rank_psfc.eq.3) then                          ; (time,lat,lon) => (0,1,2)
+       if (.not.ismissing(psfcName(0))) then
+            dp_plevel!0   = psfcName(0)              ; psfc!0 
+            if (iscoord(psfc,psfcName(0))) then
+                dp_plevel&$psfcName(0)$ = psfc&$psfcName(0)$
+            end if
+            do nd=1,2
+               if (.not.ismissing(psfcName(0))) then
+                   dp_plevel!(nd+1)   = psfcName(nd)       ; psfc!nd
+                   dp_plevel&$psfcName(nd)$ = psfc&$psfcName(nd)$
+               end if
+            end do
+            if (.not.ismissing(plevName) .and. iscoord(plev,plevName)) then
+                dp_plevel!1          = plevName
+                dp_plevel&$plevName$ = plev&$plevName$
+            else
+                dp_plevel!1   = "plev"
+                dp_plevel&plev=  plev
+            end if
+       end if
+   end if
+   return(dp_plevel)
+ end
+ ;---------------------------------------------------
+ ; Rob Nicholas [U. Washington] & D. Shea
+ undef("pattern_cor2")
+ function pattern_cor2 (x[*][*],y[*][*],w, opt:integer)
+ ; This function should NOT be called directly by  users.
+ ; Please use "pattern_cor"
+ ; --
+ ; Compute the pattern correlation between two fields
+ ; (lat,lon)  .... wgt(lat)
+ local dimx, dimy, dimw, wgt, WGT, sumWGT, xAvgArea, xAnom, yAnom 
+     , i, j, W1D, z1d, xyCov, xAnom2, yAnom2, r, rFill 
+ begin
+   if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+       if (all(ismissing(x))) then
+           rFill = (/ x at _FillValue /)
+           rFill at _FillValue = rFill
+           return(rFill)
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
+       if (all(ismissing(y))) then
+           rFill = (/ y at _FillValue /)
+           rFill at _FillValue = rFill
+           return(rFill)
+       end if
+   end if
+                              ; x and y must have the same sizes
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   dimy  = dimsizes(y)
+   if (.not.all(dimx.eq.dimy)) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: x and y do not have the same dimension sizes")
+       print("       dimx: "+dimx+"    dimy="+dimy)
+       exit
+   end if 
+   dimw  = dimsizes(w)      
+   rankw = dimsizes(dimw)
+   if (rankw.gt.2) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: w can be a scalar, w[*] or w[*][*]")
+       print("      rankw: "+rankw)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rankw.eq.2 .and. .not.all(dimx.eq.dimw)) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: w[*][*] must have the same dimensions as x[*][*]")
+       print("       dimx: "+dimx+"    dimw="+dimw)
+       exit
+   end if
+                                      ; w can be w[1], w[*] or w[*][*]
+   if (rankw.eq.1) then
+       if (dimw.eq.1) then            ; if w is w(1) (scalar) set to 1.0 
+           WGT = new(dimx, typeof(w),"No_FillValue")
+           WGT = 1.0
+       end if
+       if (dimx(0).eq.dimw .and. .not.isvar("WGT")) then
+           WGT = conform(x, w, 0)     ; broadcast dimensions to match x/y
+       end if
+   else                               ; must be 2D
+       WGT     = w
+   end if
+ ; if x/y  has _Fillvalue attribute; set WGT=0.0 where x or y = _FillValue
+   if (isatt(x,"_FillValue") .or. isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
+       W1D  = ndtooned(WGT)
+       if (isatt(x,"_FillValue") .and. any(ismissing(x)) ) then
+           z1d    = ndtooned(x)
+           i      = ind(ismissing(z1d))
+           W1D(i) = 0.0
+       end if
+       if (isatt(y,"_FillValue") .and. any(ismissing(y)) ) then
+           z1d    = ndtooned(y)
+           j      = ind(ismissing(z1d))
+           W1D(j) = 0.0
+       end if
+       WGT  = onedtond(W1D, dimx)
+   end if
+   if (opt.eq.0) then                    ; centered correlation
+       sumWGT   = sum(WGT)
+       xAvgArea = sum(x*WGT)/sumWGT      ; weighted area average
+       yAvgArea = sum(y*WGT)/sumWGT
+       xAnom    = x - xAvgArea           ; anomalies
+       yAnom    = y - yAvgArea
+       xyCov    = sum(WGT*xAnom*yAnom)
+       xAnom2   = sum(WGT*xAnom^2)
+       yAnom2   = sum(WGT*yAnom^2)
+   else 
+       xyCov    = sum(WGT*x*y)
+       xAnom2   = sum(WGT*x^2)
+       yAnom2   = sum(WGT*y^2)
+   end if
+   if (xAnom2.gt.0.0 .and. yAnom2.gt.0.0) then
+       r   = xyCov/(sqrt(xAnom2)*sqrt(yAnom2))
+   else
+       if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+           r = x at _FillValue
+       else
+           if (isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
+               r = y at _FillValue
+           else            
+               r = -999.0 
+           end if
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (opt.eq.0) then    
+       r at long_name = "pattern correlation (centered)"
+   else
+       r at long_name = "pattern correlation (uncentered)"
+   end if
+  ;r at units     = ""
+   return(r)
+ end
+ ;---------------------------------------------------
+ ; Rob Nichols [U. Washington] & D. Shea
+ undef("pattern_cor")
+ function pattern_cor (x, y, w, opt:integer)
+ ; Compute the centered or uncentered pattern correlation 
+ ; between two fields
+ ; (lat,lon)  .... wgt(1) or wgt(lat) or wgt(lat,lon)
+ local dimx, dimy, rankx, ranky, nt, kl, xc, rpc, rFill
+ begin
+   if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+       if (all(ismissing(x))) then
+           rFill = (/ x at _FillValue /)
+           rFill at _FillValue = rFill
+           return(rFill)
+       end if
+   end if
+   if (isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
+       if (all(ismissing(y))) then
+           rFill = (/ y at _FillValue /)
+           rFill at _FillValue = rFill
+           return(rFill)
+       end if
+   end if
+                              ; x and y must have the same sizes
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   dimy  = dimsizes(y)
+   dimw  = dimsizes(w)         ; if w is scalar set to 1.0 
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)
+   ranky = dimsizes(dimy)
+   rankw = dimsizes(dimw)
+   if (rankx.ne.ranky) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: x and y do not have the same rank")
+       print("      rankx: "+rankx+"   ranky="+ranky)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rankx.ge.5) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: function only works with 2D, 3D or 4D")
+       print("       rank: "+rankx+"D")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (.not.all(dimx.eq.dimy)) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: x and y do not have the same dimension sizes")
+       print("       dimx: "+dimx+"    dimy="+dimy)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rankw.gt.2) then
+       print("pattern_cor: Fatal: w can be a scalar, w[*] or w[*][*]")
+       print("      rankw: "+rankw)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.2) then
+       return( pattern_cor2 (x,y,w,opt) )    ; scalar returned
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.3) then
+       rpc = new ( dimx(0), typeof(x), "No_FillValue")
+       do nt=0,dimx(0)-1
+          rpc(nt) = pattern_cor2 (x(nt,:,:),y(nt,:,:),w,opt)
+       end do
+       xc = x(:,0,0)
+       copy_VarCoords(xc, rpc)
+       return( rpc )
+   end if
+   if (rankx.eq.4) then
+       rpc = new ( (/dimx(0),dimx(1)/), typeof(x), "No_FillValue")
+       do nt=0,dimx(0)-1
+         do kl=0,dimx(1)-1
+            rpc(nt,kl) = pattern_cor2 (x(nt,kl,:,:),y(nt,kl,:,:),w,opt)
+         end do
+       end do
+       xc = x(:,:,0,0)
+       copy_VarCoords(xc, rpc)
+       return( rpc )
+   end if
+ end
+ ; ----------------------------------------------------
+ undef ("rm_single_dims")
+ function rm_single_dims (x)
+ ; remove singleton (degenerate) dimensions. A singleton dimension is size 1.
+ ; NCL philosophy: do not 'lose' information. 
+ local dimx, dimy, rankx, dnamx, y, m, n
+ begin
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   if (.not.any(dimx.eq.1)) then
+       return(x)                     ; no degenerate dimensions
+   end if
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)
+   dnamx = getvardims(x)             ; dim names
+   if (all(dimx.eq.1)) then    
+       dimy = 1                      ; all degenerate dimensions
+   else
+       dimy = dimx(ind(dimx.ne.1))
+   end if
+   y     = onedtond(ndtooned(x), dimy)
+   m     = -1
+   do n=0,rankx-1
+      if (.not.ismissing(dnamx(n))) then
+          if (iscoord(x, dnamx(n))) then 
+              if (dimx(n).ne.1) then
+                  m   = m+1
+                  y!m = dnamx(n)
+                  y&$dnamx(n)$ = x&$dnamx(n)$ ; attach coord &
+              else                            ; do not 'lose' information
+                  y@$dnamx(n)$ = x&$dnamx(n)$ ; attach singleton coord as attribute @
+              end if
+          end if
+      end if
+   end do
+   copy_VarAtts(x,y)
+   return(y)
+ end
+ ;------
+ ; Thirteen pt (decadal)
+ undef("smth13_n")
+ function smth13_n (x:numeric, ndim)    ; smth13
+ local wgts, smX
+ begin
+         wgts     = (/ 1,6,19,42,71,96,106,96,71,42,19,6,1 /)*1.0
+         wgts     = wgts/sum(wgts)
+         smX      = wgt_runave_n_Wrap(x, wgts, 1, ndim)   ; reflective end pts
+         return(smX)
+ end
+ ;------
+ ; Names and abbreviations for months
+ undef("month_name")
+ function month_name (opt[1]:integer)
+ ;  monName = month_name(-1)    ; return with extra January 
+ begin
+  if (opt.eq.0) then
+      return((/"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun"
+              ,"Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"/))         ; len=12
+      else if (opt.eq.-1) then
+         return((/"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun"      
+                 ,"Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan"/)); len=13
+      else if (opt.eq.1) then
+         return((/"January","February","March","April" 
+                 ,"May","June","July","August"         
+                 ,"September","October","November","December"/)) ; len=12
+      end if     ; opt= 1
+      end if     ; opt=-1
+   end if        ; opt= 0  
+ end
+ ;------
+ ; Names and abbreviations for seasons
+ undef("season_name")
+ function season_name (opt[1]:integer)
+ ;  seaName = season_name(1)    ; 5-month season
+ begin
+  if (opt.eq.0) then
+        return((/"DJF","JFM","FMA","MAM","AMJ","MJJ" 
+                ,"JJA","JAS","ASO","SON","OND","NDJ"/))       ; length 12
+     else if (opt.eq.-1) then
+        return((/"DJF","JFM","FMA","MAM","AMJ","MJJ" 
+                ,"JJA","JAS","ASO","SON","OND","NDJ","DJF"/)) ; length 13
+     else if (opt.eq.1) then
+        return((/"NDJFM","DJFMA","JFMAM","FMAMJ","MAMJJ","AMJJA" 
+                ,"MJJAS","JJASO","JASON","ASOND","SONDJ","ONDJF" /)) ; len 12
+     else if (opt.eq.2) then
+        return((/"DJF","MAM","JJA","SON"/))                   ; len 4
+     else if (opt.eq.3) then
+        return((/"Winter","Spring","Autumn","Summer"/))       ; len 4
+     else if (opt.eq.4) then
+        return((/"Summer","Autumn","Winter","Spring"/))       ; len4
+     end if     ; opt= 4
+     end if     ; opt= 3
+     end if     ; opt= 2
+     end if     ; opt= 1
+     end if     ; opt=-1
+   end if       ; opt= 0  
+ end
+ ;---------------------------------------------------
+ undef("mon_fullyear")
+ function mon_fullyear(x:numeric, opt)
+ ;
+ ; Expand a variable containing monthly data to full (12 month) years
+ ; The added months will be set to _FillValue.
+ ;
+ ; Example: Take a variable that may span (say)
+ ; 190308 to 201105 and expand it to span 190301 to 201112.
+ ; The extra values will be filled with _FillValue.
+ ;
+ ; This assumes that the input variable will have a
+ ; time coordinate variable with units acceptable to cd_calendar
+ ;
+ ; generically: Only the 'time' dimension must be present.
+ ;              It does not have to be named 'time'
+ ;              All other meta data are preserved.
+ ; x(time), x(time,J), x(time,N,M), x(time,K,N,M)
+ ;
+ ; If the input is already full years, the variable is returned unaltered.
+ ;
+ ; f = addfile(...)  
+ ; x = mon_fullyear( f->X, 0)
+ begin
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)          ; dimsizes x
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)       ; rank of x
+   if (rankx.gt.4) then
+       print("mon_fullyear_n: currently this function only works up to rank 4")
+       exit
+   end if
+   dnamx = getvardims( x )      ; dimension names
+   ntimx = dimx(0)              ; # input time steps
+   ymdhms= cd_calendar(x&$dnamx(0)$, 0)
+   if (isatt(x&$dnamx(0)$, "calendar")) then
+       ymdhms at calendar = x&$dnamx(0)$@calendar
+   end if
+   yyyy  = toint( ymdhms(:,0) )
+   mm    = toint( ymdhms(:,1) )
+   nmos  = 12
+   if ((ntimx%nmos).eq.0 .and. mm(0).eq.1 .and. mm(ntimx-1).eq.nmos) then
+      ;x at year_mon = YYYY*100 + MM 
+       return(x)                ; must be full years
+   end if 
+                                ; must be partial year
+   dd    = toint( ymdhms(:,2) )
+   hh    = toint( ymdhms(:,3) )
+   mn    = toint( ymdhms(:,4) )
+   sc    =        ymdhms(:,5)  
+   tunits= x&$dnamx(0)$@units
+   yrStrt= yyyy(0)
+   yrLast= yyyy(ntimx-1)
+   mmStrt= mm(0)
+   mmLast= mm(ntimx-1)
+   NYRS  = yrLast-yrStrt+1
+   NTIM  = NYRS*nmos            ; full year-month
+   YYYY  = new( NTIM, "integer" , "No_FillValue")
+   MM    = new( NTIM, "integer" , "No_FillValue")
+   DD    = new( NTIM, "integer" , "No_FillValue")
+   HH    = new( NTIM, "integer" , "No_FillValue")
+   MN    = new( NTIM, "integer" , "No_FillValue")
+   SC    = new( NTIM, typeof(sc), "No_FillValue")
+   nStrt = 0
+   nLast = nmos-1
+   do year=yrStrt,yrLast
+      YYYY(nStrt:nLast) = year
+      MM(nStrt:nLast)   = ispan(1,nmos,1) 
+      DD(nStrt:nLast)   = 1 
+      HH(nStrt:nLast)   = 0 
+      MN(nStrt:nLast)   = 0
+      SC(nStrt:nLast)   = 0
+      nStrt = nStrt+nmos
+      nLast = nLast+nmos
+   end do
+   TIME  =  (/ cd_inv_calendar(YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MN,SC,tunits, 0) /)
+   TIME at units = tunits
+   TIME!0     = dnamx(0)
+   TIME&$dnamx(0)$ =  TIME        ; make coordinate variable
+   if (isatt(x&$dnamx(0)$, "calendar")) then
+       TIME at calendar = x&$dnamx(0)$@calendar
+   end if
+   DIMX    = dimx
+   DIMX(0) = NTIM
+   X     = new (DIMX, typeof(x), getFillValue(x))
+   nStrt = ind(YYYY.eq.yrStrt .and. MM.eq.mmStrt)
+   nLast = ind(YYYY.eq.yrLast .and. MM.eq.mmLast)
+   if (rankx.eq.1) then
+       X(nStrt:nLast) = (/ x /)
+      else if (rankx.eq.2) then
+          X(nStrt:nLast,:) = (/ x /)
+          copy_VarCoords(x(0,:), X(0,:))
+      else if (rankx.eq.3) then
+          X(nStrt:nLast,:,:)   = (/ x /)
+          copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:), X(0,:,:))
+      else if (rankx.eq.4) then
+          X(nStrt:nLast,:,:,:) = (/ x /)
+          copy_VarCoords(x(0,:,:,:), X(0,:,:,:))
+      end if
+      end if
+      end if
+   end if
+   copy_VarAtts(x, X)
+   X!0          = dnamx(0)
+   X&$dnamx(0)$ = TIME
+   return(X)
+ end
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("stat_mode")
+ function stat_mode(A[*]:numeric)
+ ;
+ ; returns mode value(s) with attributes which indicate the
+ ;                       number of modes (@nmode)
+ ;                       count of mode occurences (@count)
+ ;                       number of non-missing values in 'A' (@npts)
+ ;---
+ ; 'A' need not be in ascending order. The function will sort.
+ ; Care should be used when A is type float or double.
+ ; A value of 12.34567 is not the same as 12.34568 
+ ; A suggestion is to preprocess the data. Say that 
+ ; 2 decimal places is 'close enough'. 
+ ;         scale = 100.0
+ ;         A = toint(A*scale)/scale 
+ ;       or
+ ;         A = round(A*scale, 0)/scale
+ ;---
+ ; Examples: 
+ ;
+ ; a0     = (/ -1, 7, 7, 2, 2, 2, -1, 7, -3, -3 /)
+ ; mode0  = (/2,7/), mode0 at nmode=2, mode0 at count=3, mode0 at npts=10
+ ;
+ ; a1     = (/123, -1, 7, 7, 2, 2, 2, -1, 7, -3, -3, -456 /)
+ ; mode1  = (/2,7/), mode1 at nmode=2, mode1 at count=3, mode1 at npts=12
+ ;
+ ; a2     = (/  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,  2, 2,  2,  2 /)
+ ; mode2  = 1      , mode2 at nmode=1, mode1 at count=5, mode1 at npts=10
+ ;
+ ; a3     = (/  0, 0,-1,-1, 9, 9,  3, 3,  7,  7 /)
+ ; mode3  = (/-1, 0, 3, 7, 9/), mode3 at nmode=5, mode3 at count=2, mode3 at npts=10
+ ;
+ ; a4     = ispan(1,10,1)
+ ; mode4  = (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/), mode4 at nmode=10, mode4 at count=1, mode4 at npts=10
+ ;
+ ; a5     = (/1,2,3,4, 5,5, 7,8,9,10/)
+ ; mode5  = 5, mode5 at nmode=1, mode5 at count=2, mode5 at npts=10
+ ;
+ local i, ni, a, na, freq, FREQ, n, nm, ii, nseq 
+     , node, nmode, mode_count, val, ifmx
+ begin
+   if (all(ismissing(A))) then
+       mode       = -999
+       mode at npts  = 0
+       mode at nmode = -999
+       mode at freq  = -999
+       mode at _FillValue = -999
+       return (mode)
+   end if
+   i    = ind(.not.ismissing(A))
+   ni   = dimsizes(i)
+   if (ni.eq.1) then
+       mode       = A(i(0)) 
+       mode at npts  = 1
+       mode at nmode = 1
+       mode at count = 1
+       return (mode)
+   end if
+   a    = A(i)           ; local
+   na   = ni             ; # of sorted non-missing value
+   qsort( a )
+   freq = new (na, "integer","No_FillValue")
+   nm   = new (na, "integer","No_FillValue")
+   val  = new (na, typeof(a),"No_FillValue")
+   freq = 1      ; initialize (array syntax)
+   nm   = 0      ; number of unique numbers
+   ii   = 0      ; index
+   do n=1,na-1
+      if (a(n-1).eq.a(n)) then
+          freq(ii) = freq(ii) + 1
+          val(ii)  = a(n)
+      else
+          nm(ii) =  n-1
+          ii     = ii+1
+      end if
+   end do
+   nm(ii)     = n -1
+   nseq       = ii+1
+   FREQ       = freq(:ii)          ; convenience
+   mode_cnt   = max(FREQ)
+   ifmx       = ind(FREQ.eq.mode_cnt)       
+   if (all(FREQ.eq.1)) then
+       mode   = a
+   else
+      mode    = val(ifmx)          ; mode values
+   end if
+   mode at npts  = na                 ; number of pts used
+   mode at nmode = dimsizes(mode)     ; num(FREQ.eq.mode_cnt)
+   mode at count = mode_cnt
+   return(mode)
+ end
+ ;============================================
+ undef ("reg_multlin_stats")
+ function reg_multlin_stats(Y[*]:numeric, XP:numeric, opt)
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature:
+ ; Y     - dependent variable (size NY)
+ ;         missing values (_FillValue) are not allowed.
+ ; XP    - one [*] or more [*][*] independent variables.
+ ;         Missing values (_FillValue) are not allowed.
+ ;         The size of the leftmost dimension of XP must be the
+ ;         same size as Y[*]. The rightmost dimension for [*][*]
+ ;         contains the independent variables.
+ ; opt   - options [type logical: ie, True or False]
+ ;         opt = False              .... no options               
+ ;         opt = True
+ ;         opr at print_data = True    .... print input Y and XP in table form
+ ;         opr at print_anova= True    .... print ANOVA information
+ ;
+ ; See: 
+ ; Wilks, D.S. (2006): Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences
+ ;                     Academic Press (2nd Edition)
+ ; Davis, J.C. (2002): Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology
+ ;                     Wiley (3rd Edition)   ; pgs 462-470 
+ ;
+ ; Very readable discussions:
+ ; http://www.ltrr.arizona.edu/~dmeko/notes_11.pdf
+ ; http://reliawiki.org/index.php/Multiple_Linear_Regression_Analysis
+ ; http://homepages.rpi.edu/~tealj2/stat03.pdf
+ ; ---
+ ;
+ local dimXP, N, NP, NY, M, T, Y, X, b, B, rankXP         
+     , Yavg, Yvar, Ystd, Xavg, Xvar, Xstd, Yest, n, m     
+     , Yres, SST, SSE, SSR, MST, MSE, MSR, SE, Frat       
+     , r2, ra, r, fuv, XXt, XXTi, varcovx, df, stderr, tval, pval 
+     , opt_wm, fmt_XXt, fmt_XXti, fmt_covx, opt_pd, fmt_data
+ begin
+        dimXP   = dimsizes(XP)
+        NX      = dimXP(0)              ; number of rows ('observations')    
+        N       = dimsizes(Y)
+        rankXP  = dimsizes(dimXP)
+ ; error checks on input
+        if (N.NE.NX) then              
+            print("reg_multlin_stats: number of rows of Y and XP  must match")
+            print("                   NY="+N +"  NXP="+NX           )
+            exit
+        end if
+        if (rankXP.gt.2) then
+            print("reg_multlin_stats: rank of XP > 2: rankXP="+rankXP)
+            exit
+        end if
+        if (isatt(Y,"_FillValue")  .and. any(ismissing(Y))) then
+            print("reg_multlin_stats: Y has missing values. Not allowed!")
+            exit
+        end if
+        if (isatt(XP,"_FillValue") .and. any(ismissing(XP))) then
+            print("reg_multlin_stats: XP has missing values. Not allowed!")
+            exit
+        end if
+ ; input OK: onward
+        if (rankXP.eq.2) then
+            NP  = dimXP(1)              ; number predictor variables   
+        else
+            NP  = 1                     ; one predictor
+        end if
+        if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"print_data") .and. opt at print_data) then
+            print(" ")
+            opt_pd = True
+            opt_pd at title  = "----- reg_multlin_stats: Y, XP -----"
+            data       = new( (/N,NP+1/), typeof(Y))
+            data(:,0)  = (/ Y /)
+            if (NP.eq.1) then
+                data(:,1)  = (/ XP /)
+            else
+                data(:,1:) = (/ XP /)
+            end if
+            fmt_data   = "f11.2"
+            if (isatt(opt,"fmt_data")) then
+                fmt_data  = opt at fmt_data        ; eg: "f8.3", "e13.5",....
+            end if
+            write_matrix (data, (NP+1)+fmt_data , opt_pd)
+            print(" ")
+            delete(data)        ; not needed
+        end if
+ ; Create the necessary arrays. X is a "design matrix"  
+ ;       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_matrix
+ ;
+ ; Most multiple regression models include a constant term.
+ ;   This ensures that the model will be "unbiased"
+ ;   --i.e., the mean of the residuals will be exactly zero.
+        M       = NP+1                     ; extra column for design matrix
+                                           ; required ordering for reg_multlin 
+        X       = new ( (/M,N/) , typeof(XP), getFillValue(XP))
+        X(0,:)  = 1.0
+        if (NP.eq.1) then
+            X(1,:)  = XP                   ; one predictor
+        else
+            do m=0,NP-1  
+               X(m+1,:)  = XP(:,m)         ; m refers to predictor variables
+            end do
+        end if
+ ; Calculate the partial regression coefficients: b->beta_hat
+ ;      b = (X'X)^-1 X'y  (theoretically)
+ ; http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/reg_multlin.shtml
+        b       = reg_multlin(Y,X,False)   ; partial regression coef 
+                                           ; unstandardized...depend on units
+        delete(b at constant)                 ; extraneous attribute
+ ; Assorted calculations
+        Yavg    = avg(Y)
+        Yvar    = variance(Y)         ; Unbiased estimate the variance 
+        Ystd    = sqrt(Yvar)
+        Xavg    = new(NP, typeof(b), "No_FillValue")  
+        Xvar    = new(NP, typeof(b), "No_FillValue")
+        Xstd    = new(NP, typeof(b), "No_FillValue")
+        bstd    = new(M,  typeof(b), "No_FillValue") ; standardized regression coef
+                                      ; describe what the partial regression coef. 
+                                      ; would equal if all variables had the same 
+                                      ; standard deviation.
+        do n=0,NP-1                 
+           Xavg(n)   = avg(X(n+1,:))
+           Xvar(n)   = variance(X(n+1,:))
+           Xstd(n)   = sqrt(Xvar(n))
+           bstd(n+1) = b(n+1)*Xstd(n)/Ystd       ; don't do b(0)
+        end do
+ ; Calculate model estimates: Yest = b(0) + b(1)*   + b(2)* + .....
+        Yest = new(N,typeof(Y),getFillValue(Y))
+        do n=0,N-1
+           Yest(n) = b(0) + sum(b(1:)*X(1:,n))   ; array syntax 
+        end do
+ ; ANOVA table info. (Eg, Wilks pg 185 & pg 197)
+ ;       Sums of squares , degrees of freedom, mean squares, F statistic
+ ;       Other statistics are also calculated.
+ ;
+ ; http://reliawiki.org/index.php/ANOVA_Calculations_in_Multiple_Linear_Regression
+ ;        Mean squares are obtained by dividing the sum of squares 
+ ;        with their associated degrees of freedom. 
+        dof  = N-NP-1 
+        Yres = Yest-Y               ; residuals (array operation)
+                                    ; SS ==> Sum of Squares 
+        SST  = sum((Y-Yavg)^2)      ; total SS      [dof=N-1]
+        SSR  = sum((Yest-Yavg)^2)   ; regression SS [dof=NP] ; (aka: model explained SS=>SSM)
+        SSE  = sum(Yres^2)          ; residual SS   [dof=N-NP-1]
+        MST  = SST/(N-1)            ; Mean SST      [dof=N-1]
+        MSR  = SSR/NP               ; Mean SSR      [dof=NP]
+        MSE  = SSE/dof              ; Mean SSE      [dof=(N-NP-1)] 
+        RSE  = sqrt(MSE)            ; residual standard error
+        Frat = MSR/MSE              ; R dof=(M,N-NP-1) 
+                                    ; F-Test is an overall (global) test of the model���s fit.
+                                    ; If at least one variable has a significant coefficient,
+                                    ; then the model fit should be significant.
+                                    ; The F-statistic might be interpreted as the variation 
+                                    ; explained by the regression relative to the variation
+                                    ; not explained by the regression.
+        r2   = SSR/SST              ; r2 = coefficient of determination. It is
+                                    ;      the square of the Pearson correlation 
+                                    ;      coefficient between the observed 
+                                    ;      and modeled (predicted) data values
+                                    ;      of the dependent variable. It is
+                                    ;      another measure of 'goodness of fit.'
+                                    ; biased high, particularly for small N
+        r2a  = r2-(1-r2)*NP/tofloat(dof)   ; adjusted r2... better for small N
+        r    = sqrt(r2)             ; multiple (overall) correlation
+        fuv  = 1.0-r2               ; fraction of variance *unexplained* 
+ ; Determine (a) standard error of coefficients; (b) t-values; (c)  p-values
+        XXt     = X#transpose(X)    ; (M,M); opposite of text books 
+        XXti    = inverse_matrix(XXt)
+        varcovx = MSE*XXti          ; variance-covariance matrix
+                                    ; of estimated regression coefficients
+        if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"debug") .and. opt at debug) then ; used for debugging only
+            print(" ")
+            print("-----  DEBUG ---------")
+            print(" ")
+            opt_wm = True
+            opt_wm at title  = "-----   XXt  ---------"
+            fmt_XXt = "f11.2"                     
+            if (isatt(opt,"fmt_XXt")) then
+                fmt_XXt  = opt at fmt_XXt            ; "f8.2", "f12.4", "e13.5", ...
+            end if
+            write_matrix (XXt, M+fmt_XXt , opt_wm)
+            opt_wm at title  = "-----   XXti ---------"
+            fmt_XXti = "f11.2"
+            if (isatt(opt,"fmt_XXti")) then
+                fmt_XXti = opt at fmt_XXti
+            end if
+            write_matrix (XXti, M+fmt_XXti , opt_wm)
+            opt_wm at title  = "----- varcovx --------"
+            fmt_covx = "f11.2"
+            if (isatt(opt,"fmt_covx")) then
+                fmt_covx = opt at fmt_covx
+            end if
+            write_matrix (varcovx, M+fmt_covx , opt_wm)
+            print(" ")
+        end if
+        stderr = new( M, typeof(Y))
+        tval   = new( M, typeof(Y))
+        pval   = new( M, typeof(Y))
+        df  = N-NP
+        do m=0,M-1
+           stderr(m) = sqrt(varcovx(m,m))  
+           tval(m)   = b(m)/stderr(m)
+           pval(m)   = betainc( df/(df+tval(m)^2), df/2.0, 0.5)
+        end do
+        if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"print_anova") .and. opt at print_anova) then
+            print(" ")
+            print("------- ANOVA information-------- ")
+            print(" ")
+            print("SST="+SST+"  SSR="+SSR+"  SSE="+SSE)
+            print("MST="+MST+"  MSR="+MSR+"  MSE="+MSE+" RSE="+RSE)
+            print("F-statistic="+Frat +" dof=("+NP+","+(N-NP-1)+")")
+            print("          -------                 ")
+          ;;print("r2="+r2+"  r="+r+"  ra="+ra+"  fuv="+fuv)  
+          ;;print("          -------                 ")
+          ;;print("stderr, tval, pval: "+stderr+"    "+tval+"    "+pval)
+            print(" ")
+        end if
+ ; associate assorted information as attributes of 'b'
+        b at long_name = "multiple regression coefficients"
+        b at model     = "Yest = b(0) + b(1)*X1 + b(2)*X2 + ...+b(M)*XM"
+        b at N     = N              ; # of 'observations'
+        b at NP    = NP             ; # of predictors
+        b at M     = M              ; design matrix size
+        b at bstd  = bstd           ; standardized coefficients
+        b at SST   = SST            ; [1]
+        b at SSE   = SSE
+        b at SSR   = SSR
+        b at MST   = MST
+        b at MSE   = MSE
+        b at MSE_dof = dof 
+        b at MSR   = MSR
+        b at RSE   = RSE            ; [1]
+        b at RSE_dof= N-M-1         ; [1]
+        b at F     = Frat           ; [1]
+        b at F_dof = (/NP,dof/)     ; [2]
+        df1      = b at F_dof(0)
+        df2      = b at F_dof(1)
+        b at F_pval = ftest(MSR, df1+1, MSE, df2+1, 0)*0.5   ; [1]
+        b at r2     = r2            ; [1]
+        b at r      = r             ; [1]
+        b at r2a    = r2a           ; [1]
+        b at fuv    = fuv
+        b at Yest   = Yest          ; [NY]
+        b at Yavg   = Yavg          ; [1]
+        b at Ystd   = Ystd          ; [1]
+        b at Xavg   = Xavg          ; [1]
+        b at Xstd   = Xstd          ; [1]
+        b at stderr = stderr        ; [M]
+        b at tval   = tval          ; [M]
+        b at pval   = pval          ; [M]
+        return(b)
+ end
+ ;============================================
+ undef("regline_stats")
+ function regline_stats(x[*]:numeric, y[*]:numeric)
+ ;
+ ; rc = regline_stats(x, y)
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature:
+ ; x     - independent variable.
+ ; y     - dependent variable (same size as <em>x</em>)
+ ;
+ ; Missing values (_FillValue) are allowed. They are ignored.
+ ;
+ ; See: 
+ ; Wilks, D.S. (2006): Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences
+ ;                     Academic Press (2nd Edition)  ; pgs 180-204
+ ; Davis, J.C. (2002): Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology
+ ;                     Wiley (3rd Edition)   ; pgs 215-218 
+ local nx, ny, ii, nii, RC, rc
+ begin
+ ; Get the lengths of the x and y arrays.
+    nx  = dimsizes(x)
+    ny  = dimsizes(y)
+ ; Check if those lengths match.
+    if (nx.ne.ny)then
+        print("regline_stats: x and y must be the same length!")
+        print("               nx="+nx+"   ny="+ny)               
+        exit
+    end if
+    if (any(ismissing(x)) .or. any(ismissing(y))) then
+        ii  = ind(.not.ismissing(x) .and. .not.ismissing(y))
+        nii = dimsizes(ii)
+        if (nii.gt.2) then
+            RC  = reg_multlin_stats(y(ii),x(ii),False)
+        else
+            RC  = new(1,typeof(y),getVarFillValue(y))
+            RC at info = "Not enough non-missing values: nii="+nii
+            print("regline_stats: Not enough non-missing values: nii="+nii)
+            return(RC)
+        end if
+    else
+        RC  = reg_multlin_stats(y,x,False)
+    end if
+    rc = RC(1)           ; transfers all attributes
+    rc at long_name = "simple linear regression"
+    rc at model     = "Yest = b(0) + b(1)*X" 
+    rc at nptxy = rc at N      ; attributes for backward compatibility
+    rc at xave  = rc at Xavg   ; with the original 'regline'
+    rc at yave  = rc at Yavg
+    rc at rstd  = rc at RSE
+    rc at yintercept = RC(0)
+    rc at b     = RC
+    return(rc)
+ end
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; print_clock.ncl
+ ;; Carl Schreck (carl at cicsnc.org)
+ ;; July 2011
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; Description: Print timestamp along with a string
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ undef(   "print_clock" )
+ procedure print_clock( 
+   i_message 
+ )
+ local None
+ begin
+   maxCols = 44
+   wallClock = systemfunc( "date +'  |  %F %T %Z'" )
+   if( isstring( i_message ) ) then
+     chMessage = stringtochar(i_message)
+     if( dimsizes(chMessage).gt.maxCols ) then
+       firstLine  = chartostring(chMessage(:maxCols-1))
+       restOfMsg  = chartostring(chMessage(maxCols-1:))
+       print( firstLine + wallClock )
+       print( (/ restOfMsg /) )
+     else
+       blank     = stringtochar(" ")
+       chPadding = new( maxCols +1 - dimsizes(chMessage), character )
+       chPadding = blank(0)
+       stPadding = chartostring(chPadding)
+       firstLine = str_concat( (/ i_message, stPadding /) )
+       print( firstLine + wallClock )
+     end if
+   else
+     ;; Message is not a string
+     print( i_message + wallClock )
+   end if
+ end
+ ;==========================
+ undef("sign_matlab")
+ function sign_matlab( X:numeric )
+ ;
+ ; Mimic Matlab 'sign' function: sign_matlab(X) returns the sign of each element of 'X'
+ ; There are 3 possible return values for non _FillValue elements:  -1, 0, 1
+ ; The return value type will be the same type as 'X'
+ ;
+ local typex, zero, onePos, oneNeg, result
+ begin
+   typex  = typeof(X)
+   zero   = totype( 0, typex)
+   onePos = totype( 1, typex)
+   oneNeg = totype(-1, typex)
+   result = X                       ; same size, shape and type as 'X'
+   result = where(X.eq.zero,  zero  , result)
+   result = where(X.gt.zero,  onePos, result)
+   result = where(X.lt.zero,  oneNeg, result)
+   return(result)
+ end
+ ;==========================
+ undef("sign_f90")
+ function sign_f90( X:numeric, Y:numeric )
+ ;
+ ; X and Y must be the same shape and size. 
+ ; They may be different numeric types (eg:, byte, short, int, float, double)
+ ;
+ ; Mimic the f90 'sign' function: sign(X,Y) returns the
+ ;       absolute value of X times the sign of Y.
+ ;       This is a transfer of sign from Y to X.
+ ; Note: Fortran 90 does not allow a processor to distinguish between a 
+ ;       positive and a negative zero, whereas Fortran 95 does.
+ ;
+ ; Note: NCL can not test for -0 .... this will test positive.
+ ;
+ local typey, zero, result, dimX, dimY, rankX, rankY
+ begin
+   dimX  = dimsizes(X)
+   dimY  = dimsizes(Y)
+   rankX = dimsizes(dimX)
+   rankY = dimsizes(dimY)
+   ier   = 0
+   if (rankX.ne.rankY) then
+       print("sign_f90: rank mismatch: rankX="+rankX+"; rankY="+rankY)
+       ier = 1
+   end if
+   if (.not.all(dimX.eq.dimY)) then
+       print("sign_f90: dimension size mismatch")
+       print("          dimX="+dimX)
+       print("          dimY="+dimY)
+       ier = ier+10
+   end if 
+   if (ier.ne.0) then
+       exit
+   end if
+   typeY  = typeof(Y)
+   zero   = totype( 0, typeY) ; make 0 same numeric type as Y
+   result = abs(X)            ; same size, shape and type as 'X'; all positive
+   result = where(Y.lt.zero, -result, result)
+   return(result)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; Generate latitudes for a Fixed (Rectilinear) grid
+ ; lat = latGridF (latStrt[1]:numeric, latLast[1]:numeric, nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
+ ;
+ undef ("latGridF")
+ function latGridF(latStrt[1]:numeric, latLast[1]:numeric, nlat[1]:integer 
+                  ,dimName[1]:string,longName[1]:string,units[1]:string)
+ local lat
+ begin
+   lat           = fspan(latStrt, latLast, nlat)
+   lat!0         = dimName
+   lat at long_name = longName
+   lat at units     = units
+   lat&$dimName$ = lat
+   return (lat)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; Generate longitudes for a Fixed (Rectilinear) grid
+ ; lon = lonGridF (lonStrt[1]:numeric, lonLast[1]:numeric, nlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")
+ ;
+ undef ("lonGridF")
+ function lonGridF(lonStrt[1]:numeric, lonLast[1]:numeric, nlon[1]:integer 
+                  ,dimName[1]:string,longName[1]:string,units[1]:string)
+ local lon
+ begin
+   lon           = fspan(lonStrt, lonLast, nlon)
+   lon!0         = dimName
+   lon at long_name = longName
+   lon at units     = units
+   lon&$dimName$ = lon
+   return (lon)
+ end
+ ; *****************************************************************
+ ; Generate index values that can be used for sampling
+ ;
+ undef("generate_sample_indices")
+ function generate_sample_indices(N[1], method[1]:integer)
+ ;
+ ; simple function to generate indices
+ ;           N = sample size
+ ;      method = 0   ==> sample *without* replacement; reshuffle the order 
+ ;                       mean/std/... unchanged
+ ;                       use when the order of sampling may be important
+ ;
+ ;      method = 1   ==> sample *with* replacement
+ ;                       mean/std/... will change
+ local k
+ begin
+     if (method.lt.0 .or. method.gt.1) then
+         print("generate_resample_indices: method="+method+": only 0 or 1 allowed")
+         exit
+     end if
+     if (method.eq.0) then                  
+         k = generate_unique_indices( N )  
+     else
+         k = round(random_uniform(-0.499999,N-0.500001,N), 3)
+     end if
+     return(k)
+ end
+ ;==========================
+ undef("getTimeFromBnds")
+ function getTimeFromBnds(f, opt[1]:logical)   ; f is of type 'list' or 'file'
+ local ftype, TIME, DATE, YEAR, nt
+ begin
+   ftype = typeof(f)
+   if (.not.(ftype.eq."file" .or. ftype.eq."list")) then 
+       print("getTimeFromBnds: argument f must be type file or list: ftype="+ftype)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (ftype.eq."file" .and. isfilevar(f,"time_bnds")) then
+       TIME          = f->time_bnds(:, 0)     ; address 'off-by-one' time    
+       TIME at units    = f->time at units          ; appropriate for CESM
+       TIME at calendar = f->time at calendar
+   else if (isfilevar(f[0],"time_bnds")) then ; must be type 'list'
+            TIME          = f[:]->time_bnds(:, 0)  ; address 'off-by-one' time    
+            TIME at units    = f->time at units     ; appropriate for CESM
+            TIME at calendar = f->time at calendar
+        end if
+   end if
+   DATE   = cd_calendar(TIME, -2)             ; YYYYMMDD
+   DATE at long_name = "current date (YYYYMMDD)"
+   DATE!0 = "time"
+   if (opt) then
+       if (isatt(opt,"yrStrtEnd")) then
+           YEAR = DATE
+           YEAR = DATE/10000
+           YEAR at long_name = "YYYY"
+           nt   = ind(YEAR.ge.yrStrtEnd(0) .and. YEAR.le.yrStrtEnd(1))
+           nt at long_name = "indices for Start/End period: "+yrStrtEnd(0)+"-"+yrStrtEnd(1)
+           return( [/TIME(nt), DATE(nt), nt/] )
+       end if
+   else
+       return([/TIME, DATE/])
+   end if
+ end
+ ;==========================
+ undef("pot_temp")
+ function pot_temp (p:numeric, t:numeric, npr[*]:integer, opt[1]:logical)
+ ;
+ ; Compute potential temperature
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ;     p       - pressure levels (default: Pa) 
+ ;               if a 'units' attribute is present this may be altered
+ ;     t       - temperature (K)   
+ ;               Also: equivalent temperature (teqv) could be input
+ ;                     teqv =  temperature of an air parcel from which all the water vapor 
+ ;                             has been extracted by an adiabatic process.
+ ;                     teqv = t + (Lv/cpd)*r  ; 
+ ;                     cpd  = 1004. or 1005.7 ; specific heat dry air [J/kg/K]
+ ;                     Lv   = 2.5104e6        ; [J/kg]=[m2/s2]  Latent Heat of Vaporization of Water
+ ;                     r    = mixing ratio 
+ ;     npr     - dimension number(s) of 'p' corresponding to temperature 
+ ;               npr=-1 means that p and t have the same ranks and sizes
+ ;                      In this case this argument is ignored.
+ ;     opt     - options: Currently, not use, Set to False
+ ;
+ local dimp, dimt, rankp, rankt, theta, p0
+ begin
+   dimp   = dimsizes(p) 
+   dimt   = dimsizes(t) 
+   rankp  = dimsizes(dimp) 
+   rankt  = dimsizes(dimt) 
+   p0     = 100000.           ; default [units = Pa]
+   if (isatt(p,"units") .and. (p at units.eq."mb"   .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."MB"   .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."millibar"    .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."millibars"   .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."hPa"  .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."HPA"  .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."hPA"  .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."hpa"  )    ) then
+       p0 = 1000.
+  ;else
+     ;print("pot_temp: WARNING:  units of pressure not recognized: p0="+p0+" Pa used")
+   end if
+   if (isatt(t,"units") .and. 
+      .not.(t at units.eq."K" .or. t at units.eq."degK")) then
+      print("pot_temp: WARNING:  units of temperature not recognized")
+   end if
+   if (rankp.eq.rankt) then
+       if (all(dimp.eq.dimt)) then
+           theta = t*(p0/p)^0.286  
+       else
+           print("pot_temp: FATAL error: dimension sizes do not match")
+           print("          dimp="+dimp+"   dimt="+dimt) 
+           exit
+       end if
+   else
+       theta = t*(p0/conform(t,p,npr))^0.286  
+   end if
+   theta at long_name = "potential temperature"
+   theta at units     = "K"
+   copy_VarCoords(t, theta)
+   return( theta )
+ end
+ ;=========================
+ undef("static_stability") 
+ function static_stability (p:numeric, t:numeric, npr[1]:integer, sopt[1]:integer)
+ ;
+ ; Compute Static Stability
+ ; Bluestein: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes
+ ;            pg 197
+ ;            s = -T*d[log(theta)]/dp = -(T/theta)*d(theta)/dp
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ;     p       - pressure levels (Pa is default)  
+ ;
+ ;     t       - temperature (K)    
+ ;               Also: equivalent temperature (teqv) could be input
+ ;                     teqv = temperature of an air parcel from which all the water vapor 
+ ;                            has been extracted by an adiabatic process.
+ ;                     teqv = t + (Lv/cpd)*r  ; 
+ ;                     cpd  = 1004. or 1005.7 ; specific heat dry air [J/kg/K]
+ ;                     Lv   = 2.5104e6        ; [J/kg]=[m2/s2]  Latent Heat of Vaporization of Water
+ ;                     r    = mixing ratio    ; (kg/kg) 
+ ;
+ ;     npr     - dimension number for pressure
+ ;
+ ;     sopt    - =0, Return static stability only
+ ;             - =1, Return static stability, theta, dthdp as type list
+ ;
+ ; Note: In a statically stable atmosphere: d(theta)/dp < 0, hence s > 0       
+ ;
+ local dimp, dimt, theta, rankt, rankp, dthdp, s
+ begin
+   dimp   = dimsizes(p) 
+   dimt   = dimsizes(t) 
+   rankp  = dimsizes(dimp)
+   rankt  = dimsizes(dimt)  
+   theta  = pot_temp(p, t, npr, False)   ; rankp=rankt then npr is ignored
+ ; dthdp = -T*d[log(theta)]/dp = -(T/theta)*d(theta)/dp
+   if (rankp.eq.rankt) then
+       dthdp  = center_finite_diff_n (theta,p,False,0, npr)
+   else
+       if (rankp.eq.1) then
+           dthdp  = center_finite_diff_n (theta,conform(t,p,npr), False,0, npr)
+       else
+           print("static_stability: rank problem:  rankp="+rankp+"; rankt="+rankt)
+           exit
+       end if
+   end if
+   s = -(t/theta)*dthdp
+   copy_VarCoords(t,s)
+   s at long_name = "static stability"
+   if (isatt(p,"units") .and. (p at units.eq."mb"   .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."MB"   .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."millibar"    .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."millibars"   .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."hPa"  .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."HPA"  .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."hPA"  .or. 
+                               p at units.eq."hpa"  )    ) then
+       s at units     = "K/hPa"   
+   else
+       s at units     = "K/Pa"       ; or "K-m-s2/kg"
+   end if
+   if (sopt.eq.0) then
+       return(s)
+   else
+       dthdp at long_name = "vertical derivative of theta with pressure"
+       dthdp at units     = s at units
+       copy_VarCoords(t,dthdp)
+       return( [/ s, theta, dthdp /] )
+   end if
+ end
+ ;=========================
+ undef("pot_vort_hybrid")
+ function pot_vort_hybrid
+             (p:numeric, u:numeric, v:numeric, t:numeric
+             ,lat[*]:numeric, gridType[1]:integer, opt[1]:integer)
+ ;
+ ; Compute Isentropic Potential Vorticity on hybrid levels
+ ; CCM Processor User's Guide: May 1994: page B-19
+ ; Original source P Rasch and B Boville
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ;     p       - pressure levels (Pa)  [3D or 4D]
+ ;     u       - zonal wind  (m/s)     [3D or 4D]          
+ ;     v       - meridional wind (m/s) [3D or 4D]          
+ ;     t       - temperature (K)       [3D or 4D]          
+ ;     gridType- grid type
+ ;               =0 means gaussian grid
+ ;               =1 means regular or fixed grid
+ ;     lat     - latitudes
+ ;     opt     - options: not used. Set to 0
+ ;
+ ; Note: u,v,t,p MUST:
+ ;    [1] be SOUTH-TO-NORTH 
+ ;    [2] be GLOBAL because spherical harmonics are used
+ ;    [3] have named dimensions because data are reordered
+ ;   
+ ; Usage:
+ ;   f    = addfile ("foo.nc", "r")
+ ;   U    = f->U    ; (time,lev,lat,lon) or (lev,lat,lon)
+ ;   V    = f->V
+ ;   T    = f->T
+ ;   lat  = f->lat
+ ;   hyam = f->hyam
+ ;   hybm = f->hybm
+ ;   p0   = f->P0  ; p0=100000
+ ;   ps   = f->PS  ; Pa
+ ;   p    = pres_hybrid_ccm (ps,p0,hyam,hybm)  ; Pa [kg/(m s2)]
+ ;   copy_VarCoords(U,p)
+ ;
+ ;               ; Potential Vorticity
+ ;   PV = pot_vort_hybrid(p,u,v,t,lat, 0,  0)
+ ;
+ ; Note: A nice basic discussion of PV may be found at:
+ ; Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics: A First Course
+ ; Jonathan E. Martin, Wiley 2006,   QC880.M36   , pp276-onward
+ ; 
+ local ranku, rankv, rankt, rankp, npr, nlt, dthdp  
+     , dudp, dvdp ,theta, W, f, vr, dthdx, dthdy, G, W, rad, pv
+ begin
+                                    ; ERROR CHECK
+   ranku  = dimsizes(dimsizes(u)) 
+   if (.not.(ranku.eq.3 .or. ranku.eq.4)) then
+       print("pot_vort_hybrid: only 3D and 4D arrays allowed: rank="+ranku)
+       exit
+   end if
+   rankv  = dimsizes(dimsizes(v)) 
+   rankt  = dimsizes(dimsizes(t)) 
+   rankp  = dimsizes(dimsizes(p)) 
+   if (.not.(ranku.eq.rankv .and. ranku.eq.rankt .and. ranku.eq.rankp)) then
+       print("pot_vort_hybrid: u, v, t, p must be the same rank: ranku=" 
+             +ranku+"  rankv="+rankv+"  rankt="+rankt+"  rankp="+rankp)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (.not.(gridType.eq.0 .or. gridType.eq.1)) then
+       print("pot_vort_hybrid: unrecognized gridType: only 0 and 1 allowed")
+       print("               gridType="+gridType)
+       ier = 1
+   end if
+   if ((lat(1)-lat(0)).le.0) then
+       print("pot_vort_hybrid: data must be in S-N order")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (ranku.eq.3) then       ; (lev,lat,lon)  => (0,1,2) => (npr,nlt,2)
+       npr = 0
+       nlt = 1                 
+   end if
+   if (ranku.eq.4) then       ; (time,lev,lat,lon)  => (0,1,2,3) > (0,npr,nlt,2)
+       npr = 1
+       nlt = 2                  
+   end if
+   S           = static_stability(p,t,npr,1)   ; variable of type list
+   s           = S[0]    ; [...] is list syntax    
+   theta       = S[1]    ; theta = pot_tmp(p, t, npr, 0)
+   dthdp       = S[2]    ; dthdp = center_finite_diff_n (theta,p,False,0,npr)
+   s at _FillValue= 1e20
+   delete(S)
+  ;printVarSummary( s )  ; s not used for this formulation
+  ;printMinMax( s, True )
+  ;printVarSummary( theta )
+  ;printMinMax( theta, True )
+  ;printVarSummary( dthdp )
+  ;printMinMax( dth2p, True )
+                               ; compute VERTICAL (pressure) derivatives
+   dudp  = center_finite_diff_n (    u,p,False,0,npr)
+   dvdp  = center_finite_diff_n (    v,p,False,0,npr)
+                               ; compute 
+                               ; (1) lat/lon temperature gradients [K/m]
+                               ; (2) relative vorticity            [1/s]
+   dthdx   = theta             ; create E-W gradient array
+   dthdy   = theta             ;        S-N        
+   dthdx at long_name = "longitudinal gradient (derivative)"
+   dthdy at long_name = "latitudinal gradient (derivative)"
+   dthdx at units     = "K/m"
+   dthdy at units     = "K/m"
+   if (gridType.eq.0) then
+       gradsg (theta, dthdx, dthdy) 
+       vr = uv2vrG(u,v)
+   end if
+   if (gridType.eq.1) then
+       gradsf (theta, dthdx, dthdy) 
+       vr = uv2vrF(u,v)
+   end if
+   G   = 9.80665                    ; m/s2 ; gravity at 45 deg lat used by the WMO
+   W   = 7.292e-5                   ; (1/s)     ; earth ang rotation
+   rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.
+   if (typeof(lat).eq.typeof(vr)) then
+       f = 2.*W*sin(lat*rad)          ; (1/s)     ; coriolis parameter
+   else 
+       f = 2.*W*sin(tofloat(lat)*rad)
+   end if
+   vr  = vr + conform(vr,f,nlt)     ; absolute vorticity   
+                                    ; G used for commonly used units
+   pv    = -G*(vr*dthdp - (dthdx*dvdp-dthdy*dudp) )  
+   pv at long_name  = "potential vorticity"
+   pv at short_name = "PV"
+   pv at units      = "K m2/kg/s"      ; common units
+   copy_VarCoords(t,pv)
+   if (opt.eq.0) then
+       return( pv )
+   else
+       return( [/pv, s, theta, dthdp, dudp, dvdp, dtdx, dtdy/] )
+   end if
+ end
+ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("pot_vort_isobaric")
+ function pot_vort_isobaric
+             (p[*]:numeric, u:numeric, v:numeric, t:numeric
+             ,lat[*]:numeric, gridType[1]:integer, opt:integer)
+ ;
+ ; Compute Potential Vorticity on constant pressure levels
+ ; Bluestein: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes
+ ;            pg 264  Eq 4.5.93
+ ;
+ ; Nomenclature
+ ;     p       - pressure levels (Pa)  [1D]
+ ;     u       - zonal wind  (m/s)     [3D or 4D]          
+ ;     v       - meridional wind (m/s) [3D or 4D]          
+ ;     t       - temperature (K)       [3D or 4D]          
+ ;     lat     - latitudes
+ ;     gridType- grid type
+ ;               =0 means gaussian grid
+ ;               =1 means regular or fixed grid
+ ;     opt     - options: not used
+ ;
+ ; Note: u,v,t MUST be SOUTH-TO-NORTH 
+ ;       and must be GLOBAL because spherical harmonics are used
+ ;   
+ ; Usage:
+ ;   f   = addfile ("foo.nc", "r")
+ ;   U   = f->U    ; (time,lev,lat,lon) or (lev,lat,lon)
+ ;   V   = f->V
+ ;   T   = f->T    ; K
+ ;   lat = f->lat
+ ;   lev = f->lev  
+ ;   lev = lev*100
+ ;   lev at units = "Pa"
+ ;               ; Potential Vorticity
+ ;   PV = pot_vort_isobaric(lev,u,v,t,lat, 0, 0)
+ ;
+ ; Note: A nice basic discussion of PV may be found at:
+ ; Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics: A First Course
+ ; Jonathan E. Martin, Wiley 2006,   QC880.M36   , pp276-onward
+ ;
+ local ranku, rankv, rankt, npr, nlt, dthdp, dudp, dvdp 
+      ,theta, S, s, con, R, W, f, vr, dtdx, dtdy, rad, pv
+ begin
+                                    ; ERROR CHECK
+   ranku  = dimsizes(dimsizes(u)) 
+   if (.not.(ranku.eq.3 .or. ranku.eq.4)) then
+       print("StaticStabilityP: only 3D and 4D arrays allowed: rank="+ranku)
+       exit
+   end if
+   rankv  = dimsizes(dimsizes(v)) 
+   rankt  = dimsizes(dimsizes(t)) 
+   if (.not.(ranku.eq.rankv .and. ranku.eq.rankt)) then
+       print("pot_vort_isobaric: u, v, t must be the same rank: ranku=" 
+             +ranku+"  rankv="+rankv+"  rankt="+rankt)
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (.not.(gridType.eq.0 .or. gridType.eq.1)) then
+       print("pot_vort_isobaric: unrecognized gridType: only 0 and 1 allowed")
+       print("           gridType="+gridType)
+       ier = 1
+   end if
+   if ((lat(1)-lat(0)).le.0) then
+       print("pot_vort_isobaric: data must be in S-N order")
+       exit
+   end if
+   if (ranku.eq.3) then       ; (lev,lat,lon)  => (0,1,2) > (0,npr,nlt)
+       npr = 0
+       nlt = 1
+   end if
+   if (ranku.eq.4) then       ; (time,lev,lat,lon)  => (0,1,2,3) > (0,npr,nlt,2)
+       npr = 1
+       nlt = 2
+   end if
+   S           = static_stability(p,t,npr,1)   ; variable of type list
+   s           = S[0]    ; [...] is list syntax    
+   theta       = S[1]
+   dthdp       = S[2]
+   s at _FillValue= 1e20
+   delete(S)
+  ;printVarSummary( s )
+  ;printMinMax( s, True )
+  ;printVarSummary( theta )
+  ;printMinMax( theta, True )
+  ;printVarSummary( dthdp )
+  ;printMinMax( dthdp, True )
+                               ; compute VERTICAL (pressure) derivatives ; shear
+   dudp        = center_finite_diff_n (    u,p,False,0,npr)
+   dvdp        = center_finite_diff_n (    v,p,False,0,npr)
+                               ; compute 
+                               ; (1) lat/lon temperature gradients [K/m]
+                               ; (2) relative vorticity            [1/s]
+   dtdx   = t                  ; create E-W gradient array with coordinate info
+   dtdy   = t                  ;        S-N        
+   dtdx at long_name = "longitudinal gradient (derivative)"
+   dtdy at long_name = "latitudinal gradient (derivative)"
+   dtdx at units     = "K/m"
+   dtdy at units     = "K/m"
+   if (gridType.eq.0) then
+       gradsg (t, dtdx, dtdy) 
+       vr = uv2vrG(u,v)
+   end if
+   if (gridType.eq.1) then
+       gradsf (t, dtdx, dtdy) 
+       vr = uv2vrF(u,v)
+   end if
+   G   = 9.80665                    ; m/s2 ; gravity at 45 deg lat used by the WMO
+   R   = 287.04                     ; m2/(s2-K) ; gas constant dry air
+   W   = 7.292e-5                   ; (1/s)     ; earth ang rotation
+   rad = 4.*atan(1.)/180.
+   if (typeof(lat).eq.typeof(vr)) then
+       f = 2.*W*sin(lat*rad)          ; (1/s)     ; coriolis parameter
+   else
+       f = 2.*W*sin(tofloat(lat)*rad)
+   end if
+   vr  = vr + conform(vr,f,nlt)     ; absolute vorticity   
+   s   = where(s.eq.0, s at _FillValue, s)    ; safety
+   con = R/(s*conform(t,p,npr))  
+                                    ; G* added to get common pv units 
+   pv  = -G*(vr + con*(dvdp*dtdx-dudp*dtdy))*dthdp  
+   pv at long_name  = "potential vorticity"
+   pv at short_name = "PV"
+   pv at units      = "K m2/kg/s"      ; common units
+   copy_VarCoords(t,pv)
+   if (opt.eq.0) then
+       return( pv )
+   else
+       return( [/pv, s, theta, dthdp, dudp, dvdp, dtdx, dtdy/] )
+   end if
+ end
+ ;====================
+ undef("advect_var")
+ function advect_var (u:numeric, v:numeric, x:numeric,gridType[1]:integer 
+                     ,long_name:string, units:string, iopt[1]:integer)
+ ;
+ ; compute advection of a variable: UV.GRADIENT(X) ; U*(dX/dlon) + V*(dX/dlat)
+ ;
+ ; Requires:
+ ;    (1) grid be global cuz spherical harmonics are used
+ ;    (2) required dimension order ([time,[lev,]lat,lon)
+ ;    (3) the input grids *must* be ordered South==>North
+ ; 
+ ; Nomenclature:
+ ;   u, v      - zonal and meridional wind components [m/s]
+ ;               rightmost dimensions must be ([...,]lat,lon)
+ ;   x         - scalar quantity to be advected 
+ ;               rightmost dimensions must be ([...,]lat,lon)
+ ;               eg: T, Z, divergence, vorticity, latent energy,..., whatever
+ ;   gridType  - type of grid: 0=gaussian, 1=fixed
+ ;   long_name - descriptive name (eg: "Temperature Advection" )
+ ;   units     - units of result  (eg: "m-K/s" )
+ ;   iopt      - flag: =0 means return only the advect result          
+ ;                     =1 means return the advect, longitidinal and latitudinal gradient
+ ;                        as part of a list
+ ; Usage:
+ ;   f = addfile ("foo.nc", "r")
+ ;   u = f->U    ; (time,lev,lat,lon)
+ ;   v = f->V
+ ;   T = f->T
+ ;               ; linear advection of temperature
+ ;   Tadv = advect_var(u,v,T,0,"linear advection of temperature","m-K/s",0)
+ ;
+ local dimu, dimv, dimx, ranku, rankv, rankx, ier 
+     , x_grad_lon, x_grad_lat, advect
+ begin
+                              ; ERROR CHECKING
+   dimu  = dimsizes(u)
+   dimv  = dimsizes(v)
+   dimx  = dimsizes(x)
+   ranku = dimsizes(dimu)
+   rankv = dimsizes(dimv)
+   rankx = dimsizes(dimx)
+   ier   = 0
+   if (.not.(gridType.eq.0 .or. gridType.eq.1)) then
+       print("advect_var: unrecognized gridType: only 0 and 1 allowed")
+       print("            gridType="+gridType)
+       ier = 1
+   end if
+   if (.not.(ranku.eq.rankv .and. ranku.eq.rankx)) then
+       print("advect_var: all input arguments must have the same rank")
+       print("            ranku="+ranku)
+       print("            rankv="+rankv)
+       print("            rankx="+rankx)
+       ier = ier + 10
+   end if
+   if (.not.(all(dimu.eq.dimv) .and. all(dimu.eq.dimx))) then
+       print("advect_var: all input arguments must have the same dimension sizes")
+       print("            ranku="+ranku)
+       print("            rankv="+rankv)
+       print("            rankx="+rankx)
+       ier = ier + 100
+   end if
+   if (rankx.lt.2) then
+       print("advect_var: variable rank must be at least 2D: ([time,[lev,]lat,plon)")
+       print("advect_var: rank="+rankx+"D")
+       ier = ier + 1000
+   end if
+   dnam  = getvardims(x)             ; dimension names
+   ynam  = dnam(rankx-2)             ; latitude dimension name
+   if (.not.ismissing(ynam) .and. iscoord(x,ynam)) then
+       yord  = isMonotonic(x&$ynam$)
+       if (yord.le.0) then
+           print("advect_var: grid is not in South-to-North order.")
+           ier = ier + 10000
+       end if
+   else
+       print("advect_var: Warning: No named dimensions. Can not check grid order.")
+   end if
+   if (ier.ne.0) then
+       print("advect_var fatal error(s) encountered: ier="+ier)
+       exit
+   end if
+   x_grad_lon = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+   x_grad_lat = new( dimx, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
+   if (gridType.eq.0) then
+       gradsg  (x, x_grad_lon, x_grad_lat)
+   end if
+   if (gridType.eq.1) then
+       gradsf  (x, x_grad_lon, x_grad_lat)
+   end if
+                                         ; advection
+   uxgrad_lon = u*x_grad_lon 
+   vxgrad_lat = v*x_grad_lat
+   advect     = uxgrad_lon + vxgrad_lat
+                                         ; add meta data
+   copy_VarCoords(x, advect)
+   advect at long_name = long_name
+   advect at units     = units
+   if (iopt.eq.0) then
+       return(advect)
+   else
+       copy_VarCoords(x, x_grad_lon)
+       x_grad_lon at long_name = "longitudinal gradient"
+       copy_VarCoords(x, x_grad_lat)
+       x_grad_lat at long_name = "latitudinal gradient"
+       return([/ advect, x_grad_lon, x_grad_lat /] )
+      ;copy_VarCoords(x, ux_grad_lon)
+      ;x_grad_lon at long_name = "zonal advection"
+      ;copy_VarCoords(x, vx_grad_lat)
+      ;x_grad_lat at long_name = "meridional advevtion"
+      ;return([/ advect, x_grad_lon, x_grad_lat, uxgrad_lon, vxgrad_lat  /] )
+   end if
+ end
+ ;---
+ undef("log1px")
+ function log1px(x:numeric)
+ ; Common function in other languages 
+ local y, Fill
+ begin
+   if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
+       Fill = x at _FillValue
+   else
+       if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
+           Fill = 1d20
+       else
+           Fill = 1e20
+       end if
+   end if
+   y = where((1+x).gt.0, log(1+x), Fill)   
+   if (any(y.eq.Fill)) then
+       y at _FillValue = Fill
+   end if
+   return (y)
+ end
+ ;================
+ undef("dpres_hybrid_ccm_se")
+ function dpres_hybrid_ccm_se(ps:numeric,p0[1]:numeric,hya[*]:numeric,hyb[*]:numeric)
+ local dimNames, dim_ps, ntim, ncol, ps_dumy, dpres_dumy, dpres
+ begin
+   dimNames = getvardims(ps) ; (time,ncol)
+   if (dimNames(1).ne."ncol") then
+       print("dpres_hybrid_ccm_se: You are a MORON! This is not an SE grid!")
+       exit
+   end if
+   dim_ps = dimsizes(ps)
+   ntim = dim_ps(0)
+   ncol = dim_ps(1)
+   ps_dumy = conform_dims( (/ntim,1,ncol/), ps, (/0,2/))
+   dpres_dumy = dpres_hybrid_ccm (ps_dumy,p0,hya,hyb) ; (ntim,klev,1,ncol)
+   dpres = dpres_dumy(:,:,0,:) ; (ntim,klev,ncol)
+ ; the following is not needed for builtin function
+   dpres at long_name = "layer thickness"
+   dpres at units = "Pa" ; [kg/(m s2)]
+   copy_VarCoords(ps, dpres(:,0,:))
+   dpres!1 = "lev"
+   return(dpres)
+ end 
+ ;===================
+ undef ("eofunc_north")
+ function eofunc_north(eval[*]:numeric, N[1]:integer, prinfo[1]:logical)
+ ;
+ ; North, G.R. et al (1982): Sampling Errors in the Estimation of Empirical Orthogonal Functions.
+ ; Mon. Wea. Rev., 110, 699���706.
+ ; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0493(1982)110<0699:SEITEO>2.0.CO;2
+ ;
+ ; Usage after 'eofunc'. Here ntim was used,  
+ ;             prinfo = True
+ ;             sig    = eval_north(eof at eval, ntim, prinfo)
+ ;
+ local neval, dlam, low, high, sig, n
+ begin
+   neval   = dimsizes(eval)
+   if (neval.eq.1)
+       print("eofunc_north: neval=1, no testing can be performed")
+       sig = True 
+       sig at long_name = "EOF separation is not testable N=1"
+       sig at N         =  N
+       return(sig)
+   end if
+   dlam    = eval * sqrt(2.0/N)   ; eq 24
+   low     = eval-dlam
+   high    = eval+dlam
+   sig     = new(dimsizes(eval), logical)
+   sig = False  ; default is not significantly separated
+ ; first and last eigenvalues are special cales
+   if (eval(0).gt.high(1)) then
+       sig(0) = True
+   end if
+   if (eval(neval-1).lt.low(neval-2)) then
+       sig(neval-1) = True
+   end if
+ ; loop over other eignvalues
+   if (N.gt.2) then
+       do n=1,neval-2
+          if (eval(n).lt.low(n-1) .and. eval(n).gt.high(n+1)) then
+              sig(n) = True
+          end if
+       end do
+   end if
+   if (prinfo) then
+       print(dlam+"   "+low+"   "+eval+"   "+high+"  "+sig)
+   end if
+   sig at long_name = "EOF separation"
+   sig at N         =  N
+   return(sig)
+ end
+ ;-----
+ undef("getfilevaratts_hdf5")
+ function getfilevaratts_hdf5( f, attName[1]:string )
+ ; Do this *ONCE* for each global attribute
+ local header, cr, delim, strs, nstrs, n, info, hinfo
+ begin
+  header= f@$attName$                      ; long string[1]
+  cr    = str_get_nl()                     ; carriage return (new line)
+  delim = cr + " ;"
+  strs  = str_split(header, delim)
+  nstrs = dimsizes(strs)
+  hinfo = new( (/nstrs,2/), "string")
+  do n=0,nstrs-1
+     info := str_split(strs(n), "=")
+     hinfo(n,0) = info(0)
+     if (dimsizes(info) .eq. 2 ) then	
+ 	hinfo(n,1) = info(1) 
+     else
+ 	hinfo(n,1) = ""
+     end if
+  end do 
+  hinfo at hdf5_global_attribute_name = attName
+  return(hinfo)
+ end
+ ;---
+ undef("extract_filevaratts_hdf5")
+ function extract_filevaratts_hdf5( hinfo[*][2]:string, name_to_extract[1]:string)
+ ; extract the value associated with the attribute which created 'hinfo'
+ ; info is output from function getfilevaratts_hdf5
+ begin
+   if (.not.isatt(hinfo,"hdf5_global_attribute_name")) then
+       print("Warning:  hdf5_global_attribute_name is missing")
+   end if
+   idx = ind(hinfo(:,0) .eq. name_to_extract)
+   if (ismissing(idx(0))) then
+       return("extract_filevaratts_hdf5: "+name_to_extract+" is missing")
+   end if
+   return(hinfo(idx(0),1))  ; to the right of = sign
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; function wrf_user_set_xy( var:numeric, xp:numeric, yp:numeric, x1:numeric, \

