[Wrf-users] Adaptive step with a time step of less than 1 second

Todd Hutchinson thutchinson at wsi.com
Thu Jul 10 13:45:06 MDT 2014

It looks like this issue if fixed in WRF3.6:

See the bottom of the notes here:

Note though that within the code, the adaptive time step is limited to
1/100 of a second.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Dr Robert Pasken <rpasken at eas.slu.edu>

> We are attempting to use WRFV3.4 to do a LES simulation of flow around
> buildings. We have topography and land use data at 10 and 3 meters and
> have been successful with a time step of 1/30 seconds (3.333e-2 seconds).
> We have been using a 1/30 timestep because of the initial shock the
> building create. We would like to use adaptive timestepping to let the
> model pick the appropriate timestep after the initial shockwaves have
> dissipated. Unfortunately WRF stops after the second timestep becuase
> dt=0.0 (see below). The namelist values seem correct as the adapative
> stepping works with timesteps over 1 second. Does adaptive time stepping
> handle time step less than a second.
> Cheers
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* Todd **Hutchinson  *|
* w:* 978 983 6593      *e:* todd.hutchinson at weather.com
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