[Wrf-users] WRF Workshop Abstract Submission shortchanges us on word count! :)

Don Morton Don.Morton at alaska.edu
Tue May 3 18:42:52 MDT 2011

It looks like what's happening is that it's max'ing out on 999 characters
(and, although I have 1061 not counting spaces, and 1200+ counting spaces, I
only have 173 words).  Is there some way somebody can increase this max
character value to allow for reasonable length abstracts?



On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Don Morton <Don.Morton at alaska.edu> wrote:

> Howdy, has anybody else had problems submitting abstracts in the 100-200
> word range for the WRF Summer Workshop 2011?
> I've got a 173 word abstract I pasted in, and the page won't accept it
> until I cut it down closer to 100 words.  Is this something workshop
> organizers are aware of?
> Thanks,
> Don Morton
> --
> Voice:  907 450 8679
> Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
> http://weather.arsc.edu/
> http://www.arsc.edu/~morton/

Voice:  907 450 8679
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
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