[Proflist] Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Seminar, May 22: Kondragunta

George Ohring - NOAA Affiliate george.ohring at noaa.gov
Wed May 15 13:45:57 MDT 2013

The JCSDA is pleased to announce that we have increased the limit on the
number of remote attendees that can access the webcasts of the seminars
from 25 to 100.

  * *

*JCSDA Seminar*


*Using Satellite Data to Improve Operational Air
Quality Forecasting Capabilities***


*Shobha Kondragunta
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research *

*Date,  Time & Place*

*Wednesday, May 22, 2:00 –3:00 PM*
Conference Center, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830
University Research Court, College Park, MD


Over the last decade, with support from the Joint Center for Satellite Data
Assimilation, the GOES-R program, and the NESDIS Product System Development
and Implementation program, the NESDIS and the NWS partnered to develop an
infrastructure required for the use of satellite data in verifying and
improving air quality forecasting.  This involved the development of new
air quality related satellite products, aerosol and ozone predictions using
regional and global models and assimilation methodologies.  This seminar
will highlight three research areas: (1) assimilation of GOES and MODIS
aerosol optical depths to improve surface PM2.5 (particulate mass for
particles smaller than 2.5 µm in diameter) predictions, (2) improved
aerosol forecasts with the inclusion of satellite-derived biomass burning
emissions, and (3) development of dust and smoke products for operational
air quality forecast verification.  A commentary on ongoing research at
NASA GMAO and NRL will also be provided within the context of the
development of global aerosol assimilation capabilities at NWS/NCEP and the
understanding of linkages between aerosols and weather.

*Remote Access*

*Video:* 1. Go to JCSDA Seminar <https://star-nesdis-noaa.webex.com/> and
click on the seminar title
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: JCSDAseminars707
4. Click "Join Now".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
*Audio: *USA participants: 1-866-715-2479,  Passcode: 9457557
International:                    1-517-345-5260


If you would like to present a seminar contact George.Ohring at noaa.gov

*Seminar File*

Slides available prior to, and audio recording after, the presentation at
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