[Wrf-users] 3DVAR

Angel Dimitrov stormlaboratory at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 18 04:27:44 MDT 2006


 Sorry for all those postings. I have a lot of questions;)

 I have some success with the running of 3DVAR. Now I see difference
between the initial conditions with and without 3DVAR, but the
results are a little bit strange. When is added one observation in
the center of the domain, then everything in the entire domain become
different. When into the 3dvar is added high winds at the center of
the domain, then in the center of the domain the winds are calm, but
all around is like hurricane. When I switched on the QC in 3dvar it
looks better (no hurricane), but still the temps/winds are not what
have to be after the assimilation (very different from the initial
conditions without DA).

 Any ideas are welcome.


 Angel Dimitrov                       ####  ##
 Varna, Bulgaria                     ##     ##
                                      ####  ##
 Mobile: +359 (0)887 194-602             ## ##  #
 E-mail: StormLaboratory @ yahoo.com  ####  #####
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