[Proflist] Upcoming Conference on Inland Effects of Tropical Weather Systems

Ryan P. Boyles ryan_boyles@ncsu.edu
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:28:24 -0400

The Central North Carolina Chapter of the American Meteorological 
Society is sponsoring an operational and emergency management focused 
regional conference on inland effects of tropical weather systems. This 
conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Brownstone in Raleigh, North
Carolina, USA on May 11-13, 2003

More information including and agenda and registration is available at:

The theme of this conference is "Improving forecasts for inland effects 
of tropical weather systems."

The objectives of the conference include bringing together operational 
and research meteorologists - including those from the public, private, 
media, and academic sectors - decision makers and users of our products 
and service to better forecast inland effects of tropical weather 
systems and to heighten public awareness and efforts to save life and 

Speakers include many well known scientists in the field:
- Dr. Joe Friday, American Meteorological Society President
- Dr. Sethu Raman, State Climate Office of North Carolina
- Dr. Richard Knabb, Tropical Prediction Center / National Hurricane Center
- Peter Dodge, Hurricane Research Division
- Dr. John Schroeder, Texas Tech University
- Dr. Kerry Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Dr. Shuyi Chen, University of Miami
- Kevin Lavin, Executive Director National Weather Association
- Bill Massey, Federal Emergency Management Administration
- Rod Scofield, NOAA – National Environmental Satellite, Data and 
Information Service
and others.

  Ryan P. Boyles
  Associate State Climatologist      919.513.2816(phone)
  State Climate Office of NC         919.515.1441(fax)
  Box 7236, NC State University      http://www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu
  Raleigh, NC 27695-7236