[pyngl-talk] returnLevels of nice_cntr_levels

Harald Rybka Harald.Rybka at dwd.de
Mon Aug 26 01:11:05 MDT 2019

Hi there,

just a quick question concerning the use of the Ngl.nice_cntr_levels 

I tried to use it to automatically determine a nice level array for my 
data but in my case a (not that nice) two-entry long numpy array has 
been generated.

#### pyngl snippet:

cmin,cmax,cint,levels = 

# with numpy.min(data) = 10.34 and numpy.max(data) 21.48


 >>[10. 22.]

Is this function intended for this case to give a two-long array only? I 
know I could use the cint option to set the level increment but I had 
hoped that a nice array would result without defining the interval 
length. Is there any way to modify the function to specify a min_steps 
option in order to get a nicer result?

-- Harald

Dr. Harald Rybka                       harald.rybka at dwd.de
Deutscher Wetterdienst                 Tel.: +49-(0)69-8062-2225
Abt. Klima- und Umweltberatung (KU1)   Fax.: +49 (0)69-8062-2993
Frankfurter Str. 135
63067 Offenbach


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