[Proflist] Workshop on Atmospheric Science and Climate Literacy

Michelle Flores michelle at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 17 10:08:42 MDT 2007

Scientists, Educators, and Policy Specialists Invited to Attend Workshop 
on Atmospheric Science and Climate Literacy, November 27 – 29, Boulder, CO

Applications due by October 26!

A limited number of spaces (with travel support) are available for 
scientists, educators, and policy specialists to attend the Atmospheric 
Science and Climate Literacy Workshop on November 27 – 29 at UCAR in 
Boulder, Colorado.

The objective of the workshop, which is funded by the National Science 
Foundation (NSF), is to develop a consensus framework for enhancing our 
nation’s atmospheric science and climate literacy. The participants 
(about 60 people), will include a diverse group of teachers, scientists, 
informal educators, and policy specialists. The agenda will build on the 
efforts of numerous organizations and subgroups that have sought to 
define standards and benchmarks for science education in general and, 
more specifically, to identify key concepts and linkages among weather, 
climate, and ocean literacy. The draft consensus framework will be 
revised based upon further review and feedback from participants in 
meetings of the nation’s leading geoscience and science education 
societies. The final draft document will be submitted to the NSF by July 
31, 2008, with the intent that it will be used by decision makers to 
more effectively shape the nation’s priorities and strategies for 
science education.

Please go to http://eo.ucar.edu/ascl/registration.html to complete the 
online workshop application form. Participants will be selected from the 
applicant pool to ensure the workshop includes a diverse set of 
participants with disciplinary, institutional, and geographic balance. 
Applicants will be notified by November 2 of selection decisions for the 

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