[ncl-talk] plot longitude in a cross section

Jesús Garcia Rosales jesus21gr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 07:37:54 MDT 2016

Hi ncl users,
I have a problem when I want to plot longitude in axis x in my cross
section. Please help me.

The error that appears is:

fatal:fspan: number of elements parameter is less-than-or-equal-to one,
can't continue
fatal:["Execute.c":8575]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 281 in
file prueba.ncl

This is my script:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"

; The WRF ARW input file.
; This needs to have a ".nc" appended, so just do it.
  a = addfile("/media/usuario/TOSHIBA/WRF_alan/9km/exp_re/

 ; We generate plots, but what kind do we prefer?
 type = "x11"
; type = "pdf"
; type = "ps"
; type = "ncgm"
; type = "png"
  wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"cross_section_2")

 ; wks2  = gsn_open_wks(type,"plan_map")

;;;;;;;;;; Dominio
; si se quiere disminuir el dominio
bordh=8  ;8   ;h=haut(hight)
bordb= 20  ;20     ;b=bas(bajo)
bordd=  15 ;15    ;d=droite(derecha)
bordg=   17;17     ;g=gauche (izquierda)

tmin= 72  ; la seleccion empieza el 01/01/2011 a las 00hs (UTC)
tmax= 744   ; la seleccion se termina el 31/01/2011 a las 21hs (UTC)

; Set some basic resources
  res = True
  res at MainTitle = "Hurricane Irene 27 km WRF (P1)"
  res at Footer = False

  pltres = True

; Set the path the cross section will take
  lat_start = -12.
  lon_start = -76.00
  lat_end = -12.
  lon_end = -74.5

; Limited vertical extent? (True or False)
LimitedExtent = False
z_top   = 10. ; top in km (ignored if above is False)


  times  = wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1)  ; get times in the file
  ntimes = dimsizes(times)      ; number of times in the file
  FirstTime = True

  mdims = getfilevardimsizes(a,"P") ; get some dimension sizes for the file
  nd = dimsizes(mdims)


  FirstTimeMap = True

 ; do it = 0,ntimes-1,72                  ; TIME LOOP

 ;   print("Working on time: " + times(it) )
 ;   res at TimeLabel = times(it)           ; Set Valid time to use on plots

 ;   tc  = wrf_user_getvar(a,"tc",it)      ; temperature (deg C)
 ;   rh  = wrf_user_getvar(a,"rh",it)    ; relative humidity (%)
    z   = wrf_user_getvar(a, "z",0)      ; grid point height (m)
    p = wrf_user_getvar(a,"pressure",0)  ; full model pressure (hPa)
    u = wrf_user_getvar(a,"ua",72)    ; x-component wind (m/s)
    v = wrf_user_getvar(a,"va",72)    ; y-component wind (m/s)
    lat = wrf_user_getvar(a,"lat",0)   ; latitude grid
    lon = wrf_user_getvar(a,"lon",0)   ; longitude grid
    ter = wrf_user_getvar(a,"HGT",0)   ; model terrain height (m)
    w = wrf_user_getvar(a,"wa",72)
    q= wrf_user_getvar(a,"QVAPOR",72)*1000

; Compute the relative vorticity from the u and v wind fields







; Sacando los promedios de las varaibles u,v,w


vort      = uv2vr_cfd(u,v,lat(:,0),lon(0,:),2)
vort at description  = "Relative Vorticity"

vort at units    = "1/s"

    if ( FirstTime ) then               ; get height info for labels
      zmin  = 0.      ; bottom of plot

  if ( LimitedExtent ) then
    angle = 0.
    zmax  = z_top
    nz  = floattoint(zmax + 1)
    angle   = 0.
    zmax    = max(z) / 1000.
    nz    = floattoint(zmax / 2 + 1)
    FirstTime = False
  end if
    end if


; Plot a cross session that run from point A to point B

  ; starting point for cross-section
  llres = True
  llres at ReturnInt = False
  locij_a = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a, lon_start, lat_start, llres)
  locij_a = locij_a - 1
  ; array pointers in NCL space
  locX_a = locij_a(0)
  locY_a = locij_a(1)

  ; ending point for cross-section
  locij_b = wrf_user_ll_to_ij(a, lon_end, lat_end, llres)
  locij_b = locij_b - 1
  ; array pointers in NCL space
  locX_b = locij_b(0)
  locY_b = locij_b(1)

        plane = new(4,float)
        plane = (/ locX_a,locX_b , locY_a,locY_b /)    ; start x;y & end
x;y point
        opts = True                                        ; start and end
points specified

        ;rh_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(rh,z,"v",plane,0.,opts)  ; relative
humidity plane
        ;tc_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(tc,z,"v",plane,0.,opts)  ; temperature
  p_plane   = wrf_user_intrp3d(p,z,"v",plane,0.,opts) ; pressure plane
  vort_plane  = wrf_user_intrp3d(vort,z,"v",plane,0.,opts)  ; relative
vorticity plane
  u_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(u,z,"v",plane,0.,opts)
  w_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(w,z,"v",plane,0.,opts)
  q_plane = wrf_user_intrp3d(q,z,"v",plane,0.,opts)


; Omega is significantly smaller than v, so we will
; scale it so that some vertical motion is visible
 wAve = avg(w_plane(:,:)) ; used for scaling
 uAve = avg(u_plane(:,:))
 scale = fabs(uAve/wAve)
 w_plane = w_plane*scale ; now scale

