[Wrf-users] WRF-CCSM

Jatin Kala J.Kala at murdoch.edu.au
Wed May 4 03:12:21 MDT 2011

Hi there,


I am trying to run WRF with CCSM data, and is starting to write some
code to do the conversion from netcdf to "intermediate" format. Turns
out it's a fairly massive job to do from scratch, and I am just
wondering if somebody has already done some of that and is willing to
share their code ?


One thing I am yet to figure out is that the Noah LSM needs 6 hourly
soil data (I am pretty sure), but 6 hourly soil data is seldom available
from any GCM! The best I have found is some monthly means.... Does this
mean I have to somehow interpolate monthly means to 6 hourly ? any





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