[Nsa] Early Career Faculty Innovator Program Announces Second Cohort

Auliya McCauley-Hartner hartner at ucar.edu
Wed Nov 17 16:12:22 MST 2021

Hello Colleagues,

At this time I would like to share with you an announcement
our full cohort of awarded proposals for the 2021-2023 Early Career Faculty
Innovator Program. The Early Career Faculty Innovator Program provides
funding for university faculty in the social, policy, and behavioral
sciences to co-develop interdisciplinary and actionable research projects
in partnership with scientists and engineers at NCAR.

Our network included 17 collaborators with the first cohort and 33 this
year. You can see which colleagues have been involved by checking out this NCAR
collaborators document
If you see any changes that need to be made, or want to be added/removed as
a collaborator for future cohorts, please reach out to me (hartner at ucar.edu)
or ecinnovators at ucar.edu.

Auliya McCauley-Hartner
Innovators Program Support Specialist
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