+ ;                           y1:numeric,angle:numeric ,opts )
+ ; function wrf_user_intrp3d( var3d:numeric, z:numeric, plot_type:string, \

+ ;                            loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )
+ ; function wrf_user_intrp2d( var2d:numeric, \

+ ;                            loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )
+ ; function wrf_user_vert_interp(file_handle,field:float,\

+ ;                               vert_coordinate[1]:string, \

+         ;                       interp_levels[*]:numeric,opts[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_user_getvar( file_handle, variable:string, time:integer )
+ ; function wrf_user_list_times( file_handle )
+ ; function wrf_user_ll_to_ij( nc_file:file, longitude:numeric, latitude:numeric, \

+ ;                             opts:logical )
+ ; function wrf_user_ij_to_ll( nc_file:file, i:numeric, j:numeric \

+ ;                             opts:logical )
+ ; function wrf_contour(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, \

+ ;                      opt_args[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_vector(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data_u[*][*]:numeric, \

+ ;                     data_v[*][*]:numeric, opt_args[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_map_resources(in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical)   
+ ; function wrf_map(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical)   
+ ; function wrf_map_overlays(in_file[1]:file,wks:graphic,base[1]:graphic, \

+ ;                           plots[*]:graphic,opt_arg[1]:logical,mp_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_overlays(in_file[1]:file,wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, \

+ ;                       opt_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_user_unstagger( varin:numeric, unstagDim:string )
+ ;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ; Thse functions are still experimental
+ ; function wrf_wps_dom(wks[1]:graphic,mpres[1]:logical,lnres[1]:logical,txres[1]:logical)   
+ ; function wrf_contour_ps(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, \

+ ;                         opt_args[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_vector_ps(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, \

+ ;                        data_u[*][*]:numeric, data_v[*][*]:numeric, \

+ ;                        opt_args[1]:logical)
+ ;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ; These functions/procedures are obsolete as of version 5.0.1 of NCL.
+ ; Do not use them. 
+ ; Use wrf_overlays instead of wrf_overlay
+ ; Use wrf_map_overlays instead of wrf_map_overlay
+ ; Use wrf_user_ll_to_ij instead of wrf_user_latlon_to_ij
+ ;
+ ; function wrf_map_zoom(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical, \

+ ;                       y1:integer,y2:integer,x1:integer,x2:integer)
+ ; procedure wrf_map_overlay(wks:graphic,base[1]:graphic, \

+ ;                           plots[*]:graphic, \

+ ;                           opt_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; procedure wrf_overlay(wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, \

