[Tgcmgroup] project numbers

Ben Foster foster at hao.ucar.edu
Wed Oct 4 11:13:58 MDT 2006

Dear tgcmgroup:

SCD will be requiring explicit project numbers on all LSF (IBM) job 
scripts starting Nov 6, 2006. Starting today, they are sending email 
messages to this effect for jobs submitted without project numbers, 
but they are allowing jobs to proceed until Nov 6th.

To comply, add the following to your *ibm.job script in the BSUB 
directives area:

#BSUB -P xxxxxxxx

where xxxxxxxx is the 8-digit project number you want to use.
The warning email mentioned above provides a list of project numbers
for which you are authorized.

To assist in this, I have added #BSUB -P 28100036 to the following




The MkDispose and Mkdispose scripts are used only if DISPOSE=2 is
set in the namelist read input file (i.e., dispose history files
to mss in separate job after the model run).

If you are not authorized on 28100036, you will need to change
this BSUB directive accordingly.


Ben Foster		      	High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
foster at ucar.edu			phone: 303-497-1595  fax: 303-497-1589  
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res.     P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA

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