[Proflist] Faculty position at the University of Illinois

Don Wuebbles wuebbles at atmos.uiuc.edu
Tue Dec 13 16:49:04 MST 2005

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  has been a member of  
UCAR for many years. Please put following ad out on the proflist  
ASAP. I asked Bob Rauber to send this to you some time ago, but  
apparently his request to send this out was ignored (there was some  
response about the University of
Illinois not being a UCAR member, which is ridiculous).
Don Wuebbles

University of Illinois
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Tenure-track faculty position

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois  
welcomes applications for a full time tenure-track faculty position  
at the assistant professor level beginning August 2006.  Candidates  
with expertise in synoptic-scale weather processes, quantitative  
precipitation forecasting, mesoscale processes, data assimilation,  
numerical weather prediction and computationally intensive modeling  
will be given primary consideration. We especially encourage  
applications from candidates with additional expertise in  
observational analysis.  Candidates with exceptional strengths in  
other areas of the Atmospheric Sciences will also be considered.  The  
new faculty member will be part of the newly formed interdisciplinary  
Center for Water as a Complex Environmental System (http:// 
cwaces.geog.uiuc.edu/ ).  The main focus of CWACES is on fundamental  
research questions related to the hydrological cycle, and the  
interconnections between society and all aspects of water-related  
environmental processes.

The Department currently comprises 11 faculty, 2 instructors, 14  
research scientists, and 35 graduate students. The Department is  
engaged in several exciting initiatives, including the development of  
undergraduate programs in atmospheric and Earth-system science. The  
Department maintains close ties with the National Center for  
Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the Illinois State Water Survey.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree. The successful candidate is  
expected to develop a robust externally funded research program and  
to teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should  
submit a vita, list of publications, record of research funding,  
description of research and teaching interests, and the names of at  
least three referees to:

Robert M. Rauber
Chair, Faculty Search Committee
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
105 S. Gregory St.
Urbana, IL   61801
(rauber at atmos.uiuc.edu)

To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by  
December 15, 2005. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing  
date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that  
date.  Information about the Department can be found at  
(www.atmos.uiuc.edu), the Center for Water as Complex System at  
(http://cwaces.geog.uiuc.edu/ ) and the University of Illinois at  
Urbana/Champaign at (www.uiuc.edu). The University of Illinois is an  
equal opportunity / affirmative action employer.


Donald J. Wuebbles
Head and Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Illinois
105 S. Gregory
Urbana, IL 61801

phone: 217-244-1568
fax:  217-244-4393
wuebbles at atmos.uiuc.edu

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