+ ;                           opt_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; function wrf_user_latlon_to_ij( nc_file:file, latitude:numeric, 
+ ;                                 longitude:numeric )
+ ;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;
+ ; function add_white_space(str:string,maxlen:integer)
+ ; procedure print_opts(opts_name,opts,debug)
+ ; procedure print_header(icount:integer,debug)
+ ;
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_set_xy")
+ function wrf_user_set_xy( var:numeric, xp:numeric, yp:numeric, x1:numeric, 
+                           y1:numeric, angle:numeric, opts )
+ ;  mass coordinate version of ncl user routines
+ local dims,x,y,slope,intercept,distance,dx,dy,dxy,npts,xy
+ begin
+ ; find intersection of line and domain boundaries
+   dims = dimsizes(var)
+   if (.not. opts) then        ; We have a pivot point and location and 
+ 			      ; need to calculate the start and end points of 
+ 			      ; the cross section
+      if ((angle .gt. 315.) .or. (angle .lt. 45.) .or. 
+          ((angle .gt. 135.) .and. (angle .lt. 225.)) )  then
+ ;  x = y*slope + intercept
+           slope = -(360.-angle)/45.
+           if( angle .lt. 45. ) then
+             slope = angle/45.
+           end if
+           if( angle .gt. 135.) then
+             slope = (angle-180.)/45.
+           end if
+           intercept = xp - yp*slope
+ ; find intersections with domain boundaries
+           y0 = 0.
+           x0 = y0*slope + intercept
+           if( x0 .lt. 0.) then  ; intersect outside of left boundary
+             x0 = 0.
+             y0 =  (x0 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+           if( x0 .gt. dims(2)-1) then  ; intersect outside of right boundary
+             x0 = dims(2)-1
+             y0 =  (x0 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+           y1 = dims(1)-1.  ;  need to make sure this will be a float?
+           x1 = y1*slope + intercept
+           if( x1 .lt. 0.) then  ; intersect outside of left boundary
+             x1 = 0.
+             y1 =  (x1 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+           if( x1 .gt. dims(2)-1) then  ; intersect outside of right boundary
+             x1 = dims(2)-1
+             y1 =  (x1 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+      else
+ ;  y = x*slope + intercept
+           slope = (90.-angle)/45.
+           if( angle .gt. 225. ) then
+             slope = (270.-angle)/45.
+           end if
+           intercept = yp - xp*slope
+ ; find intersections with domain boundaries
+           x0 = 0.
+           y0 = x0*slope + intercept
+           if( y0 .lt. 0.) then  ; intersect outside of bottom boundary
+             y0 = 0.
+             x0 =  (y0 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+           if( y0 .gt. dims(1)-1) then  ; intersect outside of top boundary
+             y0 = dims(1)-1
+             x0 =  (y0 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+           x1 = dims(2)-1.  ;  need to make sure this will be a float?
+           y1 = x1*slope + intercept
+           if( y1 .lt. 0.) then  ; intersect outside of bottom boundary
+             y1 = 0.
+             x1 =  (y1 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+           if( y1 .gt. dims(1)-1) then  ; intersect outside of top boundary
+             y1 = dims(1)-1
+             x1 =  (y1 - intercept)/slope
+           end if
+      end if  ; we have beginning and ending points
+   end if
+   if (opts) then   	; We have a specified start and end point
+     x0 = xp
+     y0 = yp
+     if ( x1 .gt. dims(2)-1 ) then 
+       x1 = dims(2)
+     end if
+     if ( y1 .gt. dims(1)-1 ) then 
+       y1 = dims(1)
+     end if
+   end if
+   dx = x1 - x0
+   dy = y1 - y0
+   distance = (dx*dx + dy*dy)^0.5
+   npts = tointeger(distance)
+   dxy = new(1,typeof(distance))
+   dxy = distance/npts
+   xy = new((/ npts, 2 /),typeof(x1))
+   dx = dx/npts
+   dy = dy/npts
+   do i=0,npts-1
+     xy(i,0) = x0 + i*dx
+     xy(i,1) = y0 + i*dy
+   end do
+ ; print(xy)
+   return(xy)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_intrp3d")
+ function wrf_user_intrp3d( var3d:numeric, z_in:numeric, 
+                            plot_type:string, 
+                            loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )
+ ; var3d      - 3d field to interpolate (all input fields must be unstaggered)
+ ; z_in       - interpolate to this field (either p/z)
+ ; plot_type  - interpolate horizontally "h", or vertically "v"
+ ; loc_param  - level(s) for horizontal plots (eg. 500hPa ; 3000m - scalar), 
+ ;              plane for vertical plots (2 values representing an xy point 
+ ;              on the model domain through which the vertical plane will pass
+ ;              OR 4 values specifying start and end values
+ ; angle      - 0.0 for horizontal plots, and 
+ ;              an angle for vertical plots - 90 represent a WE cross section
+ ; opts         Used IF opts is TRUE, else use loc_param and angle to determine crosssection
+ begin
+   if(plot_type .eq. "h" ) then   ;  horizontal cross section needed
+      dimL = dimsizes(loc_param)
+      dims = dimsizes(var3d)
+      nd = dimsizes(dims)
+      dimX = dims(nd-1)
+      dimY = dims(nd-2)
+      dimZ = dims(nd-3)
+      dim4 = 1
+      dim5 = 1
+      if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+        dim4 = dims(nd-4)
+      end if
+      if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+        dim4 = dims(nd-4)
+        dim5 = dims(nd-5)
+      end if
+      var3  = new ( (/ dim5, dim4, dimZ, dimY, dimX /) , typeof(var3d) )
+      z     = new ( (/ dim5, dim4, dimZ, dimY, dimX /) , typeof(var3d) )
+      var2d = new ( (/ dim5, dim4, dimL, dimY, dimX /) , typeof(var3d) )
+      if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+        var3 = var3d
+           z =  z_in
+      end if
+      if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+        var3(0,:,:,:,:) = var3d(:,:,:,:)
+           z(0,:,:,:,:) =  z_in(:,:,:,:)
+      end if
+      if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+        var3(0,0,:,:,:) = var3d(:,:,:)
+           z(0,0,:,:,:) =  z_in(:,:,:)
+      end if
+      if ( z(0,0,dimZ-1,0,0) .lt. z(0,0,dimZ-2,0,0) ) then
+        ; We must be interpolating to pressure
+        ; This routine needs input field and level in hPa - lets make sure of this
+        if ( max(z) .gt. 2000. ) then
+          ; looks like we have Pa as input - make this hPa
+          z = z * 0.01
+        end if
+        if ( loc_param(0) .gt. 2000. ) then
+          ; looks like the input was specified in Pa - change this
+          loc_param = loc_param * 0.01
+        end if
+      end if
+      do il = 0,dimL-1
+        var = wrf_interp_3d_z(var3,z,loc_param(il))
+        var2d(:,:,il,:,:) = var(:,:,:,:)
+      end do
+      copy_VarAtts(var3d,var3)
+      if(isatt(var3,"description")) then
+        delete_VarAtts(var3,(/"description"/))
+      end if
+      if(isatt(var3,"units")) then
+        delete_VarAtts(var3,(/"units"/))
+      end if
+      if(isatt(var3,"MemoryOrder")) then
+        delete_VarAtts(var3,(/"MemoryOrder"/))
+      end if
+      if(isatt(var3,"_FillValue")) then
+        delete_VarAtts(var3,(/"_FillValue"/))
+      end if
+      copy_VarAtts(var3,var2d)
+      nn = nd-2
+      var2d!nn = "plevs"
+      if ( dimL .gt. 1 ) then
+        if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+          return( var2d )
+        end if
+        if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+          return( var2d(0,:,:,:,:) )
+        end if
+        if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+          return( var2d(0,0,:,:,:) )
+        end if
+      else
+        if ( z(0,0,dimZ-1,0,0) .lt. z(0,0,dimZ-2,0,0) ) then
+           var2d at PlotLevelID = loc_param + " hPa"
+        else
+           var2d at PlotLevelID = .001*loc_param + " km"
+        end if
+        if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+          return( var2d(:,:,0,:,:) )
+        end if
+        if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+          return( var2d(0,:,0,:,:) )
+        end if
+        if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+          return( var2d(0,0,0,:,:) )
+        end if
+      end if
+   end if
+   if(plot_type .eq. "v" ) then   ;  vertical cross section needed
+      dims = dimsizes(var3d)
+      nd = dimsizes(dims)
+      dimX = dims(nd-1)
+      dimY = dims(nd-2)
+      dimZ = dims(nd-3)
+      if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+        if ( z_in(0,dimZ-1,0,0) .lt. z_in(0,dimZ-2,0,0) ) then
+          ; We must be interpolating to pressure
+            ; This routine needs input field and level in hPa - lets make sure of this
+          if ( max(z_in) .gt. 2000. ) then
+            ; looks like we have Pa as input - make this hPa
+            z_in = z_in * 0.01
+          end if
+        end if
+        z = z_in(0,:,:,:)
+      else
+        if ( z_in(dimZ-1,0,0) .lt. z_in(dimZ-2,0,0) ) then
+          ; We must be interpolating to pressure
+            ; This routine needs input field and level in hPa - lets make sure of this
+          if ( z_in(0,0,0) .gt. 2000. ) then
+            ; looks like we have Pa as input - make this hPa
+            z_in = z_in * 0.01
+          end if
+        end if
+        z = z_in
+      end if
+ ; set vertical cross section
+      if (opts) then
+        xy = wrf_user_set_xy( z, loc_param(0)-1, loc_param(1)-1, 
+                                 loc_param(2)-1, loc_param(3)-1, 
+                                 angle, opts )
+      else
+        xy = wrf_user_set_xy( z, loc_param(0), loc_param(1), 
+                                 0.0, 0.0, angle, opts )
+      end if
+      xp = dimsizes(xy)
+ ; first we interp z
+      var2dz   = wrf_interp_2d_xy( z, xy)
+ ;  interp to constant z grid
+      if(var2dz(0,0) .gt. var2dz(1,0) ) then  ; monotonically decreasing coordinate
+         z_max = floor(max(z)/10)*10     ; bottom value
+         z_min = ceil(min(z)/10)*10      ; top value
+         dz = 10
+         nlevels = tointeger( (z_max-z_min)/dz)
+         z_var2d = new( (/nlevels/), typeof(z))
+         z_var2d(0) = z_max
+         dz = -dz
+      else
+         z_max = max(z)
+         z_min = 0.
+         dz = 0.01 * z_max
+         nlevels = tointeger( z_max/dz )
+         z_var2d = new( (/nlevels/), typeof(z))
+         z_var2d(0) = z_min
+      end if
+      do i=1, nlevels-1
+         z_var2d(i) = z_var2d(0)+i*dz
+      end do
+ ; interp the variable
+      if ( dimsizes(dims) .eq. 4 ) then
+        var2d = new( (/dims(0), nlevels, xp(0)/), typeof(var2dz))
+        do it = 0,dims(0)-1
+          var2dtmp = wrf_interp_2d_xy( var3d(it,:,:,:), xy)
+          do i=0,xp(0)-1
+             var2d(it,:,i) = wrf_interp_1d( var2dtmp(:,i), var2dz(:,i), z_var2d)
+          end do
+        end do
+        var2d!0 = var3d!0
+        var2d!1 = "Vertical"
+        var2d!2 = "Horizontal"
+      else
+        var2d = new( (/nlevels, xp(0)/), typeof(var2dz))
+        var2dtmp = wrf_interp_2d_xy( var3d, xy)
+        do i=0,xp(0)-1
+           var2d(:,i) = wrf_interp_1d( var2dtmp(:,i), var2dz(:,i), z_var2d)
+        end do
+        var2d!0 = "Vertical"
+        var2d!1 = "Horizontal"
+      end if
+      st_x = tointeger(xy(0,0)) + 1
+      st_y = tointeger(xy(0,1)) + 1
+      ed_x = tointeger(xy(xp(0)-1,0)) + 1
+      ed_y = tointeger(xy(xp(0)-1,1)) + 1
+      if (opts) then
+        var2d at Orientation = "Cross-Section: (" + 
+                             st_x + "," + st_y + ") to (" + 
+                             ed_x + "," + ed_y + ")"
+      else
+        var2d at Orientation = "Cross-Section: (" + 
+                             st_x + "," + st_y + ") to (" + 
+                             ed_x + "," + ed_y + ") ; center=(" + 
+                             loc_param(0) + "," + loc_param(1) + 
+                             ") ; angle=" + angle
+      end if
+      return(var2d)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_intrp2d")
+ function wrf_user_intrp2d( var2d:numeric, 
+                            loc_param:numeric, angle:numeric, opts:logical )
+ ; var2d      - 2d field to interpolate 
+ ; loc_param  - plane for vertical plots (2 values representing an xy point 
+ ;              on the model domain through which the vertical plane will pass
+ ;              OR 4 values specifying start and end values
+ ; angle      - 0.0 for horizontal plots, and 
+ ;              an angle for vertical plots - 90 represent a WE cross section
+ ; opts         Used IF opts is TRUE, else use loc_param and angle to determine crosssection
+ begin
+      dims = dimsizes(var2d)
+      nd = dimsizes(dims)
+      dimX = dims(nd-1)
+      dimY = dims(nd-2)
+      dimT = 1
+      if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+        dimT = dims(nd-3)
+      end if
+      var2dtmp = new( (/ 1, dimY, dimX /), typeof(var2d) )
+ ; set vertical cross section
+      if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+        var2dtmp(0,:,:) = var2d(0,:,:)
+      else
+        var2dtmp(0,:,:) = var2d(:,:)
+      end if
+      if (opts) then
+        xy = wrf_user_set_xy( var2dtmp, 
+                              loc_param(0)-1, loc_param(1)-1, 
+                              loc_param(2)-1, loc_param(3)-1, 
+                              angle, opts )
+      else
+        xy = wrf_user_set_xy( var2dtmp, 
+                              loc_param(0), loc_param(1), 
+                              0.0, 0.0, angle, opts )
+      end if
+      xp = dimsizes(xy)
+      var2dout = new( (/ dimT, xp(0) /), typeof(var2d) )
+      var1dtmp = wrf_interp_2d_xy( var2dtmp, xy )
+      var2dout(0,:) = var1dtmp(0,:)
+      if ( dimT .eq. 1 ) then
+        var2dout!1 = "Horizontal"
+        return ( var2dout(0,:) )
+      end if
+      do it = 1,dimT-1
+        var2dtmp(0,:,:) = var2d(it,:,:)
+        var1dtmp = wrf_interp_2d_xy( var2dtmp, xy )
+        var2dout(it,:) = var1dtmp(0,:)
+      end do
+      var2dout!0 = "Time"
+      var2dout!1 = "Horizontal"
+      return(var2dout)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_unstagger")
+ function wrf_user_unstagger( varin:numeric, unstagDim:string )
+ begin
+   dims = dimsizes(varin)
+   nd = dimsizes(dims)
+   if ( unstagDim .eq. "X" .or. unstagDim .eq. "U" ) then
+     dimU = dims(nd-1)
+     if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:,:,:,:dimU-2) + varin(:,:,:,:,1:dimU-1))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:,:,:dimU-2) + varin(:,:,:,1:dimU-1))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:,:dimU-2) + varin(:,:,1:dimU-1))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 2 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:dimU-2) + varin(:,1:dimU-1))
+     end if
+     do i = 0,nd-2
+       varout!i = varin!i
+     end do
+     i = nd-1
+     varout!i = "west_east"
+     copy_VarAtts(varin,varout)
+     varout at coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"
+     varout at stagger = " "
+   end if
+   if ( unstagDim .eq. "Y" .or. unstagDim .eq. "V" ) then
+     dimV = dims(nd-2)
+     if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:,:,:dimV-2,:)+varin(:,:,:,1:dimV-1,:))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:,:dimV-2,:)+varin(:,:,1:dimV-1,:))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:dimV-2,:)+varin(:,1:dimV-1,:))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 2 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:dimV-2,:)+varin(1:dimV-1,:))
+     end if
+     do i = 0,nd-1
+       varout!i = varin!i
+     end do
+     i = nd-2
+     varout!i = "south_north"
+     copy_VarAtts(varin,varout)
+     varout at coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"
+     varout at stagger = " "
+   end if
+   if ( unstagDim .eq. "Z" ) then
+     dimW = dims(nd-3)
+     if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,:,0:dimW-2,:,:)+varin(:,:,1:dimW-1,:,:))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(:,0:dimW-2,:,:)+varin(:,1:dimW-1,:,:))
+     end if
+     if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+       varout = 0.5*(varin(0:dimW-2,:,:)+varin(1:dimW-1,:,:))
+     end if
+     do i = 0,nd-1
+       varout!i = varin!i
+     end do
+     i = nd-3
+     varout!i = "bottom_top" 
+     copy_VarAtts(varin,varout)
+     varout at coordinates = "XLONG XLAT"
+     varout at stagger = " "
+   end if
+   if( any( unstagDim .eq. (/"X","U","Y","V","Z"/) ) ) then
+     return(varout) 
+   else
+     print("NOTE: No unstaggering required, as the input field is already on mass points.")
+     return(varin)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This function was modified in May 2011 to allow a list of files.
+ ;
+ undef("wrf_user_getvar")
+ function wrf_user_getvar( file_handle, varin[*]:string, time_in:integer )
+ local variable, time, var, u, v, u_in, v_in, pii, radians_per_degree, 
+ dims, nd, latitude, longitude, rank
+ begin
+ ;---As of NCL V6.0.0, wrf_user_getvar can now handle a file or a list of files.
+   if(typeof(file_handle).eq."file") then
+     ISFILE = True
+     nc_file = file_handle
+   else if(typeof(file_handle).eq."list") then
+     ISFILE = False
+     nc_file = file_handle[0]
+   else
+     print("wrf_user_getvar: error: the first argument must be a file or a list of files opened with addfile or addfiles")
+     return
+   end if
+   end if
+   variable = varin(0)
+   time = time_in(0)
+   if( (variable .eq. "uvmet") .or. (variable .eq. "uvmet10") ) then
+        ;; Calculate winds rotated to earth coord. 
+        pii = 3.14159265
+        radians_per_degree = pii/180.
+        if( (variable .eq. "uvmet") )  then
+          getU = "U" 
+          getV = "V" 
+          if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"U")) then
+            if(isfilevar(nc_file,"UU")) then
+              getU = "UU"
+              getV = "VV"
+            end if
+          end if
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              u_in = nc_file->$getU$
+              v_in = nc_file->$getV$
+            else
+              u_in = file_handle[:]->$getU$
+              v_in = file_handle[:]->$getV$
+            end if
+            u = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+            v = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+        else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              u_in   = nc_file->$getU$(time_in,:,:,:)
+              v_in   = nc_file->$getV$(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              u_in   = file_handle[:]->$getU$(time_in,:,:,:)
+              v_in   = file_handle[:]->$getV$(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+            u = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+            v = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+          end if
+        end if  
+        if( (variable .eq. "uvmet10") )  then
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"U10")) then
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                u_in   = nc_file->U10
+                v_in   = nc_file->V10
+              else
+                u_in   = file_handle[:]->U10
+                v_in   = file_handle[:]->V10
+              end if
+              u = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+              v = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                u_in  = nc_file->U10(time_in,:,:)
+                v_in  = nc_file->V10(time_in,:,:)
+              else
+                u_in  = file_handle[:]->U10(time_in,:,:)
+                v_in  = file_handle[:]->V10(time_in,:,:)
+              end if
+              u = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+              v = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+            end if
+          else  ; may be a met file, so get lowest level of UU and VV
+            if(isfilevar(nc_file,"UU")) then
+              print("wrf_user_getvar: Assume this is a met_em file - getting lowest level from UU and VV fields")
+              if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+                if(ISFILE) then
+                  u_in  = nc_file->UU(:,0,:,:)
+                  v_in  = nc_file->VV(:,0,:,:)
+                else
+                  u_in  = file_handle[:]->UU(:,0,:,:)
+                  v_in  = file_handle[:]->VV(:,0,:,:)
+                end if
+                u = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+                v = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+              else
+                if(ISFILE) then
+                  u_in  = nc_file->UU(time_in,0,:,:)
+                  v_in  = nc_file->VV(time_in,0,:,:)
+                else
+                  u_in  = file_handle[:]->UU(time_in,0,:,:)
+                  v_in  = file_handle[:]->VV(time_in,0,:,:)
+                end if
+                u = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+                v = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+              end if
+            end if
+          end if  
+        end if  
+        map_projection = nc_file at MAP_PROJ
+        if( any(map_projection.eq.(/0,3,6/)) ) then  ; no rotation needed
+          dims = dimsizes(u)
+          nd = dimsizes(dims)
+          if ( nd .eq. 5 ) then
+            uvmet = new( (/ 2, dims(0), dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), dims(4) /), typeof(u))
+            uvmet(0,:,:,:,:,:) = u(:,:,:,:,:) 
+            uvmet(1,:,:,:,:,:) = v(:,:,:,:,:)
+          end if
+          if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+            uvmet = new( (/ 2, dims(0), dims(1), dims(2), dims(3) /), typeof(u))
+            uvmet(0,:,:,:,:) = u(:,:,:,:) 
+            uvmet(1,:,:,:,:) = v(:,:,:,:)
+          end if
+          if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+            uvmet = new( (/ 2, dims(0), dims(1), dims(2) /), typeof(u))
+            uvmet(0,:,:,:) = u(:,:,:) 
+            uvmet(1,:,:,:) = v(:,:,:)
+          end if
+          if ( nd .eq. 2 ) then
+            uvmet = new( (/ 2, dims(0), dims(1) /), typeof(u))
+            uvmet(0,:,:) = u(:,:) 
+            uvmet(1,:,:) = v(:,:)
+          end if
+          delete_VarAtts(u,(/"description","units"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(u,uvmet)
+          uvmet at description = " u,v met velocity"
+          uvmet!0 = "u_v"
+        end if
+        if( any(map_projection.eq.(/1,2/)) ) then  ; no rotation needed
+          cen_lat  = nc_file at CEN_LAT
+          if(isatt(nc_file,"STAND_LON")) then
+              cen_long = nc_file at STAND_LON
+          else
+              cen_long = nc_file at CEN_LON
+          end if
+          true_lat1 = nc_file at TRUELAT1
+          true_lat2 = nc_file at TRUELAT2
+          getLAT = "XLAT" 
+          getLON = "XLONG" 
+          if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT")) then
+            if(isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT_M")) then
+              getLAT = "XLAT_M"
+              getLON = "XLONG_M"
+            end if
+          end if
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              latitude  = nc_file->$getLAT$
+              longitude = nc_file->$getLON$
+            else
+              latitude  = file_handle[:]->$getLAT$
+              longitude = file_handle[:]->$getLON$
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              latitude  = nc_file->$getLAT$(time_in,:,:)
+              longitude = nc_file->$getLON$(time_in,:,:)
+            else
+              latitude  = file_handle[:]->$getLAT$(time_in,:,:)
+              longitude = file_handle[:]->$getLON$(time_in,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if
+          cone = 1.
+          if( map_projection .eq. 1) then    ; Lambert Conformal mapping
+            if( (fabs(true_lat1 - true_lat2) .gt. 0.1) .and.  
+                (fabs(true_lat2 - 90. )      .gt. 0.1)       ) then
+                cone = log(cos(true_lat1*radians_per_degree)) 
+                      -log(cos(true_lat2*radians_per_degree)) 
+                cone = cone/( log(tan(( 45. -fabs(true_lat1/2.))*radians_per_degree)) - 
+                              log(tan((45. -fabs(true_lat2/2.))*radians_per_degree)) ) 
+            else
+                cone = sin(fabs(true_lat1)*radians_per_degree)
+            end if
+          end if
+          if(map_projection .eq. 2) then      ; polar stereographic
+            cone = 1.
+          end if
+          if(map_projection .eq. 3) then      ; Mercator
+            cone = 0.
+          end if
+          uvmet = wrf_uvmet( u, v, latitude, longitude, cen_long, cone )
+          delete_VarAtts(u,(/"description","units"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(u,uvmet)
+        end if  
+        if( (variable .eq. "uvmet10") )  then
+          uvmet at description = " u10,v10 met velocity"
+        end if
+        return(uvmet)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "ua" ) then
+        ;  U interpolated to mass points
+        getTHIS = "U" 
+        if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"U")) then
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"UU")) then
+            getTHIS = "UU"
+          end if
+        end if
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->$getTHIS$
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->$getTHIS$
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->$getTHIS$(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->$getTHIS$(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        ua = wrf_user_unstagger(var,var at stagger)
+        return(ua)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "va" ) then
+        ; V interpolated to mass points
+        getTHIS = "V" 
+        if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"V")) then
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"VV")) then
+            getTHIS = "VV"
+          end if
+        end if
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->$getTHIS$
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->$getTHIS$
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->$getTHIS$(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->$getTHIS$(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        va = wrf_user_unstagger(var,var at stagger)
+        return(va)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "wa" ) then
+        ; W interpolated to mass points
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->W
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->W
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->W(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->W(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        wa = wrf_user_unstagger(var,var at stagger)
+        return(wa)
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"p","pres","pressure"/) ) ) then
+        ; Full model pressure [=base pressure (PB) + pertubation pressure (P)]
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"P")) then
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              var = nc_file->P
+              PB  = nc_file->PB
+            else
+              var = file_handle[:]->P
+              PB  = file_handle[:]->PB
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              var = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB  = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              var = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB  = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if
+          var = var + PB
+        else
+          ;; may be a met_em file - see if we can get PRES
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"PRES")) then
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                var = nc_file->PRES
+              else
+                var = file_handle[:]->PRES
+              end if
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                var = nc_file->PRES(time_in,:,:,:)
+              else
+                var = file_handle[:]->PRES(time_in,:,:,:)
+              end if
+            end if
+          end if
+        end if
+        var at description = "Pressure"
+        if( variable .eq. "pressure" ) then
+          var = var * 0.01
+          var at units = "hPa"
+        end if
+        return(var)
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"geopt","geopotential","z","height"/) ) ) then
+        ; Height [=full geopotentail height / 9.81]
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"PH")) then
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              var = nc_file->PH
+              PHB = nc_file->PHB
+            else
+              var = file_handle[:]->PH
+              PHB = file_handle[:]->PHB
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              var = nc_file->PH(time,:,:,:)
+              PHB = nc_file->PHB(time,:,:,:)
+            else
+              var = file_handle[:]->PH(time,:,:,:)
+              PHB = file_handle[:]->PHB(time,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if
+          var = var + PHB
+          z = wrf_user_unstagger(var,var at stagger)
+          z at description = "Geopotential"
+        else
+          ;; may be a met_em file - see if we can get GHT - data in met_em file is Height in M
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"GHT")) then
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                z = nc_file->GHT
+              else
+                z = file_handle[:]->GHT
+              end if
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                z = nc_file->GHT(time,:,:,:)
+              else
+                z = file_handle[:]->GHT(time,:,:,:)
+              end if
+            end if
+            z = z * 9.81
+            z at description = "Geopotential"
+            z at units       = "m2 s-2"
+          end if
+        end if
+        if( any( variable .eq. (/"z","height"/) ) ) then
+          z = z / 9.81
+          z at description = "Height"
+          z at units       = "m"
+        end if
+        return(z)
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"th","theta"/) ) ) then
+        ; Potentail Temperature is model output T + 300K
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->T
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->T
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            var = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            var = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if  
+        var = var + 300.
+        var at description = "Potential Temperature (theta) "
+        return(var)
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"tk","tc"/) ) ) then
+        ;; function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input and returns temperature in K on return
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"T")) then
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T  = nc_file->T
+              P  = nc_file->P
+              PB = nc_file->PB
+            else
+              T  = file_handle[:]->T
+              P  = file_handle[:]->P
+              PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if  
+          T = T + 300.
+          P = P + PB
+          t = wrf_tk( P , T )
+          delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(T,t)
+        else
+          ;; may be a met_em file - see if we can get TT
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"TT")) then
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                t = nc_file->TT
+              else
+                t = file_handle[:]->TT
+              end if
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                t = nc_file->TT(time_in,:,:,:)
+              else
+                t = file_handle[:]->TT(time_in,:,:,:)
+              end if
+            end if  
+          end if  
+        end if  
+        if( variable .eq. "tc" ) then
+          t = t - 273.16
+          t at units = "C"     ; Overwrite return units
+        end if
+        return(t)
+   end if
+    if( variable .eq. "eth" ) then
+    ;Equivalent Potential Temperature in degrees K
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"T")) then
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T  = nc_file->T
+              P  = nc_file->P
+              PB = nc_file->PB
+              QV = nc_file->QVAPOR
+            else
+              T  = file_handle[:]->T
+              P  = file_handle[:]->P
+              PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+              QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+              QV = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+              QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if  
+          T  = T + 300.        ; potential temperature in K.
+          P  = P + PB          ; full pressure in Pa.   
+          tk = wrf_tk( P , T ) ; temperature in K.
+          eth = wrf_eth ( QV, tk, P )
+          delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(T,eth)
+          return(eth)
+        else
+          print("This diagnostic only for with WRF data file and not for WPS files")
+          exit
+        end if  
+    end if
+   if( variable .eq. "td" ) then
+        ;; function wrf_td needs qv and pressure (Pa) on input and returns dewpoint temperature on return
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            P      = nc_file->P
+            PB     = nc_file->PB
+            QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR
+          else
+            P      = file_handle[:]->P
+            PB     = file_handle[:]->PB
+            QVAPOR = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            P      = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB     = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            P      = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB     = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QVAPOR = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        P = P + PB
+        td  = wrf_td( P , QVAPOR )
+        delete_VarAtts(QVAPOR,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(QVAPOR,td)
+        return(td)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "td2" ) then
+        ;; function wrf_td needs qv and pressure (Pa) on input and returns dewpoint temperature on return
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            PSFC = nc_file->PSFC
+            Q2   = nc_file->Q2
+          else
+            PSFC = file_handle[:]->PSFC
+            Q2   = file_handle[:]->Q2
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            PSFC = nc_file->PSFC(time_in,:,:) 
+            Q2   = nc_file->Q2(time_in,:,:)
+          else
+            PSFC = file_handle[:]->PSFC(time_in,:,:) 
+            Q2   = file_handle[:]->Q2(time_in,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        td = wrf_td( PSFC , Q2 )
+        delete_VarAtts(Q2,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(Q2,td)
+        td at description = "2m Dewpoint Temperature"   ; Overwrite return description
+        return(td)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "slp" ) then
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"T")) then
+          ;; first compute theta - function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input
+          ;; THEN compute sea level pressure, from qv, p (Pa), tk, z
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T      = nc_file->T
+              P      = nc_file->P
+              PB     = nc_file->PB
+              QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR
+              PH     = nc_file->PH
