[Nsa] NSA Town Hall: 9 & 16 Nov

Matthew Long mclong at ucar.edu
Mon Nov 9 13:01:28 MST 2020

Dear NSA,

We have a town hall meeting this afternoon. Feel free to register/join at
the last minute here:

Slido link for discussion topics:

Matt Long
on behalf of the NSA-EC
Matthew Long

Scientist, Oceanography Section
Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research
303.497.1311 (W)
650.575.7784 (M)

On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 10:49 AM Matthew Long <mclong at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Dear NSA,
> The NSA Executive Committee invites you to join us at a town hall meeting
> in November. We are holding two duplicate events in hopes that people can
> attend at least one:
>     Monday, 9 Nov 2:30-4p MT (register here
> <https://ucar-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqcOmoqDsqG90aMh2kU04nCiedeyV3LNiY>
> )
>     Monday 16 Nov 9-10:30a (register here
> <https://ucar-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqdO2trTstGNUTXDLkJSoz6WdFjUEzYbU1>
> )
> The primary objective for these meetings is to discuss a vision for the
> NSA and its role in making NCAR more effective and an excellent place to
> work. We encourage you to consider how we can collectively make the NSA
> better. We will introduce the NSA Executive Committee and hold an open
> discussion.
> The NSA is the NCAR Scientist Assembly and all scientific staff are
> members. The NSA Executive Committee (NSA-EC) comprises scientists from all
> NCAR labs and various career levels; its primary function is to coordinate
> NSA activities and interface with NCAR and UCAR leadership. You can read
> more about the NSA here: https://internal-ncar.ucar.edu/nsa.
> These meetings will be on Zoom. Please register for one of the events:
>     Monday, 9 Nov 2:30-4p MT (register here
> <https://ucar-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqcOmoqDsqG90aMh2kU04nCiedeyV3LNiY>
> )
>     Monday 16 Nov 9-10:30a (register here
> <https://ucar-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqdO2trTstGNUTXDLkJSoz6WdFjUEzYbU1>
> )
> After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
> information about joining the meeting.
> While our hope is to have as free an exchange as possible, we recognize
> inherent limitations of Zoom. To help facilitate discussion, we will share
> Slido links for question submission prior to the events; please consider
> adding questions or topics for discussion there and up-voting those you
> favor.
> We hope you can participate in at least one of the above events.
> Best regards,
> NSA-EC <https://internal-ncar.ucar.edu/nsa/nsa-executive-committee>
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