[Wrf-users] real.exe has segment fault error with 24 processes

jian.li jian.li at envisioncn.com
Sun Jan 29 00:33:46 MST 2012

I am a WRFV3.3 user. When I run real.exe with more than 11 processes like
"mpiexec  -n 24 ./real.exe", there will be segment fault error. I can only
run real.exe with less than 11 processes. The WPS and wrf.exe have no such

The server has two Intel Xeon X5660 CPUs, hosting RedHat Enterprise 5.3. The
WRF was built with gcc and gfortran 4.1.2, mpich2 v1.4.1p1

Could you  help me out?


Jian Li


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