+              PHB    = nc_file->PHB
+            else
+              T      = file_handle[:]->T
+              P      = file_handle[:]->P
+              PB     = file_handle[:]->PB
+              QVAPOR = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+              PH     = file_handle[:]->PH
+              PHB    = file_handle[:]->PHB
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T      = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P      = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB     = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+              QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PH     = nc_file->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PHB    = nc_file->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              T      = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P      = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB     = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+              QVAPOR = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PH     = file_handle[:]->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PHB    = file_handle[:]->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if
+          T = T + 300.
+          P = P + PB
+          QVAPOR = QVAPOR > 0.000
+          PH    = ( PH + PHB ) / 9.81
+          z = wrf_user_unstagger(PH,PH at stagger)
+          tk = wrf_tk( P , T )    ; calculate TK
+          slp   = wrf_slp( z, tk, P, QVAPOR )  ; calculate slp
+          delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(T,slp)
+        else
+          ;; may be a met_em file - see if we can get PMSL
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"PMSL")) then
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                slp = nc_file->PMSL
+              else
+                slp = file_handle[:]->PMSL
+              end if
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                slp = nc_file->PMSL(time_in,:,:)
+              else
+                slp = file_handle[:]->PMSL(time_in,:,:)
+              end if
+            end if
+          end if
+        end if  
+        return(slp)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "rh" ) then
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"T")) then
+          ;; first compute theta - function wrf_tk needs theta and pressure (Pa) on input
+          ;; THEN compute rh, using tk, p (Pa), QVAPOR
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T      = nc_file->T
+              P      = nc_file->P
+              PB     = nc_file->PB
+              QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR
+            else
+              T      = file_handle[:]->T
+              P      = file_handle[:]->P
+              PB     = file_handle[:]->PB
+              QVAPOR = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T      = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P      = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB     = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+              QVAPOR = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              T      = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+              P      = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+              PB     = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+              QVAPOR = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if  
+          T = T + 300.
+          P  = P + PB
+          QVAPOR = QVAPOR > 0.000
+          tk = wrf_tk( P , T )
+          rh = wrf_rh( QVAPOR, P, tk )
+          delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(T,rh)
+        else
+          ;; may be a met_em file - see if we can get RH
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"RH")) then
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                rh = nc_file->RH
+              else
+                rh = file_handle[:]->RH
+              end if
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                rh = nc_file->RH(time_in,:,:,:)
+              else
+                rh = file_handle[:]->RH(time_in,:,:,:)
+              end if
+            end if
+          end if
+        end if  
+        return(rh)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "rh2" ) then
+        if(isfilevar(nc_file,"T2")) then
+          ;; Compute rh2, using T2, PSFC, Q2
+          if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T2   = nc_file->T2
+              PSFC = nc_file->PSFC
+              Q2   = nc_file->Q2
+            else
+              T2   = file_handle[:]->T2
+              PSFC = file_handle[:]->PSFC
+              Q2   = file_handle[:]->Q2
+            end if
+          else
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              T2   = nc_file->T2(time_in,:,:)
+              PSFC = nc_file->PSFC(time_in,:,:)
+              Q2   = nc_file->Q2(time_in,:,:)
+            else
+              T2   = file_handle[:]->T2(time_in,:,:)
+              PSFC = file_handle[:]->PSFC(time_in,:,:)
+              Q2   = file_handle[:]->Q2(time_in,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if  
+          Q2 = Q2 > 0.000
+          rh = wrf_rh( Q2, PSFC, T2 )
+          delete_VarAtts(T2,(/"description","units"/))
+          copy_VarAtts(T2,rh)
+          rh at description = "2m Relative Humidity"           
+        else
+          ;; may be a met_em file - see if we can get RH
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"RH")) then
+            print("Probably a met_em file - get lowerst level from RH field")
+            if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                rh2 = nc_file->RH(:,0,:,:)
+              else
+                rh2 = file_handle[:]->RH(:,0,:,:)
+              end if
+            else
+              if(ISFILE) then
+                rh2 = nc_file->RH(time_in,0,:,:)
+              else
+                rh2 = file_handle[:]->RH(time_in,0,:,:)
+              end if
+            end if
+          end if
+        end if  
+        return(rh)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "pvo" ) then
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            U    = nc_file->U
+            V    = nc_file->V
+            T    = nc_file->T
+            P    = nc_file->P
+            PB   = nc_file->PB
+            MSFU = nc_file->MAPFAC_U
+            MSFV = nc_file->MAPFAC_V
+            MSFM = nc_file->MAPFAC_M
+            COR  = nc_file->F
+          else
+            U    = file_handle[:]->U
+            V    = file_handle[:]->V
+            T    = file_handle[:]->T
+            P    = file_handle[:]->P
+            PB   = file_handle[:]->PB
+            MSFU = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_U
+            MSFV = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_V
+            MSFM = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_M
+            COR  = file_handle[:]->F
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            U    = nc_file->U(time_in,:,:,:)
+            V    = nc_file->V(time_in,:,:,:)
+            T    = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P    = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB   = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            MSFU = nc_file->MAPFAC_U(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFV = nc_file->MAPFAC_V(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFM = nc_file->MAPFAC_M(time_in,:,:)
+            COR  = nc_file->F(time_in,:,:)
+          else
+            U    = file_handle[:]->U(time_in,:,:,:)
+            V    = file_handle[:]->V(time_in,:,:,:)
+            T    = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P    = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB   = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            MSFU = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_U(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFV = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_V(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFM = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_M(time_in,:,:)
+            COR  = file_handle[:]->F(time_in,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if  
+        T = T + 300.
+        P = P + PB
+        DX = nc_file at DX
+        DY = nc_file at DY
+        pvo = wrf_pvo( U, V, T, P, MSFU, MSFV, MSFM, COR, DX, DY, 0)
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,pvo)
+        return(pvo)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "avo" ) then
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            U    = nc_file->U
+            V    = nc_file->V
+            MSFU = nc_file->MAPFAC_U
+            MSFV = nc_file->MAPFAC_V
+            MSFM = nc_file->MAPFAC_M
+            COR  = nc_file->F
+          else
+            U    = file_handle[:]->U
+            V    = file_handle[:]->V
+            MSFU = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_U
+            MSFV = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_V
+            MSFM = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_M
+            COR  = file_handle[:]->F
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            U    = nc_file->U(time_in,:,:,:)
+            V    = nc_file->V(time_in,:,:,:)
+            MSFU = nc_file->MAPFAC_U(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFV = nc_file->MAPFAC_V(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFM = nc_file->MAPFAC_M(time_in,:,:)
+            COR  = nc_file->F(time_in,:,:)
+          else
+            U    = file_handle[:]->U(time_in,:,:,:)
+            V    = file_handle[:]->V(time_in,:,:,:)
+            MSFU = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_U(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFV = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_V(time_in,:,:)
+            MSFM = file_handle[:]->MAPFAC_M(time_in,:,:)
+            COR  = file_handle[:]->F(time_in,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if  
+        DX = nc_file at DX
+        DY = nc_file at DY
+        avo = wrf_avo( U, V, MSFU, MSFV, MSFM, COR, DX, DY, 0)
+        delete_VarAtts(COR,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(COR,avo)
+        return(avo)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "dbz" .or. variable .eq. "mdbz" ) then
+        ; calculate dbz
+        ivarint  = 0 
+        iliqskin = 0
+        dim_vars = dimsizes(varin)
+        do idims = 1,dim_vars-1
+          if ( idims .eq. 1 ) then
+            if ( varin(idims) .eq. "1" ) then
+              ivarint = 1
+            end if
+          end if
+          if ( idims .eq. 2 ) then
+            if ( varin(idims) .eq. "1" ) then
+              iliqskin = 1
+            end if
+          end if
+        end do
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T
+            P  = nc_file->P
+            PB = nc_file->PB
+            qv = nc_file->QVAPOR
+            qr = nc_file->QRAIN
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+            qv = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+            qr = file_handle[:]->QRAIN
+          end if
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QSNOW"))
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              qs = nc_file->QSNOW
+            else
+              qs = file_handle[:]->QSNOW
+            end if
+          end if
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QGRAUP"))
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              qg = nc_file->QGRAUP
+            else
+              qg = file_handle[:]->QGRAUP
+            end if
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            qv = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            qr = nc_file->QRAIN(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            qv = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            qr = file_handle[:]->QRAIN(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QSNOW"))
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              qs = nc_file->QSNOW(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              qs = file_handle[:]->QSNOW(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QGRAUP"))
+            if(ISFILE) then
+              qg = nc_file->QGRAUP(time_in,:,:,:)
+            else
+              qg = file_handle[:]->QGRAUP(time_in,:,:,:)
+            end if
+          end if
+        end if
+        T  = T + 300.
+        P  = P + PB
+        tk = wrf_tk( P , T )
+        if ( .not. isvar("qs") ) then
+          qs = qv
+          qs = 0.0
+        end if
+        if ( .not. isvar("qg") ) then
+          qg = qv
+          qg = 0.0
+        end if
+        dbz = wrf_dbz ( P, tk, qv, qr, qs, qg, ivarint, iliqskin)
+        delete(qs)
+        delete(qg)
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,dbz)
+        if ( variable .eq. "mdbz") then
+          dims = getvardims(dbz)
+          rank = dimsizes(dims)
+          if ( rank .eq. 5 ) then
+             mdbz = dim_max ( dbz($dims(0)$|:,$dims(1)$|:,$dims(3)$|:,$dims(4)$|:,$dims(2)$|:) )
+             mdbz!0 = dbz!0
+             mdbz!1 = dbz!1
+          end if
+          if ( rank .eq. 4 ) then
+             mdbz = dim_max ( dbz($dims(0)$|:,$dims(2)$|:,$dims(3)$|:,$dims(1)$|:) )
+             mdbz!0 = dbz!0
+          end if
+          if ( rank .eq. 3 ) then
+             mdbz = dim_max ( dbz($dims(1)$|:,$dims(2)$|:,$dims(0)$|:) )
+          end if
+          nn = rank-1
+          nm = rank-2
+          mdbz!nm = dbz!nn
+          nn = rank-2
+          nm = rank-3
+          mdbz!nm = dbz!nn
+          copy_VarAtts(dbz,mdbz)
+          mdbz at description = "Max Reflectivity"
+          return(mdbz)
+        else
+          return(dbz)
+        end if
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"cape_3d","cape_2d"/) ) ) then
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T
+            P  = nc_file->P
+            PB = nc_file->PB
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR
+            PH  = nc_file->PH
+            PHB = nc_file->PHB
+            HGT = nc_file->HGT
+            PSFC = nc_file->PSFC
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+            PH  = file_handle[:]->PH
+            PHB = file_handle[:]->PHB
+            HGT = file_handle[:]->HGT
+            PSFC = file_handle[:]->PSFC
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PH  = nc_file->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PHB = nc_file->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            HGT = nc_file->HGT(time_in,:,:)
+            PSFC = nc_file->PSFC(time_in,:,:)
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PH  = file_handle[:]->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PHB = file_handle[:]->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            HGT = file_handle[:]->HGT(time_in,:,:)
+            PSFC = file_handle[:]->PSFC(time_in,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        T = T + 300.
+        P  = P + PB 
+        tk = wrf_tk( P , T )
+        PH =  PH + PHB 
+        z = wrf_user_unstagger(PH,PH at stagger)
+        z = z/9.81
+        if( variable .eq. "cape_3d" ) then
+          cape = wrf_cape_3d( P, tk, QV, z, HGT, PSFC, True )
+          cape at description = "cape ; cin"
+        end if
+        if( variable .eq. "cape_2d" ) then
+          cape = wrf_cape_2d( P, tk, QV, z, HGT, PSFC, True )
+          delete_VarAtts(T,(/"MemoryOrder"/))
+          cape at MemoryOrder = "XY"
+          cape at description = "mcape ; mcin ; lcl ; lfc"
+        end if
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,cape)
+        return(cape)
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"pw"/) ) ) then
+        ;Precipitable Water 
+         print("calculating precipitable water")
+         gas_const = 287.  ; J/K/kg
+         Cp        = 1004. ; J/K/kg     
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+         if(ISFILE) then
+           T   = nc_file->T
+           P   = nc_file->P
+           PB  = nc_file->PB
+           PH  = nc_file->PH
+           PHB = nc_file->PHB
+           QV  = nc_file->QVAPOR
+         else
+           T   = file_handle[:]->T
+           P   = file_handle[:]->P
+           PB  = file_handle[:]->PB
+           PH  = file_handle[:]->PH
+           PHB = file_handle[:]->PHB
+           QV  = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+         end if
+        else
+         if(ISFILE) then
+           T   = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+           P   = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PB  = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PH  = nc_file->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PHB = nc_file->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+           QV  = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+         else
+           T   = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+           P   = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PB  = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PH  = file_handle[:]->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PHB = file_handle[:]->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+           QV  = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+         end if
+        end if  
+        pres   =  P + PB
+        height = (PH + PHB)/9.8           ; height at full levels 
+        theta  =  T + 300.
+        temp   = theta * (pres/100000) ^ (gas_const/Cp)
+        vtemp  = (1 + 0.61*QV) * temp  ; virtual temp
+        dims = dimsizes(T)
+        nd = dimsizes(dims)
+        if ( nd .eq. 4 ) then
+          zdiff  = height(:,0,:,:)
+          zdiff  = 0.
+          pw_sfc_ptop = height(:,0,:,:)
+          pw_sfc_ptop = 0.
+          do k = 0,dims(1)-1
+            zdiff(:,:,:) = (height(:,k+1,:,:) - height(:,k,:,:))
+            pw_sfc_ptop(:,:,:) =  pw_sfc_ptop(:,:,:) + ((pres(:,k,:,:)/(gas_const * vtemp(:,k,:,:))) * QV(:,k,:,:) * zdiff(:,:,:))
+          end do
+        end if
+        if ( nd .eq. 3 ) then
+          zdiff  = height(0,:,:)
+          zdiff  = 0.
+          pw_sfc_ptop = height(0,:,:)
+          pw_sfc_ptop = 0.
+          do k = 0,dims(0)-1
+            zdiff(:,:) = (height(k+1,:,:) - height(k,:,:))
+            pw_sfc_ptop(:,:) =  pw_sfc_ptop(:,:) + ((pres(k,:,:)/(gas_const * vtemp(k,:,:))) * QV(k,:,:) * zdiff(:,:))
+          end do
+        end if
+        pw_sfc_ptop at description = "Precipitable Water"
+        return(pw_sfc_ptop)
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"helicity"/) ) ) then
+        getU = "U" 
+        getV = "V" 
+        if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"U")) then
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"UU")) then
+            getU = "UU"
+            getV = "VV"
+         end if
+        end if
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+         if(ISFILE) then
+           u_in  = nc_file->$getU$
+           v_in  = nc_file->$getV$
+           PH    = nc_file->PH
+           geopt = nc_file->PHB 
+           ter   = nc_file->HGT
+         else
+           u_in  = file_handle[:]->$getU$
+           v_in  = file_handle[:]->$getV$
+           PH    = file_handle[:]->PH
+           geopt = file_handle[:]->PHB 
+           ter   = file_handle[:]->HGT
+         end if
+        else
+         if(ISFILE) then
+           u_in  = nc_file->$getU$(time_in,:,:,:)
+           v_in  = nc_file->$getV$(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PH    = nc_file->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+           geopt = nc_file->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+           ter   = nc_file->HGT(time_in,:,:)
+         else
+           u_in  = file_handle[:]->$getU$(time_in,:,:,:)
+           v_in  = file_handle[:]->$getV$(time_in,:,:,:)
+           PH    = file_handle[:]->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+           geopt = file_handle[:]->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+           ter   = file_handle[:]->HGT(time_in,:,:)
+         end if
+        end if
+        ua    = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+        va    = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+        geopt  = geopt + PH
+        za     = wrf_user_unstagger(geopt,geopt at stagger)
+        za     = za / 9.81  ; change to height
+        ua1    = ua(::-1,:,:)
+        va1    = va(::-1,:,:)
+        za1    = za(::-1,:,:)
+        top_ok = 0
+        top = 3000.
+        dim_vars = dimsizes(varin)
+        if(dim_vars .eq. 2) then
+         if( varin(1) .eq. "3000" ) then
+            top = 3000.
+            top_ok = 1
+         end if
+         if( varin(1) .eq. "1000" ) then
+            top = 1000.
+            top_ok = 1
+         end if
+         if(top_ok .eq. 0) then
+           print("Top values of 1000 or 3000 are accepted.")
+           top = 3000.
+         end if
+        end if
+        print("Calculations are done with a top of " + top)
+        sreh = wrf_helicity(ua1, va1, za1, ter, top)
+        return(sreh)
+   end if
+   if( any(variable .eq. (/"updraft_helicity"/) ) )then
+        getU = "U"
+        getV = "V"
+        if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"U")) then
+          if(isfilevar(nc_file,"UU")) then
+            getU = "UU"
+            getV = "VV"
+          end if
+        end if
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+             u_in = nc_file->$getU$
+             v_in = nc_file->$getV$
+             w    = nc_file->W
+             ph   = nc_file->PH
+             phb  = nc_file->PHB
+          else
+             u_in = file_handle[:]->$getU$
+             v_in = file_handle[:]->$getV$
+             w    = file_handle[:]->W
+             ph   = file_handle[:]->PH
+             phb  = file_handle[:]->PHB
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+             u_in = nc_file->$getU$(time_in,:,:,:)
+             v_in = nc_file->$getV$(time_in,:,:,:)
+             w    = nc_file->W(time_in,:,:,:)
+             ph   = nc_file->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+             phb  = nc_file->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+             u_in = file_handle[:]->$getU$(time_in,:,:,:)
+             v_in = file_handle[:]->$getV$(time_in,:,:,:)
+             w    = file_handle[:]->W(time_in,:,:,:)
+             ph   = file_handle[:]->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+             phb  = file_handle[:]->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        ua   = wrf_user_unstagger(u_in,u_in at stagger)
+        va   = wrf_user_unstagger(v_in,v_in at stagger)
+        mapfct = nc_file->MAPFAC_M(0,:,:)
+        zp = ph + phb
+        dx = nc_file at DX
+        dy = nc_file at DY
+        uh_opt = True
+        uh_opt at uhmnhgt = 2000.
+        uh_opt at uhmxhgt = 5000.
+        dim_vars = dimsizes(varin)
+        print("Calculating updraft helicity")
+        if(dim_vars .eq. 1) then
+          print("  Using defaults for the integration limits")
+        end if
+        if(dim_vars .eq. 2) then
+          print("  Please enter both the minimum and maximum integration limits")
+          print("  Going to use defaults for the integration limits")
+        end if
+        if(dim_vars .eq. 3) then
+          if ( stringtofloat(varin(1)) .lt. 1000. ) then
+            print("  Integration limits needs to be greater than 1000 meter")
+            print("  Going to use defaults for the integration limits")
+          else
+            uh_opt at uhmnhgt = stringtofloat(varin(1))
+            uh_opt at uhmxhgt = stringtofloat(varin(2))
+            print("  Setting custom integration limits")
+          end if
+        end if
+        print("  min = "+uh_opt at uhmnhgt+" max = "+uh_opt at uhmxhgt)
+        uh = wrf_updraft_helicity(zp, mapfct, ua, va, w, dx, dy, uh_opt)
+        delete(uh_opt)
+        return(uh)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "twb" ) then
+        ; Wet bulb temperature
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T
+            P  = nc_file->P
+            PB = nc_file->PB
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        T = T + 300.
+        P = P + PB
+        t = wrf_tk(P,T)
+        twb = wrf_wetbulb(P,t,QV)
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,twb)
+        return(twb)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "omg" ) then
+        ; Omega
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T
+            P  = nc_file->P
+            W  = nc_file->W
+            PB = nc_file->PB
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P
+            W  = file_handle[:]->W
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            W  = nc_file->W(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            W  = file_handle[:]->W(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        T = T + 300.
+        P = P + PB
+        t = wrf_tk(P,T)
+        wa = wrf_user_unstagger(W,W at stagger)
+        omg = wrf_omega(QV,t,wa,P)
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,omg)
+        return(omg)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "tv" ) then
+        ; Virtual temperature
+        if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T
+            P  = nc_file->P
+            PB = nc_file->PB
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+          end if
+        else
+          if(ISFILE) then
+            T  = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          else
+            T  = file_handle[:]->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+            P  = file_handle[:]->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+            PB = file_handle[:]->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+            QV = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:)
+          end if
+        end if
+        T = T + 300.
+        P = P + PB
+        t = wrf_tk(P,T)
+        tv = wrf_virtual_temp(t,QV)
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,tv)
+        return(tv)
+   end if
+   if( variable .eq. "ctt") then
+       if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+          explicit_time = 0
+          if(ISFILE) then
+             P     = nc_file->P
+             PB    = nc_file->PB
+             T     = nc_file->T
+ ;geopotential height
+             PHB   = nc_file->PHB
+             PH    = nc_file->PH
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QVAPOR")) then
+                qvp =  nc_file->QVAPOR * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                print("wrf_user_getvar: QVAPOR is needed to calculate the cloud top temperature.")
+                print("It has not been found in the data set.")
+                exit
+             end if
+             haveqci = 1
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QICE")) then
+                qci = nc_file->QICE * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                qci = new( (/Pdims(0),Pdims(1),Pdims(2),Pdims(3)/),float)
+                haveqci = 0
+             end if
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QCLOUD")) then
+                qcw = nc_file->QCLOUD * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                print("wrf_user_getvar: QCLOUD is needed to calculate the cloud top temperature.")
+                print("It has not been found in the data set.")
+                exit
+             end if
+             ter = nc_file->HGT(0,:,:)
+          else ; the else for ISFILE
+             P      = file_handle[:]->P
+             PB     = file_handle[:]->PB
+             T      = file_handle[:]->T
+             PHB    = file_handle[:]->PHB
+             PH     = file_handle[:]->PH
+             nc_file =  file_handle[0]
+             ter    = nc_file->HGT(0,:,:)
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QVAPOR")) then
+                qvp = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                print("wrf_user_getvar: QVAPOR is needed to calculate the cloud top temperature.")
+                print("It has not been found in the data set.")
+                exit
+             end if 
+             haveqci = 1
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QICE")) then
+                qci = file_handle[:]->QICE * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                qci = new( (/Pdims(0),Pdims(1),Pdims(2),Pdims(3)/),float)
+                haveqci = 0
+             end if
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QCLOUD")) then
+                qcw = file_handle[:]->QCLOUD * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                print("wrf_user_getvar: QCLOUD is needed to calculate the cloud top temperature.")
+                print("It has not been found in the data set.")
+                exit
+             end if
+          end if ;if ISFILE
+        else     ;the else for time = -1
+           if(ISFILE) then
+             explicit_time = 1
+             P     = nc_file->P(time_in,:,:,:)
+             PB    = nc_file->PB(time_in,:,:,:)
+             T     = nc_file->T(time_in,:,:,:)
+ ;geopotential height
+             PHB   = nc_file->PHB(time_in,:,:,:)
+             PH    = nc_file->PH(time_in,:,:,:)
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QVAPOR")) then
+                qvp =  nc_file->QVAPOR(time_in,:,:,:) * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                print("wrf_user_getvar: QVAPOR is needed to calculate the cloud top temperature.")
+                print("It has not been found in the data set")
+                exit
+             end if
+             haveqci = 1
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QICE")) then
+                qci = nc_file->QICE(time_in,:,:,:) * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                qci = new( (/Pdims(0),Pdims(1),Pdims(2),Pdims(3)/),float)
+                haveqci = 0
+             end if
+             if(isfilevar(nc_file,"QCLOUD")) then
+                qcw = nc_file->QCLOUD(time_in,:,:,:) * 1000.  ; kg/kg -> g/kg
+             else
+                print("wrf_user_getvar: QCLOUD is needed to calculate the cloud top temperature.")
+                print("It has not been found in the data set.")
+                exit
+             end if
+             ter = nc_file->HGT(0,:,:)
+           end if ;end if for ISFILE
+        end if   ;time = -1
+ ;Get total pressure
+          Pdims = dimsizes(P)
+          pres  = P + PB
+          pres  = pres * 0.01
+ ;Get temperature in degrees K
+          T     = T +300.
+          tk    = wrf_tk( pres , T )
+ ;Get geopotential height on mass points
+          stag_ght   = PH
+          stag_ght   = (PHB + PH)/9.81
+          ght        =  wrf_user_unstagger(stag_ght,PHB at stagger)
+          fctt = wrf_ctt(pres,tk,qci,qcw,qvp,ght,ter,haveqci)
+ ; fctt will have description, units, and dimension names attached
+        delete_VarAtts(T,(/"description","units"/))
+        copy_VarAtts(T,fctt)
+        return(fctt)
+   end if         ;variable is ctt
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"ter","HGT","HGT_M"/) ) ) then
+     variable = "HGT" 
+     if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"HGT")) then
+       variable = "HGT_M"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"lat","XLAT","XLAT_M"/) ) ) then
+     variable = "XLAT" 
+     if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT")) then
+       variable = "XLAT_M"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"lon","long","XLONG","XLONG_M"/) ) ) then
+     variable = "XLONG" 
+     if(.not. isfilevar(nc_file,"XLONG")) then
+       variable = "XLONG_M"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if( any( variable .eq. (/"times"/) ) ) then
+     if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+       if(ISFILE) then
+         var = nc_file->Times
+       else
+         var = file_handle[:]->Times
+       end if
+     else
+       if(ISFILE) then
+         var = nc_file->Times(time_in,:)
+       else
+         var = file_handle[:]->Times(time_in,:)
+       end if
+     end if
+     dims = dimsizes(var)
+     times = new(dims(0),string)
+     do i=0,dims(0)-1
+       times(i) = chartostring(var(i,:))
+     end do
+     times at description = "times in file"
+     return (times)
+   end if
+ ;  end of diagnostic variable list - we must want a variable already in the file.  
+   if ( time .eq. -1 ) then
+     if(ISFILE) then
+       var = nc_file->$variable$
+     else
+       var = file_handle[:]->$variable$
+     end if
+   else
+     ;  check variable dimensionality and pull proper time  out of file
+     ndims = dimsizes(filevardimsizes(nc_file,variable))
+     if( ndims .eq. 4) then
+       if(ISFILE) then
+         var = nc_file->$variable$(time_in,:,:,:)
+       else
+         var = file_handle[:]->$variable$(time_in,:,:,:)
+       end if
+     end if
+     if( ndims .eq. 3) then
+       if(ISFILE) then
+         var = nc_file->$variable$(time_in,:,:)
+       else
+         var = file_handle[:]->$variable$(time_in,:,:)
+       end if
+     end if
+     if( ndims .eq. 2) then
+       if(ISFILE) then
+         var = nc_file->$variable$(time_in,:)
+       else
+         var = file_handle[:]->$variable$(time_in,:)
+       end if
+     end if
+     if( ndims .eq. 1) then
+       if(ISFILE) then
+       var = nc_file->$variable$(time_in)
+       else
+       var = file_handle[:]->$variable$(time_in)
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(var)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_getvar_from_files")
+ function wrf_user_getvar_from_files( nc_files:string, varin[*]:string, time[*]:integer, opts_args:logical )
+ begin
+   numFiles = dimsizes(nc_files)
+   f = addfiles(nc_files,"r")
+   var_tmp = wrf_user_getvar(f[0],varin,-1)
+   varDims = dimsizes(var_tmp)
+   varRank = dimsizes(varDims)
+   time_req = 0
+   time_inc = 1
+   time_end = varDims(0)*numFiles
+   if ( dimsizes(time) .eq. 1 ) then
+     if ( time(0) .ge. 0 ) then
+       numTimes = 1
+       time_req = time(0)
+       time_end = time(0)
+       time_inc = 1
+     else
+       numTimes = varDims(0)*numFiles
+     end if
+   end if
+   if ( dimsizes(time) .eq. 2 ) then
+     if ( time(0) .ge. 0 ) then
+       numTimes = (time(1)-time(0))+1
+       time_req = time(0)
+       time_end = time(1)
+       time_inc = 1
+     else
+       numTimes = varDims(0)*numFiles
+     end if
+   end if
+   if ( dimsizes(time) .eq. 3 ) then
+     if ( time(0) .ge. 0 ) then
+       numTimes = ((time(1)-time(0))+1)/time(2)
+       time_req = time(0)
+       time_end = time(1)
+       time_inc = time(2)
+     else
+       numTimes = varDims(0)*numFiles
+     end if
+   end if
+   outtime = 0
+   outtime_avail = 0
+   if ( varRank .eq. 4 )
+     varout = new ( (/numTimes,varDims(1),varDims(2),varDims(3)/), typeof(var_tmp) )
+     varout = 0
+     do it = 0,varDims(0)-1
+       if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+         varout(outtime,:,:,:) = var_tmp(it,:,:,:)
+         outtime = outtime + 1
+         time_req = time_req + time_inc
+       end if
+       outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+     end do
+     delete(var_tmp)
+     do ifil = 1,numFiles-1
+       var_tmp = wrf_user_getvar(f[ifil],varin,-1)
+       dimLoop = dimsizes(var_tmp)
+       do it = 0,dimLoop(0)-1
+         if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+           varout(outtime,:,:,:) = var_tmp(it,:,:,:)
+           outtime = outtime + 1
+           time_req = time_req + time_inc
+         end if
