[Nsa] Apply for the Scientific Appointment Modernization Co-design Committee

Andrew Newman anewman at ucar.edu
Wed Jan 27 10:21:05 MST 2021

Dear NSA members,

The deadline for applying for the Scientific Appointment Modernization
(SAM) co-design committee is fast approaching.  The SAM process has the
potential to fundamentally change how scientific appointments are
structured at NCAR and thus impact all our careers.  If you or someone you
know has interest in deep engagement in this process to help reconsider our
scientific appointments, we strongly encourage you to apply or suggest to
your colleagues that they apply for the co-design committee.

If you are interested in being a part of the Co-design Team, please
complete this
application form <https://forms.gle/WNzg5NLS7pJxXghC8> by Monday, Feb. 1.
If you would like to nominate either an external or internal colleague(s)
to be on the co-design team, please complete this nomination form
<https://forms.gle/3DzLBjirgjsfaVMRA> by Friday, Jan. 22. The SAM Core
Project Team will then reach out to those individuals and encourage them to
apply. It is expected that the Co-design Team members will be announced
later in February.

Although the deadline for other internal or external member suggestions to
this committee has technically passed last Friday, you could still submit
their names for consideration.


Message from Everette and Bill:

Dear Colleagues:

Many of you may have heard about the new initiative called Scientific
Appointment Modernization (SAM), which aims to review and improve the
scientific appointments process across NCAR and UCP, and is aligned with
UCAR’s new Workforce Management Plan

As a national leader in Earth System Science, NCAR and UCP must offer and
support a scientific workforce advancement plan that develops, retains, and
attracts the highest caliber of multi-generational talent. In order to do
so, NCAR and UCP must evolve the scientific appointments process to help
continue to build the talented and diverse workforce that will collectively
drive the cutting edge, community-focused science necessary to advance the
field. This initiative aims to further develop a system in which staff can
navigate through their careers, be supported to do the work that will
collectively tackle critical emerging community needs, and be recognized
and rewarded for impactful and innovative scientific exploration and

Involving staff in SAM is critical for its success. Thus, a Co-Design Team
made up of 10-12 volunteer staff members is being established to lead the
study phase of SAM. This team will review the current appointment system
and develop recommendations accordingly for key stakeholders and leadership
to review.

Some of the specific activities the SAM Co-design Team will be focused on:


   Identifying and assessing requirements for NCAR/UCP’s future scientific

   Reviewing NCAR/UCP’s current approach to scientific career placement and
   advancement between the different scientific career paths

   Engaging key stakeholders

   Evaluating what works well and where there are opportunities for

   Developing and recommending options to be considered by the NCAR
   Executive Committee, UCP Directors and other key stakeholders

At this time, we are asking for volunteers from across NCAR and UCP to fill
10 - 12 positions on the SAM Co-design Team. The time commitment for
Co-design Team members is expected to be 3-5 hours per month over the
course of approximately one year. Membership of the committee will be
demographically diverse and will include representation from a variety of
job classifications of scientific staff from different tracks at various
career stages, administrators, and other job classifications as necessary.
Additionally, there will be at least one external committee member  from a
peer institution. The NCAR Executive Committee (EC), NCAR Scientist
Assembly (NSA) and Early Career Scientist Assembly (ECSA) will be involved
in the Co-design Team selection process and have the goal to select
volunteers that will collectively represent diverse roles, backgrounds, and

If you are interested in being a part of the Co-design Team, please
complete this
application form <https://forms.gle/WNzg5NLS7pJxXghC8> by Monday, Feb. 1.
If you would like to nominate either an external or internal colleague(s)
to be on the co-design team, please complete this nomination form
<https://forms.gle/3DzLBjirgjsfaVMRA> by Friday, Jan. 22. The SAM Core
Project Team will then reach out to those individuals and encourage them to
apply. It is expected that the Co-design Team members will be announced
later in February.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the SAM
Core Project Team at SAM at ucar.edu. The SAM Core Project Team’s role is to
provide project management support and to work closely with the Co-design
Team to ensure that they have the tools, resources and support needed along
their path toward making final recommendations. The Core Project Team
currently includes Scott McIntosh, Chelsea Castellano, Joanne Graham, Tom
Cordova, and Julie Kramer, with additional members expected to join as the
initiative progresses.

Thank you for your time and interest in participating on the SAM Co-design


Everette and Bill

Andrew Newman, Ph.D.
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Applications Laboratory/Hydrometeorology Applications Program
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Google Scholar Profile
ph: 303-497-8456, email: anewman at ucar.edu
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