[ncl-talk] X axis label

saeed bayat saeedbayat7276 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 07:47:17 MDT 2015

Dear NCL Users
I wnat to draw a XY plot using NCEP/NCAR data. Here is the result of
printVarSummary for the file I'm using:
Variable: u
Type: float
Total Size: 5840 bytes
            1460 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:    [time | 1460]
            time: [1875888..1884642]
Number Of Attributes: 17
  lon :    99.375
  lat :    25.7139
  long_name :    4xDaily Downward Longwave Radiation Flux at surface

The problem is in the X labels! It appears as number of time while I want
the date for x label.
Any Idea?

Abdolhalim Bayat
Ph.D Candidate of Synoptic Climatology
University of Tehran (Iran)
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