[Tgcmgroup] tiegcm1.93 ~ empirical models

Ben Foster foster at ucar.edu
Fri Aug 6 13:37:54 MDT 2010


Comparisons of TIEGCM Version 1.93 and empirical models
MSIS, HWM and IRI are now available at 3 seasons and
3 solar conditions at:


This link is also available under the "Announcements" section
of the main tgcm website http://www.hao.ucar.edu/modeling/tgcm

These plots are meant to provide a qualitative overview, and
can be used as a starting point from which more detailed analysis
can proceed. Global maps, longitude and latitude slices of
selected fields are available at selected portions of the tiegcm
5 degree grid. Contour intervals are not always the same between
tiegcm and the empirical model.


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