[Wrf-users] how to change the temperature at surface and 700hpa

wen wenguanhuan at 163.com
Thu Nov 15 08:02:35 MST 2012

Hi, all. I want to make a normal run and a test run. The normal run use the actual FNL meteorology data for initial input and boundary data. Our difficulty come from test run. I want to make the surface air temperature incease 1 degree and 700hPa air temperature increase 2 degree for every point for initial input and boundary data when running test run.  How can I  put the test run into practice. The temperature in the files wrf_input* and wrfbdy* is perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0) and trend perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0). I have no ideal what they mean and how to change them. Should I just change the met_em* file created by met_grid.exe instead? Can it realize what we want? Or is there any other methods? I hope you can help. Thanks! Best regards


Best regards
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