+         outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+       end do
+       delete(var_tmp)
+     end do
+   end if
+   if ( varRank .eq. 3 )
+     varout = new ( (/numTimes,varDims(1),varDims(2)/), typeof(var_tmp) )
+     varout = 0
+     do it = 0,varDims(0)-1
+       if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+         varout(outtime,:,:) = var_tmp(it,:,:)
+         outtime = outtime + 1
+         time_req = time_req + time_inc
+       end if
+       outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+     end do
+     delete(var_tmp)
+     do ifil = 1,numFiles-1
+       var_tmp = wrf_user_getvar(f[ifil],varin,-1)
+       dimLoop = dimsizes(var_tmp)
+       do it = 0,dimLoop(0)-1
+         if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+           varout(outtime,:,:) = var_tmp(it,:,:)
+           outtime = outtime + 1
+           time_req = time_req + time_inc
+         end if
+         outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+       end do
+       delete(var_tmp)
+     end do
+   end if
+   if ( varRank .eq. 2 )
+     varout = new ( (/numTimes,varDims(1)/), typeof(var_tmp) )
+     if ( typeof(var_tmp) .eq. "float" .or. typeof(var_tmp) .eq. "integer" ) then
+       varout = 0
+     end if
+     do it = 0,varDims(0)-1
+       if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+         varout(outtime,:) = var_tmp(it,:)
+         outtime = outtime + 1
+         time_req = time_req + time_inc
+       end if
+       outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+     end do
+     delete(var_tmp)
+     do ifil = 1,numFiles-1
+       var_tmp = wrf_user_getvar(f[ifil],varin,-1)
+       dimLoop = dimsizes(var_tmp)
+       do it = 0,dimLoop(0)-1
+         if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+           varout(outtime,:) = var_tmp(it,:)
+           outtime = outtime + 1
+           time_req = time_req + time_inc
+         end if
+         outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+       end do
+       delete(var_tmp)
+     end do
+   end if
+   if ( varRank .eq. 1 )
+     varout = new ( (/numTimes/), typeof(var_tmp) )
+     if ( typeof(var_tmp) .eq. "float" .or. typeof(var_tmp) .eq. "integer" ) then
+       varout = 0
+     end if
+     do it = 0,varDims(0)-1
+       if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+         varout(outtime) = var_tmp(it)
+         outtime = outtime + 1
+         time_req = time_req + time_inc
+       end if
+       outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+     end do
+     delete(var_tmp)
+     do ifil = 1,numFiles-1
+       var_tmp = wrf_user_getvar(f[ifil],varin,-1)
+       dimLoop = dimsizes(var_tmp)
+       do it = 0,dimLoop(0)-1
+         if ( (outtime_avail.eq.time_req) .and. (time_req.le.time_end) ) then
+           varout(outtime) = var_tmp(it)
+           outtime = outtime + 1
+           time_req = time_req + time_inc
+         end if
+         outtime_avail = outtime_avail + 1
+       end do
+       delete(var_tmp)
+     end do
+   end if
+   return(varout)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; This function was modified in May 2011 to allow a list of files.
+ ;
+ undef("wrf_user_list_times")
+ function wrf_user_list_times( nc_file )
+ local times, times_in_file, dims, i
+ begin
+ ;---As of NCL V6.0.0, wrf_user_getvar can now handle a file or a list of files.
+   if(all(typeof(nc_file).ne.(/"file","list"/))) then
+     print("wrf_user_list_times: error: the input argument must be a file or a list of files opened with addfile or addfiles")
+     return
+   end if
+   if(typeof(nc_file).eq."file") then
+     times_in_file = nc_file->Times
+   else
+     times_in_file = nc_file[:]->Times
+   end if
+   dims = dimsizes(times_in_file)
+   times = new(dims(0),string)
+   do i=0,dims(0)-1
+     times(i) = chartostring(times_in_file(i,:))
+   end do
+   times at description = "times in file"
+   print(times)
+   return(times)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_latlon_to_ij")
+ function wrf_user_latlon_to_ij( nc_file:file, latitude:numeric, 
+                                 longitude:numeric )
+ begin
+   wedim    = nc_file@$WE$
+   sndim    = nc_file@$SN$
+   if(isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT"))
+     XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
+     XLONG = nc_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
+   else
+     XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
+     XLONG = nc_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
+   end if
+   loc = wrf_latlon_to_ij( XLAT, XLONG, latitude, longitude )
+   loc!0 = "j & i locations"
+   return(loc)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_ll_to_ij")
+ function wrf_user_ll_to_ij( file_handle, longitude:numeric, latitude:numeric, 
+                             opts_args:logical )
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; As of NCL V6.0.0, wrf_user_ll_to_ij can now handle a file 
+ ; or a list of files.
+ ;
+   if(typeof(file_handle).eq."file") then
+     ISFILE = True
+     nc_file = file_handle
+   else if(typeof(file_handle).eq."list") then
+     ISFILE = False
+     nc_file = file_handle[0]
+   else
+     print("wrf_user_ll_to_ij: error: the first argument must be a file or a list of files opened with addfile or addfiles")
+     return
+   end if
+   end if
+   opts = opts_args
+   useT  = get_res_value(opts,"useTime",0)
+   returnI= get_res_value(opts,"returnInt",True)
+   res = True
+   res at MAP_PROJ  = nc_file at MAP_PROJ
+   res at TRUELAT1  = nc_file at TRUELAT1
+   res at TRUELAT2  = nc_file at TRUELAT2
+   res at STAND_LON = nc_file at STAND_LON
+   res at DX        = nc_file at DX
+   res at DY        = nc_file at DY
+   if (res at MAP_PROJ .eq. 6) then
+     res at POLE_LAT  = nc_file at POLE_LAT
+     res at POLE_LON  = nc_file at POLE_LON
+     res at LATINC = (res at DY*360.)/2.0/3.141592653589793/6370000.
+     res at LONINC = (res at DX*360.)/2.0/3.141592653589793/6370000.
+   else
+     res at POLE_LAT = 90.0
+     res at POLE_LON =  0.0
+     res at LATINC = 0.0
+     res at LONINC = 0.0
+   end if
+   if(isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT"))
+     if(ISFILE) then
+       XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT(useT,:,:)
+       XLONG = nc_file->XLONG(useT,:,:)
+     else
+       XLAT  = file_handle[useT]->XLAT
+       XLONG = file_handle[useT]->XLONG
+     end if
+   else
+     if(ISFILE) then
+       XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT_M(useT,:,:)
+       XLONG = nc_file->XLONG_M(useT,:,:)
+     else
+       XLAT  = file_handle[useT]->XLAT_M
+       XLONG = file_handle[useT]->XLONG_M
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(dimsizes(dimsizes(XLAT)).eq.2) then
+ ; Rank 2
+     res at REF_LAT = XLAT(0,0)
+     res at REF_LON = XLONG(0,0)
+   else
+ ; Rank 3
+     res at REF_LAT = XLAT(0,0,0)
+     res at REF_LON = XLONG(0,0,0)
+   end if
+   res at KNOWNI  = 1.0
+   res at KNOWNJ  = 1.0
+   loc = wrf_ll_to_ij (longitude, latitude, res)
+   if ( returnI  ) then
+     loci = new(dimsizes(loc),integer)
+     ;loci at _FillValue = default_fillvalue("integer")   ; was -999
+     loci = tointeger(loc + .5)
+     loci!0 = loc!0
+     return(loci)
+   else
+     return(loc)
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_ij_to_ll")
+ function wrf_user_ij_to_ll( file_handle, i:numeric, j:numeric, 
+                             opts_args:logical )
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; As of NCL V6.0.0, wrf_user_ll_to_ij can now handle a file 
+ ; or a list of files.
+ ;
+   if(typeof(file_handle).eq."file") then
+     ISFILE = True
+     nc_file = file_handle
+   else if(typeof(file_handle).eq."list") then
+     ISFILE = False
+     nc_file = file_handle[0]
+   else
+     print("wrf_user_ij_to_ll: error: the first argument must be a file or a list of files opened with addfile or addfiles")
+     return
+   end if
+   end if
+   opts = opts_args
+   useT  = get_res_value(opts,"useTime",0)
+   res = True
+   res at MAP_PROJ  = nc_file at MAP_PROJ
+   res at TRUELAT1  = nc_file at TRUELAT1
+   res at TRUELAT2  = nc_file at TRUELAT2
+   res at STAND_LON = nc_file at STAND_LON
+   res at DX        = nc_file at DX
+   res at DY        = nc_file at DY
+   if (res at MAP_PROJ .eq. 6) then
+     res at POLE_LAT  = nc_file at POLE_LAT
+     res at POLE_LON  = nc_file at POLE_LON
+     res at LATINC = (res at DY*360.)/2.0/3.141592653589793/6370000.
+     res at LONINC = (res at DX*360.)/2.0/3.141592653589793/6370000.
+   else
+     res at POLE_LAT = 90.0
+     res at POLE_LON =  0.0
+     res at LATINC = 0.0
+     res at LONINC = 0.0
+   end if
+   if(isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT")) then
+     if(ISFILE) then
+       XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT(useT,:,:)
+       XLONG = nc_file->XLONG(useT,:,:)
+     else
+       XLAT  = file_handle[useT]->XLAT
+       XLONG = file_handle[useT]->XLONG
+     end if
+   else
+     if(ISFILE) then
+       XLAT  = nc_file->XLAT_M(useT,:,:)
+       XLONG = nc_file->XLONG_M(useT,:,:)
+     else
+       XLAT  = file_handle[useT]->XLAT_M
+       XLONG = file_handle[useT]->XLONG_M
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(dimsizes(dimsizes(XLAT)).eq.2) then
+ ; Rank 2
+     res at REF_LAT = XLAT(0,0)
+     res at REF_LON = XLONG(0,0)
+   else
+ ; Rank 3
+     res at REF_LAT = XLAT(0,0,0)
+     res at REF_LON = XLONG(0,0,0)
+   end if
+   res at KNOWNI  = 1.0
+   res at KNOWNJ  = 1.0
+   loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (i,j,res)
+   return(loc)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_user_vert_interp")
+ function wrf_user_vert_interp(file_handle,field:numeric, 
+                               vert_coordinate[1]:string, 
+                               interp_levels[*]:numeric,opts[1]:logical)
+ local valid_vert_coords, nc_file, valid_field_types
+ begin
+   valid_vert_coords = (/"pressure","pres","ght_msl","ght_agl","theta","theta-e"/)
+   if(.not.any(vert_coordinate.eq.valid_vert_coords)) then
+     print("wrf_user_vert_interp: Unrecognized vertical coordinate.")
+     print("   Accepted vertical coordinates are:")
+     print(     "pressure, pres   hPa")
+     print(     "ght_msl          km")
+     print(     "ght_agl          km")
+     print(     "theta            K")
+     print(     "theta-e          K")
+     exit
+   end if
+   if(typeof(file_handle).eq."file") then
+     ISFILE = True
+     nc_file = file_handle
+   else if(typeof(file_handle).eq."list") then
+     ISFILE = False
+     nc_file = file_handle[0]
+   else
+     print("wrf_user_vert_interp: error: the first argument must be a file or a list of files opened with addfile or addfiles")
+     return
+   end if
+   end if
+   rgas    = 287.04     ;J/K/kg
+   ussalr  = .0065      ; deg C per m
+   sclht   = rgas*256./9.81
+ ;read grid sizes from the nc_file.  Check to make
+ ;sure that we don't have a staggered field.
+   dNames      = getvardims(nc_file)
+   dSizes      = getfiledimsizes(nc_file)
+   thedims     = dimsizes(dSizes)
+   number_dims = thedims(0)
+   ew = dSizes(ind(dNames .eq. "west_east"))
+   ns = dSizes(ind(dNames .eq. "south_north"))
+   nz = dSizes(ind(dNames .eq. "bottom_top"))
+   field_dims     = dimsizes(field)
+   num_field_dims = dimsizes(field_dims)
+  if(num_field_dims .lt. 3 .or. num_field_dims .gt. 4) then
+     print("wrf_user_vert_interp: We can only interpolate a 3D or 4D field")
+     exit
+  end if
+ ; Check to see if the field comes in unstaggered.
+   if(field_dims(num_field_dims-3) .ne. nz) then
+      print("wrf_user_vert_interp: Please unstagger the field in the vertical")
+      exit
+   end if
+   if(field_dims(num_field_dims-2) .ne. ns .or. 
+      field_dims(num_field_dims-1) .ne. ew) then
+      print("wrf_user_vert_interp: Please unstagger the field")
+      exit
+   end if
+ ; See what options we have
+   extrap_field    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"extrapolate",False)
+   field_type      = str_lower(get_res_value_keep(opts,"field_type","none"))
+   log_of_Pressure = get_res_value_keep(opts,"logP",False)
+   debug           = get_res_value_keep(opts,"debug",False)
+   valid_field_types = (/"none","pressure","pres","p","z","t","ght"/)
+   if(.not.any(field_type.eq.valid_field_types)) then
+     print("wrf_user_vert_interp: Unrecognized field type.")
+     print("Valid field types are: " + str_join(valid_field_types,", "))
+     exit
+   end if
+   if(log_of_Pressure) then
+      logP = 1      ; this is for passing into Fortran
+   else
+      logP = 0
+   end if
+   icase  = 0
+   extrap = 0   ; This is for passing into Fortran
+   if(extrap_field) then
+      extrap = 1
+      if(any(field_type .eq. (/"p","pres","pressure"/))) then
+         icase = 1
+      end if
+      if(field_type .eq. "z") then
+         icase = 2
+      end if
+      if(field_type .eq. "ght") then
+         icase = 2
+      end if
+ ;
+ ; For temperature we may have just temperature, potential temperature
+ ; or equivalent potential temperature.  Check the field description attribute 
+ ; to see which one we have.
+ ;
+      if(field_type .eq. "t") then
+         if(isatt(field,"description")) then
+            if(field at description .eq. "Temperature") then
+               if(field at units .eq. "C") then
+                  icase = 3
+               else
+                  icase = 4
+               end if
+            end if
+            if(field at description .eq. "Potential Temperature (theta) ") then
+               icase = 5
+            end if
+            if(field at description .eq. "Equivalent Potential Temperature") then
+               icase = 6
+            end if
+         end if ;the endif for checking for the field description attribute
+      end if;end if for the field_type being T or t
+   end if; the endif for extrap_field .eq. True
+   numlevels = dimsizes(interp_levels)
+ ;We will need some basic fields for the interpolation
+ ;regardless of the field requested. Get all time periods
+ ;of the fields.
+   if(ISFILE) then
+       P     = nc_file->P + nc_file->PB
+       Pdims = dimsizes(P)
+       ght   = wrf_user_getvar(nc_file,"height",-1)
+       tk    = wrf_user_getvar(nc_file,"tk",-1)
+       qvp   = nc_file->QVAPOR
+       terht = nc_file->HGT
+       sfp   = nc_file->PSFC * 0.01
+     else
+       P     = file_handle[:]->P + file_handle[:]->PB
+       Pdims = dimsizes(P)
+       tmpz  = file_handle[:]->PH
+       PHB   = file_handle[:]->PHB
+       tmpz  = (tmpz + PHB)/9.81
+       ght   = wrf_user_unstagger(tmpz,"Z")
+       T     = file_handle[:]->T
+       T     = T + 300.
+       tk    = wrf_tk( P , T )
+       qvp   = file_handle[:]->QVAPOR
+       terht = file_handle[:] ->HGT
+       sfp   = file_handle[:] ->PSFC * 0.01
+     end if
+     smsfp = sfp
+     wrf_smooth_2d(smsfp,3)  
+ ;Initialize an array for the vertical coordinate
+  ntimes  = Pdims(0)
+ ;Get the vertical coordinate type
+   vcor  = 0
+   logp  = 0
+   if(any(vert_coordinate .eq. (/"pressure","pres"/))) then
+      vcor = 1
+      vcord_array = P * 0.01
+   end if
+   if(vert_coordinate .eq. "ght_msl") then
+     vcor = 2
+     vcord_array = exp(-ght/sclht)
+   end if
+   if(vert_coordinate .eq. "ght_agl") then
+     vcor = 3
+     rtemp       = new( (/nz,ns,ew/),float)
+     vcord_array = new((/ntimes,nz,ns,ew/),float)
+     do it = 0, ntimes - 1
+        do ilev = 0,nz-1
+           rtemp(ilev,:,:) = ght(it,ilev,:,:) - terht(0,:,:)
+        end do
+        vcord_array(it,:,:,:) = exp(-rtemp/sclht)
+     end do
+     delete(rtemp)
+   end if
+   if(vert_coordinate .eq. "theta")   then
+      vcor = 4
+      idir   = 1       
+      icorsw = 0       
+      delta  = 0.01    
+      if(ISFILE) then        
+         coriolis   = nc_file->F(0,:,:)   
+         theta      = wrf_user_getvar(nc_file,"theta",-1)
+      else
+         coriolis   =  file_handle[0]->F(0,:,:)   
+         theta      = T
+      end if        
+      preshPa    = P * 0.01
+      vcord_array = wrf_monotonic(theta,preshPa,coriolis,idir,delta,icorsw)      
+ ;
+ ;  We only extrapolate temperature fields below ground if we are interpolating
+ ;  to pressure or height vertical surfaces.
+ ;
+      icase = 0       
+   end if
+   if(vert_coordinate .eq. "theta-e") then
+      vcor   = 5
+      icorsw = 0
+      idir   = 1 
+      delta  = 0.01 
+      if(ISFILE) then  
+         coriolis = nc_file->F(0,:,:) 
+         eqpot    = wrf_user_getvar(nc_file,"eth",-1)
+      else 
+         coriolis =  file_handle[0]->F(0,:,:)
+         eqpot    = wrf_eth ( qvp, tk, P )
+      end if
+      preshPa    = P * 0.01
+      vcord_array = wrf_monotonic(eqpot,preshPa,coriolis,idir,delta,icorsw)
+ ;  We only extrapolate temperature fields below ground if we are interpolating
+ ;  to pressure or height vertical surfaces.
+      icase = 0
+   end if
+   if(debug) then
+     print("icase = " + icase + " extrap = " + extrap + " vcor = " + vcor + " logP = " + logP)
+   end if
+   field_out = wrf_vintrp(field,P,tk,qvp,ght,terht(0,:,:),sfp,smsfp,
+                          vcord_array,interp_levels,icase,extrap,vcor,logP)
+ ; Add metadata to return array
+   copy_VarMeta(field,field_out)
+ ; Add new levels as a coordinate array
+   lev_field           = num_field_dims-3
+   field_out!lev_field = "interp_levels"
+   field_out&$field_out!lev_field$ = interp_levels(::-1)   
+   field_out at vert_interp_type = vert_coordinate
+   return(field_out)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("write_wrf_debug_info")
+ procedure write_wrf_debug_info(wks[1]:graphic,data1,data2, 
+                                debug_file[1]:string, 
+                                wrf_opts,wrf_func_name[1]:string)
+ ;
+ ; This procedure writes resources and data variables used to
+ ; create a WRF plot to a NetCDF file. This file can be read
+ ; in later to recreate the NCL script that created that plot,
+ ; using gsn_xxx functions. This is for debug purposes. You can't
+ ; tell what resources a WRF script is using, so this is a way
+ ; of seeing them all in a NetCDF file.
+ ;
+ begin
+   if(.not.isatt(wks,"WRFDebug")) then
+     first_time = True
+     wks at WRFDebug = True
+   else
+     first_time = False
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; The default will be "wrfdebug.ncl" and "wrfdebug.nc" 
+ ; unless otherwise specified.
+ ;
+   cdf_debug_file = debug_file +  ".nc"
+   ncl_debug_file = debug_file +  ".ncl"
+   res_debug_file = debug_file +  ".res"
+ ;
+ ; If this is the first time writing debug information to the file,
+ ; then create the file and add the first set of information.
+ ;
+ ; Make sure the files don't already exist.
+ ;
+   if(first_time) then
+     if(fileexists(cdf_debug_file).or.fileexists(ncl_debug_file).or.
+        fileexists(res_debug_file)) then
+       print("write_wrf_debug_info: error: debug files '" + cdf_debug_file + "',")
+       print("'" + ncl_debug_file + "' and/or " + res_debug_file + " exist.")
+       print("Please remove file(s) and start script again.")
+       exit
+     end if
+     dbgfile = addfile(cdf_debug_file,"c")
+   else
+ ;
+ ; If this is not the first time, open the file as read/write.
+ ;
+     dbgfile = addfile(cdf_debug_file,"w")
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; If this is not the first time, then we need to append the information.
+ ;  
+   if(.not.first_time) then
+ ;
+ ; The variables should be wrf_var_1, wrf_var_2, etc. We need to get the
+ ; highest one already in use, so we can create the next highest one.
+ ;
+     wrf_debug_vars = getfilevarnames(dbgfile)
+     max_num = max(stringtointeger(str_get_field(wrf_debug_vars,3,"_"))) + 1
+   else
+     max_num = 1
+   end if
+ ; This will be name of the logical variable to hold all the resources
+ ; for this dataset.
+   wrf_res_name  = "wrf_res_" + max_num
+ ;
+ ; Write the plot data to the netCDF file.  If the data contains the
+ ; special 2D lat2d/lon2d arrays, we have to write these as 1D arrays
+ ; and reconstruct them as 2D later.
+ ;
+   if(typeof(data1).ne."logical".and.typeof(data2).eq."logical") then
+ ; For non u,v data
+     wrf_data_name = "wrf_data_" + max_num
+     add_latlon2d_debug_info(data1)
+     dbgfile->$wrf_data_name$ = (/data1/)           ; Write the data
+   end if
+   if(typeof(data1).ne."logical".and.typeof(data2).ne."logical") then
+ ; For u,v data
+     add_latlon2d_debug_info(data1)
+     add_latlon2d_debug_info(data2)
+     wrf_data_name = "wrf_udata_" + max_num
+     dbgfile->$wrf_data_name$ = (/data1/)           ; Write the U data
+     wrf_data_name = "wrf_vdata_" + max_num
+     dbgfile->$wrf_data_name$ = (/data2/)           ; Write the V data
+   end if
+ ; Retain the name of the wrf function that called this routine.
+   tmp = "wrf_func_name_" + max_num
+   dbgfile@$tmp$ = wrf_func_name
+ ;
+ ; Get plot resources, if any.
+ ;
+   wattnames = getvaratts(wrf_opts)
+   if(.not.any(ismissing(wattnames))) then
+     natt = dimsizes(wattnames)
+   else
+     natt = 0
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Check if any of the plot attributes are ones that can contain
+ ; big data arrays, like sfXArray, vfYArray, etc.
+ ;
+ ; If so, then write these to the netCDF file. Otherwise, write them
+ ; to the file as attributes.
+ ;
+   array_resources = (/"sfXArray","sfYArray","vfXArray","vfYArray"/)
+   if(natt.gt.0) then
+     tmp_opts = 1
+     do i=0,natt-1
+       if(any(wattnames(i).eq.array_resources)) then
+         tmp = "wrf_data_coord_name_" + wattnames(i) + "_" + max_num
+         dbgfile->$tmp$ = wrf_opts@$wattnames(i)$
+       else
+ ; Can't write "logical" to a NetCDF file.
+         if(typeof(wrf_opts@$wattnames(i)$).eq."logical") then
+           if(wrf_opts@$wattnames(i)$) then
+             tmp_opts@$wattnames(i)$ = 1
+           else
+             tmp_opts@$wattnames(i)$ = 0
+           end if
+         else
+ ; Just write the resource.
+           tmp_opts@$wattnames(i)$ = wrf_opts@$wattnames(i)$
+         end if
+       end if
+     end do
+     dbgfile->$wrf_res_name$ = tmp_opts
+   end if
+ ; Close the NetCDF file
+   delete(dbgfile)
+ end
+ undef("write_wrf_debug_script")
+ procedure write_wrf_debug_script(wks,debug_file,wrf_func_name)
+ begin
+   dbgfile = addfile(debug_file+".nc","r")
+   print(getvaratts(dbgfile))
+ end
+ undef("delete_attrs")
+ procedure delete_attrs(opts:logical)
+ ; This procedure does some cleanup by removing unneeded attributes
+ ; so they don't get passed to other routines by accident.
+ begin
+   list_attrs = (/"MainTitle","MainTitlePos","MainTitlePosF", 
+                  "InitTime","ValidTime","TimePos","TimePosF", 
+                  "NoHeaderFooter","TimeLabel","LevelLabel", 
+                  "FieldTitle","UnitLabel","NumVectors","AspectRatio", 
+                  "SubFieldTitle","PlotOrientation","PlotLevelID", 
+                  "mpNestTime","ContourParameters","FontHeightF","Footer", 
+                  "start_lat","start_lon","end_lat","end_lon", 
+                  "proj","map_proj","stand_lon","truelat1","truelat2","cenlat", 
+                  "pole_lat","pole_lon","ref_lat","ref_lon","ref_x","ref_y", 
+                  "e_we","e_sn","parent_id","parent_grid_ratio", 
+                  "i_parent_start","j_parent_start", 
+                  "dx","dy","max_dom" 
+                  /)
+   do i=0,dimsizes(list_attrs)-1
+     if(isatt(opts,list_attrs(i))) then
+       delete(opts@$list_attrs(i)$)
+     end if
+   end do
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("set_cn_resources")
+ function set_cn_resources (data[*][*]:numeric, res:logical)
+ begin
+   opts = res
+ ; The ContourParameters resource can either be a scalar that
+ ; represents the contour level spacing, or it can be an array
+ ; of three elements that represent the minimum level, the maximum
+ ; level, and the level spacing.
+ ;
+   mx = max(data)
+   mn = min(data)
+   if(mn.ne.mx.and.opts.and.isatt(opts,"ContourParameters")) then
+     if(dimsizes(opts at ContourParameters) .eq. 1) then
+ ; Only the contour interval is specified.
+       nlev   = tointeger((mx-mn)/opts at ContourParameters)+1
+       levels = nice_mnmxintvl(mn,mx,nlev,True)
+       if(levels(0) .lt. 0.) then
+         ; Set a zero contour.
+         nlev = tointeger(levels(0)/opts at ContourParameters) - 1
+         levels(0) = nlev*opts at ContourParameters
+       end if
+       nlev = tointeger((levels(1)-levels(0))/opts at ContourParameters)+1
+       levels(1) = levels(0) + nlev*opts at ContourParameters
+       levels(2) = opts at ContourParameters
+ ; Min level, max level, and level spacing are specified by user.
+     else
+       if(dimsizes(opts at ContourParameters) .eq. 3) then
+         levels = opts at ContourParameters
+       else
+         print("wrf_contour: Warning: illegal setting for ContourParameters attribute")
+       end if
+     end if
+   end if
+ ; Contour levels
+   if(isvar("levels")) then
+     opts at cnLevelSelectionMode = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnLevelSelectionMode", "ManualLevels")
+     opts at cnMinLevelValF       = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnMinLevelValF", levels(0))
+     opts at cnMaxLevelValF       = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnMaxLevelValF", levels(1))
+     opts at cnLevelSpacingF      = get_res_value_keep(opts, "cnLevelSpacingF",levels(2))
+     delete(levels)
+   end if
+ ; Set the default zero line thickness to 2, and the negative contour
+ ; line dash pattern to 1 (0 is solid).
+   opts at gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF",2.0)
+   opts at gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = get_res_value_keep(opts, "gsnContourNegLineDashPattern",1)
+ ; Set resources that apply for both filled and line contour plots.
+   opts at cnFillDrawOrder            = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnFillDrawOrder", "PreDraw")
+   opts at cnLineLabelAngleF          = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelAngleF", 0.0)
+   opts at cnLineLabelFontHeightF     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelFontHeightF", 0.015)
+   opts at cnInfoLabelFontHeightF     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnInfoLabelFontHeightF", 0.015)
+   opts at cnLineLabelPerimOn         = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelPerimOn", True)
+   opts at cnInfoLabelPerimOn         = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnInfoLabelPerimOn", False)
+   opts at cnLineLabelBackgroundColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelBackgroundColor", -1)
+   opts at cnHighLabelBackgroundColor = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnHighLabelBackgroundColor", -1)
+   opts at cnLowLabelBackgroundColor  = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLowLabelBackgroundColor", -1)
+   opts at cnLineColor                = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineColor", "Black")
+   opts at cnLineLabelFontColor       = opts at cnLineColor
+   opts at cnLineLabelPerimColor      = opts at cnLineColor
+   opts at cnInfoLabelFontColor       = opts at cnLineColor
+   opts at cnHighLabelFontColor       = opts at cnLineColor
+   opts at cnLowLabelFontColor        = opts at cnLineColor
+ ; Set field Title and levels if available
+   if(.not.isatt(opts,"cnInfoLabelString")) then
+     info_string = " Contours: $CMN$ to $CMX$ by $CIU$"
+     if(isatt(opts,"FieldTitle")) then
+         opts at cnInfoLabelString = opts at FieldTitle + info_string
+     else if(isatt(data,"description")) then
+         opts at cnInfoLabelString = data at description + info_string
+     else
+         opts at cnInfoLabelString = info_string
+     end if
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(opts)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("set_lb_resources")
+ function set_lb_resources (data[*][*]:numeric, res:logical)
+ begin
+   opts = res
+ ; Somewhat convoluted way to see if a labelbar is not desired.
+   if(check_attr(opts,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode","Never",True).or.
+      check_attr(opts,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode",-1,False).or.
+      check_attr(opts,"pmTickMarkDisplayMode",0,False).or. 
+      check_attr(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",False,False).or.
+      check_attr(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",0,False)) then
+     lbar_on = False
+   else
+     lbar_on = True
+   end if
+   atmp = get_res_value(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",True) ; Remove this resource
+   delete(atmp)                                   ; just in case.
+ ; Possible title for the labelbar
+   if(isatt(opts,"FieldTitle")) then
+     lb_desc = opts at FieldTitle 
+   else
+     if(isatt(data,"description")) then
+       lb_desc = data at description 
+     else
+       lb_desc = ""  
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(isatt(opts,"UnitLabel") ) then
+     lb_desc = lb_desc + "  (" + opts at UnitLabel + ")"
+   else
+     if(isatt(data,"units") .and. .not.(data at units.eq."")) then
+       lb_desc = lb_desc + "  (" + data at units + ")"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(.not.isatt(opts,"cnFillColors")) then
+     opts at gsnSpreadColors = get_res_value_keep(opts, "gsnSpreadColors", True)
+   end if
+   opts at cnInfoLabelOn   = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnInfoLabelOn", False)
+   opts at cnLinesOn       = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLinesOn", False)
+   opts at cnLineLabelsOn  = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnLineLabelsOn", False)
+ ; Labelbar resources
+   if(lbar_on) then
+     opts at pmLabelBarDisplayMode    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarDisplayMode", "Always")
+     opts at pmLabelBarSide           = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarSide", "Bottom")
+     opts at lbAutoManage             = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbAutoManage",False)
+     opts at lbOrientation            = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbOrientation", "Horizontal")
+     opts at lbPerimOn                = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbPerimOn", False)
+     opts at lbLabelJust              = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbLabelJust", "BottomCenter")
+     opts at lbLabelAutoStride        = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbLabelAutoStride",True)
+     opts at lbBoxMinorExtentF        = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbBoxMinorExtentF", 0.13)
+     opts at lbTitleFontHeightF       = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleFontHeightF", 0.015)
+     opts at lbLabelFontHeightF       = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbLabelFontHeightF", 0.015)
+     opts at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF", -0.1)
+     opts at lbTitleOn                = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleOn", True)
+     if(lb_desc.ne."" .and. opts at lbTitleOn) then
+       opts at lbTitleOn              = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleOn", True)
+       opts at lbTitleString          = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleString", lb_desc)
+       opts at lbTitleJust            = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleJust", "BottomCenter")
+       opts at lbTitleOffsetF         = get_res_value_keep(opts,"lbTitleOffsetF", -0.5)
+     else
+       opts at lbTitleOn = False
+     end if
+   end if
+   return(opts)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("set_title_resources")
+ function set_title_resources (data[*][*]:numeric, res:logical)
+ begin
+   opts = res
+ ; Set field Title and levels if available
+   if(isatt(opts,"FieldTitle")) then
+     SubTitles = opts at FieldTitle
+   else
+     if(isatt(data,"description")) then
+       SubTitles = data at description
+     else
+       SubTitles = "UnKnown"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(isatt(opts,"SubFieldTitle")) then
+     SubTitles = SubTitles + " " +  opts at SubFieldTitle
+   end if
+   if(isatt(opts,"UnitLabel")) then
+     SubTitles = SubTitles + "   (" +  opts at UnitLabel + ")"
+   else
+      if(isatt(data,"units") .and. .not.(data at units.eq."")) then
+       SubTitles = SubTitles + "   (" +  data at units + ")"
+     end if
+   end if
+   if (isatt(opts,"PlotLevelID")) then
+     SubTitles = SubTitles + "     at   " +  opts at PlotLevelID 
+   else
+     if (isatt(data,"PlotLevelID")) then
+        SubTitles = SubTitles + "     at   " +  data at PlotLevelID 
+     end if
+   end if
+   opts at tiMainString = SubTitles      
+   return(opts)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("set_vc_resources")
+ function set_vc_resources (res:logical)
+ begin
+   opts = res
+   if ( isatt(opts,"vpWidthF") ) then
+   ; num_vectors is used for vcMinDistanceF and vcRefLengthF
+     width = opts at vpWidthF
+     num_vectors = get_res_value(opts,"NumVectors",25.0)
+     opts at vcMinDistanceF   = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcMinDistanceF", width/num_vectors)
+     opts at vcRefLengthF     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcRefLengthF", width/num_vectors)
+   else
+     opts at vcMinDistanceF   = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcMinDistanceF", 0.02)
+     opts at vcRefLengthF     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcRefLengthF", 0.02)
+   end if
+   opts at vcGlyphStyle     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcGlyphStyle", "WindBarb")
+   opts at vcWindBarbColor  = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcWindBarbColor", "Black")
+   opts at vcRefAnnoOn      = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcRefAnnoOn", False)
+   opts at vcMinFracLengthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vcMinFracLengthF", .2)
+   return(opts)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("set_mp_resources")
+ function set_mp_resources (res:logical)
+ begin
+   opts = res
+ ; "LowRes" is the default that NCL uses, so you don't need to
+ ; set it here. However, if you want a higher resolution, use 
+ ; "MediumRes". If you want higher resolution for the coastlines,
+ ; then set it to "HighRes", but then you also need to download
+ ; the RANGS-GSHHS database.  Higher resolutions take longer to
+ ; draw.
+       opts at mpDataBaseVersion     = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpDataBaseVersion","MediumRes")
+      ;opts at mpOutlineBoundarySets = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpOutlineBoundarySets", "AllBoundaries")
+       opts at mpOutlineBoundarySets = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpOutlineBoundarySets", "GeophysicalAndUSStates")
+       opts at mpPerimLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpPerimLineThicknessF", 1.0)
+       opts at tmXBLabelFontHeightF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "tmXBLabelFontHeightF", 0.01)
+       opts at tmYLLabelFontHeightF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "tmYLLabelFontHeightF", 0.01)
+ ; Select portion of the map to view.
+       opts at mpLimitMode           = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLimitMode","Corners")
+       opts at mpLeftCornerLatF      = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLeftCornerLatF", opts at start_lat)
+       opts at mpLeftCornerLonF      = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLeftCornerLonF", opts at start_lon)
+       opts at mpRightCornerLatF     = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpRightCornerLatF",opts at end_lat)
