[TCDP-flight-news] FLIGHT+ Dataset extension for 2016-2018 storms is now complete

Jonathan Vigh jvigh at ucar.edu
Sun May 31 23:45:30 MDT 2020

Dear registered FLIGHT+ User,

I am pleased to report that the work to extend the FLIGHT+ Dataset (v1.3)
to include the 2016-2018 seasons has now been completed. This update adds
approximately 76 storms and 714 good radial legs to the dataset. Due to
some computer access challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic,
approximately 10% of the flights have been excluded due to the presence of
artifacts which would affect the analysis of the storm intensity, radius of
maximum winds, or wind radii. While these problem flights have been
excluded from the official v1.3 data products, users may access the full
data (including problem flights) in the v1.3-beta data products.

For more information and to download the updated dataset, please visit:

Data provenance for this dataset extension is available at:

As a reminder, please remember to always provide a data citation for
FLIGHT+ anytime you use it in a scholar work:

Vigh, J. L., N. M. Dorst, C. L. Williams, D. P. Stern, E. W. Uhlhorn, B. W.
Klotz, J. Martinez, H. E. Willoughby,
F. D. Marks, Jr., D. R. Chavas, 2020: FLIGHT+: The Extended Flight Level
Dataset for Tropical Cyclones (Version v1.3).
Tropical Cyclone Data Project, National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Research Applications Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado.
    [Available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.5065/D6WS8R93.] Accessed* dd
mmm yyyy.

Work is underway to extend the FLIGHT+ Dataset (v1.3) to include the 2019
storms. This next update is currently scheduled to be complete by 30 June
2020, pending availability of the final flight level data from the
Hurricane Research Division.

A future version of the dataset will include azimuthal mean profiles. No
date for that release has been set yet.

Best regards,

Jonathan Vigh						
Project Scientist I, Joint Numerical Testbed	
Research Applications Laboratory (RAL)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
P.O. Box 3000                    tel: +1 (303) 497-8205
Boulder, CO 80307-3000   fax: +1 (303) 497-8171Jonathan's Staff Web
Page <http://www.ral.ucar.edu/staff/jvigh/> (CV, publications,
etc.)Tropical Cyclone Guidance Project
<http://hurricanes.ral.ucar.edu/> (real-time hurricane data)

Tropical Cyclone Data Project <https://verif.rap.ucar.edu/tcdata/>
(FLIGHT+, VDM+, TC-OBS datasets)

Hurricane Risk Calculator <https://wxrisk.ucar.edu> (personalizing
hurricane risk assessments for evacuation decision support)

During COVID-19, my working day is definitely not the same as your
working day. Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside
of your normal working hours.

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