[Wrf-users] SOIL temperature initialization

Pirovano Guido (ERSE) Guido.Pirovano at erse-web.it
Wed Nov 4 08:55:10 MST 2009

Dear WRF users,
we are performing some tests on Land Surface scheme with WRF
Our analysis come from ECMWF data having:
0-7 cm
7-28 cm
28-100 cm
100-255 cm 
soil moisture and Temperature fields
USing Noah LSM (option 2) real seems able to correctly interpolate
metgrid fields to wrf soil fields,
but using Pleim-xiu LSM we get the following message from rsl.out:
d01 2005-01-10_00:00:00 No 10-40 cm or 40-100 cm soil temperature data
for grid%em_tmn
 d01 2005-01-10_00:00:00 Using 1 degree static annual mean temps
 LAND  CHANGE =             0
 WATER CHANGE =             0
 error in the grid%tmn
 i,j=            1            1
 grid%landmask=    1.000000
 grid%tsk, grid%sst, grid%tmn=    282.5695        0.000000
 error in the grid%tmn
looking at module_initialization code it seems that using PX scheme the
"0070028 - 0280100 etc.." 
layers structure is not taken into account to define WRF soil
temperature fields, hence
the static annual temp is used.
Have you got any suggestion about this issue?
thank you in advance
kind regards
Guido Pirovano 


Dept - Environment & Sustainable Development

Via Rubattino, 54
20134 Milano - Italy
tel. +39 02 3992 4625
fax +39 02 3992 4608
guido.pirovano at erse-web.it
www.cesiricerca.it <http://www.cesiricerca.it/>  

Si informa che in data 29 Aprile 2009 CESI RICERCA S.p.A. ha modificato la denominazione sociale in ENEA - Ricerca sul Sistema Elettrico S.p.A. (in forma breve ERSE S.p.A.)
Please be informed that the company's name CESI RICERCA S.p.A. changed into ENEA - Ricerca sul Sistema Elettrico S.p.A. (in brief ERSE S.p.A.) on 29 April 2009.

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