[Wrf-users] spectral nudging for water vapor?

xiaoming Hu yuanfangcan at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 29 14:25:41 MST 2016

Can I do spectral nudging for water vapor in WRF? 

I did 2 runs, one setting "gq = 0" and the other one with "gq = 1.0E-5"
The 2 runs turned out to be identical. 

I checked the code
   SUBROUTINE spectral_nudging(grid,itimestep,dt,xtime,id,analysis_interval, end_fdda_hour, &
               if_no_pbl_nudging_uv, if_no_pbl_nudging_t, if_no_pbl_nudging_ph,&
               if_zfac_uv, k_zfac_uv, dk_zfac_uv, &
               if_zfac_t, k_zfac_t, dk_zfac_t, &
               if_zfac_ph, k_zfac_ph, dk_zfac_ph, &
               guv, gt, gph, 

appears gq is not even passed in. 

So I guess the current WRF can not do spectral nudging for water vapor. 

Could anybody confirm? 



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