[Proflist] PROJECT

Sir. ARTHUR NEILSON arthneilson@howamazing.com
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 05:08:48 +0100

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I am Sir=2E Arthur Neilson=2C the bills  exchange director at the NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC=2C 

I am writing this letter to solicit for support and assistance from you to carry out this business
opportunity in my department=2E 

Lying in an inactive account is the sum  of Thirty Million United States Dollars=28$30=2C000=2C000=2E00=29belonging to a foreign customer=28Stanley Heard=29=2Cthe 
former President=28Bill Clinton's personal physician=29 and Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee who happens to be deceased=2E 
He died with a friend in a plane crash on Board a small airplane that plunged into a river=2E

Ever since he died the Bank has been expecting his next of kin to come and claim these funds=2E 

To this effect=2C we cannot release the money unless some one applies for it as the next of kin=2C 
as indicated in our Banking Guideline=2E Unfortunately he has no family member here in the UK or America 
who are aware of the existence of the money as he was he was a contract physician to the Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland=2E

At this juncture I have decided to do business with you in colloboration with officials that matter in the Bank=2C 

To this effect we solicit your assistance=2C in applying as the next of kin=2C then the money will be proccesed and released to you=2C as we do 
not want this money to go into the Bank Treasury as an unclaimed bill=2E

The Banking law and guideline stipulate that if such money remains unclaimed for a period of Five years 
the money will be transfered into the Banks' Treasury as unclaimed bill=2E Our request for aForeigner as 
a next of kin is occassioned by the fact that the customer was a Foreigner and a British cannot stand 
as next of kin=2E 

Sir=2C 15% of the money will be your share as a Foreign partner=2C while 5% will be for any expenses
incured during the transaction=2C thereafter we would visit=2C your country once the money hits your account for
disbursement and investment=2E 

Please reach me at the above email if willing to do business with us=2E 

Best Regards=2C 

Sir=2E Arthur Neilson

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