;  w_plane=w_plane*100

  vort_plane    = vort_plane * 100000.    ; normalize vorticity to 10^-5
  vort_plane at units  = "10^5 s^-1"

        dim = dimsizes(vort_plane)                      ; Find the data
span - for use in labels
        zspan = dim(0)

  if ( FirstTime ) then
    angle   = 0.
    zz    = wrf_user_intrp3d(z,z,"v",plane,angle,opts)
    b   = ind(zz(:,0).gt.zmax*1000.)
    zmax_pos  = b(0) - 1
    if ( abs(zz(zmax_pos,0)-zmax*1000.).lt.abs(zz(zmax_pos+1,0)-zmax*1000.)
) then
      zspan = b(0) - 1


      zspan = b(0)
    end if

    FirstTime = False
  end if

x_plane         = wrf_user_intrp2d(lon,plane,angle,opts)
  x_plane at description = "Longitude"
  dimsX             = dimsizes(x_plane)
  xmin              = x_plane(0)
  xmax              = x_plane(dimsX(0)-1)
  xspan             = dimsX(0)-1
  nx                  = floattoint((xmax-xmin)/2+1)

 ; printVarSummary(zmax_pos)

      ; Options for XY Plots
        opts_xy                         = res
        opts_xy at tiYAxisString           = "Height (km)"
        opts_xy at cnMissingValPerimOn     = True
        opts_xy at cnMissingValFillColor   = 0
        opts_xy at cnMissingValFillPattern = 11
        opts_xy at tmYLMode                = "Explicit"
        opts_xy at tmYLValues              = fspan(0,zspan,nz)
   ; Create tick marks
        opts_xy at tmYLLabels              =
sprintf("%.1f",fspan(zmin,zmax,nz))  ; Create labels
        opts_xy at tiXAxisFontHeightF      = 0.020
        opts_xy at tiYAxisFontHeightF      = 0.020
        opts_xy at tmXBMajorLengthF        = 0.02
        opts_xy at tmYLMajorLengthF        = 0.02
        opts_xy at tmYLLabelFontHeightF    = 0.015
        opts_xy at PlotOrientation         = p_plane at Orientation


      opts_xy at tmXBMode    = "Explicit"
    opts_xy at tmXBValues    = fspan(0,xspan,nx)
    opts_xy at tmXBLabels    = sprintf("%.1f",fspan(xmin,xmax,nx))

      ; Plotting options for vorticity
        opts_vort         = opts_xy
        opts_vort at ContourParameters         = (/ -20., 20., 0.5 /)
        opts_vort at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF  = -0.07
        opts_vort at cnFillOn                  = True
  opts_vort at cnLinesOn     = False

      ; Plotting options for Pressure
        opts_p        = opts_xy
        opts_p at ContourParameters  = (/ 0.,1000.,50. /)
  opts_p at cnInfoLabelOn    = False

   vres = True

        vres at gsnMaximize          = True    ; Maximize plot in frame
        ;vres at pmLabelBarDisplayMode    = "Always"   ; Turn on a label bar.
        ;vres at pmLabelBarWidthF         = 0.075
        vres at lbPerimOn                = False
        vres at tiMainString         = "No resources set"
        ;vres at NumVectors = 60
        vres at Footer = False
        vres at InitTime = False
        vres at vcGlyphStyle = "CurlyVector";"LineArrow";"CurlyVector"
        vres at vcMonoLineArrowColor = True  ; color arrows based on magnitude
        ;vres at vcLevelSelectionMode    = "ExplicitLevels"
        ;vres at vcLevels                =
        ;vres at vcLevelColors = (//)
        vres at vcRefLengthF         = 0.1
        vres at vcFillArrowWidthF = 50
        vres at vcLineArrowThicknessF = 2
        vres at vcMinFracLengthF     = 0.5
        vres at vcMinAnnoOn = True
        vres at vcMinAnnoPerimOn = False
        vres at vcMinAnnoString1On = False
        ;vres at vcMinAnnoString2 = "0.2"
        vres at vcMinAnnoFontThicknessF = 10
        vres at vcMinAnnoArrowLineColor = "Black"
        ;vres at vcMinAnnoArrowUseVecColor = "False "
        ;vres at MainTitle = "Vertically-integrated humidity flux"
        ;vres at MainTitlePos = "Center"
        vres at vcMinAnnoArrowSpaceF = 4.0

         opts_q = res
        ;opts_q at ContourParameters       = (/ 10., 90., 10. /)
        opts_q at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.1
        opts_q at cnFillOn                = True
        opts_q at ContourParameters         = (/ .2, 10., 0.5 /)

      ; Get the contour info for the rh and temp
  if ( LimitedExtent ) then
    contour_p = wrf_contour(a,wks,p_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),opts_p)
    contour_vort  = wrf_contour(a,wks,vort_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),opts_vort)
 vector = wrf_vector(a,wks,u_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),w_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),vres)
   contour_q  = wrf_contour(a,wks,q_plane(0:zmax_pos,:),opts_q)

          contour_p = wrf_contour(a,wks,p_plane,opts_p)
          contour_vort  = wrf_contour(a,wks,vort_plane,opts_vort)
          vector = wrf_vector(a,wks,u_plane,w_plane,vres)
          contour_q  = wrf_contour(a,wks,q_plane,opts_q)

  end if

       ; vector =

      ; MAKE PLOTS
        plot = wrf_overlays(a,wks,(/contour_q,contour_p,vector/),pltres)

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