+       opts at mpRightCornerLonF     = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpRightCornerLonF",opts at end_lon)
+       if ( opts at mpRightCornerLonF .lt. 0.0 ) then
+         opts at mpRightCornerLonF  = opts at mpRightCornerLonF + 360.0
+       end if 
+ ; Set some other resources for line colors and grid spacing.
+       opts at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineColor","Gray")
+       opts at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF",0.5)
+       opts at mpGridLineColor             = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridLineColor","Gray")
+       opts at mpGridLineThicknessF        = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridLineThicknessF",0.5)
+      ;opts at mpGridMaskMode              = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridMaskMode",3)
+       opts at mpGridSpacingF              = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGridSpacingF",5)
+       opts at mpLimbLineColor             = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLimbLineColor","Gray")
+       opts at mpLimbLineThicknessF        = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLimbLineThicknessF",0.5)
+       opts at mpNationalLineColor         = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpNationalLineColor","Gray")
+       opts at mpNationalLineThicknessF    = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpNationalLineThicknessF",0.5)
+       opts at mpPerimLineColor            = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpPerimLineColor","Gray")
+       opts at mpPerimOn                   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpPerimOn",True)
+       opts at mpUSStateLineColor          = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpUSStateLineColor","Gray")
+       opts at mpUSStateLineThicknessF     = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpUSStateLineThicknessF",0.5)
+       opts at pmTickMarkDisplayMode       = get_res_value_keep(opts, "pmTickMarkDisplayMode","Always")
+ ; Tick mark resources
+      ;opts at tmXBMajorLengthF      = get_res_value(opts, "tmXBMajorLengthF",-0.03)
+      ;opts at tmYLMajorLengthF      = get_res_value(opts, "tmYLMajorLengthF",-0.03)
+       opts at tmXTOn                = get_res_value(opts,"tmXTOn",False)
+       opts at tmYROn                = get_res_value(opts,"tmYROn",False)
+       opts at tmYRLabelsOn          = get_res_value(opts,"tmYRLabelsOn",True)
+       opts at tmXBBorderOn          = get_res_value(opts,"tmXBBorderOn",True)
+       opts at tmXTBorderOn          = get_res_value(opts,"tmXTBorderOn",True)
+       opts at tmYLBorderOn          = get_res_value(opts,"tmYLBorderOn",True)
+       opts at tmYRBorderOn          = get_res_value(opts,"tmYRBorderOn",True)
+   return(opts)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("_SetMainTitle")
+ procedure _SetMainTitle(nc_file:file,wks[1]:graphic,cn[1]:graphic,opts)
+ ; This procedure checks the input data for certain attributes, and
+ ; based on those, sets MainTitle, InitTime and ValidTime
+ ;
+ ;  Attributes recognized by this procedure:
+ ;     MainTitle                 (main title - top left)
+ ;                               (with Init time top right)
+ ;     TimeLabel                 (valid time  - right  under init time)
+ ;     NoHeaderFooter            (switch all headers and footers off - mainly for panels)
+ ;
+ ; If the "NoHeaderFooter" attribute exists and is set True, then
+ ; don't create any titles.
+ begin
+ ;
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"NoHeaderFooter").and.opts at NoHeaderFooter) then
+     return
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; Set basic plot font
+ ;
+   font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; If a MainTitle attribute hasn't been set, then set to "WRF"
+ ; Also set an Initial time
+ ;
+ ; MAIN Header of plot
+   opts at MainTitle    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"MainTitle", " ") 
+   opts at MainTitlePos = get_res_value_keep(opts,"MainTitlePos", "Left") 
+   opts at InitTime     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"InitTime", True) 
+   opts at ValidTime    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"ValidTime", True) 
+   opts at TimePos      = get_res_value_keep(opts,"TimePos", "Right") 
+   opts at Footer       = get_res_value_keep(opts,"Footer", True) 
+   if (opts at MainTitlePos .eq. "Left")
+     opts at MainTitlePos  = "CenterLeft"
+     opts at MainTitlePosF = 0.0
+   end if
+   if (opts at MainTitlePos .eq. "Center")
+     opts at MainTitlePos  = "CenterCenter"
+     opts at MainTitlePosF = 0.5
+   end if
+   if (opts at MainTitlePos .eq. "Right")
+     opts at MainTitlePos  = "CenterRight"
+     opts at MainTitlePosF = 1.0
+   end if
+   if (opts at TimePos .eq. "Left")
+     MTOPosF = 0.30
+   else
+     MTOPosF = 0.20
+   end if
+   txt0 = create "MainPlotTitle" textItemClass wks
+     "txString"      : opts at MainTitle
+     "txFontHeightF" : font_height*1.5
+   end create
+   anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt0)
+   setvalues anno
+     "amZone"           : 3
+     "amSide"           : "Top"
+     "amJust"           : opts at MainTitlePos
+     "amParallelPosF"   : opts at MainTitlePosF
+     "amOrthogonalPosF" : MTOPosF
+     "amResizeNotify"   : False
+   end setvalues
+ ; Time information on plot
+   if (opts at TimePos .eq. "Left")
+     opts at TimePos  = "CenterLeft"
+     opts at TimePosF = 0.0
+     if (opts at MainTitlePos .eq. "CenterLeft")
+      MTOPosF = MTOPosF - 0.05
+     end if
+   end if
+   if (opts at TimePos .eq. "Right")
+     opts at TimePos  = "CenterRight"
+     opts at TimePosF = 1.0
+     if (opts at MainTitlePos .eq. "CenterRight")
+      MTOPosF = MTOPosF - 0.05
+     end if
+   end if
+   if( isatt(nc_file,"START_DATE") ) then
+      model_start_time = nc_file at START_DATE
+   else
+      if( isatt(nc_file,"SIMULATION_START_DATE") ) then
+        model_start_time = nc_file at SIMULATION_START_DATE
+      else
+        opts at InitTime = False
+      end if
+   end if   
+   if( opts at InitTime ) then
+     InitTime = "Init: " + model_start_time
+     txt1 = create "InitTime" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : InitTime
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt1)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amJust"           : opts at TimePos
+       "amParallelPosF"   : opts at TimePosF        
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : MTOPosF
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+   plot_narrow = False
+   if((opts).and.(isatt(opts,"vpWidthF")).and.(isatt(opts,"vpHeightF"))) then
+      ph = opts at vpHeightF  
+      pw = opts at vpWidthF  
+      phw = ph/pw
+      if ( phw .gt. 1.8 ) then
+        plot_narrow = True
+      end if
+   end if
+   if( opts at ValidTime .and. isatt(opts,"TimeLabel") ) then
+     ValidTime = "Valid: " + opts at TimeLabel
+     MTOPosF = MTOPosF - 0.03
+     txt2 = create "ValidTime" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : ValidTime
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt2)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amJust"           : opts at TimePos
+       "amParallelPosF"   : opts at TimePosF        
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : MTOPosF           
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+ ; Add Footer if called for
+   if( opts at Footer ) then
+     footer1 = nc_file at TITLE
+     dis =  nc_file at DX / 1000.0
+     footer2 =  " WE = " + nc_file@$WE$ + 
+                " ; SN = " + nc_file@$SN$ + 
+                " ; Levels = " + nc_file@$BT$ + 
+                " ; Dis = " + dis + "km"
+     if ( isatt(nc_file,"MP_PHYSICS")) then
+       footer2 = footer2 +  " ; Phys Opt = " + nc_file at MP_PHYSICS 
+     end if
+     if ( isatt(nc_file,"BL_PBL_PHYSICS")) then
+       footer2 = footer2 +  " ; PBL Opt = " + nc_file at BL_PBL_PHYSICS 
+     end if
+     if ( isatt(nc_file,"CU_PHYSICS")) then
+       footer2 = footer2 +  " ; Cu Opt = " + nc_file at CU_PHYSICS 
+     end if
+     Footer = footer1 + "~C~" + footer2
+    else
+      Footer = " "
+    end if
+     txt3 = create "Footer" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : Footer 
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height*.9
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt3)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 1
+ ;      "amZone"           : 7
+       "amJust"           : "TopLeft"
+       "amSide"           : "Bottom"
+       "amParallelPosF"   : 0.0
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : -0.55
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+ ; Add X-setion information if needed
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"PlotOrientation")) then
+     ;Xsection = "Cross-Section Orientation : " + opts at PlotOrientation
+     Xsection =  opts at PlotOrientation
+     txt4 = create "Xsection" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : Xsection 
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height*.9
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(cn,txt4)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amJust"           : "CenterRight"
+       "amParallelPosF"   : 1.0
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.005
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("set_mp_wrf_map_resources")
+ function set_mp_wrf_map_resources(in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical)   
+ begin
+ ;
+     opts = opt_args      ; Make a copy of the resource list
+ ; Set some resources depending on what kind of map projection is 
+ ; chosen.
+ ;
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 0 : "CylindricalEquidistant"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 1 : "LambertConformal"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 2 : "Stereographic"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 3 : "Mercator"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 6 : "Lat/Lon"
+     if(isatt(in_file,"MAP_PROJ"))
+ ;   CylindricalEquidistant
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 0)
+         projection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+         opts at mpProjection = projection
+         opts at mpGridSpacingF = 45
+         opts at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;   LambertConformal projection
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 1)
+         projection               = "LambertConformal"
+         opts at mpProjection = projection
+         opts at mpLambertParallel1F = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertParallel1F",in_file at TRUELAT1)
+         opts at mpLambertParallel2F = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertParallel2F",in_file at TRUELAT2)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           opts at mpLambertMeridianF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertMeridianF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             opts at mpLambertMeridianF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertMeridianF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;   Stereographic projection
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 2)
+         projection          = "Stereographic"
+         opts at mpProjection = projection
+         opts at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", in_file at CEN_LAT)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;   Mercator projection
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 3)
+         projection          = "Mercator"
+         opts at mpProjection = projection
+         opts at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;    global WRF CylindricalEquidistant
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 6)
+         projection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+         opts at mpProjection = projection
+         opts at mpGridSpacingF = 45
+         opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+         if( isatt(in_file,"POLE_LAT") ) then
+           opts at mpCenterRotF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterRotF", 90.0 - in_file at POLE_LAT) 
+           delete(opts at mpCenterLonF)
+           calcen = -190.
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF", calcen )
+         end if
+       end if
+     end if
+   return(opts)                                     ; Return.
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_contour_ps")
+ function wrf_contour_ps(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, 
+                      opt_args[1]:logical)
+ begin
+   callFrame = True
+   if ( isatt(opt_args,"FrameIT") ) then
+     if ( .not.opt_args at FrameIT ) then
+       callFrame = False
+     end if
+     delete (opt_args at FrameIT)
+   end if
+   lat2U = nc_file->XLAT_U(0,:,:)
+   lon2U = nc_file->XLONG_U(0,:,:)
+   opts = opt_args
+   opts at sfXArray = lon2U
+   opts at sfYArray = lat2U
+   opts at sfDataArray = data
+   opts at mpProjection         = "Stereographic"
+   opts at mpEllipticalBoundary = True
+   opts at mpFillOn = False
+   opts at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineColor","Gray")
+   opts at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF",2.0)
+   ; Set the contour resources
+   opts = set_cn_resources(data,opts)
+   opts at cnInfoLabelFontHeightF = 0.012
+   opts at cnLineLabelPerimOn = False
+   opts at cnInfoLabelPerimOn = True
+   ; Find out if we are working with a contour or a shaded plot
+   ; fill_on = False : line contour plot
+   ; fill_on = True  : filled contour plot
+   fill_on = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnFillOn",False)
+   if(fill_on) then      ; set lb resources if needed
+     opts at pmLabelBarDisplayMode    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"pmLabelBarDisplayMode", "Never")
+     opts = set_lb_resources(data,opts)
+     opts at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.0
+     opts at lbTitleJust = "BottomLeft"
+   end if
+   opts at gsnDraw = False   
+   opts at gsnFrame = False
+   opts at gsnMaximize = False
+   delete_attrs(opts)
+   cn = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,data,opts)          ; Create the plot.
+   draw(cn)
+   if ( callFrame ) then
+     frame(wks)
+   end if
+ return (cn)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_vector_ps")
+ function wrf_vector_ps(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, 
+                        data_u[*][*]:numeric, data_v[*][*]:numeric, 
+                        opt_args[1]:logical)
+ begin
+   callFrame = True
+   if ( isatt(opt_args,"FrameIT") ) then
+     if ( .not.opt_args at FrameIT ) then
+       callFrame = False
+     end if
+     delete (opt_args at FrameIT)
+   end if
+   if(isfilevar(nc_file,"XLAT"))
+     lat2T = nc_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
+     lon2T = nc_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
+   else
+     lat2T = nc_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
+     lon2T = nc_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
+   end if
+   opts = opt_args
+   opts at vfXArray = lon2T
+   opts at vfYArray = lat2T
+   opts at vfUDataArray = data_u
+   opts at vfVDataArray = data_v
+   opts at mpProjection         = "Stereographic"
+   opts at mpEllipticalBoundary = True
+   opts at mpFillOn = False
+   opts at mpGeophysicalLineColor      = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineColor","Gray")
+   opts at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF",2.0)
+ ; Set vector resources
+   opts = set_vc_resources(opts) 
+  opts at gsnDraw = False   
+  opts at gsnFrame = False
+  opts at gsnMaximize = False
+  delete_attrs(opts)
+  cn = gsn_csm_vector_map_polar(wks,data_u,data_v,opts)          ; Create the plot.
+   draw(cn)
+   if ( callFrame ) then
+     frame(wks)
+   end if
+ return (cn)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_contour")
+ function wrf_contour(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data[*][*]:numeric, 
+                      opt_args[1]:logical)
+ ; This function creates a contour plot and adds some titles to it.
+ ;
+ ;   1. Determine width to height ratio of plot.
+ ;
+ ;   2. First determine if this is to be a filled or line
+ ;      contour plot (fill_on)
+ ;
+ ;   3. If the ContourParameters attribute is set, then calculate
+ ;      the contour levels.
+ ;
+ ;   4. Set two resources for setting the zero contour line to 
+ ;      a larger thickness, and for changing the negative contour
+ ;      lines to a dashed pattern.
+ ;
+ ;   5. If doing a filled contour plot, set a title for the labelbar
+ ;      based on whether a units attribute is set.
+ ;
+ ;   6. Make a copy of the resource list, and set some additional
+ ;      resources for filled contour plots.
+ ;
+ ;   7. Create the contour plot, attach the titles, and draw
+ ;      and advance the frame (if requested).
+ local dims
+ begin
+   opts = opt_args      ; Make a copy of the resource list.
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+     wrf_debug_file = get_res_value(opts,"gsnDebugWriteFileName",  "")    
+   end if
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"mpOutlineBoundarySets")) then
+     delete(opts at mpOutlineBoundarySets)
+   end if
+ ; Calculate ratio of plot width and height. Note that this doesn't
+ ; affect the setting of gsnMaximize to True, because gsnMaximize will
+ ; retain the aspect ratio of the plot.
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"AspectRatio")) then
+     ratio = opts at AspectRatio
+   else
+     dims  = dimsizes(data)
+     ratio = 1.*dims(0)/dims(1)
+     if(ratio .gt. 1.2) then
+       ratio = 1.2
+     end if
+     if(ratio .lt. 0.6667) then
+       ratio = 0.6667
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(ratio .gt. 1) 
+     width  = 0.65 * 1.0/ratio
+     height = 0.65
+   else
+     width  = 0.85 
+     height = 0.85 * ratio
+   end if
+   opts at vpWidthF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpWidthF",  width)
+   opts at vpHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpHeightF", height)
+ ; Set some basic contour resources 
+   opts = set_cn_resources(data,opts)
+ ; Find out if we are working with a contour or a shaded plot
+ ; fill_on = False : line contour plot
+ ; fill_on = True  : filled contour plot
+   fill_on = get_res_value_keep(opts,"cnFillOn",False)
+   if(fill_on) then      ; set lb resources if needed
+     opts = set_lb_resources(data,opts)
+     atmp = get_res_value(opts,"lbLabelBarOn",True) ; Remove this resource
+     delete(atmp)                                   ; just in case.
+   end if
+ ; Set Title resources
+   opts = set_title_resources(data,opts)
+ ; Setting gsnScale to True ensures that the tickmark lengths and labels
+ ; will be the same size on both axes.
+   opts at gsnScale    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnScale",    True)
+ ; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
+ ; to maximize the plot in the frame.
+   opts at gsnDraw          = False    ; Make sure don't draw or frame or,
+   opts at gsnFrame         = False    ; maximize, b/c we'll do this later.
+   opts at gsnMaximize      = False
+   opts2 = opts
+   delete_attrs(opts2)                       ; Clean up.
+   cn = gsn_contour(wks,data,opts2)          ; Create the plot.
+   _SetMainTitle(nc_file,wks,cn,opts)        ; Set some titles
+   if(isvar("wrf_debug_file")) then
+     write_wrf_debug_info(wks,data,False,wrf_debug_file,opts2,"wrf_contour")
+   end if
+   opts2 at gsnDraw     = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnDraw",     False)
+   opts2 at gsnFrame    = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnFrame",    False)
+   opts2 at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,cn,opts2 at gsnDraw,opts2 at gsnFrame,False,opts2 at gsnMaximize)
+   return(cn)                                ; Return
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_vector")
+ function wrf_vector(nc_file:file,wks[1]: graphic, data_u[*][*]:numeric, 
+                     data_v[*][*]:numeric, opt_args[1]:logical)
+ ;
+ ; This function creates a vector plot and adds some titles to it.
+ ;
+ ;   1. Determine width to height ratio of plot. Will also be use
+ ;      to calculate values for vector resources later.
+ ;
+ ;   2. Make a copy of the resource list, and set some additional
+ ;      resources.
+ ;
+ ;   3. Create the vector plot, attach the titles, and draw
+ ;      and advance the frame (if requested).
+ local dims
+ begin
+   opts = opt_args      ; Make a copy of the resource list.
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+     wrf_debug_file = get_res_value(opts,"gsnDebugWriteFileName",  "")    
+   end if
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"mpOutlineBoundarySets")) then
+     delete(opts at mpOutlineBoundarySets)
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; The ratio is used to determine the width and height of the
+ ; plot, and also to determine the value for the vcMinDistanceF
+ ; resource.
+ ;
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"AspectRatio")) then
+     ratio = get_res_value(opts,"AspectRatio",0.)
+   else
+     dims  = dimsizes(data_u)
+     ratio = 1.*dims(0)/dims(1)
+     if(ratio .gt. 1.2) then
+       ratio = 1.2
+     end if
+     if(ratio .lt. 0.6667) then
+       ratio = 0.6667
+     end if
+   end if
+   if(ratio .gt. 1) 
+     width  = 0.65/ratio
+     height = 0.65
+   else
+     width  = 0.95 
+     height = 0.95 * ratio
+   end if
+   opts at vpWidthF  = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpWidthF",  width)
+   opts at vpHeightF = get_res_value_keep(opts,"vpHeightF", height)
+ ; Set Title resources
+   opts = set_title_resources(data_u,opts)
+ ; Set vector resources
+   opts = set_vc_resources(opts)
+ ; Setting gsnScale to True ensures that the tickmark lengths and labels
+ ; will be the same size on both axes.
+   opts at gsnScale = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnScale",    True)
+ ; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
+ ; to maximize the plot in the frame.
+   opts at gsnDraw          = False    ; Make sure don't draw or frame or,
+   opts at gsnFrame         = False    ; maximize, b/c we'll do this later.
+   opts at gsnMaximize      = False
+   opts2 = opts
+   delete_attrs(opts2)                             ; Clean up.
+   vct = gsn_vector(wks,data_u,data_v,opts2)       ; Create vector plot.
+   _SetMainTitle(nc_file,wks,vct,opts) 
+   if(isvar("wrf_debug_file")) then
+     write_wrf_debug_info(wks,data_u,data_v,wrf_debug_file,opts2,"wrf_vector")
+   end if
+   opts2 at gsnDraw     = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnDraw",     False)
+   opts2 at gsnFrame    = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnFrame",    False)
+   opts2 at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts2,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,vct,opts2 at gsnDraw,opts2 at gsnFrame,False, 
+                  opts2 at gsnMaximize)
+   return(vct)                                     ; Return.
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_wps_map")
+ function wrf_wps_map(wks[1]:graphic,opt_args[1]:logical)   
+ begin
+ ;
+ ;   1. Make a copy of the resource list, and set some resources
+ ;      common to all map projections.
+ ;
+ ;   2. Determine the projection being used, and set resources based
+ ;      on that projection.
+ ;
+ ;   3. Create the map plot, and draw and advance the frame
+ ;      (if requested).
+     opts = opt_args      ; Make a copy of the resource list
+     opts  = True
+ ; Set some resources depending on what kind of map projection is 
+ ; chosen.
+ ;
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 0 : "CylindricalEquidistant"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 1 : "LambertConformal"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 2 : "Stereographic"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 3 : "Mercator"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 6 : "Lat/Lon"
+ ;   CylindricalEquidistant
+       if(opts at map_proj .eq. 0)
+         projection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+         opts at mpGridSpacingF = 45
+         opts at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
+         opts at mpCenterLonF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",opts at stand_lon)
+       end if
+ ;   LambertConformal projection
+       if(opts at map_proj .eq. 1)
+         projection               = "LambertConformal"
+         opts at mpLambertParallel1F = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertParallel1F",opts at truelat1)
+         opts at mpLambertParallel2F = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertParallel2F",opts at truelat2)
+         opts at mpLambertMeridianF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpLambertMeridianF",opts at stand_lon)
+       end if
+ ;   Stereographic projection
+       if(opts at map_proj .eq. 2)
+         projection          = "Stereographic"
+         if( isatt(opts,"cenlat") ) then
+           opts at mpCenterLatF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF",opts at cenlat)
+         else
+           opts at mpCenterLatF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF",opts at ref_lat)
+         end if
+         opts at mpCenterLonF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",opts at stand_lon)
+       end if
+ ;   Mercator projection
+       if(opts at map_proj .eq. 3)
+         projection          = "Mercator"
+         opts at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
+         opts at mpCenterLonF   = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",opts at stand_lon)
+       end if
+ ;    global WRF CylindricalEquidistant
+       if(opts at map_proj .eq. 6)
+         projection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+         opts at mpGridSpacingF = 45
+         if( isatt(opts,"cenlon") ) then
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",opts at cenlon)
+         else
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF",opts at ref_lon)
+         end if
+         if( isatt(opts,"pole_lat") ) then
+           delete(opts at mpCenterLonF)
+           opts at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterLonF", - 190. )
+           opts at mpCenterRotF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterRotF", 90.0 - opts at pole_lat) 
+         else
+           opts at mpCenterRotF = get_res_value_keep(opts, "mpCenterRotF", 0.0) 
+         end if
+       end if
+ ; Set some resources common to all map projections.
+   opts = set_mp_resources(opts)
+ ; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
+ ; to maximize the plot in the frame.
+   opts at gsnDraw       = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw",     False)
+   opts at gsnFrame      = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame",    False)
+   opts at gsnMaximize   = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   delete_attrs(opts)                             ; Clean up.
+   mp = gsn_map(wks,projection,opts)              ; Create map plot.
+   return(mp)                                     ; Return.
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_wps_dom")
+ function wrf_wps_dom(wks[1]:graphic,opt_args[1]:logical,lnres[1]:logical,txres[1]:logical) 
+ begin
+   mpres = opt_args
+   ;grid_to_plot = 0 => plot using the corner mass grid points
+   ;grid_to_plot = 1 => plot using the edges of the corner grid cells
+   ;  This uses the locations of the corner mass grid points +/- 0.5 grid cells
+   ;  to get from the mass grid point to the edge of the grid cell
+   grid_to_plot = 1
+   ;grid_to_plot = mpres at grid_to_plot
+   if(grid_to_plot.eq.0) then
+   ; print("Plotting using corner mass grid points")
+   else if(grid_to_plot.eq.1) then
+   ; print("Plotting using edges of the corner grid cells")
+   else
+    print("ERROR: Invalid value for grid_to_plot = "+grid_to_plot)
+   end if
+   end if
+   ;BPR END
+   res = True
+   res at DX = mpres at dx
+   res at DY = mpres at dy
+   res at LATINC = 0.0
+   res at LONINC = 0.0
+   if ( mpres at map_proj .eq. "lambert") then
+     mpres at map_proj = 1
+     res at MAP_PROJ = 1
+   end if
+   if ( mpres at map_proj .eq. "polar") then
+     mpres at map_proj = 2
+     res at MAP_PROJ = 2
+   end if
+   if ( mpres at map_proj .eq. "mercator") then
+     mpres at map_proj = 3
+     res at MAP_PROJ = 3
+   end if
+   if ( mpres at map_proj .eq. "lat-lon") then
+     mpres at map_proj = 6
+     res at MAP_PROJ = 6
+     res at LATINC = mpres at dy
+     res at LONINC = mpres at dx
+   end if
+   res at TRUELAT1 = mpres at truelat1
+   res at TRUELAT2 = mpres at truelat2
+   res at STAND_LON = mpres at stand_lon
+   res at REF_LAT = mpres at ref_lat
+   res at REF_LON = mpres at ref_lon
+   if ( isatt(mpres,"ref_x") ) then
+     res at KNOWNI = mpres at ref_x
+   else
+     res at KNOWNI = int2flt(mpres at e_we(0))/2.
+   end if
+   if ( isatt(mpres,"ref_y") ) then
+     res at KNOWNJ = mpres at ref_y
+   else
+     res at KNOWNJ = int2flt(mpres at e_sn(0))/2.
+   end if
+   if ( isatt(mpres,"pole_lat") ) then
+     res at POLE_LAT = mpres at pole_lat
+   else
+     res at POLE_LAT = 90.0
+   end if
+   if ( isatt(mpres,"pole_lon") ) then
+     res at POLE_LON = mpres at pole_lon
+   else
+     res at POLE_LON = 0.0
+   end if
+   ;Determine adjustment needed to convert from mass grid to chosen grid
+   if(grid_to_plot.eq.0) then
+    adjust_grid = 0.0 
+   else if(grid_to_plot.eq.1) then
+    adjust_grid = 0.5 
+   else 
+    print("ERROR: Invalid value for grid_to_plot = "+grid_to_plot)
+    adjust_grid = 0.0 
+   end if
+   end if
+   xx = 1.0 - adjust_grid
+   yy = 1.0 - adjust_grid
+   ;xx = 1.0
+   ;yy = 1.0
+   ;BPR END
+   loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (xx,yy,res)
+   start_lon = loc(0)
+   start_lat = loc(1)
+   ;e_we is the largest U grid point and e_sn the largest V gridpoint
+   ;xx = int2flt(mpres at e_we(0))
+   ;yy = int2flt(mpres at e_sn(0))
+   ;Change it so it is in terms of mass grid points since wrf_ij_to_ll is
+   ;in terms of mass grid points 
+   xx = int2flt(mpres at e_we(0)-1) + adjust_grid
+   yy = int2flt(mpres at e_sn(0)-1) + adjust_grid
+   ;BPR END
+   loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (xx,yy,res)
+   end_lon = loc(0)
+   end_lat = loc(1)
+   mpres at start_lat   = start_lat
+   mpres at start_lon   = start_lon
+   mpres at end_lat     = end_lat
+   mpres at end_lon     = end_lon
+   mp = wrf_wps_map(wks,mpres)
+   draw(mp)
+   if ( mpres at max_dom .gt. 1 ) then
+     numLineColors = 0
+     if ( isatt(lnres,"domLineColors") ) then
+        numLineColors = dimsizes(lnres at domLineColors)
+     end if
+     do idom = 1,mpres at max_dom-1
+       if ( numLineColors .gt. 0 ) then
+         if ( numLineColors .ge. idom ) then
+           lnres at gsLineColor = lnres at domLineColors(idom-1)
+           txres at txFontColor = lnres at domLineColors(idom-1)
+         else
+           lnres at gsLineColor = lnres at domLineColors(numLineColors-1)
+           txres at txFontColor = lnres at domLineColors(numLineColors-1)
+         end if
+       end if
+       ; nest start and end points in large domain space
+       if ( mpres at parent_id(idom) .eq. 1) then
+         ; corner value
+         ;BPR BEGIN
+         ;Due to the alignment of nests we need goffset in order to
+         ;find the location of (1,1) in the fine domain in coarse domain
+         ;coordinates
+         ;i_start = mpres at i_parent_start(idom)
+         ;j_start = mpres at j_parent_start(idom)
+         goffset = 0.5*(1-(1.0/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom)))
+         i_start = mpres at i_parent_start(idom)-goffset
+         j_start = mpres at j_parent_start(idom)-goffset
+         ; end point
+         ;Change to mass point
+         ;i_end = (mpres at e_we(idom)-1)/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom) + i_start
+         ;j_end = (mpres at e_sn(idom)-1)/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom) + j_start
+         i_end = (mpres at e_we(idom)-2)/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom)) + i_start
+         j_end = (mpres at e_sn(idom)-2)/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom)) + j_start
+         if(grid_to_plot.eq.0) then
+          adjust_grid = 0.0 
+         else if(grid_to_plot.eq.1) then
+          adjust_grid = 0.5/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom))
+         else 
+          print("ERROR: Invalid value for grid_to_plot = "+grid_to_plot)
+          adjust_grid = 0.0 
+         end if
+         end if
+         ;BPR END
+       end if
+       if ( mpres at parent_id(idom) .ge. 2) then
+         ; corner value
+         nd = mpres at parent_id(idom)
+         ;BPR BEGIN
+         ;i_points = ((mpres at e_we(idom)-1)/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom))
+         ;j_points = ((mpres at e_sn(idom)-1)/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom))
+         i_points = ((mpres at e_we(idom)-2)/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom)))
+         j_points = ((mpres at e_sn(idom)-2)/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom)))
+         goffset = 0.5*(1-(1.0/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom))))
+         ai_start = mpres at i_parent_start(idom)*1.0-goffset
+         aj_start = mpres at j_parent_start(idom)*1.0-goffset
+         ;ai_start = mpres at i_parent_start(idom)*1.0
+         ;aj_start = mpres at j_parent_start(idom)*1.0
+         if(grid_to_plot.eq.0) then
+          adjust_grid = 0.0 
+         else if(grid_to_plot.eq.1) then
+          adjust_grid = 0.5/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(idom)) 
+         else 
+          print("ERROR: Invalid value for grid_to_plot = "+grid_to_plot)
+          adjust_grid = 0.0 
+         end if
+         end if
+         do while ( nd .gt. 1)
+           ;Note that nd-1 is used in the following because the WPS namelist is
+           ;one-based but arrays in NCL are zero-based
+           goffset = 0.5*(1-(1.0/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1))))
+           ;ai_start = ai_start/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1) + mpres at i_parent_start(nd-1)
+           ;aj_start = aj_start/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1) + mpres at j_parent_start(nd-1)
+           ai_start = (ai_start-1)/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1)) + mpres at i_parent_start(nd-1)-goffset
+           aj_start = (aj_start-1)/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1)) + mpres at j_parent_start(nd-1)-goffset
+           ;i_points = (i_points/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1))
+           ;j_points = (j_points/mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1))
+           i_points = (i_points/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1)))
+           j_points = (j_points/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1)))
+           if(grid_to_plot.eq.0) then
+            adjust_grid = 0.0 
+           else if(grid_to_plot.eq.1) then
+            adjust_grid = adjust_grid/(1.0*mpres at parent_grid_ratio(nd-1))
+           else 
+            print("ERROR: Invalid value for grid_to_plot = "+grid_to_plot)
+            adjust_grid = 0.0 
+           end if
+           end if
+           ;nd = nd - 1
+           nd = mpres at parent_id(nd-1)
+         end do
+         ;i_start = tointeger(ai_start + .5 )
+         ;j_start = tointeger(aj_start + .5 )
+         i_start = ai_start
+         j_start = aj_start
