[Tgcmgroup] allocation overrun

Ben Foster foster at hao.ucar.edu
Tue Aug 7 08:45:03 MDT 2007


Hao has exceeded its 30-day running allocation by using over 120% of the
44,000 gaus allocated.  All jobs submitted to LSF on CISL machines will
be put in the "hold" queue until our usage drops back down below the
threshold. This usually takes a few days at most...interactive use on
the supers is still possible...information on gau usage is available on 
the CISL portal www.portal.scd.ucar.edu.


Ben Foster		      	High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
foster at ucar.edu			phone: 303-497-1595  fax: 303-497-1589  
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res.     P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA

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