[Proflist] Improving scientific writing and presentation skills

Mary Golden mgolden at ucar.edu
Fri Dec 12 14:18:51 MST 2003

Here at UCAR/NCAR, we have started a "Communicating Science 
Initiative."  Our mission statement is "To equip our scientific and 
technical staff to be world-class communicators."

A needs assessment identified certain preferences for training:  writing 
for journals and the Web, editing and reviewing journal papers, using 
visual aids during presentations, preparing and presenting posters, 
one-on-one mentoring, working with collaborators, assistance for authors 
whose native language is other than English, interviewing for teaching and 
other scientific positions, and communicating with the media, policy makers 
and the general public.

We intend to create a website that will provide online tutorials and links 
to resources, and to offer workshops and seminars led by excellent writers 
who are also expert speakers.  We have begun to identify speakers, both 
within and without NCAR.  We hope that this pilot project will ultimately 
benefit UCAR's member institutions as well.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, we would like to know of similar programs 
and of useful resources.  If you have such information available or can 
recommend speakers, please email mgolden at ucar.edu.  Let me know if you have 
any questions.  We will gladly share information with you.


Best regards,

Mary Golden, Chief Editorial Assistant
Monthly Weather Review
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division

Phone:  303.497.8936
Fax:  303.497.8952
Email:  mwr at ucar.edu
Website: http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/individual/kconrad/MWR/

Postal address:
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000

Street address:
3450 Mitchell Lane, FL-3, Room 3075
Boulder, Colorado 80301
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