[Proflist] I need textbook recommendation for senior climate course

Alan Robock robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
Sun Mar 22 11:45:49 MDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I will be teaching a course in climate dynamics to our senior 
undergraduate meteorology majors in the Fall, and wonder if anyone can 
recommend the optimal textbook.  I am thinking about using Hartmann's 
Physical Climatology, which works well for a graduate class, but is a 
little out of date.  I will use the AR4 IPCC report and recent papers as 
supplements, but wonder if there is a good book that explains the 
climate system and climate change at the right level.  Thanks.


Alan Robock, Professor II
   Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
   Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences        Phone: +1-732-932-9800 x6222
Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                   E-mail: robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA      http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock

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