[Wrf-users] Including Q2 in WPP output

Ann L Mazuk Ann.L.Mazuk at aero.org
Wed Nov 4 10:31:24 MST 2009

I'm using the WRF Post Processor (WPP) to convert my WRF-ARW output to 
grib1 format for use in MET.  I am able to run WPP just fine, but I'd like 
to be able to include Q2 (grib ID 53) into the wrfpost output.  I looked 
on the WPP documentation website (
) and I see Q2 listed in Table 1. as a variable read by wrfpost, but when 
I look at Table 2. which shows the fields produced by wrfpost, I do not 
see Q2 or grib ID 53 listed anywhere.

Is it possible to include Q2 in wrfpost output?  If so, how do I modify 
the wrf_cntrl.parm to be able to include it?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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