[Proflist] Postion in satellite data assimilation

Wang, Xuguang xuguang.wang at ou.edu
Thu Oct 21 11:32:20 MDT 2010

Dear Colleagues,

Through this email, we’d like to bring you attention of a postdoc position in satellite data assimilation available at the University of Oklahoma.  The postdoc will study the assimilation of satellite radiance data using the advanced hybrid variational-ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system being developed for the US NOAA operational Global Forecast System model.  We have posted the job announcement at the AMS and it can also be found http://www.caps.ou.edu/employment.htm.  For your convenience, I also attach the job announcement below.  Would you please forward this to who you think would be interested?  Many Thanks!

Post-doc position in satellite data assimilation. Applicants are sought for a post-doc fellow position to develop, and use a hybrid variational-ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation system for NOAA’s global numerical weather prediction model to study the assimilation of satellite radiance data from NASA EOS and NOAA weather satellites.

The post-doc fellow will be located at the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms and School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma, researching on the effectiveness of the new hybrid data assimilation method in the assimilation of satellite radiance data; and the impact of satellite radiance data on global numerical weather prediction.  The initial appointments are for one year, with renewal to 3 years with satisfactory performances.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in atmospheric science or related discipline; experience with remote sensing data (familiarity with satellite radiance data formats or radiative transfer modeling is preferred); a background in atmospheric data assimilation (experience of direct assimilation of radiance data or familiarity with the EnKF or variational method is preferred); fluency in Fortran 90/95 programming in UNIX/LINUX environment; the ability to work independently and collaboratively; and excellent written and oral communication skills.

Position is available immediately (though starting date can be negotiable), and is open until filled.   Full consideration will be given to applications received by 15 Nov. 2010.  Electronic applications, including a letter of research interest and experience, CV, and three names of references including their contact information should be submit to xuguang.wang at ou.edu<mailto:xuguang.wang at ou.edu>.

Xuguang Wang
School Of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK, 73072

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