[Proflist] AMS statement

tucker at phoenix.atmo.ku.edu tucker at phoenix.atmo.ku.edu
Thu Oct 28 10:16:11 MDT 2004


Since you seem to want a reply from me, I will propose the following.
The minimum number of full time faculty should depend on whether the
bachelor's program also offers graduate degrees in atmospheric science/
meteorology.  It should be 3 for those programs without an associated
graduate program and 5 for those with an associated graduate program.
If we are going to set higher minimums, I think we also need to consider
the contributions to the program of part time faculty.  These could be
faculty with joint appointments (e.g. an atmospheric chemist with a
joint appointment between atmospheric science and chemistry) as well
as faculty on part time appointments with the university.  I put 5
rather than 6 for the graduate program because in practice there is 
often some overlap between graduate and undergraduate programs.  Likewise,
graduate programs vary in size.  A program which only graduates 3 or 4 
masters students per year and has no Ph.D. program has more modest needs.

Donna Tucker			   1475 Jayhawk Blvd.
Associate Professor		   213 Lindley Hall 
dtucker at ku.edu                     Department of Geography
(785) 864-4738 			   University of Kansas                 
(785) 864-5378 (fax)               Lawrence, KS  66045-7613                    

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