[WHPI] the WHPI workshop abstract submission deadline is July 15

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Mon Jul 12 10:33:06 MDT 2021

Dear Colleagues,

The abstract submission deadline for the WHPI workshop is coming soon: *July
15, 2021*. We have identified 4 working groups:
 WG1: Characterizing solar minimum
 WG2: Coronal Holes /High Speed Streams throughout the heliosphere
 WG3: Comparative minima
 WG4: Solar Activity impacts throughout the heliosphere
but abstracts on all aspects of solar minimum are most welcome.

A preliminary agenda is now posted on the workshop webpage.
<https://cpaess.ucar.edu/node/14559> The goal of the workshop is to foster
collaborations across disciplines by providing a forum for comparing models
and observations in a truly interactive and collaborative environment. The
workshop will have plenty of time for discussion, science panels, etc.,
only a limited number of talks (mostly plenary/scene setting talks), and
special time dedicated to posters.

Registration is free but if you plan to attend, please register, so we know
how many people to expect.

Looking forward to seeing you in September.
The WHPI Team
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