CEDAR email: AGU Call for Abstract: (A119) Stories of Radio Frequency Interference from the field and their Impact on Science

Scott E Palo scott.palo at colorado.edu
Mon Jul 31 07:29:53 MDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to consider submitting an abstract to the A119 session at the AGU Fall Meeting, 2023 to be held in San Francisco, CA, 11-15 December, 2023.

This session organized by members of SpectrumX<http://www.spectrumx.org/>, The NSF Spectrum Innovation Center is seeking presentations from all members of the scientific community to provide a forum to present and discuss harmful interference and the impact on scientific observations.

Session Title: A119. Stories of Radio Frequency Interference from the field and their Impact on Science<https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/prelim.cgi/Session/189099>

Session Description:
Scientific use of the electromagnetic spectrum is critical for the advancement of knowledge across a wide range of disciplines including astronomy, earth and atmospheric science, space physics and more. With the continuing growth of wireless technology from 5G to 6G and NextG coupled with unprecedented and rapid growth in broadband satellites and IOT devices, the chances have rapidly increased for use conflicts through such events as in-band and adjacent band interference, along with an overall growth in background noise through aggregate interference.

It is important for the community to understand the impact of this increase in commercial usage of the radio spectrum on scientific discovery. We invite researchers to share their stories of harmful interference and its impact on their science. This session will serve as a forum to exchange information regarding emerging interference challenges, and to discuss potential mitigation strategies that preserve scientific use.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 2 August 2023 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT

Abstract Submission Link: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/prelim.cgi/Home/0

We look forward to receiving your contributions and thank you very much for your attention.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Scott Palo (University of Colorado) palo at colorado.edu<mailto:palo at colorado.edu>
Phil Erickson (Millstone Hill Observatory) pje at mit.edu<mailto:pje at mit.edu>
Renee Leduc (Narayan Strategies) renee at narayanstrategy.com<mailto:renee at narayanstrategy.com>

Scott Palo<http://www.colorado.edu/aerospace/scott-palo> (he/him/his)
SpectrumX<https://www.linkedin.com/company/spectrumx-center>, Associate Director
Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Charles Victor Schelke Endowed Professor
Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences<http://www.colorado.edu/aerospace/>
University of Colorado Boulder<http://www.colorado.edu/>
Boulder, CO 80309

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