+         ; end point
+         ;i_end = i_points + i_start + 1
+         ;j_end = j_points + j_start + 1
+         i_end = i_points + i_start
+         j_end = j_points + j_start
+         ;BPR END
+       end if
+       ; get the four corners
+       xx = i_start - adjust_grid
+       yy = j_start - adjust_grid
+       ;xx = int2flt(i_start)
+       ;yy = int2flt(j_start)
+       loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (xx,yy,res)
+       lon_SW = loc(0)
+       lat_SW = loc(1)
+       xx = i_end + adjust_grid
+       yy = j_start - adjust_grid
+       ;xx = int2flt(i_end)
+       ;yy = int2flt(j_start)
+       loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (xx,yy,res)
+       lon_SE = loc(0)
+       lat_SE = loc(1)
+       xx = i_start - adjust_grid
+       yy = j_end + adjust_grid
+       ;xx = int2flt(i_start)
+       ;yy = int2flt(j_end)
+       loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (xx,yy,res)
+       lon_NW = loc(0)
+       lat_NW = loc(1)
+       ;xx = int2flt(i_end)
+       ;yy = int2flt(j_end)
+       xx = i_end + adjust_grid
+       yy = j_end + adjust_grid
+       ;BPR END
+       loc = wrf_ij_to_ll (xx,yy,res)
+       lon_NE = loc(0)
+       lat_NE = loc(1)
+       xbox = (/lon_SW, lon_SE, lon_NE, lon_NW, lon_SW /)
+       ybox = (/lat_SW, lat_SE, lat_NE, lat_NW, lat_SW /)
+       x_out = new(dimsizes(xbox),typeof(xbox))
+       y_out = new(dimsizes(ybox),typeof(ybox))
+       datatondc(mp, xbox, ybox, x_out, y_out)
+       gsn_polyline_ndc(wks, x_out, y_out, lnres)
+       idd = idom + 1
+       dom_text = "d0"+idd
+       if ( txres at txJust .eq. "BottomLeft" ) then
+         gsn_text(wks,mp,dom_text,lon_NW,lat_NW,txres)
+       else
+         gsn_text_ndc(wks,dom_text,x_out(3)+0.01,y_out(3)-0.01,txres)
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+   return(mp)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_map_resources")
+ function wrf_map_resources(in_file[1]:file,map_args[1]:logical)   
+ local lat, lon, x1, x2, y1, y2, dims, ii, jj
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; This function sets resources for a WRF map plot, basing the projection on
+ ; the MAP_PROJ attribute in the given file. It's intended to be callable
+ ; by users who need to set mpXXXX resources for other plotting scripts.
+ ;
+ ; Set some resources depending on what kind of map projection is 
+ ; chosen.
+ ;
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 0 : "CylindricalEquidistant"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 1 : "LambertConformal"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 2 : "Stereographic"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 3 : "Mercator"
+ ;   MAP_PROJ = 6 : "Lat/Lon"
+     if(isatt(in_file,"MAP_PROJ"))
+ ;   CylindricalEquidistant
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 0)
+         map_args at mpProjection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+         map_args at mpGridSpacingF = 45
+         map_args at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;   LambertConformal projection
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 1)
+         map_args at mpProjection               = "LambertConformal"
+         map_args at mpLambertParallel1F = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpLambertParallel1F",in_file at TRUELAT1)
+         map_args at mpLambertParallel2F = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpLambertParallel2F",in_file at TRUELAT2)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           map_args at mpLambertMeridianF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpLambertMeridianF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             map_args at mpLambertMeridianF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpLambertMeridianF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;   Stereographic projection
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 2)
+         map_args at mpProjection          = "Stereographic"
+         map_args at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLatF", in_file at CEN_LAT)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;   Mercator projection
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 3)
+         map_args at mpProjection          = "Mercator"
+         map_args at mpCenterLatF   = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLatF", 0.0)
+         if(isatt(in_file,"STAND_LON"))
+           map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at STAND_LON)
+         else
+           if(isatt(in_file,"CEN_LON"))
+             map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+           else
+            print("ERROR: Found neither STAND_LON or CEN_LON in file")
+           end if
+         end if
+       end if
+ ;    global WRF CylindricalEquidistant
+       if(in_file at MAP_PROJ .eq. 6)
+         map_args at mpProjection          = "CylindricalEquidistant"
+         map_args at mpGridSpacingF = 45
+         map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF",in_file at CEN_LON)
+         if( isatt(in_file,"POLE_LAT") ) then
+           map_args at mpCenterRotF = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterRotF", 90.0 - in_file at POLE_LAT) 
+           delete(map_args at mpCenterLonF)
+           calcen = -190.
+           map_args at mpCenterLonF  = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpCenterLonF", calcen )
+         end if
+       end if
+     else
+       return(map_args)
+     end if
+     map_args at mpNestTime = get_res_value_keep(map_args, "mpNestTime",0)
+       if(isfilevar(in_file,"XLAT"))
+         lat = in_file->XLAT(map_args at mpNestTime,:,:)
+         lon = in_file->XLONG(map_args at mpNestTime,:,:)
+       else
+         lat = in_file->XLAT_M(map_args at mpNestTime,:,:)
+         lon = in_file->XLONG_M(map_args at mpNestTime,:,:)
+       end if
+       dims = dimsizes(lat)
+       do ii = 0, dims(0)-1
+       do jj = 0, dims(1)-1
+         if ( lon(ii,jj) .lt. 0.0) then
+           lon(ii,jj) = lon(ii,jj) + 360.
+         end if
+       end do
+       end do
+       map_args at start_lat = lat(0,0)
+       map_args at start_lon = lon(0,0)
+       map_args at end_lat   = lat(dims(0)-1,dims(1)-1)
+       map_args at end_lon   = lon(dims(0)-1,dims(1)-1)
+ ; Set some resources common to all map projections.
+       map_args = set_mp_resources(map_args)
+       if ( isatt(map_args,"ZoomIn") .and. map_args at ZoomIn ) then
+         y1 = 0
+         x1 = 0
+         y2 = dims(0)-1
+         x2 = dims(1)-1
+         if ( isatt(map_args,"Ystart") ) then
+           y1 = map_args at Ystart
+           delete(map_args at Ystart)
+         end if
+         if ( isatt(map_args,"Xstart") ) then
+           x1 = map_args at Xstart
+           delete(map_args at Xstart)
+         end if
+         if ( isatt(map_args,"Yend") ) then
+           if ( map_args at Yend .le. y2 ) then
+             y2 = map_args at Yend
+           end if
+           delete(map_args at Yend)
+         end if
+         if ( isatt(map_args,"Xend") ) then
+           if ( map_args at Xend .le. x2 ) then
+             x2 = map_args at Xend
+           end if
+           delete(map_args at Xend)
+         end if
+         map_args at mpLeftCornerLatF      = lat(y1,x1)
+         map_args at mpLeftCornerLonF      = lon(y1,x1)
+         map_args at mpRightCornerLatF     = lat(y2,x2)
+         map_args at mpRightCornerLonF     = lon(y2,x2)
+         if ( map_args at mpRightCornerLonF .lt. 0.0 ) then
+           map_args at mpRightCornerLonF  = map_args at mpRightCornerLonF + 360.0
+         end if 
+         delete(map_args at ZoomIn)
+       end if
+       return(map_args)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_map")
+ function wrf_map(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical)   
+ begin
+ ;
+ ; This function creates a map plot, and bases the projection on
+ ; the MAP_PROJ attribute in the given file.
+ ;
+ ;   1. Make a copy of the resource list, and call a function to set
+ ;      some resources common to all map projections.
+ ;
+ ;   2. Determine the projection being used, and set resources based
+ ;      on that projection.
+ ;
+ ;   3. Create the map plot, and draw and advance the frame
+ ;      (if requested).
+     if(opt_args.and.isatt(opt_args,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+       wrf_debug_file = get_res_value(opt_args,"gsnDebugWriteFileName",  "")    
+     end if
+     opts = opt_args      ; Make a copy of the resource list
+     opts  = True
+ ;---Set some map resources based on parameters and variables in input file.
+     opts = wrf_map_resources(in_file,opts)
+     if(.not.isatt(opts,"mpProjection")) then
+       print("wrf_map: Error: no MAP_PROJ attribute in input file")
+       return(new(1,graphic))
+     else
+       projection = opts at mpProjection
+     end if
+ ; The default is not to draw the plot or advance the frame, and
+ ; to maximize the plot in the frame.
+   opts at gsnDraw       = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw",     False)
+   opts at gsnFrame      = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame",    False)
+   opts at gsnMaximize   = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   delete_attrs(opts)                             ; Clean up.
+   mp = gsn_map(wks,projection,opts)              ; Create map plot.
+   if(isvar("wrf_debug_file")) then
+     opts at mpProjection = projection
+     write_wrf_debug_info(wks,False,False,wrf_debug_file,opts,"wrf_map")
+   end if
+   return(mp)                                     ; Return.
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_map_overlays")
+ function wrf_map_overlays(in_file[1]:file, 
+                           wks:graphic, 
+                           plots[*]:graphic, 
+                           opt_arg[1]:logical, 
+                           opt_mp[1]:logical) 
+ ; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them on a
+ ; base plot - map background.
+ ;
+ ; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
+ ; PanelPlot resource to True.
+ ;
+ ;  Attributes recognized by this procedure:
+ ;     FramePlot
+ ;     PanelPlot
+ ;     NoTitles                  (don't do any titles) 
+ ;     CommonTitle & PlotTitle is used to overwrite field titles
+ ;        CommonTitle will supercede NoTitles
+ ;     LatLonOverlay
+ ;
+ ; If FramePlot False, then Draw the plot but do not Frame.
+ ; In this case a user want to add to the drawing, and will
+ ; have to advance the Frame manually in the script.
+ ;
+ ; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
+ ; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
+ ; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
+ ; the plots.
+ ;
+ ; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_map_overlays
+ ; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
+ ; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
+ ; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
+ ; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
+ ; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
+ ;
+ ; If LatLonOverlay is set to True, then this means the user is
+ ; using the 2D lat/lon coordinates to do the overlay, and hence
+ ; tfDoNDCOverlay should not be set to True. (The default is False.)
+ ;
+ begin
+   opts     = opt_arg         ; Make a copy of the resource lists
+   opt_mp_2 = opt_mp      
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"gsnDebugWriteFileName")) then
+     opt_mp_2 at gsnDebugWriteFileName = get_res_value(opts, 
+                                             "gsnDebugWriteFileName",  "")    
+     wrf_debug_file = opt_mp_2 at gsnDebugWriteFileName
+   end if
+   ; Let's make the map first
+   base = wrf_map(wks,in_file,opt_mp_2)
+   no_titles  = get_res_value(opts,"NoTitles",False)     ; Do we want field titles?
+   com_title  = get_res_value(opts,"CommonTitle",False)     ; Do we have a common title?
+   if ( com_title ) then
+     plot_title = get_res_value(opts,"PlotTitle","  ")
+     no_titles = True
+   end if
+   call_draw  = True
+   call_frame = get_res_value(opts,"FramePlot",True)     ; Do we want to frame the plot?
+   panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False)    ; Are we paneling?
+   latlon_overlay = get_res_value(opts,"LatLonOverlay",False) ; Lat/lon Overlay?
+   opts at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+ ;  font_color = "Black"
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+ ;      class_name = NhlClassName(plots(i))
+ ;      print(class_name)
+ ;      if(class_name.eq."contourPlotClass") then
+ ;        getvalues plots(i)
+ ;          "cnFillOn"    : fill_on
+ ;          "cnLineColor" : line_color
+ ;        end getvalues
+ ;        if (.not.fill_on) then
+ ;          font_color = line_color      
+ ;        end if       
+ ;      end if
+       if(.not.no_titles) then
+         getvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+         end getvalues
+         if(i.eq.0) then
+           SubTitles = SubTitle
+         else
+           SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
+         end if
+       end if
+       if(com_title .and. i .eq. nplots-1) then
+         getvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+         end getvalues
+         SubTitles = plot_title
+       end if
+       if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+         setvalues plots(i)
+           "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+           "tiMainOn"       : False
+         end setvalues
+       else
+         setvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainOn"       : False
+         end setvalues
+       end if
+       overlay(base,plots(i))
+     else
+       print("wrf_map_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+     end if
+   end do
+   if(.not.no_titles .or. com_title) then
+     font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
+     txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : SubTitles
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+      ;"txFontColor"   : font_color
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amJust"           : "BottomLeft"
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amParallelPosF"   : 0.005
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+     base at map_titles = anno
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; gsnDraw and gsnFrame default to False if panel plot.
+ ;
+   if(panel_plot) then
+     call_draw = False
+     call_frame= False
+   end if
+   opts at gsnDraw     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw",     call_draw)
+   opts at gsnFrame    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame",    call_frame)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts at gsnDraw,opts at gsnFrame,False, 
+                  opts at gsnMaximize)
+   if(.not.panel_plot) then
+     do i=0,nplots-1
+       if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+         NhlRemoveOverlay(base,plots(i),False)
+       else
+         print("wrf_remove_map_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+         print("                        Nothing to remove.")
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+   if(isvar("wrf_debug_file")) then
+     write_wrf_debug_script(wks,wrf_debug_file,"wrf_map_overlays")
+   end if
+   if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
+     if(isatt(base,"map_titles")) then
+       NhlRemoveAnnotation(base,base at map_titles)
+       delete(base at map_titles)
+     end if
+   end if
+ return(base)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_overlays")
+ function wrf_overlays(in_file[1]:file, 
+                      wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, 
+                      opt_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them.
+ ;
+ ; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
+ ; PanelPlot resource to True.
+ ; 
+ ;  Attributes recognized by this procedure:
+ ;     FramePlot
+ ;     PanelPlot
+ ;     NoTitles                  (don't do any titles) 
+ ;     CommonTitle & PlotTile is used to overwrite field titles
+ ;        CommonTitle will super-seed NoTitles
+ ;
+ ; If FramePlot False, then Draw the plot but do not Frame.
+ ; In this case a user want to add to the drawing, and will
+ ; have to advance the Frame manually in the script.
+ ;
+ ; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
+ ; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
+ ; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
+ ; the plots.
+ ;
+ ; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_overlays
+ ; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
+ ; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
+ ; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
+ ; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
+ ; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
+ ;
+ ; If LatLonOverlay is set to True, then this means the user is
+ ; using the 2D lat/lon coordinates to do the overlay, and hence
+ ; tfDoNDCOverlay should not be set to True. (The default is False.)
+ ;
+ begin
+   opts = opt_arg      ; Make a copy of the resource list.
+   no_titles  = get_res_value(opts,"NoTitles",False)     ; Do we want field titles?
+   com_title  = get_res_value(opts,"CommonTitle",False)     ; Do we have a common title?
+   latlon_overlay = get_res_value(opts,"LatLonOverlay",False) ; Lat/lon Overlay?
+   if ( com_title ) then
+     plot_title = get_res_value(opts,"PlotTitle","  ")
+     no_titles = True
+   end if
+   call_draw  = True
+   call_frame = get_res_value(opts,"FramePlot",True)     ; Do we want to frame the plot?
+   panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False)    ; Are we paneling?
+   opts at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+   base = plots(0)
+   if(.not.no_titles) then
+     getvalues plots(0)
+       "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+     end getvalues
+     SubTitles = SubTitle
+     if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+       setvalues plots(0)
+         "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+         "tiMainOn"       : False
+       end setvalues
+     else
+       setvalues plots(0)
+         "tiMainOn"       : False
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+   else
+     if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+       setvalues plots(0)
+         "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+   end if
+   if (nplots.eq.1) then 
+     blank = create "BlankPlot" logLinPlotClass wks
+       ;"cnConstFLabelOn" : False
+     end create
+     overlay(base,blank)
+   end if
+   do i=1,nplots-1
+     if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+       if(.not.no_titles) then
+         getvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+         end getvalues
+         if(i.eq.0) then
+           SubTitles = SubTitle
+         else
+           SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
+         end if
+       end if
+       if(com_title .and. i .eq. nplots-1) then
+         getvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+         end getvalues
+         SubTitles = plot_title
+       end if
+       if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+         setvalues plots(i)
+           "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+           "tiMainOn"       : False
+         end setvalues
+       else
+         setvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainOn"       : False
+         end setvalues
+       end if
+       overlay(base,plots(i))
+     else
+       print("wrf_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+     end if
+   end do
+   if(.not.no_titles .or. com_title) then
+     font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
+     txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : SubTitles
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amJust"           : "BottomLeft"
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amParallelPosF"   : 0.005
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+     base at map_titles = anno
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; gsnDraw and gsnFrame should default to True if not a panel plot.
+ ;  
+   if(panel_plot) then
+     call_draw = False
+     call_frame= False
+   end if
+   opts at gsnDraw     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw",     call_draw)
+   opts at gsnFrame    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame",    call_frame)
+   opts at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts at gsnDraw,opts at gsnFrame,False, 
+                  opts at gsnMaximize)
+   if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
+     NhlRemoveAnnotation(base,base at map_titles)
+     delete(base at map_titles)
+   end if
+   if(.not.panel_plot) then
+     if ( nplots .ge. 2 ) then
+       do i=1,nplots-1
+         if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+           NhlRemoveOverlay(base,plots(i),False)
+         else
+           print("wrf_remove_overlays: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+           print("                        Nothing to remove.")
+         end if
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if
+ return(base)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_map_zoom")
+ function wrf_map_zoom(wks[1]:graphic,in_file[1]:file,opt_args[1]:logical, 
+                       y1:integer,y2:integer,x1:integer,x2:integer)
+ ; As of version 5.0.1, this routine is redundant. Use the special "ZoomIn"
+ ; resource in wrf_map to accomplish the same thing. This function is
+ ; being kept for backwards capability. There should be no need for it
+ ; except to run old WRF-NCL codes.  Do not make any changes to it except
+ ; possibly to fix bugs.
+ ;
+ begin
+       print("wrf_map_zoom: Warning: This function is obsolete. Consider using")
+       print("                       the 'ZoomIn' resource in wrf_map instead.")
+       if(isfilevar(in_file,"XLAT"))
+         lat = in_file->XLAT(0,:,:)
+         lon = in_file->XLONG(0,:,:)
+       else
+         lat = in_file->XLAT_M(0,:,:)
+         lon = in_file->XLONG_M(0,:,:)
+       end if
+       opts  = opt_args      ; Make a copy of the resource list
+       opts  = True
+       opts at mpLeftCornerLatF      = lat(y1,x1)
+       opts at mpLeftCornerLonF      = lon(y1,x1)
+       opts at mpRightCornerLatF     = lat(y2,x2)
+       opts at mpRightCornerLonF     = lon(y2,x2)
+       mz = wrf_map(wks,in_file,opts)
+       return(mz)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_map_overlay")
+ procedure wrf_map_overlay(wks:graphic,base[1]:graphic, 
+                           plots[*]:graphic, 
+                           opt_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; As of version 5.0.1, this procedure is obsolete. Use wrf_map_overlays
+ ; instead. It is being kept for backwards capability. Do not make any
+ ; changes to it except possibly to fix bugs.
+ ;
+ ; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them on a
+ ; base plot - map background.
+ ;
+ ; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
+ ; PanelPlot resource to True.
+ ;
+ ;  Attributes recognized by this procedure:
+ ;     NoTitles                  (don't do any titles) 
+ ;     PanelPlot
+ ;
+ ; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
+ ; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
+ ; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
+ ; the plots.
+ ;
+ ; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_map_overlay
+ ; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
+ ; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
+ ; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
+ ; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
+ ; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
+ ;
+ begin
+   print("wrf_map_overlay: Warning: This procedure is obsolete. Consider" )
+   print("                          using wrf_map_overlays instead.")
+   opts = opt_arg      ; Make a copy of the resource list
+   opts = True
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"NoTitles").and.opts at NoTitles) then
+     no_titles = True
+   else
+     no_titles = False
+   end if
+   panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False)    ; Are we paneling?
+   latlon_overlay = get_res_value(opts,"LatLonOverlay",False) ; Lat/lon Overlay?
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+ ;  font_color = "Black"
+   do i=0,nplots-1
+     if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+ ;      class_name = NhlClassName(plots(i))
+ ;      print(class_name)
+ ;      if(class_name.eq."contourPlotClass") then
+ ;        getvalues plots(i)
+ ;          "cnFillOn"    : fill_on
+ ;          "cnLineColor" : line_color
+ ;        end getvalues
+ ;        if (.not.fill_on) then
+ ;          font_color = line_color      
+ ;        end if       
+ ;      end if
+       if(.not.no_titles) then
+         getvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+         end getvalues
+         if(i.eq.0) then
+           SubTitles = SubTitle
+         else
+           SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
+         end if
+         if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+     	  setvalues plots(i)
+             "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+             "tiMainOn"       : False
+           end setvalues
+         else
+     	  setvalues plots(i)
+             "tiMainOn"       : False
+           end setvalues
+         end if
+       else
+         if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+   	  setvalues plots(i)
+             "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+           end setvalues
+         end if
+       end if
+       overlay(base,plots(i))
+     else
+       print("wrf_map_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+     end if
+   end do
+   if(.not.no_titles) then
+     font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
+     txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : SubTitles
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+      ;"txFontColor"   : font_color
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amJust"           : "BottomLeft"
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amParallelPosF"   : 0.005
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+     base at map_titles = anno
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; gsnDraw and gsnFrame should default to True if not a panel plot.
+ ; gsnFrame will default to False if opt_arg is False.
+ ;
+   if(panel_plot.or..not.opt_arg) then
+     call_frame = False
+   else
+     call_frame = True
+   end if
+   if(panel_plot) then
+     call_draw = False
+   else
+     call_draw = True
+   end if
+   opts at gsnDraw     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw",     call_draw)
+   opts at gsnFrame    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame",    call_frame)
+   opts at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts at gsnDraw,opts at gsnFrame,False, 
+                  opts at gsnMaximize)
+   if(.not.panel_plot) then
+     do i=0,nplots-1
+       if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+         NhlRemoveOverlay(base,plots(i),False)
+       else
+         print("wrf_remove_map_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+         print("                        Nothing to remove.")
+       end if
+     end do
+   end if
+   if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
+     if(isatt(base,"map_titles")) then
+       NhlRemoveAnnotation(base,base at map_titles)
+       delete(base at map_titles)
+     end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("wrf_overlay")
+ procedure wrf_overlay(wks:graphic, plots[*]:graphic, 
+                           opt_arg[1]:logical)
+ ; As of version 5.0.1, this procedure is obsolete. Use wrf_overlays
+ ; instead. It is being kept for backwards capability. Do not make any
+ ; changes to it except possibly to fix bugs.
+ ;
+ ; This procedure takes an array of plots and overlays them.
+ ;
+ ; It will advance the plot and cleanup, unless you set the
+ ; PanelPlot resource to True.
+ ;
+ ;  Attributes recognized by this procedure:
+ ;     NoTitles                  (don't do any titles) 
+ ;     PanelPlot
+ ;
+ ; If the "NoTitles" attribute exists and is set True, then
+ ; don't create the top-left titles, and leave the main titles alone.
+ ; This resource can be useful if you are planning to panel
+ ; the plots.
+ ;
+ ; If PanelPlot is set to True, then this flags to wrf_overlay
+ ; that these plots are going to be eventually paneled (likely
+ ; by gsn_panel), and hence 1) draw and frame should not be called
+ ; (unless gsnDraw and/or gsnFrame are explicitly set to True),
+ ; and 2) the overlays and titles should not be removed with
+ ; NhlRemoveOverlay and NhlRemoveAnnotation.
+ ;
+ ; If LatLonOverlay is set to True, then this means the user is
+ ; using the 2D lat/lon coordinates to do the overlay, and hence
+ ; tfDoNDCOverlay should not be set to True. (The default is False.)
+ ;
+ begin
+   print("wrf_overlay: Warning: This procedure is obsolete. Consider using")
+   print("                      wrf_overlays instead.")
+   opts = opt_arg      ; Make a copy of the resource list.
+   opts = True
+   if(opts.and.isatt(opts,"NoTitles").and.opts at NoTitles) then
+     no_titles = True
+   else
+     no_titles = False
+   end if
+   panel_plot = get_res_value(opts,"PanelPlot",False)    ; Are we paneling?
+   latlon_overlay = get_res_value(opts,"LatLonOverlay",False)  ; lat/lon overlay?
+   nplots = dimsizes(plots)
+   base = plots(0)
+   if(.not.no_titles) then
+     getvalues plots(0)
+       "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+     end getvalues
+     SubTitles = SubTitle
+     if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+       setvalues plots(0)
+         "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+         "tiMainOn"       : False
+       end setvalues
+     else
+       setvalues plots(0)
+         "tiMainOn"       : False
+       end setvalues
+     end if
+   else
+     setvalues plots(0)
+       "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+     end setvalues
+   end if
+   if (nplots.eq.1) then 
+     blank = create "BlankPlot" logLinPlotClass wks
+       ;"cnConstFLabelOn" : False
+     end create
+     overlay(base,blank)
+   end if
+   do i=1,nplots-1
+     if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+       if(.not.no_titles) then
+         getvalues plots(i)
+           "tiMainString" : SubTitle
+         end getvalues
+         SubTitles = SubTitles + "~C~" + SubTitle
+         if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+           setvalues plots(i)
+             "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+             "tiMainOn"       : False
+           end setvalues
+         else
+           setvalues plots(i)
+             "tiMainOn"       : False
+           end setvalues
+         end if
+       else
+         if(.not.latlon_overlay) then
+           setvalues plots(i)
+             "tfDoNDCOverlay" : True
+           end setvalues
+         end if
+       end if
+       overlay(base,plots(i))
+     else
+       print("wrf_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+     end if
+   end do
+   if(.not.no_titles) then
+     font_height = get_res_value_keep(opts,"FontHeightF",0.01)
+     txt = create "map_titles" textItemClass wks
+       "txString"      : SubTitles
+       "txFontHeightF" : font_height
+     end create
+     anno = NhlAddAnnotation(base,txt)
+     setvalues anno
+       "amZone"           : 3
+       "amJust"           : "BottomLeft"
+       "amSide"           : "Top"
+       "amParallelPosF"   : 0.005
+       "amOrthogonalPosF" : 0.03
+       "amResizeNotify"   : False
+     end setvalues
+     base at map_titles = anno
+   end if
+ ;
+ ; gsnDraw and gsnFrame should default to True if not a panel plot.
+ ; gsnFrame will default to False if opt_arg is False.
+ ;
+   if(panel_plot.or..not.opt_arg) then
+     call_frame = False
+   else
+     call_frame = True
+   end if
+   if(panel_plot) then
+     call_draw = False
+   else
+     call_draw = True
+   end if
+   opts at gsnDraw     = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnDraw",     call_draw)
+   opts at gsnFrame    = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnFrame",    call_frame)
+   opts at gsnMaximize = get_res_value_keep(opts,"gsnMaximize", True)
+   draw_and_frame(wks,base,opts at gsnDraw,opts at gsnFrame,False, 
+                  opts at gsnMaximize)
+   if(.not.no_titles.and..not.panel_plot) then
+     NhlRemoveAnnotation(base,base at map_titles)
+     delete(base at map_titles)
+   end if
+   if(.not.panel_plot) then
+     if ( nplots .ge. 2 ) then
+       do i=1,nplots-1
+         if(.not.ismissing(plots(i))) then
+           NhlRemoveOverlay(base,plots(i),False)
+         else
+           print("wrf_remove_overlay: Warning: overlay plot #" + i + " is not valid.")
+           print("                        Nothing to remove.")
+         end if
+       end do
+     end if
+   end if
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("add_white_space")
+ function add_white_space(str:string,maxlen:integer)
+ begin
+   cstr = stringtochar(str)
+   len  = dimsizes(cstr)-1
+   ws   = ""
+   if(len.lt.maxlen) then
+     do i=1,maxlen-len
+       ws = ws + " "
+     end do
+   end if
+   return(ws)
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("print_opts")
+ procedure print_opts(opts_name,opts,debug)
+ begin
+   if(.not.debug) then
+     return
+   end if
+   varatts = getvaratts(opts)
+ ;
+ ; Sort attributes alphabetically/
+ ;
+   sqsort(varatts)
+ ;
+ ; Get length of longest attribute name.
+ ;
+   cvaratts = stringtochar(varatts)
+   cmaxlen  = dimsizes(cvaratts(0,:))-1
+   print("------------------------------------------------------------")
+   print(opts_name + "...")    ; Print name of option variable.
+ ;
+ ; Loop through each attribute in the list. If its value is an array,
+ ; then print out the array with '(/' and '/)' around it.
+ ;
+ ; If the value is a string, then put ticks (') around each string.
+ ;
+   do i=0,dimsizes(varatts)-1
+     x = opts@$varatts(i)$
+ ;
+ ; Use add_white_space to make sure all the equal signs line up.
+ ;
+     tmp_str = "    " + varatts(i) + 
+               add_white_space(varatts(i),cmaxlen) + " = "
+ ;
+ ; Check if attribute is an array.
+ ;    
+     if(dimsizes(x).gt.1) then
+       tmp_str = tmp_str + "(/"
+       do j=0,dimsizes(x)-1
+         if(typeof(x(j)).eq."string") then
+           tmp_str = tmp_str + "'" + x(j) + "'"
+         else
+           tmp_str = tmp_str + x(j)
+         end if
+         if(j.lt.dimsizes(x)-1) then
+           tmp_str = tmp_str + ","
+         else
+           tmp_str = tmp_str + "/)"
+         end if
+       end do
+     else      if(typeof(x).eq."string") then
+         tmp_str = tmp_str + "'" + x + "'"
+       else
+         tmp_str = tmp_str + x
+       end if
+     end if
+     print("" + tmp_str)
+     delete(x)
+   end do
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ undef("print_header")
+ procedure print_header(icount:integer,debug)
+ begin
+   icount = icount + 1
+   if(.not.debug) then
+     return
+   end if
+   print("END plot #" + icount)
+   print("------------------------------------------------------------")
+ end
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; arm_sgp_trend_line_diurnal.ncl
Loading file "./gsn_code.ncl"
fatal:syntax error: line 12347 in file ./gsn_code.ncl before or near print 

