[ncl-talk] reg_multlin_stats: Y has missing values. Not allowed!

Andreas Chrysanthou eeac at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Nov 8 07:10:29 MST 2017

Hi NCL users,

I’ve bumped into some missing values in my independent variable while trying to do a multiple linear regression analysis with reg_multin_stats function.

I want to produce lat/height plots (levxlat) of the predictors for the 31 years of my time series after the MLR as well as look at the Yest from those in terms of its spatial patterns.

The error I’m getting is "reg_multlin_stats: Y has missing values. Not allowed!”

PrintVarSummary of the variables I’m using is just below, whereas a snippet of the script is following after that.

Any ideas on how to get round this problem?

Variable: WSTAR
Type: float
Number of Dimensions: 4
Dimensions and sizes: [model | 6] x [year | 31] x [lev | 31] x [lat | 64]
standardize_op_ncl : dim_standardize_n over dimension(s): year
NCL : month_to_annual
actual_range : ( -0.6522911, 1e+20 )

Variable: NIES2
Type: float
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [year | 31] x [reg_index | 5]
Number Of Attributes: 3
_FillValue : 1e+20
NCL : month_to_annual
standardize_op_ncl : dim_standardize_n over dimension(s): year

NIES1  = new ( (/5,31/), "float" )
    NIES1(0,:) = reg(0,{1980:2010},0)
    NIES1(1,:) = reg(0,{1980:2010},1)
    NIES1(2,:) = reg(0,{1980:2010},2)
    NIES1(3,:) = reg(0,{1980:2010},3)
    NIES1(4,:) = reg(0,{1980:2010},4)

NIES1!0 = "reg_index"
NIES2   = NIES1(year|:,reg_index|:)

nies = WSTAR(0,:,:,:)
test_ = test(0,:,:)

do gg = 0,dimsizes(WS_&lev)-1
    do hh = 0,dimsizes(WS_&lat)-1
        test_(gg,hh) = reg_multlin_stats(nies(:,gg,hh),NIES2,0)
    end do
end do


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