[Proflist] Decadal Study-info and request for nominations

Rick Anthes anthes at ucar.edu
Sun Sep 12 09:24:12 MDT 2004

Dear Colleagues:


(We apologize in advance if you get this message more than once-we are 
trying  to reach  as large a fraction of the community as possible.)


As you may know, the National Research Council is in the process of 
organizing an important new study, "Earth Science and Applications from 
Space: A Community Assessment and Strategy for the Future."  This 
"decadal" study, to be carried out over a two-year period, is intended 
to articulate priorities for Earth system science and the space-based 
observational approaches to address those priorities.  A web site that 
is open to the public has been created as part of this effort: 
http://qp.nas.edu/decadalsurvey .  This web site contains a summary of a 
planning workshop that was held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts on August 
23-25; please click on "Study Organization and WH Mtg Outcomes."


The study seeks to establish individual plans and priorities within the 
sub-disciplines of the Earth sciences as well as an integrated vision 
and plan for the Earth sciences as a whole.  It will also consider Earth 
observations requirements for research and for a range of applications 
with direct links to societal objectives.


The study is intended to be a community assessment; broad participation 
by the earth science community is essential to the conduct and success 
of the study.  Included on the study web site is a link where members of 
the community can post comments about any aspect of the survey.  In 
addition, a number of outreach activities are planned, including 
community forums in conjunction with the Fall 2004 AGU meeting and the 
AMS meeting in January 2005.


The study will be organized using a model similar to that employed by 
the NRC for its astronomy and astrophysics surveys and for recently 
completed decadal surveys in planetary exploration and solar and space 
physics.  An Executive Committee is charged with overseeing the study 
and preparing a summary report.  This committee will be assisted in its 
work by seven thematically-organized, study panels (please see "Study 
Organization and WH Meeting Outcomes" on the web site for a description 
of these Panels).


The NRC has approved our appointment as co-chairs of the Executive 
Committee; we now seek your assistance in identifying other members of 
the executive committee, panel chairs (who will also be asked to serve 
on the executive committee), and panel members.  We believe it is 
critical that leadership positions be filled with individuals who are 
highly respected, free of obvious bias, experienced in working in 
challenging committee environments, dependable, and hard working.


To expedite the nomination process, we encourage you to send us 
suggestions for membership on these committees as soon as possible and 
no later than September 17, 2004.  Note that all appointments are 
subject to review and approval by the NRC, which considers a variety of 
issues related to committee composition and balance. Suggestions should 
be sent via e-mail to the project director, Art Charo (acharo at nas.edu 
<mailto:acharo at nas.edu>) or to either of us.  A brief description of a 
candidate's expertise would also be useful.  We look forward to hearing 
from you.




Richard Anthes

President, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

anthes at ucar.edu


Berrien Moore

Director, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

University of New Hampshire

b.moore at unh.edu


Arthur Charo

Senior Program Officer

Space Studies Board, Keck 1002A

National Research Council

500 Fifth Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001


tel: 202 334-3477

fax: 202 334-3701

e-mail: acharo at nas.edu




Dr.Richard A. Anthes 
Phone:  303-497-1652

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000

For delivery via express mail, please use:
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO  80305


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