Loading file "/usr/share/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
Loading file "./gsn_csm.ncl"
Loading file "./plot_arm_sgp_trend_line_diurnal.ncl"
+ begin
+    type     = "x11"
+ ;  type     = "pdf"
+ ;  type     = "png"
+    plot_pre = "1plt_arm_sgp_trend_line_diurnal_v01_"
+    dir_plot = "./arm_sgp/"
+    dir_data = "./"
+    stime     = (/"00:00", "01:00", "02:00", "03:00", 
+                  "04:00", "05:00", "06:00", "07:00", 
+                  "08:00", "09:00", "10:00", "11:00", 
+                  "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", 
+                  "16:00", "17:00", "18:00", "19:00", 
+                  "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00"/)
+    mint        = 0.0
+    maxt        = 47
+    intt        = 48
+    time        = fspan(mint, maxt, intt)
+    start_year  = 2017
+    end_year    = 2017
+    start_month = 12
+    end_month   = 12
+    start_day   = 20
+    end_day     = 25
+    variable =   
+    (/           
+    "co2_flux",  
+    "qc_co2_flux"
+    /)
+ print("AAA01")
+    do ivar = 0, dimsizes(variable)-1
+       do iyear = start_year, end_year
+          siyear = sprinti("%0.4i", iyear)
+          do imonth = start_month, end_month
+             simonth = sprinti("%0.2i", imonth)
+             nday_month = days_in_month(iyear, imonth)
+             do iday = start_day, end_day;nday_month
+                siday = sprinti("%0.2i", iday)
+                sdate = siyear + simonth + siday
+                print("NOW WORKING ON : " + sdate)
+ print("AAA02")
+                wks   = gsn_open_wks(type, dir_plot + plot_pre + sdate + "_" + variable(ivar))
+                filename = "sgpco2flx4mC1.b1." + sdate + ".001500.nc"
+                f        = addfile(dir_data + filename, "r")
+                data     = f->$variable(ivar)$
+ print("AAA03")
+ ;  CALL SUBROUTINE plot_arm_sgp_trend_line_diurnal.ncl TO PLOT DIURNAL VARIATION
+                plot_arm_sgp_trend_line_diurnal 
+                (wks, sdate, time, stime, variable(ivar), data)
+             end do ; iday
+          end do ; imonth
+       end do ; iyear
+    end do ; ivar
+ end
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