[ncl-talk] Why the res of DstGridMask can not make the destination grid have missing values as defined?

林祥 xianglin72 at icloud.com
Mon Dec 19 09:53:12 MST 2016

Hi, all

       I have many CMIP5 sea ice concentration data and want to regrid them into the same grid coordinate as HadISST.

 Since the land area own missing_value (_FillValue) in HadiSST, I also want the regridded data show missing values in land .

I use the following  scripts:
   fi   = addfile("HadISST_ice.nc","r")
  hsic = fi->sic
  hlon = fi->longitude
  hlat = fi->latitude({-90.:-50.})
    Opt at SrcGridMask      = where(.not.ismissing(thetao(0,:,:)),1,0)      ; thetao is the source grids, with data zero in land, no missing 
    Opt at DstGridMask      = where(.not.ismissing(hsic(0,:,:)),1,0)         ; hsic is the HadISST  SIC data, with missing values in land
    Opt at DstGridLat       = hlat
  Opt at DstGridLon       = hlon 

     thetao_regrid = ESMF_regrid(thetao,Opt)

However, I found the regridded data “thetao_regrid" show zero values, not missing values in land.

       How to make the regridded data have missing values for the same grids as HadISST?




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