[Nsa] Fwd: The AMS Culture Survey is here!

Curtis Walker walker at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 7 08:00:00 MDT 2023

Greetings All,

I am serving on the AMS Equity Assessment Task Force and wish to encourage
you to respond to the following survey if you have not done so already.
This information will help shape the future of AMS programs and leadership
for years to come and your input is valuable and appreciated!

Let me know if you have any questions (walker at ucar.edu)!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Katy Putsavage (AMS) <amsalerts at ametsoc.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2023 at 8:01 AM
Subject: The AMS Culture Survey is here!
To: <walker at ucar.edu>

share your experience

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AMS Culture Survey

Dear AMS Community

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is excited to announce our very
first Culture Survey! The purpose of this Culture Survey is to understand
people’s experiences with equity, inclusion, and justice (EIJ) at the AMS.
We want to hear from members, volunteers, staff, and anyone who has engaged
with AMS.
[image: graphic with text "The AMS Culture Survey is here"]

We are requesting 10-15 minutes of your time to share your experiences so
we can better understand areas of strength and where we can improve. The
results of this survey will guide EIJ planning and programming at AMS over
the next three to five years. They will be a helpful comparison point to
measure progress over time. Every voice counts in this endeavor. We need
your help to create a Society that is more equitable, just, and inclusive.

Please click on the button to start the survey:
Culture Survey

We would appreciate your response by *September 27th*.

If you have questions about this survey, please email me (Katy Putsavage
<kputsavage at ametsoc.org?subject=survey%20question>) or Mikayla Branz
consultant at Integrated Work, the consulting firm supporting this

Thank you for your time and input.


Katy Putsavage

Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

American Meteorological Society
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*Dr. Curtis L. Walker, A.M.ASCE*
Project Scientist II
Weather Systems and Assessment Program
Research Applications Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Section Co-Lead, University Partnerships, NCAR Education, Engagement, and
Early-Career Development <https://edec.ucar.edu/>
E: walker at ucar.edu | T: (303) 497-1448
*My working day may not be your working day. Please do not feel obligated
to reply to this email outside of your working hours.*
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